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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical simulation of arc welding process and its application

Cho, Min Hyun 14 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Siting criteria for the microwave landing system (MLS): MLS/ILS collocation and runway hump shadowing

DiBenedetto, Michael F. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Análise custo-benefício de ondulações transversais e redutores eletrônicos de velocidade no Brasil / Benefit-cost analysis of Brazilian conventional and electronic speed humps

Schumacher, Florian Immanuel 30 January 2015 (has links)
Dado o grande impacto econômico e social dos acidentes de trânsito no Brasil, a eficácia comprovada de medidas de controle de velocidade em reduzir acidentes de trânsito, o uso frequente de algumas dessas medidas no Brasil, a falta de estudos sobre o impacto econômico dessas medidas no Brasil e a especificidade regional das análises de custo-benefício, o objetivo deste estudo é fazer uma avaliação econômica das intervenções de segurança viária ondulação transversal e redutor eletrônico de velocidade no Brasil. Desenvolve-se um método para avaliar o custo-benefício destas intervenções de segurança viária para um conjunto de condições de tráfego definidas pelas variáveis velocidade de fluxo livre, volume de tráfego e quantidade de acidentes com vítima, e avalia-se sob quais dessas condições cada intervenção é custo-eficiente. Os resultados mostram que a relação custo-benefício dos dispositivos redutores de velocidade depende fortemente da acidentalidade do local de implementação e que os dispositivos são tanto mais custo-eficientes quanto maior for a acidentalidade e quanto menor for o volume de tráfego. / Given the large economic and social impact of traffic accidents in Brazil, the proven effectiveness of speed control measures to reduce traffic accidents, the frequent use of some of these measures in Brazil, the lack of studies on the economic impact of these measures in Brazil and the inapplicability of cost-benefit analyzes conducted in other countries for the Brazilian reality, the objective of this study is to make an economic evaluation of road safety interventions speed hump and electronic speed hump in Brazil. We develop a method to evaluate the cost effectiveness of these interventions in road safety based on a reduced set of parameters and evaluate under what conditions of free flow speed, traffic volume and number of injury accidents each intervention is cost-effective. Results show that the cost-benefit ratio of the speed reducing devices strongly depends on the accident rate and that the greater the accident rate and the lower the traffic volume are, more cost effective the devices are.

Análise custo-benefício de ondulações transversais e redutores eletrônicos de velocidade no Brasil / Benefit-cost analysis of Brazilian conventional and electronic speed humps

Florian Immanuel Schumacher 30 January 2015 (has links)
Dado o grande impacto econômico e social dos acidentes de trânsito no Brasil, a eficácia comprovada de medidas de controle de velocidade em reduzir acidentes de trânsito, o uso frequente de algumas dessas medidas no Brasil, a falta de estudos sobre o impacto econômico dessas medidas no Brasil e a especificidade regional das análises de custo-benefício, o objetivo deste estudo é fazer uma avaliação econômica das intervenções de segurança viária ondulação transversal e redutor eletrônico de velocidade no Brasil. Desenvolve-se um método para avaliar o custo-benefício destas intervenções de segurança viária para um conjunto de condições de tráfego definidas pelas variáveis velocidade de fluxo livre, volume de tráfego e quantidade de acidentes com vítima, e avalia-se sob quais dessas condições cada intervenção é custo-eficiente. Os resultados mostram que a relação custo-benefício dos dispositivos redutores de velocidade depende fortemente da acidentalidade do local de implementação e que os dispositivos são tanto mais custo-eficientes quanto maior for a acidentalidade e quanto menor for o volume de tráfego. / Given the large economic and social impact of traffic accidents in Brazil, the proven effectiveness of speed control measures to reduce traffic accidents, the frequent use of some of these measures in Brazil, the lack of studies on the economic impact of these measures in Brazil and the inapplicability of cost-benefit analyzes conducted in other countries for the Brazilian reality, the objective of this study is to make an economic evaluation of road safety interventions speed hump and electronic speed hump in Brazil. We develop a method to evaluate the cost effectiveness of these interventions in road safety based on a reduced set of parameters and evaluate under what conditions of free flow speed, traffic volume and number of injury accidents each intervention is cost-effective. Results show that the cost-benefit ratio of the speed reducing devices strongly depends on the accident rate and that the greater the accident rate and the lower the traffic volume are, more cost effective the devices are.

Optimisation des propriétés (physiques, mécaniques et hydriques) de bétons de chanvre par la maîtrise de la formulation / Optimization of properties (physical, mecanical and hydrical) of hemperete by controlling the formulation

Chamoin, Julien 04 July 2013 (has links)
Les bâtiments affectent fortement l’environnement à travers les consommations d’énergies et de ressources naturelles. Afin de limiter ces impacts, l’intégration de matériaux bio-sourcés dans la construction, tels que béton de chanvre, apparaît comme une solution pertinente. Les composites à base de chanvre présentent en outre un comportement hygrothermique spécifique conduisant à limiter les besoins énergétiques du bâtiment tout en assurant un bon niveau de confort ressenti. Ce type de matériau non porteur est utilisé en remplissage pourdifférentes applications (Mur, Dalle, Toit) et en enduit isolant. Cette thèse vient en appui du projet ANR « BetonChanvre » visant à optimiser la formulation de tels mélanges en liaison avec les process de fabrication des partenaires industriels et à caractériser les matériaux élaborés. Différents types de chanvre (fibré ou non, traité hydrofuge) et différents liants (chaux, sulfate de calcium) sont utilisés. Les formulations proposées dérivent de formulations de référence produites par les partenaires industriels. Les caractéristiques physiques des différents composites étudiés (masse volumique apparente, masse volumique réelle, porosités ouverte et totale) sont mesurées. Les propriétés hydriques sont quantifiées en régime permanent via la mesure des isothermes de sorption (adsorption/désorption) et de la perméabilité à la vapeur. Les isothermes de sorption sontmesurées selon la méthode discontinue par paliers successifs d’humidité relative croissante puis décroissante. La perméabilité à la vapeur est mesurée selon la méthode de la coupelle. Différents couples d’hygrométrie sont testés pour évaluer l’évolution de la perméabilité en fonction de la teneur en eau. La diffusivité hydrique est calculée à partir de la modélisation des isothermes de sorption et de la perméabilité à la vapeur. Enfinla caractérisation des performances mécaniques repose sur l’identification de la résistance à la compression, des modules de déformation (apparent et élastique) et de la contrainte résiduelle pour une déformation à 15%. L’impact du phénomène de vieillissement/carbonatation sur les caractéristiques hydriques et mécaniques est évalué sur des échantillons carbonatés en incubateur CO2. L’interprétation des résultats permet d’identifier différents principes de formulation en lien avec les performances hydriques et mécaniques finales ciblées pour le composite. Il en ressort que c’est l’association du liant avec le chanvre qui permet d’assurer des performances optimales. Toutefois, les optimum vis à vis des réponses hydrique et mécanique ne sont pas concordants. / Buildings strongly affect environment through energy and raw consumption. In order to reduce these impacts, the use of biobased building materials, like hempconcrete appears as a relevant solution. Hemp based composites lead to specific hygrothermal behavior limiting energy needs of buildings and insuring a good felt comfort level. These non load bearing materials are used as filling material for various applications (Wall, Floor, Roof) and as insulating rendering. This phD Thesis supports the ANR project « BetonChanvre » and concerns the optimization of the formulation in link with manufacturing process of the industrial partners and the characterization ofthese materials. Several kinds of hemp shiv (with and without fibers, with water repellant treatment) and of binders (lime, calcium sulfate) are used. The proposed formulation derives from reference formulations given by industrial partners. The physical characteristics of the studied materials (apparent density, bulk density, total and open porosity) are measured. The hydric properties are quantified under steady-state through sorption isotherms (adsorption/desorption) and water vapor permeability. The sorption curves are measured following the discontinuous method at successive stages of increasing, and then decreasing, relative humidity. The water vapour permeability is measured with the cup method. Several sets of relative humidities are considered in order to study the variation of permeability versus humidity. The hydric diffusivity is calculated from the fitting of the sorption curve and of the water vapor permeability. Finally, the characterization of mechanical performances is given from the compression strength, from the strain modulus (apparent and elastic) and from the residualstrength for 15% of strain. The impact of ageing and carbonation on hydric and mechanical characteristics isestimated on specimens carbonated with CO2 incubator. The data treatment allows identifying several formulations rules for such kind of bio-based composite, in link with the expected hydric and mechanical performances. Results highlight that only the mix of shiv with mineral binder allows to reach the optimalperformances. Despite, the formulations for mechanical or hydric optimum don’t met.N°

Etude des fluctuations locales des transistors MOS destinés aux applications analogiques

Joly, Yohan 16 December 2011 (has links)
Les fluctuations électriques des composants sont une limitation à la miniaturisation des circuits. Malgré des procédés de fabrications en continuelle évolution, les variations des caractéristiques électriques dues au désappariement entre deux dispositifs limitent les performances des circuits. Concernant les applications à faible consommation, ces fluctuations locales peuvent devenir très critiques. Dans le contexte du développement d’une technologie CMOS 90nm avec mémoire Flash embarquée pour des applications basse consommation, l’appariement de transistors MOS est étudié. Une analyse de l’impact du dopage de grille des transistors NMOS est menée. L’étude se focalise sur l’appariement en tension des paires différentielles polarisées dans la zone de fonctionnement sous le seuil. Il est démontré que cet appariement peut être dégradé à cause de l’effet « hump », c'est-à-dire la présence de transistors parasites en bord d’active. Un macro-modèle permettant aux concepteurs de modéliser cet effet est présenté. Il est étudié au niveau composant, au niveau circuit et en température. Enfin, une étude de la dégradation de l’appariement des transistors MOS sous stress porteurs chauds est réalisée, validant un modèle de dégradation. Des transistors octogonaux sont proposés pour supprimer l’effet « hump » et donnent d’excellents résultats en termes d’appariement ainsi qu’en fiabilité. / Electrical fluctuations of devices limit chip miniaturization. Despite manufacturing processes in continuous evolution, circuit performances are limited by electrical characteristics variations due to mismatch between two devices. Concerning low power applications, local fluctuations can become very critical. In the context of development of a 90nm CMOS technology with Embedded Flash memory for low power applications, MOS transistors matching is studied. A study of NMOS transistors gate doping impact is conducted. Study focuses on voltage matching of differential pairs biased under threshold. It is demonstrated that this matching can be degraded due to « hump » effect, meaning presence of parasitic devices on active edge. A macro-model allowing designers to model this effect is presented. It is studied at device level, circuit level and for different temperatures. Finally, a degradation study of MOS transistors mismatch under Hot Carriers Injection stress is performed, validating a degradation model. Octagonal devices are proposed to suppress « hump » effect and give good results in terms of matching as well as reliability.

Estudo clínico da mensuração da gibosidade e suas correlações com medidas radiológicas na escoliose idiopática. / Clinical study of the measurement of hump deformity and their correlation with radiologics measurements in the idiopathic scoliosis.

Ferreira, Dalva Minonroze Albuquerque 14 September 1999 (has links)
Foi realizado um estudo clínico em 52 pacientes com escoliose idiopática para a comparação das mensurações de gibosidade realizadas com uma régua e um nível d’água em três posições (flexão anterior com os membros superiores livres, flexão anterior com as mãos unidas e na posição sentada) e por três examinadores. Foi também estudado a correlação entre essas medidas com a avaliação radiológica na posição ortostática e em decúbito dorsal por meio das medidas do ângulo de Cobb e da rotação vertebral pelo método Nash & Moe e pelo método de Raimondi, e a comparação da magnitude da curva e da rotação vertebral, mensuradas nas radiografias na posição ortostática e em decúbito dorsal, foi também realizada. Os resultados mostraram uma alta precisão das medidas de gibosidade entre os três examinadores; e quanto as três posições, a posição 1 apresentou uma melhor concordância para mensurar gibosidade, pois quando comparada com a posição 2 e 3 não mostrou diferença significativa. A correlação das medidas de gibosidade com o ângulo de Cobb e com a rotação vertebral foi boa e excelente somente para as curvas torácicas, nas posições 1 e 2. A correlação do ângulo de Cobb com a rotação vertebral pelo método de Raimondi foi melhor do que pelo método Nash & Moe nas curvas torácicas e tóraco-lombares. Foram observadas diferenças significativas das medidas do ângulo de Cobb nas radiografias na posição ortostática e em decúbito dorsal, mas as medidas de rotação vertebral pelos dois métodos mostraram diferenças significativas apenas nas curvas torácicas e tóraco-lombares. / A clinical study were performed in 52 patients with idiopathic scoliosis to the comparison of the measurements of hump deformity performed with a level plane adjusted with a ruler in three positions (forward bending with the upper limb free, forward bending with the hands together and in a position sitting) and by three examiners. This work also studied the correlation among these measurements with the radiologic assessment in erect and supine position through of the measurements of Cobb angle and of the vertebral rotation for the Nash & Moe and the Raimondi method, and the comparison the curve magnitude and of the vertebral rotation, measured in the radiographs in erect and supine position was performed as well. The results showed a high accuracy of the measurements of hump deformity among the three examiners; and as for the three positions, the position 1 showed a better concordance to measure hump deformity, and when compared with the position 2 and 3 it showed no significant difference. The correlation of the measurements of hump deformity with the Cobb angle and vertebral rotation was good and excellent only for the thoracic curve, at the 1 and 2 positions. Correlation of Cobb angle with vertebral rotation for the Raimondi method was better than for the Nash & Moe method at the thoracic and thoracolumbar curves. Significant diferences in the Cobb angle measurements at the standing and supine position were observed, but the measurements of the vertebral rotation for the two methods showed significant differences only at the thoracic and thoracolumbar curves.

Estudo clínico da mensuração da gibosidade e suas correlações com medidas radiológicas na escoliose idiopática. / Clinical study of the measurement of hump deformity and their correlation with radiologics measurements in the idiopathic scoliosis.

Dalva Minonroze Albuquerque Ferreira 14 September 1999 (has links)
Foi realizado um estudo clínico em 52 pacientes com escoliose idiopática para a comparação das mensurações de gibosidade realizadas com uma régua e um nível d’água em três posições (flexão anterior com os membros superiores livres, flexão anterior com as mãos unidas e na posição sentada) e por três examinadores. Foi também estudado a correlação entre essas medidas com a avaliação radiológica na posição ortostática e em decúbito dorsal por meio das medidas do ângulo de Cobb e da rotação vertebral pelo método Nash & Moe e pelo método de Raimondi, e a comparação da magnitude da curva e da rotação vertebral, mensuradas nas radiografias na posição ortostática e em decúbito dorsal, foi também realizada. Os resultados mostraram uma alta precisão das medidas de gibosidade entre os três examinadores; e quanto as três posições, a posição 1 apresentou uma melhor concordância para mensurar gibosidade, pois quando comparada com a posição 2 e 3 não mostrou diferença significativa. A correlação das medidas de gibosidade com o ângulo de Cobb e com a rotação vertebral foi boa e excelente somente para as curvas torácicas, nas posições 1 e 2. A correlação do ângulo de Cobb com a rotação vertebral pelo método de Raimondi foi melhor do que pelo método Nash & Moe nas curvas torácicas e tóraco-lombares. Foram observadas diferenças significativas das medidas do ângulo de Cobb nas radiografias na posição ortostática e em decúbito dorsal, mas as medidas de rotação vertebral pelos dois métodos mostraram diferenças significativas apenas nas curvas torácicas e tóraco-lombares. / A clinical study were performed in 52 patients with idiopathic scoliosis to the comparison of the measurements of hump deformity performed with a level plane adjusted with a ruler in three positions (forward bending with the upper limb free, forward bending with the hands together and in a position sitting) and by three examiners. This work also studied the correlation among these measurements with the radiologic assessment in erect and supine position through of the measurements of Cobb angle and of the vertebral rotation for the Nash & Moe and the Raimondi method, and the comparison the curve magnitude and of the vertebral rotation, measured in the radiographs in erect and supine position was performed as well. The results showed a high accuracy of the measurements of hump deformity among the three examiners; and as for the three positions, the position 1 showed a better concordance to measure hump deformity, and when compared with the position 2 and 3 it showed no significant difference. The correlation of the measurements of hump deformity with the Cobb angle and vertebral rotation was good and excellent only for the thoracic curve, at the 1 and 2 positions. Correlation of Cobb angle with vertebral rotation for the Raimondi method was better than for the Nash & Moe method at the thoracic and thoracolumbar curves. Significant diferences in the Cobb angle measurements at the standing and supine position were observed, but the measurements of the vertebral rotation for the two methods showed significant differences only at the thoracic and thoracolumbar curves.

Wall Modeled Large Eddy Simulation of Flow over a Wall Mounted Hump

Dilip, Deepu 02 July 2014 (has links)
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is a relatively more accurate and reliable alternative to solution of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations in simulating complex turbulent flows at a lesser computational cost than a direct numerical simulation (DNS). However, LES of wall-bounded flows still requires a very high grid resolution in the inner wall layer making its widespread use difficult. Different attempts have been made in the past time to overcome this problem by modeling the near wall turbulence instead of resolving it. One such approach is a two-layer wall model that solves for a reduced one-dimensional equation in the inner wall layer, while solving for the filtered Navier-Stokes equations in the outer layer. The use of such a model allows for a coarser grid resolution than a wall resolved LES. This work validates the performance of a two-layer wall model developed for an arbitrary body fitted non-orthogonal grid in the flow over a wall mounted hump at Reynolds number 9.36x105. The wall modeled large eddy simulation (WMLES) relaxes the grid requirement compared to a wall resolved LES (WRLES) by allowing the first off-wall grid point to be placed at a y+ of approximately 20-40. It is found that the WMLES results are general good agreement with WRLES and experiments. Surface pressure coefficient, skin friction, mean velocity profiles, and the reattachment location compare very well with experiment. The WMLES and WRLES exhibit some under prediction of the peak values in the turbulent quantities close to the reattachment location, with better agreement with the experiment in the separated region. In contrast, a simulation that did not employ the wall model on the grid used for WMLES failed to predict flow separation and showed large discrepancies with the experimental data. In addition to the relaxation of the grid requirement in the wall normal direction, it was also observed that the wall model allowed a reduction in the number of computational cells in the span-wise direction by half. However an LES calculation on a grid with reduced number of cells in span-wise direction turned unstable almost immediately, thereby highlighting the effectiveness of the wall model. Besides reducing the number of grid points in the spatial domain, the relaxed grid resolution for the WMLES also permitted the use of a larger time step. This resulted in an order of magnitude reduction in the total CPU time relative to WRLES. / Master of Science

Étude des fluctuations locales des transistors MOS destinés aux applications analogiques

Yohan, Joly 16 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les fluctuations électriques des composants sont une limitation à la miniaturisation des circuits. Malgré des procédés de fabrications en continuelle évolution, les variations des caractéristiques électriques dues au désappariement entre deux dispositifs limitent les performances des circuits. Concernant les applications à faible consommation, ces fluctuations locales peuvent devenir très critiques. Dans le contexte du développement d'une technologie CMOS 90nm avec mémoire Flash embarquée pour des applications basse consommation, l'appariement de transistors MOS est étudié. Une analyse de l'impact du dopage de grille des transistors NMOS est menée. L'étude se focalise sur l'appariement en tension des paires différentielles polarisées dans la zone de fonctionnement sous le seuil. Il est démontré que cet appariement peut être dégradé à cause de l'effet " hump ", c'est-à-dire la présence de transistors parasites en bord d'active. Un macro-modèle permettant aux concepteurs de modéliser cet effet est présenté. Il est étudié au niveau composant, au niveau circuit et en température. Enfin, une étude de la dégradation de l'appariement des transistors MOS sous stress porteurs chauds est réalisée, validant un modèle de dégradation. Des transistors octogonaux sont proposés pour supprimer l'effet " hump " et donnent d'excellents résultats en termes d'appariement ainsi qu'en fiabilité.

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