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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vzpomínky pamětníků z východních Krkonoš / The memories of witnesses from eastern Giant Mountains

Lindrová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
Title: Memories of whithesses from the east of the Giant mountains Objectives: The aim of the work is to summarize historical events and social changes connected with the era from the beginning of colonization of the east of the Giant mountains to the second half of 1940s through utterance of regional natives compared to thematic literature. Methods: To gain data for this thesis regarding utterance of contemporary witnesses I used largely publications Krkonošští rodáci vzpomínají 1, 2 a 3, further a magazine Krkonoše-Jizerské hory, a website Paměť národa - Sudetské osudy (Antikomplex) and a method of semi- structured interview with one witness. I focused especially on German- speaking natives born in 1920s and 1930s from the east of the Giant mountains, largely from villages Horní Maršov and Velká Úpa and surroundings, occasionally supplemented by compatriots from the middle of the Giant mountains. It was 17 withesses in total - 8 women and 9 men. Afterwards I made a comparation of sources mentioned above with prefessional literature and populary educational literature and websites, which have a relation to the region and to period, historical and social events. Conclusion: The thesis introduced key moments of life stories of predominantly German-speaking withesses from the east of the Giant...

Hydd- och huskonstruktioner från förhistorisk tid : En kronologisk översikt från stenålder till tidigmedeltid i östra Mellansverige.

Nyström, Marie January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis is a chronological survey over the hut and house remains from the Stone Age to the Early Middle Ages in Eastern Central Sweden. The thesis also contains a test which I have conducted to see which investigation method had the best results in identifying house remains at an archaeological site. I subsequently discuss the result of this test, what it represents and also what may be done differently in order to get other types of results.</p>

Hydd- och huskonstruktioner från förhistorisk tid : En kronologisk översikt från stenålder till tidigmedeltid i östra Mellansverige.

Nyström, Marie January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is a chronological survey over the hut and house remains from the Stone Age to the Early Middle Ages in Eastern Central Sweden. The thesis also contains a test which I have conducted to see which investigation method had the best results in identifying house remains at an archaeological site. I subsequently discuss the result of this test, what it represents and also what may be done differently in order to get other types of results.

Jack Rabbit : an effective Cell BE programming system for high performance parallelism

Ellis, Apollo Isaac Orion 08 July 2011 (has links)
The Cell processor is an example of the trade-offs made when designing a mass market power efficient multi-core machine, but the machine-exposing architecture and raw communication mechanisms of Cell are hard to manage for a programmer. Cell's design is simple and causes software complexity to go up in the areas of achieving low threading overhead, good bandwidth efficiency, and load balance. Several attempts have been made to produce efficient and effective programming systems for Cell, but the attempts have been too specialized and thus fall short. We present Jack Rabbit, an efficient thread pool work queue implementation, with load balancing mechanisms and double buffering. Our system incurs low threading overhead, gets good load balance, and achieves bandwidth efficiency. Our system represents a step towards an effective way to program Cell and any similar current or future processors. / text

Les pratiques pastorales d'altitude dans une perspective ethnoarchéologique. Cabanes, troupeaux et territoires pastoraux pyrénéens de la préhistoire à nos jours. / Spatial modeling approach of summer pasture grazing walks in an ethnoarcheological perspective : a pyrenean case study

Le Couédic, Mélanie 04 November 2010 (has links)
Ce travail s’attache aux espaces pastoraux d’altitude dans la longue durée et s’intègre dans le cadre de recherches menées en archéologie pastorale dans les Pyrénées. Il repose sur une démarche ethnoarchéologique et vise à une meilleure compréhension des pratiques de ces espaces, à travers deux axes, soit l’élaboration d’un corpus de sites pastoraux d’altitude inédit et la constitution d’un référentiel actuel de parcours de troupeaux. L’objectif est d’envisager les territoires pastoraux, leurs recompositions et surtout d’identifier leur corrélats matériels permettant de les approcher à la fois dans l’actuel et dans la longue durée. Les cabanes et les enclos qui président au déploiement des troupeaux sont envisagés en relation à d’autres sources, à savoir les résultats des disciplines paléoenvironnementales et les sources planimétriques. Les territoires pastoraux sont enfin confrontés aux sources écrites conservées par les communautés valléennes depuis le Moyen âge. / This study takes an interest in pastoral altitude areas in the long term and integrates itself into the framework of pastoral archaeological research in the Pyrenees. It rests on ethnoarchaeological approach and aims to a better understanding of the practices in these areas through two axes i.e. the elaboration of a pastoral altitude areas’ corpus and the making of a system of reference regarding to the distances travelled by herds. The aim is to consider the pastoral territories, their reconstructions and above all the identification of the material correlates which enables pastoral territories’ present and long-term approach. Shacks and pens governing held’s deployment are considered in connection with other sources i.e. paleoenvironmental and planimetric. At last pastoral areas are compared to written sources preserved by the valley’s communities since the Middle Ages.

Obnova Alfredovy chaty v Jeseníkách / Renewal of the Alfred´s hut in Jeseníky mountains

Bureš, Miloš January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the design of hut with accomodation and restaurant. The hut is situated in Jeseníky mountains. The house is designed as detached house made of clay blocks, with timber roof truss and gable roof. The building has three floors, first one is particulary embedded under the terrain. On the ground floor there is garage, technical and storage rooms. Restaurant with kitchen, toilets,rooms for employees, reception and barrier-free guest room is located on the first floor. On the second floor there are guest and employee rooms.

Vysoce náročné aplikace na svazku karet Intel Xeon Phi / High Performance Applications on Intel Xeon Phi Cluster

Kačurik, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is the implementation and subsequent optimization of high performance applications on a cluster of Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. Using two approaches to solve the N-Body problem, the possibilities of the program execution on a cluster of processors, coprocessors or both device types have been demonstrated. Two particular versions of the N-Body problem have been chosen - the naive and Barnes-hut. Both problems have been implemented and optimized. For better comparison of the achieved results, we only considered achieved acceleration against single node runs using processors only. In the case of the naive version a 15-fold increase has been achieved when using combination of processors and coprocessors on 8 computational nodes. The performance in this case was 9 TFLOP/s. Based on the obtained results we concluded the advantages and disadvantages of the program execution in the distributed environments using processors, coprocessors or both.

Ein wiederentdecktes Schlüsselwerk von Otto Hettner: Das Porträt seiner Frau Jeanne mit Hut

Renner, Kati 06 September 2019 (has links)
Das umfangreiche, stilistisch vielfältige Werk des 1875 in Dresden geborenen Malers, Grafikers und Bildhauers Otto Hettner (1875‐1931) ist heute nahezu unbekannt. Der Künstler hatte zunächst in Karlsruhe und Paris Malerei studiert, mehrere Jahre in der pulsierenden Kunstmetropole gelebt, sich mit Edvard Munch angefreundet und intensiv mit den neuesten Entwicklungen auseinandergesetzt, bevor er sich zwischen 1905 und 1911 zusammen mit seiner Frau Jeanne (1878‐1958) in Florenz niederließ. Nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt in Berlin und der Teilnahme am Ersten Weltkrieg erhielt Hettner 1917 den Ruf an die Dresdner Kunstakademie, wo er schließlich ab 1919 als Professor lehrte und maßgeblich verantwortlich für den Anschluss der Institution an die internationale Moderne war. Unterbrochen wurde seine Tätigkeit wiederholt durch seine Tuberkulose‐Erkrankung, die ihn zu Kuraufenthalten in südlichen Ländern zwang und zu einer längeren Abwesenheit vom Akademiebetrieb führte. Hettner starb 1931 und hinterließ ein rund 4.300 Werke umfassendes OEuvre, das Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Buchillustrationen, Bühnenbildentwürfe und Skulpturen umfasste.

Verksamma och blivande lärares förhållningssätt till lärande för hållbar utveckling

Palmqvist, Ansam, Branting, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Begreppet hållbar utveckling är ett brett och komplext sådant. Det råder delade meningar om hur hållbar utveckling uppnås, men något som många är överens om är att utbildning är en nyckelfaktor för hållbar utveckling. Denna ska syfta till att ge barn och vuxna verktyg för att kunna göra medvetna val med hänsyn till flera aspekter. Ett av skolans övergripande mål är att förbereda eleverna för att kunna orientera sig i en komplex värld i ständig förändring. För detta förespråkas en holistisk och ämnesövergripande undervisning. Tidigare forskning framhåller även att det är önskvärt att undervisningen grundas i diskussioner med öppna svar för att hjälpa elever utveckla handlingskompetens. Läraren har en betydande roll som förebild för engagemang med en problematiserande kritisk hållning. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka förhållningssätt till lärande för hållbar utveckling som kan finnas bland lärare och lärarstudenter. Detta utreds genom att ta reda på vilken komplexitet som framkommer i lärarnas tolkning av hållbar utveckling, samt vilka lärsituationer de ser som önskvärda för detta. För att besvara våra frågor insamlades empiri via två intervjuer, en enkätundersökning och en fokusgrupp. Utifrån respondenternas utsagor gjordes en innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom både enkla och komplexa förhållningssätt till lärande för hållbar utveckling - vilket i sin tur tenderar att avspeglas på vilka lärsituationer som anses vara önskvärda. Vi såg att det främst var studenter som problematiserade begreppet hållbar utveckling utifrån flera perspektiv, medan verksamma lärare fokuserade på enskilda konkreta handlingar. Vår studie visar även att det bland våra respondenter finns en ambition att bedriva undervisning som problematiserar begreppet hållbar utveckling. Respondenterna uttrycker även en önskan om kollegial samverkan för ökade kunskaper och inspiration för lärande för hållbar utveckling.

Exploring the Potential of 3D Printing Construction to Address the Housing Crisis for South Sudanese Refugees

Quinn, Kyle O.'Brien 08 November 2021 (has links)
South Sudan currently has the third largest refugee crisis around the globe, with over 3.7 million people being displaced from their homes due to ethnic and political civil war. Over 2 million of these refugees have been displaced from their home country, seeking asylum in refugee settlements that neighbor South Sudan. One of the most important needs within these settlements is adequate housing. Through polling and census data, it has been found that more than half of the refugees are living in dilapidated housing conditions, without any resources to make repairs. The average amount of time spent within these settlements is over a decade and is increasingly getting worse as more refugees enter these settlements. Due to the exponential technological advancements in 3D printing technology, using this form of construction could potentially address a situation within a refugee settlement. 3D printing technology could provide benefits due to its ability to produce housing units at a high rate, its ability to use clay aggregate soil as construction material, mimicking adobe brick housing found in Africa, and the ability to lower the need for labor within these settlements. This thesis will explore the idea of employing this technology within a refugee settlement, to test if it can appropriately balance the implementation of a high tech 21st century technology with the historic and cultural vernacular architecture found regionally throughout Africa. / Master of Architecture / The country of South Sudan currently is experiencing the third largest refugee crisis around the globe. Over 2.5 million refugees have fled their home country of South Sudan and are entering refugee settlements from neighboring countries. Due to the exponential increasing rate of refugees within these settlements, issues such as overcrowding and inadequate housing are afflicting the lives of everyone here. Typical houses in South Sudan consist of mud and adobe brick material known as "tukul huts". While these huts have remained the leading housing type for the past 2,000 years, these houses where not intended for addressing the common refugee crisis we are experience today. These huts require the period of months to construct and extensive physical labor. Given that the refugees are entering these settlements at an exponential rate, it is ineffective to approach housing construction in a traditional manner due to the time and effort it requires to keep up with the high demand. A possible way to address this concern, is by looking at other construction practices that could potentially supplement the traditional forms of erecting houses. Construction technology has advanced to the point where 3D printers can create life size structures that provide housing to individuals. This thesis will explore the idea of employing 3D printers into a South Sudanese refugee settlement, to see if it can adequately produce houses that provide shelter for the incoming refugees.

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