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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of test cycles for freight locomotives

Skoglund, Mattias January 2011 (has links)
Diesel locomotives provide versatility to the railway system as they do not depend on electric feeding. Worldwide they constitute important parts of locomotive fleets used for various tasks such as mainline services, shunting and terminal operations. The main drawbacks are emissions of CO2, NOx and other pollutants. The emissions to air are in general controlled by legislation. The European testing and approval procedure for locomotive engines is performed with the ISO 8178-F test cycle. It is alone meant to resemble all European locomotives. Good correlation was found between mainline operations and the ISO 8178-F test cycle. A good correlation was furthermore found between shunting operations and North American shunting test cycles. However, this thesis has shown that this results in inadequate description of for instance shunting operations. Typical characteristics for shunting are relatively high ratio of transient loading, low mean power output and high amount of idling. Therefore important aspects of diesel locomotive usage are thereby disregarded in certifications. Deficient correlation between test cycle and intended operations may lead to locomotives that are not properly optimised for the type of operation they are intended for. Improperly dimensioned and optimised locomotives cause impaired fuel economy and more emissions emitted. Many Swedish diesel locomotives are to a large extent used in shunting-like conditions in yards and industries for instance. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement the present ISO test cycle with a test cycle that includes the characteristic of shunting. Knowledge about duty cycles for specific operations can be of importance in locomotive acquisition, dimensioning of new locomotives or when estimating emissions and/or fuel consumption. It is essential to make proper dimensioning of propulsion systems as it can imply lower life cycle costs as well as fewer emissions. Appropriate dimensioning of the propulsion system is particularly important for non-conventional propulsion systems. If the application range of a test cycle is narrow, its emulating capability ought to be better at describing and representing the indented application. Today's test cycles state fractional power or torque as a function of engine speed. This may result in misleading duty cycles when the same kind of operation is undertaken with different locomotives that have widespread power ratings. A more powerful locomotive used for the very same load as a less powerful locomotive will result in a different duty cycle. Non-conventional propulsion systems are gaining popularity also in the railway industry where implementation of new technology usually is slow. Dual mode and hybrid systems are two examples. Related to test and duty cycles the build-up of these new propulsion systems change the prerequisites of the propulsion systems. From a duty cycle perspective it is reasonable to implement an additional test cycle for non-conventional propulsion systems if the popularity rises. / QC 20111115

Adaptive Feedback Regulator for Powered Lower-Limb Exoskeleton under Model Uncertainty

Thakkar, Kirtankumar J. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Stabilité du réseau électrique de distribution. Analyse du point de vue automatique d'un système complexe / Stability of a distribution electrical network. Analysis from a complex system point of view

Cosson, Marjorie 19 September 2016 (has links)
Pour maintenir la tension dans des bornes admissibles, des régulations locales de puissance réactive (Q) en fonction de la tension (U) sont envisagées sur les réseaux de distribution. Ces travaux étudient l’impact de ces régulations sur la stabilité des réseaux de distribution accueillant de la production. Une étude empirique confirme le risque d’instabilité de la tension et souligne le lien avec les paramètres de la régulation. Pour aider les gestionnaires à les choisir, trois méthodes d’étude de la stabilité sont proposées. Tout d’abord, une méthode formelle fondée sur les notions d’abstraction discrète et de bisimulation est développée. Elle offre une grande précision au prix d’un effort de calcul important. Pour contournercette difficulté, un critère analytique portant sur le temps de réponse des régulations Q(U) est formulé. Ensuite, un critère valable dans tous les cas est proposé pour les codes de réseaux. Enfin, l’extension desméthodes à des cas plus complexes est discutée. / To maintain the voltage within specified limits, local control laws of distributed generators (DGs) reactive power (Q) with respect to their voltage (U) have been considered. This work studies the impact of Q(U) control laws on distribution feeders’voltage stability. An empirical study confirms the risk of voltage instability and highlights its dependence on control law parameters. To help distribution grid operators to choose these parameters, three methods assessing stability are formulated.First, a formal method based on discrete abstraction and bisimulation calculation is developed. The proposed approach yields precise results but with a high computational load. Then, to overcome this issue, an analytical criterion adapting Q(U) control laws response time with respect to grid parameters is formulated. Finally, a general criterion, valid in any cases, is established in order to be included in the grid codes. To conclude this work, extension to more complex cases is discussed.

On quantization and sporadic measurements in control systems : stability, stabilization, and observer design / Sur la quantification et l’intermittence de mesures dans les systèmes de commande : stabilité, stabilisation et synthèse d’observateurs

Ferrante, Francesco 21 October 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous aborderons deux aspects fondamentaux qui se posent dans les systèmes de commande modernes du fait de l'interaction entre des processus en temps continu et des dispositifs numériques: la synthèse de lois de commande en présence de quantificateurs et l'estimation d'état en présence de mesures sporadiques. Une des caractéristiques principales de cette thèse consiste également à proposer des méthodes constructives pour résoudre les problèmes envisagés. Plus précisément, pour répondre à cette exigence, nous allons nous tourner vers une approche basée sur les inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI). Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous proposons un ensemble d'outils constructifs basés sur une approche LMI, pour l'analyse et la conception de systèmes de commande quantifiés impliquant des modèles et des correcteurs linéaires. L'approche est basée sur l'utilisation des inclusions différentielles qui permet de modéliser finement le comportement de la boucle fermée et ainsi d'obtenir des résultats intéressants. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, inspirés par certains schémas d'observation classiques présentés dans la littérature, nous proposons deux observateurs pour l'estimation de l'état d'un système linéaire en présence de mesures sporadiques, c'est-à-dire prenant en compte la nature discrète des mesures disponibles. De plus, en se basant sur une des deux solutions présentées, une architecture de commande basée observateur est proposée afin de stabiliser asymptotiquement un système linéaire en présence à la fois de mesures sporadiques et d'un accès intermittent à l'entrée de commande du système. / In this dissertation, two fundamental aspects arising in modern engineered control systems will be addressed:On the one hand, the presence of quantization in standard control loops. On the other hand, the state estimation in the presence of sporadic available measurements. These two aspects are addressed in two different parts. One of the main feature of this thesis consists of striving to derive computer-aided tools for the solution to the considered problems. Specifically, to meet this requirement, we revolve on a linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) approach. In the first part, we propose a set of LMI-based constructive Lyapunov-based tools for the analysis and the design of quantized control systems involving linear plants and linear controllers. The entire treatment revolves on the use of differential inclusions as modeling tools, and on stabilization of compact sets as a stability notion. In the second part of the thesis, inspired by some of the classical observation schemes presented in the literature of sampled-data observers, we propose two observers to exponentially estimate the state of a linear system in the presence of sporadic measurements. In addition, building upon one of the two observers, an observer-based controller architecture is proposed to asymptotically stabilize a linear plant in the presence of sporadic measurements and intermittent input access.

Diseño y optimización de un sistema híbrido renovable con gestión de la demanda y aplicaciones en península y modo isla

Gómez González, Francisco Javier 10 January 2021 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una metodología para la optimización de sistemas híbridos renovables que incluya mecanismos de gestión de la demanda y permita su operación tanto en modo isla, como en modo península, para su posterior validación experimental en aplicaciones dirigidas a granjas acuícolas ubicadas en la región costera central del estado de Veracruz, México. Para la consecución del objetivo, en primera instancia se elaboraron modelos de los componentes del sistema híbrido y se definió una estrategia de despacho para el sistema híbrido, los cuales fueron simulados en MATLAB y en la herramienta de ordenador HOMER. En estos modelos se incluyeron datos de los recursos renovables presentes en el sitio de estudio, la demanda eléctrica, así como también los costes de los componentes y los correspondientes a la operación, mantenimiento y combustible relacionados con la operación del sistema. Para la optimización del sistema híbrido, fueron considerados como indicadores económicos el Coste Total Anual (CTA), el Coste Neto Presente (NPC) y el Coste de Energía (COE); mientras que las emisiones de CO2, emisiones evitadas de CO2 y la Fracción Renovable (FR), fueron los indicadores medioambientales seleccionados para el caso de estudio. Posteriormente, se definieron algunos arreglos básicos y escenarios de gestión de la demanda aplicables a la operación del sistema híbrido, que permitiera evaluar los resultados de optimización y así determinar la configuración óptima, tanto en modo isla como en modo península. Finalmente, se aplicó la metodología a una granja acuícola modelo donde se consiguió definir el mejor escenario de gestión de la demanda y las posibles configuraciones de los componentes del sistema híbrido para su operación en modo isla y en modo península. Un análisis de sensibilidad desarrollado en HOMER sirvió de apoyo para evaluar el impacto de las variaciones en la demanda eléctrica de la granja y de la velocidad promedio del viento en la viabilidad técnica, económica y medioambiental del sistema híbrido óptimo. / [CAT] Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu el desenvolupament d'una metodologia per a l'optimització de sistemes híbrids renovables que incloga mecanismes de gestió de la demanda i permeta la seua operació tant en manera illa, com en manera península, per a la seua posterior validació experimental en aplicacions dirigides a granges aqüícoles situades a la regió costanera central de l'estat de Veracruz, Mèxic. Per a la consecució de l'objectiu, en primera instància es van elaborar models dels components del sistema híbrid i es va definir una estratègia de despatx per al sistema híbrid, els quals van ser simulats en MATLAB i en l'eina d'ordenador HOMER. En aquests models es van incloure dades dels recursos renovables presents en el lloc d'estudi, la demanda energètica, així com també els costos dels components i els corresponents a l'operació, manteniment i combustible relacionats amb l'operació del sistema. Per a l'optimització del sistema híbrid, van ser considerats com a indicadors econòmics el Cost Total Anual (CTA), el Cost Net Present (NPC) i el Cost d'Energia (COE); mentre que les emissions de CO2, emissions evitades de CO2 i la Fracció Renovable (FR), van ser els indicadors mediambientals seleccionats per al cas d'estudi. Posteriorment, es van definir alguns arranjaments bàsics i escenaris de gestió de la demanda aplicables a l'operació del sistema híbrid, que permetera avaluar els resultats d'optimització i així determinar la configuració òptima, tant en manera illa com en manera península. Finalment, es va aplicar la metodologia a una granja aqüícola model on es va aconseguir definir el millor escenari de gestió de la demanda i les possibles configuracions dels components del sistema híbrid per a la seua operació en manera illa i en manera península. Una anàlisi de sensibilitat desenvolupat en HOMER va servir de suport per a avaluar l'impacte de les variacions en la demanda energètica de la granja i de la velocitat faig una mitjana de del vent en la viabilitat tècnica, econòmica i mediambiental del sistema híbrid òptim. / [EN] This thesis aims to develop a methodology for the optimization of renewable hybrid systems that includes demand management mechanisms and allows its operation both in island mode, as in peninsula mode, for later experimental validation in applications aimed at aquaculture farms located in the central coastal region of the state of Veracruz, Mexico. To achieve the objective, in the first instance models of the hybrid system components were developed and a dispatch strategy for the hybrid system was defined, which were simulated in MATLAB and in the HOMER computer tool. These models included data on the renewable resources present at the study site, the electricity demand, as well as the costs of the components and those corresponding to the operation, maintenance and fuel related to the operation of the system. For the optimization of the hybrid system, the Total Annual Cost (TAC), the Net Present Cost (NPC) and the Cost of Energy (COE) were considered as economic indicators; while CO2 emissions, avoided CO2 emissions and the Renewable Fraction (RF), were the environmental indicators selected for the case study. Subsequently, some basic arrangements and demand management scenarios applicable to the operation of the hybrid system were defined, which allowed to evaluate the optimization results and thus determine the optimal configuration, both in island mode and in peninsula mode. Finally, the methodology was applied to a model aquafarm where it was possible to define the best demand management scenario and the possible configurations of the components of the hybrid system for operation in island mode and in peninsula mode. A sensitivity analysis developed at HOMER served as a support to assess the impact of variations in the farm's electrical demand and the average wind speed on the technical, economic and environmental viability of the optimal hybrid system. / Gómez González, FJ. (2020). Diseño y optimización de un sistema híbrido renovable con gestión de la demanda y aplicaciones en península y modo isla [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/158563 / TESIS

Simulation-based optimization of Hybrid Systems Using Derivative Free Optimization Techniques

Jayakumar, Adithya 27 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

N3asics: Designing Nanofabrics with Fine-Grained Cmos Integration

Panchapakeshan, Pavan 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nanoscale-computing fabrics based on novel materials such as semiconductor nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene, etc. have been proposed in recent years. These fabrics employ unconventional manufacturing techniques like Nano-imprint lithography or Super-lattice Nanowire Pattern Transfer to produce ultra-dense nano-structures. However, one key challenge that has received limited attention is the interfacing of unconventional/self-assembly based approaches with conventional CMOS manufacturing to build integrated systems. We propose a novel nanofabric approach that mixes unconventional nanomanufacturing with CMOS manufacturing flow and design rules to build a reliable nanowire-CMOS 3-D integrated fabric called N3ASICs with no new manufacturing constraints. In N3ASICs active devices are formed on a dense semiconductor nanowire array and standard area distributed pins/vias, metal interconnects route signals in 3D. The proposed N3ASICs fabric is fully described and thoroughly evaluated at all design levels. Novel nanowire based devices are envisioned and characterized based on 3D physics modeling. Overall N3ASICs fabric design, associated circuits, interconnection approach, and a layer-by-layer assembly sequence for the fabric are introduced. System level metrics such as power, performance, and density for a nanoprocessor design built using N3ASICs were evaluated and compared against a functionally equivalent CMOS design. We show that the N3ASICs version of the processor is 3X denser and 5X more power efficient for a comparable performance than the 16-nm scaled CMOS version without any new/unknown-manufacturing requirement. Systematic yield implications due to mask overlay misalignment have been evaluated. A partitioning approach to build complex circuits has been studied.

Feasibility Analysis of the use of Hybrid Solar PV-Wind Power Systems for Grid Integrated Minigrids in India

Mata Yandiola, Cristina January 2017 (has links)
Reliable electricity supply remains a major problem in rural India nowadays. Renewable off-grid solutions have been applied in the last decades to increase power supply reliability but often failed to be feasible due to their high energy costs compared to the national grid. Grid Integrated Mini-grids with Storage (GIMS) can provide reliable power supply at an affordable price by combining mini-grids and national grid facilities. However, research on the techno-economic feasibility of these systems in the country is very limited and unavailable in the public sphere. This research project analysed three different aspects of the GIMS feasibility. First, the feasibility of the use of hybrid wind and solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems in GIMS was analysed by comparing the Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) and Net Present Cost (NPC) of solar PV and hybrid PV/Wind GIMS systems. Second, the potential savings GIMS can offer due to the possibility of selling power to the grid were quantified by comparing the LCOE and NPC of the system with and without grid export. Lastly, the cost of reliability of the power supply was represented by the influence of the allowed percentage of capacity shortage on the total cost of the system. The analysis was carried out by means of the software HOMER and was based on three case studies in India. The results of this analysis showed that the use of hybrid systems could generate savings of up to 17% of the LCOE of the GIMS system in comparison to solar mini-grids. Moreover, power sales to the grid enabled LCOE savings up to 35% with respect to mini-grid without power sell-back possibility. In addition, the LCOE could be reduced in between 28% and 40% in all cases by enabling up to a 5% of capacity shortage in the system. / En tillförlitlig elförsörjning är ett stort problem på landsbygden i Indien. Elnätslösningar baserade på förnybara energikällor har undersökts under de senaste decennierna för att öka tillförlitligheten men har ofta misslyckats i genomförandefasen på grund av höga energikostnader jämfört med i det nationella nätet. Nätintegrerade mini-grids med energilagring (GIMS) kan ge tillförlitlig strömförsörjning till ett överkomligt pris genom att kombinera mini-grids och nationella elnätsanläggningar. Forskningen om den tekniskekonomiska genomförbarheten av dessa system i landet är emellertid mycket begränsad och otillgänglig inom den offentliga sfären. I den här studien analyseras tre olika aspekter av GIMS-genomförbarheten. För det första analyserades genomförbarheten av att använda hybrida vind- och solcellssystem i GIMS genom att jämföra ”Levelised Cost of Electricity” (LCOE) nivån och nuvärdeskostnaden (NPC) för solcellssystem (PV) och hybrid PV/Vind GIMS-system. För det andra kan de potentiella besparingar GIMS erbjuder, genom möjligheten att sälja elenergi till nätet, kvantifieras genom att jämföra LCOE och NPC i systemet med och utan ”nätexport”. Slutligen studeras kostnaden för tillförlitligheten hos strömförsörjningen i förhållande till accepterad kapacitetsbrist med avseende på systemets totala kostnad. Analysen har utförts med hjälp av mjukvaran HOMER och grundas på tre fallstudier i Indien. Resultaten av denna analys visar att användningen av hybridsystem skulle kunna generera besparingar på upp till 17% av LCOE i GIMS-systemet i jämförelse med enbart PV-baserade mini-grids. Försäljning av elenergi till nätet möjliggör LCOE-besparingar på upp till 35% med i förhållande till mini-grids utan möjlighet till export. Slutligen: LCOE kunde reduceras mellan 28% och 40% i samtliga fall genom att tillåta upp till 5% kapacitetsbrist i systemet.

Theory and Application of a Class of Abstract Differential-Algebraic Equations

Pierson, Mark A. 29 April 2005 (has links)
We first provide a detailed background of a geometric projection methodology developed by Professor Roswitha Marz at Humboldt University in Berlin for showing uniqueness and existence of solutions for ordinary differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). Because of the geometric and operator-theoretic aspects of this particular method, it can be extended to the case of infinite-dimensional abstract DAEs. For example, partial differential equations (PDEs) are often formulated as abstract Cauchy or evolution problems which we label abstract ordinary differential equations or AODE. Using this abstract formulation, existence and uniqueness of the Cauchy problem has been studied. Similarly, we look at an AODE system with operator constraint equations to formulate an abstract differential-algebraic equation or ADAE problem. Existence and uniqueness of solutions is shown under certain conditions on the operators for both index-1 and index-2 abstract DAEs. These existence and uniqueness results are then applied to some index-1 DAEs in the area of thermodynamic modeling of a chemical vapor deposition reactor and to a structural dynamics problem. The application for the structural dynamics problem, in particular, provides a detailed construction of the model and development of the DAE framework. Existence and uniqueness are primarily demonstrated using a semigroup approach. Finally, an exploration of some issues which arise from discretizing the abstract DAE are discussed. / Ph. D.

Integer Quadratic Programming for Control and Communication

Axehill, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is integer quadratic programming with applications to problems arising in the areas of automatic control and communication. One of the most widespread modern control methods is Model Predictive Control (MPC). In each sampling time, MPC requires the solution of a Quadratic Programming (QP) problem. To be able to use MPC for large systems, and at high sampling rates, optimization routines tailored for MPC are used. In recent years, the range of application of MPC has been extended to so-called hybrid systems. Hybrid systems are systems where continuous dynamics interact with logic. When this extension is made, binary variables are introduced in the problem. As a consequence, the QP problem has to be replaced by a far more challenging Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) problem, which is known to have a computational complexity which grows exponentially in the number of binary optimization variables. In modern communication systems, multiple users share a so-called multi-access channel. To estimate the information originally sent, a maximum likelihood problem involving binary variables can be solved. The process of simultaneously estimating the information sent by multiple users is called Multiuser Detection (MUD). In this thesis, the problem to efficiently solve MIQP problems originating from MPC and MUD is addressed. Four different algorithms are presented. First, a polynomial complexity preprocessing algorithm for binary quadratic programming problems is presented. By using the algorithm, some, or all, binary variables can be computed efficiently already in the preprocessing phase. In numerical experiments, the algorithm is applied to unconstrained MPC problems with a mixture of real valued and binary valued control signals, and the result shows that the performance gain can be significant compared to solving the problem using branch and bound. The preprocessing algorithm has also been applied to the MUD problem, where simulations have shown that the bit error rate can be significantly reduced compared to using common suboptimal algorithms. Second, an MIQP algorithm tailored for MPC is presented. The algorithm uses a branch and bound method where the relaxed node problems are solved by a dual active set QP algorithm. In this QP algorithm, the KKT systems are solved using Riccati recursions in order to decrease the computational complexity. Simulation results show that both the proposed QP solver and MIQP solver have lower computational complexity compared to corresponding generic solvers. Third, the dual active set QP algorithm is enhanced using ideas from gradient projection methods. The performance of this enhanced algorithm is shown to be comparable with the existing commercial state-of-the-art QP solver \cplex for some random linear MPC problems. Fourth, an algorithm for efficient computation of the search directions in an SDP solver for a proposed alternative SDP relaxation applicable to MPC problems with binary control signals is presented. The SDP relaxation considered has the potential to give a tighter lower bound on the optimal objective function value compared to the QP relaxation that is traditionally used in branch and bound for these problems, and its computational performance is better than the ordinary SDP relaxation for the problem. Furthermore, the tightness of the different relaxations is investigated both theoretically and in numerical experiments. / This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of the Linköping University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to pubs-permissions@ieee.org. By choosing to view this material, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.

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