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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimation Of Specific Flow Duration Curves Using Basin Characteristics Of Rivers In Solakli And Karadere Basins

Karaaslan, Huseyin Nail 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Demand for energy is constantly growing both in the world and in Turkey. Sustainable development being an important concept, development of small hydro power projects has been popular in recent years. Eastern Black Sea Basin in Turkey has a lot of small hydro power potential because of high amount of precipitation and existence of steep slopes. Since the amount of river runoff is the only parameter that is variable in order to determine the power potential, it is vital to estimate the project discharge in ungauged basins accurately that have hydro power potential. Projects discharges of hydro-power plants in ungauged basins have been calculated using conventional methods up to now. This study aims to introduce a statistical model in linear and multi-variate form using the topographical and morphological parameters derived from GIS and hydro-meteorological variables to estimate the specific flow duration curves of potential small hydro-power locations for the selected study areas in Eastern Black Sea Region namely Solakli and Karadere basins. As well as developing an annual regression model using the annual values of hydro-meteorological parameters / seasonal regression model (spring season) has also been developed by including the mean seasonal (spring) air temperature variable instead of snow covered area (SCA) in addition to basin parameters. By studying the spring model, effect of different variables from the annual model were tested and discussed with some recommendations for the future studies.

Utredning av frekvensregleringens påverkan på mekanisk utrustning i en kaplanturbin / Investigation of the impact of frequency controlled operation on the controlling mechanism in a Kaplan turbine

Forsström, William January 2015 (has links)
As a consequence of increasing wind power installations in the Nordic grid the last years, the need for regulating power has become larger. In the Nordic grid, regulating power is mainly provided by hydro power. One part of the regulating power is called frequency control, which ensures that the grid frequency is stable and close to 50 Hz. However, setting the turbine into frequency controlled operation may cause stress and wear of the components in the mechanical control system. Frequency controlling implies large and frequent servo forces and longer travelling distance of the sliding bearings in the Kaplan turbine. Based on one selected Kaplan turbine, Selsfors G1, measurements and MATLAB calculations have been performed in order to determine forces and movements of the linkage system. With these forces and movements as input, stresses and fatigue have been determined as well as sliding distances, bearing pressures and wear of bearings during a typical lifetime of 40 years. The results indicate that no severe wear exists on the bearings during 40 years of service. This is valid for Selsfors G1, where self-lubricating greaseless Orkot bearings are installed. The wear is much smaller than the largest allowed bearing clearance, as long as the bearings are mounted correctly and free from dirt and oil. For turbines with grease or oil lubricated bearings, the result might differ. The highest average stresses have been recorded in the links in the runner. A very simple Finite Element Analysis has been made for the links, to estimate risk of fatigue. The stresses are much lower compared to the fatigue limit, and thus the risk of fatigue is considered very small. In situations where wear and large load changes after all are problems, a change in the turbine regulator settings is recommended. A dead band reduces the sliding distances of the bearings and the amount of load changes remarkably, but causes on the other hand lower turbine efficiency and worse quality of the frequency control.

Jämförande analys av driftsäkerhet medRTU och PLC / Comparative analysis of the operation safety of the RTU and PLC

Albadri, Rand January 2015 (has links)
Examensarbetet kommer att göra en jämförande analys av driftsäkerhet med trådade signaler till en Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) och en Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) med busstyrning. Rapporten genomfördes som ett uppdrag av Skellefteå Kraft AB för att se om det möjligt att byta till PLC- med busstyrning. Rapporten redogör för grundläggande beskrivning för skillnaden mellan de här två system och kommer att undersöka vilken som är driftsäkrare och lönsammare med hänsyn till krav enligt Svenska Kraftföretagens riktlinjer för dammsäkerhet (Ridas).Med hjälp av kurslitteratur, ABB handboken, internet websidor samt intervjuar med Skellefteå Kraft AB:s personal har arbetets resultat visat att busstyrning med PLC kommer att fungera driftsäkert samt kommer att bli lönsamt jämfört med trådade signaler till RTU. Resultat visat även att det finns ingenting som hindrar att installera busstyrning enligt Ridas men vissa funktioner bör installeras. Rapporten är avgränsat genom att inte ta upp eventuella krav från miljöbalken. / This thesis will make a comparative analysis of the operation safety of the wire connection to Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) with bus-controller. The report describes the basic description of the difference between these two systems and will explore which is safer and more economic with consideration to qualification according to Swedish energy companies' guidelines for dam safety (Ridas).Through course literature, ABB Bok, internet web sits and interviews with Skellefteå Kraft AB staff the result of this report have been created.The report results prove that PLC with bus-controller will operate operationally safe and profitable compared to wire connection to RTU. Results also showed that there is nothing which prevents to install bus-controller according to RIDAS but certain features should be installed.

For the Good of Society:public participation in the siting of nuclear and hydro power projects in Finland

Strauss, H. (Hannah) 13 September 2011 (has links)
Abstract This thesis addresses the conceptual and institutional framework of current planning and assessment processes for large-scale energy projects in Finland. In particular, recent proposals for nuclear and hydro power projects are described and theoretically discussed in regard to the procedural capacities that allow for public participation. It is argued that because of ill-defined purposes of public participation and an institutional bias towards conflict-free siting processes, opportunities for participation have little relevance in terms of the overall aim of rendering decisions legitimate. Rather, participatory procedures exhibit a strong ritualistic character within a legalistic atmosphere, thereby excluding political argument whenever citizens are encouraged to engage. A normative account of the welfare society – expressed in Finland through the notion of the overall good in energy decision making – advocates reflection on current practices against the background of conceptualisation of political engagement in planning and decision making. In addition, it is argued that despite efforts to strengthen local government and administration, public institutions appear to refrain from engaging in the planning process. This vacant space is filled by private institutions, though these lack a political mandate for their activities. Thus, this thesis argues that instead of increasing the legitimacy of procedures and decisions, the opposite is taking place through a weakening of public institutions and representative functions. More generally, it is emphasised that the participatory imperative has to be considered a paradigmatic shift that requires reflection. The thesis discusses the influence of academic scholars on the formulation of a “participatory turn” that has produced an understanding of underlying expectations towards participating citizens in planning and assessment processes. Based on a review of theoretical outlines of reasonable and rational discourse, it is stated that these notions neglect important motivational factors and reinforce the exclusion of citizen participation in political struggle. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee laajojen energiahankkeiden nykyisten suunnittelu- ja arviointiprosessien käsitteellistä ja institutionaalista rakennetta. Erityisesti kuvataan ja tarkastellaan teoreettisesti viimeaikaisia ydin- ja vesivoimahanke-esityksiä suhteessa menettelytapojen kykyyn ottaa huomioon kansalaisten vaikutusmahdollisuudet. Osoitetaan, että epämääräisten julkisen osallistumisen tavoitteiden ja yksipuolisen sijoitusprosessien konfliktittomuutta suosivan institutionaalisen suhtautumisen vuoksi osallistumistilaisuuksilla on vain vähän merkitystä päätösten legitimoinnin tavoitteen kannalta. Legalistisen ilmapiirin vallitessa osallistavat menettelytavat näyttäytyvät pikemminkin luonteeltaan ritualistisina, ja tähän liittyen poliittiset argumentit jätetään huomiotta aina, kun kansalaisia rohkaistaan vaikuttamaan. Normatiivinen kuvaus hyvinvointiyhteiskunnasta – joka Suomessa ilmaistaan energiapäätöksenteossa yleisen hyvän käsityksen kautta – vaatii nykyisten käytäntöjen uudelleenarviointia suunnitteluun ja päätöksentekoon liittyvän poliittisen sitoutumisen käsitteellistämisen taustaa vasten. Lisäksi osoitetaan, että huolimatta yrityksistä vahvistaa paikallista hallintoa, julkiset instituutiot näyttävät olevan haluttomia sitoutumaan suunnitteluprosesseihin. Tämän vapaan tilan täyttävät yksityiset instituutiot, vaikka niiden toiminnalta puuttuu poliittinen mandaatti. Siten tämä väitöskirja esittää, että menettelytapojen ja päätösten legitimiteetin lisäämisen sijaan on julkisten instituutioiden ja edustuksellisten tehtävien heikkenemisen kautta käymässä päinvastoin. Yleisemmällä tasolla painotetaan, että osallistava imperatiivi täytyy ymmärtää paradigmaattiseksi muutokseksi, joka vaatii pohdiskelua. Väitöskirja käsittelee akateemisten tutkijoiden vaikutusta ”osallistavan käänteen” formulointiin, joka on vaikuttanut käsityksiin suunnittelu- ja arviointiprosesseihin osallistuvista kansalaisista. Järkevän ja rationaalisen diskurssin teoreettisten yhteenvetojen uudelleen tarkastelun perusteella todetaan, että nämä käsitykset jättävät huomiotta tärkeitä motivaatioon liittyviä tekijöitä ja vahvistavat kansalaisten osallistumisen sulkemista poliittisen taistelun ulkopuolelle.

Techniques to inject pulsating momentum

Kranenbarg, Jelle January 2020 (has links)
Hydro power plants are an essential part of the infrastructure in Sweden as they stand for a large amount of the produced electricity and are used to regulate supply and demand on the electricity grid. Other renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, have become more popular as they contribute to a fossil free society. However, wind and solar power are intermittent energy sources causing the demand for regulating power on the grid to increase. Hydro power turbines are designed to operate at a certain design point with a specific flow rate. The plants are operated away from the design point when used to regulate the supply and demand of electricity. This can cause a specific flow phenomenon to arise in the draft tube at part load conditions called a Rotating Vortex Rope (RVR) which causes dangerous pressure fluctuation able to damage blades and bearings. A solution to mitigate a RVR is to inject pulsating momentum into the draft tube by using an actuator operating at a certain frequency. A literature study was conducted and three techniques were numerically simulated using ANSYS Workbench 19.0 R3; a fluidic oscillator, a piston actuator and a synthetic jet actuator. A dynamic mesh was used to simulate the movement of the piston actuator and diaphragm of the synthetic actuator whilst the mesh of the fluidic oscillator was stationary. The relative errors of the three numerical models were all below 3 %. All devices showed promising results and could potentially be used to mitigate a RVR because they all have the ability to produce high energy jets. The fluidic oscillator had an external supply of water, whereas the other two did not, which means that it could inject the largest mass flow. The piston actuator required a driving motor to move the piston. The diaphragm of the synthetic jet actuator was moved by a Piezoelectric element. Advantages of the fluidic oscillator are that it has no moving parts, in contrary to the two other devices, it can directly be connected to the penstock or draft tube to obtain the required water supply and it is easy to install. It will most likely also be smaller compared to the other two for the same mass flow rate. It does however not generate a pulsating jet, but rather an oscillating jet. The other two devices generate pulsating jets, but have problems with low pressure areas during the intake stroke which can cause cavitation problems. These areas cause the formation of vortex rings close to the outlet. Simulations showed that a coned piston together with a coned cylinder outlet could decrease losses by almost 16 % compared to a normal piston and cylinder. It also decreased the risk for cavitation and the required force to move the piston. Otherwise, a shorter stroke length for a constant cylinder diameter or a longer stroke length for a constant volume displacement also decreased the risk for cavitation and required force. The gasket between the piston and cylinder is a potential risk for leakage. A solution to avoid critical low pressure areas is to install an auxiliary fluid inlet or valve which opens at a certain pressure for the piston actuator as well as the synthetic jet actuator. This will also allow larger mass flow rates and a higher injected momentum. Both devices are more complicated to install and require likely more maintenance compared to the fluidic oscillator. However, there exist many possible design options for the piston actuator. The design of the synthetic jet is more limited because of the diaphragm. The amplitude of the diaphragm also has a direct effect on the pressure levels. The losses increased proportional to the mass flow to the power of three which suggests that it is better to install many small actuators instead of a few large ones.

Optimization of hydro power on the Nordic electricity exchange using financial derivatives / Optimering av vattenkraftsproduktion på den Nordiska elmarknaden med hjälp av finansiella derivat

Enoksson, Viktor, Svedberg, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
Since the deregulation of the Nordic electricity market in 1996, electricity has become one of the most traded commodities in the Nordic region. The electricity price is characterized by large fluctuations as the supply and demand of electricity are seasonally dependent. The main interest of the hydro power producers is to assure that they can sell their hydro power at an attractive rate over time. This means that there is a demand for hedging against these fluctuations which in turn creates trading opportunities for third party actors that offer solutions between consumers and producers. Telge Krafthandel is one of these actors interested in predicting the future supply of hydro power, and consequently the resulting price of electricity. Several existing models employ the assumption of perfect foresight regarding the weather in the future. In this thesis, the authors develop new models for hydro power optimization that take hydrological uncertainty into account by implementing a variation of multi-stage optimization in order to maximize the income of the hydro power producers. The optimization is performed with respect to prices of financial derivatives on electricity. This gives insights into the expected supply of hydro power in the future which in turn can be used as an indicator of the price of electricity. The thesis also discusses, among other things, different methods for modeling stochastic inflow to the reservoirs and scenario construction. This practice will result in different methods that are suitable for various key players in the industry. / Sedan avregleringen av den Nordiska elmarknaden år 1996 har el blivit en av de mest handlade råvarorna i Norden. Elpriset karaktäriseras av stora svängningar eftersom utbudet och efterfrågan på el är säsongsberoende. Huvudintresset för vattenkraftsproducenter är att säkerställa att de kan sälja sin vattenkraft till ett attraktivt pris över tid. Detta innebär att det finns en efterfrågan för skydd mot dessa variationer, vilket i sin tur skapar affärsmöjligheter för tredjepartsaktörer som erbjuder lösningar mellan konsumenter och producenter. Telge Krafthandel är en av dessa aktörer och är därmed intresserad av att förutsäga det framtida utbudet på vattenkraft, och det resulterande elpriset. Flera befintliga modeller använder antagandet om perfekt förutseende när det gäller vädret i framtiden. I denna rapport utvecklar författarna nya modeller för vattenkraftsoptimering, som tar hänsyn till hydrologisk osäkerhet genom att implementera en variant av flerstegsoptimering för att maximera intäkterna för vattenkraftsproducenter. Optimeringen utförs med hänsyn till priserna på elderivat. Detta ger insikter i den förväntade tillgången på vattenkraft i framtiden, vilket i sin tur kan användas som en indikator på elpriset. I rapporten diskuteras också, bland annat, olika metoder för att modellera stokastiskt inflöde till vattenmagasinen och scenariokonstruktion. Detta kommer att leda till flera metoder som är lämpliga för olika aktörer i branschen.

Future Nordic Grid Frequency Quality : A quantitative simulation study of current and potential frequency control methods with emphasis on synthetic inertia

Arvidsson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
The power grid faces stability problems due to loss of inertia. The ancillary services balancing the system must be improved to maintain stability. In contrast to earlier studies, this thesis estimates how the future grid frequency quality in both the short and long term is affected by different control methods, using an ensemble of quality measures. The thesis uses conventional one-area models for the power grid and FCR-N (frequency containment reserve – normal operation) but develops new models for FCR-D (– disturbed operation), FFR (fast frequency reserve), and synthetic inertia (SI). To acquire proper input data the thesis uses an inverse model of the power grid to compute the momentary load disturbance, i.e., the difference between load and generation, from the grid frequency. The thesis makes a difference between proportional and derivative SI, where the latter is the one commonly associated with the term SI. The results show that derivative SI can improve some quality measures but requires very high power capacity. In contrast, proportional SI improves almost every measure the most, for a fraction of the required capacity. Derivative SI is therefore worth less from a system perspective. However, it is shown that the quality measures improved by derivative SI are related to hydropower wear and tear, making it more interesting for hydro power owners. Moreover, FFR gives no benefit to long time quality measures. Considering the short-term analysis where a large disturbance occurs, FFR gives almost no benefit and risks worsening the stability. Also, for the large disturbance, proportional SI performs the best. The results are limited by the small number of simulations that were performed and can only provide indications of trends. A more solid conclusion, however, is that one cannot expect transmission system operators (TSO) to introduce an ancillary service that builds on derivative SI.

Tvorba a estimace modelu malé vodní elektrárny v programu PSCAD / Creation and estimation of small hydro power plant model in PSCAD

Razyapova, Aygul Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis focused on creating a model of a small hydropower plant model (SHPP) and a part of the electricity network in the simulation software "PSCAD" (basing on real sources). The model will be specified on the basis of the data obtained from the measurements to correspond with the real equipment.

Bubble curtains with vertical tubes : A way to deter fish from hydro power intakes

Molin, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
This project was performed on assigment of Vattenfall R&D in Älvkarleby. The project was a first step in evaluating whether bubble curtains with vertical tubes could be suitable for diverting fish from hydro power intakes into fish passages. To determine this, prototypes were constructed, where one was tested in still water and one in running water. The tests in still water were carried out in a large cylindrical tank and the tests in running water were carried out in Kungsr¨annan in ¨Alvkarleby. A number of test variables were developed to be able to vary the tests. These test variables were hole size, number of holes, tube center-to-center distance, air flow and water velocity. The tests were carried out without fish, but a number of indicators were developed to be able to compare and evaluate the tests. For the tests in still water, these indicators were the width of the bubble curtain created by a single tube and the horizontal movement of the air bubbles, to determine whether the hydrostatic pressure from the surrounding water had any effect on the appearance of the bubble curtain. For the tests in running water, the indicators were the bubble curtain density, the curvature of the tubes and the movement of the tubes. All experiments were documented using cameras and the results were then obtained through image processing in the software MATLAB. The results showed that the width of the bubble curtain created by a single tube varied between 12 and 34 cm for pressures between 0.5 and 2.0 bar. It was concluded that the hydrostatic pressure was of minimal significance for the appearance of the bubble curtain, at least for depths up to 1.95 m. For the tests in running water, the air flow rate and tube center-to-center distance was of the greatest importance for the bubble curtain density. The curvature of the tubes were most affected by the size of the holes and the movement of the tubes were most affected by the number of holes. / Detta projekt utfördes på uppdrag av Vattenfall R&D i Älvkarleby. Projektet var ett första steg i att utvärdera om bubbelridåer med vertikala slangar skulle kunna lämpa sig för att avleda fisk från vattenkraftverk vidare mot fiskpassager. För att avgöra detta konstruerades prototyper, där en testades i stilla vatten och en i rinnande vatten. Testerna i stilla vatten utfördes i en stor cylindrisk tank och testerna i rinnande vatten utfördes i Kungsrännan i Älvkarleby. Ett antal testvariabler togs fram för att kunna variera testerna. Dessa testvariabler var hålstorlek, antal hål, avstånd mellan slangarnas centrum, luftflöde samt vattenhastighet. Testerna gjordes utan fisk, men ett antal indikatorer togs fram för att kunna jämföra och utvärdera testerna. För testerna i stilla vatten var dessa indikatorer bubbelridåns bredd skapad av en enskild slang samt luftbubblornas horisontella förflyttning, för att avgöra om det hydrostatiska trycket från omgivande vattnet hade någon effekt på bubbelridåns utseende. För testerna i rinnande vatten var indikatorerna bubbelridåns täthet, slangens krökning samt slangens rörelser. Alla experiment dokumenterades med hjälp av kameror och resultaten togs sedan fram genom bildhantering i programvaran MATLAB. Resultaten visade att bubbelridåns bredd skapad av en enskild slang varierade mellan 12 och 34 cm för tryck mellan 0,5 och 2,0 bar. Det bedömdes att det hydrostatiska trycket var av minimal betydelse för bubbelridåns utseende, åtminstone för djup upp till 1,95 m. För testerna i rinnande vatten visade resultaten att luftflödet och avståndet mellan slangarnas centrum var av störst betydelse förr bubbelridåns täthet. Slangens krökning påverkades mest av hålens storlek och slangens rörelser påverkades mest av antalet hål.

Gestion Optimale d’une installation hybride au Vietnam / Optimal Management of a hybrid installation in Vietnam

Pham, Duy An 11 July 2018 (has links)
Le Vietnam est un pays en voie d’industrialisation rapide ce qui engendre une croissance élevée des besoins énergétiques. La consommation énergétique du Vietnam est en augmentation mais pas de façon égale dans tout le pays. En effet, 66.9% de la population du Vietnam vit en zone rurale en 2014. Une grande partie de la population vit encore pauvrement dans des sites isolés avec des accès très restreint aux énergies. Le Vietnam Master Power Plan VII (2011) indique que 759.986 habitations n’ont pas accès à l’électricité.Cependant, le Vietnam est un pays qui possède un grand potentiel en énergie renouvelable (l’énergie solaire, l’énergie éolienne, l’énergie hydroélectrique, l’énergie Biomasse). Le Vietnam a élaboré une stratégie de développement des énergies renouvelables, afin de mobiliser toutes les ressources pour réduire la dépendance aux combustibles fossiles. Les sites isolés se situent principalement au Nord-Ouest du Vietnam, près de la frontière avec le Laos et la Chine, où il existe un grand potentiel d’énergie hydraulique et/ou solaire. Il faut quand même signaler que ces énergies sont souvent saisonnières et, par exemple, une microcentrale hydroélectrique ne peut pas satisfaire la demande en énergie électrique lors de la saison sèche. Donc, un système utilisant deux sources d’énergies renouvelables (panneaux photovoltaïques et microcentrale hydroélectrique) est l’une des solutions optimales pour alimenter en électricité un site isolé au Vietnam. L’objectif de cette thèse est la gestion optimale de l’électricité renouvelable d'un tel système.Afin de satisfaire à une utilisation maximale, le principe de suivi du point maximum (ou Maximum Power Point Tracking – MPPT) est mis en application. Pour la chaine de conversion photovoltaïque, un contrôleur flou à une entrée est proposé afin de suivre le point de puissance maximale du panneau solaire.Pour la chaine de conversion hydroélectrique, une turbine Pelton couplée à un générateur synchrone à rotor bobiné permet d’alimenter en électricité une charge triphasée. Une plateforme d'essais est réalisée dans le laboratoire CReSTIC, IUT de Troyes pour effectuer une validation expérimentale du système de régulation d’une Microcentrale hydroélectrique.Pour la réalisation d’un système de production d’électricité hybride, un superviseur flou est conçu pour obtenir un comportement optimal du système. Après, une étude sur les avantages et inconvénients de ce type de systèmes hybrides pour un site isolé a été effectuée (amélioration de la formation des adultes, augmentation du temps de travail pendant la nuit, réduction du coût du carburant).Ce travail contribue à la connaissance d'une gestion optimale des énergies renouvelables pour site isolé en révélant les avantages et les qualités de l’utilisation des ressources d’énergie renouvelables au gouvernement et à d’autres investisseurs locaux ou internationaux au Vietnam. / As a rapidly industrializing country, the economy of Vietnam's has become very energy intensive. Thought, 66.9% of Vietnam's population lives in rural area in 2014. Many people still live in remote farming areas that are stricken with poverty. The Vietnam Master Power Plan VII (2011) indicates that still 818,947 households are not connected to the national grid, and 759,986 households do not have any access to electricity.Vietnam has high potential on renewable energy resources (Wind, Solar, Hydro, Biomass, and Geothermal). Using hybrid renewable energy system is considered to be one of the most feasible options to bring electricity to local people to improve life quality. The off-grid communities in Vietnam are located mainly in the north-west of Vietnam, near the border with Laos and China, where exist a great potential on Hydro power and/or solar power. A micro hydro power plant cannot satisfy the load demand, especially in dry season. Therefore, additional energy sources such as PV arrays have been suggested to complement power efficiency. Thus, this working discusses the pre-feasibility for small hybrid power generation system consisting of a PV generating unit with storage and a micro hydro generation unit for off-grid areas in Vietnam.The objective of this thesis is to optimize the production of renewable electricity for this type of small hybrid power generation system. For the photovoltaic conversion system, a one input fuzzy logic controller for maximum power point tracking is designed. For the Micro-hydro power plants (MHPP), a Pelton turbine is coupled to a would rotor synchronous generator to supply electricity for a three phase load. To keep the MHPP frequency and voltage outputs constant (50 Hz, 230 V) in spite of changing user loads, the controller is necessary. The experimental results of MHPP frequency and voltages control show the ability of our controller. For the realization of small hybrid power generation, a fuzzy supervisor is adapted to obtain an optimal behavior of the system. Finally, a study on the advantages of this type of hybrid system is carried out (improvement of adult training, increased night working hours, and reduction fuel costs). This thesis contributes to the knowledge of Renewable Energy (RE) by revealing the suitable usability and prospects of RE resources to the government and other local or international investors in Vietnam.

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