Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neurochemistry,"" "subject:"electrochemistry,""
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Qualidade da água do reservatório Poção da Ribeira : uma avaliação com base em técnicas estatísticas multivariadas e nos processos geoquímicos de salinizaçãoSantos, Carlos Eduardo Oliveira 29 February 2016 (has links)
This study aimed to analyze the temporal and spatial variation of the parameters of the water
quality of the Poção da Ribeira reservoir, located in Sergipe State, with storage capacity of
16.5 hm³ and how primary purpose the irrigation. The monitoring was conducted in two
phases, the first of them during the years 2013 and 2014, with sampling during the dry and
rainy seasons of those years, at a single point (P0), while for the second phase of monitoring
occurred during the year 2015, was sought to evaluate the existence of spatial variation of
parameters for this were chosen three points (P1, P2 and P3) distributed in the reservoir and
checked for stratification of the water column, being held this year three sampling campaigns
(May, August and November). In situ were performed measures the temperature of the water
depth. For water samples sent to the laboratory the following parameters were analyzed:
Turbidity, pH, alkalinity, hardness, dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved organic carbon (DOC),
fecal coliforms, total phosphorus (Ptotal), phosphate (PO4
3-) ammonia (NH3), nitrate (NO3
nitrite (NO2
-), electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), sodium (Na+),
potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), bicarbonates (HCO3
-), sulfate (SO4
2-) and
chloride (Cl-). There was a significant seasonal variation for water quality parameters, as the
spatial variation was no evidence of horizontal compartmentalization of the reservoir water in
against departure, there was strong stratification of temperature during the dry season,
increasing the electrical conductivity from 8 m depth during the rainy season and strong
lowering of the pH in the first collection in 2015. The multivariate statistical cluster analysis
showed the existence of three statistically significant groups, being revealed by principal
component analysis (PCA) that 99.0% of the variance of the data matrix was due to three
main components (PC), the first component (PC1), with greater weight associated with the
EC, accounting for 94.0% of the variability of water quality. It has been shown by
geochemical study, the prevalence of type sodic/chlorinated waters, which are classified as to
their use in irrigation, as C2S1. / O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a variação temporal e espacial dos parâmetros da
qualidade da água do reservatório Poção da Ribeira, localizado no Agreste Central do estado
de Sergipe, tendo capacidade de acumulação de 16,5 hm³ e como propósito primário a
irrigação. O monitoramento foi realizado em duas fases, a primeira delas durante os anos de
2013 e 2014, com a amostragem nos períodos seco e chuvoso desses anos, em um ponto único
(P0), já para a segunda fase do monitoramento, ocorrida durante o ano de 2015, buscou-se
avaliar a existência de variação espacial dos parâmetros, para isto foram escolhidos três
pontos (P1, P2 e P3) distribuídos no reservatório e verificada a existência de estratificação da
coluna d’água, sendo realizadas neste ano três campanhas de amostragem (maio, agosto e
novembro). Em loco foram realizadas as medidas de temperatura da água e profundidade.
Para as amostras de água encaminhadas ao laboratório foram analisados os seguintes
parâmetros: turbidez, pH, alcalinidade, dureza, oxigênio dissolvido (OD), carbono orgânico
dissolvido (COD), coliformes termotolerantes, fósforo total (Ptotal), fosfato (PO4
3-), amônia
(NH3), nitrato (NO3
-), nitrito (NO2
-), condutividade elétrica (CE), sólidos totais dissolvidos
(STD), sódio (Na+), potássio (K+), cálcio (Ca2+), magnésio (Mg2+), bicarbonatos (HCO3
sulfatos (SO4
2-) e cloretos (Cl-). Foi verificada variação sazonal significante para os
parâmetros da qualidade da água, quanto a variação espacial, não foi evidenciada
compartimentalização horizontal das águas do reservatório, em contra partida, verificou-se a
existência de forte estratificação da temperatura durante a estação seca, aumento da
condutividade elétrica a partir de 8 m de profundidade durante a estação chuvosa e forte
abaixamento do pH na primeira coleta de 2015. A análise estatística multivariada de
agrupamentos mostrou a existência de três grupos estatisticamente significativos, sendo
revelado pela análise de componentes principais (ACP) que 99,0 % da variância da matriz de
dados foi devido a três componentes principais (CP), sendo a primeira componente (CP1),
com maior peso associado à CE, responsável por 94,0 % da variabilidade da qualidade da
água. Foi demonstrada, utilizando o estudo geoquímico, a predominância de águas do tipo
sódicas/cloretadas, sendo estas classificadas, quanto ao seu uso na irrigação, como C2S1.
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Etude hydrodynamique et modélisation des écoulements souterrains dans les gouttières synclinales gréseuses du Barrémo-Albo-Aptien d'Aïn Séfra (partie centrale des Monts des Ksour - Atlas Saharien, Nord-Ouest Algérie) / Hydrodynamic study and modeling of groundwater flow in the synclinal sandstone gutters Barremo - Albo - Aptian Ain Séfra ( central part of Ksour Mountains - Saharan Atlas , Northwestern Algeria)Yousfi, Somia 11 May 2014 (has links)
L’Atlas saharien sud oranais où les Monts des Ksour forment une région montagneuse constituée de chaînonsallongés or ientés SO–NE. Les dépressions crétacées sont représentées par des synclinaux à fond plat surplombés par desanticlinaux pr incipalement jurassiques. Les formations gréseuses crétacées appelées « Continental Intercalaire » de la régiond’Aïn Séfra renferment une impor tante ressource en eau destinée à l’alimentation en eau potable et à l’ir r igation. L’étudehydrogéologique et l’identi fication des aquifères de la région montrent l’impor tante interconnexion ent re l’aquifère jurassiqueet le CI. La recharge naturelle des aquifères sous un climat semi-aride est le terme du bilan hydrique le plus délicat àdéterminer . La méthodologie proposée est une approche par interpolations spatiales et temporelles des données deprécipitations journalières et de températures moyennes mensuelles mesurées à une station, durant trois années repères(sèche, moyenne, humide). Elle est très « pratique » dans des r égions où les données climatiques sont limi tées et discontinuesdans l’espace et dans le temps. Son application nécessite des connaissances sur la nature du sol, la surface et l’altitude desimpluviums. Cette étude nous a permis d’estimer , à par t ir des gradients pluviométr ique et thermique, la lame d’eau tombéesur les affleurements jurassiques à une altitude moyenne de 1600 m, et les valeurs de l’évapotranspiration dans tout le bassinétudié. La pluie efficace calculée, et le débit d’alimentation de l’aquifère, par son impluvium calcaréo-gréseux en altitude etgréseux dans les dépressions, montrent que l’aquifère du Continental Intercalaire est alimenté pr incipalement par lesaffleurements du Jurassique surplombant les dépressions gréseuses, durant les années pluvieuses où les précipitationsdépassent 300 mm par an. Les caractér istiques chimiques des eaux ont fait l’objet de différentes analyses statistiques afin detenter d’expliquer l’or igine d’une minéralisation assez élevée (ent re 2000 et 4000 mg/ l). Dans une première approche,l’emploi de l’analyse en composantes pr incipales (ACP) met en évidence trois fami lles d’eau cor respondant aux t rois niveauxaquifères exploités. Dans une seconde étape, l’analyse factor ielle discr iminante croisée (AFD) caractér ise l’impor tance et ladominance des paramètres responsables de cette minéralisation, en relation avec le cadre géostructural du systèmehydrogéologique des gouttières synclinales d’Aïn Séfra ; les contacts anormaux entre les formations gréseuses du ContinentalIntercalaire et les structures diapir iques argilo-gypso-salines du Tr ias forment les pr incipales zones de contamination. Aprèsavoi r estimé la recharge efficace (qui var ie entre 0 pour une année sèche et 684 mm/ an une année humide) et identi fié lesécoulements souter rains et pour prévoir le compor tement hydrodynamique des gouttières synclinales d’Aïn Séfra, i l estpr imordial de réaliser un modèle mathématique. Nous n’avons pu réaliser que le modèle de l’unité hydrogéologique de GaretEl Kheil, vu l’indisponibilité des données sur les deux aut res unités (El Hanjir -Aïn Séfra, Aïn Séfra-Tiout). Nous avons choisi uncalcul par différences finies à l’aide d’un code simple et pratique « ASMWIN ». Afin de déterminer l’impact du changementclimatique et la surexploitation, deux scénarios d’exploitation ont été proposés : une recharge réduite de moitié (-50% : 810 6m3/ an au lieu de 16 10 6) et un débit d’exploitation doublé (+100% : 2.72 106m3/ an au lieu de 1.36 10 6). Ils nous ontrévélé que la nappe est plus vulnérable aux changements climatiques qu’à la surexploitation, ce qui nous a permis de déduireque la nappe est encore en sous-exploitée. / The Saharan Atlas Mountains, South of Oran includes the ‘Ksour Ridge’, a mountainous region compr ising SW-NEranges. Cretaceous depressions are represented by flat-bottomed synclines overhung by anticlines, mainly Jurassic. Thesandstone formations, so-called Continental Intercalary, of the Ain Sefra region contain an unconfined significant waterresource for dr inking water and ir r igation. The hydrogeological study and identification of aquifers prove the impor tantinterconnection between the Continental Intercalary and the Jurassic aquifers. In a recharge area character ized by a semiaridor an arid climate, therefore a low annual rainfall, effective rainfall is the hardiest item to estimate, as it was demonstrated byclassical monthly hydrological balance computations. The methodology proposed in this work relies on spatial and temporalinterpolations of scarce climatic data. This methodology can be used to determine the recharge flow to aquifers of these zones.The Ain Sefra’s syncline includes the sandstone aquifers of Continental Intercalary and of the Plio-Quaternary layers. Threeyears, with contrasting annual rainfalls, are chosen in this application: 1983 as dry year , 2006 as average year , and 2008 ashumid one. This application requires information about the soil nature, thickness and porosity, the sur face and the altitude ofthe recharge areas. The rainfall and the recharge flow to aquifers indicate that the pr incipal recharge areas are the Jurassicoutcrops, mainly dur ing the humid years, when the annual rainfall exceeds 300 mm. The chemical character istics of waterhave been submitted to different statistical analyses. As a fi rst approach, a pr incipal component analysis (PCA) displayed threeclusters of water cor responding to the three aquifer layers which are exploited. Discr iminant factor analysis (DFA) was usedto character ize the impor tance and to rank the parameters responsible for this high mineralization (between 2000 and 4000mg/ l), namely: system character istics (lithology), structural geology (fault and Tr iassic diapirs). After estimating the effectiverecharge (ranging between 0 for a dry year, and 684 mm/ year for a humid one) and identifying groundwater flow, and inorder to predict the hydrodynamic behavior of Ain Sefra’s syncline, it is essential to implement a mathematical model. Wewere only able to establish the model of the Garet El Kheil hydrogeological unit, given the data unavailability on the other twounits (El Hanjir -Ain Sefra, Ain Sefra-Tiout). We chose a finite difference method in permanent mode to improve knowledge ofthe hydraulic character istics of aquifer , and to evaluate a complete hydrological balance, using the simple and convenient"ASMWIN" code. Exploitation of the model made it possible to determine the impact of the pumped yields, and the weathertrends on the piezometr ic evolution of the aquifer . Two operating scenar ios have been proposed: halving recharge (-50%: 810 6 m 3 / year instead of 16 10 6) and doubling the well’s yield (+100 %: 2.72 10 6 m 3 / year , instead of 1.36 10 6). Weconclude that the groundwater resource is more vulnerable to the climate change than intensive use of aquifers, meaning thatthe aqui fer is underexploited at present.
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Contribution des processus hydrologiques et hydrogéologiques aux glissements de terrain de grande ampleur : application au contexte tropical de la Réunion / No English title availableBelle, Pierre 14 April 2014 (has links)
Les eaux souterraines constituent un des principaux facteurs de contrôle influençant l'activité des glissements de terrain. L'étude hydrogéologique constitue donc une étape incontournable dans la compréhension de leur fonctionnement, en vue de prédire leur déplacement ou d'adapter les solutions d'assainissement. Cependant, les aquifères qui se développent au sein des glissements de terrain sont généralement complexes, et la compréhension de l'hydrogéologie des grands glissements reste encore aujourd'hui une problématique majeure. Dans un contexte climatique extrême de type tropical humide, les glissements du cirque de Salazie (île de La Réunion) constituent des cas d'étude particulièrement porteurs pour l'apport de nouvelles connaissances sur l'hydrogéologie et le fonctionnement des mouvements de terrain de grande ampleur. Pour caractériser ces glissements, une étude pluridisciplinaire associant géologie, hydrochimie, modélisation numérique (globale et déterministe), est mise en œuvre. Sur le secteur nord du cirque de Salazie, l'étude géologique réalisée permet de reconstruire la géométrie de la base d'une instabilité de très grande ampleur, dont le volume est estimé à 370 Mm3. Le glissement de Grand Ilet (175 Mm3) en est la partie la plus active. Les formations volcano-détritiques (brèches) constituant le glissement sont des dépôts d'une ancienne avalanche de débris (> 350 Ma), réactivés localement. Cette étude met également en évidence un régime de déformation extensif associée à l'activité du glissement, favorisant le développement de zones décomprimées subverticales. Au sein des brèches constituant la zone instable, un aquifère continu est identifié. Les écoulements souterrains y sont contrôlés par la géométrie de la base du glissement. Par ailleurs, la nature du couvert végétal en surface, le climat, les propriétés des sols et l'épaisseur de la zone non saturée font que seuls les épisodes pluvieux intenses dont le cumul dépasse 80 mm/ évènement génèrent une recharge de l'aquifère des brèches. Lors de cette recharge, les zones décomprimées favorisent des transferts rapides (< 1 jour) à travers la zone non-saturée, malgré des épaisseurs pouvant atteindre localement 160 mètres. Une infiltration plus lente percole à travers la matrice poreuse des brèches. Pour l'étude de la dynamique des grands glissements dans le cirque de Salazie, l'application de l'outil de modélisation inverse met en évidence que les variations de vitesses de déplacement sont directement reliée aux processus de recharge et de tarissement de la nappe des brèches. Ces modèles s'avèrent particulièrement performants pour prédire les déplacements des grands glissements et comprendre leur fonctionnement. / The landslide activity is commonly controlled by the variation of hydraulic head inside the instable mass. Thus, the hydrogeological study of landslides is an essential step to predict landslide dynamic, and for the remediation choices. However, the aquifers developed in landslide are generally complexes. Actually, the comprehension of landslide hydrogeological functioning is a major problematic, especially for the deep-seated landslides.Under humid tropical climate, the Salazie landslides (Reunion Island) allow to implement an interesting study to characterized deep-seated landslide hydrogeology and functioning. In this study, we performed a multidisciplinary approach, combining geology, hydrochemistry and numerical modeling (global and deterministic);The geological study allows the construction of the deep seated landslide geological model (Grand Ilet sector). The Grand Ilet landslide, corresponding to 175 Mm3, is the most active part of deep seated instability whose the total volume is estimated at 370 Mm3. The volcano-detritic lithologies (i.e basic breccia) constitute the main geological formation of the unstable mass. This breccia is a present-day reactivation of an old destabilization (> 350 Ma). Furthermore, the extensive deformation generated by the landslide activity allows the formation of decompressed zones.Inside breccias, a continuous aquifer is identified. Here, the groundwater flows are controlled by the geometry of the landslide base. Natural land cover, soils properties, unsaturated zone thickness and warm temperature limit the groundwater recharge. Only the intense rainfall episode (80 mm/event) can generated the recharge of landslide aquifer. During these events, rapid transfers circulating inside the decompressed zones have a significant effect on hydraulic charge variations. A slow component is infiltrated inside the porous medium of breccias.The inverse modeling methods with bimodal Gaussian-Exponential transfer function is applied to study the Salazie landslides dynamic. The results show that landslide speed variations are directly controlled by groundwater level variations during the hydrologic cycle (recharge and recession stage). Consequently, the inverse model is a powerful tool for predicting deep-seated landslide movements and for studying how they function.
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Historical Land Use Changes and Hydrochemical Gradients In Ohio’s Sphagnum-Dominated PeatlandsSlater, Julie M., Slater January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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A mixed method approach to exploring and characterizing ionic chemistry in the surface waters of the glacierized upper Santa River watershed, Ancash, PeruEddy, Alex Michelle 17 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Περιβαλλοντική υδρογεωλογική έρευνα του προσχωματικού υδροφόρου της περιοχής Κιάτου - Κορίνθου. Κατασκευή μοντέλου προσωμοίωσης της υπόγειας ροήςΤάντος, Βασίλειος 03 December 2008 (has links)
Η περιοχή μελέτης εκτείνεται στο βόρειο και παραλιακό τμήμα του νομού Κορινθίας μεταξύ των πόλεων Κιάτου και Κορίνθου και καταλαμβάνει έκταση 65km2. Η νέα εθνική οδός Κορίνθου – Πατρών αποτελεί το νότιο όριο της περιοχής ενώ προς βορρά περιορίζεται από τον Κορινθιακό κόλπο. Το τοπογραφικό ανάγλυφο είναι ήπιο με το υψόμετρο να κυμαίνεται από 0 – 50 μέτρα. Ο ποταμός Ασσωπός και οι χείμαρροι Ραχιάνης και Ζαπάντης δομούν το υδρογραφικό δίκτυο της περιοχής.
Το γεωλογικό υπόβαθρο της περιοχής αποτελείται από ανθρακικά ιζήματα των ζωνών Τρίπολης και Πίνδου, των οποίων υπέρκεινται μετα-ορογεντικά ιζήματα Πλειο-πλειστοκαινικής ηλικίας. Ο υδροφόρος ορίζοντας που μελετήθηκε αναπτύσσεται σε αλλουβιακά ιζήματα, κυρίως άμμους, κροκάλες, λατύπες, και λεπτομερή αργιλοαμμώδη και πηλοαμμώδη ιζήματα που εμφανίζουν υψηλό βαθμό ετερογένειας. Το πάχος του υδροφόρου κυμαίνεται από λίγα μέτρα έως 60 m και χαρακτηρίζεται ως ελεύθερος.
Η ρηξιγενής ζώνη που εμφανίζεται κατά μήκος της Ν.Ε.Ο. Κορίνθου – Πατρών αποτελεί υδρογεωλογικό όριο προς νότο για τον υπό μελέτη υδροφόρο. Η εμφάνιση μαργών στην περιοχή του Κιάτου είναι το δυτικό υδρογεωλογικό όριο, ενώ ανατολικά περιορίζεται από την επέκταση των Τυρρήνιων αναβαθμίδων στη θάλασσα.
Η κύρια τροφοδοσία του υδροφόρου προέρχεται από τη διήθηση των επιφανειακών υδάτων του ποταμού Ασωπού και των παρακείμενων χειμάρρων, ενώ κατά δεύτερο λόγω από την απευθείας κατείσδυση των ατμοσφαιρικών κατακρημνισμάτων.
Για την προσομοίωση της υπόγειας ροής του αλλουβιακού υδροφόρου έγινε χρήση του κώδικα MODFLOW της USGS. Από την εφαρμογή του μοντέλου εξήχθησαν ικανοποιητικά αποτελέσματα που έδωσαν τη δυνατότητα υπολογισμού ενός αξιόπιστου ισοζυγίου, το οποίο μπορεί να αποτελέσει ένα εργαλείο στην εφαρμογή ενός σχεδίου ορθολογικής διαχείρισης των υδατικών πόρων της Κορινθίας.
Για την υδροχημική έρευνα χρησιμοποιήθηκε πυκνό δίκτυο δειγματοληψίας νερού σε 35 υδροσημεία της περιοχής μελέτης. Ο υδροφόρος έχει επηρεαστεί από φαινόμενα υφαλμύρινσης και ανταλλαγής ιόντων κυρίως στις βόρειες παράκτιες ζώνες. Οι συγκεντρώσεις των NO3-, NH4+ και των SO4-2 ιόντων παρουσιάζονται υψηλότερες από τα ανώτατα επιτρεπόμενα όρια ποσιμότητας. Η εφαρμογή της παραγοντικής ανάλυσης ανέδειξε τις παραπάνω υδροχημικές διεργασίες. / The study area forms the northern coastal part of Corinth’s prefecture, between the towns of Kiato and Corinth and has an area extend of 65 km2. To the south it is bounded by Athens - Patras National road, whilst to the north it is bounded by Corinthian Gulf. The topographic relief is quite gentle and varies from 0 to 50 m. A considerable hydrographic network develops across the studied region and is represented mainly by the river Asopos and the less important torrents Rachianis and Zapantis. The region can be characterized as an agro tourism center. The land is used mainly for the cultivation and of citrus fruits, olives, apricots and vineyards. Regional environment is subject to numerous pressures most important of which are intensified uses of land and water resources. Water demands have considerably increased over the last 15 years and mainly are covered by groundwater abstract from the alluvial aquifer system.
The geological bedrock of the study area consists of the carbonate sediments of Tripolis and Pindos isopics zones and a transitional zone between Pindos and Pelagonial Zone.
The plain north of the national zone is covered by post orogenetic sediments of Pliocene to Holocene age which unconformably overlay the bedrock formations. The studied aquifer is formed of recent unconsolidated material consisting of sands, pebbles, breccias and fine clay to silty sand deposits, characterized by high degree of heterogeneity and anisotropy. The thickness of the aquifer varies from a few meters to 40 m. From a hydrogeological point of view the system consists of an unconfined phreatic aquifer. A fault zone along the national highway delineates the southern edge of aquifer system, which is bounded by the Gulf of Corinth to the north. To the east, the system is bounded by the Tyrrhenian deposits extended to the sea. The marl series which, as an entity, is considered an aquitard, slopes to the north and forms the bedrock of the studied coastal alluvial aquifer system.
The basic recharge of the phreatic aquifer is from the fluviotorrential deposits, especially those of the Asopos River and also from the Tyrrhenian deposits across the southern edge of the basin. In addition to that the aquifer recharged from direct infiltration of precipitation and river bed indirect infiltration.
The simulation of ground water flow of the alluvial aquifer is based on the MODFLOW model of the USGS. The application of the mathematical model had very satisfactory results which is a reliable hydrogeological balance. Estimation of hydraulic conductivity distribution was optimized by using trial and error inverse method.
The ground water hydrochemical study was carried out, by an extensive network of 35 samples. The use of inorganic fertilizers in cultivations has a great pollution effect in ground water. The coastal aquifer has been affected, by sea water intrusion and as a result catio-exchange phenomena took plase along the coastline mainly at Lechaio area. The concentration of NO3- , NH4+, and SO4- ions are higher than the maximum allowed drinking limits. The application of R-mode factor analysis helped to delineate the major hydrochemical process of the area.
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Hydrology of the karstic basin of Sprimont, Belgium : On the use of spectrofluorimetry and pharmaceutical substances as a supporting tool for hydrochemistry analysisDeleu, Romain January 2018 (has links)
The strong variation in carbonate content of the geological formations in the basin of Sprimont, Belgium, implies different groundwater behaviours in the substratum. The existence of carbonated materials such as limestone is responsible for the existence of a well-developed karstic system restricted to the Carboniferous materials which has a strong impact on the local hydrology and hydrogeology. Surface streams lose through local sinkholes to resurface at the spring of Trou Bleu, the only outlet of the basin and the drainage point of local aquifers. The study focuses on the assessment of existing links between surface losing streams and the spring, and on the tracing of any anthropogenic contamination, by using hydrochemical parameters (major ions, nitrogen forms, organic carbon…), isotopic compositions (δ15N-NO3, δ18O-NO3 and δ11B), pharmaceutical substances (caffeine, paracetamol…) and natural fluorescence as tools. Results strongly support each other regarding evidences of sewage contamination and agriculture and livestock farming waste occurrence in the basin, while reflecting the strong heterogeneity of landuse as observed on-site. Previous knowledge on hydrological dynamics is supported by collected data and reinforced by stream-by-stream discussions and estimate of the relative contribution of each surface streams to the spring water composition. / Erasmus+ traineeship at University of Liège
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Estudos hidroqu?micos da ?gua produzida de um determinado campo de petr?leo da bacia potiguarSena, Shirley Feitosa Machado 28 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / Petr?leo Brasileiro SA - PETROBRAS / Waste generated during the exploration and production of oil, water stands out
due to various factors including the volume generated, the salt content, the presence of oil
and chemicals and the water associated with oil is called produced water. The chemical
composition of water is complex and depends strongly on the field generator, because it
was in contact with the geological formation for thousands of years. This work aims to
characterize the hydrochemical water produced in different areas of a field located in the
Potiguar Basin. We collected 27 samples from 06 zones (400, 600, 400/600, 400/450/500,
350/400, A) the producing field called S and measured 50 required parameter divided
between physical and chemical parameters, cations and anions. In hydrochemical
characterization was used as tools of reasons ionic calculations, diagrams and they
hydrochemical classification diagram Piper and Stiff diagram and also the statistic that
helped in the identification of signature patterns for each production area including the
area that supplies water injected this field for secondary oil recovery. The ionic balance
error was calculated to assess the quality of the results of the analysis that was considered
good, because 89% of the samples were below 5% error. Hydrochemical diagrams
classified the waters as sodium chloride, with the exception of samples from Area A,
from the injection well, which were classified as sodium bicarbonate. Through
descriptive analysis and discriminant analysis was possible to obtain a function that
differs chemically production areas, this function had a good hit rate of classification was
85% / Dos res?duos gerados durante a explora??o e produ??o de petr?leo, a ?gua se
destaca devido a v?rios fatores, entre eles o volume gerado, o conte?do salino, a presen?a
de ?leo e de produtos qu?micos e essa ?gua associada ao petr?leo ? denominada ?gua
produzida. A composi??o qu?mica dessa ?gua ? complexa e depende fortemente do
campo gerador, pois a mesma esteve em contato com a forma??o geol?gica por milhares
de anos. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar hidroqu?micamente a ?gua
produzida em diferentes zonas de um campo localizado na Bacia Potiguar. Foram
coletadas 27 amostras provenientes de 06 zonas (400, 600, 400/600, 400/450/500,
350/400, A) produtoras do campo denominado S e medidos 50 par?mentos divididos
entre par?metros f?sico-qu?micos, c?tions e ?nions. Na caracteriza??o hidroqu?mica foi
utilizado como ferramentas c?lculos de raz?es i?nicas, diagramas de classifica??o
hidroqu?mica sendo eles o diagrama de Piper e o diagrama de Stiff e tamb?m a estat?stica
que auxiliou nas identifica??es de assinaturas padr?es de cada zona de produ??o inclusive
a zona que fornece a ?gua injetada nesse campo para a recupera??o secund?ria de
petr?leo. O erro do balan?o i?nico foi calculado para avaliar a qualidade dos resultados
das an?lises que foi considerada boa, pois 89% das amostras apresentaram erro abaixo de
5%. Os diagramas hidroqu?micos classificaram as ?guas como Cloretadas S?dicas, com
exce??o das amostras da zona A, proveniente do po?o injetor, que foram classificadas
como Bicarbonatadas S?dicas. Atrav?s da an?lise descritiva e da an?lise de discriminante
foi poss?vel a obten??o de uma fun??o que distingue quimicamente as zonas de produ??o,
essa fun??o apresentou uma boa taxa de acerto de classifica??o que foi de 85%
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Metodologias estat?sticas aplicadas a dados de an?lises qu?micas da ?gua produzida em um campo maduro de petr?leoMendes, D?bora Cosme Pereira 30 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-30 / Produced water is characterized as one of the most common wastes generated during exploration and production of oil. This work aims to develop methodologies based on comparative statistical processes of hydrogeochemical analysis of production zones in order to minimize types of high-cost interventions to perform identification test fluids - TIF. For the study, 27 samples were collected from five different production zones were measured a total of 50 chemical species. After the chemical analysis was applied the statistical data, using the R Statistical Software, version 2.11.1. Statistical analysis was performed in three steps. In the first stage, the objective was to investigate the behavior of chemical species under study in each area of production through the descriptive graphical analysis. The second step was to identify a function that classify production zones from each sample, using discriminant analysis. In the training stage, the rate of correct classification function of discriminant analysis was 85.19%. The next stage of processing of the data used for Principal Component Analysis, by reducing the number of variables obtained from the linear combination of chemical species, try to improve the discriminant function obtained in the second stage and increase the discrimination power of the data, but the result was not satisfactory. In Profile Analysis curves were obtained for each production area, based on the characteristics of the chemical species present in each zone. With this study it was possible to develop a method using hydrochemistry and statistical analysis that can be used to distinguish the water produced in mature fields of oil, so that it is possible to identify the zone of production that is contributing to the excessive elevation of the water volume. / A ?gua produzida caracteriza-se como um dos res?duos mais comuns gerados durante as fases de explora??o e produ??o de petr?leo. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver metodologias baseadas em processos estat?stico-comparativos de an?lises hidrogeoqu?micas de zonas de produ??o com o objetivo de minimizar tipos de interven??es de altos custos para realiza??o de teste de identifica??o de fluidos TIF. Para o estudo, foram coletadas 27 amostras de cinco zonas de produ??o diferentes e foram medidos um total de 50 esp?cies qu?micas. Ap?s as an?lises qu?micas foi aplicado o tratamento estat?stico aos dados, utilizando o Software Estat?stico R, vers?o 2.11.1. O tratamento estat?stico foi realizado em tr?s etapas. Na primeira etapa, o objetivo foi verificar o comportamento das esp?cies qu?micas em estudo em cada zona de produ??o atrav?s da an?lise gr?fica descritiva. A segunda etapa consistiu em identificar uma fun??o que classificasse as zonas de produ??o de cada amostra, utilizando An?lise Discriminante. Na etapa de treinamento, a taxa de acerto de classifica??o da fun??o da an?lise discriminante foi de 85,19%. A etapa seguinte do tratamento estat?stico dos dados utilizou An?lise de Componentes Principais para, atrav?s da redu??o do n?mero de vari?veis obtidas a partir da combina??o linear das esp?cies qu?micas, tentar melhorar a fun??o discriminante obtida na segunda etapa e aumentar o poder de discrimina??o dos dados, por?m o resultado n?o foi satisfat?rio. Na An?lise de Perfis foram obtidas curvas para cada zona de produ??o, baseadas nas caracter?sticas das esp?cies qu?micas presentes em cada zona. Com este trabalho foi poss?vel desenvolver uma metodologia utilizando a hidroqu?mica e a an?lise estat?stica que pode ser utilizada para distinguir a ?gua produzida em campos maduros de petr?leo, de forma que seja poss?vel identificar a zona de produ??o que est? contribuindo para a eleva??o excessiva do volume de ?gua.
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Řasy vodních nádrží v Novohradských horách / The algae of water basins i Novohradské horyPLOCOVÁ, Alena January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with six ponds, artificial snall lakes, (Mlýnský, Huťský, Pohořský, Uhlišťský rybník, Zlatá Ktiš a Kapelung) in the Novohradské mountains. They were studied at the interval of years 2004-2006. The basic hydrochemistries and variety of species of planktonic Algae and Cyanobacteria were analysed there. The volume of NH4-N was the highest in Mlýnský pond (20-76 ?g/l), which proves for a recent organic pollution. In other cases the rate was in range of 13-53 ?g/l. The most of NO2-N was again found in Mlýnský pond where its rate reached up to 420 ?g/l. The total amount of t-P was of the same rate in all the sites. It differed only slightly- 58-91 ?g/l. From the hydrochemical data follows that the most nutrients loaded is Mlýnský pond and the cleanest is Pohořský one The transparency (Seccki depth) of all the localities is also high (76-200 cm). It can be compared to the lakes of the Bavarian Forrest and the Bohemia Forest (Šumava). The proportion of N/P is usually between 7,0-29,8 (Chart 11), which shows evidence of limiting P (the most common limiting factor for phytoplankton in fresh waters). The total amount of found taxa (98) is comparable to e.g. lakes of the Bohemia Forest (260), this ara is however more explored. The largest amount of species is at Huťský pond (38) and the smallest one is at Uhlišťský pond (17). As a new species for the the Czech Republik was found Staurastrum arctiscon and Phaeospaera gelatinosa, than another interesting discovery is Vacuolaria penardii and Chloromonas nivalis (Scotiella nivalis). Also Dicranochaete sp. and Paulinella chromatophora are noticeable. The ponds of the Novohradské mountains are from the point ob view of hydrochemistry view unigue habitats. They make for refugium oligotrophic, rare and interesting species of Cyanobacteria and Algea and that is why they deserve proper protection.
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