Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hypo.""
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Avbördningsekvationer för sjöar utan vattenföringsmätningarAndersson, Simon January 2012 (has links)
Stage-discharge equations for lakes without disharge measurements Simon Andersson In 2015 all lakes, rivers, coastal water and groundwater should be of good ecological statusaccording to the water framework directive from the European Union. In the process ofimproving the quality of Swedish water bodies, knowledge of where problems occur isneeded in order to utilize the resources optimally. The ability of lakes to store water is animportant factor since it controls the flow of water through the country. A stage-dischargeequation is a mathematical relation between discharge from a lake and its water level. Bybetter understanding of stage-discharge equations for lakes, their storage capacity can bedescribed better in hydrological models. This master thesis aims to evaluate methods for determining stage-discharge equations forlakes where a variable amount of field measurements is available. The methods developed inthe project were evaluated by comparison with measured stage-discharge equations made bySMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute). First, relations between lakeproperties and stage-discharge equations were evaluated. In the second part of the project,tests were made to observe if a stage-discharge equation could be developed from data ofwater levels in a lake and modeled inflow to the lake. Finally, possibilities of estimatingstage-discharge equation through Sjölyftet were evaluated. Sjölyftet is a project financed bythe Swedish Public Employment Service in which unemployed people in Sweden makesimple hydrological measurements for SMHI. The results showed that the use of the same constant standard parameters for all lakes in thestage-discharge equation gives large errors. The use of catchment areas, lake areas and outletwidths gave better results than applying constant standard parameters in stage-dischargeequations. The best method for estimating stage-discharge equations was obtained whenmeasurements of water level for lakes where used. The measurements from Sjölyftet couldnot be evaluated properly because validation data were missing. Although, the data collectedfrom Sjölyftet might be useful in the future.
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Identifiering av fosfatfosfors käll- och flödesfördelning i ett litet jordbruksområde / Identification of phosphate phosphorus source and flow paths in a small agricultural catchmentRönnberg, Rasmus January 2012 (has links)
Eutrophication of lakes and streams are nowadays a well known environmental problem and implies an enrichment of the nutrients phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). Phosphorus is considered to be the most important component for the growth of aquatic plants and leads in too large quantities to an intensification of growth. Phosphate (PO4) is the fraction of phosphorus that can easiest be taken up by plants and thus have the greatest impact on eutrophication. Increased plant growth in lakes and unfavorable conditions for aquatic animals are two examples of negative consequences. A significant portion of the increased nutrient supply to nearby water can be derived to phosphate leaching from agricultural areas, where private sewers and agriculture is two main sources. How much of the diffuse leakage of phosphate derived from each source is uncertain. With an improved understanding of how the source and flow distribution of phosphate relationship works in an agricultural dominated catchment could a more cost efficient planning for choice of methods against leakage of the nutrient be achieved. The source and flow distribution of phosphate was therefore studied and a high resolution set of SMHI's hydrological model HYPE where set up over the area. Sampling of phosphate from different parts of the area where used together with modeled water flow and phosphate transport where calculated. Upstream and downstream dynamics of phosphate were compared during high water flow. Also sampling of the oxygen isotopic composition in phosphate ions from sewage and agricultural land were analyzed and used to estimate the source distribution at different situations of water flow. The collected information from these studies where used to identify from which source to phosphate and during which flow the leakage of phosphate where the most in the area. In addition to this an evaluation of the importance of the time and space resolution for the HYPE-model where made. Phosphate transports in space shows that the sewage-dominated basins where the areas that leak most phosphate per area unit and during low water flows. Agricultural areas account for more significant leakage during a high water flow. This is evident in autumn and winter and less evident during spring and summer. Oxygen isotopic composition of phosphate ions from wastewater and agricultural land could with a 99 % confidence be separated. This information was used for source separation of phosphate sources where sewage was the main source of water flow up to 23 l/s. At higher water flow increases agricultural land as a primary source and increases positively linearly with increasing water discharge. Both studies indicate that sewage accounts for the greatest leakage during low water. During a snow-melting period the phosphate leaching is highest at the beginning and gradually flushed out from the soil when the water flow remains high for several days in a row. The importance of a high resolution time and space step affected modeled data marginally positive in HYPE where time step had a more important role.
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Building hype: the musicking body in university bhangraSinger, Daniel Elliot 22 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores questions of identity and the body in performance in
collegiate competitive bhangra, a South Asian diasporic popular dance form, through the analytical frameworks of hype and the musicking body. I explore the relatively recent shift of bhangra from a club scene to a college-level, competitive context in order to understand the ways in which this contemporary bhangra still offers participants a meaningful expression of South Asian identity, when the context in which the music is produced and consumed seems to have changed dramatically from the original context in which the genre emerged as a popular cultural form in the UK in the 1970s and 1980s. I analyze the way in which hype, an intangible element of contemporary bhangra that is essential for successful performance, is built up and maintained through the embodied practices of the co-producers of bhangra.
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A Hip-Hop Joint: Thinking Architecturally About BlacknessCramer, Lauren 06 January 2017 (has links)
“A Hip-Hop Joint: Thinking Architecturally About Blackness” beings by recognizing that hip-hop visual culture’s rapid global expansion over the last four decades complicates its lasting connection to blackness. Instead of arguing that blackness is the content of contemporary hip-hop, this project considers blackness as the aesthetic that coheres the diffuse genre. Thus, blackness serves a distinctly architectural function in hip-hop visual culture—it is the architectonic logic of the genre. Therefore, this project illustrates the value of alternative definitions of blackness; specifically, this dissertation approaches blackness as a distinct set of spatial relations that can be observed in the many places and spaces hip-hop is produced and consumed. “A Hip-Hop Joint” argues blackness and hip-hop exist in a recursive loop: blackness generates the spatial organization of hip-hop and hip-hop is so racially charged that it produces blackness. As a result, hip-hop images can serve as the site for unexpected encounters with blackness—specifically, visualizing blackness in spaces that are not occupied by actual black bodies. Because visual culture organizes space through the positioning of the black body, this dissertation argues hip-hop images that defy the presumed appearance and visibility of blackness are not only capable of reconfiguring image relations, but also the aesthetics of anti-blackness. This project relies on black studies, visual culture studies, and architectural theory. The visual objects analyzed include: music videos directed by Hype Williams, Beyoncé’s “Formation,” WorldStarHipHop.com, William Pope.L’s “Claim,” the trailer for Apollo Brown’s Thirty Eight album, and “Until the Quiet Comes” directed by Kahlil Joseph.
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Hype inför produktlanseringar : En studie om konsumentbeteende hos Generation Y / Hype : En studie om konsumentbeteende hos Generation YVenegas Carrasco, Diego, Eriksson, Stefan January 2014 (has links)
Hype är inte ett nytt fenomen. Historiskt sett kan man identifiera flera produktlanseringar som lyckats skapa en hype bland människor. Vare sig det handlar om en spontan reaktion eller skicklig marknadsföring återstår det faktum att vissa produkter sprids betydligt mer än andra. Detta tycks leda till ett speciellt beteende hos konsumenterna.
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Evaluace adopce IT trendů v bankovnictví / Evaluation of IT trends adoption in retail bankingVondrová, Dagmar January 2016 (has links)
This research work examines trends that affect information technology in the Czech retail banking. The main objective is the evaluation of IT trends adoption in retail banking. To achieve this goal, interviews with IT professionals in the Czech retail banks and IT consultants in the field of banking were taken. Specific objectives were identification and consolidation of IT trends in the banking sector through the analysis of relevant sources identified in the research. Consolidation is using the methodology mentioned in book Trend Management Toolkit by author Kjear. Analysis of IT trends in banking aimed to describe the identified trends and their position on the Hype Cycle curve. First part of work consist of introduction, goals, assumptions, limitations and expected benefits, specifying the current state by conducting research. The theoretical part describes the key bank characteristics and trends influencing retail bank sector. Based on an analysis of selected reports work identifies key IT trends in banking and their consolidation. The practical part discuss the results of in-depth interviews conducted with people with long lasting experience in IT in banks. Usefulness of the results can be seen in the identification of current IT trends in banking and the creation of an analytical procedure for finding the most significant trends of all currently mentioned. Furthermore, in evaluating the state of IT adoption trends, which is currently expected by retail banks and considering possible further steps in this area. Leading to decisions about future investments or to strategy review.
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A Business Model Perspective on Additive Manufacturing / Ett affärsmodellsperspektiv på additiv tillverkningPORAT, INGRID, HOVSTADIUS, KLARA January 2018 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM) is an immature manufacturing technology which is often considered to have the potential of disrupting the manufacturing industry and many industrial companies are currently investigating how they can position themselves within the AM market. Technological innovations alone are often insufficient to fully exploit the benefits of new technology and requires to be accompanied with business model innovation. Consequently, companies face challenges to find guidance related to the application of AM; what to offer and to whom (value proposition), how to deliver such offering (value creation) and how to capture the profit (value capture) – that is, how to structure an AM business model. Therefore, this research investigates how large incumbent manufacturing companies tackle the emerging AM market from a business model perspective. The research unpacks the common themes within three business model components (value proposition, value creation and value capture) in the context of an AM business model, where theme 5 is contradicted by theory and by several other themes: 1. Immature demand 2. Internal cases as a starting point 3. Knowledge offerings 4. End-to-end solutions 5. Broad customer focus 6. Start in a technology niche, then expand 7. Invest in machines to learn AM 8. Change in designer mindset required 9. Partnerships to drive the AM market forward 10. A shift in power 11. Close customer relations 12. It is a race to the market The research is based on a multiple-case study consisting of 16 interviews at six different companies and two universities. / Additiv tillverkning (AM) är en omogen tillverkningsteknik som anses ha potential att kraftigt påverka den tillverkande industrin och många företag närmar sig nu AM för att undersöka hur de kan ta en stark position på marknaden. Teknologiska innovationer i sig är ofta otillräckliga för att till fullo utnyttja fördelar med ny teknik och därför krävs även innovation av affärsmodeller. Det kan vara svårt för företag att hitta argument och stöd för hur en affärsmodell inom AM ska struktureras, det vill säga avgöra vad som ska erbjudas och till vem (value proposition), hur erbjudandet ska levereras (value creation) och hur vinsten ska tillvaratas (value capture). Därför undersöker den här studien hur stora tillverkande företag möter den växande AM-marknaden utifrån ett affärsmodellsperspektiv. Forskningen påvisar gemensamma teman inom tre affärsmodellskomponenter (value proposition, value creation, value capture) i en AM-kontext, där tema 5 motsägs både av teorin och av flera andra teman: 1. Omogen efterfrågan 2. Starta med interna uppdrag 3. Kunskapserbjudanden 4. Helhetslösningar 5. Brett kundfokus 6. Börja i en tekniknisch, expandera sedan 7. Investera i maskiner för att bygga kunskap 8. Behov av förändring i designers tankesätt 9. Partnerskap för att driva AM-marknaden framåt 10. Maktpositionen skiftar 11. Nära kundrelationer 12. Det pågår ett race till marknaden Forskningen är baserad på en multipel fallstudie som inkluderar 16 intervjuer på sex olika företag och två universitet.
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Modellering av vattenflöden samt kväve- och fosforkoncentrationer från Krycklans avrinningsområde med HYPE-modellenSandqvist, Elin January 2012 (has links)
HYPE-modellen utvecklades som ett hjälpmedel för att uppfylla målet om att alla svenska vattendrag ska ha uppnått åtminstone god ekologisk status år 2015, enligt EU:s ramdirektiv för vatten. I HYPE-modellen delas avrinningsområdet in i markklasser, som definieras utifrån kombinationen av jordart och markanvändning/marktäckeklass. I modellen finns det många parametrar. Vissa av dem är generella för ett större område eller kan hämtas ifrån tidigare forskning, medan andra måste kalibreras för varje avrinningsområde. De parametrar som kalibreras beror i de flesta fall antingen av jordart eller av markanvändning eller marktäckeklass. Syftet i den här undersökningen var att kalibrera HYPE-modellen för ett mindre avrinningsområde samt undersöka avrinningsvägar och utvärdera den utförda kalibreringen. Det undersökta avrinningsområdet kallas Krycklan och ligger i Vindeln kommun i Västerbottens län. Det är ett avrinningsområde som huvudsakligen består av skog, men även innehåller inslag av jordbruksmark och myrmark. Kalibreringen gjordes i två steg, först för ett mindre delavrinningsområde och sedan för hela avrinningsområdet. Två avrinningskalibreringar gjordes för det mindre delavrinningsområdet. Kalibrering A utfördes med ansatsen att få en så hög anpassning som möjligt, med utgångspunkt i det statistiska måttet NSE, vilket är kvadratsumman av residualerna dividerat i den totala kvadratsumman. Kalibrering B gjordes i samråd med SMHI om rimlig storlek på parametervärdena, men gav ett sämre värde på NSE. För hela avrinningsområdet utfördes endast en kalibrering. Ett försök till modellering av kväve- och fosforhalter i avrinnande vatten gjordes även. Resultatet visade att det gick att få en kalibrering av modellen att följa uppmätt flöde väl, även på mikroskala. Skillnaden mellan kalibrering A och kalibrering B var att den första bättre fångade uppmätta flödestoppar, men gav ett för högt basflöde. För både blöta och torra år gick det att få en hög anpassning, men kalibreringen fungerade generellt sätt bättre för blöta år. Det var betydligt svårare för modellen att fånga variationen i kväve- och fosforkoncentrationer, men samband mellan modell och mätvärdena kunde ändå ses. / The HYPE-model was developed as an aid of achieving the goal of all Swedish watercourses should have reached at least well ecological status by the year of 2015, according to the EU Water Framework Directive. In the HYPE model, the catchment is divided into soil classes which are a combination of soil and land use. In the model, there are many parameters. Some of them are general for a larger area or can be obtained from previous research, while others must be calibrated for each catchment. The parameters to be calibrated depend in the most cases either on soil or land uses. The aim of this study was to calibrate and evaluate the HYPE model for a small catchment. The investigated catchment is called Krycklan and is located in the municipality of Vindeln in the province Västerbotten. The catchment consists mostly of forest, but there are also some agriculture and mire. The calibration was made in two steps, first on a small sub-basin and then to the entire basin. Two runoff calibrations were made for the smaller sub-basin. Calibration A was performed with the approach to obtain as high fit as possible, on the basis of the statistical measure NSE, which is the quadrate of the residuals divided in the quadrate of the total quadrate sum. Calibration B was made after consultation with SMHI (The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) of the adequate size of the parameter values. For the entire basin only one calibration was performed. An attempt at modelling of nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in runoff was also made. The results showed that it was possible to get the model to follow the measured flow well, even at the micro scale. The difference between calibration A and calibration B was that the first one was better to catch the measured flow peaks, but resulted in too high base flow. For both wet and dry years it was possible to obtain a high fit, but the model generally got better for the wet years. There was much more difficult for the model to capture variation in nitrogen and phosphorus, but the connection between the model and the measurements could still be seen.
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Byt skor : En studie om köpbeteende och kundvärde kring produkter som ännu inte lanserats / Change shoes : A study about buying behavior and customer value concerning products that have not been launchedJohansson, Jenny, Fawaz, Hiba January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vi utsätts för reklam dagligen och det är svårt för produkter att differentiera sig. Då vi även lever i ett förväntningssamhälle tror vi alltid att nästa produkt kommer vara bättre än den förra. Inom teknikområdet är det väldigt tydligt då vi ofta väntar på nästa lansering. Vilket gör att företagen marknadsför produkten långt innan den kommer ut. Det finns inte mycket forskning om produkter som inte lanserats men vi ser att det blir allt vanligare att man marknadsför sin produkt innan lansering. Syfte: Vi vill undersöka om teorierna gällande köpbeteende och kundvärde även är tillämpliga för produkter som ännu inte finns att köpa men marknadsförs innan lanseringen. Metod: Vi har studerat de teorier som idag finns etablerade avseende köpbeteende och kundvärde på marknaden. Vi har sedan använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in det empiriska materialet. Urvalet har gjorts med hjälp av det så kallade snöbollsurvalet och alla respondenter har anknytning till Högskolan i Jönköping. Vi analyserar vårt material utifrån hermeneutiken där vi använder vår egen förförståelse och kunskap i analysen. Teori: Vi utgår från teorier om köpbeteende och kundvärde i vår analys. Resultat: Det finns många olika bakomliggande faktorer till vad som påverkar konsumenten att köpa en produkt. Våra respondenter anger samma huvudsakliga faktorer som skäl till sitt köpbehov för den produkt som ännu inte fanns att köpa på marknaden, när studien påbörjades, som teorierna om köpbeteende och kundvärde anger för de produkter som redan har lanserats. Varumärket har lyckats kommunicera de värderingar som konsumenten uppskattar samt lyckats skapa lojalitet hos de flesta respondenterna. Vår slutledning är därför att teorierna gällande köpbeteende och kundvärde på marknaden även är tillämpliga för produkter som ännu inte finns att köpa men marknadsförs innan lanseringen. / Background: We are exposed to advertising on a daily basis and it is difficult for products to differentiate themselves. Since we also live in a expectation society, we believe that the next product will be better than the last. Within the technologic area, this is very clear: we often wait for the next launch. This leads to firms marketing their product long before it comes out on the market. There is not much former research on products that are not launched, but we see that it is increasingly common for people to advertise their product before launch. Objective: We want to examine if the theories regarding buying behavior and customer value are also applicable for products not yet available for purchase but are marketed before launch. Method: We have studied the theories that today are located on buying behavior and customer value in the market. We have then used the semi structured interviews to collect the empirical material. The selection was made using the so-called snowball sample, all respondents are related to Högskolan i Jönköping. We analyze our material on the basis of hermeneutics in which we use our own understanding and knowledge in the analysis. Theory: We start with the theories of buying behavior and customer value in our analysis. Results: There are many underlying factors that influence a consumer to buy a product. Our respondents use the same main factors as reasons to their buying need for the product that was not yet available in the market, when the study began, that the theories of buying behavior and customer value indicates for the products that have already been launched. The brand has managed to communicate the values that consumers appreciate and managed to create loyalty among most respondents. Our conclusion is therefore that the theories concerning buying behavior and customer value in the market also apply to products that are not yet available for purchase but are marketed before the launch.
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Kan den hydrologiska modellen S-HYPE användas för att beräkna grundvattennivåer med tillräcklig noggrannhet? / Can the hydrological model S-HYPE be used to calculate groundwater levels with sufficient accuracy?Lagergren, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) ansvarar för den nationella övervakningen av grundvattennivåer. I Grundvattennätet finns drygt 300 mätstationer där grundvattennivåer observeras två gånger varje månad. Grundvattensituationen i Sverige och grundvattenmagasinens fyllnadsgrad presenteras med kartor som konstrueras med data från de uppmätta grundvattennivåerna. För att öka detaljgraden i kartorna syftade detta arbete till att undersöka om beräkningar från den hydrologiska beräkningsmodellen S-HYPE kunde användas för att fylla ut med data där mätningar inte finns tillgängliga. Arbetet utfördes genom korrelationsanalyser mellan uppmätta och beräknade grundvattennivåer för att avgöra noggrannheten i S-HYPEs beräkningar av grundvattennivåer. Korrelationsanalyserna visade vilka egenskaper hos mätstationerna (miljövariabler) som gav upphov till avvikelser mellan beräknade och uppmätta nivåer. Två typer av modellerade grundvattennivåer har jämförts med uppmätta grundvattennivåer i SGUs Grundvattennät; grundvattennivåer som beräknas med avseende på arealandelarna av jordklasser och markanvändningen i varje delavrinningsområde (viktade medelgrundvattennivåer), samt grundvattennivåer som beräknas separat för varje specifik jordklass i ett delavrinningsområde. Resultaten visade att jordartsspecifikt beräknade nivåer gav bättre korrelation med uppmätta nivåer. Vidare analyser visade att S-HYPE beräknade nivåer i jordklassen grovjord med stor osäkerhet och att jordklassen kunde behöva delas upp för att öka modellens noggrannhet. En stark korrelation erhölls med beräknade nivåer i moränjordar där omättade zonen generellt är liten. Alla miljövariabler påverkade korrelationen mer eller mindre. Den känsligaste faktorn var dock den omättade zonens mäktighet, vilket visade sig då beräknade grundvattennivåer från S-HYPE blev för snabbreagerande när avståndet till grundvattennivån var stort. Speciellt tydligt blev det vid snösmältningen på våren då stor grundvattenbildning sker och mycket vatten under kort tid perkolerar till grundvattnet. / The geological survey of Sweden (SGU) is responsible for the national monitoring of groundwater levels. In the Groundwater network there are just over 300 stations where groundwater levels are measured twice each month. The groundwater situation in Sweden and the “degree of filling” of groundwater are presented with maps made with data from measured groundwater levels. To increase the amount of information in the maps, this work intended to examine if calculated data from the hydrological model S- HYPE could be used to fill the spatial and temporal gaps where measured data were not available. The work was performed with correlation analyzes to determine the accuracy of the calculated groundwater levels from S-HYPE. Correlation analyses indicated which site characteristics (environmental variables) of the monitoring stations that caused possible deviations in the correlation. Two types of modeled groundwater levels were compared to measured levels; groundwater levels that were calculated with respect to the proportions of soil classes and land uses in each sub-basin (weighted mean groundwater levels), and groundwater levels that were calculated separately for a specific soil class. The results showed that levels calculated for specific soils gave better correlation with measured levels. Further analyzes showed that S- HYPE calculated levels in coarse soils with considerable uncertainty and that this soil class needs to be better defined. A strong correlation was obtained with the calculated levels in till soils. All environmental variables influenced the correlation to some degree. The thickness of the unsaturated zone, however, was the most sensitive factor in the correlation, which was evident because the calculated groundwater levels from S- HYPE were too fast-responding when the groundwater level was deep. This became particularly clear during the spring snowmelt, when groundwater recharge is large, and a large amount of water percolates to the groundwater zone.
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