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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Small to large molecule speciation: Metallomics approaches stretch the horizons

Kroening, Karolin January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Elemental speciation and trace metal analysis using chemical separations interfaced to inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry

Day, Jason A. 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

A Novel Trace Elemental Analysis of Potassium Phosphates

Rohman, Joshua 28 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The investigation of high performance techniques and application to complex matrices using inductively coupled plasma spectrometry and the impact of urbanization on the Scioto River system

Rabb, Savelas 02 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Improving the Quality of LiDAR Point Cloud Data for Greenhouse Crop Monitoring

Si, Gaoshoutong 09 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Varifrån kommer metallerna i Vallentunasjön? / Sources of the metals in Lake Vallentuna

Bitar, Mriana January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Study of Optimal Deposition Conditions for an Inductively Coupled Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition (ICP-CVD) System

Zhang, Haiqiang January 2005 (has links)
No abstract provided. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (MEngr)

Les aérosols de pollution en zone urbaine et industrielle sous influence marine. Physico-chimie des particules

Rimetz, Juliette 06 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les grands ports de marchandises sont généralement proches de zones urbaines très peuplées et de zones industrielles comportant des raffineries de pétrole, des complexes métallurgiques, des cimenteries, et des transports par rail, par route et par mer. Ces activités font des domaines portuaires des sources très importantes de pollution de l'air. Les mesures de concentrations de NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, O<sub>3</sub> et des constituants chimiques de la matière particulaire (PM) ont été effectuées en 2005 et 2006 dans l'agglomération du port de Dunkerque dans le cadre de l'Institut IRENI. Dans des conditions de dépression atmosphérique, les vents dominants préservent l'air de la zone urbaine des émissions de la zone d'activité. Par contre dans des conditions anticycloniques, la faible dispersion ainsi que les phénomènes de brise de mer concentrent les émissions locales. Les analyses chimiques effectuées sur des échantillons de PM prélevées en fonction du diamètre aérodynamique (D<sub>a</sub>) des particules montrent que les ions (Na<sup>+</sup>, NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>, Cl<sup>-</sup>, NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>, SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2</sup>), les éléments métalliques (Fe, Zn, Pb, Cd, etc...) et les composés organiques (EC, OC) sont associés à des particules sub- et/ou supermicroniques. Les imageries Raman et d'émission X (MEBE-EDS) sont obtenues sur des particules individuelles des fractions 1

Spéciation du mercure dans les produits de la pêche par double dilution isotopique et chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à un spectromètre de masse à plasma induit (GC-ICP-MS) / Mercury speciation in seafood by double isotope dilution and gas chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (GC-ICP-MS)

Da fonseca Clemens, Stéphanie 15 September 2011 (has links)
Le mercure est un contaminant présent dans l'ensemble des compartiments de l'environnement et l'homme y est directement exposé via l'alimentation. Actuellement, les organismes gouvernementaux évaluent la sécurité des produits alimentaires en se basant essentiellement sur la concentration totale de cet élément. Cependant, la toxicité du mercure dépend, entre autre, de l'espèce absorbée (dont le méthylmercure, sa forme la plus toxique). Par conséquent, l'analyse de spéciation, c'est à dire la détection et quantification des différentes formes chimiques de cet élément, présente un intérêt croissant. Le principal objectif de ce projet a donc été de développer et de valider, sous assurance qualité, une méthode sensible et d'une grande exactitude, basée sur l'utilisation de la dilution isotopique. Elle sera par la suite appliquée comme méthode de référence par l'agence pour l'analyse en spéciation du mercure dans les produits de la pêche afin de permettre une meilleure évaluation des risques encourus par le consommateur. La première partie de ce travail a porté sur l'étude du cycle biogéochimique du mercure et de l'état de l'art des diverses méthodes de préparation de l'échantillon, de séparation et de quantification du Hg dans les matrices biologiques, afin d'émettre des choix analytiques. Ainsi, les principaux composés mercuriels susceptibles d'être retrouvés dans les produits de la pêche (le méthylmercure et le mercure inorganique) ont été déterminés par couplage GC-ICP-MS et une quantification par dilution isotopique. La seconde partie des travaux a été consacrée à l'optimisation de la méthode de préparation des échantillons et de la technique de quantification. Ces travaux sur différents matériaux de référence certifiés ont montré que des modifications de la distribution naturelle de l'échantillon pouvaient survenir dès l'étape d'extraction, préconisant un marquage isotopique avant extraction solide-liquide par digiPREP des espèces mercurielles et dérivation par propylation par le tétrapropylborate de sodium et agitation rotative. Les résultats expérimentaux ont été traités par dilution isotopique simple et multiple. Les teneurs obtenues ont été similaires, pour l'ensemble des matrices analysées, montrant que peu ou pas de transformation inter-espèces surviennent au cours de la procédure analytique. Une quantification par double marquage isotopique et dilution isotopique simple a donc été conservée. L'évaluation des critères analytique a démontré que la méthode est validée pour la spéciation du mercure dans les produits de la pêche, selon les normes françaises AFNOR NF V03-110 de 1998 et de 2010. La dernière partie des travaux a porté sur l'application de la méthode validée à la spéciation du mercure dans des échantillons biologiques réels, ainsi qu'à la participation à plusieurs essais interlaboratoires d'aptitudes organisés par le CSL-FAPAS sur un échantillon de thon en conserve et par l'IRMM sur le matériau IMEP-109 de homard. / Mercury is a contaminant which is found in all compartments of the environment and to which human beings are directly exposed when eating food. Government agencies assess the safety of food products by using total mercury concentrations. However, its toxicity depends on the species absorbed (among which methylmercury is its most toxic form). Therefore, the analysis of speciation, i.e. detection and quantification of different chemical forms of this element, is of high interest. The main objective of this project was to develop and validate, under quality assurance, a sensitive and highly accurate method, based on the use of isotope dilution. This method will then be applied as a reference method by the agency for speciation analysis of mercury in seafood, in order to better assess risks to the consumer. The first part of this work focused on the biogeochemical cycle of mercury and the state of art of the various methods of sample preparation, separation and quantification of Hg in biological matrices in order to make analytical choices. Thus, mercury compounds (methyl mercury and inorganic mercury) were determined by gas chromatography (GC) coupled with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) and quantified by isotope dilution. The second part of the work was dedicated to the optimization of the method of sample preparation and the quantification technique. The work was made on different certified reference materials and showed that changes of the natural distribution of the sample could occur during the extraction step. Therefore, isotopic tracers had been added to the sample before this step. Mercury species were extracted by a solid-liquid extraction by using a digiPREP and derivated by propylation using tétrapropylborate the sodium and a rotary agitation. Data were treated by simple and multiple isotope dilution. Achieved concentrations were similar for all analyzed matrices. Results showed that inter-species transformation hardly occurred during the analytical procedure. This was the reason why the use of two isotopic tracers for quantification by simple isotope dilution was kept. To end, the method was validated for the speciation of mercury in seafood, in respect with the French norms AFNOR NF V03-110 of 1998 and 2010. Finally, the work ended with the applicability of the validated method for mercury speciation analysis in real biological samples and our participation in several inter-laboratory proficiency tests organized by the CSL-FAPAS on a sample of tuna and by the IRMM on the material IMEP-109 (lobster).


CIBELE MARIA STIVANIN DE ALMEIDA 15 September 2008 (has links)
[pt] Diferentes métodos espectrométricos de análise, incluindo ICP OES, ICP-DRCMS e Q-ICPMS com técnicas hifenadas (geração de hidreto, vaporização eletrotérmica ou cromatografia de íons), foram aplicados na caracterização química de 16 óleos e 41 amostras de efluentes aquosos de uma refinaria de petróleo. O objetivo específico deste estudo foi o de entender o comportamento do selênio (Se) e de suas espécies químicas ao longo do processo de geração e tratamento dos efluentes desta unidade industrial. A caracterização química multielementar das amostras por ICP-MS revelou uma composição muito complexa da maioria deles, com altas salinidades e potenciais interferentes espectrais e não espectrais presentes. Por isso, foi necessária uma reavaliação crítica das técnicas analíticas para a determinação de Se e de suas espécies. As técnicas de ICP-DRC-MS, utilizando CH4 como gás de reação, e de ETVICPMS mostraram o seus potencial para a determinação de Se com melhores limites de detecção (cerca de 0,05 ug L-1 para ambas), mas também as suas limitações na análise de efluentes com altas salinidades. Nas 16 amostras de petróleo analisadas, verificou-se uma grande variabilidade nas concentrações de Se total, cobrindo uma faixa de < 10 ug kg-1 até 960 ug kg- 1, a qual poderia explicar também a carga muito variável deste elemento nos efluentes das diferentes unidades de tratamento. As maiores concentrações de Se total foram encontradas nas águas ácidas, com concentrações de até 1714 ug L-1. Confirmou-se a predominância de SeCN - na maioria das amostras analisadas, mas observaram-se também outras espécies com tempos de retenção diferentes das espécies Se(IV), Se(VI) e SeCN-, especialmente nos efluentes da estação de tratamento de despejos industrais (E.T.D.I.). Em amostras ácidas, identificou-se Se coloidal (Seº) formado pela decomposição de SeCN-, ou de outras espécies pouco estáveis nestas condições. Experiências de bancada com soluções de SeCN- apoiaram esta hipótese. Foi constatada, que o perfil de especiação de amostras coletadas num mesmo local de processamento, mas em épocas diferentes, pode variar significativamente, o que torna difícil a comparação de dados obtidos neste trabalho com os de outros autores. / [en] Different spectrometric methods of analysis, including ICP OES, ICP-DRC-MS and Q-ICP-MS, the latter hyphenated to hydride generation, eletrothermal vaporization or ion chromatography have been appliesd to the chemical characterization of 16 crude oils and 41 effluents samples from a petroleum refinery. The specific objective of this study was to get information on the behavior of selenium (Se) and its species along the different processes of generation and treatment of the effluents.Multielemental characterization of effluents by ICP-MS revealed a complex composition of most of them, with high salinity and potential spectral and non spectral interferents present. For this reason, a critical reassessment of the analytical techniques for the determination of total Se and its species was necessary. DRC-ICP-MS and ETV-ICPMS, using CH4 as cell reaction gas, showed their potential for the determination of Se with better detection limits (about 0,05 ug L-1), but also their limitations for the analysis of effluents with high salinity. A large variability in the concentration of Se was observed in the 16 analysed crude oil samples (< 10 ug kg-1 Se until up to 960 ug kg-1), which may explain also the varying concentrations measured in the effluents. Highest concentrations of selenium were measured in samples from the treatment unit for acid waters (up to 1.714 ug L-1). The predominance of selenocyanate (SeCN-1) was confirmed in most of the effluent samples analysed, but also several other species with retention times different from Se(IV), Se(VI) e SeCN - were observed, especially in samples from the treatment plant. Colloidal Se (Seº) was identified in acid waters, probable formed by decomposition of SeCN - or other unstable species under these conditions. Laboratory experiments with selenocyanate solutions confirmed this hypothesis. The speciation profile of samples collected at the same point, but at different time intervals, showed significant variations, not allowing easy comparison of the results obtained in this work with those of other authors.

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