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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Politika Spojených států amerických vůči nelegální migraci z Mexika (2001-2008) / The Politicy of the United States toward Illegal Immigration from Mexico (2001-2008)

Nováková, Iva January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation deals with immigration policy of the United States toward illegal immigration from Mexico during the presidency of George W. Bush. It aims to answer the question whether the policy had at all changed when compared to the previous administrations, and whether the terrorist attacks from 9/11 had any effect on the issue. The paper also discusses reasons why comprehensive immigration reform has not been accepted yet. In order to answer those questions, the thesis analyzes American perception of immigrants and characterizes interests of pressure groups and political parties in immigration.


葛廣薇, Ke, Kuang Wei Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:非法移民、非法外來人口、收容、非刑事拘禁、人身自由、家庭權、平等權、法官保留、正當法律程序、異議、追究、提審 近年來,我國隨著人權國際化的發展,特別是在兩公約施行法公布之後,非法外來人口的收容問題成為熱門的人權議題之ㄧ,因此,引發作者研究的動機。 由於我國國情特殊,外來人口並不限於「外國人」或「無國籍人」,尚包含「無戶籍國民」、「大陸地區人民」、「香港居民」與「澳門居民」等類人士;次查,該等外來人口來臺,未必都有「移民」的意圖,為周延起見,因此,本文將「非法移民」一詞改稱為「非法外來人口」。 經查目前我國非法外來人口以「外國人」與「大陸地區人民」居多,故本文的研究對象乃聚焦於該兩種人士。另外,本文將收容對象限縮於「已入境」且「違反移民法規」的非法外來人口,並將「收容」定義為「主管機關為達成遣返任務,於遣返前,將非法外來人口暫時留置於收容處所的行政行為」,因此,非法外來人口收容之法律性質,為行政處分,屬遣返非法外來人口前之暫時性行政保全措施,不具裁罰性,故非屬行政罰,當然,更非屬刑事處分,自應與刑事訴訟法之「羈押」有所區別。 本論文計分「緒論」、「收容制度之外國借鏡」、「我國收容制度」、「受收容人基本權之保障與衝突」、「收容實務現況及其困境」、「我國收容在合憲性之探討」、「收容與行政救濟」及「結論與建議」等八章。 首先,由美、日及其他世界主要國家對於非法移民的收容制度觀察,發現大多數國家對於非法移民之收容並未採行「法官保留」制度,各國對於收容期限的規定也不一致,而隨著非法移民的日漸增多,近年各國對於非法移民的防杜、查緝與管理,亦較以前積極且嚴格。 我國收容制度主要分為對外國人(含一般外國人與外籍勞工)與對大陸地區人民兩大類,分別由入出國及移民法第38條、就業服務法第68條第4項及臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例(以下簡稱兩岸條例)第18條規範。就外國人與大陸地區人民收容制度之比較發現,二者其實大同小異。有關收容處分機關、法律性質、期間、處分方式、收容處所、對於已取得居留許可且具備一定要件之受處分人遣返前得召開審查會審查、給予當事人陳述意見之機會以及在收容處所內之處遇均相同;主要差異在於「收容要件」、「異議程序之有無」、「折抵刑期或罰金額數之程序」、「驅逐出國(強制出境)前,應否先經司法機關之同意」等程序,此外,大陸地區人民之強制出境,因二十年來,兩岸依循金門協議機制定期運作,尚未發生無法遣返問題,故兩岸條例並無類似外國人得因無法遣返而廢止收容處分之規範。 基本權利的保障,應遵守「層級化法律保留原則」與「重要性理論」,而法益衝突問題,則應依人權調整原理處理。受收容人之基本權利保障與法益衝突,亦應遵守前述法理加以處理,本文爰以受收容人之人身自由、家庭權與平等權三面向加以探討。 繼之,由收容相關處理流程、近4年外國籍與大陸籍受收容人之人數與平均收容天數、外國籍涉案與未涉案人數與比例、收容天數的比較等統計數據,呈現收容實務的現況,並簡要敘述收容行政所面臨的困境及主管機關移民署所做的具體改善措施(包含研擬入出國及移民法修正草案等)。 有關收容的合憲性,分為「法官保留與受收容人之人身自由」、「令從事勞務與工作權保障」、「收容期間與明確性原則」、「刑期折抵與羈押之錯置」、「概括條款之濫用」與「刑事收容之新構思」六方面論述,研究結果發現,現行收容相關規定之合憲性與適法性,尚無疑義。惟查,具體個案執行上,對於涉及刑案之受收容人的「延長收容」,發現有單純僅為順應司法機關犯罪偵審需要而為,並未嚴格審視收容是否具備「保全遣返必要性」之前提要件,與立法目的尚屬有間,恐有違反比例原則之虞。次查,現行規定中,「令從事勞務」一詞,容易引人誤解有侵害工作權之虞,且不符實務現況;而「收容天數得刑期折抵」的權宜措施,不但不能消除「以收容代替羈押」有侵害人權的疑慮,反而,更混淆了收容的法律性質,也讓司法機關有藉口將涉及刑案之非法外來人口「責付」行政機關「收容」,使問題更形嚴重;至於入出國及移民法第38條第1項第4款之概括規定,也容易使收容變相成為刑事追訴之保全機制。凡此種種,均待澈底檢討。 關於非法外來人口收容的行政救濟方面,本文則分別就「異議」、「訴願」、「行政訴訟」、「國家賠償」、「提審」與「追究」等面向觀察,研究發現受收容人提起行政救濟的案例不多,而就實務案例觀察,現行救濟程序對於受收容人之權益保障,確實有緩不濟急的現象發生,亟待改善。 本文對於現行非法外來人口收容法制,歸結如下: 一、非法外來人口收容,未採「法官保留」原則,並未違反憲法第八條之規定,其合憲性尚無疑慮。 二、現行非法外來人口收容法制,符合「公民與政治權利國際公約」相關規定,亦無適法性問題。 三、程序權保障部分 現行非法外來人口收容法制中,有關外國人與大陸地區人民之程序權保障規定未盡一致,且欠缺公正第三人介入審查之強制機制,應加以改善。 四、欠缺事後即時司法審查機制 非法外來人口收容,性質上屬「非刑事拘禁」,受收容人除得依憲法第8條第4項規定向法院聲請「追究」外,亦得依公民與政治權利國際公約第13條規定聲請法院「提審」,惟查,現行提審法、行政訴訟法、法院組織法等法規尚欠缺相關配套機制,有賴司法機關正視並積極建置。 五、刑事程序與行政程序應有所區隔 現行規定,將偵審中或待服刑之犯罪嫌疑人或刑事被告,納入得收容之對象,而遣返刑案被告前,又必須得到司法機關之同意,而收容延長之次數亦未明文限制,收容日數並得折抵刑期,不但再再混淆收容之法律性質,也是遭來「以收容代替羈押」批評的導火線。為切合收容之立法目的,提升人權保障,本文認為對於涉刑案之非法外來人口,應依「先刑事後行政」原則辦理,收容對象應限縮為單純待遣返之非法外來人口。 六、得命服勞役之規定,未切合實務現況,且容易引發侵害人權之誤解,應配合兩公約施行法之公布施行,儘速刪除之。 七、非法外勞收容之法源依據亟待修正 經查就業服務法迄未配合移民署之成立而加以修正,為符法制,減少疑義,勞政與立法機關應積極推動修法事宜。 至於本文對於非法外來人口收容法制之主要建議如下: 一、對於移民法、兩岸條例之修正建議 (一)收容對象應修正為以「單純等待遣返之非法外來人口」為限,刪除司法機關得將涉及刑案且尚待偵審之非法外來人口「責付」移民署收容之規定。 (二)刪除「遣返前應經司法機關同意」之規定。 (三)刪除「收容日數得折抵刑期或罰金」之規定。 (四)俟司法院建置「追究」或「提審」等事後即時司法審查機制後,刪除「收容異議制度」。 (五)於入出國及移民法修正草案中,增列大陸地區人民與港澳居民得「準用」外國人收容相關規定。 二、建議司法院研修提審法、法院組織法與行政訴訟法,建立非法外來人口收容「追究」、「提審」等事後即時司法審查機制;此外,為提升對於涉及刑案受收容人之權益保障,則建議司法院研修刑事訴訟法,針對觸犯微罪且有逃亡或逃亡之虞之犯罪嫌疑人或被告,增列「刑事收容」制度,以符刑事偵審實需。 三、建議勞委會儘速修正就業服務法相關法規,增列移民署查緝、收容非法外勞之法源依據,並建置完善之外籍勞工相關制度,減少非法外勞之發生率。 四、修正國家安全法第3條不合時宜之規定。 五、行政院應建置跨部會整合平台,釐定完整妥適之移民政策後,相關部會應配合修訂移民配套法規。 / Keywords: illegal immigration, illegal alien population, detention, liberty, family rights, equal rights, due process of law, dissent, legal investigation, Habeas Corpus In the recent years, Taiwan, following the international development in human rights and especially after the release of Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (hereby referred to as the “Two Covenants”) has started the popular discussion of illegal alien population detention. This paved the way to the subject of my thesis. Because of Taiwan's special political situation, the immigrant population is defined as not only "foreigners" or "stateless people", but also as "non-permanent nationals", "Mainland citizens", "Hong Kong residents", "Macao residents" and other categories of people. The foreign population that comes to Taiwan may not all have "migration intent”, so for the sake of being thorough, in this thesis, the term "illegal immigrants" will be changed to the broader term of "illegal aliens." As the current investigation shows illegal alien population is mostly from Mainland China and foreign countries, this study will focus on these two groups. Aliens that can be “detained” are limited in this study to illegal aliens that have entered Taiwan and have violated immigration laws. The term “detention" is defined as "an administrative act of keeping illegal aliens in temporary premises during pre-removal process until their repatriation”. The detention of illegal alien population is an executive sanction given prior to the repatriation of illegal aliens. It is a temporary executive protection measure, not a punitive one. It is not an administrative penalty and a non-criminal sanction. It differs from the term “custody” of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The thesis is divided into the following eight sections: 1. Introduction 2. Foreign-Based Detention System 3. Taiwan’s Detention System 4. Basic Human Rights of the Detained Aliens and Their Conflicts 5. Plight of Current Detention Practices 6. Constitutionality of Taiwan’s Detention System 7. Remedies for Detaining and Executive Practices 8. Conclusions and Recommendations In the first place, most of the detention systems in the United States, Japan and other developed countries in the world do not adopt the " Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes " system. The periods for detention around the world are also different. As the number of illegal immigration cases increases in these countries, the prevention, investigation and management of illegal immigration have also become more proactive and stricter than ever before. Taiwan's detention system can be subdivided into two major groups, foreigners (including foreign workers) and Chinese Mainlanders, overseen by the Immigration Act Section 38 of the Employment Service Law Article 68, Paragraph 4, and the Taiwanese and the Mainland Regional Relations (hereinafter referred to as Cross Strait Ordinance) Article 18. The detention system for foreigners and Mainlanders are essentially the same in Taiwan. They both share the same agencies for detention, regulations, detention duration, decisions, detention locations, resident alien pre-repatriation reviews, opportunities for legal defense, and detention treatment. The main differences between the two groups are: the requirements for detention, the presence or absence of objection procedures, the procedure for sentence set-off or penalty fines, the requirement of judicial consent prior to expulsion (forced exit) from the country, and other similar processes. In the last two decades, through the Golden Gate Agreement between Taiwan and Mainland China, there are regularly scheduled forced exits of Mainlanders from Taiwan. Repatriation of Mainlanders has not had any issues yet. That is why there has not been the need for regulations stopping their detention due to inability to repatriate them like in the cases of foreigners. The protection of fundamental rights should comply with "the hierarchy of legal reservation" and "the importance theory". The conflicts among legal interests should be adjusted in accordance with human rights principles. And the fundamental rights of the detained people should be addressed by the past legal principles. This thesis will cover three directions: people's personal freedom, family rights and equal rights. Through detention-related processes, the statistical comparisons between the number of detained aliens and average days in the detention centers of foreign nationals and Mainlanders, and the statistical comparison between foreign nationals involved and not involved in detention and the number of days in detention, one can see the current condition of detention and can describe the difficulties faced by the Administration and the implementation of specific improvement plans (including entry and exit information, drafts to amend the Immigration Act sent to the Legislature, etc.) by the various related authorities within the Department of Immigration. The constitutionality of the detention is divided into six discussion topics: "Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes and Detainee’s Personal Freedom", "Right to Work and Protection of that Right", "Clear Detention Period," "Difference Between Sentence Set-Off and Detention," "Abuse of General Terms" and "Constructive Thoughts of Criminal Custody". From my research, the constitutionality and applicability of existing regulations are clear. However, during actual prosecution of individual cases, detained aliens involved in criminal cases may "extend detention" and are tried simply as criminal cases, not evaluating beforehand the necessity of repatriation, whether there is a gap with the legislative goal and whether it violates the principle of proportionality. In current regulations, the phrase “serve labor sentence” easily leads to misunderstanding that there exists labor rights violation. And the implementation of right to off-set imprisonment by detention days not only does not eliminate the question of whether administrative detention replaces imprisonment has human rights violation, but it confuses the nature of detention laws. It also lets judicial agencies use criminal cases involving illegal aliens to be part of Administrative agencies’ responsibility, worsening the problem. The Border Entry and Exit and Immigration Act Article 38, Section 1, paragraph 4, also easily transforms detention into a mechanism of shielding against criminal prosecution. All this should be reviewed and analyzed in its entirety. Concerning the detained illegal aliens’ executive relief, this thesis will analyze from the points of "dissent", "petition", "executive action", "National Compensation", "Habeas Corpus" and "accountability". Studies found there are not too many cases of executive relief filed by the detained aliens. From observing the practical cases, the current relief program for the protection of the detained aliens’ rights is quite slow and needs improvement. The detention laws regarding the current illegal alien population can be summarized as followed: 1. Although the detention of illegal alien population does not to adopt "Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes " principle, it does not violate the provisions of Article 8 of the Constitution and there is no doubt of its constitutionality. 2. The current detention laws of illegal alien population fit the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights," and related provisions, there is no issue of applicability. 3. The part related to the protection of process right In the current laws related to detention of illegal aliens, the sections related to foreigners and Mainlanders that guarantee the process right are not entirely consistent, and they lack the enforcement mechanism of requiring reviews by impartial third parties. This should be improved. 4. Lack of mechanism that requires immediate judicial review The detention of illegal alien population is a "non-criminal detention". Article 8 of the Constitution, Paragraph 4 provides that illegal aliens may ask the Court for investigation; or the alien may ask for a judicial habeas corpus according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 13. The current Habeas Corpus, Administrative Procedure Laws, Court Organization Laws and other related regulations still need supporting structure and that responsibility falls on the judiciary branch to address directly and actively. 5. The separation of criminal and administrative procedures Existing regulations consider aliens in the mist of investigation, alien suspects awaiting sentencing, and criminal alien defendants are possible subjects for detention. There must be judicial consent prior to repatriation of criminal case defendants. However the fact that limitation on the number of times that detention may be extended has not been clearly set and that the days in the detention may set off the imprisonment not only creates massive legal confusion, but also invites criticism that "detention is now replacing imprisonment". To meet the legislative goal of establishing detention laws to enhance human rights, this thesis argues for the illegal aliens involved in criminal cases should first be tried as criminals, then as administrative defendants. And detention laws should be limited to repatriation of illegal alien population only. 6. Regulations requiring serving labor sentence do not fit current reality or practices. This easily leads to misunderstanding of human rights violation. It should be deleted immediately. The regulations should be compatible with the release of the Two Covenants. 7. The laws related to illegal alien workers detention should be corrected The Employment Service Act is not consistent with the establishment of the Department of Immigration. The Act should be amended to meet the current legal system and reduce ambiguity. Labor Administration and Legislative agencies should proactively promote the amendment of this Act. The main recommendations for the legal system around detention of illegal aliens are: A. Suggested amendments for immigration laws and cross-strait ordinance (a) Candidates for detention should be amended to accommodate illegal aliens that are simply awaiting repatriation. The need for judicial involvement should be deleted. And illegal aliens involved in criminal investigation and hearing should be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Immigration. (b) The regulation requiring judicial consent prior to repatriation should be deleted. (c) The allowance for reducing length of sentence or fines by detention days should be removed. (d) After the Judicial Branch establishes investigation and habeas corpus and the judicial review, there should not be a separate detention system. (e) During border entries and exits and during immigration law amendments, more provisions for detaining illegal foreign aliens should apply to Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao residents. B. The Judicial Branch should analyze and edit current habeas corpus laws, court organization laws and administrative procedure laws in order to establish immediate judicial review process after illegal aliens enters custody. In addition, to improve the protection of the rights of the detaining aliens who are involved in criminal cases, the Judicial Ministry should review and edit criminal proceedings laws and add “criminal custody” system to meet current needs. C. The Council of Labor Affairs should amend as soon as possible the Employment Services Act and related regulations, to increase additional investigation by the Department of Immigration, detention laws related to illegal alien workers, and build a complete legal system for foreign workers in order to reduce cases of illegal foreign workers. D. Section 3 of the National Security Act is obsolete and should be amended to reflect current reality. E. The Executive Branch should build cross-agency integration platform, determining the suitable immigration policies, and relevant departments need to support the amended immigration regulations.

The national security implications of illegal immigration to South Africa

Vermaak, Corneluis Grugorius Buitendag 21 September 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study is to confirm whether illegal immigration to South Africa is being regarded as a threat to national security and to analyse the implications thereof. The dissertation presents three assumptions to be explored and tested, namely: <ul> <li>Illegal immigration poses a growing threat to South Africa’s national security. The latter is due to an increase in the number of illegal immigrants entering the country as well as their seemingly increasing involvement in especially violent crime.</li> <li>The South African government does not adequately acknowledge the threat potential of illegal immigration with regard to the country’s national security status and as such adequate measures are not being taken to curb the influx of illegal immigrants.</li> <li>Violent attacks on foreigners in South Africa have been seen as xenophobia, however, specific factors exist that contributed to these attacks.</li> </ul> The study is conducted and contextualised in terms of the theory of national security, more specifically as it applies to developing countries. It aims to analyse the security implications of illegal immigration for South Africa, with specific reference to the involvement of foreigners in crime in South Africa and also focus on the political implications, more especially the role of foreigners in fomenting political violence. The study accepts the notion that the phenomenon is multi-dimensional and that it cannot be divorced from its socio-economic implications. Reference is therefore made to the political, social, economic and crime dimensions. The dissertation also focuses on the official and public views on illegal immigration and analyse measures adopted by the South African government to address the issue. The study predominantly focuses on the period 1994 to 2008 in an effort to demonstrate the extent of the increase in the number of illegal immigrants to South Africa following the advent of the new dispensation. It further attempts to ascertain whether this increase could be linked to the rise in incidences of violent crime in South Africa during the period in question. AFRIKAANS : Die doel van die studie is om te bepaal of onwettige immigrasie na Suid Afrika toenemend beskou word as ‘n bedreiging vir nasionale veiligheid en, tweedens, om die implikasies daarvan te analiseer. Die studie stel drie aannames voor vir toetsing en verdere bespreking, naamlik: <ul> <li>Onwettige immigrasie bedreig Suid Afrika se nasionale veiligheid toenemend. Laasgenoemde stelling is gebaseer op die toename in die getal onwettige immigrante wat Suid Afrika binnekom, sowel as aan die betrokkenheid van onwettige immigrante in misdaad (veral geweldadige misdade) in Suid Afrika.</li> <li>Die Suid Afrikaanse regering beskou die potensiële bedreiging van onwettige immigrasie vir nasionale veiligheid nie met die nodige erns nie en gevolglik word die nodige maatrëels nie ingestel om die toenemende instroming van omwettige immigrante na Suid Afrika te bekamp nie.</li> <li>Geweld teenoor vreemdelinge in Suid Afrika word alom gesien as xenofobies van aard, alhoewel spesifieke faktore teenwoordig is wat bydra tot sulke aanvalle.</li></ul> Die studie is gebaseer op die teoretiese beginsels van nasionale veiligheid en meer spesifiek soos dit van toepassing is op ontwikkelende lande. Die studie poog om die veiligheidsimplikasies van onwettige immigrasie na Suid Afrika te analiseer, met spesifieke verwysing na die betrokkenheid van onwettige immigrante by misdaad in Suid Afrika. Daar word ook gefokus op die politieke gevolge, insluitend die opvatting dat vreemdelinge betrokke is by, of bydra tot politieke spanning in sekere gemeenskappe. Die studie aanvaar die beginsel dat onwettige immigrasie multi-dimensioneel is en dat dit onlosmaaklik verbonde is aan die sosio-ekonomiese impak daarvan. Gevolglik word verwys na die politieke, sosiale, ekonomiese en misdaad impak van onwettige immigrasie. Die studie fokus verder ook op die amptelike en nie-amptelike standpunte oor onwettige immigrasie en analiseer die maatrëels deur die Suid Afrikaanse regering ingestel ten einde die vraagstuk aan te spreek. Die studie fokus oorwegend op die periode 1994 tot 2008 ten einde die toename in die getal omwettige immigrante wat die land sedert 1994 binnegekom het, aan te dui. Verder poog die studie om vas te stel of daar ‘n verband bestaan tussen die toename in onwettige immigrante en ‘n toename in geweldadige misdaad in Suid Afrika in die periode onder bespreking. Copyright / Dissertation (MSS)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Political Sciences / unrestricted

Multikulturalita firem v EU / Multiculturality (multiculturalism) of the companies in the EU

Zadražilová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is Multiculturalism of the companies in the European Union as one of the approach of managing cultural diversity. The aim of the thesis is to provide an overview on different approaches to this topic based on different materials already published as well as on good practices used in the companies. The main question of the thesis is: DO the companies on the EU market go toward the model of multicultural organization? The thesis contains of four parts. The first one explains most important terms which are multiculturalism, diversity and diversity management. It also summarizes the brief history of diversity management as well as the importance of managing diversity. It explains also the factors creating the interest of cultural diversity and its management. The second part explains the perspective of the EU. It elaborates recent demographic changes as one of the external factors influencing the attitude toward managing diversity. It explains also the Immigration Policy of the EU in more details. EU legislation focusing on discrimination and equal opportunities is also part of this chapter. The third chapter focuses on diversity from the organizations point of view. It explains the Cox model as one of the theories of dividing companies based on their approach to cultural diversity. It also describes the main techniques used for the transition to multicultural company. The part of this chapter focuses also on multicultural teams and their performance. The last chapter of the thesis describes good practices in managing cultural diversity of the companies on the EU market and the particular tips created by EU to help small and medium enterprises to manager diversity.

La sécurité intérieure européenne et la lutte contre l'immigration clandestine: contribution à l'analyse des modes de légitimation de l'ordre politique européen

Duez, Denis 07 February 2007 (has links)
La thèse est une étude du processus de sécurisation de l’immigration clandestine à l’œuvre dans l’Union européenne. Elle s’attache à expliquer la tension, voire la contradiction, existant entre l’ambition et la fermeté du discours européen sur le contrôle de l’immigration illégale, d’une part, et le risque politique intrinsèquement lié à ce choix, d’autre part. La prétention au contrôle des flux migratoires clandestins apparaît en effet largement illusoire tant en raison de l’ampleur et de la nature des flux concernés que de la faiblesse des moyens effectivement mis en œuvre par l’Union européenne. <p><p>Au départ d’une grille d’analyse s’appuyant sur une lecture critique des approches constructivistes de la sécurité, la politique européenne de lutte contre l’immigration clandestine est interprétée comme étant l’expression d’un « discours de sécurité » forgeant des représentations sociales insécurisantes des migrants clandestins. Cette production sociale du « péril migratoire » est examinée sous l’angle des enjeux de légitimité entourant la création de l’espace européen de liberté, de sécurité et de justice. Dans ce cadre, nous soulignons que la lutte contre l’immigration l’illégale ne peut se réduire à son objectif explicite – la maîtrise des flux – mais qu’elle participe également d’un mécanisme classique de légitimation du corps politique supposant la définition d’une figure menaçante de l’altérité. Le « clandestin » représente dans cette optique un « objet insécurisant » consensuel qui émerge dans le champ européen au terme d’un processus de formation d’une volonté politique fonctionnant sur le mode du plus petit dénominateur commun. Agrégeant les inquiétudes exprimées à l’égard du terrorisme et de la criminalité transnationales mais aussi les préoccupations pour la stabilité économique, sociale et culturelle des sociétés européennes, cette figure permet de rassembler les États membres autour d’un projet sécuritaire commun. Elle contribue de ce fait à l’émergence d’une dynamique de type ami-ennemi reposant sur une opposition croissante entre un « Autre » incarné par le clandestin et un « Nous » qui, à défaut d’être culturellement homogène, se trouve unifié par un sentiment d’insécurité collectivement partagé. <p> / Doctorat en sciences politiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Imigrační krize v Řecku 1990-2012 / Immigration Crisis in Greece 1990-2012

Koreček, Janis January 2013 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with current immigration crisis in Greece, which has not been examined in the Czech Republic so far. The macro-level analysis elaborates process of immigration to Greece with emphasis on the period 1990-2012. Causation of the immigration is clarified through historical-demographical, sociopolitical and legislative point of view. Greece was hit by immigration wave due to the process of globalization framework and the crisis is not inflicted exclusively by the Hellenic state. This is demonstrated by the elaboration of the European legislative system and the EU policy towards immigration. Contrary to this, the Hellenic failure regarding management of immigration policy is made of insufficient complexity and flexibility of national legislation and its slow development especially in 1990s. The other specific issue is rise of racism among Hellenes. Roots of xenophobia are examined by the conception of Hellenic nationality and historical-demographical method natural history, through which statistical data are put in the chronological order. Decision- making process and administration is exposed in part dealing with Hellenic immigration law. Analyzing immigration policy of all main political subjects on the background of radical right-wing electoral success in parliament...

A theological response to the "illegal alien" in federal United States law

Heimburger, Robert Whitaker January 2014 (has links)
Today, some twelve million immigrants are unlawfully present in the United States. What response to this situation does Christian theology suggest for these immigrants and those who receive them? To this question about the status of immigrants before the law, the theological literature lacks an understanding of how federal U.S. immigration law developed, and it lacks a robust theological account of the governance of immigration. To fill this gap, the thesis presents three stages in the formation of the laws that designate some immigrants as aliens unlawfully present or illegal aliens, drawing out the moral argumentation in each phase and responding with moral theology. In the first stage, non-citizens were called aliens in U.S. law. In response to the argument that aliens exist as a consequence of natural law, Christian teaching indicates that immigrants are not alien either in creation or for the church. In the second stage, the authority of the federal government to exclude and expel aliens was established, leaving those who do not comply to be designated illegal aliens. To the claim that the federal government has unlimited sovereignty over immigration, interpretations of the Christian Scriptures respond that divine sovereignty limits and directs civil authority over immigration. In the third stage, legal reforms that were intended to end discrimination between countries allowed millions from countries neighboring the U.S. to become illegal aliens. These reforms turn out to be unjust on philosophical grounds and unneighborly on theological grounds. While federal law classes many as aliens unlawfully present in the United States, Christian political theology indicates that immigrants are not alien, the government of immigration is limited by divine judgment, and nationals of neighboring countries deserve special regard.

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