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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du symbolisme comme chambre noire de l'imaginaire photographique / Symbolism : the darkroom of the photographic imagination

Mousset-Becouze, Chloé 04 July 2014 (has links)
Évoquer l'existence d'un imaginaire photographique pose un problème d'ordre idéologique quant au statut de la photographie. Pour tenter de démontrer l'existence de cet imaginaire, il faut se pencher sur un mouvement qui, en son temps, réfléchit à cette notion de manière fondamentale: le mouvement symboliste. Aussi est-il nécessaire de se demander en quoi le symbolisme est fondateur de l’imaginaire photographique ? A cette époque la photographie est largement intégrée dans un système positiviste, elle est la technique scientifique d’enregistrement par excellence, ayant pour trait caractéristique la mise hors circuit de la subjectivité de l’observateur. Le symbolisme, quant à lui, est à son apogée, autour des années 1880-90. Il va opposer au principe scientifique de classification, fondé sur la séparation et la différence, une conception philosophique tournée vers la recherche d’unité. Or les symbolistes, vont se servir de l’outil photographique. D’une part, ils réinvestissent d’un imaginaire et d’un esprit critique les photographies les plus scientifiques et « objectives » de l’époque. D’autre part certains deviennent eux-mêmes photographes et vont instituer la photographie comme une véritable expérience créatrice et poétique. Ces concepts demeurent plus ou moins vifs sur le long terme. Un ensemble de symboles et de démarches ont été réinvestis par la révolution surréaliste. Ceux-ci restent présents et fondateurs de la photographie contemporaine par leur réactualisation. Cette dernière ferait véritablement appel aux potentiels de l’imaginaire photographique déjà mis en place par le Symbolisme, remettant dès lors en question la manière impérialiste de voir et concevoir le réel. Le but de cette recherche, n’est pas d’affirmer que toute photographie est symboliste mais de déterminer quelle peut être aujourd’hui l’influence du symbolisme en photographie, à travers la mise en œuvre de concepts communs. Cette recherche se fonde sur une interrogation concernant l’imaginaire photographique. / To refer to the existence of a photographical imagination arises an ideological issue when bringing the status of photography into question. To try to demonstrate the existence of this imagination; consideration should be given to a movement fundamentally reflecting the notion of the symbolist movement. Therefore, would it be necessary to consider how symbolism is founder of the photographical imagination? At that time, photography widely fits into a positivist system, it is the best recording scientific technique. Hence, photography has emerged from the middle of the 19th century as a new type of objectivity whose main characteristic is the exclusion of the observer's subjectivity. As for Symbolism, it reached its peak around 80-90s. It will oppose a searching for unity philosophical conception with scientific classification principle, based on separation and difference. Despite that, Symbolists have chosen to use the photographical tool. On the one hand, they took into account the most scientific and objective photographs over that period in relation with imagination and critical acumen. On the other hand, some of them became themselves photographers and will even institute photography as a real creative and practical experience. However, these concepts remain more or less alive on the long run. A set of symbols and methods were taken into account by the surrealist revolution. Those remain present at the origin of the contemporary photography by their re-actualization. The contemporary photography would really require the photographical imagination potential that were already set up by Symbolism. Therefore, the imperialist way of feeling and imagining reality would be thrown back into question. The aim of this research is not to assert that photography is symbolist but to determine which influence of symbolism about photography may currently be through the use of common concepts. All in all, this research is based on questioning about the photographical imagination.

Paisagens lúdicas / Recreational landscapes

Suguimoto, Flávia Tiemi 17 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a entender a dimensão lúdica da paisagem em uma área localizada na divisa entre os municípios de Santo André e São Bernardo do Campo, região metropolitana de São Paulo. Nessa área encontra-se o Parque Estadual Chácara da Baronesa, consolidado apenas em 2014. Antes de sua abertura ao público era uma área abandonada há anos. Esse abandono da área possibilitou a invasão de pessoas na busca por local de moradia, em uma parte da área do parque, que se consolidou em uma favela. No entorno do parque e da favela localizam-se bairros residenciais, tanto em Santo André quanto em São Bernardo. A proposta da pesquisa foi estudar a favela e esse entorno. Como procedimentos metodológicos foram realizadas oficinas com os moradores da favela e do entorno, com crianças e adultos, pois entende-se que o elemento lúdico faz parte da dimensão humana em todas as idades. Como método complementar foi aplicado o teste do imaginário, o ATl-9, porque acredita-se que a compreensão do universo simbólico das pessoas pode revelar significados que nem sempre são expressos em entrevistas e conversas. Também foi desenvolvido um arcabouço teórico sobre os principais assuntos que embasam a pesquisa: o lúdico, a paisagem e o imaginário. Acredita-se que a compreensão dessas realidades, através das ferramentas utilizadas, revela como essa dimensão lúdica é percebida e vivenciada pelas pessoas, que são também construtoras das suas paisagens. / This study aims to understand the playful dimension of the landscape in an area located on the landmark between the cities of Santo André and São Bernardo do Campo, in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. In this areais located the Parque Estadual Chácara da Baronesa, consolidated only in 2014. Before to its opening to the public, it was an abandoned area for years. This abandonment of the area allowed the invasion of people in search for place of residence, in a part of the park area, which was consolidated in a slum. Around the park and the slum are located residential neighborhoods, both in Santo André and São Bernardo. The aim of this research was to study the slum and this environment. The methodological procedures were workshops with the dwellers of the slum and the surroundings, with children and adults, because it is understood that the playfulness is part of the human dimension in all ages. As a complementary method was applied the test of the imagery, ATL-9, because it is believed that the understanding of the symbolic universe of people can reveal meanings that are not always expressed in interviews and conversations. It was also developed a theoretical framework on key issues that underlie the research: the playful, the landscape and the imaginary. It is believed that the understanding of those realities, through the tools used, reveals how the playful dimension is perceived and experienced by people who are also the builders of their landscapes.

Imaginários da modernidade: arquitetura em Santa Fé, 1930-1950 / Modernity imaginaries: architecture at Santa Fé, 1930-1950

Acosta, Maria Martina 15 July 2003 (has links)
Este texto fala das formas em que uma arquitetura tornou-se um registro do ideario moderno na Santa Fé dos anos trinta. Uma nova arquitetura, ligada tanto à burguesia comercial quanto ao Estado, transforma a imagem da cidade, em constante câmbio desde começos de século XX. Essa arquitetura -moderna- é também um fragmento de um discurso que constrói o imaginário moderno a partir de múltiplas imagens. O que está sendo colocado por essa cultura dos trinta é a própria identidade, a história, o futuro. Assim, é preciso discutir não apenas esses objetos arquitetônicos mas a própria construção da história. Portanto, o texto percorre os conceitos de história, de modernidade, situando-se no campo historiográfico, traçando as perguntas de nossa cultura latinoamericana, mas também aquelas que nos colocam em relação com nosso passado europeu. A análise de arquitetura moderna numa cidade do interior do país na década de trinta se desenvolve tentando abranger uma complexidade que vai além do objeto arquitetônico, procurando dar conta de uma lógica já passada, dos atores e suas instituições, reconstruindo a relação entre modos de produção, pressupostos teóricos, práticas arquitetônicas e formas resultantes. Quer dizer, traçando as relações no campo de discurso da produção arquitetônica, discutindo um episódio da modernidade. / This text talks about forms which a new architecture turns a register of the modern notion at Santa Fé in the 1930s. A new architecture, linked at commercial bourgeoisie as soon as Estate, transforms city image, in constant change since 1900. This -modern- architecture is too a fragment of a discourse that builds modern notion starting from many images. That culture of 1930 is discussing its own identity, history, future. Them, it is necessary to discuss not only architectural objects, but the construction of a history idea. Therefore, the text looks over history and modernity concepts, working in historiographic field, making tje questions of our Latin-American culture, but making too the others which place us in relation our European past. The analysis of modern architecture at little city of the country during the 1930s develops trying to embrace a complexity which goes beyond architectural object, accounting a past logic, actors and institutions, constructing the relation between production forms, theoretical presuppositions, architectonic practices, and form. That is, tracing relations into architectural production discourse field, discussing an episode of modernity.

L'imaginaire français dans la littérature coloniale de la Tunisie (1881-1956) / The Imaginary of french in Tunisia

Mathé, Jean-Gérard 12 December 2018 (has links)
L’imaginaire des français ayant émigré en Tunisie au cours de la période coloniale dite du Protectorat fut particulièrement riche ; en attestent les témoignages des nombreux auteurs qui se sont essayés à le traduire sur le papier. La présente thèse se propose de mettre à l’étude l’ère coloniale de la Tunisie d’un point de vue littéraire, via une approche systémique des textes et du regard posé par les auteurs sur un exil consenti dans la Tunisie française. Un exil, mais aussi un retour en Métropole, pour nombre d’entre eux, qui vécurent la fin du Protectorat et la difficulté d’un nouvel exil dans un pays qui était leur sans l’être tout à fait. Le choix analytique s’est porté sur une étude imagologique de la question, qui envisagera la notion complexe d’imaginaire du point de vue de la mythanalyse, avant d’en vérifier les composantes, appliquées à la thématique de la Tunisie coloniale. A ce sujet, la littérature apparaît comme l’objet d’étude idéal pour mettre en exergue la richesse de l’imaginaire des français de Tunisie, à travers la grande diversité des types de supports : mémoires, témoignages,romans, documents personnels, documents photographiques, etc. Enfin, l’expérience personnelle de l’auteur de cette thèse dans le contexte du Protectorat français en Tunisie permettra d’envisager la question entre objectivité analytique et analyse subjectivée. / The imaginary of the French people who emigrated in Tunisia during the colonial period called the French protectorate was particularly rich as indicated by the myriad of testimonies from many authors who dabbled in writing it down on paper. This thesis seeks to study the Tunisian colonial era from a literary perspective through a systematic approach of the texts and the vision of the authors on the assented exile of French Tunisia. An exile, but also a return to the main land. For many of them who lived the end of the French protectorate, the difficulty was to move to a country which was their own, but not entirely. The choice of the analytical method relies on an imagology study of this matter which will assess the complex notion of imaginary from the myth-analysis point of view. Then the different components will be verified and applied to the context of colonial Tunisia. Regarding the latter topic, literature seems to be the ideal approach to study and highlight the richness of the imaginary of the French Tunisians through the great diversity of texts available : memoirs, testimonies, novels, personal documents, photographes, etc. Finally, the personal experience of the author in the context of the French protectorate in Tunisia will allow to consider the topic via analytical objectivity and a subjective analysis.

Des jeux de miroirs au miroir du prince. : Le traitement des savoirs dans le Roman de Perceforest / From games of mirrors to mirrors for princes : Treatment of knowledge in the Roman de Perceforest

Rando Martin, Andréa 19 June 2017 (has links)
Immense œuvre médiévale, le Roman de Perceforest réinvente la généalogie arthurienne en montrant la mise en place progressive d’une monarchie chrétienne. Celle-ci émerge sur une île peuplée d’enchanteurs et de fées, célèbre pour ses merveilles et ses monstres et sur laquelle règnent deux nouveaux rois, Betis et Gadiffer. Pourtant, les passages merveilleux recèlent de multiples références aux savoirs antiques et médiévaux qui permettent au lecteur averti de voir l’habile illusionniste derrière le magicien, la femme médecin derrière la fée et le phénomène naturel derrière le pouvoir fabuleux d’un animal inconnu, ce qui fait de ces savoirs l’un des principaux moteurs du mouvement de christianisation du roman. En rationalisant les épisodes merveilleux, en démasquant les impostures, les savoirs mettent au premier plan la notion de Nature et préparent non seulement l’arrivée du culte chrétien mais aussi la consolidation du pouvoir royal. A travers le roi et la noblesse, c’est en effet l’exercice d’un pouvoir naturel et chrétien qui se met en place. / Vast work of medieval literature, the Roman de Perceforest retells the arthurian genealogy and the progressive rise of a christian monarchy. This christian power emerges on an island populated with wizards and faeries, renowned for its marvels and its creatures, and upon which two kings reign, Betis and Gadiffer. Yet, supernatural events are narrated with numerous allusions to ancient and medieval sciences, which allow an educated reader to uncover the illusionist behind the wizard, the female physician behind the faerie, and the natural phenomenon behind the unfathomable power of a mysterious beast. These sciences then account among the most potent forces that drive the novel toward Christendom. Giving reasons behind supernatural events, revealing impostors, sciences put forth the concept of Nature, and set the stage not only for the advent of christianity, but also for the strengthening of the royal power. Through the king and noblemen and women, it is in fact the power of nature and christianity that is constructed.

Imaginários da modernidade: arquitetura em Santa Fé, 1930-1950 / Modernity imaginaries: architecture at Santa Fé, 1930-1950

Maria Martina Acosta 15 July 2003 (has links)
Este texto fala das formas em que uma arquitetura tornou-se um registro do ideario moderno na Santa Fé dos anos trinta. Uma nova arquitetura, ligada tanto à burguesia comercial quanto ao Estado, transforma a imagem da cidade, em constante câmbio desde começos de século XX. Essa arquitetura -moderna- é também um fragmento de um discurso que constrói o imaginário moderno a partir de múltiplas imagens. O que está sendo colocado por essa cultura dos trinta é a própria identidade, a história, o futuro. Assim, é preciso discutir não apenas esses objetos arquitetônicos mas a própria construção da história. Portanto, o texto percorre os conceitos de história, de modernidade, situando-se no campo historiográfico, traçando as perguntas de nossa cultura latinoamericana, mas também aquelas que nos colocam em relação com nosso passado europeu. A análise de arquitetura moderna numa cidade do interior do país na década de trinta se desenvolve tentando abranger uma complexidade que vai além do objeto arquitetônico, procurando dar conta de uma lógica já passada, dos atores e suas instituições, reconstruindo a relação entre modos de produção, pressupostos teóricos, práticas arquitetônicas e formas resultantes. Quer dizer, traçando as relações no campo de discurso da produção arquitetônica, discutindo um episódio da modernidade. / This text talks about forms which a new architecture turns a register of the modern notion at Santa Fé in the 1930s. A new architecture, linked at commercial bourgeoisie as soon as Estate, transforms city image, in constant change since 1900. This -modern- architecture is too a fragment of a discourse that builds modern notion starting from many images. That culture of 1930 is discussing its own identity, history, future. Them, it is necessary to discuss not only architectural objects, but the construction of a history idea. Therefore, the text looks over history and modernity concepts, working in historiographic field, making tje questions of our Latin-American culture, but making too the others which place us in relation our European past. The analysis of modern architecture at little city of the country during the 1930s develops trying to embrace a complexity which goes beyond architectural object, accounting a past logic, actors and institutions, constructing the relation between production forms, theoretical presuppositions, architectonic practices, and form. That is, tracing relations into architectural production discourse field, discussing an episode of modernity.

Towards Warsaw of the future : exhibiting, archiving and moving through architectural imaginaries

Lesniak, Piotr Jerzy January 2017 (has links)
Thesis argument: There is a Culture of Violent Reductivism in Representing Warsaw, which means that: Warsaw is reduced to a symbol of heroism in the hands of God/History or the Expert; imagining is reduced to historic imaginary and by the same token futuristic imaginary; both based on a positivist-romanticist system of thought; the reductivism deploys philosemiotic violence (acts of offering with expectations attached); the reductivism/violence is a symptom of a ‘neurosis’ of the social national/imaginary; the reductivism stops Warsaw/Poland from imagining present and future more openly. An alternative is to represent Warsaw as a series of post-historical objects that: are discrete texts, singular images, drawings, physical objects; are paradigmatic and analogical; they move from specificity to specificity; offer different forms, where ‘form’ is non-objective and means relationship; are a series of critiques, reflections, descriptions that work as architectural hypotheses; represent three exemplar imaginaries of Warsaw (the Birth, the Rebirth, the Second Rebirth); together form a ‘distracted’ architectural archive of Warsaw’s imaginaries. In this way, the thesis posits an example of a methodology of representing Warsaw that opens the possibility for Warsaw/Poland to imagine itself differently. Key themes: Culture of violent reductivism in representing Warsaw, reduction of Warsaw to a symbol of heroism, domination of the historic futuristic imaginary, philosemi(o)tic violence, neurosis of the social imaginary (guilt), positivist romanticism, post-historical object, paradigmatic knowledge, non-objective form, seriality of representation, architectural hypothesis, three imaginaries of Warsaw, ‘distracted’ archive of imaginaries.

Masks and Sartre's Imaginary: Masked Performance and the Imaging Consciousness

Tims, William Keith 20 April 2007 (has links)
The use of masks in performance and actor training is often linked to the imagination, but there is seldom discussion of the nature of this imaginary link. Using the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre (most especially his work The Imaginary) and the writings of modern mask theorists, this dissertation examines the relationship between masks and the imaging consciousness in both masked actors and the audiences who observe them. We discover that a mask is an analogon for an Other and that a mask authorizes games of identity which play out imaginatively in the performance milieu. In fact, generally speaking, a mask in performance is apprehended in a more imaginative way than a non-masked performance. Further than this, the mask illustrates the basic nature of the human consciousness and identity espoused by Sartre: that who we are is not a product of our psychology, but rather, the product of our imaginations and our choices. The dissertation concludes by suggesting that masks point to an alternative approach to character creation which likewise rejects psychology, and instead relies on physicality, abstraction, and ambiguity, all of which are essential to activating the imaging consciousness.

Analysis and Design of Miniaturized High-DK LTCC Balun Filter with Imaginary Impedance

Chiu, Hung-Wei 24 July 2008 (has links)
This thesis proposes methodology to design a balun with imaginary impedance. Under given specification, including center frequency, size, output impedance, our methodology can be used to evaluate its feasibility of implementation using high-DK LTCC(Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic) process. We then extend the design to incorporate a filter, which can simplify the circuit to reduce the required components. An example of our design operating at 2.4 GHz is implemented. Its size is 1600¡Ñ800¡Ñ650 um3, showing significant miniature. The simulation and measurement results are shown to verify the effectiveness of our design.

Le rôle du voyage dans l'œuvre de Michel Tournier

Lee, Weon-Bog. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [471]-491).

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