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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The GraphGrind framework : fast graph analytics on large shared-memory systems

Sun, Jiawen January 2018 (has links)
As shared memory systems support terabyte-sized main memory, they provide an opportunity to perform efficient graph analytics on a single machine. Graph analytics is characterised by frequent synchronisation, which is addressed in part by shared memory systems. However, performance is limited by load imbalance and poor memory locality, which originate in the irregular structure of small-world graphs. This dissertation demonstrates how graph partitioning can be used to optimise (i) load balance, (ii) Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) locality and (iii) temporal locality of graph partitioning in shared memory systems. The developed techniques are implemented in GraphGrind, a new shared memory graph analytics framework. At first, this dissertation shows that heuristic edge-balanced partitioning results in an imbalance in the number of vertices per partition. Thus, load imbalance exists between partitions, either for loops iterating over vertices, or for loops iterating over edges. To address this issue, this dissertation introduces a classification of algorithms to distinguish whether they algorithmically benefit from edge-balanced or vertex-balanced partitioning. This classification supports the adaptation of partitions to the characteristics of graph algorithms. Evaluation in GraphGrind, shows that this outperforms state-of-the-art graph analytics frameworks for shared memory including Ligra by 1.46x on average, and Polymer by 1.16x on average, using a variety of graph algorithms and datasets. Secondly, this dissertation demonstrates that increasing the number of graph partitions is effective to improve temporal locality due to smaller working sets. However, the increasing number of partitions results in vertex replication in some graph data structures. This dissertation resorts to using a graph layout that is immune to vertex replication and an automatic graph traversal algorithm that extends the previously established graph traversal heuristics to a 3-way graph layout choice is designed. This new algorithm furthermore depends upon the classification of graph algorithms introduced in the first part of the work. These techniques achieve an average speedup of 1.79x over Ligra and 1.42x over Polymer. Finally, this dissertation presents a graph ordering algorithm to challenge the widely accepted heuristic to balance the number of edges per partition and minimise edge or vertex cut. This algorithm balances the number of edges per partition as well as the number of unique destinations of those edges. It balances edges and vertices for graphs with a power-law degree distribution. Moreover, this dissertation shows that the performance of graph ordering depends upon the characteristics of graph analytics frameworks, such as NUMA-awareness. This graph ordering algorithm achieves an average speedup of 1.87x over Ligra and 1.51x over Polymer.

Research on Talent Cultivation in China 's Universities Based on Supply - Demand Relation of Labor Market

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: University graduates play a significant role in the labor market of China. Universities continuously supply senior talents and provide a strong guarantee to the country’s development. However, with the enlargement of the enrollment scale, more and more graduates become unemployed or forced to be employed. Most literatures mainly focus on the unemployed phenomenon or reasons, but had neglected the relationship among the employment, universities and the labor market. This assay is trying to using the supply and demand theory of classical economics to analyze the training direction and model of university from the perspective of the supply and demand of labor market. This assay proposes that universities have to integrate with the demand of the labor market so that to cultivate the talents to meet the social needs. Firstly, the essay analyzes the relationship between the universities education and the supply and demand labor market by using the view of labor economics, and shows the mainly phenomenon and features of supply-demand imbalance. And then, the writer considered that universities talent cultivation development of China has gone through “absolute shortage”, “relative shortage” and “structural unbalanced” three stages. Thirdly, the survey results confirmed that the talent cultivation in universities does not match the demand of the labor market. On one other hand, over educated is a common phenomenon in the academic education. On the other hand, the graduates are lack of education skills training. Fourthly, the essay analyzes the reasons which lead to the unbalance. The unbalance is not only affected by the macro factors, but also by the micro factors. Fifthly, build up the interaction system model “UPT-LM” for the universities talent cultivation and the labor market, and separately building up the macro interaction system and the micro interaction system to analyze the balance of supply and demand. Based on this, it should strengthen the interaction on the feedback mechanism. At last, strengthening the connection of universities talent cultivation and labor market is a systematic program which needs the corporation from the government, the universities and the labor market. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2017

Meta-analysis of methodological artifacts of the phylogenetic imbalance. / Meta-analysis of methodological artifacts of the phylogenetic imbalance.

SMRČKOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The influence of possible methodological artifacts (e.g. type of data or tree construction methods) on the tree topology was evaluated. A total of 413 phylogenetic trees was downloaded from the tree repository TreeBASE. Three indices of topology imbalance were employed, namely, Fusco & Cronk index, weighted average, and Colless index. The study reveals that methodological artifacts have probably a weak influence on the tree shape. Therefore, patterns in tree balance could reflect macroevolutionary processess, not a methodological bias.

Onerosidade excessiva em acordo de acionistas / Excessive onerous in shareholdersagreement

Maria Fernanda Calado de Aguiar Ribeiro Cury 07 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação sobre o alcance da aplicação da teoria da onerosidade excessiva, prevista nos artigos 478 a 480 do Novo Código Civil, aos acordos de acionistas, tipo contratual cada vez mais presente na realidade empresarial brasileira. Especial atenção é dada ao fato de que o acordo de acionistas está inserido em um contexto marcado não só por um ambiente negocial e mercadológico sujeito a acontecimentos imprevisíveis que podem desequilibrar as prestações de forma excessivamente onerosa para uma das partes, mas também marcado por um equilíbrio na composição do conteúdo contratual e na alocação de riscos correspondente combinados pelas partes. Para isso, serão analisadas as questões relativas ao alcance da aplicação do mecanismo de reequilíbrio contratual mencionado em acordo de acionistas, à identificação do objeto do conteúdo contratual que contém o programa de alocação de risco e ao elemento-guia utilizado pela jurisprudência nesse sentido, uma vez que foi o uso desenfreado do reequilíbrio contratual que fez com que este fosse quase expulso da sistemática contratual durante o período clássico. A pesquisa apontou como elemento-guia autorizador da aplicação da onerosidade excessiva pelos órgãos judiciais estudados a conjunção da identificação dos critérios legais com a identificação do fato de a onerosidade excessiva estar além daquele risco implícito e da álea normal da natureza do negócio jurídico celebrado. Tais resultados apontam para uma criteriosa possibilidade de correção de desequilíbrio contratual compatível com a dinâmica e o ambiente dos acordos de acionistas / This work presents an investigation concerning the scope of application of the excessive onerous theory, provided in articles 478 to 480 of the Brazilian Civil Code, in the sharesholders agreement matter, a contractual type increasingly present in the Brazilian business reality. Special attention is given to the fact the sharesholders agreement is inserted in a context characterized not only by the negotial and market environment subject to unpredictable events that may disrupt the provision in an excessive onerous way to a relevant party, but also characterized by a balance in the composition of the content and of the contractual allocation of risks combined by the relevant parties. For this, we analyze the issues related to the scope of application of the mentioned contractual rebalancing mechanism in the shareholders agreement matter, to the identification of the contractual content object that contains the risk allocation program and to the guide-element used in the jurisprudence in this sense, since it was the umlimited use of contractual rebalancing that caused this was almost kicked out of the contractual systematically during the classical period. The survey pointed out as guide-element to the application of excessive onerous by the legal courts studied the association of the legal criteria identification with the identication of the fact that the excessive onerous being beyond that inherent and normal risk concluded of the nature of the legal business. These results point to the possibility of a careful correction of contractual imbalance compatible with the shareholders agreements dynamic and environment.

Considerações anestésicas no paciente diabético: avaliação dos distúrbios do equilíbrio ácido-base em cães submetidos à facoemulsificação / Anesthetic considerations in the diabetic patient: evaluation of disorders of acid-base balance in dogs undergoing phacoemulsification

Paula Finkensieper Pacheco 11 December 2013 (has links)
A diabetes mellitus é uma das endocrinopatias mais frequente em cães e sabe-se que esses pacientes são mais propensos a desenvolver complicações anestésicas quando comparados aos não-diabéticos. Desta forma, objetivou-se avaliar, durante o período perioperatório, as possíveis alterações no equilíbrio ácido-base e complicações anestésicas em cães diabéticos submetidos a facoemulsificação. Foram incluídos 30 cães, sendo 15 diabéticos e 15 não portadores da afecção. Foram determinados o pH, bicarbonato e déficit de base, além de eletrólitos plasmáticos (sódio, cloro, potássio). Adicionalmente, foram avaliadas as variáveis cardiorrespiratórias no período trans-anestésico. Com relação aos distúrbios ácido-base, os pacientes não apresentaram alterações compatíveis com acidose metabólica, apenas discreta acidemia após 30 minutos de anestesia. Apesar dos pacientes diabéticos apresentarem valores de bicarbonato inferiores ao grupo controle, estes permaneceram dentro dos valores de referência. A distribuição dos valores de eletrólitos foi diferente entre os grupos, exceto os valores de cloro. Nos pacientes diabéticos, a hiponatremia ocorreu em seis animais ao término do procedimento cirúrgico e 73% dos cães apresentaram hipercalemia após a administração da medicação pré-anestésica. A complicação anestésica mais comum foi a hipotensão arterial, sendo que 80% dos animais diabéticos apresentaram pressão arterial média inferior a 60 mmHg após indução anestésica. Concluindo, houve variação discreta do equilíbrio ácido-base nos cães diabéticos. Tendo em vista que a acidemia foi verificada em ambos os grupos, sugere-se que a mesma esteja relacionada ao procedimento anestésico. Os pacientes diabéticos submetidos à anestesia geral são mais propensos à hipotensão arterial, sendo que essa alteração merece maiores investigações / Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrinopathies in dogs and it is know that these patients are more likely to develop anesthetic complications when compared to non-diabetics. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate potential changes in acid-base balance and anesthetic complications in diabetic dogs undergoing phacoemulsification during the perioperative period. Thirty dogs were included, fifteen diabetic and fifteen non-carriers of the disease and were analyzed for pH, bicarbonate, blood gas and plasma electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium). Additionally, we evaluate the cardiorespiratory variables in the peri-anesthetic period. With respect to acid-base disturbances, patients showed no changes consistent with metabolic acidosis, but a mild acidemia after 30 minutes of anesthesia. Although diabetic patients showed values of bicarbonate below the control group, these were within the reference values. The distribution of the electrolyte was different between groups, except for the amounts of chlorine. In diabetic patients, hyponatremia occurred in six animals at the end of the surgical procedure and 73% of dogs showed hyperkalemia after administration of premedication. The most common anesthetic complication was hypotension, and 80% of diabetic animals showed mean arterial pressure below 60 mmHg after induction of anesthesia. In conclusion, there was a slight variation of the acid-base balance in diabetic dog. Given that acidemia was observed in both groups, it is suggested that it is related to the anesthetic procedure. Diabetic patients undergoing general anesthesia are more prone to hypotension, and this change deserves further investigation

The metamorphic and anatectic history of Archaean metapelitic granulites from the South Marginal Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa / Etude du métamorphisme et des mécanismes d’anatexie dans les métasédiments granulitiques de la Zone Marginale Sud de la ceinture du Limpopo, Afrique du Sud

Nicoli, Gautier 20 April 2015 (has links)
Les processus d’anatéxie représentent la première étape dans la genèse des granites. La fusion partielle de la croûte inférieure peut produire des structures leucocrates à signatures chimiques particulières, très différentes. Par conséquent le lien qui existe entre certaines migmatites et les granites crûstaux peut être ambigu. Ce projet de thèse est une étude de l’évolution des processus d’anatexie au sein des métapelites de la formation de Bandelierkop dans le Zone Marginale Sud de la Ceinture du Limpopo en Afrique du Sud. Ce travail comprend une étude complête du métamorphisme, de la géochimie et de la géochronologie des paragneiss granulitiques de deux carrières dans la zone nord de la Zone Marginal Sud, la carrière de Bandelierkop et la carrière de Brakspruit, où la fusion partielle d’une croûte néoarchéenne peut être observée. Le projet a pour but de répondre à deux problématiques principales: (1) contraindre de manière précise les conditions et l’âge de l’épisode métamorphique de la Zone Marginale Sud, avec ce que cela implique pour la géodynamique archéenne, (2) comprendre les réactions de fusion partielle en absence de fluide et leur contrôle sur la chimie des migmatites et le liens qui existent entre les leucosomes, la source, le liquide de fusion et les granites de type S. Les informations P-T-t enregistrées dans les métapelites de la formation de Bandelierkop, contraintes par des diagrammes d’équilibre de phase ainsi que de la géochronologie sur zircon, donnent une idée sur les processus de différentiation crustale dans la croûte inférieure. Les roches des deux carrières enregistrent les conditions de pic de métamorphisme de 840-860 oC et 9-11 kbar a c. 2.71 Ga. Cet épisode est accompagné d’une production importante de leucosome (L1). Des leucosomes de seconde génération (L2) sont produits pendant la décompression à 6-7 kbar. La fin de l’épisode métamorphique est marquée par la transition granulites/amphibolites (< 640 oC) à c. 2.68 Ga. L’âge de dépôt maximum (c. 2.73 Ga) des zircons détritiques dans les métapelites indique un enfouissement rapide ( 0.17 cm.y-1). L’ensemble de ces données montre que la Zone Marginale Sud contient des sédiments déposés dans des conditions de marge active durant un phénomène de convergence. Les métapelites ont par conséquent subi leur métamorphisme et leur fusion partielle durant une collision continentale le long de la marge nord du craton du Kaapvaal à c. 2.7 Ga. Les formations leucocrates générées le long du trajet P-T-t possèdent une signature géochimique spécifique caractérisée par une teneur en K2O et FeO+MgO faible et une teneur élevée en CaO. La combinaison des observations de terrains, de la cartographie chimique et des analyses géochimiques permet de conclure que la majeure partie des leucosomes (L1) cristallisent avant le pic de métamorphisme après extraction du liquide de la source. En s’appuyant sur le laboratoire naturel qu’est la Zone Marginale Sud et utilisant une approche modélisatrice, cette étude présente les détails de la formation des leucosomes. Ce travail démontre que la formation de leucosomes pauvres en potassium dans les sédiments de la croûte inférieure et les processus qui contrôlent la chimie du résidu et des granites de type S sont les différences des volumes d’équilibration et l’hétérogénéité de la source couplées avec des pertes de liquide et diffusion de l’eau dans les structures d’anatexies / Anatexis is the first step in granite genesis. Partial melting in the lower crust may produce leucoratic features of unusual chemical compositions, very different from the final products of crustal differentiation. Therefore, the links that exists between some migmatites and crustal-derived granites can be ambiguous. This study is an investigation of the anatectic history of a high-grade terrain: the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt (SMZ), north to the Kaapvaal Craton in South Africa. The work involved an integrated field, metamorphic, geochemical and geochronogical study of the metasedimentary granulites from two separate quarries in the northern zone of the Southern Marginal Zone, the Bandelierkop quarry and the Brakspruit quarry, where Neoarchean high-grade partial melting features can be observed. The project has aimed to address two main issues: (1) to accurately constrain the pressure temperature conditions and the age of the metamorphic episode in the SMZ, with implication for the geodynamic processes near the end of the Archean, (2) to investigate the fluid-absent partial melting reactions that control formation of K2O-poor leucosomes and to understand the chemical relationships in the system source-leucosome-melt–S-type granite. The P-T-t record retained in the Bandelierkop Formation metapelites, constrained by phase equilibria modelling as well as zircon LA-ICP-MS geochronology, gives an insight into crustal differentiation processes in the lower crust. Rocks in both quarries indicate high-temperature metamorphism episodes with peak conditions of 840-860 oC and 9-11 kbar at c. 2.71 Ga with formation of leucosomes (L1) during the prograde path. Minor leucocratic features (L2) were produced during decompression to 6-7 kbar. The end of the metamorphic event is marked by the granulites/amphibolites facies transition (< 640 oC) at c. 2.68 Ga. The maximum deposit age for the detrital zircons in the metapelites (c. 2.73 Ga) indicates a rapid burial process ( 0.17 cm.y-1). Those evidences strongly support that the Southern Marginal Zone contains sediments deposited in an active margin during convergence, and that the metapelites were metamorphosed and partially melted as a consequence of continental collision along the northern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton at c. 2.7 Ga. The leucocratic features generated along this P-T-t path display an unusual chemistry with low K2O and FeO+MgO content and high CaO content. The combination of field observations, chemical mapping and geochemical analyses leads to the conclusion the major part of the leucosomes (L1) crystallized prior to syn-peak of metamorphism concurrent with melt extraction from the source. This study documents the details of leucosomes formation using field observations in the Southern Marginal Zone and numerical modelling. This work demonstrates that the formation of K2O-poor leucosome in the metasedimentary lower crust is controlled by the difference in volume of equilibration and heterogeneities within the migmatites. The partial melting of the source coupled with melt loss and water diffusivity within the melt transfer site is a potential mechanism to explain the chemical link in the system residuum–melt–S-type granite

Současná ekonomická krize v Maďarsku a její příčiny / Current Economic Crisis in Hungary and its Causes

Adamová, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is engaged in the present economic crisis in Hungary and its concrete sources. The general part is focused on basics of economic policy and elements influencing internal and external economic balance of a country. The general part also describes abnormalities of economic policie in transition countries. Then the practical study attempts to approach economic and political development of Hungary in 90's and above all analyses particular factors affecting internal and external balance of this country. In this respect the study is concentrated on the period beginning from 2002 up to present. The aim is to study particular indicator development and analyse factors, which have caused actual economic crisis in Hungary. The conclusion contains prognosis for the closest upcoming period.

Evropské nerovnováhy a dluhová krize v Eurozóně / The Eurobonds - the comparison of different implementation schemes and their ability to solve the debt crisis

Hanzlíček, David January 2013 (has links)
This Master thesis is focused on the fiscal imbalance of the countries of the EMU, which deterioration was a consequence of the financial crisis. Most of the economies had to finance its deficits through the issuance of the sovereign bonds, which are associated with the longterm interest rates. The postcrisis development is characterized by the spread of sovereign bond yields. The thesis focuses on the determinants which have contributed to the spread. Moreover, the thesis discusses proposals for the common issuance of the eurobond which are seen as a solution of the debt market crisis.

Aktuální problémy vývoje eurozóny se zaměřením na mezinárodní obchod / Current problems of eurozone with focus on international trade

Diviš, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines current problems in eurozone with special focus on international trade. An important part of the research will be the impact of the economic crisis which came to Europe in 2008. First chapter describes the development of eurozone's exports and imports between years 2001 and 2011. It analyses changes and trends in the commodity and territorial structure of eurozone's foreign trade. Some important issues which are linked to these topics are discussed in the first chapter as well, including current bargaining for bilateral free trade agreements. Second chapter deals with macroeconomic imbalances between the northern and the southern part of eurozone. It tries to identify reasons which caused this problem and assesses the role of euro in it. Finally, it offers some possible ways to adjustment between the both country groups. Third chapter concerns with the competitiveness of eurozone's members and measures how it has changed since the beginning of the crisis. In the second part of this chapter, selected weaknesses of the Italian competitiveness are stated together with a comparison with Germany. Final summary recapitulates previous chapters and presents the most important findings.

EUROZÓNA A JEJÍ NEROVNOVÁHY / Euro Area and its imbalances

Veselý, Miloslav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with economical development of Euro Area and related structural imbalances and systemic weaknesses. As a region with common monetary policy Euro Area serves as a prime example of consequences of not fulfilling theoretical conditions which are needed for proper functioning of Optimal Currency Area concept. Current economical crisis fully revealed these imperfections and divergence process which deepened dtrucvtural differences between core and peripheral countries. My thesis will describe concept of Optimal Currency Area and international adjustment processes. Cardinal part of thesis will contain description and analysis of economical development of core and peripheral countries within Euro Area since its establishment to present with focus on revealed macroeconomical imbalances. Main aim is to show and analyze major economical causes of present crisis. In the end of thesis possible solutions and reforms designed to prevent similar development in the future will be presented.

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