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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Théories implicites du leadership et différences culturelles : comparaison entre la France, les États-Unis et le Viet-Nam / Implicit leadership theories and cultural differences : comparison between France, USA and Vietnam

Ton-Nu, Thai Anh 15 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à explorer et expliciter les images mentales du leader idéal au travail que les sujets de France, des États-Unis et du Vietnam se font. Elle a pour cadre les théories du leadership, les théories implicites du leadership et les dimensions culturelles prévalant dans les pays étudiés. Elle dresse un portrait prototypique du leader idéal au travail dans chaque pays et procède à une comparaison interculturelle en en identifiant les différences et les similarités. Elle vérifie par ailleurs les attributs «universels » du leader idéal, ceux qui sont unanimement rejetés par tous les pays interrogés ainsi que ceux qui sont recherchés et valorisés. Les résultats ont montré une congruence certaine avec les recherches internationales menées précédemment à quelques écarts près selon les pays. Ils assoient en outre l’impression que malgré une mondialisation galopante, les spécificités et les valeurs culturelles intrinsèques à chaque pays sont profondément enracinés dans la vision du monde et persistent face aux évolutions idéologiques et temporelles.Cette thèse contribue à inclure le Vietnam dans une recherche interculturelle qui jusqu’à présent s’est surtout intéressée à des pays à économie libérale, plus ouverts et plus accessibles aux chercheurs. Elle permet d’esquisser des contours de la vision duleadership des individus d’un pays peu étudié sous cet angle et ainsi d’anticiper et d’adopter un comportement approprié pour des expatriés au Vietnam. / The present dissertation explores and specifies the images of the ideal leader at work held mentally (Implicit Leadership Theories) by participants from France, the USA and Vietnam. It is based on the theoretical framework of leadership theories,implicit theories and cultural dimensions prevailing in the countries of the study. Prototypes of the ideal leader were established for each country and compared under the cross-cultural perspective. Differences and similarities between the respective portraits were identified. Furthermore, universally endorsed attributes of the ideal leader were explored, those unanimously rejected as well as those valued by all participants. Results suggest a certain convergence with those from previous international studies, except for a few discrepancies according to the culture considered. They strengthen the impression that, despite the galloping phenomenon of globalisation and in the face of ideological and temporal changes, specificities and values intrinsic to each culture are still deep-rooted into the beholder’s conception of the world andthe way it should appear. This work includes Vietnam in a cross-cultural research endeavour that, up to now, has been focused mostly on liberalised countries, more open and accessible to researchers. It helps outline the characteristics of leadership held by individuals of a country less studied and consequently helps anticipate and adopt the behaviour mostappropriate for expatriates who happen to work in Vietnam.

Towards an integration of theories of achievement motivation.

Wellman, David Allen, mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 2001 (has links)
This thesis investigated children's school achievement in terms of an integration of three theories of achievement motivation. The three theoretical outlooks were expectancy-value theory (EVT), implicit theories of intelligence (ITI), and flow theory (FT). The first of two studies was an exploratory investigation of the effectiveness of each theory independently and combined to predict children's achievement in four school subjects. The subject areas were maths, reading, instrumental music and sport. Participants were 84 children (40 females and 44 males) aged 9 to 10 years, one of each child's parents, and school teachers of each child in the four subject areas. All data were collected through questionnaires based on the three models. The results indicated that EVT and FT but not ITI accounted for a significant amount of the variance in children's achievement, including effects for subject area and gender. A second confirmatory study tested EVT, FT and an integrated model for the prediction of achievement in maths, reading and instrumental music. The participants were a further 141 children (74 females and 67 males) aged 10 to 11 years, and a parent and teachers of each child. Data collection using questionnaires occurred early in the school year (Timel) and approximately five months later (Time2). For EVT, children and parents’ competence beliefs were significant predictors of children's achievement in each subject area. Females tended to believe themselves more competent at reading and instrumental music and also valued these subjects more highly than boys. Modeling results for flow theory indicated that children's emotional responses to classes (happiness and confusion) were significant predictors of achievement, the type of emotion varying between subject areas and time periods. Females generally had a more positive emotional reaction to reading and instrumental music classes than males did. The integrated model results indicated significant relationships between EVT and flow theories for each subject area, with EVT explaining most achievement variance in the integrated model. Children's and parents’ competence beliefs were the main predictors of achievement at Timel and 2, Subject area and gender differences were found which provide direction for future research. Anecdotal reports of parents and teachers often attest to individual differences in children's involvement in various school domains. Even among children of apparently similar intelligence, it is not uncommon to find one who likes nothing better than to work on a mathematics problem while another much prefers to read a novel or play a musical instrument Some children appear to achieve good results for most of the activities in which they are engaged while others achieve in a less consistent manner, sometimes particularly excelling in one activity. Some children respond to failure experiences with a determination to improve their performance in the future while others react with resignation and acceptance of their low ability. Some children appear to become totally absorbed in the activity of playing sport while others cannot wait for the game to end. The primary research objective guiding the current thesis is how children's thoughts and feelings about school subjects differ and are related to their school achievement. A perusal of the achievement motivation literature indicates several possible models and concepts that can be applied to explain individual differences in children's school achievement. Concepts such as academic self-concept, multiple intelligences, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, self-beliefs, competence beliefs, subjective task values, mastery and performance goals, ‘Flow’ experiences and social motivation are just some of the constructs used to explain children's achievement motivation, both within and between various activity domains. These constructs are proposed by researchers from different theoretical perspectives to achievement motivation. Although there is much literature relevant to each perspective, there is little research indicating how the various perspectives may relate to each other. The current thesis will begin by reviewing three currently popular theoretical orientations cited in achievement motivation research: subjective beliefs and values; implicit theories of intelligence, and flow experience and family complexity. Following this review, a framework will be proposed for testing the determinants of children's school achievement, both within each of the three theoretical perspectives and also in combination.

Théories implicites chez les agresseurs de femmes adultes

Longpré, Nicholas 09 1900 (has links)
La présence de distorsions cognitives chez les délinquants sexuels est considérée comme étant intimement liée à l’étiologie et au maintient des comportements sexuels déviants. Selon Ward et Keenan (1999), les distorsions cognitives émergent des théories implicites. Les théories implicites peuvent être définies comme étant un réseau de croyances interreliées que les délinquants ont à propos d’eux et du monde qui les entoure. Polaschek et Ward (2002) ainsi que Polaschek et Gannon (2004) ont postulé qu’il existe 5 théories implicites chez les violeurs : Les femmes sont des objets sexuels; L’excitation sexuelle de l’homme est incontrôlable; Le droit de faire ce que nous voulons; Le monde est dangereux; et Les femmes sont dangereuses. La présente recherche avait pour but d’examiner si les théories implicites chez les violeurs étaient pleinement représentées par les travaux de Polaschek et collègues. Les distorsions cognitives de 21 agresseurs sexuels de femmes adultes ont été analysées à partir de l’analyse de leurs discours. Les analyses indiquent que quatre des cinq théories implicites sont présentes dans notre échantillon. De plus, la théorie implicite Les femmes sont des objets sexuels serait mieux conceptualisée en tant que Les femmes sont des objets. Finalement, et en complément aux résultats des études de Polaschek, notre échantillon présente des cognitions qui normalisent la criminalité, la délinquance, la violence et la sexualité pour atteindre leurs buts; nous conduisant à la création d’une nouvelle théorie implicite : Normalisation du crime. Nos résultats indiquent qu’il y aurait peut-être d’autre / The presence of cognitive distortions among sex offenders are considered to be highly influential in the etiology and maintenance of deviant sexual behavior. According to Ward and Keenan (1999), cognitive distortions emerge from implicit theories. Implicit theories can be defined as a network of interrelated beliefs that sex offenders hold about them, the others and the world. Polaschek and Ward (2002) and Polaschek and Gannon (2004) postulates that there is five implicit theories amongst rapists: Women are Sexual objects; Male Sex Drive is Uncontrollable; Entitlement; Dangerous World; and Women are Dangerous. The current research examined whether the cognitive distortions of rapists are fully represent by the implicit theories proposed by Polaschek and colleagues. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 convicted rapists and their cognitive distortions were analyzed using the grounded theory method. Our analysis indicates the presence of four of the five Polaschek’s implicit theories among our sample. In addition, the implicit theory Women are Sex object would better be conceptualise as Women are Object. Finally, and in contrast to Polaschek’s research, our sample of rapists demonstrated cognitions that normalize the use of criminality, delinquency, violence and sexuality to achieve their goals. These findings lead us to the creation of a new implicit theory : Normalisation of Crime. Our findings indicate that there may be implicit theories among rapists that have not yet been fully explored.

Grit and beliefs about intelligence: the relationship and role these factors play in the self-regulatory processes involved in medical students learning gross anatomy

Fillmore, Erin Paige 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Background: Gross anatomy is a foundational medical school course upon which other courses and patient care is grounded; however, variability in student performance suggests potential in studying underlying non-academic factors to explain some of these inconsistencies. Thus, this study examined medical students’ implicit theories of intelligence (ITI) and grit in order to better understand student learning outcomes in gross anatomy. Methods: A mixed methods study was conducted using 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year medical students who successfully completed gross anatomy. Students (n=382) completed the ITI Scale and Short Grit Scale in order to identify individual’s ITI and grit scores. Subsequent interviews (n=25) were conducted to explore how medical students set goals, operated while reaching those goals, and monitored their progress in achieving those goals. Results: Entity and incremental theorists with high grit performed significantly better in gross anatomy when compared to those with low grit. Further, highly gritty incremental and entity theorists were hard workers and showed resilience in the face of challenges. Specifically, those with an entity ITI had the central goal of getting an honors grade, while those with an incremental ITI desired to understand and apply their anatomical knowledge. Conversely, low grit individuals became overwhelmed by challenges, were more likely to show an inconsistent work ethic, and questioned their ability to master the material. An individual’s ITI, more so than grit, drove the presence of negative emotions in a medical student, with entity theorists feeling anxious and vulnerable, and incremental theorists feeling fewer negative emotions. Finally, grit level moderated how a medical student would respond to negative emotions, with highly gritty individuals exhibiting more constructive coping mechanisms. Conclusions: These findings suggest that medical students who possess high grit and an incremental theory of intelligence have the most effective learning strategies, set achievable goals, and enlist effective coping mechanisms while learning gross anatomy. The findings and tools used in this study could be incorporated into the medical school admissions process. Finally, findings reinforce the value of examining the ITI and grit of medical students, as they can provide educators with insight regarding important non-academic factors driving learning in gross anatomy.

“Math Class is Tough”: The Role of Mindset in Middle School Girls’ and Boys’ Math Achievement

Milligan, Erika 05 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Är jag en bluff? Impostorfenomenet hos studenter : dess förekomst och relation till mindset och självmedkänsla

Lönnback, Annie, Viklander, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Impostorfenomenet (IF) är vanligt förekommande i den akademiska kontexten. Studier visar att fenomenet har en negativ påverkan på studenters hälsa och prestation, vilket riskerar att följa studenterna in i arbetslivet. Det är viktigt att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan påverka fenomenet, för att få en ökad kunskap om hur det kan motverkas. Självmedkänsla och ett dynamiskt mindset har i tidigare forskning föreslagits som potentiella skyddsfaktorer mot IF, medan ett statiskt mindset har associerats till högre grad av IF. Syftet med denna tvärsnittsstudie var att undersöka hur vanligt förekommande impostorfenomenet är hos universitetsstudenter vid ett svenskt universitet. Ytterligare syftade studien till att undersöka huruvida självmedkänsla och mindset predicerar IF. Totalt 238 studenter från olika universitetsutbildningar deltog i studien. Data samlades in via Clance Impostor Scale, Theory of Intelligence Scale och Self-compassion Scale Short Form. Deskriptiva analyser och en multipel regressionsanalys genomfördes. Resultatet visade att 68.1% av deltagarna upplevde frekventa och höga nivåer av IF. Självmedkänsla och mindset förklarade tillsammans 51.7% av variationen i IF. Endast självmedkänsla var en signifikant prediktor, där högre grad av självmedkänsla relaterade till lägre grad av IF. Resultatet antyder att IF är vanligt förekommande, samt att ett självmedkännande förhållningssätt kan skydda mot impostorkänslor, vilket anger en riktning för framtida forskning för att utveckla lämpliga interventioner. / The impostor phenomenon (IP) is common within the academic context, and has a negative impact on students’ health and performance, with the risk of affecting their later careers. This highlights the need to investigate which factors are involved in the phenomenon, to develop a better understanding for its prevention. Self-compassion and a growth mindset have been suggested as potential resilience factors against IP, while a fixed mindset has been linked to higher rates of IP. The purpose of the present study was to determine the prevalence of IP in a sample of Swedish university students. The purpose was also to explore how self-compassion and mindset predict IP. A total of 238 students from different university programs participated in the study. Data was collected with the Clance Impostor Scale, Theory of Intelligence Scale and Self-compassion Scale Short Form. Descriptive analyses and a multiple regression analysis was performed. The result showed that 68.1% of participants reported frequent or high levels of IP. Self-compassion and mindset together explained 51.7% of the variation in the impostor phenomenon. Self-compassion was the only significant predictor, with higher rates of self- compassion being related to lower rates of IP. The results suggest that IP is a common experience, and that self-compassion can function as a protective factor, which motivates the need for further research on effective interventions.

Les théories implicites des agresseurs sexuelles d'enfants

Paquette, Sarah 04 1900 (has links)
Objectif: Ce mémoire avait pour objectif d’examiner le contenu cognitif du discours d’agresseurs sexuels d’enfants dans un échantillon d’hommes francophones afin de déterminer s’il est possible de reproduire les catégories de théories implicites telles que proposées par Ward et Keenan (1999). Le but était également d’investiguer la possibilité de retrouver de nouvelles théories implicites. Méthode: 20 entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées auprès d’un échantillon d’agresseurs sexuels d’enfants judiciarisés (Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, Établissement Montée St-François). À partir de ces entrevues, 2 juges indépendants ont sélectionné le contenu cognitif du discours des agresseurs sexuels. Ce contenu a ensuite été classé thématiquement. Chacun des thèmes émergents a fait l’objet d’une analyse indépendante afin de déterminer si les catégories permettaient une classification optimale des distorsions cognitives. Les juges ont donc repris 3 entrevues et ont recodifié les données afin de comparer la codification. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide de NVivo, un logiciel d’analyse de données qualitatives. Les résultats ont été discutés et comparés aux résultats de Ward et Keenan (1999). Résultats: Les analyses ont permis de trouver 6 théories implicites. Les théories Le droit d’agir à sa guise, Le monde est incontrôlable et L’agression ne cause pas de tort aux enfants étaient identiques à leur version originale. La théorie Le monde est dangereux variait de sa version originale car aucun lien causal n’a été trouvé entre la perception des adultes et des enfants. Deux visions uniques et indépendantes l’une de l’autre ont plutôt été observées. Aussi, les résultats ont montré que les agresseurs partageaient une image dichotomique de la femme. D’ailleurs, ce résultat est consistant avec la théorie implicite Les femmes sont dangereuses de Polaschek et Ward (2004). La théorie Les enfants sont des êtres sexuels variait de sa version originale quant à sa conceptualisation. Les enfants sont des partenaires de vie est une nouvelle théorie implicite n’ayant pas été discutée par Ward et Keenan. Ce résultat est consistant avec les recherches de Wilson (1999) sur la congruence émotionnelle envers les enfants des agresseurs sexuels. / Objective: The goal of this thesis was to further examine implicit theories of male child molesters in a sample of French speaking offenders to determine whether we could replicate Ward and Keenan’s proposed categorization. It was also to investigate the possibility of finding new implicit theories in our sample. Method: 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with convicted child molesters (Robert-Giffard hospital, Montée St-François institution). Two independent raters selected all cognitive distortions found in these interviews and codified them into categories. The categories were then assessed in order to make sure that the categories allow an optimal classification of the child molesters’ cognitive distortions. In order to do this, raters independently re-coded three interviews, and compared the resulting categories. The data was analyzed with NVivo, a statistical package for qualitative data. Results were discussed and compared to those of Ward and Keenan (1999). Results: Results of this research have helped to find six implicit theories. Entitlement, Uncontrollability and Nature of harm were identical to their original version. Dangerous World varied slightly from what Ward and Keenan (1999) found because we found no evidence of the direct causal link between views of adults and views of children. Instead, we found that child molesters have specific and separate perceptions of adults and children. Also, results have shown that child molesters have a dichotomic perception of women. This result is consistent with finding from Polaschek and Ward (2004) about their Women are unknowable implicit theory. Child as Sexual Being varied from his original version as for his conceptualization. Child as Partners is a new implicit theory not discussed by Ward and Keenan. This result is consistent with findings from Wilson (1999) on sexual offenders’ emotional congruence toward children.

Les théories implicites des agresseurs sexuelles d'enfants

Paquette, Sarah 04 1900 (has links)
Objectif: Ce mémoire avait pour objectif d’examiner le contenu cognitif du discours d’agresseurs sexuels d’enfants dans un échantillon d’hommes francophones afin de déterminer s’il est possible de reproduire les catégories de théories implicites telles que proposées par Ward et Keenan (1999). Le but était également d’investiguer la possibilité de retrouver de nouvelles théories implicites. Méthode: 20 entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées auprès d’un échantillon d’agresseurs sexuels d’enfants judiciarisés (Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, Établissement Montée St-François). À partir de ces entrevues, 2 juges indépendants ont sélectionné le contenu cognitif du discours des agresseurs sexuels. Ce contenu a ensuite été classé thématiquement. Chacun des thèmes émergents a fait l’objet d’une analyse indépendante afin de déterminer si les catégories permettaient une classification optimale des distorsions cognitives. Les juges ont donc repris 3 entrevues et ont recodifié les données afin de comparer la codification. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide de NVivo, un logiciel d’analyse de données qualitatives. Les résultats ont été discutés et comparés aux résultats de Ward et Keenan (1999). Résultats: Les analyses ont permis de trouver 6 théories implicites. Les théories Le droit d’agir à sa guise, Le monde est incontrôlable et L’agression ne cause pas de tort aux enfants étaient identiques à leur version originale. La théorie Le monde est dangereux variait de sa version originale car aucun lien causal n’a été trouvé entre la perception des adultes et des enfants. Deux visions uniques et indépendantes l’une de l’autre ont plutôt été observées. Aussi, les résultats ont montré que les agresseurs partageaient une image dichotomique de la femme. D’ailleurs, ce résultat est consistant avec la théorie implicite Les femmes sont dangereuses de Polaschek et Ward (2004). La théorie Les enfants sont des êtres sexuels variait de sa version originale quant à sa conceptualisation. Les enfants sont des partenaires de vie est une nouvelle théorie implicite n’ayant pas été discutée par Ward et Keenan. Ce résultat est consistant avec les recherches de Wilson (1999) sur la congruence émotionnelle envers les enfants des agresseurs sexuels. / Objective: The goal of this thesis was to further examine implicit theories of male child molesters in a sample of French speaking offenders to determine whether we could replicate Ward and Keenan’s proposed categorization. It was also to investigate the possibility of finding new implicit theories in our sample. Method: 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with convicted child molesters (Robert-Giffard hospital, Montée St-François institution). Two independent raters selected all cognitive distortions found in these interviews and codified them into categories. The categories were then assessed in order to make sure that the categories allow an optimal classification of the child molesters’ cognitive distortions. In order to do this, raters independently re-coded three interviews, and compared the resulting categories. The data was analyzed with NVivo, a statistical package for qualitative data. Results were discussed and compared to those of Ward and Keenan (1999). Results: Results of this research have helped to find six implicit theories. Entitlement, Uncontrollability and Nature of harm were identical to their original version. Dangerous World varied slightly from what Ward and Keenan (1999) found because we found no evidence of the direct causal link between views of adults and views of children. Instead, we found that child molesters have specific and separate perceptions of adults and children. Also, results have shown that child molesters have a dichotomic perception of women. This result is consistent with finding from Polaschek and Ward (2004) about their Women are unknowable implicit theory. Child as Sexual Being varied from his original version as for his conceptualization. Child as Partners is a new implicit theory not discussed by Ward and Keenan. This result is consistent with findings from Wilson (1999) on sexual offenders’ emotional congruence toward children.

La pensée des femmes violentes : les théories implicites liées au comportement violent.

Robitaille, Marie-Pier 08 1900 (has links)
Les théories implicites (TIs) sont des croyances sous-jacentes et interconnectées qui influencent les pensées conscientes et le comportement (Ward, 2000). Elles ont été étudiées chez les délinquants et les délinquantes sexuels, ainsi que chez les délinquants violents, mais pas chez les délinquantes violentes. La recherche montre que les cognitions des délinquants violents peuvent être organisées en quatre TIs: 1) Battre ou être battu, 2) Je suis la loi, 3) La violence est normale, et 4) Je perds le contrôle (Polaschek, Calvert & Gannon , 2008). L’objectif de la présente étude était de déterminer quelles sont les TIs des délinquantes violentes afin de mieux comprendre leur comportement. Des entrevues semi structurées ont été menées avec 21 femmes violentes incarcérées. Dans l'analyse, les cognitions des participantes ont été extraites en utilisant l’analyse du discours (Angers, 2005). Ces cognitions ont ensuite été plus profondément analysées pour en ressortir les TIs en suivant la méthode de la théorisation ancrée (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Les résultats suggèrent qu’il existe six théories implicites liées au comportement violent des femmes. Deux d'entre elles sont neutres, car aussi retrouvées chez les hommes: 1) la violence est normale et 2) je perds le contrôle. Les quatre autres sont sexo-spécifiques: 3) ceux qui agissent injustement méritent d'être battus, 4) j'ai besoin de me protéger et protéger les autres, 5) je ne suis pas violente, et 6) ma vie est trop difficile. En outre, les résultats suggèrent qu'il existe deux groupes distincts d’agresseures en ce qui concerne les cognitions: les « antisociales » et les « classiques ». Les implications et explications théoriques de nos résultats seront discutées. / Implicit theories are defined as underlying and interconnected beliefs that influence conscious thoughts and their related behaviors (Ward, 2000). Implicit theories have been investigated in male and female sexual offenders and male violent offenders, but never in female violent offenders. Research shows that male violent offenders’ cognitions can be organized into four implicit theories: 1) Beat or be beaten; 2) I am the law; 3) Violence is normal; and 4) I get out of control (Polaschek, Calvert & Gannon, 2008). The aim of this study was to examine the implicit theories of violent female offenders. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 convicted violent women. In the analysis, participants’ cognitions were extracted using the discourse thematic analysis method (Angers, 2005). These cognitions were then thematically organized into implicit theories using the Grounded Theory method (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Results show that women hold six categories of implicit theories. To of them are neutral, because there were also found in the male offender’s study: 1) Violence is normal and 2) I get out of control. The four other are gender-specific: 3) Those who act unfairly deserve to be beaten, 4) I need to protect myself and others, 5) I am not a violent person, and 6) Life is too hard on me. In addition, results suggest that there are two distinct groups of female offenders that differ in their cognitions: the “antisocial offenders” and the “classic offenders”. Implications and theoretical explanations of are results are discussed.

L'influence du mindset sur l'adaptation scolaire et psychosociale des élèves en difficulté scolarisés en classe spécialisée

Lussier Desbiens, Marie-Claire 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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