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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det känns som att jag är bra i matte” : En studie om hur elever i årskurs 6 ser på möjligheterna att utveckla sin intelligens i ämnet matematik.

Björs, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to examine how pupils in year 6 describes how they can affect their intelligence. It also aims to see the degree to which international stydies can be applied in a Swedish context. This study discuss and use Carol S. Dwecks concept mindset. Two studies implemented after a method development of previous international studies. The method used to examine these questions isquestionnaire survey and interviews. The analysis is structured around the socio-cultural perspective and shows that to a certain extent it is possible to use international studies in a Swedish context and that pupils whit one mindset think that they can affect their intelligence while pupils whit the other mindset think that they can´t.

An Investigation Into How Elementary School Administrators Support the Growth Mindset of Classroom Teachers

Settles, Karen Rena 28 October 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the strategies that school administrators indicate they use to develop and sustain the growth mindset in classroom teachers. The researcher interviewed three administrators from a small, rural county in Virginia to gain understanding of established practices (see Appendix D). Two research questions frame this study: What strategies do Virginia public elementary school administrators use to support and sustain the growth mindset of classroom teachers and how do Virginia public elementary school administrators perceive the importance of developing a growth mindset of classroom teachers? This study seeks to contribute to the body of work completed by Dweck (2006) on fixed and growth mindsets. Additionally, this study will further contribute to the research of Abboud (2019), which explored evidenced-based strategies utilized by building principals in California high schools that supported high-yielding student achievement. An analysis of data revealed important steps that help in the development and sustainability of a growth mindset, as well as suggestions for future research. School divisions and administrators could provide teachers opportunities for growth mindset professional development in support of learning strategies for best practices in teaching. School divisions and administrators benefit when teachers are trained in growth mindset development. In addition, the study found, administrators should form PLCs in schools to provide opportunities for sharing and collaboration amongst peers related to growth mindset. School divisions should encourage administrators in providing timely feedback to teachers and follow up related to developing a growth mindset. / Doctor of Education / The purpose of this study was to identify the strategies that school administrators indicate they use to develop and sustain a growth mindset in classroom teachers. An analysis of this relationship revealed important steps that help in the development and sustainability of a growth mindset. The researcher interviewed three administrators from a small, rural county in Virginia to gain understanding of established practices (see Appendix D). Two research questions frame this study: What strategies do Virginia public elementary school administrators use to support and sustain the growth mindset of classroom teachers and how do Virginia public elementary school administrators perceive the importance of developing a growth mindset of classroom teachers? Data were collected and analyzed to determine themes. Major findings of this research reveal four steps administrators used to support teachers in developing, supporting, and sustaining a growth mindset in classroom teachers, as well as suggestions for future research. School divisions and administrators could ensure teachers are provided opportunities for growth mindset professional development in support of learning strategies for best practices in teaching. School divisions and administrators benefit when teachers are trained in growth mindset development. In addition, the study found, administrators should form PLCs in schools to provide opportunities for sharing and collaboration amongst peers to support a growth mindset. School divisions should encourage administrators in providing timely feedback to teachers and follow up related to developing a growth mindset.

Integrating growth mindset principles into vibrato instruction for strings

Koonce, Melissa A. 16 January 2024 (has links)
Learning a musical instrument is a complex process that involves cognitive, physical, environmental, and motivational factors. When adolescent students first learn a musical instrument, they can demonstrate a fixed or growth mindset (or a mixture of both) when it comes to their beliefs about their skills. Research indicates that adolescents who receive mindset interventions increase academic performance and improvements in their overall mental health and well-being. Music education researchers have found that many musicians lack the mental strategies to improve competency beliefs, but there is scant research on growth mindset interventions in music classrooms. Among bowed string educators and musicians, vibrato is considered to be a skill with both mental and physical challenges. The purpose of the study was to examine the experiences of eighth grade students who receive a growth mindset intervention while learning vibrato in a heterogeneous string classroom. The participants were a sample of eighth grade students from the researcher’s classroom who were learning vibrato for the first time. All students completed a mindset inventory quiz to determine whether they have a fixed or growth mindset orientation. The entire class participated in research-based mini-lessons, class discussions, journaling in the Growth Mindset Workbook for Teens (Schleider et al., 2021), supplemental goal and reflection activities specific to vibrato skills, and video reflection to give students a different format for reflection alongside vibrato instruction. Although descriptive data was gathered from the whole class, a sample of seven participants was selected to examine students’ lived experiences in-depth. To focus on the students’ perspectives and lived experiences, data was collected and analyzed through the lens of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. The participants were selected using maximum variation sampling to represent a variety of perspectives: mindset scores, instrument, ethnicity, and gender. Data collection from the study included teacher observation (written journaling), student interviews, journal samples (mix of media recording and written), as well as pre- and post-intervention mindset surveys. While the participants displayed a mix of mindsets about their vibrato throughout the study, many of the students reported that mindset activities helped them improve their mindset and vibrato learning experience. The researcher found that consistent use of both mental (particularly mindset) and physical strategies supported the acquisition of the challenging skill of vibrato. The class was generally more motivated to learn vibrato, less likely to give up when it was difficult, and applied vibrato to their music on their own when compared to previous classes. The results of the study support previous research that others can have an impact on students’ mindsets, particularly family, peers, and educators. The study contributes to the limited research on growth mindset in the music classroom and provides implications for mindset training for young musicians. It also contributes to the limited body of research in string vibrato pedagogy and may provide more implications for the mental processes of learning vibrato.

Lärares mindset och deras praktik : Lärares attityder gentemot elevers förmåga att utvecklas och relationen till deras undervisning / Teachers mindset and practice : Teachers attitudes towards students ability in relation to their teaching practice

Rahm, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns en relation mellan lärares syn på sina elevers utvecklingspotential och deras undervisning, dvs attitydens påverkan på handling hos de lärare som ingår i studien. Utveckligspotential defenierar jag med utgångspunkt i Dwecks teori (2015) som elevernas utvecklings av intelligens och förmåga. Mot detta undersöker jag även samband mot demografiska variabler som kön, legitimation och år i yrket. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv och är en kvantitativ studie. Den genomförs som en webb-baserad enkätstudie vid två olika skolenheter. Det finns inga siginfikanta samband mellan lärares mindset och deras praktik. Inte heller finns några siginifikanta samband mellan lärares mindset och deras praktik i förhållande till demografiska variabler. / The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between the teachers view of the pupils´development potential and their teaching, ie the influence of the attitude towards action by the teachers included in the study. Development potential, I define on the basis of Dweck´s theory (2015) as the students´development of intelligence and abels such as gender, legitimacy and years in profession. The study is based on a socio-cultural perspective and is quantitativ. It is contucted as a web-based survey of comprising two different schools. The result indicates that there are no general significate realtionships between teachers´mindet and their internship. There are also ni significant relationships between teachers´mindset and their practice in relation to demographic variables.

Sambandet mellan stress mindset och upplevd stress hos gymnasieungdomar / The Relationship Between Stress Mindset and Perceived Stress Among Swedish High School Students

Edblad, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
Studien undersökte sambandet mellan stress mindset (individens övertygelser om stress) och upplevd stress hos gymnasieungdomar. 122 deltagare i åldrarna 16-19 år deltog i studien genom att svara på ett elektroniskt formulär. Frågorna bestod av Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14), som undersökte upplevd stress, och Stress Mindset Measure (SMM), som undersökte deltagarnas mindset om stress. Resultatet visade en signifikant negativ korrelation mellan stress mindset och upplevd stress. Detta gav stöd till forskningshypotesen att övertygelsen att stress är skadligt har ett signifikant samband med hög upplevd stress hos gymnasieungdomar. Praktiska implikationer och framtida forskning diskuteras.

Mindset och genus

Stockman Burg, Aron January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att skapa en bättre förståelse för hur elever ser på sin egen intelligens och sitt lärande och om detta påverkar hur eleverna ser på undervisning. Detta gör jag genom att testa psykologiforskaren Carol S. Dwecks teorier om statiskt och dynamiskt mindset i svenska förhållanden på elever i mellanstadiet. En person med dynamiskt mindset tror på ständig möjlighet till utveckling, medan en med statiskt mindset tror på medfödd talang eller begränsningar. Jag har tagit reda på vilket mindset eleverna har och även undersökt och analyserat könsfördelningen. Det finns bara lite svensk forskning om mindset och den som finns handlar om äldre elever, vilket gör att jämförelser istället gjorts med Dwecks forskning i USA. För att få en bred kvantitativ bild, men ändå balansera mängden material mot uppsatsens omfång gjordes en enkätundersökning med tre klasser i mellanstadiet. Enkäten undersökte genom två-alternativsfrågor, baserade på Dwecks frågeformulär Mindset Assessment Profile (MAP), vilket mindset eleverna hade och innehöll även frågor kring vilka typer av undervisningsmetoder som eleverna mest gillade, producerade mest av och lärde sig bäst av. Genomgången av materialet visar att de flesta elever har ett dynamiskt mindset, men också att frågorna till viss del hade tolkats olika av eleverna och mätt deras generella attityd till skolan istället. Undersökningssvaren visar mer på tendenser och en jämförelse gjordes mellan elever med ett mer dynamiskt mindset mot de med ett mindre dynamiskt mindset. Resultaten visar att synen på undervisningen till viss del skiljer sig mellan grupperna och att valen eleverna gör matchar deras mindset. En av de tydligaste skillnaderna var att lusten att lära var mycket större i gruppen med dynamiskt mindset. Resultaten visar också en kraftig tendens att flickor med åldern blir mer dynamiska och att pojkar blir mer statiska. Mindset går till viss del att använda för att förstå elevers tänkande i svenska förhållanden men fortsatt forskning på området behöver ta in intervjuer, observationer samt effektstudier för att få fram mer tillförlitliga svar.

The most effective methodologies to cultivate a global mindset

Van Lill, Tanya 11 August 2012 (has links)
The aim of this research was to determine which methodologies were found by expatriate managers to be most effective in the development of a global mindset. In support of this aim, the research also investigated whether a global mindset would vary depending on the methodologies experienced by expatriate managers ; and whether exposure to a combination of methodologies would lead to a higher level of global mindedness.A quantitative research approach was adopted with the unit of analysis being expatriate managers. Questionnaires were made available electronically. The collected data was coded and run through SAS version 9.2. Descriptive statistics were obtained to determine the respondent‟s level of global mindedness. Paired sample t-tests were performed between the means of the Learning Methodologies to determine perceived effectiveness. The Kruskal-Wallis non parametric test was run to compare the global mindedness of respondents based on the learning methodologies participants had been exposed to.The results indicate that expatriate managers perceive International Assignments to be the most effective methodology to cultivate a global mindset. International Travel and Working in International Teams were also highly rated by the survey respondents as methodologies to cultivate a global mindset. All of these methodologies are founded on Experiential and Social Learning Theories. An exposure to a combination of methodologies was not found to provide statistically significant evidence that this leads to higher levels of global mindedness. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Ett matematiskt mindset : Hur kan det visas och hur ser det ut? / A mathematical mindset

Hermansson, Hannes January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie visar hur ett matematiskt mindset kan modelleras och hur detta mindset ser ut hos grundskoleelever i norra Sverige. Studien utgår från ett sociokognitivt perspektiv och inspireras av Carol Dwecks teoretiska ramverk om mindset. En av grundpelarna i ett sådant mindset är att det finns statiska tankar som skapar hinder i kunskapsutvecklingen och dynamiska tankar som skapar förutsättningar för god kunskapsutveckling. Syftet med ett specifikt matematiskt mindset är att unga elever kan ha svårt att förstå abstrakta begrepp och företeelser. Många av de modeller som finns för att undersöka mindset använder abstrakta begrepp som exempelvis intelligens. Detta gör att elevens kognitiva förmåga kan bli en begränsande faktor när unga elevers tankar undersöks. Studien presenterar 4 komponenter som ingår i ett matematiskt mindset; Ansträngning och fysiska egenskaper, inlärd hjälplöshet, lärandemål/prestationsmål och utmaning med risk för misslyckande. Dessa fyra komponenter användes för att skapa en enkät, vars ändamål var att reflektera elevens tankar kring olika scenarion kopplade till matematikämnet. Deltagarna i studien var 37 grundskoleelever i årskurs 2 från två klasser i en skola i norra Sverige. Enkätsvaren från de 37 deltagarna resulterade i 4 olika modeller för ett matematiskt mindset. Resultatet från studien visade att det i urvalet fanns elever med flera statiska attributioner och att det finns elever med hög grad av dynamiska attributioner. Resultatet från denna studie har potential att ge pedagoger och forskare inblick i unga elevers mindset inom ämnet matematik. Eftersom Carol Dwecks teori bygger på att elevens statiska eller dynamiska tankar är förändringsbara så ger resultatet från denna studie en språngbräda till nästa steg; strategier för att förändra elevers statiska tankar till dynamiska tankar.

Teachers' Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices About Mindset in the Northern Mariana Islands

Cruz, Bobby 01 January 2018 (has links)
The problem studied was the poor academic achievement of middle school students in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Research indicates that a growth mindset positively affects a student's academic achievement and motivation to learn. However, despite the importance of mindset in fostering student success and enhancing learning, mindset remains underexplored in the CNMI. The purpose of this generic qualitative study was to fill this gap in knowledge by investigating teachers' knowledge, perceptions, and practices concerning mindset in the CNMI. Three research questions examined teachers' knowledge and perceptions of mindset in the CNMI and how teachers described and demonstrated the use of mindset in their practices. Dweck's seminal work on mindset served as the conceptual framework. Social constructivism guided the study process. Qualitative data were collected from 15 purposively sampled teachers at a local CNMI middle school. Data were analyzed through categorization and codification, from which emerging themes were used to answer research questions. Results indicated that teachers in the local middle school have limited knowledge and inaccurate perceptions regarding the mindset concept. Accordingly, the analysis recommended the need for and served as the basis for the design of a professional development workshop about mindset for teachers throughout the CNMI to enhance teacher instruction and improve student learning, thus promoting positive social change.

Principals' Mindset: Growth or Fixed?

Mlakar, Melissa K. 04 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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