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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob / Problems of criminal liability of legal etities

Šelleng, Dalibor January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis is concerned with an issue of criminal liability of legal entities. Emphasis is put on the czech legislation, more precisely on the act no. 418/2011 Sb., on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and their Prosecution, that came into force on 1. 1. 2012. This act was adopted in response to the obligations under international law that are binding on the Czech Republic. The main aim of this thesis is to make its readers possible to get acquainted with the regulations of the establishment and termination of criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic and to point out some problematic parts of the law. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the general questions of criminal liability of legal entities, in particular with the historical development of such a conception, its possible models, definition of the legal entity and with the reasons for and against criminal liability. The second and the most extensive part of this thesis is dedicated to the analysis of the current Czech legislation. It focuses attention on the issues concerning the scope of the Act, extent of the criminalization of corporations, requirements of the imputability of the criminal act to the corporation and concerning the issue of transferring criminal liability to the...

A responsabilidade penal do psicopata delinquente ante a legislação penal brasileira: qual o tratamento dispensado ao psicopata criminoso, como resposta ao seu ilícito praticado? / La responsabilita penale del psicopatico delinqüente davanti La legge penale brasiliana: quale trattamento applicato al psicopatico criminale come risposta al suo illecito praticato? / The criminal reponsibility of the delinquent psychopathy towards the brazilian criminal legislation: what is the treatment dispensed to the criminal psychopath, as an answer to their practiced illicit?

Ferro, Rodrigo Cavalcante 20 October 2016 (has links)
SOMMARIO: Um tema abbastanza controverso nel Diritto Penale risiede nella possibilita di imponersi uma pena al vertido no Direito Penal risiede nella possibilità di imporre una sanzione penale per il criminale possesso di un disturbo di personalità, lo psicopatico. In Brasile, la dottrina classica insiste sulla tassazione di questi soggetti come persone titolari dei benefici previsti nel comma unico dell'articolo 26 del codice penale, trattandoli come semi-attribuibili. Un'altra linea di pensiero che ha acquistato slancio, gli giudica come elementi pericolosi, ma sani. Quindi, in grado di rispondere penalmente come chiunque altro. Infine, ci sono quelli che li trattano come soggetti in possesso di una malattia, e perciò meritevoli di trattamento piuttosto che punizione. Qui, faremo un bel giro su queste tre linee della dottrina, elegendo alla fine, a una di loro. Gita che è fatta necessariamente, tenendo conto i principi costituzionali. / ABSTRACT: A very controvertial theme in criminal law is the possibility to impose a sanction to a guilty which has a personality disorder, the psychopath. In Brazil, the classic doctrine insists to put these people as a holder of the benefits fixed in the single paragraph, of the article 26, of the Criminal Code, treating them as semi imputable. Other group that has been attaining expression adjudge them as risky people, but healthy, therefore, able to respond criminally as anyone. Lastly, there are those who treat them as diseased people, and, for this, treatment deserving and does not have any punishment. Here, we will do a tour in these three doctrinal lines, filing, in the final, to one of them. This trip will be done, necessarily, taking in count the limites constitucional principles of the state power to punish. / Um tema bastante controvertido no Direito Penal reside na possibilidade de se impor uma pena ao criminoso portador de um transtorno de personalidade, o psicopata. No Brasil, a doutrina clássica insiste em tachar esses sujeitos como pessoas detentoras dos benefícios previstos no parágrafo único do artigo 26 do Código Penal, tratando os como semi-imputáveis. Outra corrente que vem ganhando expressão os julga como elementos perigosos, mas sãos, portanto, aptos a responder penalmente como qualquer outra pessoa. Por fim, há aqueles que os tratam como sujeitos detentores de uma moléstia, e, por isso, merecedores de tratamento e não de punição. Aqui, farse-á um passeio nestas três linhas doutrinárias, filiando-se, ao final, a uma delas. Passeio que é feito, necessariamente, levando-se em conta os princípios constitucionais limitadores do poder de punir estatal.

L'imputabilité en droit pénal / Imputability in penal law

Gomez, Elisabeth 17 November 2017 (has links)
Après une intrusion chaotique dans la théorie de la responsabilité pénale, l’imputabilité peut aujourd’hui apparaître comme une donnée d’essence classique. Elle répond à une définition subjective faisant consensus en doctrine et supposant l’addition du discernement et d’une volonté libre de l’agent. Dans le prolongement, elle est unanimement entendue comme constituant le fondement de la responsabilité pénale. Cependant, la cohabitation entre les différentes conditions de la responsabilité pénale, en particulier entre les concepts de culpabilité et d’imputabilité, n’est peut-être pas aussi pacifiée qu’il n’y paraît. En réalité, la question de l’indépendance des notions n’a jamais été clairement résolue, car leurs composantes respectives participent des conditions subjectives à l’engagement de la responsabilité pénale. Pourtant, la question est loin d’être anecdotique, en particulier si l’on considère certaines institutions fondamentales du droit pénal, au rang desquelles figurent les notions d’infraction et de complicité. Il apparaît ainsi, à l’analyse, que la définition traditionnelle de l’imputabilité mérite quelques ajustements, conduisant à une reconfiguration du champ de la condition de liberté relevant de l’imputabilité. Cette recherche vise aussi à établir que l’imputabilité est une donnée étrangère à l’infraction concrètement commise. Cette place spécifique au sein de la responsabilité pénale, mettant en évidence le lien entre l’imputabilité et la sanction infligée en rétribution de l’infraction commise, permet d’adopter une vision plus large du concept, susceptible d’affronter le bouleversement consécutif à l’entrée du droit pénal dans l’ère de la post-modernité. Cette dernière, que l’on pourrait associer au néopositivisme pénal du début du siècle, s’est accompagnée d’une résurgence des concepts de risque et de dangerosité. L’impact de cette évolution sur l’imputabilité peut apparaître radical : rupture du caractère unitaire de la notion, émergence du concept d’imputation à l’égard des personnes morales, voire même effacement pur et simple de l’imputabilité à l’égard des personnes physiques. Pourtant, des modalités de restauration de l’exigence d’imputabilité seront envisagées sur les terrains substantiel, par le truchement de l’imputabilité comprise comme capacité pénale, et processuel – par des propositions concernant les procédures pensées en considération de la psychologie de l’agent. Au bout du compte, il apparaît que l’imputabilité est de nature à jouer un rôle décisif dans l’organisation d’une cohabitation raisonnée avec le concept de dangerosité, en condamnant la prise en compte de la dangerosité seulement hypothétique sans exclure la possibilité d’une rétention après la peine. / After a chaotic intrusion in the theory of penal liability, imputability can today appear as a classical notion. The general doctrinal consensus is that it depends on a subjective definition, implying the offender’s discernment and free will. Moreover, the notion of imputability is unanimously considered as the basis of penal liability. However, cohabitation between the various conditions of penal liability, particularly between the concepts of guilt and imputability, may not be as steady as it seems. Indeed, the independence of these notions has actually never been clearly demonstrated, for their respective components represent the subjective conditions creating penal liability. Nevertheless, this topic is far from being anecdotal, specifically among several fundamental institutions of criminal Law, in which the notions of infraction and complicity are involved. Thus, the definition of imputability may deserve some adjustments, and imply, consequently, a reworking of the release condition coming under imputability. This study also aims at proving that imputability is an irrelevant element to the concretely committed offence. This specific part in penal liability, highlighting the link between imputability and the penalty imposed in response to the committed offence, enables a wider vision of the concept that could help facing the upheaval resulting from the entry of criminal Law in the post-modernity era. The latter, that one could associate with the beginning of the century’s penal neopositivism, also implied the resurgence of the concepts of risk and dangerousness. The impact of this evolution about imputability may seem radical : end of the unitary aspect of the notion, emergence of the concept of imputation towards legal entities, and even total erasure of imputability towards natural persons. And yet, some solutions to the reconstitution of the exigence of imputability will be developed, not only in a substantial approach, where imputability will be understood as penal capacity, but also in a procedural approach – thanks to suggestions of procedures taking the offender’s psyche into account. In the end, imputability seems to play a major part in the organization of a balanced cohabitation with the concept of dangerousness, by condemning a strictly hypothetical consideration of dangerousness, without excluding a potential reservation after the penalty.

"Estudo da concordância entre laudos psiquiátricos conclusivos de capacidade parcial de imputação e sentenças judiciais" / "Study on the concordance between conclusive psychiatric reports of partial capacity of imputation and judicial sentences"

Ramos, Maria Regina Rocha 15 April 2002 (has links)
A relação entre a Psiquiatria Forense e o Direito Penal é muita antiga, porém sempre foi pouco estudada em termos científicos. Através de um estudo observacional retrospectivo, consistindo em uma série de casos, a autora comparou 24 laudos psiquiátricos conclusivos de capacidade parcial de imputação com as 24 sentenças judiciais correspondentes. A concordância entre laudos e sentenças foi calculada por meio da proporção de sentenças em que o juiz concordou com o parecer do perito, e de seu respectivo intervalo de confiança, com nível de confiança de 95%, que resultou em 91,7% (IC 95% =73 a 99%) de concordância. A autora calculou também a concordância (20 laudos e as correspondentes sentenças) entre as medidas de segurança propostas pelos peritos e as medidas de segurança determinadas pelo juiz, utilizando-se do coeficiente kappa, que resultou em kappa=0,03, p=0,43 de concordância. A autora concluiu que, neste estudo, a concordância entre laudos e a sentenças no que tange à capacidade parcial de imputação foi alta, enquanto a concordância entre laudos e sentenças no que concerne à medida de segurança foi baixa. / The relationship between Forensic Psychiatry and Criminal Law is very old, but it has always been scarcely studied in scientific terms. Through a retrospective decriptive study, consisting of case series, the author compared 24 conclusive psychiatric reports of partial capacity of imputation and 24 corresponding judicial sentences. The concordance between reports and sentences was calculated by means of proportion of sentences concordant with the reports, and the respective confidence interval, with level of confidence of 95%, resulting in 91,7% of concordance (IC 95% = 73 a 99%). The author also calculated the concordance (20 reports and corresponding sentences) between the security measures proposed by the psychiatrist and the security measures determined by the judge by means of kappa coefficient, resulting in kappa = 0,03 and p = 0,43 of concordance. The author concluded that, in this study, the concordance between reports and sentences was high concerning the partial capacity of imputation, while the concordance between reports and sentences concerning the security measures was low.

"Estudo da concordância entre laudos psiquiátricos conclusivos de capacidade parcial de imputação e sentenças judiciais" / "Study on the concordance between conclusive psychiatric reports of partial capacity of imputation and judicial sentences"

Maria Regina Rocha Ramos 15 April 2002 (has links)
A relação entre a Psiquiatria Forense e o Direito Penal é muita antiga, porém sempre foi pouco estudada em termos científicos. Através de um estudo observacional retrospectivo, consistindo em uma série de casos, a autora comparou 24 laudos psiquiátricos conclusivos de capacidade parcial de imputação com as 24 sentenças judiciais correspondentes. A concordância entre laudos e sentenças foi calculada por meio da proporção de sentenças em que o juiz concordou com o parecer do perito, e de seu respectivo intervalo de confiança, com nível de confiança de 95%, que resultou em 91,7% (IC 95% =73 a 99%) de concordância. A autora calculou também a concordância (20 laudos e as correspondentes sentenças) entre as medidas de segurança propostas pelos peritos e as medidas de segurança determinadas pelo juiz, utilizando-se do coeficiente kappa, que resultou em kappa=0,03, p=0,43 de concordância. A autora concluiu que, neste estudo, a concordância entre laudos e a sentenças no que tange à capacidade parcial de imputação foi alta, enquanto a concordância entre laudos e sentenças no que concerne à medida de segurança foi baixa. / The relationship between Forensic Psychiatry and Criminal Law is very old, but it has always been scarcely studied in scientific terms. Through a retrospective decriptive study, consisting of case series, the author compared 24 conclusive psychiatric reports of partial capacity of imputation and 24 corresponding judicial sentences. The concordance between reports and sentences was calculated by means of proportion of sentences concordant with the reports, and the respective confidence interval, with level of confidence of 95%, resulting in 91,7% of concordance (IC 95% = 73 a 99%). The author also calculated the concordance (20 reports and corresponding sentences) between the security measures proposed by the psychiatrist and the security measures determined by the judge by means of kappa coefficient, resulting in kappa = 0,03 and p = 0,43 of concordance. The author concluded that, in this study, the concordance between reports and sentences was high concerning the partial capacity of imputation, while the concordance between reports and sentences concerning the security measures was low.

Otázky trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob / Issues of criminal liability of legal entities

Šťastný, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this Master's thesis is the analysis of criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech republic that is contained in the Act no. 418/2011 Sb., on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Procedure against them, which was adopted on 22. 12. 2011. It is a topical isuue, which still contains a lot of unanswered questions. The aim of the thesis is to familiarize the reader with this new institute in the Czech legal system, with which there are not many practical experiences yet. Taking into account the extent of the thesis, it does not include a comprehensive analysis, but it focuces on key issues in the legal regulation. The work is also dedicated to the regulation of this institute in the Spanish legal system. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with general issues that are related to the criminal liability of legal entities. It presents the historic development, models of liability of legal entities for offences, international regulation, corporate criminal liability in the Common law system and the reasons for and against introducing criminal liability of legal entities into legal system. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of current legislation criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic. It is focused on the nature of the...

Vybrané aspekty trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob / Selected Issues of Corporate Criminal Liability

Fabšíková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The submitted thesis comprehensively deals with selected issues of corporate criminal liability. The emphasis is mainly put on the Czech legislation, on the Act No. 418/ 2011 Coll., on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and their Prosecution that became effective on the January 1, 2012. Foreign legislation concerning corporate criminal liability in selected countries within civil law legal system is taken into account in the thesis as well while focusing mainly on the French legislation. The aim of the thesis is to carry out a critical analysis of the Czech corporate criminality legislation and to point out its ambiguities, contentious parts and potential shortcomings. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part deal with certain general issues related to the concept of criminal liability of legal entities, including its historical development. The second part focuses on the scope of the Act No. 418/ 2011 Coll., in particular it examines the characteristics of the entities that are subjected to the corporate criminal liability and the extent of criminalization of legal persons. Third part and the longest part examines (i) corporate criminal liability's establishment with emphasis put on the matter of imputability and (ii) the legal succession with regard to the transfer of the...

Vybrané otázky trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob / Selected issues of criminal liability of legal entities

Slobodník, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Název disertační práce v anglickém jazyce, abstrakt v anglickém jazyce a 3 klíčová slova v anglickém jazyce Název disertační práce v anglickém jazyce: Selected issues of criminal liability of legal entities Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce: The author of the propounded thesis is dealing with a controversial issue of criminal sanctioning of legal entities in selected countries of the European Union. With the presented topic of criminal liability of legal entities is not only engaged the specialized public in the Czech Republic, but it is also a controversial theme among other European states. The topic remains current, as is witnessed not only by the frequent expert conferences, but also by the legislative activity in the Czech Republic, neighbouring countries and other parts of Europe. It is clear that individual legislators are still seeking the optimal embedding of effective sanctions against legal entities, including related penal institutes. The second chapter of this thesis is devoted to valid and effective international and transnational documents, which are closer examined. Due to the fact that each of the sources contains just general requirements, a number of states are positively assessed when implementing the transnational and international commitments, because these states, except few of them,...

Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Criminal Corporate Liability

Bohuslav, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The Criminal Corporate Liability The definition of legal person is not outlined in criminal law, but can be found in Section 18, Subsection 2 of the Civil Code. Corporate criminal liability is then a concept that has been newly introduced to the Czech statutory criminal law, what has caused a certain intrusion of the system of basic principles of criminal law, mainly the principle of individual criminal responsibility. The term "imputability" appears, which means that a conduct of agents or other persons designated in the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Proceedings Against Them (further as "the Act") can be imputed to a legal person, if the physical person is culpable for the conduct and the conduct causes imputability of the criminal offence to the legal person. Intensive discussions on necessity and suitability of implementation of the concept of corporate criminal liability into the Czech legal system had preceded the adoption of the Act in 2011. Such discussion can now be considered as overcome, as it is obvious that the Czech Republic has opted for the direction towards the "true" corporate criminal liability. Arguments for and against the adoption of the Act can nevertheless help to better understand the concept itself, as well as the context in which it has been introduced. It...

Koncept přičitatelnosti trestného činu právnické osobě / The concept of imputability of a crime to a legal entity

Němeček, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis focuses on the area of criminal liability of legal entities, which is not only the most controversial area, but also represents the very core of the Act on criminal liability of legal entities. The aim of this work is a detailed analysis of the positive legal regulation of imputability of a crime to a legal entity, focusing on confrontation of provisions concerning the possibility of exculpation, especially section 8(5) of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., with the fundamental principles of substantive and procedural criminal law. Introducing the topic, the concept of legal entity is defined, then the arguments for and against the adoption of criminal liability of legal entities are presented, as well as models of criminal liability of legal entities. At the end of the first chapter, the issue of the scope of criminalization is analyzed. The second chapter is devoted to the positive condition of imputability of a crime to a legal entity. This includes not only the very structure of imputability, but also the individual persons whose acts can be imputated to the legal entity. Furthermore, the following chapter focuses on the negative condition of imputability, i.e., the exculpation, or non-imputation of the crime to a legal entity. The provision regulating exculpation is subject...

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