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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Užlaidų sudaromųjų analizė ir tarpinių matmenų skaičiavimas / Components analys of irreducible allowance

Varnas, Artūras 10 June 2005 (has links)
The method of counting allowances is created by prof. V.M. Kovan more than 40 years ago. Therefore today, when computers are using, the components of allowances it is possible to estimate more deeply and in that way the method of counting of allowances it is possible to make more accurate. The elastic deformations of technological system which appear because of changing of machining material harness and the becoming used up by rubbing of machine tool are estimated in the counting in this case are allowances. How intermediate dimensions are counting in this case is shown.

Asimetrijos įtaka tempiamų - gniuždomų dvisluoksnių strypų stiprumui ir standumui / Influence of asymmetry tensioned (compressed) two-layer bars strength and stiffness

Tručinskas, Marius 13 June 2006 (has links)
Tručinskas M. Influence of asymmetry tensioned (compressed) two-layer bars strength and stiffness: Master thesis of mechanical engineer / research advisor Assoc. Prof. habil. Dr. J. Bareišis; Šiauliai University, Technological Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department. – Šiauliai, 2006. – 47p. Multilayer constructions at this time is very popular, because it is cheaper, we can reduce the weight and the rigidity make similarly. There is investigate asymmetry multilayer constructions, most important setting in parameter and the changes of graph settings and the cross-section of kernel settings. I investigate isosceles angular which was fill in by coal plastic in different forms vertical and horizontal ways. In another way I take one form in vertical and horizontal ways and change the material. In result I get the most important parameter’s change graphs of asymmetry multilayer constructions, set the cross-section of kernel, it form and changes graphs of area.

Rolamaitinės tiesiaeigio judesio atramos / Rolamite rectilinear motion supports

Janulis, Deividas 15 June 2006 (has links)
The goal of research is to investigate rolamite motion supports, their dynamics, to prove possibility of above mentioned mechanism to be controlled precisely and ability to use in everyday practice in field of lifting technics. The object of investigation is rolamite type mechanism, movement of which is controlled by vibrations. As the result of investigation, it was found, that vibration controlled rolamite type motion supports assures smooth, quick and accurate movement of working parts. It is possible to create conditions, which can assure movement of assembly parts with no slipping and no gap between them. It means, that such a mechanisms have the unique precision, which is not possible, using other mechanical drive constructions. Such a precise mechanisms are on demand in most branches of industry. While investigation took place, author tried to find possibilities to use such a mechanisms in lifting technics. It was seen, that these mechanisms are able to use in some assemblies, used in lifts and hoists. Especially interesting is possibility to make vibration controlled brake mechanisms for braking the ropes and sliding block-stops. In this case it is possible to create the self controlling system to prevent lifted weights from falling in case of failure in the electrical mains system. It would be excellent decision for changing the basic system of lifts and winches, used nowadays. These mechanisms will assure security, that still was not reached in nowadays technics.

Mechaninių gaminių gamybos našumo didinimas modernioje gamybos aplinkoje / Increasing productivity of mechanical products manufacturing in modern production environment

Juodkūnas, Žygimantas 13 June 2006 (has links)
Juodkūnas Ž. Increasing productivity of mechanical products manufacturing in modern production environment: Master thesis of mechanical engineer/research advisor prof. A.Bargelis; Šiauliai University, Technological Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department. – Šiauliai, 2006. – 41p. It is generally agreed that the growth of economy is determined by competitiveness of a country (also of a company) on the international scale. To become competitive, a country (a company) must reach at least the same or a higher level of productivity and innovation than other countries of the comparative group. To stay competitive, products should be of high quality and production should be effective and efficient. Only under such conditions an organization can be successful. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze productivity increase in modern production environment. The thesis considers the importance of productivity in contemporary production environment, describes the relation between productivity and quality, factors of productivity realization, provides methods of productivity calculation. Much attention is paid to increasing of design productivity. The advantages of space designing and also the problems of software integration are discussed. Instillation of new technologies is examined. After examination of the theory some conclusions are drawn for reaching high productivity: to put in order structure and management of an organization, to instill modern designing systems (space... [to full text]

Žmogiškasis veiksnys informacijos sistemų apsaugoje / The impact of human factor on is security

Dirgėla, Rolandas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – žmogiškojo veiksnio įtaka informacijos sistemų apsaugai. Darbo tikslas – parodyti žmogaus, kaip informacinės sistemos dalies, svarbą apsaugos procesuose, kur apsauga yra ne papildomas darbas, bet pačio darbo dalis. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai: apibrėžti kas yra informacijos sistema ir kokia informacijos sistema yra saugi; išanalizuoti metodus, kuriais pažeidžiamas informacijos sistemų saugumas pasinaudojant žmogiškuoju faktoriumi; apibrėžti informacijos saugumo politikos sampratą, jos prasmes ir principus; saugumo politikos orientuotos į žmogiškąjį faktorių sukūrimas ir diegimas; praktinio tyrimo pagalba prognozuoti padėtį informacinių sistemų apsaugoje, Lietuvoje veikiančiose įmonėse. Tik visus organizacijos lygius apimanti, tinkamai pasirinkta ir įdiegta saugumo politika gali efektyviai apsaugoti nuo išorinių ir vidinių saugumo grėsmių. Išnagrinėjus informacijos sistemų pažeidžiamumus susijusius su žmogiškuoju faktoriumi buvo prieita prie išvados, kad žmogiškasis veiksnys informacijos sistemų apsaugoje nėra įvertintas tinkamai, dėl savo unikalumo, kuris sukelia didelius sunkumas kuriant ir diegiant saugumo politiką. Dauguma organizacijų pasitenkina technologiniais informacijos sistemų apsaugos sprendimais ir tik paviršutiniškai paliečia darbuotojus. Silpnėjant kultūriniams barjerams tarp šalių ir tautų, šiuolaikinės globalizacijos akivaizdoje tokie informacijos sistemų pažeidžiamumai Lietuvoje taps dažnesni ir subtilesni, jei nesiimsime atitinkamų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main object of work is the impact of human factor on IS security. The main purpose of this work is to show that human factor is very important part of successful information system security policy in organization. Main tasks are in final thesis: define information system, define secure information system, analyze methods of vulnerability information system seizing IS users, define security policy conception, signification and principles, development and implementation security policy pointed to human factor, forecast position of other organization in Lithuania. Carefully developed and implemented security policy which include all organization layers can protect effectively all organization including IS and data stored in it. The result, which I got from analyzing literature, shows that human factor takes wrong place in security policy because of his unique structure which involves a lot of problems in security policy development and implementation. Most of organizations take only technical measures to ensure IS security and often forget train users for security awareness. IT globalization melts the borders between countries and cultures for this reason attacks on IS will increase rapidly in Lithuania. Research made in financial institution shows real situation of security system in organization and let us prognosticate situation in another Lithuania companies. Final thesis may be useful companies to improve existing security policies and for people who gain more... [to full text]

Veleno tipo detalių plokštumų padėčių paklaidų formavimasis / Surface position errors formation for axel type parts

Janavičius, Egidijus 13 June 2006 (has links)
E. Janavičius „Surface position errors formation for axel type parts”. Mechanical Engineering Master‘s Theses / Leader ass.prof J.Rimkus; Siauliai University, Chair of mechanical Technology. – Siauliai, 2006 – 31p. The investigation work „Surface position errors formation for axle type parts�� consists of 28 figures, 5 references. Subject of investigation is surface position errors of the parts. Aim of the investigation is formation of surface position errors in manufacturing process. Axel type parts surface position errors formation during treatment, are presented in the work. The surface position error chains are made with a help of graphs. It is hard to estimate what will be the eventual measurement after the part is fully made, because of the errors that appear in the manufacturing process. In this work were analyzed what surface position errors appears and disappears and witch stays after manufacturing process is over. Using graphs and incidentic matrix were analyzed different surface position errors occasions.

Automatizuotas kompiuterizuotos IS prototipo kūrimas informacijos srautų specifikacijos pagrindu / Automated development of computerized IS prototype based on specification of information flows

Šleinius, Zenonas 01 June 2004 (has links)
The domain of this research are CASE tools, designated for requirements engineering, which are able to generate computerized information system prototypes. The main goal of this project is to design software, which would enable to generate an IS prototype from requirements specification, created re specification method, suggested by the Information Systems department. The software is a part of a CASE tool, designed by the IS department. The CASE tool is designated for creating requirements specification and the software will provide additional functionality to it. The opportunities of computerized IS prototyping using Oracle Designer, Visual FoxPro and MS Access were analyzed. In case of Oracle Designer, in order to create a computerized IS prototype we have to go through the whole design stage. In case of DBMS Visual FoxPro and MS Access we must have a database designed. And the software for generating computerized IS prototype enables you to generate a system prototype at an early design stage and without having the system project.

Elektroninių komunikacijų ir dokumentų valdymo sistema / Electronic communications and document management system

Babilius, Povilas 16 January 2005 (has links)
In this work designs document management and communication system for small office or average company. This system operation is based on internet technologies and allows to use it form any remote computer. Also there is drafted reporting to concerned persons about changes via various ways. This electronic communications and document management system is an unique work, originally coming out of a PHP and MySQL web application. It was the first time to directly learn the differences between Microsoft and Open Source modeling; to understand technology methods aim to accomplish the same thing in different ways. This project turned out quite as expected coming from using a working web version of this application. The flow of the web application is directed and purposeful, while the web application doesn’t require additional scripting to enforce user login, grouped permission setting, and actual file upload capability.

Vartotojo reikalavimų specifikavimo įrankio parinkimo būdas / Requirement specification tool selection method

Visockas, Paulius 27 June 2014 (has links)
Kuriant informacines sistemas ir siekiant jas geriau pritaikyti verslui, pastaraisiais metais vis daugiau dėmesio yra skiriama vartotojų reikalavimų specifikacijai. Vartotojų reikalavimus galima specifikuoti pasinaudojus sistemos reikalavimų specifikacijos (SRS) šablonu, tačiau bet kurį SRS šabloną vis tiek reikia pritaikyti kiekvienam individualiam projektui. Šioje reikalavimų inžinerijos stadijoje susiduriama su problema, nes dar nežinant kokie bus vartotojų reikalavimai reikia pasirinkti tinkamą SRS šabloną bei programinę įrangą. Ne visi šablonai yra suderinami su individualiomis programomis ir ne visos programos pasižymi tomis pačiomis savybėmis. Kadangi šiuo metu nėra būdų, kurie padėtų išsirinkti tinkamą projektui vartotojų reikalavimų specifikacijos įrankį, šiame darbe toks būdas bus kuriamas ir aprašomas. Problemos ištyrimo lygis. Šiuo metu visos sukurtos informacinės sistemos (t.y. vartotojų reikalavimų specifikavimo (VRS) įrankiai) yra skirtos reikalavimams specifikuoti žinant specifinio projekto reikalavimus. Įrankio, kuris leistų pasirinkti tinkamą VRS įrankį, nėra. Darbo objektas: vartotojų reikalavimų specifikavimas. Darbo tikslas: sukurti būdą, kuris leistų pasirinkti tinkamą vartotojų reikalavimų specifikavimo įrankį. Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo, yra sprendžiami tokie uždaviniai: • išnagrinėti sistemos reikalavimų specifikavimo (SRS) šablonų sudėtį; • atlikti SRS šablonų analizę, nustatyti jų savybes, privalumus bei trūkumus; • išnagrinėti vartotojų reikalavimų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / VISOCKAS, Paulius (2011) Requirement Specification Tool Selection Method. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Department of Informatics. 59 p. S U M M A R Y MBA graduation paper goal is to create a method that would allow consumers to choose the right tool for specifying requirements before knowing them. In order to achieve the goal, following tasks are solved: perform analysis of system requirements specification templates, user requirements specification tools and their compatibility with each other; develop SRS and user requirements specification tools criteria; and investigate a proposed tool with experimental data. Scientific literature, SRS templates and user requirements specification tools summary are used during analysis. The main result of this work is the proposed iVRS tool that solves the problem under investigation, since it allows choosing the exact and correct SRS template and software. This solution differs from existing solutions because it allows users to select the requirements specification tool in the pre-specification stage, where the error price is lowest. This paper also sets out SRS and user requirements specification tool criteria. Paper consists of 59 pages, 14 tables and 19 pictures.

Spaudos inžinerijos srities studijų programų Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų absolventų darbo spaustuvėse tyrimas / The Investigation of the Printing Engineer Program Graduates Activity in Printing Houses

Aleinikovienė, Simona 19 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama spaudos inžinerijos srities studijų programų absolventų padėtis darbo rinkoje. Teorinėje dalyje apžvelgta su spaudos inžinerija susijusių studijų programų pasiūla Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose, spaudos inžinerijos studijų sritį besirenkančių studentų ir absolventų kitimas Lietuvoje 2007–2013 metais, šios srities rengiamų specialistų pasiūla. Atlikta spaudos pramonės srities darbų pasiūlos analizė. Tiriamojoje dalyje atlikus empirinį, kiekybinį, tyrimą, išanalizuoti VGTU, KTU ir KK aukštųjų mokyklų absolventų, baigusių su spaudos inžinerija susijusias studijų programas duomenys, absolventų padėtis darbo rinkoje, studijų programos trūkumai, privalumai. Išnagrinėjus teorinę dalį ir atlikus tyrimo analizę pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir rekomendacijos. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, teorinė ir tiriamoji dalys išvados ir rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 55 p. teksto be priedų, 25 pav., 9 lent., 26 bibliografiniai šaltiniai Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / The thesis contains the investigation of the situation for the Printing engineering graduate students in labour market. The theoretical part presents an overview of the study programs related to the Printing engineering programs in Lithuanian higher schools. The changes in labour marked in 2007 – 2013 of the students who were choosing study programs related to the Printing engineering and the field of trained specialists supply was overlooked. The research part contains the survey of the VGTU, KTU and KK high school graduates of study programs related to the Printing engineering, empirical, quantitative analyses which illustrates advantages and disadvantages of these studies. After examination of the theoretical part and analysis conclusions and recommendations are provided. of the study and carried out the analysis, conclusions and recommendations. Master thesis includes 6 chapters: introduction, publications review, theoretical research conclusions and recommendations, references. Thesis consist of: 55 p. text without appendixes, 25 pictures,9 tables, 26 bibliographical entries.

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