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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kūno kultūros ir sporto pedagogo specialybės pasirinkimo motyvai / Motives for chosing speciality of physical culture and sport pedagogy

Lisauskaitė, Vilma 09 April 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas yra teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti pagrindinius kūno kultūros ir sporto pedagogo specialybės studentų profesijos pasirinkimo motyvus. / The aim of the study is to theoretically base and empirically investigate the basic motives of physical education and sports’ speciality students for chosing their profession.

Spaudos inžinerijos srities studijų programų Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų absolventų darbo spaustuvėse tyrimas / The Investigation of the Printing Engineer Program Graduates Activity in Printing Houses

Aleinikovienė, Simona 19 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama spaudos inžinerijos srities studijų programų absolventų padėtis darbo rinkoje. Teorinėje dalyje apžvelgta su spaudos inžinerija susijusių studijų programų pasiūla Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose, spaudos inžinerijos studijų sritį besirenkančių studentų ir absolventų kitimas Lietuvoje 2007–2013 metais, šios srities rengiamų specialistų pasiūla. Atlikta spaudos pramonės srities darbų pasiūlos analizė. Tiriamojoje dalyje atlikus empirinį, kiekybinį, tyrimą, išanalizuoti VGTU, KTU ir KK aukštųjų mokyklų absolventų, baigusių su spaudos inžinerija susijusias studijų programas duomenys, absolventų padėtis darbo rinkoje, studijų programos trūkumai, privalumai. Išnagrinėjus teorinę dalį ir atlikus tyrimo analizę pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir rekomendacijos. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, teorinė ir tiriamoji dalys išvados ir rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 55 p. teksto be priedų, 25 pav., 9 lent., 26 bibliografiniai šaltiniai Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / The thesis contains the investigation of the situation for the Printing engineering graduate students in labour market. The theoretical part presents an overview of the study programs related to the Printing engineering programs in Lithuanian higher schools. The changes in labour marked in 2007 – 2013 of the students who were choosing study programs related to the Printing engineering and the field of trained specialists supply was overlooked. The research part contains the survey of the VGTU, KTU and KK high school graduates of study programs related to the Printing engineering, empirical, quantitative analyses which illustrates advantages and disadvantages of these studies. After examination of the theoretical part and analysis conclusions and recommendations are provided. of the study and carried out the analysis, conclusions and recommendations. Master thesis includes 6 chapters: introduction, publications review, theoretical research conclusions and recommendations, references. Thesis consist of: 55 p. text without appendixes, 25 pictures,9 tables, 26 bibliographical entries.

Meno dalykų studijų kryptingumas rengiant dizaino specialistus / Singleness of art subjects in design specialists’ educational process

Jakuba, Ana 25 May 2005 (has links)
Research objects was a singleness of art subjects in design specialists’ qualifying process at a college. Research purpose was to reveal the singleness of art subjects in design specialists’ educational process. It was proposed to improve art studies of design specialists by analyzing students’ motivation, prominence of art subjects, as well as its progress, taking into account employers’ and graduates’ indicated aspects of a design specialty. It was also proposed to schoolmasters of tertiary education to refine methodology of art studies by improving art knowledge and skills and adjusting significance of art studies in educational process of design specialists. The research disclosed that singleness of art studies at hairstyle designer’s specialty corresponds to public needs and protects interests of specialists. Designers are being raised as creational personalities. Much attention is given to practical and theoretical techniques and training of skills to look for the best possible art forms. Singleness of art subjects in design specialists’ educational process gives the latter a possibility to present a designer’s profession in appropriate manner. The work develops the idea that improvement of art subject’s singleness capacitates the study of employer’s need’s and promotion of creative possibilities in educational process. For that reason the defining of art studies singleness in teaching process of design specialists is a relevant and promising research field.

Burnos higienos specialybės studentų požiūris į karjeros galimybes / Attitude of oral hygiene students toward career opportunities

Borneikienė, Ritmantė 05 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti burnos higienos specialybės studentų požiūrį į karjeros galimybes. Tyrimo metodika: vienmomentinė anketinė apklausa buvo vykdoma Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitete, Kauno kolegijoje, Utenos kolegijoje, Šiaulių valstybinėje kolegijoje, Panevėžio kolegijoje 2012 m. vasario – rugsėjo mėn. Buvo apklausti visi paskutinių kursų burnos higienos studijų studentai, studijuojantys Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitete, Kauno kolegijoje, Panevėžio kolegijoje, Šiaulių valstybinėje kolegijoje, Utenos kolegijoje. Išdalintos 205 anketos. Statistinėje analizėje buvo naudotos 144 teisingai užpildytos anketos (atsako dažnis 70,2 proc.). Duomenys analizuoti programa SPSS, 20 versija. Rezultatai: Burnos higienos specialybės studentams (70,9 proc.) karjera yra svarbi jų gyvenime. Daugiau nei trečdalis (35,2 proc.) studentų burnos higienisto darbo jau ieškojo ir daugiau nei pusė (59,3 proc.) jo nerado. Nustatyta, jog daugiau nei penktadalis (21,7 proc.) studentų ketina išvykti dirbti burnos higienisto darbą į užsienio šalis ir daugiau nei pusė (53,1 proc.) dar svarsto tokią galimybę. Paaiškėjo, kad daugiau nei ketvirtadalis (26,8 proc.) studentų nesitiki įsidarbinti Lietuvoje pagal įgytą specialybę. Daugiau nei pusė dalyvavusių studentų burnos higienos studijomis yra patenkinti, o daugiau nei trečdalis studentų nepatenkinti. Didžioji dauguma (98,9 proc.) skundėsi praktinių užsiėmimų stoka. Daugiau nei pusė universiteto studentų (66,7 proc.) studijuoja šioje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of research: to assess the attitude of oral hygiene students toward career opportunities. Research methods: The cross-sectional survey was conducted at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, Utena University of Applied Sciences, Šiauliai State College and Panevėžys College from February to September, 2012. All final-year oral hygiene students of the aforementioned institutions were surveyed. 205 questionnaires were distributed. The statistical analysis encompassed 144 properly filled questionnaires (response rate 70.2%). The data was analyzed with SPSS Software, version 20. Results: the majority of oral hygiene students emphasized importance of career in their lives (70.9%). More than one-third of students (35.2%) had already been looking for an oral hygiene specialist job and more than half of respondents (59.3%) had not found it. It was revealed that more than one-fifth of students (21.7%) had been planning to work as oral hygiene specialists abroad and more than half of them (53.1%) had been considering the aforementioned opportunity. It emerged that more than one-fourth of respondents (26.8%) had no employment expectations regarding their acquired profession in Lithuania. More than half of students were satisfied with oral hygiene studies, whereas more than one-third of them felt disatisfied. The vast majority of respondents (98.9%) complained about a lack of practice activities. More than half of students (66.7%) study oral... [to full text]

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