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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att Adaptera Fantasy : En adaptionsstudie av TV-serien Game of Thrones / Adapting Fantasy : An Adaptation Study on the TV-series Game of Thrones

Wik, Anders January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to study the adaptation process of the TV-show Game of Thrones. This paper focuses mainly on how David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and HBO adapted the TV-show from George R.R. Martins book series A Song of Ice and Fire and what, in the adaptation and in the reception of the TV-show, made it such a global cultural phenomenon. The analysis has been done by analysing interviews and studying behind-the-scenes material that has been available through articles and bonus material provided by the web and on the DVD and Blu-Ray features of the show. Mary H. Snyders Analyzing Literature-to-Film Adaptations provides a ground tool of analysing adaptations where particularly her “A Marriage of Media” theory has significantly helped the study. The paper analyses fantasy as a genre, the book series that the TV-show is based on, and the adaptation process itself and the different components that make up for the TV-show called Game of Thrones. After the adaptation analysis there is a study on how the internet has helped distributing both the show’s popularity and the show itself through the use of illegal downloading. The result is that the adaption is a successful “Marriage between media”, to use Snyders words, where the internet can be seen as product of that metaphorical marriage. The confidence and trust that both the author of the books and the show runners of the TV-series has placed in each other is the binding fundament that made the adaption as successful as it is. HBO as a cable network company also play a significant part where the financial support to the show’s production and the non-existent censorship regarding the adult content otherwise wouldn’t have been provided for, had the show been produced and/or aired by any other network company for example. The previous successes of other fantasy adaptations such as The Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter-series could also be seen as necessary initiators regarding the industry’s newfound openness towards large scale fantasy projects.

Античка прошлост у Србији у уџбеницима историје између два светска рата / Antička prošlost u Srbiji u udžbenicima istorije između dva svetska rata / Antique past in Serbia in textbooks for history between the two world wars

Radaković Strahinja 22 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет проучавања докторске дисертације је заступљеност античке прошлости у уџбеницима историје на простору данашње Србије, у Краљевини СХС и Краљевини Југославији, у периоду између два светска рата од 1918. до 1941. године. Рад се бави и проучавањем утицаја античких вредности на васпитање и образовање српске омладине. Основни предмет истраживања у раду су уџбеници на српском језику са тематиком из области античке прошлости, који су се користили у средњим школама у периоду између два светска рата. Поред уџбеника и наставних планова и програма, у раду је представљен и шири друштвени контекст изучавања античке прошлости, најзначајнији професори и предмети на свим смеровима, где се проучавала античка прошлост на Универзитету у Београду. Радом су пропраћени и поједини чланци о античкој прошлости и просвети, који су се појављивали у периодици тога доба.</p> / <p>Predmet proučavanja doktorske disertacije je zastupljenost antičke prošlosti u udžbenicima istorije na prostoru današnje Srbije, u Kraljevini SHS i Kraljevini Jugoslaviji, u periodu između dva svetska rata od 1918. do 1941. godine. Rad se bavi i proučavanjem uticaja antičkih vrednosti na vaspitanje i obrazovanje srpske omladine. Osnovni predmet istraživanja u radu su udžbenici na srpskom jeziku sa tematikom iz oblasti antičke prošlosti, koji su se koristili u srednjim školama u periodu između dva svetska rata. Pored udžbenika i nastavnih planova i programa, u radu je predstavljen i širi društveni kontekst izučavanja antičke prošlosti, najznačajniji profesori i predmeti na svim smerovima, gde se proučavala antička prošlost na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Radom su propraćeni i pojedini članci o antičkoj prošlosti i prosveti, koji su se pojavljivali u periodici toga doba.</p> / <p>The theme of study of this doctoral thesis is to what extent the antique past was included in the textbooks for history which were published and used in the area of present Serbia, The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and The Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the period between the two world wars from 1918. to 1941. The thesis deals with studying of influence of the antique values on upbringing and education of Serbian youth. The basic theme of research in the thesis are the textbooks written in Serbian dealing with the antique past and which were used in secondary schools between the two world wars. Besides the textbooks, and teachers&rsquo; plans and syllabus broader social context of studying antique past, the most important teachers of the subject at all the streams studying the antique past at the University of Belgrade are presented in the thesis. The thesis includes some articles about the antique past in education which were published at that time.</p>

Étude des interrelations entre les domaines numérique, algébrique et géométrique dans l’enseignement des mathématiques au secondaire : une analyse des pratiques enseignantes en classes de troisième et de seconde / Study of the interrelations between the different numerical-algebrical and geometrical fields within the teaching of mathematics in the 2nd in the 2nd form : the analysis of the teaching-practices in the 3rd and the 2nd Forms.

Santos Farias, Luiz Marcio 18 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude des interrelations entre les domaines numérique-algébrique et géométrique (NAG) dans l'enseignement des mathématiques en classes de troisième et de seconde en France. L'objectif est de comprendre comment les enseignants utilisent et font travailler les élèves sur ces interrelations et d'étudier dans quelle mesure l'utilisation de telles interrelations peut favoriser le processus d'enseignement-apprentissage. En nous appuyant sur le cadre de la théorie de l'anthropologie du didactique développée par Yves Chevallard, nous partons de l'hypothèse qu'il y a un vide didactique pour ces interrelations en tant qu'outil et en tant qu'objet dans l'enseignement des mathématiques au secondaire. Malgré ce vide didactique, les interrelations sont présentes dans la pratique des enseignants, elles ont une place et un rôle important dans l'enseignement des mathématiques. Ce vide peut constituer un obstacle pour les élèves lors de la résolution de problèmes qui font appel, simultanément, aux domaines numérique-algébrique et géométrique et lors de la construction des nouvelles connaissances. La thèse présente les caractéristiques de pratiques enseignantes à propos du NAG dans le cadre de l'observatoire des pratiques sur le numérique initié par Alain Bronner. La méthodologie est de type clinique, elle s'appuie sur les données recueillies auprès de deux professeurs et de leurs élèves, dans une classe de troisième et une classe de seconde. Le travail comprend, à propos du NAG, une étude historique et épistémologique, une étude des programmes et de manuel, l'étude des pratiques de deux professeurs et la mise en évidence des conditions actuelles de l'enseignement. La recherche a mis en évidence un problème didactique qui semble non identifié, voire sous-estimé, par les enseignants à propos du rôle des interrelations entre les domaines mathématiques. / The focus of this work is the study of interrelations between the different numerical-algebrical and geometrical fields(NAG) – in the teaching of mathematics on the 3rd and 2nd Forms in France.The objective is to understand how the teachers use and make the pupils work on those interrelations and to study how much the use of those interrelations may favour the process of teaching – learning.Relying on the frame of the theory of didactic anthropology developed by Yves Chevallard, we begin with the hypothesis that, there is a didactic void in the interrelations as used as tools, as well as objects linked with the teaching of mathematics in the 2ND level. In spite of this didactic void, the interrelations are present in the practise of the teachers, they have a place and an important role in the teaching of mathematics. This void may represent an obstacle for the pupils when they are supposed to do a resolution of problems which call, at the same time, on the numerical-algebrical and geometrical fields and which are built on new knowledges.The thesis presents teaching practices characteristics about the NAG in the frame of the Observatory of practices linked with numerical initiated by Alain.Bronner. The methodology is of the clinical type, it relies on the data accumulated by teachers and their pupils in a 3rd and 2nd Classes. The work is made of several parts, about the NAG : a historical and epistemologic study, a study of programs and manuals, the study of the pracises of the two teachers and the obvious evidence of the present conditions of the teaching. The reseach has made it clear that, there was a didactic problem which seems not visibly determined, even underestimated by the teachers, about the role of the interrelations between the different mathematic fields.

Impact de l'ouverture commerciale sur le marché du travail des pays en voie de développement : le cas de la Tunisie. / Impact of trade liberalization on labour market in developing countries : the case of Tunisia

Mrabet, Zouhair 12 July 2010 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche dans le cadre de cette thèse a porté sur les effets de la libéralisation commerciale sur le marché du travail des pays en voie de développement, avec une application spécifique à l'économie tunisienne. Nous avons structuré notre analyse sur le sujet autour de deux axes. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié l'impact des échanges commerciaux sur le marché du travail, et dans un deuxième temps nous avons étudié le rôle du changement technologique induit par l'ouverture commerciale. Notre recherche a présenté et discuté la littérature théorique et empirique et les faits stylisés sur le sujet. Dans notre cas d'étude sur la Tunisie nous avons estimé les équations de l'emploi total, de l'emploi du travail qualifié, de l'emploi du travail non qualifié, de l'emploi relatif entre le travail qualifié et non qualifié et du salaire réel. Les variables clés dans ces équations sont celles qui mesurent les échanges commerciaux et celles qui mesurent le changeme nt technologique importé.Les principaux résultats peuvent être résumés de la manière suivante :- L'ouverture commerciale a joué un rôle important dans le changement de la structure de l'emploi sur le marché du travail tunisien.- Le marché du travail tunisien enregistre les mêmes évolutions que celles observées dans plusieurs pays en voie de développement (tels que les pays d'Amérique Latine et d'Asie de l'Est).- Ces évolutions se manifestent par une augmentation de l'emploi relatif du travail qualifié par rapport au travail non qualifié.- Les statistiques descriptives montrent que les inégalités de salaire ont augmenté en Tunisie.- Le changement technologique biaisé vers les travailleurs qualifiés a été un facteur déterminant dans cette évolution en Tunisie. La technologie incorporée dans les machines et les équipements importés augmente l'emploi relatif des travailleurs qualifiés par rapport aux travailleurs non qualifiés. / We analyse the effects of trade liberalization on the labor market of developing countries, with specific application to the Tunisian economy. We have structured our analysis around two axes. Initially, we studied the impact of trade on the labor market, and in a second step we studied the role of technological change induced by trade openness. Our research presented and discussed the theoretical and empirical literature and stylized facts on the subject. In our study of Tunisian case we estimated equations of total employment, employment of skilled labor, employment of unskilled labor, relative employment between skilled and unskilled labor and real wages. The key variables in these equations are those which measure the trade and those that measure the imported technology.The main results can be summarized as follows:- Trade openness has played an important role in changing the structure of employment in the Tunisian labor market.- The evolution of Tunisian labor market has the same trends as those observed in several developing countries (such as the countries of Latin America and East Asia).- These changes are manifested by an increase in employment of skilled labor relative to unskilled labor.- The descriptive statistics show that wage inequality increased in Tunisia.- Technological change biased towards skilled workers has been a factor in this evolution in Tunisia. The technology embodied in imported machinery and equipment raises relative employment of skilled workers relative to unskilled workers.

Regions, technological interdependence and growth in Europe

Fischer, Manfred M. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents a theoretical neoclassical growth model with two kinds of capital, and technological interdependence among regions. Technological interdependence is assumed to operate through spatial externalities caused by disembodied knowledge diffusion between technologically similar regions. The transition from theory to econometrics yields a reduced-form empirical model that in the spatial econometrics literature is known as spatial Durbin model. Technological dependence between regions is formulated by a connectivity matrix that measures closeness of regions in a technological space spanned by 120 distinct technological fields. We use a system of 158 regions across 14 European countries over the period from 1995 to 2004 to empirically test the model. The paper illustrates the importance of an impact-based model interpretation, in terms of the LeSage and Pace (2009) approach, to correctly quantify the magnitude of spillover effects that avoid incorrect inferences about the presence or absence of significant capital externalities among technologically similar regions. (author's abstract)

Reassessing relocation : a comparative analysis of legal approaches to disputes over family migration after parental separation in England and New Zealand

George, Robert H. January 2010 (has links)
Relocation cases are disputes between separated parents which arise when one proposes to move to a new locality with their child and the other objects. Relocation disputes are increasingly common and are becoming a topic of international concern. This thesis takes a comparative socio-legal approach to examining the legal responses to relocation cases in England and New Zealand. In England, Payne v Payne [2001] 1 FLR 1052 continues to apply principles first enunciated in Poel v Poel [1970] 1 WLR 1469, and generally sees children’s welfare as being promoted by allowing primary carers to relocate, so long as such moves are bona fide and well-considered. New Zealand rejected this approach in the mid-1990s, and now places more emphasis on children having strong relationships with both parents. Consequently, where England is characterised as ‘pro-relocation’, New Zealand is ‘anti-relocation’. Qualitative interviews with legal practitioners in both countries suggest that these characterisations are reflective of the law in practice. Looking at hypothetical case-studies, English practitioners are more likely to support proposed relocations than New Zealanders. Many English practitioners think their law to be outdated, and in particular that it gives too much weight to applicants’ well-being and too little to the value of children having strong relationships with both parents. However, in New Zealand, where an approach similar to that favoured by many English participants is applied, practitioners have the opposite concern, that applicants’ well-being is given insufficient weight, and promoting strong relationships with both parents has become overly dominant when assessing children’s welfare. It is suggested that the current variation in approaches to relocation may fit broader trends in post-separation parenting in different countries. However, given the current ‘search for common principles’ which can be applied to relocation cases internationally, this thesis raises questions about the likelihood of international agreement being reached.

The Relationship Between Scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised and Scores on the Wide Range Achievement Test

Harris, Joneel J. 05 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this study is concerned is establishing the relationship between scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) and the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT). The findings indicated a highly significant positive relationship between the WISC-R and WRAT, yielding a a < .001 for all rs between WISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs and WRAT Reading, Spelling, and-Arithmetic. Analysis of WISC-R and WRAT subtests revealed slightly less significant relationships (a of at least .01) for all possible combinations. Results of this study indicate the possibility of using the WRAT Arithmetic score as a quick estimate of general level of achievement.

Quel est le niveau hiérarchique des premières catégories apprises ? : une analyse des facteurs chevauchement inter catégories et redondance intra catégorie

Girard, Jade January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

La figure littéraire du rond-de-cuir ou l'écriture de l'impotence. Une idée du roman français au XXe siècle / The typical character of the office worker or the aesthetics of impotence. An Idea of the french novel in the twenty-first century

Piroux, Cyril 18 October 2011 (has links)
Prenant pour exemple la figure littéraire de l‟employé de bureau, notre étude se propose de saisir les particularités synchroniques et le cheminement diachronique d‟une esthétique de l‟impotence qui aurait notamment émergé avec la tentation flaubertienne du « livre sur rien », pour se développer ensuite dans une large part du roman français de la première moitié du XXe siècle et trouver, enfin, son aboutissement dans l‟oeuvre de Samuel Beckett. La figure du copiste permet en cela de dessiner un paysage littéraire dans lequel s‟inscrivent, à côté d‟écrivains célèbres, de nombreux auteurs oubliés malgré l‟importance qu‟ils eurent en leur temps / This thesis takes the typical character of the office worker as an example to try and show the synchronic particularities and the diachronic development of an aesthetics of impotence. The aesthetics of impotence may have more particularly emerged from the Flaubertian dream of the novel “about nothing” and developed afterward in a large part of the French literature in the first half of C20 to finally find its achievement in Samuel Beckett‟s work. The figure of the office worker allows to sketch a litterary landscape in which one can find many different authors : the most famous alongside the ones who have been long forgotten despite the importance they had in their days

Possible membership of Turkey to European Union and its economic aspects

Dandul, Hamit Onur January 2014 (has links)
This study argues that the slow progress of Turkey in the accession to the European Union is not simlpy due to a failure to comply with the "official" membership criteria. It is argued that European attitude towards these official requirements represents a double standard, which can be searched in the context of unspoken cultural and religious fears, that do not exist in the official criteria. It is argued that there are many positive reasons to Turkey's accession to the EU. There is the aspect of energy- security, demography, acting as a bridge between the West and the East, and keeping the European Union away from being Eurocentric. However, seen the recent developments in Turkey's accession negotiations with the EU, the current political climate in Europe suggests that cultural homogeneity of the European Union remains a strong desire. Turkey, being the "Other", suffers the consequences of this. And while Turkey can make changes to its economy and political system to fulfil the EU's accession criteria, there are two 'givens' that cannot be changed-namely, religion/culture and geography/physical location. Thus, understanding these fixed characteristics of Turkey, and their perception by the European Union is crucially important in understanding the European Union - Turkey process overall.

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