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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Within-Channel Redundancy Versus Between-Channel Redundancy in Instructional Material and Its Association with Amount Learned

Evans, Sharon A. (Sharon Ann), 1954- 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is whether between-channel redundancy in an instructional audio-visual message enhances immediate recall of information more than within—channel redundancy. A secondary purpose was to compare three forms of between—channel redundancy! audio—video, audio—video—caption, and audio-caption with one form of within-channel redundancy: video-caption. These comparisons were designed to demonstrate which form of redundancy had a higher association with recall of information. The subjects were administered the Kentucky Comprehensive Listening Inventory to measure listening skills, and the Receiver Apprehension Inventory to identify subjects who experienced significantly high apprehension as receivers of information. Then the subjects were randomly divided into four treatment groups and shown an eight minute newscast. All four groups were presented the same instructional message, but the mode of presentation differed depending upon the treatment group. After viewing the instructional program each member of each group was given a forty item multiple-choice retention inventory based on the information presented in the newscast. The data were presented in terms of correct responses on the Kentucky Comprehensive Listening Inventory and the forty item retention inventory. Discriminate analysis was used to determine which items from the multiple-choice retention inventory accounted for the most variance. Thirteen items were found to account for the greatest amount of variance. Reliability estimates were calculated for all four story categories and for the forty items collectively. All reliability estimates were acceptable.

Unraveling the Myth: Debunking 40 Years of Bodybuilding Dogma : - en litteraturstudie om styrketräningens roll för muskeluppbyggnad

Nilsson, David January 2023 (has links)
Inom kroppsbyggning anses ökning av skelettmuskulatur vara av primär betydelse.Flertalet styrketräningsmetoder för skelettmuskel-hypertrofi existerar, men ingenentydig bild över dessa metoders effekt på amplitud av skelettmuskel-hypertrofiexisterar.Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att undersöka om det finns en skillnad mellan olikastyrketräningsmodellers förmåga att generera en ökad skelettmuskulatur.För att besvara syftet har 10 stycken RCT-studier rörande olika tänkbara parametrarbakom skelettmuskel-hypertrofi analyserats och sammanställts. Ett flertalstyrketränings-parametrar och träningsmetoder har analyserats, liksom dess magnitud påskelettmuskel-hypertrofi. Litteraturstudiens resultat visar att trots att alternativaträningsmetoder uppvisar likvärdiga, och i vissa fall även bättre, resultat rörandeskelettmuskel-hypertrofi relativt traditionell styrketräning, saknas någon entydig metodsom är överlägsen övriga styrketräningsmetoder. Litteraturstudiens resultat indikerar attnågon på förhand given optimal kombination av set, repetitioner och intensitet förskelettmuskel-hypertrofi sannolikt inte existerar. Detta då litteraturstudiens resultat visaratt det är metabola och systemiska intracellulära processer som orsakar skelettmuskelhypertrofi.Att intracellulära metabola och systemiska signaler styr skelettmuskelhypertrofi,samt att dessa signaler är oberoende av produkten av set, repetitioner ochintensitet, medför att kombinationer av set, repetitioner och intensitet sannolikt endast ären konsekvens och inte en orsak bakom skelettmuskel-hypertrofi. / In bodybuilding, increasing skeletal muscle is considered to be of primary importance.Several strength training methods for skeletal muscle hypertrophy exist, but no clearpicture of the effect of these methods on the amplitude of skeletal muscle hypertrophyexists.This literature study aims to investigate whether there is a difference between differentstrength training model’s ability to generate increased skeletal muscle mass.To answer the purpose, 10 RCT studies concerning various conceivable parametersbehind skeletal muscle hypertrophy have been analyzed and compiled. Several strengthtraining parameters and training methods have been analyzed, as well as it’s magnitudeon skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The results of the literature study show that althoughalternative training methods show equivalent, and in some cases even better, resultsregarding skeletal muscle hypertrophy compared to traditional strength training, there isno clear method that is superior to other strength training methods. The results of theliterature study indicate that an optimal combination of sets, repetitions and intensity forskeletal muscle hypertrophy probably does not exist. This as the results of the literaturestudy show that it is metabolic and systemic intracellular processes that cause skeletalmuscle hypertrophy. That intracellular metabolic and systemic signals control skeletalmuscle hypertrophy, and that these signals are independent of the product of sets,repetitions and intensity, means that combinations of sets, repetitions and intensity arelikely only a consequence and not a cause behind skeletal muscle hypertrophy.

Searching for Latin America

Manuelsdotter Pino, Camila January 2023 (has links)
This essay is an extension of the topics I have been investigating while creating art pieces. Through these endeavors, I have been able to see and feel references that enrich me and my personal library, which I have missed from institutions. I hope this essay can be of help to those in need of it or serve as a reminder that having dual identities is beautiful and should be celebrated, not oppressed.   I find myself struggling to write this abstract. How can I make it fair to tell you what is coming in my essay? I do not like to reduce myself, and that is why summarizing my work into a short story is a struggle. I do not see myself as something that can be summarized into a short story. I grew up in a household filled with storytelling   As I write this abstract, I find it challenging to give a fair idea of what to expect. What I can say is that the essay consists of struggles and inner battles of trying to fit in by fläta samman language, culture and art.   When and where, how and why I feel how I feel.   A consciousness of when I am Latina, and when I am Swedish. In this investigation I found help from thinkers such as Sara Ahmed, Gloria Anzaldúa, Virgilio Elizondo, Paulina de los Reyes and artists such as Elías Adasme, Alfredo Jaar, Victor Grippo, Jonathas de Andrade, Rodrigo Castro Hueche.   You could say that the text is about: diaspora, mellanförskap, photography, art, feminism - not white feminism, rasism, home, politics, abuelas, food, ….and I am OK with that!     However, I will say that this essay seeks to explore the struggles and inner battles of trying to fit in. It aims to connect language, culture, and art, using the concept of 'fläta samman' (weaving together) to unravel these issues. My consciousness of being both Latina and Swedish is a significant focus of this investigation, and I draw inspiration from the works of Sara Ahmed, Gloria Anzaldúa, Virgilio Elizondo, Paulina de los Reyes, and artists such as Elías Adasme, Alfredo Jaar, Victor Grippo, Jonathas de Andrade, and Rodrigo Castro Hueche.


JESSICA MORAES ROSA 17 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] A família permanece como a principal responsável pela transmissão das regras sociais e, portanto, pela inserção dos seus membros na sociedade. As relações estabelecidas entre pais e filhos são representadas pelas práticas educativas parentais, que consistem no conjunto de estratégias utilizadas por estes, objetivando orientar os comportamentos socialmente adequados dos filhos, e são divididas em práticas positivas e negativas. As práticas mais utilizadas pelos pais influenciam no desenvolvimento socioemocional dos filhos. Além disso, parte dos comportamentos dos filhos são aprendidos com seus pais, seja através da modelagem, da modelação ou do uso de regras. O que implica dizer que os filhos podem utilizar as mesmas práticas educativas que seus pais no exercício de sua parentalidade. Dessa forma, o presente estudo objetivou investigar se as práticas educativas parentais são transmitidas entre gerações e quais dessas práticas aprendidas os filhos utilizam no exercício de sua parentalidade. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e aplicou-se o RE-HSE-P com 10 pares de homens (pais e filhos) que exercem a parentalidade e residem no estado do Ceará. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente através do software SPSS versão 20.0 e lexicograficamente pelo software IRaMuTeQ. Constatou-se que as práticas positivas foram as mais transmitidas entre as gerações participantes, ressaltando a monitoria positiva e o comportamento moral. Os pais da Geração 1 demonstraram fazer mais uso das práticas negativas do que os pais da Geração 2. Assim, este estudo contribui para o surgimento de novas perspectivas quanto à transmissão das práticas educativas parentais. / [en] The family remains the main responsible for the transmission of social rules and, therefore, for the insertion of its members in society. The relationships established between parents and children are represented by parenting educational practices, which consist of the set of strategies used by them, aiming to guide the socially appropriate behaviors of the children, and are divided into positive and negative practices. The practices most used by parents influence the socio-emotional development of their children. In addition, part of the children s behaviors is learned from their parents, either through modeling, modeling or using rules. The implies that children can use the same parenting practices as their parents in the exercise of their parenting. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate whether parenting educational practices are transmitted between generations and which of these learned practices children use in the exercise of parenting. Through semi-structured interviews and the application of the RE-HSE-P with 10 pairs of men (parents and children) who exercise parenting and live in the state of Ceará. The results obtained were analyzed statistically using the SPSS software version 20.0 and lexicographically by the IRaMuTeQ software. It was found that positive practices are the most transmitted among the participating generations, emphasizing positive monitoring and moral behavior. Generation 1 parents demonstrated to make more use of negative practices than generation 2 parents. Thus, this study contributes to the emergence of new perspectives regarding the transmission of parental educational practices.

Review of Early Modern Medievalisms: The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production

Maxson, Brian 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This book reviewed deals with the investigation of conceptions of the medieval world called "Medievalisms". In addition, the book's contributors examine how early modern men and women perceived the medieval world and how these interpretations differed from our own in the twenty-first century.

George Frisbie Hoar, an Anti-Imperialist Reaction to the American Annexation of the Philippine Islands

Bonam, John H. January 1963 (has links)
No description available.

Ligger ledarskapet i medarbetarens händer? : En studie om ledarskap ur ledarens perspektiv / Is leadership in the hands of the employee? : A study about leadership from the leader’s perspective

Aronsson, Josefin, Lindström, Anton January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Ligger ledarskapet i medarbetarens händer? - En studie om ledarskap ur ledarens perspektiv Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Josefin Aronsson och Anton Lindström Handledare: Monika Wallmon Datum: 2023 – januari Syfte: Studiens syfte är att ur ledarens perspektiv undersöka hur ledarskapet påverkas av relationen mellan en ledare och en medarbetare. Mer specifikt, vilka konsekvenser det får i form av eventuell diskriminering av medarbetare eller för vilken utsträckning som ledaren delegerar egenmakt till medarbetaren. Studiens grund utgörs av LMX-teorin (leader-member exchange), där relationerna mellan en ledare och de enskilda medarbetarna står i fokus. Ledarens perspektiv är inte studerat i en tillräcklig utsträckning, och flertalet forskare efterlyser en större förståelse för ledarens sida av relationen.  Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts och det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom intervjuer med tio olika ledare från åtskilda organisationer. Respondenternas svar har behandlats mot sin unika kontext, men också jämförts mot varandra. Mönster och teman i materialet har lyfts fram i studiens resultat, och sedan granskats och analyserats med den teoretiska referensramen som bakgrund. Resultat och slutsats: Huvudsakliga slutsatser är att relationen till medarbetaren till en viss del påverkar hur kontrollerande ledaren är, vilka arbetsuppgifter som ledaren tilldelar medarbetaren och hur mycket frihet som delegeras gällande arbetsuppgiftens utförande. Medarbetaren påverkar starkt hur personlig relationen mellan parterna är. Starka relationer kan innebära en fördel genom att medarbetares prestation gynnas, men det kan också vara så att ledaren bygger starka relationer till medarbetare som är mer engagerade och högpresterande. Ledaren diskriminerar inte vissa medarbetare på grund av godtyckligt gillande från ledarens sida, men däremot är det samma faktorer som ligger bakom att en relation blir stark som också kan vara rättvisa skäl till att vissa medarbetare får vissa förmåner, som att de presterar bättre. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till en mer nyanserad bild av LMX-modellen genom att beskriva ledarens perspektiv och vad ledaren ser är viktigt för att relationen till en medarbetare ska kunna växa sig stark. Vidare medför studien en nyansering av modellen genom att det konstateras att medarbetare vilka ledaren har en lägre relation till inte behöver vara diskriminerade av ledaren. Det praktiska bidraget är en ökad kännedom om hur ledare påverkas av relationen till sina underordnade, vilket kan ge värdefulla insikter till chefer. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Undersöka om den erfarenhet som en ledare besitter i sin roll har en påverkan för hur ledaren ser på relationen till sina underordnade. Även studier kring hur relationer påverkar ledaren beroende på arten av organisationens uppdrag föreslås samt om det finns några nackdelar för en chef att ha en god och nära relation till sina medarbetare. Nyckelord: Ledarskap, relationen mellan ledare-medarbetare, LMX-teorin, attribution. / Title: Is leadership in the hands of the employee? - A study about leadership from the leader’s perspective Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Josefin Aronsson and Anton Lindström Supervisor: Monika Wallmon Date: 2023 - January                                                                           Aim: The aim of the study is to, from the leader’s perspective, examine how the relationships between the leader and his or her followers affects the leadership. More specifically, which consequences it brings on the matters of discrimination of some employers or to what extent the leader is willing to empower the employer. The foundation of the study consists of the LMX-theory (leader-member exchange), where the focus is on the relations between a leader and follower. The perspective of the leader has not been sufficiently studied before, and several authors enquire for a greater understanding of the leader's view of the relationship. Method: A qualitative method has been used, and the empirical material has been collected through interviews with 10 different leaders from diverse organizations. The result from each interview has been processed with the unique context in concern, but the different results has also been compared to each other. Identified patterns are presented in the result of the study, which then has been reviewed and analysed against the theoretical framework. Results and conclusions: The main conclusions from the study is that relationships with employees do have an impact on how much control the leader urges, which tasks the leader assigns to an employee, and how much freedom that the employer gets regarding the execution of a task. The followers affect largely how private the relationship between the parties are. Highly valued relations can benefit the performance of the employers, but it could also be that the leader chooses those employees who are dedicated and perform well when building strong relations. Leaders do not discriminate against some employers on the basis of arbitrary liking, but at the same time it is the same factors which can be seen lead up to that some relationships growing strong, as could be acceptable reasons why a certain employee gets some favours - such as that the employee is performing well. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to a more nuanced picture of the LMX-model, though it views the relations from the perspective of the leader and brings clarity of what the leader values in a relationship in order for it to mature and become strong. The model also becomes more nuanced through the highlights of the fact that the leader does not discriminate followers that he or she has a slightly less valued relationship to. The practical implications of the study is a greater knowledge about how leaders are affected by the relationships with the followers, which can give practicing managers some great insights. Suggestions for future research: Examine if the leader’s experience does have an effect on how the leader look upon the relationship with his or hers followers. Studies regarding if the organisations’ mission can matter for the leaders view on relationships are also suggested, and also if there are some disadvantages with strong relations between leader-member. Key words:  Leadership, relations between leader-employee, LMX-theory, attributions.

La Procédure D’Annulation des Sentences Arbitrales du Cirdi

Le Frapper, Iohann January 1993 (has links)

Sex, Aggression, and Affiliation: The Social System of White-faced Saki Monkeys (<i>Pithecia pithecia</i>)

Thompson, Cynthia L. 24 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Teacher Learning in Action: Using Self-Study to Connect Practice with Theory

Xenos, Anthony J. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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