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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ciência e religião: reflexões sobre os livros de história da matemática e a formação do professor / Science and religion: reflections on the textbooks of history of mathematics and graduation of teacher.

Borges, Marcos Francisco 22 March 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa insere-se na temática da formação de professores de matemática. Apresenta um estudo sobre a relação entre a ciência e a religião presente nos livros História da Matemática, de Carl B. Boyer, e a Introdução à história da matemática, de Howard Eves, os mais utilizados no curso de licenciatura. Tendo em vista que as atuais propostas de ensino enfatizam que os alunos devem ser formados para serem cidadãos, considera que a forma com que essa relação aparece no material disponível pouco contribui para que isso ocorra. A tese partiu da idéia de que a história das ciências, na formação de professores de matemática, pode dar sustentação a uma educação científica que mostre a complexidade existente entre o pensamento religioso e o pensamento científico. Para isso, foram apresentados episódios da revolução científica causada por pensadores como Kepler, Galileu, Newton e Leibniz. O estudo enfatiza que a educação científica deve incluir uma discussão acerca da natureza do conhecimento científico e sua relação com outros aspectos da cultura, mostrando a existência de descontinuidades e revoluções, como propõe a historiografia atual. Para o enriquecimento do horizonte das discussões o trabalho levanta argumentos envolvendo aspectos sociais e éticos e valores, visando à formação do cidadão. Destaca, também, a tensão entre uma formação do professor mais técnica e uma formação mais ampla. / This research is inserted in the thematic of the graduation of math teachers. It presents a study about the relation between science and religion present in the books History of math, by Carl B. Boyer, and Introduction to the history of math, by Howard Eves, the most used in the graduation course. Having in sight that the current teaching proposals emphasizes that the students must be formed to become civilians, it considers that the way this relation appears in the available material doesn\'t contribute much for it to occur. The thesis stared from the idea that the history of sciences, in the formation of math teachers, can give support to a scientific education that shows the existing complexity between the religious thought and the scientific thought. For this to be made, episodes of the scientific revolution caused by thinkers like Kepler, Galileu, Newton, and Leibniz were presented. The study emphasizes that the scientific education must include a discussion about the nature of the scientific thought and it\'s relation with other aspects of culture, showing the existence of discontinuations and revolutions, as the current historiography proposes. For the enrichment of the discussions\' horizon this work shows arguments involving social and ethical aspects and values, in spite of forming a civilian. Also shows the tension between the more technical formation of a teacher and the most wide formation.

Estudo das propriedades estruturais, eletrônicas e ópticas de óxidos transparentes condutores na fase unária e binária baseados em Al2O3, Ga2O3, In2O3, SnO2 e ZnO / Study of the structural, electronic and optical properties of transparent conducting oxides in the unary and binary phase based on Al2O3, Ga2O3, In2O3, SnO2 and ZnO

Sabino, Fernando Pereira 08 February 2017 (has links)
Óxidos transparentes condutores (OTC) são materiais que possuem simultaneamente uma condutividade elétrica, com uma transparência de aproximadamente 90% no espectro visível. Devido a estas características, existe um grande interesse da indústria na aplicação dos OTC em dispositivos eletrônicos como células solares, transistores transparentes, display eletrônico, entre outros. Os OTC podem ser sintetizados tanto na fase cristalina quanto amorfa, mas é conhecido que o tamanho do raio catiônico tem papel fundamental na determinação das estruturas corundum e bixbyite no sistemas M2O3, que engloba o In2O3, Ga2O3 e Al2O3, materiais largamente utilizados. Embora estes óxidos tenham sido amplamente estudados, nesta tese que utiliza ferramentas teóricas baseadas na teria do funcional da densidade, é mostrado que o raio pequeno (grandes) do Al (In) favorece a cristalização da estrutura corundum (bixbyite). Por outro lado, devido ao raio intermediário do Ga, a hibridização entre os estados d do Ga e s do O, que é favorecida pelos sítios com coordenação quatro na estrutura gallia, é a chave fundamental para fazer o Ga2O3 cristaliza em gallia e não em corundum ou bixbyite. A estrutura cristalina, juntamente com os átomos que compões o sistema são fatores que determinam as propriedades eletrônicas e ópticas. Sabe-se que o In2O3 possui uma alta transparência devido a um número muito grande de transições proibidas entre os estados da banda de valência e condução, resultando em uma disparidade entre a banda proibida óptica e fundamental. Nesta tese é mostrado que três fatores são fundamentais para gerar a disparidade entre as bandas: (i) simetria de inversão na célula cristalina; (ii) mínimo da banda de condução formada por estados s do cátion e do O; (iii) vizinhança do máximo da banda de valência com um alto acoplamento entre os estados d do cátion e p do O. Estas três características, que determinam um mecanismo de geração da disparidade entre as bandas, levam os estados da banda de valência e banda de condução à mesma paridade, sendo assim, transições por dipolo são sempre proibida. Esta banda proibida óptica ainda pode depender de um outro fator: a intensidade luminosa. Sob a condição de alta iluminação, transições ópticas de pequena amplitude fora do ponto Γ, que poderiam ser desprezadas sob baixa iluminação, passam a ter uma importância muito maior. Uma consequência direta deste efeito é que sob forte (baixa) iluminação a banda proibida óptica \"clara\" (\"escura\") coincide (não necessariamente coincide) com a banda proibida fundamental. Tendo estes conhecimentos, é possível controlar as propriedades ópticas de um OTC através da composição catiônica de um multi composto, por exemplo. O acoplamento entre os estados p do O e d dos cátions é a principal característica eletrônica afetada de acordo com a composição estequiométrica dos multi compostos, refletindo diretamente nas propriedades ópticas. De acordo com o modelo de geração de disparidade entre as bandas mencionado anteriormente, a mistura de M2O3-ZnO é mais vantajosa para os OTC do que a mistura In2O3-SnO2 devido ao grande acoplamento dos estados d do Zn com os estados p do O nas proximidades do máximo da banda de valência. / Transparent conducting oxides (TCO) are materials that combine electrical conductivity, with transparency around 90% in visible spectrum. Due to these characteristics, there is strong industrial interest in applying TCO in electronic devices, such as solar cells, transparent transistors, electronic displays, etc. TCO can be synthesized in crystalline or amorphous phase, however it is know that the atomic radius plays an important rule in the corundum and bixbyite crystals structures of M2O3, associated with In2O3, Ga2O3 and Al2O3, which are materials widely used. Although these oxides was deeply studied, in this thesis which use theoretical tools based on density functional theory, it is shown that the small (large) radii of Al (In) favor the crystal structure corundum (bixbyite). On the other hand, because of the intermediate radii of Ga, the hybridization between the d states of Ga and the s states of O, which is favor by the four fold site in the gallia structure, is the fundamental key to makes Ga2O3 crystallize in gallia and not in corundum or bixbyite. The crystal structures with the atomic composition are facts that determine the electronic and optical properties. It is known that In2O3 have a high transparency because the large number of forbidden dipole transition between the valence and conduction bands states, resulting in a disparity between the optical and fundamental band gaps. In this thesis it is shown that three fundamental keys are necessary to generate the disparity between the gaps: (i) crystal structure with inversion symmetry; (ii) conduction band minimum formed by cations and O s states; (iii) high coupling between the cation d states and O p states in the vicinity of valence band maximum. These three characteristics, which determine a mechanism to generate the disparity between the gaps, leads the valence and conduction band states to the same parity, resulting in dipole forbidden optical transition. The optical band gap may depend on another effect: the light intensity. Under high illumination, optical transition with small amplitude out of Γ point, which are neglected under low illumination, became more important. A directly consequence of this effect is that under high (low) illumination the \"bright\" (\"dark\") optical band gap coincide (not necessary coincide) with the fundamental band gap. Having this knowledge, it is possible to tune the optical properties of the TCO through the cation composition in the multi compounds, for example. The coupling between the O p and cations d states is the main electronic characteristic affected by the stoichiometric composition, reflecting directly in the optical properties. According to the band gap disparity mechanism, mentioned previously, the mixture of M2O3-ZnO is more advantageous for TCO than the In2O3-SnO2 mixture due to the high coupling between the Zn d states with the O p states in the vicinity of valence band maximum.

O trabalho de jovens universitários e repercussões no sono e na sonolência: trabalhar e estudar afeta diferentemente homens e mulheres? / Employment among college students and repercussion on sleep and sleepiness: does working and studying affect men and women differently?

Nagai, Roberta 04 December 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Trabalhar e estudar têm sido frequentemente observadas entre jovens universitários. Um dos resultados dessa dupla jornada esta população é a restrição aos horários de dormir e acordar, especialmente nos dias de trabalho. Como conseqüência da privação de sono, relatos de sonolência excessiva diurna e queda no desempenho nos estudos e no trabalho são frequentes. Em relação às diferenças entre os sexos, poucos são estudos que abordam as características dos padrões do ciclo vigília-sono e sonolência de universitários trabalhadores, homens e mulheres. Objetivo: Analisar o ciclo vigília-sono e sonolência de homens e mulheres que trabalham e estudam no turno noturno. Metodologia: Participaram deste projeto 82 estudantes universitários trabalhadores, de 21 a 26 anos de idade, que freqüentavam as aulas no período noturno. Na primeira etapa, os participantes preencheram o questionário de caracterização das condições de vida, saúde e trabalho. Na segunda etapa, os participantes utilizaram um actímetro durante 7 dias consecutivos para obtenção de dados de sono e vigília, preencheram a escala de sonolência Karolinska (KSS) e realizaram um teste de vigilância psicomotora (PVT) em diversos momentos do dia. Além disso, os estudantes preencheram um protocolo diário de atividades para obter dados referentes ao tempo dedicado ao trabalho, trabalho doméstico, atividades físicas, atividades extracurriculares, transporte, aulas na faculdade, folga e sono. Neste protocolo também foram incluídas questões relacionadas ao consumo de cafeína, teobromina e bebidas alcoólicas. As análises das variáveis do ciclo vigília sono, sonolência e médias dos tempos de reação foram feitas utilizando a ANOVA para medidas repetidas. As análises das atividades diárias entre os sexos foram realizadas análises de variância (ANOVA) de 2 fatores (sexo e dia da semana) ou teste t-student. As análises das variáveis dependentes relatos de sonolência excessiva nas aulas e tempo dedicado as aulas foram realizadas através, respectivamente, das análises de regressão logística e linear multivariadas. Em todas as análises utilizou-se como nível de significância =5 por cento . Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que nos dias de trabalho as mulheres apresentaram maiores durações de sono que os homens. Também, observou-se que as mulheres apresentaram um inicio de sono e meio da fase do sono mais adiantado e maior eficiência do sono comparadas aos homens. Além disso, nos dias de trabalho as mulheres estavam mais sonolentas e apresentaram tempos de reação mais lentos do que os homens. Aos domingos os estudantes (homens e mulheres) relataram níveis de sonolência menores do que aos sábados. O resultado da análise de regressão logística multivariada mostrou associação entre relatos de sonolência excessiva durante as aulas e: maiores jornadas de trabalho, meio da fase do sono >3:30hs, relatos de fadiga e menor consumo de cafeína nos dias de trabalho. O resultado da análise de regressão linear multivariada mostrou associação entre maior tempo dedicado às aulas na faculdade e: ser do sexo feminino, menores jornadas de trabalho semanal, menores durações de sono nos dias de trabalho, relatos de sonolência excessiva aos sábados e não consumir bebidas alcoólicas. Conclusões: A dupla jornada de trabalho e estudo interfere negativamente no tempo dedicado às aulas e também em outras atividades diárias, podendo comprometer o desempenho acadêmico e o tempo livre dos estudantes, para se dedicar em atividades extracurriculares e atividades físicas. São necessários outros estudos para melhor esclarecer as diferenças entre os sexos relativas aos padrões de sono. Particularmente, as causas da maior sonolência entre as mulheres jovens solteiras e sem filhos comparadas com homens com características sóciodemográficas semelhantes / Introduction: Working and studying are often observed among college students. One of the results of this double journey is the restricted bed and wake up time, especially among work days. This might have as a consequence excessive daytime sleepiness and reduced performance at school and at work. There a few number of studies discussing the sleep-wake patterns and sleepiness patterns of working college students, males and females. Objective: to assess sleep wake patterns among working college students, males and females. Methodology: Eighty-two evening working college students, from 21 to 26 years old participated in this study. Initially, all participants answered a comphreensive questionnaire on living, health and working conditions. Then, students worn for 7 consecutive days an actigraph, to obtain data on sleep-wake patterns. During the same days, they answered the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale and performed a Psychomotor Vigilance Task along the day. Also, participants answered a daily activity protocol to obtain data on time spent doing the following activities: work, domestic work, physical activities, commuting and leisure times, extracurricular activities, college classes, and sleep. Students answered questions about caffeine, theobromine and alcohol beverages consumption. The analyses of the sleep wake patterns, sleepiness and means of reaction time were performed using the ANOVA for repeated measures. To detect sex differences in daily activities a 2 way-ANOVA or a t-student test were performed. Multivariate linear and logistic regression analyses were used to detect the associated variables with time spent in college classes and excessive sleepiness during classes, respectively. In all analyses were considered the level of significance =5 per cent . Results: The results showed that during work days women showed longer sleep length compared to men. Women also showed an advanced sleep onset and midsleep, and higher sleep efficiency compared to men. Beside this, on work days, females were sleepier and showed slower reaction time than men. On Sundays students (males and females) reported to be more alert than on Saturdays. The results of the multivariate logistic regression analyses showed significant association between reported excessive sleepiness during classes and: longer working times, mid sleep >3:30hs, reported fatigue and fewer caffeine intake during work days. The results of the multivariate linear regression analyses showed significant association between more time spent in classes and: sex (females), shorter weekly working hours, shorter sleep length, reported excessive sleepiness on Saturdays and no alcohol consumption. Conclusions: The double burden of studying and working can interfere negatively on time attending classes and other daily activities. Thus, academic performance, and time spent on physical and extracurricular activities might be compromised. Further studies are necessary in order to clarify sex differences on sleep. These studies may explain the causes of higher sleepiness showed by single women with no children compared to male colleagues with similar socio demographic features

Entre pátrias, pandeiros e bandoneones: o embate entre vozes marginais e disciplinadoras em composições de samba e tango (1917-1945) / Among homelands, tambourines and bandoneons: the clash between disciplinary and marginal voices in compositions of samba and tango (1917-1945)

Menezes, Andreia dos Santos 17 October 2012 (has links)
Quando nos debruçamos sobre as letras de samba e tango compostas entre 1917 e 1945, notamos a reiterada presença nos sambas do personagem chamado malandro e outros de seu universo. No caso do tango, testemunhamos a do denominado compadrito e outros relacionados a ele nos tangos. Essa presença se relaciona a uma contradição constitutiva, já que esses gêneros musicais, muitas vezes relacionados à representação do nacional, propagavam um modo de vida marginal, fora do apregoado como ideal de cidadão pelos respectivos Estados nacionais. É nosso objetivo nesta tese analisar como, nas composições nas quais aparece esse tipo de personagem, emergem embates, nas diferentes formas da heterogeneidade discursiva, entre vozes que identificamos, de um lado, como filiadas com a perspectiva marginal e, de outro, com posicionamentos relacionados às ações disciplinadoras dos Estados nacionais. Trabalharemos com composições elaboradas no período de 1917-1945, momento privilegiado de discussões de cunho nacionalista, quando o samba e o tango foram, por diferentes motivos e em distintas medidas, sendo associados a questões identitárias. Os referenciais teóricos que norteiam nossa pesquisa se relacionam especialmente aos estudos discursivos e enunciativos; porém, tendo em vista o caráter interdisciplinar de nosso trabalho, também lançaremos mão de conceitos relacionados aos estudos históricos, sociológicos, musicológicos e das ciências da comunicação. / When we dedicate our attention to the samba and tango lyrics produced between the years 1917 and 1945, we notice in them the persistent presence of the character known as malandro (smooth operator), and others belonging to his universe, as well as of the character known as compadrito, and others related to him in the tango songs. Such presences are related to a constitutive contradiction, for those musical genres which were constantly related to a national representation produced a propaganda of a marginal way of life, that is, the one of the outcast opposite to the ideal of citizen such as defended by national States. In this thesis, we take the compositions in which those characters are presented, and aim to analyze the way how clashes are established in the different manners of discursive heterogeneity. We identify voices sided with the marginal perspective, and we also identify other voices, on the other side, whose position stands for the one defended by the disciplining perspective of the national States. In such a frame, we work with lyrics composed in the period from 1917 to 1945, given that is a privileged moment for discussions from a nationalist perspective. Due to several reasons and different measures, that was the period when the samba and the tango were associated to identity matters. The theoretical references heading this research are mainly related to the enunciation and discourse studies; however, once we aim at maintaining the interdisciplinary aspect of our study, we also make use of conceptions related to the historical and sociological studies, as the ones belonging to the fields of musicology and communications

Utveckling av e-tjänster i kommunal samverkan

Molin, Linda, Rydell, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
This study investigate a Collaboration between municipalities that cooperate to develop e-services. One larger municipality helps the smaller municipalities by providing them with fully developed e-services, help maintain a technical platform, support and materials in order for them to be able to drive their own process of change. The object of this study is to contribute knowledge that can form the basis for potential improvements of the Collaboration of e-services. The aim of the study is to find out what the reason is that some participating municipalities have launched several e-services while others none? How they experience the development of e-services that are conducted in Collaboration, and what challenges they experience in the development work? To collect empirical data we did qualitative interviews with both participating municipalities and with informants central in this Collaboration. We have had access to documents, their contract, and their planning tool that includes videos, manuals, and templates. The result of this study identifies a number of crucial points that need to be taken into account in continued Collaboration. These are: You cannot measure success with number of launched e-services: There are lack of “change management”: How homogeneity can help in the long run: and that Process mapping is the next step to take for the smaller municipalities. The study's result also show the challenges that may appear along the way towards more efficient, attractive and competitive county. For the participating municipalities these are time constraints, difficulty in prioritizing among other tasks, resistance from administrations and administrators, how they organize themselves internally on their own. The results also show that all participants wants this, and that several of them are working in a way that may pay off in the long run.

Emotionale und motivationale Effekte von Erwartungen und erwartungsbezogenen Erfahrungen im Rehabilitationsprozess

Dohnke, Birte 10 June 2004 (has links)
Es wird vielfach postuliert, dass Erwartungen Bedeutung für den Verlauf und die Ergebnisse einer medizinischen Rehabilitationsmaßnahme haben (vgl. Deck, 1999; Deck, Zimmermann, Kohlmann & Raspe, 1998b; Faller, Vogel & Bosch, 2000; Hafen, Bengel, Jastrebow & Nübling, 2000; Kühn, Pannicke, Mohs & Schneider, 2001). Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird diese Thematik aus einer gesundheitspsychologischen Perspektive untersucht. Die sozial-kognitive Theorie von Bandura (1997) wird gewählt, in der Erwartungen wie Ergebnis- und Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen als zentrale Prädiktoren von gesundheitlichen Ergebnissen angesehen werden. Diese Theorie vermag den Einfluss von Erwartungen auf Gesundheitsverhalten und den Gesundheitszustand zu erklären und zugleich auch die Bildung von Erwartungen zu beschreiben. Auch wenn Ergebniserwartungen die Behandlungsergebnisse vorhersagen, können Diskrepanzen zwischen den anfänglichen Erwartungen der Patienten und ihren Behandlungsergebnissen vorliegen. Aus einer Selbstregulationsperspektive wird angenommen, dass unerwartet schlechte Behandlungsergebnisse möglicherweise negative emotionale und motivationale Folgen haben, die sich auf den weiteren Rehabilitationsprozess auswirken. Zur Erklärung dieser Effekte wird im zweiten Teil der Arbeit ein Modell vorgestellt, das die zentralen Konstrukte und Annahmen der sozial-kognitiven Theory von Bandura (1997; Marlatt & Gordon, 1985), der Selbstregulationstheorie von Carver and Scheier (1998) und der kognitiv-transaktionalen Stresstheorie von Lazarus (1991) vereint. Die Daten der zweiten multizentrischen MSK-QMS Studie zur stationären Rehabilitation nach Hüftgelenkersatz bot als Längsschnittstudie die Möglichkeit, die Fragestellungen beider Teile der Arbeit empirisch zu untersuchen. An dieser Studie nahmen 1065 Rehabilitanden nach Hüftgelenkersatz teil. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass positive Ergebniserwartungen und hohe Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen gute Behandlungsergebnisse bei Patienten einer stationären Rehabilitationsmaßnahme nach Hüftgelenkersatz vorhersagen. Weitere Analysen zeigen, dass die Erwartungen zu Reha-Beginn durch verschiedene direkte und symbolische Erfahrungen sowie Indikatoren des körperlichen und emotionalen Zustandes beeinflusst werden. Darüber hinaus haben Diskrepanzen zwischen anfänglichen Erwartungen und Behandlungsergebnissen (indirekte) emotionale sowie (direkte und indirekte) motivationale Effekte. Die Befunde werden theoretisch eingebettet und theoriegestützt interpretiert. Praktische Konsequenzen werden abgeleitet. / There is a growing body of literature emphasizing that expectations have effects on the process and outcomes of an inpatient rehabilitation (cp. Deck, 1999; Deck, Zimmermann, Kohlmann & Raspe, 1998b; Faller, Vogel & Bosch, 2000; Hafen, Bengel, Jastrebow & Nübling, 2000; Kühn, Pannicke, Mohs & Schneider, 2001). The first part of the present thesis examines this issue from a health psychology perspective. The social-cognitive theory of Bandura (1997) is chosen that postulates expectations such as outcome expectancies and perceived self-efficacy as main predictors of health outcomes. This theory is able to explain how expectations affect health behaviour and health outcomes and how expectations are formed. Even though outcome expectations predict health outcomes, patients may experience discrepancies between their initial expectations and their later health outcomes. From a self-regulation perspective it is assumed that the experience of unexpected worse health outcomes may have negative emotional and motivational consequences that affect the further process of rehabilitation. To describe these effects a model is introduced in the second part of the thesis that includes main constructs and assumptions of the social-cognitive theory of Bandura (1997; Marlatt & Gordon, 1985), the self-regulation theory of Carver and Scheier (1998) and the cognitiv-transactional theory of Lazarus (1991). In both parts of the thesis research questions are derived that are tested in a longitudinal study (MSK-QMS study). The participants are 1065 adult inpatients who had undergone elective total hip replacement surgery. The results confirm that positive outcome expectations and high perceived self-efficacy predicted better health outcomes in inpatients after hip replacement surgery. Further analyses indicate, that patients'' expectations at admission are affected by several direct and symbolic experiences as well as different indicators of physical and emotional states. Moreover, discrepancies between initial outcome expectations and later health outcomes have (indirect) emotional and (direct and indirect) motivational effects. The results are theory based interpreted. Practical consequences are derived.

Le rôle des femmes dans le développement économique et social des pays en développement / Le rôle des femmes dans le développement économique et social des pays en développement

Iskandar, Jouli 06 June 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous développons une réflexion sur la contribution des femmes au développement économique et social, notamment dans les pays en développement. Nous mettons l’accent d’une part sur les difficultés qu’affrontent les femmes et qui empêchent leur participation active à l’économie, d’autre part sur l'importance pour le développement de l'insertion des femmes dans la production. Malgré la rapide augmentation du niveau d'éducation des femmes et de leur participation au marché du travail, beaucoup d’entre elles restent victimes de discriminations professionnelles. Le salaire des femmes reste inférieur à celui des hommes pour un même travail. L’entrée des femmes sur le marché du travail a des conséquences sur toutes les sphères de la vie économique et sociale. Le travail salarié des femmes accélère la croissance et le travail favorise la sortie de la pauvreté. La thèse comporte deux parties. La première partie présente les inégalités entre les femmes et les hommes en matière d’éducation, de salaire, de travail et de chômage. Elle se concentre essentiellement sur le rôle de travail salarié des femmes dans le développement économique et social. La deuxième partie complète la première partie par des tests statistiques. Le premier test mesure les facteurs principaux des difficultés des femmes et la relation entre le niveau de développement d’un pays et le degré d’égalité entre hommes et femmes. Le deuxième test mesure les relations entre les activités économiques des femmes et la croissance économique. Il apparaît que les gains dus à la participation des femmes à l'activité économique sont plus importants lors de l'émergence des économies comparativement à ce qu'il / In this thesis, we develop a reflection on the contribution of the women to economic and social development, in particular in the developing countries. We focus on the one hand on the difficulties that the women face and which prevent their active participation in economy, on the other hand on the importance of the policies of insertion of the women in the saleable output for the development. In spite of the fast increase in the level of education of the women and their rate of participation at the job market, most between them remain victims of professional discriminations. The wages of the women are still lower than for men for the same work. The entry of the women on the job market has consequences on all the aspects of the economic and social life. The paid work of the women accelerates the growth and supports the exit of the poverty. There are two parts in this thesis. The first part presents the inequalities between women and men concerning education, wages, work and unemployment. It focuses primarily on the role of women’s paid work in the development of the developing countries. The second part will supplement the first part by two statistical tests. The first test measures the principal factors of women’s difficulties and the relation between the level of development of a country and the degree of equality between men and women. The second test measures the relations between women’s economic activities and the economic growth. It appears that the improvements of the economic activity due to participation of women are more important during the emergence of the economies than they are in industrialized economies. The opening of the economic world and social to th

On the role of religious expression in the Swedish Public School System.

Harris, Linda January 2019 (has links)
This paper is a case study in Religion in Peace and Conflict, in which the role of religion and religious expression in Swedish education is examined. The focus of this case study is on Swedish public schools. It begins with a literature review into the role of multiculturalism and cosmopolitan theories in Swedish government and policies with a discussion of how this extends into education. This is followed by an overview of the history of religion in Sweden and Swedish schools. The impact that different stakeholders, including teachers, students, administrators, and parents, might have within the Swedish school systems is excavated as well as the impact that the school space might have on integration. A field study in three different Swedish schools was conducted and is described in this paper. The results of the data suggest that there is a clear distinction between non-religious students and the religious students. The case study points to the overall finding that practicing religious students in the Swedish public school does not have the same freedom of conscience as the majority of students and that Swedish religion education is not neutral, as is the state intends. Some objections in regards to rights claims and majority-minority group dynamics are also explored and discussed.

Podoby a proměny vztahu muže a ženy ve 2. polovině 19. století / Forms and changes of the relationship between man and women in the second half of the 19th century

Křížová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is the partnership between men and women in the second half of the 19th century, on the example of the middle classes in the Czech society. Attention is paid to all stages of relationships before marriage as well as of the marital relationship. The thesis dwells on the development of an ideal partner, the strategy of finding and choosing one, periods of courtesy, and changes of the relationship caused by marriage and the arrival of children. Discussion on the reform of the institution of marriage in the early 20th century between representatives of the Catholic Church and their opponents is also included. One part of the thesis deals with the issue of divorce, marital separation, as well as widowhood. In addition to ego-documents the main sources for the theses were prescriptive literature, social catechisms, periodicals and specialised and academic literature of the period.

O princípio da laicidade na Constituição Federal de 1988 / Principle of laicity set forth in 1988 constitution

Zylbersztajn, Joana 21 May 2012 (has links)
O debate sobre a laicidade do Estado sempre esteve presente em diversos âmbitos de discussão, políticos, sociais e acadêmicos. Não obstante, se faz necessário o fortalecimento dos recursos argumentativos para lidar com a questão de forma concreta. A constituição federal de 1988 não declara expressamente que o Brasil é laico, mas traz de forma consolidada todos os elementos que formam este entendimento. Isso se dá pela caracterização do Estado democrático garantidor da igualdade e da liberdade inclusive religiosa de seus cidadãos. Soma-se a isso a determinação constitucional de separação institucional entre o Estado e a religião. Nesta perspectiva, este trabalho se propõe a fazer uma análise da proteção jurídico-constitucional do princípio da laicidade no Brasil e seus desdobramentos práticos. A efetivação do princípio da laicidade é um processo em construção e, deste modo, é necessário o amadurecimento democrático e esforço positivo das instituições públicas para sua realização. É feito inicialmente o levantamento da construção histórica da laicidade no país e a tentativa de organizar alguns conceitos teóricos sobre o tema, na perspectiva de alinhar entendimentos usados durante o trabalho. Parte-se então para a análise do caráter constitucional do princípio da laicidade e os significados decorrentes desse diagnóstico. Sendo um tema complexo, diretamente relacionado aos parâmetros sociais que compõe o Estado brasileiro, é necessário discutir os aspectos democráticos importantes para a concretização do princípio da laicidade, abordando a dicotomia entre democracia e constitucionalismo, bem como algumas considerações sobre a presença religiosa na esfera pública. Por fim, considerando justamente o processo em construção para consolidação da laicidade, são analisados casos concretos referentes ao tema, visando à compreensão do grau atual de efetivação do princípio no país e os desafios que se impõem para a garantia do preceito constitucional. / The debate over the laicity (from the French concept laïcité) of the state has always been present in the political, social and academic arenas. Nevertheless, it is necessary to strengthen the analytic resources to concretely deal with this issue. The federal constitution of 1988 does not expressly state that Brazil is a laic state, but, all-together, one can read all the elements that lead to such an understanding. This is the effect of the characterization of the democratic state that guarantees equality and freedom - including the religious freedom- of its citizens. The constitutional determination of an institutional separation between state and religion is also another factor. In this perspective, this thesis aims to make an analysis of the legal and constitutional protection of the principle of laicity in Brazil and its practical consequences. The implementation of the principle of laicity is an ongoing process and thus the democratic maturing and conscious effort of the public institutions are necessary. The thesis begins with the historical development of laicity in the country as well as of some theoretical concepts on the subject. Later, the constitutional character of the principle of laicity and the meanings arising from this diagnosis are analyzed. Relevant democratic aspects for the implementation of the principle of laicity, regarding the dichotomy between democracy and constitutionalism, as well as some thoughts on the religious presence in the public sphere could not be avoided, since the issue is a complex one, directly related to the social parameters that make up the Brazilian State. Finally, considering the ongoing process for the consolidation of laicity, the concrete cases on the subject are also scrutinized, aiming to understand the actual degree of realization of the principle in the country and the challenges imposed to guarantee the constitutional guideline.

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