Spelling suggestions: "subject:"indepth"" "subject:"indepth""
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Computational Imaging For Miniature CamerasSalahieh, Basel January 2015 (has links)
Miniature cameras play a key role in numerous imaging applications ranging from endoscopy and metrology inspection devices to smartphones and head-mount acquisition systems. However, due to the physical constraints, the imaging conditions, and the low quality of small optics, their imaging capabilities are limited in terms of the delivered resolution, the acquired depth of field, and the captured dynamic range. Computational imaging jointly addresses the imaging system and the reconstructing algorithms to bypass the traditional limits of optical systems and deliver better restorations for various applications. The scene is encoded into a set of efficient measurements which could then be computationally decoded to output a richer estimate of the scene as compared with the raw images captured by conventional imagers. In this dissertation, three task-based computational imaging techniques are developed to make low-quality miniature cameras capable of delivering realistic high-resolution reconstructions, providing full-focus imaging, and acquiring depth information for high dynamic range objects. For the superresolution task, a non-regularized direct superresolution algorithm is developed to achieve realistic restorations without being penalized by improper assumptions (e.g., optimizers, priors, and regularizers) made in the inverse problem. An adaptive frequency-based filtering scheme is introduced to upper bound the reconstruction errors while still producing more fine details as compared with previous methods under realistic imaging conditions. For the full-focus imaging task, a computational depth-based deconvolution technique is proposed to bring a scene captured by an ordinary fixed-focus camera to a full-focus based on a depth-variant point spread function prior. The ringing artifacts are suppressed on three levels: block tiling to eliminate boundary artifacts, adaptive reference maps to reduce ringing initiated by sharp edges, and block-wise deconvolution or depth-based masking to suppress artifacts initiated by neighboring depth-transition surfaces. Finally for the depth acquisition task, a multi-polarization fringe projection imaging technique is introduced to eliminate saturated points and enhance the fringe contrast by selecting the proper polarized channel measurements. The developed technique can be easily extended to include measurements captured under different exposure times to obtain more accurate shape rendering for very high dynamic range objects.
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Understanding Multi-Peak Anomalies for Unexploded Ordnance DiscriminationKushnir, Alexandra R. L. 23 July 2008 (has links)
A workflow for the discrimination of multi-peak anomalies due to an unexploded
ordnance (UXO) is presented. The effects of changes in the depth and orientation of a
subsurface target on its TEM response are explored. Further, the variation of the peak
separation, peak widths, maxima to minimum ratios and maxima values through time are
modelled. Models of spatial and temporal variations are performed for both one and twotargets.
These models are devoid of noise and focus primarily on the 3lb FLBGR bomb.
It is found that the decay of the magnitudes of the anomaly maxima are related to the
decay of the characteristic polarization curves of the UXO that creates them. The
behaviour of the decay of the magnitudes of the maxima values of multi-peak anomalies
is determined to be a good indication of target number in the subsurface. Observing these
decays, it is possible to distinguish between two multi-peak scenarios, namely: a) a multipeak
anomaly produced by a single UXO or two UXOs of the same type; and b) a multipeak
anomaly produced by two UXOs of different types.
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The presence of gas hydrate and free gas within marine sediments, deposited along the South Shetland margin, offshore the Antarctic Peninsula, was confirmed by low and high resolution geophysical data, acquired during three research cruises. Seismic data analysis has revealed the presence of a bottom simulating reflector that is very strong and continuous in the eastern part of the margin. This area can be considered as a useful site to study the seismic characteristics of sediments containing gas hydrate, with a particular focus on the estimation of gas hydrate and free gas amounts in the pore space. Pre-stack depth migration and tomographic inversion were performed to produce a regional velocity field of gas-phase bearing sediments and to obtain information about the average thickness of gas hydrate and free gas layers. Using these data and theoretical models, the gas hydrate and free gas concentrations can be estimated. Moreover, the common image gather semblance analysis revealed the presence of detailed features, such as layers with small thickness characterised by low velocity alternating with high velocity layers, below and above the bottom simulating reflector. These layers are associated with free gas trapped within the hydrate stability zone and deeper sediments. Thus, the use of the detailed and the regional velocity field analysis is important to give a more reliable estimate of gas content in the marine sediments.
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Grafiniu procesoriumi grįstas uždengtos geometrijos atrinkimo algoritmas / Graphics processor-based occlusion culling algorithmTopolovas, Sergejus 31 August 2011 (has links)
Uždengtos geometrijos atrinkimas – tai būdas nustatyti geometriją, kuri yra uždengta su kita geometrija ir dėl to gali būti nevaizduojama, nes neturės jokios įtakos vaizduojamam paveikslui. Tokios geometrijos nevaizdavimas didina vaizdavimo procedūros našumą. Egzistuoja eilė uždengtos geometrijos nustatymo būdų, iš kurių vienas yra hierarchinis uždengtos geometrijos atrinkimo algoritmas. Šiame darbe yra analizuojami uždengtos geometrijos nustatymo būdai bei nagrinėjamos pasirinkto algoritmo veikimo spartinimo galimybės panaudojus DirectCompute technologiją. Ši technologija yra Microsoft DirectX 11 bibliotekų rinkinio dalis, kuri leidžia panaudoti grafinį procesorių bendro pobūdžio skaičiavimams. Darbe iškeltų tikslų pasiekimui yra realizuotos kelios bazinės algoritmo versijos modifikacijos, atliekami modifikuotų versijų veikimo laiko bei įvairių veikimo laiką įtakojančių faktorių tyrimai. Yra aptariami gauti rezultatai bei pateikiamos išvados. / Occlusion culling is a method, which task is to determine geometry occluded with other geometry. Rendering this geometry is useless because it wouldn’t impact rendered picture in any way, so discarding it will improve render time. There are various methods to determine occluded geometry and hierarchical occlusion culling is one of them. This document contains a short summary of these methods, but it’s mainly focused on improving hierarchical occlusion culling algorithm performance by making use of DirectCompute technology. This technology is a part of Microsoft DirectX 11 API, which helps the developer to use graphics processor for general-purpose computation. Main goal is reached by performing in-depth analysis of implemented hierarchical occlusion culling algorithm modifications. This analysis consists of both general performance and various performance-related analyses. Further down the road conclusions and recommendations are given based on performed work and overall results.
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Išvalytų ežerų būklės įvertinimas / The estimation of sweeped lakes stateStučka, Deimantas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais pastebimi intensyvūs, biogeninių medžiagų sukeliami, eutrofikacijos procesai ežeruose, kartu skatinantys uždumblėjimo procesus t.y. sapropelio kiekio didėjimas, dumblo sluoksnio storėjimas, pelkėjimas, ko pasekoje matomas ženklus nendrių, švendrių, plūdžių pagausėjimas. Darbe aprašoma atlikti 4 Druskonio, Mergelių akių, Valdakio, Ilgučio ežerų, valytų 1974, 1978, 1979, 1980 metais, susikaupusių nuosėdų sluoksnio storio, kiekio bei spalvos, ir susisluoksniavo būklės tyrimai. Tyrimams atlikti buvo naudota dumblo paėmimo cilindras, GPS bei matavimo juosta. Nustatyta, kad ežeruose vyrauja pagrinde du skirtingi pagal savo atspalvį, tankumą, kiekį ir storį dumblo sluoksniai. Pastebima tendencija, kad per praėjusį ežerų valymo laikotarpį metinis vidutinis viršutinio dumblo sluoksnio kaupimosi intensyvumas buvo apie 3,8 mm, Druskonio ež., 4,4 mm Mergelių akių ež., 0,5 mm Valdakio ež., 3 mm Ilgučio ež. Pagilintose ežerų dalyse, kur pašalintos dugno nuosėdos augalijos nepastebėta. Mergelių akių ežere per 29 metus po ežero išvalymo dumblo kaupimosi intensyvumas didžiausias iš visų tirtų ežerų. Valdakio ež. per 30 metų po ežero išvalymo dumblo kaupimosi intensyvumas mažas, mažiausias iš visų tirtų ežerų. Įvertinus tokį dumblo kaupimąsi, galima teigti, kad dumblėjimas palyginus yra lėtas, nežiūrint į tai, kad ežerai teršiami. / The late decades notice intensive eutrofication processes in the lakes caused by biogenic materials. These processes also stimulates silt up, that mean growing amount of saprophel, thickening of silt layer, swamping, in consecution is visible by marked increase of reeds, cat’s-tails and duckweeds. In work described executed investigations in 4 lakes: Druskonis, Mergelių Akys, Valdakis and Ilgutis lakes, dredged in 1974, 1978, 1979 and 1980. The thickness, amount, color and stratification conditions of accumulated precipitates layer were investigated. Silt taking cylinder, GPS and tape-measure were used to execute the investigations. Ascertained that in lakes basically dominates two different by theirs color, density, amount and thickness silt layers. Noticed tendencies that by last time from the lakes were dredged, annual average upper silt layer accumulation intensity were about 3,8 mm, Druskonis Lake, 4,4 mm Mergelių Akys Lake, 0,5 mm Valdakis Lake, 3 mm Ilgutis Lake. In deepened parts of the lakes, where bottom sediments there eliminated, vegetation was not noticed. In the Mergelių Akys Lake by 29 years from it was dredged silt accumulation intensity is the highest of all investigated lakes. In the Valdakis Lake by 30 years from it was dredged silt accumulation intensity is low, the lowest of all investigated lakes. Evaluated such silt accumulation, it is true to say that the silting is comparatively slow, not to mentioned the fact that the lakes are polluted.
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Asmenybės pokyčiai: sąlygos, procesai ir vertinimas / Personality changes: conditions, processes and assessmentGudaitė, Gražina 26 May 2009 (has links)
Asmenybės pokyčių analizė visada buvo svarbi klinikinės psichologijos sritis, kuri tampa ypač aktuali permainų laikotarpiu. Visuomeninių pokyčių sėkmė priklauso ne tik nuo susiklosčiusių sąlygų, bet ir nuo individo psichologinių ypatumų bei jo paties vidinių pokyčių. Habilitacijai pateiktuose darbuose yra analizuojami vidiniai ir išoriniai veiksniai, nulemiantys asmenybės pokyčius. Pirmųjų grupę sudaro patologiniai veiksniai , o taip pat vidiniai struktūriniai asmenybės dariniai, antrųjų –išorinių intervencijų (daugeliu atvejų psichoterapijos) poveikio analizė ypatingą dėmesį skiriant traumos padarinių išgijimo analizei. Psichoterapinis poveikis priklauso nuo terapinio santykio ypatumų. Publikacijose yra analizuojama terapinio santykio formavimosi sąlygos, struktūra ir mechanizmai, kurie yra būtini veiksmingai psichoterapijai. Habilitacijos procedūrai yra pateikti darbai, kuriuose nagrinėjami kai kurie metodologiniai tyrimų aspektai- atvejo analizės taikymas moksliniuose tyrimuose, kiekybinių ir kokybinių tyrimų derinimas klinikinėje psichologijoje – šie klausimai yra pakankamai nauji Lietuvoje, tad jų naudojimo galimybių aptarimas taip pat svarbus. Asmenybės pokyčių tyrimai yra perspektyvi sritis, kurios plėtotė galėtų apimti ir tolesnius psichoterapijos veiksmingumo tyrimus, ir daugialypę tapatumo dinamiškumo analizę. / Analysis of personality changes always was important field of clinical psychology. It has a special meaning in modern times, as global changes depend not only on circumstances, but on the changes of individual too. Inner factors such as pathological conditions and inner personality structures are analyzed in the perspective of personality transformation. Depth presumptions of personality changes, outer factors and psychotherapy process are important part of our research which is represented for the habilitation procedure. Special attention is paid for trauma experience and its healing process. Effective psychotherapy depend on successful therapeutic relationship. Conditions of formation, structure and processes of therapeutic relationship are one more subject of our research. We discuss some methodological questions in our publications (case analysis and scientific research, combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis)- those questions are new in Lithuanian clinical psychology. Personality changes and its research is interesting and perspective field – we suppose its development could include further research of effectiveness of psychotherapy and dynamic of personality identity.
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Imaging, characterization and processing with axicon derivatives.Saikaley, Andrew Grey 06 August 2013 (has links)
Axicons have been proposed for imaging applications since they offer the advantage of extended depth of field (DOF). This enhanced DOF comes at the cost of degraded image quality. Image processing has been proposed to improve the image quality. Initial efforts were focused on the use of an axicon in a borescope thereby extending depth of focus and eliminating the need for a focusing mechanism. Though promising, it is clear that image processing would lead to improved image quality. This would also eliminate the need, in certain applications, for a fiber optic imaging bundle as many modern day video borescopes use an imaging sensor coupled directly to the front end optics.
In the present work, three types of refractive axicons are examined: a linear axicon, a logarithmic axicon and a Fresnel axicon. The linear axicon offers the advantage of simplicity and a significant amount of scientific literature including the application of image restoration techniques. The Fresnel axicon has the advantage of compactness and potential low cost of production. As no physical prior examples of the Fresnel axicons were available for experimentation until recently, very little literature exists. The logarithmic axicon has the advantage of nearly constant longitudinal intensity distribution and an aspheric design producing superior pre-processed images over the aforementioned elements. Point Spread Functions (PSFs) for each of these axicons have been measured. These PSFs form the basis for the design of digital image restoration filters. The performance of these three optical elements and a number of restoration techniques are demonstrated and compared.
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On Multivariate Quantile Regression: Directional Approach and Application with Growth ChartsKong, Linglong Unknown Date
No description available.
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Transfer of live aspen roots as a reclamation technique - Effects of soil depth, root diameter and fine root growth on root suckering abilityWachowski, Julia Unknown Date
No description available.
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Undergraduate nurses' experience of the family health assessment as a learning opportunityWillemse, Juliana Joan January 2008 (has links)
<p>This phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of undergraduate community health nursing students at the University of the Western Cape  / who conducted a family health assessment learning task in communities during their clinical fieldwork placement.The population included the 2008  / semester two, third year undergraduate baccalaureus nursing students. These students completed their community health nursing modules at the end of the first semester. A total of nine (9) out of the eighty- nine (89) semester two students participated in this qualitative research study. The purposive and  / convenient sample consisted of those students who agreed to voluntarily participate in the research study. In-depth interviews were conducted with seven  / (7) female and two (2) male students to collect data. Field notes were taken and utilized to capture non-verbal communication of the participants. The focus  / f the researcher was to explore the lived experiences of students and not that of the family whom they interviewed. All interviews were audio recorded  / nd validated by participants after transcription, before any of the data was used for the data analysis process. The data collected was categorized into themes as guided by the systematic data analyses process according to Tesch&rsquo / s (1990) method, as cited in Creswell (2003). Saturation was tested  / after nine interviews and the researcher found that no new data emerged. The importance of the research study was to reflect on the exploration of the  / self-reported lived experiences of the third year community  / ealth nursing students while conducting the family health assessment learning task.  / </p>
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