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La contribution de la Chine au développement économique des pays d' Afrique Sub Saharienne / China's contribution to the economic development countries of Sub Saharan AfricaEka, Fred 13 July 2018 (has links)
Au cours des 15 dernières années, la relation sino-africaine a profondément modifié le continent africain que de nombreux gouvernements occidentaux avaient abandonné. L'Afrique centrale possède de nombreuses matières premières notamment du pétrole, du cuivre, du cobalt et du minerai de fer. Beaucoup, y compris certains africains, soupçonnent ce qu'ils considèrent comme une prise de terre néocoloniale, dans laquelle l’état chinois illustré à travers ses 2200 entreprises, extraient des minéraux en contrepartie d'infrastructures. Néanmoins, il y a un consensus que la présence chinoise a surtout bénéficié à l'Afrique. Quelques chiffres illustrent le changement. En 2000, le commerce entre la Chine et l'Afrique était de seulement 10 milliards de dollars. En 2014, cela a augmenté de plus de 20 fois à 220 milliards de dollars, selon l'Initiative de recherche en Afrique de la Chine à l'École d'études internationales. Un intérêt qui se traduit par la présence d’acteurs chinois, publics et privés, de plus en plus nombreux, précisément dans les investissements directs (stocks de 10 à 45 milliards de dollars), selon les sources.Pourtant, il y a une inquiétude quant à la montée de l'influence chinoise. Plusieurs dirigeants politiques sont préoccupés par le fait que l'Afrique est passée récemment au déficit commercial avec la Chine. Les gouvernements africains contractent tellement de dette envers la Chine qu’ils pourraient occasionner une dépendance économique conditionnant l’avenir de leurs pays. Ma recherche explore l’incidence de la Chine sur le développement économique des pays d’ASS. Il s’agit de montrer comment les pays d’Afrique centrale notamment de la CEMAC qui accusent un retard comparé à d’autres régions d’ASS doivent se servir des changements complexes de l'économie chinoise pour doper leur croissance économique, dynamiser leur développement et attirer les investisseurs étrangers, créateurs d’emploi et acteur majeur de la dynamisation et de l’industrialisation des territoires. Nous avons analysé et comparé le choix du mode de localisation des IDE greenfield chinois et français en Afrique centrale. Nos résultats montrent le rôle décisif du potentiel marchand principal moteur des stratégies d’internationalisation des firmes chinoises en Afrique centrale. / Over the past 15 years, the Sino-African relationship has profoundly changed the African continent, which many Western governments have abandoned. Central Africa has many commodities including oil, copper, cobalt and iron ore. Many, including some African, suspect what they consider to be a neo-colonial landholding, in which the Chinese state illustrated through its 2,200 companies, extract minerals in return for infrastructure.Nevertheless, there is a consensus that the Chinese presence has mainly benefited Africa. A few figures illustrate the change. In 2000, trade between China and Africa was only $ 10 billion. By 2014, this has increased more than 20 times to $ 220 billion, according to the China Africa Research Initiative at the School of International Studies. An interest that is reflected by the presence of Chinese actors, public and private, more and more numerous, precisely in the direct investments (stocks of 10 to 45 billion dollars), according to the sources.Yet there is anxiety about the rise of Chinese influence. Several political leaders are concerned that Africa has recently shifted to the trade deficit with China. African governments are so indebted to China that they could cause economic dependence on the future of their countries.My research explores the impact of China on the economic development of SSA countries. The aim is to show how the countries of Central Africa, notably CEMAC, which lag behind other regions of SSA must use the complex changes in the Chinese economy to boost their economic growth and boost their development and attract foreign investors, job creators and a major player in the dynamization and industrialization of territories. We analyzed and compared the choice of the mode of location of Chinese and French greenfield IDEs in Central Africa. Our results show the decisive role of the main trading potential driving the strategies of internationalization of Chinese firms in Central Africa.
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Finanční analýza bankovního klienta / The Financial analysis of bank customerBUZKOVÁ, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
The aim of my dissertation named Financial analysis of a bank client is to judge financial health of the company Alfa, v.o.s. This company deals with windows, doors and floor covering sale and mounting. Financial analysis is made upon credit request of the company. The firm demands an investment credit of 16 billion CZK for new sale store. In the first part of my thesis I executed financial analysis by means of method of relative indicators as liquidity, profitability, indebtedness and activity. I processed the outcomes in three accounting periods on the basis of submitted financial statements. I had tax statements p.a. 2005 and 2006, 2007 only preliminary. Preliminary means that the final accounts are not complete and the tax report has not been declared yet. The final statements might so be different from these submitted. In the next part of my thesis I created horizontal analysis of profit and loss statement and balance sheet and vertical analysis of both these statements. Horizontal analysis known also as trend analysis compares indicator changes in a time line. We consider here absolute value changes and also percentage changes of single items of the statements. In vertical analysis single components of the statements are expressed as a percentual part of one of these components. We work in separated years from top to bottom, never across years. As the basis we take total assets value. This analysis does not depend on inflation and allows comparability of trends in more years, that is its advantage. I also discussed outcomes of these analyses. The last part of my thesis is financial analysis from the point of view of the bank, which is requested to grant a credit. Each bank uses different methods and programs to detect investigate the financial health of the firm. In Voksbank CZ a program assumed from maternal OVAG Voksbank International AG is used {--} VB Raiting. This rating divides in two parts. One is Hard facts, which is quantitative analysis. Bank works with relative indicators such as: credit attendance, capital structure, receivables turnover index, margin of profit, liquidity and interest coverage. Second part of the rating are so called Soft facts, that is qualitative criteria of the fir, for example management quality, market position, supplier-customer relationships etc. These two parts divide clients into classes of the rating scale and in consideration of these outcomes the bank negotiates details and terms of the credit with the client. Worse rating increases interest margin of the bank or increases necessity of covering the credit. I describe also standardized investment credit conditions and the credit obtaining procedure in this part. In summary I described agreement methods between the bank and the client and terms of extended loan.
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Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Business Financial Situation and Proposals to its ImprovementKaňová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with a financial situation. Through the selected methods and indicators of the financial analysis presented in the introduction is an evaluation of the particular company Fersto, s.r.o. from the practical part. Based on the outputs of the financial analysis are then the formulated proposals to improve the economic situation of the company.
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Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to Its ImprovementProcházková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
At the time of the global economic crisis, the successful management of the company depends on the ability of the company management and the quality of information upon which are decision making. A range of methods for evaluating the current situation and provide the basis for effective management firm offering financial analysis. For a comprehensive view of the enterprise and capture all acting influences is also a suitable supplement the knowledge identified from the external and internal environment of the company. Measures assembled on this substrate have a chance of success.
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Hodnocení finančního zdraví vybraného podniku a návrhy na jeho zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Health of the Selected Company and Improvement SuggestionsMartinková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of the financial health of the company and proposals for improvement. The presented thesis is focused on the theoretical basic of financial analysis methods and analysis of the internal end external business environment. In this thesis is followed up space of the basic characteristics of the selected company. The focus of this thesis consists in the analysis management of company through above methods. In the thesis is also introduced the proposals to improve the financial situation of company.
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Modelagem de equações estruturais aplicada à propensão ao endividamento: uma análise de fatores comportamentais / Structural equations modeling applied to the debt propensity: an analysis of behavioral factorsFlores, Silvia Amélia Mendonça 10 December 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study sought to develop and validate a model of propensity to indebtedness from behavioral factors. For this, we carried out are search survey with 1046 residents of the town of Santa Maria (RS). As an instrument of data collection adopted a structured questionnaire, consisting with ninety questions, that addressed demographic and cultural variable sand seven behavioral factors (financial education, risk perception, risk behavior, emotions, materialism, debt and money values). The analysis was performed by structural equation modeling, and the influences of cultural and demographic variables were measured by parametric hypothesis tests. The results demonstrated that the initial assumption of ten, eight were confirmed. The final model presents four factors directly related to indebtedness: amounts of money, materialism, perception and risk behavior. Due to problems of adjustment, the construct of financial education was excluded from the final model, not interfering with the propensity to indebtedness. The descriptive statistics of the factors showed low level of debt and materialism of the in habitants of Santa Maria (RS). Furthermore, we found a higher risk perception, and consequently a more conservative risk behavior. Hypothesis tests showed a significant difference in the level of debt as age, gender, marital status, education, religion, religious principles, occupation, family income, credit card, reliance on credit and spending. As for income, it is emphasized that people with higher income groups received most media, or, in other words, more prone to debt. / O presente estudo buscou propor e validar um modelo de propensão ao endividamento, a partir de fatores comportamentais. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa survey com 1.046 habitantes da cidade de Santa Maria (RS). Como instrumento de coleta de dados adotou-se um questionário estruturado, composto por noventa questões, que abordaram variáveis demográficas e culturais e sete fatores comportamentais (educação financeira, percepção de risco, comportamento de risco, emoções, materialismo, endividamento e valores do dinheiro). A análise foi feita pela modelagem de equações estruturais, sendo que a influência das variáveis demográficas e culturais foi mensurada pelos testes de hipóteses paramétricos. Os resultados demonstraram que das dez hipóteses iniciais, oito foram confirmadas. O modelo final apresenta quatro fatores diretamente relacionados ao endividamento: valores do dinheiro, materialismo, percepção e comportamento de risco. Devido a problemas de ajuste, o construto de educação financeira foi excluído do modelo final, não interferindo na propensão ao endividamento. A estatística descritiva dos fatores demonstrou baixo nível de endividamento e materialismo dos habitantes de Santa Maria (RS). Além disso, encontrou-se uma percepção de risco mais alta, tendo consequentemente um comportamento de risco mais conservador. Os testes de hipóteses apontaram diferença significativa no nível de endividamento conforme idade, gênero, estado civil, escolaridade, religião, princípios religiosos, ocupação, renda familiar, cartão de crédito, dependência do crédito e gastos. Quanto a renda, ressalta-se que as pessoas com maiores faixas de renda receberam a maior média, ou seja, maior tendência ao endividamento.
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Critères d'insolvabilité en droit communautaire, francais et ukrainien / Criteria of insolvency under european, french and ukrainian lawsNovoseltsev, Illya 20 November 2015 (has links)
L’extrême complexité de notre droit contemporain conduit de plus en plus de juristes à rechercher la spécialisation, synonyme d’approfondissement et donc de compétence. Mais si une telle démarche a d’évidents aspects positifs, elle recèle parfois l’inconvénient de laisser dans l’ombre les questions qui se trouvent à l’intersection de plusieurs disciplines. Or là, dans ces conflits ou coordinations de droits spéciaux, gisent souvent de nos jours de beaux sujets de thèse. Dans la législation de l'insolvabilité, les pays doivent trancher un certain nombre de questions du fond et de la forme. Nonobstant la diversité des questions du fond à résoudre, la législation de l'insolvabilité est d'une nature procédurale. Les règles de la procédure collective sont conçues pour jouer un rôle crucial dans la répartition des risques entre les divers acteurs de la procédure judiciaire. La question de procédure est de savoir quels sont les facteurs déclenchant pour l’introduction d’une procédure collective. La première partie de l’étude montre que les critères d’insolvabilité existaient toujours mais leur sens a changé à travers le temps et dépendaient du système juridique du pays en question. La seconde partie de cette recherche est consacrée au contenu des critères d’insolvabilité en France, en Ukraine et dans l’UE. Un second enjeu de la recherche est de voir comment le troisième critère (l'insolvabilité imminente) est apparu dans le droit commun français et à quel moment la réforme de la législation de l’insolvabilité en Ukraine s’arrêtait. L’internationalisation de l’économie engendre nécessairement des situations de défaillance d’entreprises multinationales ou/et possédantes d'actifs à travers toute la planète. Nous allons donc essayer d'élaborer une approche commune dans un droit européen qui s’inscrirait dans la suite logique des législations nationales. / The extreme complexity of the modern law leads that more and more lawyers are looking for a specialization, in-depth knowledge and therefore synonym to skill. But if this approach has an obvious positive aspect, it sometimes receives a disadvantage to leave in a shadow the issues that are in the intersection of several disciplines. In the conflicts and subordination of special legal rights, nowadays the interesting thesis topics can be found. In the insolvency law, the countries have to solve a number of questions, the formal and the substantial aspects. Notwithstanding the diversity of background issues to be solved, the insolvency legislation is a law of a procedural character. The rules of the collective proceedings are vested to play a crucial role in the allocation of the risks between the various actors during the judicial process. However, the key question of the procedure is to define the trigger criteria for the introduction of collective proceedings. The first part of the study demonstrates that the insolvency criteria exist always but their meaning has been changing over the years and has been depending upon the system of law of the country. The second part of this research is devoted to the content of the insolvency criteria in France, Ukraine and in the EU. A second issue of the research is to see how the third criterion (the imminent illiquidity) has been appeared in the French and Ukrainian law and when the reform of insolvency law in Ukraine has stopped. The internationalization of the economy necessarily leads to the situations of possible dysfunction of the multinational companies (or even their failure) and / or possessing assets across the globe. We will try to develop a common approach in a European commercial law that would fit into the logical continuation of national legislation.
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Správa a řízení společnosti / Corporate GovernanceMozolíková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Main goal of this dissertation is to analyze and evaluate corporate governance of DEK Company. Dissertation is composed of two parts -- theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part will summarize the issue of corporate governance, which will result primarily from literature and relevant legislations. The practical part is the theoretical part applied to the selected company. To meet the targets will be used primarily analysis of ratios and cooperation with the member of the Board. At the conclusion will be compared to theoretical solutions with real results and propose recommendations for the company.
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A framework to minimize systemic indebtedness : a financialisation theoretical perspectiveMambona, Lehlohonolo Gabriel 10 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to develop an indebtedness framework that explains the effects of financialisation and household indebtedness on economic development. For this purpose, the study empirically examines annual South African data covering the years 1990-2017 to look at the effect of financialisation before and after the 2007/08 financial crisis. South Africa adopted an inflation targeting monetary policy regime in the 1990s before the global economic crisis in response to the global financial crisis of 2007-08. Examining data from 1990-2017 made it possible to look at the effects of financial deregulation policies that were introduced post the 2007-08 financial meltdown.
The study addressed three objectives. The first objective sought to establish the extent of financialisation in the South African economy pre and post the 2008 financial crisis. To achieve this objective, annual time series data from 1990-2017 on financialisation variables was split into two, before and after the financial crisis. Graphical presentations of the four financialisation variables (financial deregulation, foreign financial inflows, asset price volatility, and shift to market-based finance) showed that there was a difference in financialisation before and after the 2008 financial crisis. Analysis of variance showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the foreign financial inflows’ series before and after the financial meltdown of 2008 (t-test value -6.527, p ≤ 0.0001). (1990-2008). The findings also showed that there was no statistically significant difference between asset price volatility before and after the financial meltdown of 2008. Interestingly, there is a statistically significant difference between stock market value traded in the period from 1990-2008 and 20092017 after the financial crisis (t = -4.295, p ≤0.001).
The second objective sought to examine the causal direction between financialisation and household indebtedness. Contrary to a priori expectations, the findings showed that financial deregulation, foreign financial inflows and shift to market-based finance do not Granger cause indebtedness. However, the findings showed that the null hypothesis that asset price does not Granger cause household indebtedness was rejected. This implies that there is a causal direction between asset price volatility and household indebtedness
Lastly, the third objective of this study was to explain the effects of financialisation and indebtedness on economic development to inform the indebtedness framework that this study set out to develop. Using annual data for the period of 1990 to 2017, the third objective was addressed by examining the effect of household indebtedness and financialisation on economic development. These effects were tested using OLS regression and error correction modelling technique (ECM) for each of the four financialisation variable: (1) financial deregulation measured using the financial reform index; (2) foreign financial inflows measured using stock of foreign liabilities as percentage of GDP; (3) asset price volatility; and (4) shift to market-based finance, measured using stock market value traded as percentage of GDP.
The findings showed that foreign financial inflows and asset price index when regressed with household indebtedness showed a statistically significant effect on economic development in a long-run model. The indebtedness framework was duly presented showing that economic development is likely to be negatively and strongly affected by financialisation as experienced in asset price volatility and foreign financial inflows. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.
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Variables de comportamiento de los clientes pymes y consumo que podrían ser predictores de morosidadMorales Triviños, Jhosseline Patricia, Rivera Muñante, Stewart Joel 11 March 2021 (has links)
El siguiente artículo propone explicar las principales variables de comportamiento de los clientes pymes y consumidores que podrían ser predictores de morosidad de acuerdo a la valoración de las diversas fuentes especializadas. Para lograrlo, en un primer momento se explican las variables predictoras de la morosidad para los clientes de consumo, como lo son el comportamiento dentro de su ciclo de vida, la educación financiera que puede recibir en su entorno familiar, su nivel educativo, características demográficas, factores emocionales, entre otros. Por otro lado, se explica que, en el caso de clientes pyme, las variables que se consideran son la experiencia previa, las variables cualitativas y cuantitativas que determinan su capacidad de pago, la evaluación crediticia por parte de las entidades financieras y la importancia de las garantías en la toma de decisión de otorgar un crédito para este tipo de clientes. La importancia de este artículo radica en revisar cuáles son los principales indicadores utilizados en la identificación oportuna del riesgo en los clientes para la mejor toma de decisiones, lo que contribuye a la cartera con clientes más saludables. Adicionalmente, busca brindar conocimiento e información, tanto a las instituciones financieras como a aquellos agentes financieros que tienen que ver con colocaciones de crédito, interesados en identificar conductas que puedan inducir al incumplimiento en ambos tipos de clientes. / The following article proposes to explain the main behavior variables of SME clients and consumers that could be predictors of delinquency according to the valuation of the various specialized sources. To achieve this, at first, the predictive variables of delinquency for consumer customers are explained, such as behavior within their life cycle, the financial education they can receive in their family environment, their educational level, demographic characteristics, and emotional factors, among others. On the other hand, it is explained that, in the case of SME clients, the variables considered are previous experience, qualitative and quantitative variables that determine their payment capacity, credit evaluation by financial institutions and the importance of the guarantees in the decision-making of guarantying a loan for this type of clients. The importance of this paper lies in reviewing the main indicators used in the timely identification of client risk for better decision making, which contributes to a portfolio with healthier clients. In addition, it seeks to provide knowledge and information, both to financial institutions and to those financial agents involved in credit placements, interested in identifying behaviors that may induce default in both types of clients. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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