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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Har de som liknar chefen högre lön?

Celander, Ingvar, Svantesson, Anita January 2008 (has links)
Påverkar personligheten lönesättningen? Kan chefen vara objektiv eller belönar chefen omedvetet dem som liknar honom/henne själv? Det saknas tidigare forskning om hur personligheten påverkar lön och lönesättning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det föreligger ett samband mellan hög lön och en personlighet som liknar den lönesättande chefen. Studien är genomförd hos 4 chefer och 55 medarbetare inom handikapp-omsorgen i Ängelholms kommun. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av Myers-Briggs standardiserade frågeformulär, intervjuer samt egna enkäter. Vi hittar inga klara bevis för att cheferna premierar medarbetare som liknar dem själva. Däremot finner vi ett samband mellan hög lön och upplevelsen av att lönen är rättvis samt att ett gott samarbete med chefen också ger en uppfattning av en rättvis lön, dock inte nödvändigtvis hög. Dessutom fann vi att utbildning och lång erfarenhet inom yrket ger högre lön. Lite förvånande fann vi att personer med introverta personlighetsdrag hade signifikant högre lön än extraverta personer, trots att cheferna uppgett att de framförallt uppskattar egenskaper som korrelerar med extraversion. Vi tror att Introverta egenskaper inte har lika positiv klang som Extraverta egenskaper. Det är intressant att chefernas egen uppfattning om personlighetens betydelse vid lönesättning inte stämde överens med våra resultat. Vi har i vår studie inte gjort några mätningar på vare sig vad eller hur arbetet utförs av den enskilde medarbetaren. Personligheten behöver inte nödvändigtvis vara kopplad till prestationen.

The application of diatom-based pollution indices in the Vaal catchment / J.C. Taylor

Taylor, Jonathan Charles January 2004 (has links)
South Africa is a semi arid country and the provision of water clean water to a steadily growing population is currently one of the major challenges facing governmental organisations. Water resources in South Africa are subject to many forms of pollution. resulting in eutrophication and salinisation. Hence, there is a need to monitor chemical and organic pollution in South African rivers. Chemical monitoring is expensive and not all the elements of water quality can be monitored and measured in a particular sample. The synergistic effects of water quality determinants cannot be demonstrated if only the chemical composition of a water resource is monitored. Biological monitoring can provide a rapid indication of water quality and at a lower cost than traditional monitoring. Organisms within a river are exposed to all water quality variables present in a system and can provide an integrated reflection of the health of their environment. Diatoms are found in all aquatic ecosystems and have demonstrable responses to many of the elements of water quality that have been identified as causing aquatic pollution. These elements include total dissolved solids, pH and plant nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates. The relationship between the structure of a given diatom community and the water quality to which the community is exposed, has lead to the development of several indices of water quality. Diatom indices of aquatic pollution have been developed in France, Belgium, Germany, Britain and Japan. Existing diatom indices have been tested for use in Finland, Poland, Britain, the Himalayas and South America. Several diatom indices were tested in this study for application in the Vaal and Wilge Rivers. The tested diatom indices correlated well with measured water quality variables such as pH and the chemical variables responsible for eutrophication and salinisation. The demonstrated correlations were comparable to those demonstrated by European authors. Several indices proved successful in indicating general water quality, namely the Biological Diatom lndex (BDI), the Specific Pollution sensitivity lndex (SPI) and the Generic Diatom lndex (GDI). The Eutrophication and Pollution lndex (EPI) successfully indicated levels of plant nutrients together with the ionic composition measured at various sites in the Vaal and Wilge Rivers. It is recommended that these indices be further tested in different regions within South Africa. / Thesis (M. Omgewingswetenskappe)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Hydrogen supersaturations in the North and South Atlantic - a possible indicator of nitrogen fixation.

Fraser, Michael 18 September 2012 (has links)
It has been demonstrated that nitrogen fixation is a source of hydrogen (H2) to the ocean and therefore measurements of H2 concentrations may be used as a possible indicator of nitrogen fixation (Moore, Punshon, Mahaffey, & Karl, 2009). However, the limited number and sparse distribution of measurements of dissolved hydrogen and nitrogen fixation rates made in the open ocean in the past have made it difficult to quantify the relationship between them. Toward this end, a new method of equilibrating seawater samples for H2 measurement was employed along the 13,000 km Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT20) from UK to Chile, allowing H¬2 to be measured from underway samples every 3.5 minutes and thereby considerably increasing the number and resolution of H2 measurements made in the open ocean.These high-resolution measurements reveal two regions with high H¬2 concentrations, one in the North Atlantic and one in the South Atlantic.

Investor Sophistication and the Implications of Order Backlog for Future Earnings

Kimura, Jaison 01 January 2015 (has links)
It is generally accepted that the association between leading indicators and stock prices is evidence that the market efficiently prices the contribution of the leading indicators to future earnings. In this study, I examine whether investors incorporate the implications of one leading indicator, order backlog, in an efficient manner when determining stock prices and earnings forecasts. Furthermore, I investigate whether there is a difference between how the sophisticated and unsophisticated investor values order backlog given the fact that consensus analysts’ forecasts correctly incorporate the information in backlog for future earnings. I find that the market is more efficient in pricing the implications of order backlog with regards to firms with a high percentage of sophisticated investors compared to those with a low percentage of sophisticated investors. Moreover my results imply that unsophisticated investors overly-fixate on order backlog information.

Fate of organic micropollutants in a karst aquifer system - Implications for sustainable raw water management

Hillebrand, Olav 04 August 2014 (has links)
Das grundsätzliche Verständnis von Karstgrundwasserleitern ist essentiell für das nachhaltige Management der Rohwasserqualität und letztendlich für sauberes Trinkwasser für bis zu 25 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung. Um dieses Verständnis zu verbessern, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Speicher- und Attenuationspotential eines Karstgrundwasserleiters untersucht. Hierbei werden organische Spurenstoffe als Indikatoren für Transportpfade, Attenuation und Attenuationsprozessen eingesetzt. Als Voraussetzung für die Erfassung belastbarer Daten, wurden geeignete Stabilisierungsstrategien für organische Spurenstoffe in Wasserproben bewertet: Zugabe der Biozide (i) Kupfersulphat und (ii) Natriumazid zu Wasserproben nach der Probenahme und anschließende Lagerung der Proben in flüssiger Form sowie (iii) sofortige Festphasenextraktion (SPE), was zu einer Stabilisierung der Proben durch eine Reduktion des Wassergehaltes führt. Es wurden Fluss- und behandeltes Abwasser untersucht. Diese zeichnen sich üblicherweise durch ein hohes Potential für biologische Aktivität und demnach hohe Biotransformationsraten aus. Analysiert wurde der Einfluss der Lagerungstemperatur von 4 und 28° C für die Proben, die in flüssiger Form gelagert wurden und von 4, 20 und 40° C für die Lagerung der SPE-Kartuschen. Kühlen der Wasserproben allein reichte nicht aus, um die Proben für längere Zeit (> 24 h) zu stabilisieren. Die Zugabe von Kupfersulphat führte zu Problemen mit Azol- und Imidazol-ähnlichen Verbindungen. Natriumazid erwies sich als geeigneter Stabilisierungszusatz. Die besten Ergebnisse konnten für kühl gelagerte SPE-Kartuschen beobachtet werden. Im darauffolgenden Kapitel wird das Langzeitspeicherpotential von Karstgrundwasserleitern untersucht. Um eine nachhaltige Rohwasserqualität zu gewährleisten ist das Verständnis dieses Potentials essentiell. Die Transportdynamik der zwei Herbizide Metazachlor und Atrazin sowie dessen Abbauprodukt (Desethylatrazin) wurde an einer Karstquelle untersucht. Sogar 20 Jahre nach dessen Anwendungsverbot konnten Atrazin und dessen Abbauprodukt nahezu immer im Quellwasser in geringen Konzentrationen (wenige ng L‒1) nachgewiesen werden. Metazachlor dagegen tritt nur nach Niederschlagsereignissen auf und die beobachteten Konzentrationen sind deutlich höher. Ein Vergleich der Dynamik der zwei Herbizide mit der der anorganischen Kationen Ca2+, Mg2+ und der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit zeigte, dass Atrazin mit diesen Parametern korreliert. Aus dieser Beobachtung konnte abgeleitet werden, dass Atrazin innerhalb der Gesteinsmatrix vorliegt und die Rohwasserqualität für Jahrzehnte beeinflusst. Um das in-situ Attenuationspotential innerhalb des Röhrensystems eines Karstgrundwasserleiters zu identifizieren und das Risiko, das von organischen Spurenstoffen ausgeht, abzuschätzen, wurde ein Doppeltracer-Experiment durchgeführt: Der reaktive Stoff Coffein wurde als Markierungsstoff genutzt um das in-situ Attenuationspotential des untersuchten Grundwasserleiters zu bewerten. Aufgrund der niedrigen Bestimmungsgrenze konnten sehr geringe Mengen eingesetzt werden. Um ein Modell zu kalibrieren und die Attenuation des Coffeins zu visualisieren wurde der konservative Markierungsstoff Uranin simultan eingegeben. Diese Methodik wurde in einem gut charakterisierten Karstgrundwasserleiter in Baden-Württemberg getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine deutlich höhere Attenuationsrate als für einen Karstgrundwasserleiter erwartet wurde. Die Attenuation wurde als Prozess erster Ordnung beschrieben; die bestimmte Halbwertszeit betrug 104 h. Diese geringe Halbwertszeit deutet darauf hin, dass das generell angenommene geringe Attenuationspotential nicht gerechtfertigt ist. Der beobachtete Massenverlust des Coffeins zeigt auf, dass Coffein als reaktiver Markierungsstoff in hydraulisch hochdurchlässigen Systemen, wie Karstgrundwasserleitern, zur Untersuchung des in-situ Attenuationspotentials geeignet ist. Aufgrund der hohen Attenuationsrate des Coffeins, ist nicht mit einer Langzeitkontamination zu rechnen. In der Kombination mit einem konservativen Referenzmarkierungsstoff wird in diesem Kapitel eine ökonomische und ökologisch ungefährliche Methode zur Bestimmung des in-situ Attenuationspotentials vorgestellt. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse des Doppeltracer-Experiments wurde ein Multitracer-Experiment durchgeführt um das ermittelte Attenuationspotential zu verifizieren, dessen Übertragbarkeit auf andere Stoffe zu überprüfen und die Attenuationsprozesse zu spezifizieren. Als Referenzsubstanzen wurden Uranin, Acesulfam und Carbamazepin gemeinsam mit den reaktiven Markierungsstoffen Atenolol, Coffein, Cyclamat, Ibuprofen und Paracetamol in eine Doline eingegeben. Die Durchbruchskurven der reaktiven Markierungsstoffe wurden relativ zu den Referenzsubstanzen ausgewertet. Für keinen der Stoffe konnte eine signifikante Retardation beobachtet werden. Die ermittelten Halbwertszeiten betrugen 38 bis 1400 h (d. h. stabil innerhalb des Beobachtungszeitraums) in der folgenden Reihenfolge (von hoher zu keiner Attenuation absteigend sortiert): Paracetamol > Atenolol ≈ Ibuprofen > Coffein >> Cyclamat. Die Attenuationsraten stimmen generell mit denen aus anderen Studien, die andere Umweltkompartimente untersuchten, und den Ergebnissen des Doppeltracer-Experiments überein. Das Auftreten des Biotransformationsproduktes Atenololsäure diente dem Nachweis von in-situ Biotransformation innerhalb des Karstgrundwasserleitersystems.

Examensarbetet – en kvalitetsindikator inom högre utbildning? : exemplet högskoleingenjörsutbildning

Svärd, Ola January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the concept of quality in higher education, more particularly quality of the degree project. The overarching issue is whether an assessment of the quality of a degree project can be used for evaluating the quality of the entire programme where it forms a part. The subject is partly initiated by the design of the quality evaluation system in Sweden introduced in 2011, in which a quality indicator function of the degree projects is vital. The notion of quality in degree projects is analyzed through three perspectives – as articulated in the research literature, as stated in the policy documents and curriculum documents regarding a Swedish engineering programme, and as experienced by the actors – examiners and supervisors – of this same programme. If the three perspectives testify with reasonably equal meaning to the concept of quality, an indicator function of degree projects can be considered appropriate. Different methods have been combined. The policy documents are investigated by a qualitative and quantitative textual analysis, while the perceptions of the examiners and supervisors are explored by in-depth interviews. Results are interpreted by using an arena concept proposed by Lindensjö & Lundgren, and an analysis system suggested by Bernstein. The results show that quality of a degree project is an ambiguous notion, and that different aspects of quality are reflected in the three perspectives. The conclusion is that assuming a quality indicator function of a degree project is problematic and not self-evident. In a formal sense, the degree project course is clearly separated from other modules of the programme, i.e. it is strongly classified. At the same time it is weakly framed and the actors feel near-total freedom in implementing it. Conceivable consequences of the evaluation system used in Sweden since 2011 are also discussed. Uniformity in the design of the degree project course can be expected, as well as undervaluation of the conditions for the programme and the teaching processes of it.

Personality correlates of women alcoholics as identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Cramer, D. Kathleen January 1984 (has links)
The purpose of this correlational study was to determine if women alcoholics (n = 31) percieve their surroundings differently, and thereby make decisions differently, than men alcoholics (n = 29), women nonalcohoics (n = 30) and men nonalcoholics (n = 29).The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Form 6) was utilized to determine reported preferences on extraversion-introversion (EI), sensing-intuition (SN), thinking-feeling (TF) and judgment-perception (JP). A 2 x 2 factorial analysis was conducted to tests the research questionsthe .05 level of significance. Other statistical analyses included a multiple regression analysis and Cronbacks Alpha coefficient of reliability.Findings1. Female alcoholics do not demonstrate an extraversion-introversion attitudinal preference that is significantly different than male alcoholics, female nonalcoholics and male nonalcoholics.2. Female alcoholics do not perceive their surroundings significantly different as reported on the sensing-intuition index than male alcoholics, female nonalcoholics and male nonalcoholics.3. Female alcoholics report no significant difference on preference for the thinking-feeling modes of judging than male alcoholics, female nonalcoholics and male nonalcoholics.4. Female alcoholics report no significant difference on preference for judgment-perception modes than male alcoholics, female nonalcoholics and male nonalcoholics.5. The main effect of Alcoholic Status accounted for differences between groups on EI. Alcoholics reported a preference for extraversion.6. A two-way interaction of Gender and Alcoholic Status on SI indicated that male alcoholics preferred the sensing mode while the male nonalcoholics preferred the intuition mode.7. The main effect of Gender showed that the women preferred the feeling mode and the men reported a preference for thinking.8. Demographic information indicated that the women alcoholics identified specific precipitating events to their drinking more often than men alcoholics and that the time between the onset of drinking and treatment was less for the women than for the men. The women reported a more frequent occurence of alcoholism among family members than the men.ConclusionsWomen alcoholics did not report a preference on any of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator indices of EI, SN, TF, and JP that was significantly different from men alcoholics, women nonalcoholics and men nonalcoholics. In addition, the MBTI was not validated as a reliable clinical instrument. Recommendations for further research are made.

A comparative study of the Myers-Briggs type indicator and the Minnesota importance questionnaire in the prediction of job satisfaction

Smith, Charles E. January 1988 (has links)
The major purpose of this study was to test the ability of the MyersBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to predict job satisfaction. Sixteen hypotheses were advanced and tested. They were grouped into four categories: (a) the ability of Judges to predict a subject's job satisfaction based upon their assessment that the subject's MBTI Type was compatible with their occupation; (b) the ability of the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (MIQ) to predict job satisfaction; (c) acomparison of the predictive ability of the MBTI with the MIQ; (d) and, an exploration of the relationship of MBTI Type with the Needs measured by the MIQ.A review of related literature showed that the ability of the MBTI to predict job satisfaction had not been demonstrated satisfactorily in previous research while the MIQ had a demonstrated ability to predict satisfaction. Therefore, the MBTI was compared with the MIQ to see which could better predict satisfaction.The subjects used in this research were 369' Masters in Business Administration students from a medium sized private college in the Midwest. Sixty-five percent of the subjects were male and 35% were female. They had an average age of 30.5 years and 93% of the subjects were employed full-time.Three test instruments were used in this study. The MBTI was used to assess Psychological Type. The MIQ was used to measure Vocational Needs. A biographical information form was used to gather demographics on each subject. A question from the Hoppock Job Satisfaction Blank was included on the information form to measure job satisfaction.This study found that MBTI Type and various components of Type could be used by judges to predict job satisfaction based on judges' assessment of congruence between Type and occupation. It was found that the MIQ could predict job satisfaction based on congruence between MIQ profile and occupation. Comparison of the MBTI and MIQ showed that the MIQ was the better predictor of satisfaction but neither instrument was able to account for more than a small part of the satisfaction variance. Last, it was found that several of the MIQ Needs were related to components of the MBTI.This study provided support for the predictive ability of both the MBTI and the MIQ. It supported the use of the MBTI in career counseling and theory and pointed to several areas where additional research is needed. It provided an initial exploration into the relationship of the MBTI to the domain of vocational Needs as measured by the MIQ. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services

The application of diatom-based pollution indices in the Vaal catchment / J.C. Taylor

Taylor, Jonathan Charles January 2004 (has links)
South Africa is a semi arid country and the provision of water clean water to a steadily growing population is currently one of the major challenges facing governmental organisations. Water resources in South Africa are subject to many forms of pollution. resulting in eutrophication and salinisation. Hence, there is a need to monitor chemical and organic pollution in South African rivers. Chemical monitoring is expensive and not all the elements of water quality can be monitored and measured in a particular sample. The synergistic effects of water quality determinants cannot be demonstrated if only the chemical composition of a water resource is monitored. Biological monitoring can provide a rapid indication of water quality and at a lower cost than traditional monitoring. Organisms within a river are exposed to all water quality variables present in a system and can provide an integrated reflection of the health of their environment. Diatoms are found in all aquatic ecosystems and have demonstrable responses to many of the elements of water quality that have been identified as causing aquatic pollution. These elements include total dissolved solids, pH and plant nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates. The relationship between the structure of a given diatom community and the water quality to which the community is exposed, has lead to the development of several indices of water quality. Diatom indices of aquatic pollution have been developed in France, Belgium, Germany, Britain and Japan. Existing diatom indices have been tested for use in Finland, Poland, Britain, the Himalayas and South America. Several diatom indices were tested in this study for application in the Vaal and Wilge Rivers. The tested diatom indices correlated well with measured water quality variables such as pH and the chemical variables responsible for eutrophication and salinisation. The demonstrated correlations were comparable to those demonstrated by European authors. Several indices proved successful in indicating general water quality, namely the Biological Diatom lndex (BDI), the Specific Pollution sensitivity lndex (SPI) and the Generic Diatom lndex (GDI). The Eutrophication and Pollution lndex (EPI) successfully indicated levels of plant nutrients together with the ionic composition measured at various sites in the Vaal and Wilge Rivers. It is recommended that these indices be further tested in different regions within South Africa. / Thesis (M. Omgewingswetenskappe)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Microbial drinking water quality of selected rural, peri-urban and urban communities and schools in the North West Province, South Africa / Wernich Foit

Foit, Wernich January 2007 (has links)
Safe drinking water is a basic human right. This study mainly focused on the physicochemical and microbiological drinking water quality of selected rural, peri-urban and urban communities and schools in the North West Province, South Africa. Parameters measured to determine the physico-chemical quality of drinking water were temperature, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), electric conductivity, carbonate hardness, total hardness, NO2 -, NO3 - and chlorine. These parameters indicated hard water in the informal settlement (Sonderwater) as well as in the rural area (Ganyesa). Nitrate content were troubling for both areas, and total dissolved solids were higher than the standard in the water from Ganyesa. For microbiological quality of the water, heterotrophic plate count (HPC) bacteria, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci, and staphylococci were enumerated on appropriate selective media using standard procedures. In the water from Sonderwater, faecal indicator bacteria were isolated, but none were found in the water from Ganyesa. Heterotrophic plate count bacteria and total coliforms were detected at levels above the standard in water samples from both areas. Staphylococci and faecal streptococci were present in low numbers in the water from both sites. Faecal coliforms isolated from Sonderwater showed multiple antibiotic resistances to beta-lactams. Identification of faecal coliforms from Sonderwater by API 20E strips and sequencing showed that they were Aeromonas spp. and Enterobacter spp.. Bacteria in the water from Sonderwater were tested for the potential to form biofilms. Scanning electron microscopy revealed multi-species biofilms developing in the water container after 5 days of storage. Water was sampled from four areas outside of Potchefstroom to determine a settlement gradient in water quality. Areas ranged from a formal area, through an established informal area and a newly established informal area to the newest established informal area. The water from these areas was classified as hard according to physico-chemical parameters measured, and TDS for the water from all areas were above the standard for domestic use. The established informal area had high numbers of total coliforms present in the water. Staphylococci and HPC bacteria were detected in levels higher than the standard for domestic use in all water samples. No faecal coliforms were found in the water from any of the areas. There was no visible gradient in the water quality between the areas. The water samples collected from rural, peri-urban and urban schools were also analysed in terms of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters. Water from all schools was classified as hard water. Only one school (peri-urban) had a pH above the standard. One rural school and one peri-urban school had TDS and electrical conductivity levels above the standard for domestic use. All rural and peri-urban schools had alarmingly high levels of nitrates present in the water. These schools receive groundwater as drinking water. Total coliform bacteria were present at high levels in all water samples from the schools. Rural and peri-urban schools presented levels of staphylococci and HPC bacteria higher than the standard for domestic use. Streptococci were present in water from some of the rural and peri-urban schools and one urban school. Faecal coliform/faecal streptococci ratios for rural schools indicated faecal pollution potentially of human origin, and in other schools faecal pollution from both human and animal origin. Before the vacation, faecal coliform bacteria were detected in water from all rural schools, two peri-urban schools and one urban school. After the vacation, faecal coliforms were only detected in water from two rural schools and one peri-urban school. Faecal coliforms identified and characterized showed multiple antibiotic resistances to beta-lactams, oxy-tetracycline and trimethoprim. Identification by API 20E strips and sequencing confirmed that faecal coliforms from schools were Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. It was concluded that water from Sonderwater were of poor quality and water from Ganyesa were acceptable with only the nitrates a troubling factor. There was no settlement gradient observed in terms of water quality between areas. Water from rural schools were generally of unacceptable quality in terms of both physico-chemical and microbiological parameters. The water quality of these schools was also very poor when compared to urban schools. Periurban schools had water quality better than rural schools, but poorer than urban schools. Surveys of water quality are recommended for all areas sampled, and education on the sanitary quality of water and related health implications is advisable for residents of informal and rural areas. / Thesis: B.Sc. Microbiology and Biochemistry School of Environmental Science and Development Faculty of Natural Sciences North-West University: Potchefstroom campus 2006.

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