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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Torque Teno Virus: A Potential Indicator of Enteric Viruses

Griffin, Jennifer Shoener 15 March 2009 (has links)
To protect public health, drinking water systems are monitored for indicator organisms that correlate with fecal contamination and suggest the presence of human pathogens. Total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and E. coli are the most commonly used indicator organisms. These bacteria generally colocate with fecal pollution, but some limitations exist. In particular, the ability of indicator bacteria to predict the presence of enteric viruses is questionable because of distinct transport and survival characteristics of bacteria and viruses. Although viral indicators of enteric viruses have been proposed, none have been implemented into the current regulatory framework. In this thesis, the correlation of bacteria and viruses in drinking water sources and treatment systems is reviewed, and the potential of Torque Teno virus (TTV) to qualify as an indicator virus is discussed. TTV is unique among enteric viruses as it infects approximately 80% of healthy individuals worldwide, is transmitted by the fecal-oral route, causes no observable illness, and lacks seasonal fluctuations.

Sistema de indicadores aplicado à agricultura irrigada / Indicator system applied to irrigated agriculture

Amarilís Thieme Shiroma 08 November 2018 (has links)
O manejo da irrigação na produção de mudas de hortaliças é caracterizado como uma atividade complexa, pois são cultivadas, em um mesmo ambiente, diversas espécies com necessidades hídricas e estádios fenológicos diferentes. Além disso, este setor está inserido em um mercado extremamente competitivo, o que faz com que a melhoria contínua dos processos se torne essencial para a sobrevivência do negócio. Em função da importância do sistema de medição de desempenho como instrumento de auxílio à gestão, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo propor um conjunto de indicadores de desempenho que permita a avaliação dos processos operacionais de produção de mudas de hortaliças folhosas. O estudo, classificado como uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratória, foi desenvolvido a partir do referencial teórico e de informações técnicas obtidas nos viveiros. O trabalho foi dividido, basicamente, em três etapas: na definição dos objetivos da produção de mudas, no mapeamento dos processos envolvidos e, por último, na seleção dos indicadores de desempenho que mais se adequam aos processos. Foram identificados quarenta e cinco indicadores de desempenho na literatura, sendo que seis foram selecionados como indicadores-chave. / Irrigation management in the production of vegetable seedling is characterized as a complex activity, since several species with different water needs and different phenological stages are cultivated in the same local. In addition, this sector is embedded in an extremely competitive market, which means that the continuous improvement of processes becomes essential for the survival of the business. Due to the importance of the performance measurement system as an aid to management, the present work had the objective of proposing a set of performance indicators that allow the evaluation of the operational processes of vegetable\'s seedlings production. The study, classified as a qualitative research of the exploratory type, was developed based on the theoretical reference and the technical information obtained from the nurseries. The work was basically divided in three stages: the definition of the objectives of the production of seedlings, the mapping of the involved processes and, finally, the selection of the performance indicators that best suit the processes. Forty five performance indicators were identified in the literature, of which six were selected as key indicators.

Measuring corruption in business surveys : current practice and perspectives / Mesurer la corruption avec des enquêtes d'entreprises : pratique actuelle et perspectives

Lesné, Frédéric 05 October 2017 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse de doctorat est la mesure de la corruption. Ses principales contributions à la recherche en économie sont une réflexion sur la pratique actuelle de construction d'indicateurs de la corruption à partir d'enquêtes d’entreprises, et la suggestion d'approches innovantes visant à améliorer la qualité de ces indicateurs. Cette thèse est composée de trois chapitres. Le premier chapitre examine la mesure dans laquelle demander à des propriétaires et gestionnaires d’entreprise d'évaluer la magnitude de la corruption en pourcentage de leur chiffre d'affaires ou en termes monétaires influence leurs estimations, et les raisons expliquant cette différence. Je confirme des résultats antérieurs que les estimations de la corruption sont significativement plus élevées lorsqu'elles sont exprimées en pourcentage de chiffres d’affaires plutôt qu'en valeur monétaire. Ce résultat est vraisemblablement causé par une erreur de calcul de la part de certains répondants. L'expérience dans la gestion d'entreprise limite cette propension à l'erreur, sans toutefois l'éliminer complètement. Le deuxième chapitre évalue comment les chefs d'entreprise ayant remporté des marchés publics considérés à risque de corruption se comportent vis-à-vis d'une enquête sur les marchés publics. Je conclus que les entreprises ayant une plus grande expérience de la corruption ne sont pas plus susceptibles de refuser de participer à l'enquête ou de répondre à une question leur demandant d'estimer la magnitude de la corruption, mais ont une probabilité plus élevée que les autres de nier l'existence de corruption dans les marchés publics. Le troisième chapitre propose une approche innovante d'identification des répondants réticents dans les enquêtes d'entreprise et de correction des indicateurs de fréquence de la corruption. / The topic of this doctoral thesis is corruption measurement. Its main contributions to economic research are a reflection on the current practice of producing corruption indicators using business survey data, and suggesting innovative approaches to improve the quality of those indicators. This thesis is composed of three Chapters. The first Chapter investigates how asking firm owners and managers to estimate the magnitude of bribery as a percentage of their turnover or in monetary terms affects their estimations and the reasons for this difference. I confirm previous findings that estimates of bribery are significantly higher when expressed as a percentage of turnover rather than in monetary value. This result is likely due to miscalculations on the part of some respondents. Experience in running a business appears to mitigate this propensity to error, but without eliminating entirely. The second Chapter evaluates how firm owners and managers which were awarded public contracts considered at risk of corruption behave in responding to a survey about public procurement. I conclude that firms with more experience of corruption are no more likely to decline participating in the survey or to answer a question asking them to evaluate the magnitude of bribery, but have a higher probability to deny the existence of bribery compared to firms with less experience of corruption. The third Chapter suggests an innovative approach to identify reticent respondents in business surveys and to correct indicators for the frequency of corruption accordingly.

Aplicação de radiação UV para desinfecção de efluente da associação de reator UASB e biofiltro aerado submerso / UV radiation application for sewer disinfection of the UASB reactor association with aerated submerged biofilter (ASB)

Silva, Silvia Sônia da 20 September 2007 (has links)
Essa pesquisa investigou e interpretou aspectos relevantes da desinfecção por radiação ultravioleta (UV) na inativação de microrganismos indicadores. O efluente sanitário foi proveniente de tratamento anaeróbio (Reator UASB), seguido de Biofiltro Aerado Submerso, em escala real. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas, sendo que na primeira foi dado destaque ao estudo das características operacionais da unidade ultravioleta. Na segunda etapa da pesquisa objetivou-se o estudo da resistência de diferentes microrganismos indicadores à radiação ultravioleta e das possíveis correlações entre as variáveis testadas. Os resultados obtidos na primeira etapa da pesquisa forneceram indicativos de que a limpeza das lâmpadas emersas pode ser feita em períodos superiores a 2 meses, devendo-se levar em consideração também a fragilidade do sistema. A limpeza do canal de desinfecção não teve relação com a eficiência de desinfecção. A operação de unidades UV é relativamente simples desde que haja treinamento dos operadores e condições ergonômicas favoráveis ao trabalho dos mesmos. O custo operacional situou-se na faixa de 0,006 R$/\'M POT.3\' de esgoto desinfetado e o custo de energia elétrica foi de 0,07 R$/\'M POT.3\' de esgoto desinfetado. As eficiências máximas de desinfecção encontradas na segunda etapa da pesquisa foram de 100% para Colifagos, 99,999% para CF (Coliformes Fecais) e 99,993% para CT (Coliformes Totais), o que demonstra que a ordem decrescente de resistência desses organismos é CT > CF > Colifagos. Os resultados indicaram que houve pouca variação da eficiência de inativação para as três lâminas de esgoto testadas (3 cm, 4 cm e 5 cm) o que sugere que a unidade é capaz de atender aumentos moderados de vazão, confirmando os pressupostos adotados no seu dimensionamento. Os dados obtidos a partir do ensaio hidrodinâmico indicaram que o reator de desinfecção testado comporta-se como um sistema composto de um reator pistonado ideal com presença de curtos circuitos hidráulicos. / This research has investigated and interpreted relevant aspects of disinfection by ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in the inativation of indicator microorganisms\' inactivation. The sanitary effluent was provided by anaerobic treatment (UASB reactor), followed by aerated submerged biofilter (ASB), on a real scale. This research was divided into two stages, whereas in the first stage, operational characteristics of the ultraviolet unit studies were highlighted. The aim of the second stage of the research was the resistance of different indicator microorganisms to ultraviolet radiation study and the possible relation among variables tested. Results obtained in the first stage of the research have provided indication that the cleaning of submerged lamps may be done in periods longer than two months, however the fragility of the system must be considered. Disinfection channel cleaning should not be related to the disinfection efficiency. The operation of UV units is relatively simple, as long as the operators are trained and work under favorable ergonomic conditions. The operational cost was set at 0.006 R$/\'M POT.3\' of disinfected sewer system and the electrical energy cost was set at 0.07 R$/\'M POT.3\'. The maximum efficiency found on the disinfection of the research second stage were 100% for Coliphages, 99.999% for FC and 99.993% for TC, which demonstrates that the resistance decreasing order of these organisms is TC > FC > Coliphages. Results indicated that there was a low inactivation efficiency variation for the three tested sewer samples (3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm), which suggests that the unit is capable of serving moderate increase of flow, confirming adopted predictions in its dimensioning. Information obtained from the hydrodynamic test indicated that the tested disinfection reactor behaves as a compound system of an ideal piston reactor with hydraulic short circuits.

Aspectos fundamentais na validação do monitor biológico para a esterilização por óxido de etileno / Fundamental aspects in the validation of the biological monitor for sterilization by ethylene oxide

Pinto, Terezinha de Jesus Andreoli 08 August 1991 (has links)
Considerando a importância da garantia de esterilidade em produtos médico-hospitalares, e conhecendo a necessidade de controle do processo esterilizante por óxido de etileno através de vários parâmetros dentre eles pelo sensor biológico, este trabalho teve como objetivo a padronização de alguns aspectos importantes do monitor biológico. Esporos de Bacillus subtilis var. niger foram obtidos em meios sólido e líquido sintético de esporulação, assim como adquiridos no comércio nacional, como suspensão. Seguiu-se a inoculação destes sobre suportes de papel, alumínio e plástico, com subsequente acondicionamento em embalagens protetoras, com o que se chegou à preparação dos indicadores biológicos. Foram testados, comparativamente, indicadores biológicos, em suporte de papel, adquiridos no comércio nacional e norte americano. As variáveis consideradas no preparo de monitores biológicos foram: natureza do suporte e da embalagem e dimensão de corpo de prova. Foram preparados 27 grupos de monitores biológicos, sendo 19 em suporte de papel, 4 em alumínio e 4 em plástico, constituindo assim 3 grupos múltiplos. A verificação da influência da natureza do suporte na resistência dos esporos foi através do processamento sub-letal de monitores biológicos, seguido de estudo de letalidade e cálculo dos valores de D. Com relação aos 19 grupos em suporte de papel, apesar da origem diferenciada dos esporos no tocante à fase de esporulação, seja quanto à natureza do meio de cultura, do ciclo ou do laboratório produtor, ou ainda dos bioindicadores de fabricantes distintos, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na resistência dos esporos ao agente esterilizante. Houve diferença significativa na resistência dos esporos entre suportes de papel e plástico. Com relação à efetividade esterilizante do gás através de embalagens de natureza diferente foram testados monitores biológicos contendo bioindicadores em suporte de papel, após exposição dos mesmos ao ciclo sub-letal. Os valores de D obtidos evidenciaram a compatibilidade de diferentes embalagens com a esterilização por óxido de etileno, desde que respeitada a característica de porosidade. Num grupo adicional de monitores biológicos, utilizando papel como suporte em que a variável foi a dimensão dos corpos de prova o processo esterilizante foi por ciclo industrial seguido de recuperação dos esporos sobreviventes através de inoculação dos suportes em caldo tioglicolato, caldo caseina soja e este adicionado de azul de bromotimol. A capacidade promotora de crescimento destes 3 meios não apresentou diferenças. A eficácia esterilizante foi dependente do tamanho de corpos de prova. A determinação periódica do teor residual de gás nos corpos de prova, bem como a monitoração ambiental industrial indicaram a necessidade e importância da legislação em vigor, devendo haver plena obediência à mesma. / This study intended to standardize some of the important elements of biological indicators, taken in consideration the importance of sterility assurance of medical devices and knowing the necessity of Ethilene Oxide sterilization process control throught several parameters, among them the biological sensor. Spores of Bacillus .subtilis var. niger, were produced in chemically defined liquid and solid sporulation media, as well as purchased as suspension from local suppliers. The biological indicators were obtained after being inoculated on paper, aluminum foil and plastic carriers following by wrapping on protective packaging. In parallel biological indicators in paper carriers, purchased from local market and from United States suppliers were also tested. The variables considered on preparation of the biological monitors were: the nature of the carriers and packages used and the dimension of the test specimens. Twenty seven individual groups of biological monitors have been prepared, being 19 on paper carrier, 4 into aluminum foil and 4 into plastic, bringing to 3 multiple groups. The evaluation of the nature of the carrier on the spore resistance was done through the challange of the biological monitors to sub-lethal cycles, followed by lethality study and D value calculation. Within the 19 groups on paper carrier no significant statistical difference was observed in respect to spores resistance to the sterilization agent, in spite of the various sources of the spores, with respect to the sporulation stage, no matter the nature of culture media, the cycle or the generating laboratory, or even bioindicators from distinct manufacturers. There was an significant statistical difference on spores resistance between paper and plastic carriers. In respect to the gas sterilization effectiveness across packages of different nature, biological monitors were tested containing bioindicators in paper carriers, after their exposure to sub-lethal cycles. The D values obtained made patent the compatibility of distinct packages to ethilene oxide sterilization provided the porosity caracteristics are respected. In an additional group of biological, monitors, using paper as carrier and on that the dimension of the test specimens was the variable considered the sterilization process was an industrial cycle, followed by a surviving spores recovery through the carriers inoculation into thioglicolate broth, soybean-casein broth and also the last broth added with bromothymol blue. The growing promoting capacity of those 3 media did not show differences. The sterilization effectiveness was dependent to the dimension of the test specimens. The periodic determination of residual gas content on the test specimens, as well as the industrial environment monitoring denote the need and importance of the legislation in force, being imperative full compliance to the same.

Atributos bioquímicos de um argissolo amarelo cultivado com adubos verde e de um latossolo húmico após aplicação de calcário

VILAR, Pollyanna Ferreira 28 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2016-12-19T16:02:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Pollyanna Ferreira Vilar.pdf: 1431346 bytes, checksum: 68f317589bdbf5cbdf6d9efad2a5d4cf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-19T16:02:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pollyanna Ferreira Vilar.pdf: 1431346 bytes, checksum: 68f317589bdbf5cbdf6d9efad2a5d4cf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The aim of this study was to evaluate the biochemical changes occurring in an Ultisol planted with green manure and an Oxisol Humic after liming. In the experiment with green manure was used randomized complete blocks with plot scheme on track with 5 treatments (Crotalaria; Soybean perennial; Guandu dwarf; Calopogonio and spontaneous vegetation) and 4 replications. We performed the chemical, biochemical and biological attributes, identification and quantification of organic acids in soil after application of the treatments. The dwarf pea had the highest dry matter production and green, higher accumulation of N, P, K and C. The perennial soybean showed higher levels of P and K. The sunnhemp higher concentrations of N, and dwarf pea higher C content in its dry mass. Green manures had lower C / N ratio The microbial biomass carbon showed higher value in the treatment dwarf pigeonpea (578.12 mg kg CBM-C-1). The microbial respiration was influenced by the use of perennial legume sunn hemp and soy. The highest levels of total organic carbon were observed in treatments with perennial soybean, calopo and crude. The treatment showed the highest content of water-soluble carbon was the dwarf pigeonpea (109.34 mg kg-C 1solo dry). The use of legumes promoted the increased enzyme activity in the soil. Treatment with pigeonpea contributes to higher levels of free light fraction organic matter. Treatment with calopo was what had higher C content in fraction F4, corresponding to 34% of TOC. BMI was higher in the soil with cultivation of pigeonpea dwarf, demonstrating that this legume plant residue promoted the maintenance of carbon stocks. In all treatments was observed only the presence of acetic acid, with the highest concentration in the soil after cultivation of perennial soybean. In the experiment with dystrophic experimental design used was completely randomized block in a 2x5 factorial arrangement with four replications, with the first factor represented by the SC treatments (without liming) and CC (with lime application), and the second factor 5 evaluation periods (7, 14, 30, 45 and 60 days). The liming treatments CC was 3.35 t ha-1. We performed the chemical, biological attributes, identification and quantification of organic acids in soil after application of the treatments. Liming increased soil pH and calcium, in addition to reducing the potential acidity of the soil. The phosphorus content was higher 30 days after the application of limestone (3.50 mg kg-1). The highest levels of sodium were observed within 60 days in treatments with and without liming. The higher nitrogen content was obtained 45 days after lime application. The content of the microbial biomass was higher at 7 days in the ground where there was liming with 383.68 mg C kg-CBM-1. The largest amount of total organic carbon was observed at 14 days in water without liming. The higher respiratory activity was observed in the soil where no lime application in periods of 30 and 60 days. For treatments with lime application, detected the presence of acetic acid in all periods, with a period of 30 days at the highest concentration, with 16.21 mg kg-1. Only in the period of 7 days in the treatment without lime application was observed the presence of acetic acid. / O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as alterações bioquímicas ocorridas em um Argissolo Amarelo cultivado com adubos verdes e em um Latossolo Húmico após a aplicação de calcário. No experimento com adubo verde foi utilizado delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com esquema de parcela em faixa com 5 tratamentos (Crotalária; Soja perene; Guandu anão; Calopogônio e Vegetação espontânea) e 4 repetições. Foi realizada a caracterização química, atributos biológicos e bioquímicos, identificação e quantificação de ácidos orgânicos no solo após a aplicação dos tratamentos. O guandu anão apresentou as maiores produção de massa seca e verde, maior acumulo de N, P, K e C. A soja perene apresentou maiores teores de P e K. A crotalária apresentou maiores teores de N, e o guandu anão maiores teores de C em sua massa seca. Os adubos verdes apresentaram menor relação C/N. O carbono da biomassa microbiana apresentou maior valor no tratamento com feijão guandu anão (578,12 mg de C-CBM Kg-1). A respiração basal microbiana foi influenciada com a utilização das leguminosas crotalária e soja perene. Os maiores teores de carbono orgânico total foram observados nos tratamentos com soja perene, calopogônio e crotalária. O tratamento que apresentou maior teor de carbono solúvel em água foi o guandu anão (109,34 mg de C Kg -1solo seco). A utilização de leguminosas promoveu o aumento da atividade enzimática no solo. O tratamento com feijão guandu contribui com o maior teor de fração leve livre da matéria orgânica. O tratamento com calopogônio foi o que obteve maior teor de C na fração F4, correspondendo a 34% do COT. O IMC foi maior no solo com cultivo com guandu anão, demonstrando que o resíduo vegetal desta leguminosa promoveu a manutenção dos estoques de carbono. Em todos os tratamentos foi observada apenas a presença do ácido acético, com maior concentração no solo após o cultivo da soja perene. No experimento com Latossolo foi utilizado delineamento experimental em bloco inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2x5, com 4 repetições, sendo o primeiro fator representado pelos tratamentos SC (sem aplicação de calcário) e CC (com aplicação de calcário), e o segundo fator os 5 períodos de avaliação (7, 14, 30, 45 e 60 dias). A dose de calcário nos tratamentos CC foi de 3,35 t ha-1. Foi realizada a caracterização química, atributos biológicos, identificação e quantificação de ácidos orgânicos no solo após a aplicação dos tratamentos. A aplicação de calcário aumentou o pH do solo e os teores de cálcio, além de reduzir a acidez potencial do solo. O teor de fósforo foi maior no período de 30 dias após a aplicação de calcário (3,50 mg kg-1). Os maiores teores de sódio foram observados no período de 60 dias, nos tratamentos com e sem a aplicação de calcário. O maior teor de nitrogênio foi obtido aos 45 dias após a aplicação de calcário. O teor do carbono da biomassa microbiana foi maior aos 7 dias no solo onde não houve a aplicação de calcário, com 383,68 mg de C-CBM Kg-1. A maior quantidade de carbono orgânico total foi observada aos 14 dias no tratamento sem aplicação de calcário. A maior atividade respiratória foi observada no solo onde não houve a aplicação de calcário nos períodos de 30 e 60 dias. Para os tratamentos com a aplicação de calcário, foi detectada a presença do ácido acético em todos os períodos avaliados, apresentando o período de 30 dias a maior concentração, com 16,21 mg kg-1. Apenas no período de 7 dias no tratamento sem aplicação de calcário foi observada a presença do ácido acético.

Avaliação sazonal dos efeitos do enriquecimento por N e P sobre o perifíton em represa tropical rasa mesotrófica (Lago das Ninféias, São Paulo)

Fermino, Fabiana Schumacher [UNESP] 14 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-02-14Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:19:49Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 fermino_fs_dr_rcla.pdf: 1579925 bytes, checksum: 9575963e41a7425b9936cc27d8075a47 (MD5) / O estudo visou (a) identificar o nutriente limitante ao desenvolvimento do perifiton em escala sazonal no Lago das Ninfeias, (b) avaliar os principais atributos da comunidade indicadores desta limitacao, (c) caracterizar as principais alteracoes estruturais da comunidade de algas perifiticas frente ao enriquecimento artificial por nitrogenio e/ou fosforo e hierarquizar os fatores direcionadores dessas modificacoes. Foram realizados enriquecimentos isolados e combinado por N e P em represa rasa mesotrofica em quatro epocas do ano (primavera, verao, outono e inverno). Quatro tratamentos foram delineados utilizando substrato difusor de nutrientes (copos de poliestireno, preenchidos com solucao Agar e nutrientes . controle: sem adicao de nutrientes; N+: 0,75 M; P+: 0,05 M; NP+: adicao combinada dos dois sais, razao molar N:P = 15). A abertura dos copos foi revestida com malha de 20 um como substrato para o perifiton. Coletas foram realizadas aos 15o, 20o, 25o e 30o dias de colonizacao. A maior variabilidade dos dados limnologicos abioticos foi atribuida ao tipo de tratamento, seguida pela escala anual. A ACP indicou forte associacao entre a adicao de fosforo e, principalmente, adicao combinada com as maiores densidades de algas, clorofila-a e conteudo de fosforo do perifiton. O fosforo foi o nutriente limitante ao longo do ano e, dependendo do atributo, foi considerado como nutriente limitante, limitante primario ou co-limitado pelo nitrogenio. Exceto a massa organica, os demais atributos do perifiton foram bons indicadores da limitacao e a composicao quimica do perifiton foi decisiva na definicao desta limitacao. Foram encontrados 203 taxons, com maior representacao da classe Chlorophyceae. A riqueza especifica variou de 33 a 66 e sofreu maior influencia da epoca do ano. / Study aimed at (a) identifying the nutrient limitation to the development of algal periphyton in a seasonal scale at the Ninfeias Reservoir; (b) evaluating the main indicator community attributes of nutrient limitation; and (c) characterizing the main structural modifications underwent by the algal periphytic community caused by the artificial enrichment by nitrogen and/or phosphorus, as well as ranking the driven factors responsible for such modifications. Isolate and combined enrichments were carried out in a shallow, mesotrophic reservoir during four occasions (spring, summer, fall, and winter). Four treatments were designed using diffusing substrate (polystyrene vials filled with agar solution and nutrients . control: no nutrient addition; N+: 0.75 M; P+: 0.05 M; NP+: combined addition of N and P, molar ratio N:P = 15). Vial mouth was covered with a 20 um mesh cloth for periphyton colonization. Samplings were performed on the 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th colonization days. The greatest abiotic limnological data variation was related to the kind of treatment, followed by the annual scale. PCA indicated a strong association between P and mainly combined P and N addition with the highest algal densities, chlorophyll a, and the P periphyton contents. Phosphorus was the limiting nutrient over the year, and depending on the periphyton attribute, it was either the only limiting nutrient, the primary limiting one, or colimited with N. Except for the organic mass, the remaining periphyton attributes were good nutrient limitation indicators, and periphyton chemical composition was conclusive in defining limitation. Two hundred and three taxa were identified, Chlorophyceae being the dominant algal class. Species richness varied from 33 to 66, being influenced mostly by the time of the year.

Analýza konkurencieschopnosti Spojených štátov mexických - v medzinárodnej komparácii / Developement of competitiveness of United States of Mexico in international comparison

Francisci, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
The main discussed problem of this thesis is to find out how competitive United States of Mexico are in worldwide economy. In other words, how competitive United States of Mexico is in comparison with another countries. The first part of this work concludes theoretical knowledge what the competitiveness consists of. The purpose of this part is to understand the competitiveness as a discussed problem of nowadays. The second part of this thesis describes the development of Mexican economy from the year of its independence to nowadays with a focus mostly on the origin of Mexican financial crisis and the North American Free Trade agreement signed by the governments of Canada, United States and Mexico. The third analytical part includes the analysis of the competitiveness of Mexican economy through indicators and markers determined by World economic forum in Geneva, more specifically through the Index of global competitiveness. This part also compares Mexican economy with the BRIC countries of similar stage of newly advanced economic development in the future that refers to Brazil, Russia, India and China. The fourth part describes the analysis of the competitiveness of Mexican economy from the regional point of view. This part recognizes tree main macro regions and description of industry in specific states. The fifth part shows data for the ease of doing business rank (out of 183 economies)in United States of Mexico with the complete analysis of reforms and other improvements taken by United States of Mexico to help more the entrepreneurship.

Analýza ekonomické výkonnosti podniku Colorlak a.s. / Analysis of the economic efficiency of the company Colorlak, a.s.

Vrabčáková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to find real picture of the company's economy from the view of the external observer and eventually to make suggestion for eliminating founded deficiencies. For this purposes the detailed financial analysis with the focus on ratio indexes and EVA indicator will be performed. The great emphasis will be devoted to the intercompany comparison.

Analýza kritérií hodnocení ředitelů mateřských škol zřizovateli v Pardubickém kraji / Analysis of the evaluation criteria of kindergarten headmasters by founders in Pardubický region

Marková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: Analysis of the evaluation criteria of kindergarten headmasters by founders in Pardubicky region AUTHOR: Bc. Lenka Marková DEPARTMENT: School management centre SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Jiří Trunda ABSTRACT: This thesis analyzes the current criteria for evaluating the work of kindergarten headmasters. The criteria were created by community representatives as founders of the kindergarten. The thesis also focuses on identifying indicators leading to the fulfillment of the evaluation criteria. Monitoring headmasters views on the current criteria, which they are valued, is the part of research. Through the analysis criteria, surveys and informal interviews with representatives of the founders and headmasters the deficiencies in the structure and list of criteria were found. The research has shown inconsistency and formality outlined evaluation criteria with absence of their indicators. Based on the findings was recommended evaluation criteria to include all areas of the kindergarten headmasters. Indicators, that show the way to meet the criteria, were also suggested. This thesis aims to draw attention to current issues in evaluating the work of headmastrers at the regional education as well as to need for systemic solutions in this area. This thesis can be used as the theme for the creation of evaluation criteria...

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