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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A vivência de trabalho da pessoa com deficiência e as repercussões à saúde / The person\'s work experience with disabilities and health repercussions

Garbin, Andréia de Conto 26 August 2016 (has links)
No Brasil, a Lei de Cotas determina uma reserva de vagas para as pessoas com deficiência nas iniciativas pública e privada. A inclusão das pessoas com deficiência opera-se em um universo de trabalho precarizado, no qual se impõe uma nova morfologia em que coexistem o modelo tayloriano-fordista e a flexibilidade toyotizada. Consoante o exposto, buscou-se compreender as vivências de trabalho da pessoa com deficiência e as repercussões à saúde. Para tanto, foi delineada uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho exploratório, na forma de estudo de caso. Foram realizados grupos focais e entrevistas com pessoas com deficiência físicas e surdas. As deficiências físicas foram adquiridas, em alguns casos, em decorrência de acidentes de trabalho, fruto do trabalho inseguro e da perversidade do sistema que projeta o trabalhador à condição de pessoa com deficiência. Prevalece o discurso do trabalhador com deficiência não qualificado e busca-se incluir aquele que depende de poucas adaptações no ambiente e em suas atitudes. As exigências de qualificação profissional estão baseadas na ideologia da normalização que se efetiva em programas disciplinadores das condutas, organizadores da vida social. São exigências relativas à subjetividade, aos modos de existir, com ênfase na persistência e superação individuais. O controle sutil se opera por meio do discurso da inclusão e o trabalhador adquire a condição de reificado. Hoje o surdo fica limitado ao uso de seu principal modo de comunicação, as mãos, sob o discurso do surdo produtivo reproduzindo o isolamento cultural do povo surdo nas empresas. Os excluídos, disfarçados de incluídos, vivenciam o sofrimento relativo às injustiças sociais e às violências psicológicas. A sociedade precisa intervir na produção da dupla discriminação e no discurso da naturalização da desqualificação profissional da pessoa com deficiência. Os avanços em relação às políticas públicas brasileiras refletem a tentativa de reparação diante da dívida histórica da sociedade em relação à exclusão das pessoas com deficiência, no entanto, é necessário radicalizar-se na defesa dos direitos sociais, protetivos e inclusivos. / In Brazil, the Quota Law requires a reserve places for people with disabilities in the public and private sector. The inclusion of people with disabilities operates in a precarious working universe in which it imposes a new morphology that coexist the Taylorian - Fordista and toyotizada flexibility. Depending on the above, we sought to understand the person\'s work experiences with disability and the impact to health. For this, it was outlined a qualitative research of exploratory nature, in the form of case study. Focus groups and interviews with people with physical disabilities and deaf were performed. Physical impairments were acquired in some cases, due to accidents, the result of unsafe work and system perversity that projects the employee to the person\'s condition with disabilities. Prevails worker speech with unqualified disability and seeks to include one that depends on a few adjustments in the environment and attitudinal. The qualification requirements are based on the ideology of standardization that is effective in disciplining programs of pipelines and organizers of social life. Are requirements of subjectivity, the modes of existence, emphasizing the persistence and overcoming individual. The subtle control operates through discourse of inclusion and the employee acquires the reified condition. Today the deaf is limited to use their primary mode of communication, their hands, under the discourse of productive deaf reproducing the \"cultural isolation of deaf people\" in companies. The excluded, disguised as included, experience suffering on the social injustices and psychological violence Society needs to intervene in the production of double discrimination and the discourse of naturalization of skilling of people with disabilities. Advances in relation to the Brazilian public policies reflect the attempt to repair the front historic debt of the society in relation to the exclusion of people with disabilities, however it is necessary to radicalize the defense of social, protective and inclusive rights.

An occupational injury management information system for the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston /

Wilkinson, William Edward. January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (Dr.P.H.)--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Public Health, 1982. / Typescript. Dissertation Abstracts International order no. 83-08270. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 174-180).

Contribution to the assessment of shelter-in-place effectiveness as a community protection measure in the event of a toxic gas release

Montoya Rodríguez, María Isabel 26 November 2010 (has links)
En les darreres dècades el nombre d'accidents ocurreguts en la industria química i durant el transport de mercaderies perilloses ha augmentat substancialment, registrant-se en la seva majoria en zones densament poblades. Els núvols de gasos tòxics solen originar-se en aquests accidents i malgrat que són menys probables que altres tipus d'accidents, poden afectar grans extensions i contaminar zones poblades, provocant greus conseqüències. Això comporta un gran repte per a les autoritats civils, que han d'avaluar i decidir l'àrea que cal evacuar i l'àrea en la que s'ha d'implementar el confinament com a mesura de protecció. L'avaluació de l'efectivitat del confinament comprèn tres etapes fonamentals: el càlcul de la dispersió exterior, el càlcul de la concentració interior en funció de la concentració exterior i l'avaluació dels efectes adversos per a la salut. Aquesta tesi s'enfoca principalment en l'estudi de la segona etapa, la qual és funció de la taxa d'infiltració d'aire en les edificacions.Inicialment es va realitzar una extensa revisió bibliogràfica sobre les tres etapes, fent èmfasi en la cerca de models pel càlcul de la concentració interior, la taxa d'infiltració y l'hermeticitat de les vivendes. Posteriorment, a través d'una anàlisi de sensibilitat es trobà que la taxa de renovació d'aire té una gran influencia sobre l'efectivitat del confinament i, a més, atès que aquesta varia per cada edificació, el coneixement de la seva distribució en una població és necessari per a una avaluació adequada de l'efectivitat del confinament, ja que suposar-la constant per a totes les edificacions pot comportar sobreestimacions o subestimacions del radi d'evacuació. Per tant, amb la finalitat d'obtenir una aproximació de la distribució de l'hermeticitat, es va aplicar el model desenvolupat pel Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), que prové de dades de vivendes nord-americanes, a les vivendes catalanes. De tota manera, els resultats obtinguts es trobaven esbiaixats a les zones climàtiques, essent les prediccions per a vivendes ubicades en zones seques més hermètiques que en zones humides. En el cas de Catalunya, on les tècniques constructives no varien significativament d'una zona a una altra i la majoria de vivendes estan construïdes a base de materials pesats, no és d'esperar una diferència tan marcada com la predita pel model del LBNL. Per tant, es va decidir desenvolupar un model per a les vivendes catalanes utilitzant la base de dades de taxes d'infiltració de vivendes unifamiliars del CETE de Lyon, ja que aquestes vivendes tenen més similitud amb les vivendes catalanes que no pas les nord-americanes.El model desenvolupat, denominat UPC-CETE, permet estimar l'hermeticitat de les vivendes unifamiliars en funció de l'àrea, el número de pisos, l'edat i el tipus d'estructura constructiva: lleugera o pesada. Els valors d'hermeticitat predits amb aquest model foren menors que els obtinguts amb el model del LNBL, tal com s'esperava. Finalment, per tal de validar i millorar el model desenvolupat, es van realitzar mesures de la taxa de renovació d'aire en diverses vivendes de Catalunya i també en habitacions prèviament condicionades per ser utilitzades com a refugi, per tal d'avaluar la reducció guanyada sobre la taxa de renovació de tota la vivenda. Com a mitjana, s'obtingueren reduccions d'un 35% i es trobà que les reduccions més grans tenien lloc en vivendes antigues, amb àrees petites d'una o dues plantes. El model UPC-CETE millorat a partir dels resultats obtinguts en les proves experimentals, s'incorporà a la metodologia per avaluar l'efectivitat del confinament en l'etapa d'estimació de la taxa de renovació d'aire, evitant l'ús d'un valor constant per a totes les vivendes i promovent així l'ús d'una distribució d'aquest paràmetre per secció censal afectada dins la població. / During the last decades the number of accidents in chemical industries and during transportation of hazardous substances has significantly increased, with most of them occurring in highly populated areas. One of the possible accidents is a toxic gas cloud, which although less common than other major hazards could affect larger areas reaching populated zones and producing more severe consequences. This implies then, a great challenge to emergency managers who must plan and decide the areas where protection measures should be implemented: shelter in place and/or evacuation. The assessment of the effectiveness of shelter in place is subjected to three main stages: the calculation of the outdoor gas dispersion, the estimation of indoor concentration from outdoor concentration and the evaluation of human vulnerability. This thesis is mainly focused on the study of the second stage which is primarily a function of buildings leakage.Initially we performed a bibliographic survey with special interest on the models to estimate indoor concentration from outdoor concentration, airtightness of dwellings and ventilation models. Then, through a sensitivity analysis, we found that the air exchange rate has a great influence on the effectiveness of shelter in place. Moreover, since this parameter is different for each building, the knowledge of the distribution of this variable in the affected population would lead to a more accurate assessment of the effectiveness of shelter in place, because if we assume it as a fix value, constant for all buildings, over or underestimations of the evacuation radius may occur. Therefore, with the aim of making an estimation of the airtightness distribution in Catalunya, we applied the model developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), a model based on data from North American dwellings, to Catalan dwellings. The results obtained were influenced by climate zones, due to the coefficients of the model, being more airtight the predictions for dwellings located in dry climates than for dwellings in humid zones. In the case of Catalunya, where constructions techniques do not differ significantly from one zone to another and most of the dwellings consist of a heavy structure, a difference such as that predicted by the model of the LBNL is not expected. Consequently, we decided to develop a model for Catalan dwellings using the air leakage database from the CETE de Lyon, since French dwellings are more likely to Catalan dwellings than US dwellings. The model developed, named the UPC-CETE model, predicts the airtightness of single-family dwellings as a function of the floor area, the age, the number of stories and the structure type: light or heavy. The airtihgtness values predicted with this model were smaller than those predicted with the model of the LBNL, as was expected. Finally, in order to validate and improve the model developed we carried out a series of trials to measure the air exchange rate in some Catalan dwellings. Measurements in sealed rooms were also performed with the aim of assessing the reduction gained on the air exchange rate with regards to the air exchange rate of the whole dwelling. On average, we obtained reductions of 35% and found that larger reductions belonged to old dwellings with small floor areas and 1 or 2 stories. The improved model was incorporated on the methodology to assess shelter in place effectiveness on the stage concerning the estimation of the air exchange rate of the dwellings located on the affected zone; therefore, the assumption of a constant value is avoided. These measurements and the model constitute therefore the first proposal for estimating the airtightness distribution of single-family dwellings that could be used by Catalan authorities for emergency response planning.

An investigation into the prevalence and risk factors of occupational musculoskeletal injuries in firefighters in the Durban Metropolitan Fire Department

Albert, Dhimunthree January 2009 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in compliance with the requirements for the Masters Degree in Chiropractic at the Durban University of Technology, 2009 / Occupational injuries sustained by Emergency Rescue Care workers have been well documented. However, despite their high rates of injury, the literature regarding the risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal injuries (WRMSIs) in the fire service has not been well-established, especially in South Africa. Objectives: To determine the prevalence and risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries in the Durban Metropolitan Fire Department and to evaluate the relationship between selected risk factors and the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries. Methods: This was a descriptive study from a large urban Fire Department employing 350 active firefighters. Using a cross sectional study design, a retrospective analysis investigated the musculoskeletal injury prevalence from 2006-2008 by means of a questionnaire. Individuals reported on demographics, injury location, injury etiology, injury nature, extent of treatment rendered and time lost from work. Additionally, data was obtained regarding smoking, occupational stress, fitness, protective gear and injury prevention advice given by the Durban Metropolitan Fire Department. A 41% response rate was achieved. Results: The point prevalence of WRMSIs was 33.6% and the period prevalence was 81.1% of the sample. Low back injuries (47.9%) and strain injuries (40.8%) were the most common, followed by knee (22.5%), shoulder (19.7%) and ankle injuries (19%). The most common causes included lifting heavy objects, working in awkward postures and running. Weight, ethnic group, stress, lack of nutritional advice and alcohol consumption were all significantly associated with the prevalence of injuries. Ex-smoking was significant in the prevalence of low back injuries, stress was significant in the prevalence of knee injuries and alcohol consumption was associated with the prevalence of shoulder injuries. Conclusion: WRMSIs are of great concern in the fire service as their prevalence is substantial. Evaluation and implementation of further preventative measures and advice based on the results of this study can be effective in reducing WRMSIs.

A study of patient assault-related injuries in state psychiatric hospitals.

Calabro, Karen S. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Dr. P.H.)--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Public Health, 2007. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 68-10, Section: B, page: 6595. Adviser: Arch I. Carson. Includes bibliographical references.

Acesso à justiça, sob o ângulo da atuação do juiz na aplicação do direito em ações acidentárias

Adalberto de Oliveira Melo 23 November 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca identificar os obstáculos jurídicos, econômicos, sociais e psicológicos ao acesso à justiça nas ações acidentárias, com ênfase na atuação do juiz na aplicação do direito. Para tanto, pesquisa a origem das doenças profissionais, adquiridas através da exposição dos trabalhadores aos agentes ambientais físicos, químicos e biológicos, em situações acima do limite de tolerância e alguns fatores que influenciam no desenvolvimento da doença ocupacional, como o tempo de exposição ao agente, a concentração dos agentes no ambiente laboral e as características específicas de cada agente ambiental e a influência da Revolução Francesa, da Encíclica Rerum Novarum, da Constituição do México de 1917 e da Revolução Industrial no surgimento da previdência social no mundo, objetivando analisar o caráter científico ou não dos obstáculos que dificultam e impedem o uso do sistema judicial nas ações de indenização por acidente do trabalho e doenças ocupacionais. Dessa forma, o estudo procura identificar os procedimentos necessários para se obter uma solução que faça justiça a todos os participantes do conflito, com ênfase na atuação do juiz. Discorre sobre a pesquisa realizada pela Universidade de Florença e os obstáculos identificados em diversos países e as soluções práticas sugeridas por Cappelleti e analisa a influência desses fatos em face da legislação acidentária vigente no Brasil. Desenvolve temas relacionados à legislação acidentária no Brasil e posiciona-se sobre o princípio da irretroatividade da lei acidentária mais benéfica ao acidentado, gerando reflexos importantes na concessão de benefícios acidentários. O método de pesquisa tem por base a leitura do repertório bibliográfico sobre o tema da dissertação, com citação de jurisprudência dos tribunais estaduais e superiores e a doutrina pertinente, abordando precedentes de casos concretos. O presente estudo busca, finalmente, através da análise dos obstáculos que enfrentam os acidentados e portadores de doenças profissionais, encontrar o caminho mais eficaz, para a obtenção dos benefícios acidentários compatíveis com o grau de incapacidade laborativa de que são portadores, sob o ângulo da atuação do juiz, na aplicação do direito em ações acidentárias / The present dissertation aims to identify the juridical, economic, social and psychological obstacles to access to justice in the accident related actions in the application of the law. For this purpose, it probes into the origin of profession - related diseases acquired through the workers exposition to biological, chemical, physical and environmental agents in above - limit tolerance situations and some factors which influence the development of occupational diseases, such as the length of exposition to the agent, the concentration of such agents in the working environment and the specific characteristics of each environmental agent, the influence of the french revolution, of the encyclic rerum novarum, of the Constituition of Mexico of 1917 and of the industrial revolution with the appearance of the social security system in the world, aimed at analyzing the scientific character or not, of the obstacles which hinder and block the use of the judicial system in compensation actions for work-related accidents and occupational diseases this study aims to identify the necessary procedures to reach a solution which will be fair to all participants in the conflict, with emphasis on the judges acting. It talks about the research conducted by the university of florence and the obstacles identified in several countries and the practical solutions suggested by Cappelleti and analyzes the influence of these facts in the face of the acciddent - related legislation in force in Brazil. It also extends on the themes as regards the accident - related legislation in Brazil and takes a stand about the principle of the irrectroactivity of the accident - related law more beneficial to the injured person, creating important reflections in the concession of accident - related benefits. The research method is based on the reading of the bibliographic repertory about the theme of the dissertation, with the quoting of the jurisprudence of the state and superior courts, with the appropriate doctrine, tackling precedents of factual cases. The present study seeks, finally, through the analysis of obstacles that the injured and carriers of occupation - related diseases faces, to find the most effective way to get the compensation benefits compatible with the degree of labor incapacity of which they suffer, in the light of the judges acting in the application of the law in accident related actions

Prevenção de acidentes de trabalho no Brasil sob a ótica dos incentivos econômicos

Bedin, Barbara 19 June 2009 (has links)
A saúde faz parte da agenda de preocupações permanentes do governo e também de entidades não-governamentais de todo o mundo. A saúde do trabalhador, como assunto de interesse coletivo, está inserida dentro desse contexto. No Brasil, onde o índice de acidentes e doenças ocupacionais é significativo, tem-se exigido cada vez mais atenção das autoridades competentes para promover políticas públicas, que reforçem a prevenção e a segurança no meio ambiente do trabalho. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar o sistema de incentivos, da Teoria Econômica e aplicá-los no Direito do Trabalho como instrumento de auxilio na prevenção ou diminuição dos infortúnios laborais, através da Análise Econômica do Direito. Observar o Direito não só como um sistema de coerção, mas também como um sistema de incentivos com preços implícitos permite que se direcionem as escolhas dos indivíduos aos objetivos propostos pela legislação. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-23T17:39:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Barbara Bedin.pdf: 599045 bytes, checksum: d75c54cc890ca82cb677917d1d98b8e8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-23T17:39:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Barbara Bedin.pdf: 599045 bytes, checksum: d75c54cc890ca82cb677917d1d98b8e8 (MD5) / The health is a part of the government´s permanent concerns agenda and also of non-governmental entities at the entire world. The worker´s health as collective interest subject is inserted inside of this context. In Brazil, where the occupational diseases and accidents is significant, it accounts itself demanded more and more attention from the competent authorities to promote public politics that they strengthen the prevention and the security in the environment of the labor. This work has as objective to identify the Economic Theory´s incentives system and apply them in the Labor Law as instrument of help in the prevention or reduction of the labor misfortunes, through the Economic Analysis of the Law. To observe the Law not only as a coercion system, but also as a incentives system with implicit prices it allows that the individuals´ choices are directed to the proposed objectives by the legislation.

Prevenção de acidentes de trabalho no Brasil sob a ótica dos incentivos econômicos

Bedin, Barbara 19 June 2009 (has links)
A saúde faz parte da agenda de preocupações permanentes do governo e também de entidades não-governamentais de todo o mundo. A saúde do trabalhador, como assunto de interesse coletivo, está inserida dentro desse contexto. No Brasil, onde o índice de acidentes e doenças ocupacionais é significativo, tem-se exigido cada vez mais atenção das autoridades competentes para promover políticas públicas, que reforçem a prevenção e a segurança no meio ambiente do trabalho. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar o sistema de incentivos, da Teoria Econômica e aplicá-los no Direito do Trabalho como instrumento de auxilio na prevenção ou diminuição dos infortúnios laborais, através da Análise Econômica do Direito. Observar o Direito não só como um sistema de coerção, mas também como um sistema de incentivos com preços implícitos permite que se direcionem as escolhas dos indivíduos aos objetivos propostos pela legislação. / The health is a part of the government´s permanent concerns agenda and also of non-governmental entities at the entire world. The worker´s health as collective interest subject is inserted inside of this context. In Brazil, where the occupational diseases and accidents is significant, it accounts itself demanded more and more attention from the competent authorities to promote public politics that they strengthen the prevention and the security in the environment of the labor. This work has as objective to identify the Economic Theory´s incentives system and apply them in the Labor Law as instrument of help in the prevention or reduction of the labor misfortunes, through the Economic Analysis of the Law. To observe the Law not only as a coercion system, but also as a incentives system with implicit prices it allows that the individuals´ choices are directed to the proposed objectives by the legislation.

A vivência de trabalho da pessoa com deficiência e as repercussões à saúde / The person\'s work experience with disabilities and health repercussions

Andréia de Conto Garbin 26 August 2016 (has links)
No Brasil, a Lei de Cotas determina uma reserva de vagas para as pessoas com deficiência nas iniciativas pública e privada. A inclusão das pessoas com deficiência opera-se em um universo de trabalho precarizado, no qual se impõe uma nova morfologia em que coexistem o modelo tayloriano-fordista e a flexibilidade toyotizada. Consoante o exposto, buscou-se compreender as vivências de trabalho da pessoa com deficiência e as repercussões à saúde. Para tanto, foi delineada uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho exploratório, na forma de estudo de caso. Foram realizados grupos focais e entrevistas com pessoas com deficiência físicas e surdas. As deficiências físicas foram adquiridas, em alguns casos, em decorrência de acidentes de trabalho, fruto do trabalho inseguro e da perversidade do sistema que projeta o trabalhador à condição de pessoa com deficiência. Prevalece o discurso do trabalhador com deficiência não qualificado e busca-se incluir aquele que depende de poucas adaptações no ambiente e em suas atitudes. As exigências de qualificação profissional estão baseadas na ideologia da normalização que se efetiva em programas disciplinadores das condutas, organizadores da vida social. São exigências relativas à subjetividade, aos modos de existir, com ênfase na persistência e superação individuais. O controle sutil se opera por meio do discurso da inclusão e o trabalhador adquire a condição de reificado. Hoje o surdo fica limitado ao uso de seu principal modo de comunicação, as mãos, sob o discurso do surdo produtivo reproduzindo o isolamento cultural do povo surdo nas empresas. Os excluídos, disfarçados de incluídos, vivenciam o sofrimento relativo às injustiças sociais e às violências psicológicas. A sociedade precisa intervir na produção da dupla discriminação e no discurso da naturalização da desqualificação profissional da pessoa com deficiência. Os avanços em relação às políticas públicas brasileiras refletem a tentativa de reparação diante da dívida histórica da sociedade em relação à exclusão das pessoas com deficiência, no entanto, é necessário radicalizar-se na defesa dos direitos sociais, protetivos e inclusivos. / In Brazil, the Quota Law requires a reserve places for people with disabilities in the public and private sector. The inclusion of people with disabilities operates in a precarious working universe in which it imposes a new morphology that coexist the Taylorian - Fordista and toyotizada flexibility. Depending on the above, we sought to understand the person\'s work experiences with disability and the impact to health. For this, it was outlined a qualitative research of exploratory nature, in the form of case study. Focus groups and interviews with people with physical disabilities and deaf were performed. Physical impairments were acquired in some cases, due to accidents, the result of unsafe work and system perversity that projects the employee to the person\'s condition with disabilities. Prevails worker speech with unqualified disability and seeks to include one that depends on a few adjustments in the environment and attitudinal. The qualification requirements are based on the ideology of standardization that is effective in disciplining programs of pipelines and organizers of social life. Are requirements of subjectivity, the modes of existence, emphasizing the persistence and overcoming individual. The subtle control operates through discourse of inclusion and the employee acquires the reified condition. Today the deaf is limited to use their primary mode of communication, their hands, under the discourse of productive deaf reproducing the \"cultural isolation of deaf people\" in companies. The excluded, disguised as included, experience suffering on the social injustices and psychological violence Society needs to intervene in the production of double discrimination and the discourse of naturalization of skilling of people with disabilities. Advances in relation to the Brazilian public policies reflect the attempt to repair the front historic debt of the society in relation to the exclusion of people with disabilities, however it is necessary to radicalize the defense of social, protective and inclusive rights.

Experimental characterization and mondeling of hazards, BLEVE and BOILOVER / Etude expérimentale et modélisation de phénomènes aggravants, BLEVE et BOILOVER

Laboureur, Delphine 22 November 2012 (has links)
The present thesis is conducted in the frame of a research project involving the ‘von Karman Institute (VKI Belgium)’ and the ‘Ecole des mines d’Alès (EMA France) with the support of the CEA Gramat. This project is about theoretical study, experimental characterization and modeling of hazards from pressurized or atmospheric reservoirs, containing liquids, flammable or not. <p><p>The objective of this thesis is to study the apparition criteria and the consequences of an accident involving a container of pressure liquefied gas (BLEVE phenomenon) or liquid fuels (Boilover phenomenon). After a bibliographic research on the two phenomena, an experimental study in laboratory scale is conducted and from the results, the phenomena and their hazards are modeled. Small scale experiments are performed in the BABELs facility (Bleve And Boilover ExperimentaL setup) that consists of a cylindrical chamber of 2m diameter and 3m high, with round shape flanges, made out of steel with a rated pressure of 0.5 MPa. It has 3 series of 7 optical accesses, an entrance door, and an optional air venting system. <p><p>A Boilover is a violent ejection of fuel due to the vaporization of a water sublayer, resulting in an enormous fire enlargement and formation of fireball and ground fire. Small scale experiments with cylindrical reservoirs of 0.08 to 0.3m diameter in glass or metal, filled with a mixture of diesel and oil have been performed. Instrumentation of the measurements consists of thermocouples rake, Medtherm radiometers, load cell and CCD or high-speed camera with a fisheye. During the quasi-steady combustion prior the Boilover, the typical variables describing a pool fire like burning rate, flame size, puffing frequency and radiation can be predicted with semi-empirical correlations available in the literature. At Boilover onset, high speed visualizations in glass reservoir show that the growth of one big bubble leads to a boiling front that propagates radially all along the fuel-water interface, ejecting the upper fuel layer and leading to the increase of flame size. LS-PIV technique applied to high-speed camera images shows that the flame enlargement is directly linked to the velocity of the flame.<p><p>A BLEVE (or Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion) is an explosion resulting from the catastrophic failure of a vessel containing a liquid at a temperature significantly above its boiling point at normal atmospheric pressure. Small scale experiments are performed with cylinders of 42g of propane, laid horizontally and heated from below by an electrical resistor. A groove of the reservoirs on the upper part allows better reproducibility of the rupture. High speed visualization and shadowgraphy are helping in visualizing the rupture and the content release. Thermocouples and PCB are also used to measure respectively the temperature and the blast wave overpressure. These experiments show that the fluid behavior during rupture differs with the size of the weakened part and therefore with the rupture pressure. The internal pressure measurement showed that the rupture pressure and temperature are supercritical, leading to the definition of a new type of BLEVE since there is no distinction between liquid and vapor phases prior rupture.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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