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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Competiveness among apparel manufacturers in Istanbul : An industry analysis

Ahlqvist, Pontus, Andréasson, Carl January 2007 (has links)
<p>This paper is the result of a minor field study conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, during the period of November and December 2007. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the current business environment for apparel manufacturing in Istanbul. Research was carried out through an industry analysis in terms of competition and potential future development for apparel manufacturers.</p><p>The research has been carried out through interviews with actors related to the apparel manufacturing segment. Interviewees include five manufacturers, two sourcing agents, one trade organization and one professor with research in the area.</p><p>Our findings concerning the business environment are based on Michael E. Porters theoretical framework on “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy”. In the case of Turkish apparel manufacturers this paper concludes how the barriers of entry for new actors are high, unless integrating forward. Additionally in general terms the suppliers have a weak bargaining position while customers are relatively strong in the bargaining process. The rivalry among apparel manufacturers is low, but it can be stated how less differentiated manufacturer experience significant higher level of rivalry. Further on this paper also concludes how these factors not are affected by any substitute products, much due to the broad scope of the study.</p><p>In respect to these factors a general strategy used by apparel manufactures has been identified as they try to affect the balance of these competitive forces through e.g. differentiation and vertical integration.</p>
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Competiveness among apparel manufacturers in Istanbul : An industry analysis

Ahlqvist, Pontus, Andréasson, Carl January 2007 (has links)
This paper is the result of a minor field study conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, during the period of November and December 2007. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the current business environment for apparel manufacturing in Istanbul. Research was carried out through an industry analysis in terms of competition and potential future development for apparel manufacturers. The research has been carried out through interviews with actors related to the apparel manufacturing segment. Interviewees include five manufacturers, two sourcing agents, one trade organization and one professor with research in the area. Our findings concerning the business environment are based on Michael E. Porters theoretical framework on “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy”. In the case of Turkish apparel manufacturers this paper concludes how the barriers of entry for new actors are high, unless integrating forward. Additionally in general terms the suppliers have a weak bargaining position while customers are relatively strong in the bargaining process. The rivalry among apparel manufacturers is low, but it can be stated how less differentiated manufacturer experience significant higher level of rivalry. Further on this paper also concludes how these factors not are affected by any substitute products, much due to the broad scope of the study. In respect to these factors a general strategy used by apparel manufactures has been identified as they try to affect the balance of these competitive forces through e.g. differentiation and vertical integration.
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台灣半導體設計產業動態演化分析 / A case study on the industry dynamic evolutions of Taiwan IC design industry

張記綱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣半導體設計產業的演變軌跡進行探討與分析,本研究以國內技術層次及市場發展都相對優良的IC(Integrated Circuit,簡稱IC)設計產業為範疇,利用安妮塔․麥格漢(Anita M.Mcgahan)在「創新的軌跡」對IC設計產業的演化作分析以及探討,同時亦可將分析結果提供IC 設計產業作為未來發展之參考。研究所得之結論如下: 1、IC設計產業的產品生命週期短,技術汰換率高,市場變化快速。 2、IC設計產業是創造型演變軌跡。 3、台灣IC設計產業者核心資產較不易保護,但核心活動都較堅固。 4、IC設計產業中的電腦晶片組和LCD驅動晶片與視訊控制IC都已為成熟期。 本研究之結論在管理上的意義: 1、IC設計產業的核心資產易遭受威脅,完整的核心活動可降低核心資產所遭受的損失。 2、IC設計產業的核心資產最重要的為專利和產品的研發技術。 3、IC設計產業的核心活動上,因為台灣的上、下游垂直分工的形態,讓台灣IC設計廠商跟供應商的關係大致良好,所以台灣廠商的核心活動也佔有優勢。


LUIS FELIPE SAO THIAGO DE CARVALHO 28 September 2005 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo principal deste estudo é identificar na indústria de artigos esportivos como as estratégias das firmas durante o período de 2001 a 2003 afetaram o seu posicionamento e, conseqüentemente, o seu desempenho. Também são identificadas as principais dimensões estratégicas adotadas pelas firmas que refletem o modo como elas competem. Por último, é avaliada a presença de grupos estratégicos nesta indústria. A Base de dados utilizada é composta de 24 firmas e contém informações sobre seu comportamento estratégico. São consideradas 08 variáveis estratégicas, 03 variáveis de desempenho e 05 variáveis ambientais. Os dados coletados foram analisados utilizando métodos estatísticos multivariados como análise de fator, análise de cluster e MANOVA. Os resultados obtidos através dessa análise sugerem que as diferenças de desempenho médias dos grupos estratégicos formados podem ser explicadas em função das diferenças entre as decisões estratégicas de cada firma da amostra. / [en] The main objective of this study is to identify, in the sports goods industry, how the strategies of the firms, during the period of 2001 to 2003, affected their positioning and consequently their performance. The most important strategic dimensions adopted by the firms, which reflect the way they compete, are also identified. Lastly, the presence of strategic groups is also evaluated in the industry. The database used if constituted of 24 firms and contains information regarding their strategic behavior. It´s considered 08 strategic variables, 03 performance variables and 05 environmental variables. The data collected was analyzed using multivariate statistical methods such as factor analysis, cluster analysis and MANOVA. The results obtained through this analysis suggest that medium performance difference among constituted strategic groups can be explained as a function of differences in strategic decisions of each firm in the sample.
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Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an Enterprise

Plášilová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the strategic analysis of the company. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the environment of the company and to reveal trends in the industry. By using the methods of strategic analysis, external and internal factors affecting the business operation of enterprise are identified. Based on the results of the implemented methods, the strategic recommendations and parameters of the new product are proposed. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and application part. The theoretical part deals with strategic management, selected methods of strategic analysis including the strategy of the blue ocean. In the application section, the theoretical knowledge is used. PEST analyzes and industry analyzes were used to analyze the external environment. The internal environment of the company was analyzed by using of internal resources and financial analysis. A questionnaire survey was conducted to reveal customer preferences. An image of the strategy against the competition was drawn by using the value curve. The synthesis of the application part is SWOT analysis. In the end, the vision of a new product is created and strategic recommendations are proposed. The outputs of the analyzes and the information found are useful for the decision making of the publishing management.
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Analýza podmínek trhu pro vstup nové firmy do odvětví monitoringu tisku a médií v Chorvatsku a Slovinsku / Analysis of the Conditions for Entry of a New Company into the Press and Media Monitoring Field in Croatia and Slovenia

Zothová, Nora January 2009 (has links)
An analysis of the market conditions in the press and media monitoring field in Croatia and Slovenia. Industry analysis, business strategy and competition analysis. Oligopoly models of and a hypothesis of the future development in the field. Labour market conditions, threats and opportunities for a new firm. Assessment of chances for entry.

Strategická východiska z krize v globálním automobilovém průmyslu / Survival Strategies in Times of Crisis in the Global Automotive Industry

Hampl, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá situací na celosvětovém automobilovém průmyslu v době právě probíhající finanční krize. Popisuje dané odvětví pomocí mikro a makro ekonomických modelů. Dále také uvádí globální trendy a specifika daného průmyslu. Autor prezentuje své názory na aktuální finanční situaci a analyzuje její dopady na automobilový průmysl. Tyto závěry se opírají o teorie strategického managementu a o analýzy dané problematiky. Na základě těchto poznatků pak autor navrhuje strategie, které by v kritických případech mohly vézt k záchraně a vyzdvihuje příležitosti, ze kterých by bylo možné profitovat. Práce poskytuje čtenáři teoretický pohled na aktuální ekonomikou situaci v automobilovém průmyslu a nabízí autorovy hypotézy na strategie, které by mohli vézt z krize v tomto odvětví.

Ekonomické zhodnocení přímé zahraniční investice / Foreign Direct Investment - A Proposal Evaluation

Pavlíček, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
Předmětem diplomové práce je vyhodnocení investičního návrhu do zahraničí. V teoretické části práce je důraz kladen na analýzy, jež pomáhají popsat okolí a průmysl v zemi investice. Je zde dána definice přímé zahraniční investice a práce se zmiňuje i o historii. Hlavní náplní teoretické části je příprava investice, způsoby vyhodnocení a stavba cash flow. Poslední kapitola se zabývá riskem, který vyplývá ze změn v kurzech měn. V teoretické části je provedena analýza PESTLE a Portrův model pěti sil. Jsou popsány přímé zahraniční investice v Německu a v neposlední řadě je vyhodnocena zamýšlená investice.

Achieving carbon emission reduction by efficient re-allocation of production : A product-by-industry analysis of the technical coefficients of Sweden 2016

Hagberg, Loke January 2023 (has links)
The Paris Agreement has stipulated global lowering of carbon emission to reach the 1.5°C target by 2030. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has suggested several scenarios with rapid innovation and downscaling of energy usage. Against this background, this thesis analyzes the productive capacity of Sweden to reach the corresponding carbon emission target. A product-byindustry input-output-model of the economy to study different re-allocations of production is used. The effect of these re-allocations on the output as well as carbon dioxide emissions from domestic production are considered. Linear optimization is used to achieve efficient re-allocations. Two scenarios are considered: one called the “basic case”, and one called the “efficient export case”. The basic case uniformly rescales the output. The efficient export case internalizes the export and allows it to be uniformly rescaled by the optimization up to trade balance as well. The data is from 2016 as it is the latest data with the necessary information. The result for the basic case shows that the 1.5°C target in 2016 can be reached without downscaling the output. The total employment shrinks by 2%, while some sectors of the economy are significantly changed. The result of the efficient export case has a similar result while total employment shrinks by 11%. The basic case releases 2% less than the reported carbon emissions, and the efficient export case 24% less where the efficient export case downscales the gross domestic product with 13%. The dynamics of innovation, negative impacts on production, and population growth are not accounted for in these estimates. Further studies need to internalize more constraints and develop more detailed models to provide more accurate policy guidance.
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劉定光, LIU, DING-GUANG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共一冊,預計四萬至五萬字,分九章十六節:第一章、導論(研究目的、觀念 架構)。第二章、相關文獻探討(理論基礎、實證研究、)。第三章、研究方法(研 究假設、研究範圍與資料蒐集、研究限制)。第四章、產業分析(總體環境、科技、 產業政策及廠商特色)。第五章、環境、策略與企業績效之關係(環境因素之關係、 環境與策略之關係、策略與績效之關係)。第六章、結論與建議。一般而言,影響企 業成長的因素可歸納為內部與外部因素,前者包括企業家的特質、組織管理要素、企 業文化等因素;後者則指企業的科技、經濟、產業環境及政府政策等因素。本文專從 外部因素來研究,並輔以經營策略、競爭武器為中介變數,探討影響企業成長之外部 因素有那些﹖這些因素彼此間之關係如何﹖外部因素影響企業成長之途徑為何﹖

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