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Geovisualisation of Multi-Temporal Satellite Data for Landuse/Landcover Change Analysis and its Impacts on Soil Properties in Gadarif Region, SudanBiro Turk, Khalid Guma 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Several decades of intensive dryland-farming in the Gadarif Region, located in the Eastern part of Sudan, has led to rapid landuse/landcover (LULC) changes mainly due to agricultural expansion, government policies and environmental calamities such as drought. The study area represents part of the African Sahel. The fundamental goal of the thesis was to assess land degradation and the impact of agriculture expansion on land cover, soil and crops production.
To analyse and to monitor the LULC changes, multi-temporal Landsat data of the years 1979, 1989 and 1999 and ASTER data of the year 2009 covering an area of approximately 1200 km² were used. For this a post-classification comparison technique was applied to detect LULC changes from satellite images. Six LULC classes were identified during the classification scheme, namely cultivated land, fallow land, woodland, bare land, settlement and water. For the four dates of satellite images the overall classification accuracy ranged from 86 % to 92 %. During the three decades of the study period an extensive change of LULC patterns occurred. The cultivated areas increased significantly, covering 81 % of the previous woodland in the period 1979 – 2009. Fallow land only increased during the period 1989 – 1999. Over the three decades, urban expansion continuously increased covering an area of 23, 21 and 27 km² for the periods 1979 – 1989, 1989 – 1999 and 1999 – 2009 respectively.
The detailed LULC map of the study area was obtained by using a dual polarisation (HH and HV) TerraSAR-X data of the year 2009. The different LULCs of the study area were analysed by employing an object-oriented classification approach. For that purpose, multi-resolution segmentation of the Definiens Software was used for creating the image objects. Using the feature-space optimisation tool the attributes of the TerraSAR-X images were optimised in order to obtain the best separability among classes for the LULC mapping. In addition to the classes that have been obtained by the optical data, the following LULCs resulted from SAR data: harvested land, rock, settlement 1 (local-roof buildings) and settlement 2 (concrete roof buildings). The backscattering coefficients for some classes were different along HH and HV polarisation. The best separation distance of the tested spectral, shape and textural features showed different variations among the discriminated LULC classes. An overall accuracy of 84 % with a kappa value of 0.82 was resulted from the classification scheme. Accuracy differences among the classes were kept minimal.
For more than six decades in the Gadarif Region mechanised dryland farming is practised. As a result, due to continuous conventional tillage, extensive woodcutting and over-grazing, serious soil degradation occurred. To discuss the impact of LULC changes on the selected soil properties, three main LULC types were chosen to be investigated, namely: cultivated land, fallow land and woodland. In addition to the reference soil profiles, soil samples were also collected at two depths from ten sample plots for each of the LULC type. For these soil samples, various soil properties such as texture, bulk density (BD), organic matter (OM), soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SoAR), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) were analysed. Laboratory tests proved that soil properties were significantly affected by LULC changes. Within the different LULC types, clay content in the surface layers (0 – 5 and 5 – 15 cm) varied from 59 % to 65 %, whereas silt fractions ranged from 27 % to 37 %. Soil BD, OM and P were significantly different (p < 0·05) across the three LULC types. Soil pH was significantly different between cultivated land and woodland on one side and between fallow land and woodland on the other side. EC and SoAR values of fallow land were found to be significantly different (p < 0·05) from woodland.
The dryland vertisol of the Gadarif Region in Sudan produced more than one-third of the national production of sorghum – the main food stuff in the country. Soil compaction has been recognised as one of the major problems in crop production worldwide. Soil strength and infiltration rate are important variables for understanding and predicting the soil processes. The effects of three different landuse systems (cultivated land, fallow land and woodland) on soil compaction and infiltration rate were investigated at two sites of the study area. Site 1 represents the older one of the two. The soil penetration resistance (SPR) was measured in three depths using a manually operated cone penetrometer. Infiltration rate was measured in the field using a double-ring infiltrometer. Following the cone-penetrometer sampling, soil samples were collected to determine the variables that affect SPR and infiltration rate vs. particle size, dry BD, volumetric moisture content (VMC) and organic carbon (OC) content. Field measurements and soil samples were collected for each landuse type. The measured infiltration rate data were inserted into the Kostiakov Model in order to
predict the cumulative soil water infiltration. Soil compaction for the cultivated land was 65 % larger in comparison to woodland. Woodland areas showed an increase in the infiltration rate by 87 % and 74 % compared to cultivated and fallow land respectively. Both study sites showed an increase in the dry BD when SPR is increasing, while VMC decreases with increasing SPR. Also, low OC contents were observed to be associated with high SPR values. For Site 1 the average coefficient of determination (R²) for the infiltration data fit to the Kostiakov Model were 0.65, 0.73 and 0.84 for cultivated land, fallow land and woodland respectively. However, for Site 2 they were 0.63, 0.76 and 0.78.
In the Gadarif Region agriculture is the main activity and practised in many forms with a variety of environmental effects and consequences. Continuous ploughing of the cultivated land coupled with inproper soil management has contributed to soil deterioration when the landuse changed from woodland to cultivated and fallow land. Therefore, the development of sustainable landuse practises in the dryland-farming of the study area need to be improved in order to reduce the amount of soil degradation in the future. / Mehrere Jahrzehnte intensiven Trockenfeldbaus in der Region von Gadarif, welche sich im östlichen Teil des Sudans befindet, führten hauptsächlich aufgrund von landwirtschaftlicher Expansion, politischen Beschlüssen der Regierung und Naturkatastrophen wie Trockenheit zu einer raschen Veränderung der Landnutzung und Landbedeckung. Das wesentliche Ziel dieser Dissertation war es, die Degradation des Landes, sowie die Auswirkungen von landwirtschaftlicher Expansion auf die Landbedeckung, den Boden und den Pflanzenbau im Untersuchungsgebiet, welches Teile der afrikanischen Sahelzone beinhaltet, abzuschätzen.
Zur Analyse und Beobachtung der Veränderungen der Landnutzung und Landbedeckung wurden multi-temporale Landsat-Daten der Jahre 1979, 1989 und 1999 sowie ASTER-Daten aus dem Jahr 2009 genutzt, welche eine Fläche von schätzungsweise 1200 km² abdecken. Um Veränderungen von Landnutzung und Landbedeckung aus Satellitenbilddaten zu bestimmen, wurde ein auf Post-Klassifikation basierendes Vergleichsverfahren angewandt. Sechs Landnutzungs- und Landbedeckungsklassen, welche die Namen bewirtschaftetes Land, brach liegendes Land, Waldgebiet, Ödland, besiedeltes Land und Wasserfläche tragen, wurden während des Klassifikationsprozesses bestimmt. Für die vier Aufnahmezeitpunkte der Satellitendaten lag die allgemeine Klassifikationsgenauigkeit zwischen 86 % und 92 %. Während des dreißigjährigen Untersuchungszeitraums fand eine beträchtliche Veränderung der Landnutzungs- und Landbedeckungsstruktur statt. Bewirtschaftete Flächen nahmen in ihrem Anteil signifikant zu und bedeckten innerhalb des Zeitraums von 1979 bis 2009 81 % der früheren Waldgebiete. Der Anteil von brach liegendem Land nahm lediglich während des Zeitraums von 1989 bis 1999 zu. Besiedelte Gebiete breiteten sich über die drei Jahrzehnte kontinuierlich aus und wuchsen innerhalb des Zeitraums von 1979 bis 1989 um eine Fläche von 23 km², sowie um 21 km² zwischen 1989
und 1999 und um 27 km² in dem Zeitabschnitt 1999 – 2009.
Eine detaillierte Karte zur Landnutzung und Landbedeckung des Untersuchungsgebiets wurde mittels der Nutzung dual polarisierter (HH und HV) TerraSAR-X Daten aus dem Jahr 2009 erzeugt. Die verschiedenen Landnutzungen und Landbedeckungen im Beobachtungsgelände wurden durch die Anwendung eines objektorientierten Klassifikationsansatzes analysiert. Um Bildobjekte zu erzeugen, wurde für diesen Zweck die auf einer mehrfachen Auflösung basierende Segmentierung der Software Definiens genutzt. Das Werkzeug Feature Space Optimisation wurde für die Optimierung der Attribute der TerraSAR-X Bilder angewandt, damit eine ideale Unterscheidungsfähigkeit entlang der Klassen für die Kartierung der Landnutzungen und Landbedeckungen erreicht werden kann. Zusätzlich zu jenen Klassen, welche mittels optischer Daten abgeleitet wurden, ergaben sich aus SAR-Daten noch die nachfolgenden Landnutzungen und Landbedeckungen: Abgeerntetes Land, Fels, Besiedlung 1 (Gebäude mit landestypischer Bedachung) und Besiedlung 2 (Gebäude mit Betondach). Die Koeffizienten der Rückstreuung entlang der Polarisationen HH und HV waren für einige Klassen unterschiedlich. Der günstigste Trennungsabstand der getesteten spektralen, formgebenden und texturalen Features ergab verschiedene Abweichungen zwischen den bestimmten Klassen der Landnutzung und Landbedeckung. Die Klassifikationsmaßnahmen ergaben eine Gesamtgenauigkeit von 84 % mit einem Kappa-Wert von 0.82. Genauigkeitsunterschiede entlang der Klassen wurden minimal gehalten.
Seit über sechs Jahrzehnten wird in der Region Gadarif maschinenbetriebener Trockenfeldbau ausgeübt. In Folge dessen fand eine beträchtliche Abholzung und Überweidung sowie eine schwerwiegende Bodendegradation aufgrund des stetigen konventionellen Feldbaus statt. Um die Auswirkungen der Veränderung von Landnutzung und Landbedeckung auf die ausgewählten Bodenbeschaffenheiten auszuwerten, wurden drei Haupttypen der Landnutzung und Landbedeckung für die weitere Untersuchung ausgewählt: Bewirtschaftetes Land, brach liegendes Land, und Waldgebiet. Zusätzlich zu den Referenzbodenprofilen wurden außerdem für jeden Landnutzungs- und Landbedeckungstyp auf je zehn Probeflächen Bodenproben in zwei Tiefen entnommen. Bei diesen Bodenproben wurden zahlreiche Bodeneigenschaften analysiert, wie etwa Textur, Bodendichte (BD), organischer Materialgehalt (OM), pH-Wert des Bodens, elektrische Leitfähigkeit (EC), Adsorptionsgeschwindigkeit von Natrium (SoAR), Phosphorgehalt (P) sowie Kaliumgehalt (K). Labortests ergaben, dass die Bodeneigenschaften signifikant durch die Veränderungen der Landnutzung und Landbedeckung beeinflusst werden. Innerhalb der verschiedenen Landnutzungs- und Landbedeckungstypen variierte der Tongehalt in den Deckschichten (0 – 5 cm und 5 – 15 cm) zwischen 59 % und 65 %, wohin gegen sich die Lehmanteile von 27 % bis 37 % bewegten. Bodendichte, organischer Materialgehalt und Phosphorgehalt zeigten signifikant unterschiedliche Werte bei den drei Typen der Landnutzung und Landbedeckung (p < 0.05). Der pH-Wert des Bodens war signifikant verschieden zwischen bewirtschaftetem Land und Waldgebiet zum einen, und zwischen brach liegendem Land und Waldgebiet zum anderen. Die Werte der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit und der Adsorptionsgeschwindigkeit von Natrium bei brach liegendem Land erwiesen sich als maßgeblich verschieden zu jenen von Waldgebieten (p < 0.05).
Auf dem Trockenland-Vertisolboden der Region Gadarif im Sudan wurde mehr als ein Drittel der nationalen Hirseproduktion erwirtschaftet – dem Haupternährungserzeugnis des Landes. Bodenverdichtung erwies sich als eines der weltweiten Hauptprobleme für den Pflanzenbau. Bodenfestigkeit und Versickerungsrate sind wichtige Variabeln, um Bodenprozesse verstehen und vorhersagen zu können. Die Auswirkungen der drei verschiedenen Landnutzungssysteme (bewirtschaftetes Land, brach liegendes Land und Waldgebiet) auf die Bodenverdichtung und Versickerungsrate wurden an zwei Standorten im Beobachtungsgebiet untersucht. Standort 1 ist der ältere der beiden. Der Widerstand der Bodenpenetration (SPR) wurde in drei Tiefen durch eine manuell angewandte Rammsonde gemessen. Mittels der Nutzung eines Doppelring-Infiltrometers ist die Versickerungsrate im Feld gemessen worden. Im Anschluss an die Probenentnahme mittels Rammsonden wurden Bodenproben gesammelt, um jene Variabeln bestimmen zu können, welche den Widerstand der Bodenpenetration sowie der Versickerungsrate im Vergleich zur Partikelgröße, zur trockenen Bodendichte, zum volumetrischen Feuchtigkeitsgehalt (VMC) und zum organischen Karbongehalt (OC) beeinflussen. Für jeden Landnutzungstypen wurden Feldmessungen durchgeführt und Bodenproben entnommen. Die gemessenen Daten der Versickerungsrate wurden in das Kostiakov-Modell eingespeist, um die gesamte Bodenwasserversickerung vorhersagen zu können. Die Bodenverdichtung bei bewirtschaftetem Land war 65 % stärker als bei Waldgebiet. Für Waldgebietsflächen wurde eine Zunahme der Versickerungsrate um 87 % verglichen mit bewirtschaftetem Land und um 74 % im Vergleich zu brach liegendem Land aufgezeigt. Beide Untersuchungsstandorte zeigten eine Zunahme in der trockenen Bodendichte für den Fall, dass der Widerstand der Bodenpenetration zunimmt, während der volumetrische Feuchtigkeitsgehalt mit zunehmendem Bodenpenetrationswiderstand abnimmt. Ebenso wurde beobachtet, dass ein geringer organischer Karbongehalt in Verbindung zu hohen Widerstandswerten der Bodenpenetration steht. Bei Standort 1 passte der durchschnittliche Bestimmungskoeffizient (R²) der Versickerungsrate zum Kostiakov-Modell mit den Werten 0.65 für bewirtschaftetes Land, 0.73 für brach liegendes Land und 0.84 für Waldgebiet. Für Standort 2 indessen ergaben die Werte 0.63, 0.76 und 0.78.
Landwirtschaft, die in vielen Formen ausgeübt wird, ist die Haupttätigkeit in der Region Gadarif, und geht mit verschiedenartigsten Umweltauswirkungen und Konsequenzen einher. Kontinuierliche Feldbestellung des bewirtschafteten Landes, verbunden mit ungeeigneter Bodenbewirtschaftung, hat sich seit jenem Zeitpunkt, als sich die Landnutzung von Waldgebiet zu bewirtschaftetem und brach liegendem Land änderte, zu Bodenschädigung geführt. Daher muss die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Landnutzungspraktiken beim Trockenfeldbau im Untersuchungsgebiet verbessert werden, damit in Zukunft der Umfang der Bodendegradation verringert werden kann.
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The dynamic interplay of mechanisms governing infiltration into structured and layered soil columnsCarrick, Sam January 2009 (has links)
Worldwide there is considerable concern over the effects of human activities on the quantity and quality of freshwater. Measurement of infiltration behaviour will be important for improving freshwater management. This study identifies that New Zealand has a sporadic history of measuring soil water movement attributes on a limited number of soil types, although the current practical demand should be large for management of irrigation, dairy farm effluent disposal, as well as municipal / domestic waste- and storm-water disposal. Previous research has demonstrated that infiltration behaviour is governed by the interplay between numerous mechanisms including hydrophobicity and preferential flow, the latter being an important mechanism of contaminant leaching for many NZ soils. Future characterisation will need to recognise the dynamic nature of these interactions, and be able to reliably characterise the key infiltration mechanisms. Since macropores are responsible for preferential flow, it is critical that infiltration studies use a representative sample of the macropore network. The aim of this project was to study the mechanisms governing the infiltration behaviour of a layered soil in large (50 x 70 cm) monolith lysimeters, where the connectivity of the macropore network remains undisturbed. Four lysimeters of the Gorge silt loam were collected, a structured soil with four distinct layers. On each lysimeter there were four separate infiltration experiments, with water applied under suctions of 0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 kPa by a custom-built tension infiltrometer. Each lysimeter was instrumented with 30 tensiometers, located in arrays at the layer boundaries. There was also a field experiment using ponded dye infiltration to visually define preferential flowpaths. Analysis of dye patterns, temporal variability in soil matric potential (Ψm), and solute breakthrough curves all show that preferential flow is an important infiltration mechanism. Preferential flowpaths were activated when Ψm was above -1.5 kPa. During saturated infiltration, at least 97% of drainage was through the ‘mobile’ pore volume of the lysimeter (θm), estimated among the lysimeters at 5.4 – 8.7 % of the lysimeter volume. Early-time infiltration behaviour did not show the classical square-root of time behaviour, indicating sorptivity was not the governing mechanism. This was consistent across the four lysimeters, and during infiltration under different surface imposed suctions. The most likely mechanism restricting sorptivity is weak hydrophobicity, which appears to restrict infiltration for the first 5 – 10 mm of infiltration. Overall, the Gorge soil’s early-time infiltration behaviour is governed by the dynamic interaction between sorptivity, hydrophobicity, the network of air-filled pores, preferential flow and air encapsulation. Long-time infiltration behaviour was intimately linked to the temporal dynamics of Ψm, which was in turn controlled by preferential flow and soil layer interactions. Preferential flowpaths created strong inter-layer connectivity by allowing an irregular wetting front to reach lower layers within 2 – 15 mm of infiltration. Thereafter, layer interactions dominate infiltration for long-time periods, as Ψm in soil layers with different K(Ψm) relationships self-adjusts to try to maintain a constant Darcy velocity. An important finding was that Ψm rarely attained the value set by the tension infiltrometer during unsaturated infiltration. The results show that ‘true’ steady-state infiltration is unlikely to occur in layered soils. A quasi-steady state was identified once the whole column had fully wet and layer interactions had settled to where Ψm changes occurred in unison through each soil layer. Quasi-steady state was difficult to identify from just the cumulative infiltration curve, but more robustly identified as when infiltration matched drainage, and Ψm measurements showed each layer had a stable hydraulic gradient. I conclude that the in-situ hydraulic conductivity, K(Ψm), of individual soil layers can be accurately and meaningfully determined from lysimeter-scale infiltration experiments. My results show that K(Ψm) is different for each soil layer, and that differences are consistent among the four lysimeters. Under saturated flow the subsoil had the lowest conductivity, and was the restricting layer. Most interestingly this pattern reversed during unsaturated flow. As Ψm decreased below -0.5 to -1 kPa, the subsoil was markedly more conductive, and the topsoil layers became the restricting layers. All four soil layers demonstrate a sharp decline in K(Ψm) as Ψm decreases, with a break in slope at ~ -1 kPa indicating the dual-permeability nature of all layers.
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Modélisation des inondations en tunnel en cas de crue de la Seine pour le Plan de Protection des Risques Inondations de la RATP (PPRI) / Modeling of tunnel flooding in the event of Seine floods for the the RATP Flood Risk Protection Plan (PPRI)Bouchenafa, Walid 03 February 2017 (has links)
La crue de 1910 de la Seine a eu une incidence directe sur le fonctionnement des différents réseaux (réseau électrique, assainissement des eaux usées, transport, eau potable). Le réseau RATP a été particulièrement atteint dans son fonctionnement. Les dommages qu’une crue centennale pourrait engendrer aujourd’hui risquent d’être plus importants encore car le réseau actuel est plus vulnérable du fait des nombreux équipements électriques et informatiques qu’il comporte. La majorité des émergences (les entrées d’eau) de la RATP est située en zone inondable. Lors d’une crue majeure de la Seine, les écoulements dus aux inondations se propagent directement dans la partie souterraine et centrale du réseau (Métro et RER) par le biais de ces émergences. Cette thèse s'intéresse à la simulation hydrodynamique des écoulements dans le réseau RATP en utilisant le logiciel MIKE URBAN dédié à la modélisation des réseaux d’assainissement. Cette modélisation nécessite une bonne connaissance de l’origine des écoulements pour mieux les prendre en compte. En effet, le réseau RATP est inondé par les eaux superficielles et les eaux d’infiltration. Afin de mieux quantifier les volumes entrants dans le réseau, un modèle physique d’une bouche de métro type a été réalisé. Les résultats des essais physiques ont permis de valider un modèle numérique qui caractérise les écoulements autour d’une bouche de métro et quantifie les volumes entrants. Cela a permis également de proposer une formule théorique de débit tenant compte de la géométrie d’une bouche de métro. Les écoulements par infiltration sont quant à eux modélisés en fonction de la charge de la nappe et validés avec des mesures in situ. Ce travail de recherche a comme objectif d’améliorer et valider un modèle de simulation. Il s’agit de mettre en œuvre un outil opérationnel d’aide à la décision qui permettra à la cellule inondation de la RATP de bien comprendre le fonctionnement de son réseau afin d’améliorer son plan de protection contre le risque inondation. / The 1910 flood of the Seine had a direct impact on the functioning of the different networks (Electricity network, sewerage, transport, water distribution). The RATP network was particularly affected in its functioning. The damage that centennial flood could cause today may be even greater because the current network is more vulnerable because of the numerous electrical and computer equipment that it comprises. The majority of the emergences (The water ingress) of the RATP is located in flood areas. During a major flooding of the Seine, the flows due to the floods propagate directly into the underground and central part of the network (Metro and RER) through these emergences. This thesis is interested in a hydrodynamic simulation by MIKE URBAN, Model used to model the RATP network due to its MOUSE engine developed by DHI for the sewerage networks. This work also presents the results obtained on a physical model of a subway station. The experimental data were used to model water ingress within the RATP network from the subway station. Network protection against infiltration requires a thorough knowledge of underground flow conditions. Infiltrations through the tunnels are estimated numerically. The aim of this research is to improve and validate a simulation model. It is a question of implementing an operational decision support tool which will allow the flood cell of the RATP to understand the functioning of its network in order to improve its flood risk protection plan.
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Effects of landfill sites on groundwater quality in Igando, Alimosho Localgovernment Area, Lagos stateOyiboka, Ifeoma Jennifer 03 1900 (has links)
With increasing population comes the concern for waste disposal. The absence of sanitary disposal methods has left most city residents with open landfills as their only source of waste disposal. The resulting leachate formed from the decomposition of these waste materials is highly polluting and finds its way to the underground water supply. The study investigated the effects of open landfill sites on the underground water quality by examining the physical and chemical properties of underground water in hand-dug wells around the Solous landfill sites in Igando, Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State. Solous landfill is the second largest landfill by landmass and volume of waste in Lagos State. Systematic random sampling was used for data gathering. Eighteen hand-dug wells were sampled at increasing distances from the landfill site. Physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were analysed at the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA). Soil samples were also taken from both the A (0 – 30cm) and B (30 – 60cm) horizons of the water sampling points to determine the soil texture (silt, clay and loamy composition) and to show the impact of soil texture on ground water quality within the sampled area. The level of contamination of groundwater was also determined using the Contamination Index method. The results showed high degree of conformance with W.H.O standard with respect to the microbiological properties of the sampled groundwater. However, coliform tests indicated the potential presence of pathogens. Of the seven (7) physical parameters tested, conductivity was higher in one sample. The study of chemical properties from the eighteen wells showed five (5) parameters (dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, iron, lead, nitrates and copper) above W.H.O limits in some samples. The water may therefore not be safe for human consumption and there is a serious need to monitor the groundwater quality in the area.
The level of contamination of groundwater was also determined using the Contamination Index method. Areas of high and medium contamination were discovered. There was no area with low contamination level in the area sampled. Contamination levels were mapped to show the exact levels of contamination in the study area. The results of the soil analysis showed that the study area had soil that was mostly sandy in nature which may suggest an increase in parameters over time with significant health implications for the people who depend on surrounding wells for domestic use. The study also showed no significant variation in water quality with increasing distance from the dump site. Findings also indicated that the water around Solous 1 was of better quality for domestic use than groundwater around Solous 2 and 3 due to temporal reduction of contaminant concentration. There is therefore a need for adequate and proper planning, design and construction, and strategic management disposal of waste, as well as the implementation of a better sustainable environmental sanitation practice. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)
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Hydrologic Response of Upper Ganga Basin to Changing Land Use and ClimateChawla, Ila January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Numerous studies indicate that the hydrology of a river basin is influenced by Land Use Land Cover (LULC) and climate. LULC affects the quality and quantity of water resources through its influence on Evapotranspiration (ET) and initiation of surface runoff while climate affects the intensity and spatial distribution of rainfall and temperature which are major drivers of the hydrologic cycle. Literature reports several works on either the effect of changing LULC or climate on the hydrology. However, changes in LULC and climate occur simultaneously in reality. Thus, there is a need to perform an integrated impact assessment of such changes on the hydrological regime at a basin scale. In order to carry out the impact assessment, physically-based hydrologic models are often employed. The present study focuses on assessment of the effect of changing LULC and climate on the hydrology of the Upper Ganga basin (UGB), India, using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrologic model.
In order to obtain the changes that have occurred in the LULC of the basin over a time period, initially LULC analysis is carried out. For this purpose, high resolution multispectral satellite imageries from Landsat are procured for the years 1973, 1980, 2000 and 2011. The images are pre-processed to project them to a common projection system and are then co-registered. The processed images are used for classification into different land cover classes. This step requires training sites which are collected during the field visit as part of this work. The classified images, thus obtained are used to analyse temporal changes in LULC of the region. The results indicate an increase in crop land and urban area of the region by 47% and 122% respectively from 1973 to 2011. After initial decline in dense forest for the first three decades, an increase in the dense forest is observed between 2000- 2011 (from 11.44% to 14.8%). Scrub forest area and barren land are observed to decline in the study region by 62% and 96% respectively since 1973.
The land cover information along with meteorological data and soil data are used to drive the VIC model to investigate the impact of LULC changes on streamflow and evapotranspiration (ET) components of hydrology in the UGB. For the simulation purpose, the entire basin is divided into three regions (1) upstream (with Bhimgodha as the outlet), (2) midstream (with Ankinghat as the outlet) and (3) downstream (with Allahabad as the outlet). The VIC model is calibrated and validated for all the three regions independently at monthly scale. Model performance is assessed based on the criterion of normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), coefficient of determination (R2) and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE). It is observed that the model performed well with reasonable accuracy for upstream and midstream regions. In case of the downstream region, due to lack of observed discharge data, model performance could not be assessed. Hence, the simulations for the downstream region are performed using the calibrated model of the midstream region. The model outputs from the three regions are aggregated appropriately to generate the total hydrologic response of the UGB. Using the calibrated models for different region of the UGB, sensitivity analysis is performed by generating hydrologic scenarios corresponding to different land use (LU) and climate conditions.
In order to investigate the impact of changing LU on hydrological variables, a scenario is generated in which climate is kept constant and LU is varied. Under this scenario, only the land cover related variables are altered in the model keeping the meteorological variables constant. Thus, the effect of LU change is segregated from the effect of climate. The results obtained from these simulations indicated that the change in LU significantly affects peak streamflow depth which is observed to be 77.58% more in August 2011 in comparison with the peak streamflow of August, 1973. Furthermore, ET is found to increase by 46.44% since 1973 across the entire basin.
In order to assess the impact of changing climate on hydrological variables, a scenario is generated in which LU is kept constant and climate is varied from 1971-2005. Under this scenario, land cover related variables are kept constant in the model and meteorological variables are varied for different time periods. The results indicate decline in the simulated discharge for the years 1971, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2005, which is supported by decline in observed annual rainfall for the respective years. Amongst 1971 and 2005, year 2005 received 26% less rainfall resulting in 35% less discharge. Furthermore, ET is observed to be negligibly affected.
To understand the integrated impact of changing LU and climate on hydrological variables, a scenario is generated in which both climate and LU are altered. Based on the data available, three years (1973, 1980 and 2000) are considered for the simulations. Under this scenario, both land cover and meteorological variables are varied in the model. The results obtained showed that the discharge hydrograph for the year 1980 has significantly higher peak compared to the hydrographs of years 1973 and 2000. This could be due to the fact that the year 1980 received maximum rainfall amongst the three years considered for simulations. Although the basin received higher rainfall in the year 1980 compared to that in 2000, ET from the basin in the year 1980 is found to be 21% less than that of the year 2000. This could be attributed to the change in LU that occurred between the years 1980 and 2000. Amongst the years 1973 and 2000, there is not much difference in the observed rainfall but ET for the year 2000 is observed to be significantly higher than that of year 1973.
It is concluded from the present study that in the UGB, changing LULC contributes significantly to the changes in peak discharge and ET while rainfall pattern considerably influences the runoff pattern of the region. Future work proposed includes assessment of hydrologic response of basin under future LULC and climate scenarios. Also the model efficiency can be assessed by performing hydrologic simulations at different grid sizes.
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Nouvelle approche d'estimation de la vulnérabilité des aquifères combinant le modèle DRASTIC et la sensibilité des sols à l'infiltration. Application à l'aquifère du Dogger dans l'interfluve Clain-Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France / New approach of estimation of the vulnerability of aquiferes combining the model DRASTIC and the sensibility of grounds in the infiltration. Application in the aquifer of Dogger in the interfluve Clain-Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, FranceShorieh, Amani 16 July 2014 (has links)
Cette étude s'intéresse, par l'utilisation de la cartographie, à l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité des eaux souterraines aux pollutions en particulier à la vulnérabilité intrinsèque des nappes libres. Dans cette optique, une étude bibliographique sur les méthodes d'estimation de la vulnérabilité des nappes a été menée. A partir de cette étude bibliographique on a trouvé que la méthode DRASTIC a été considérée comme la base de la plupart des études de vulnérabilité.<br>L'aquifère du Dogger convient tout-à-fait à une application des différentes méthodologies. En effet, grâce à son importance en tant que source d'eau potable et d'irrigation ainsi qu'à sa principale problématique qui est la vulnérabilité aux concentrations en nitrates (on peut la considérer comme une nappe très vulnérable aux pollutions superficielles, surtout aux surconcentrations en nitrates), une base de données à la fois volumineuse et diversifiée a été acquise sur plusieurs décennies de travaux de prospection, de suivi et d'exploitation. On peut retrouver ces données sous forme de fiches, de tableaux de cartes et de comptes-rendus.<br>Une description générale de la zone d'étude nous a permis de déterminer les paramètres disponibles dans cette aquifère afin de déterminer quelle méthode il convenait d'appliquer à cette nappe. Ainsi, une étude hydrogéochimique à été réalisée à partir d'une campagne de prélèvements et d'analyses chimiques des eaux souterraines. Ces analyses chimiques, en particulier les analyses des teneurs en nitrates, ont été utilisées pour valider les cartes de la vulnérabilité de l'aquifère du Dogger.<br>Donc, dans le but de cartographier la vulnérabilité de la nappe du Dogger dans le département de la Vienne, on a appliqué deux méthodes, et tout d'abord la méthode DRASTIC (Aller et al. 1987). La carte obtenue par cette méthode est mal corrélée avec la concentration en nitrates.<br>En effet cette méthode attribue un poids faible au sol dans le calcul de l'indice final et elle a complètement ignoré les rôles des activités agricoles. C'est pourquoi on a proposé une nouvelle méthode dévirée de la méthode DRASTIC. Cette seconde méthode est plus adaptée à la nappe libre localisée sous la surface d'une activité agricole très importante. En prenant en considération les neuf paramètres qui déterminent la sensibilité des sols à l'infiltration verticale et l'occupation du sol. La nouvelle carte a permis d'obtenir une meilleure corrélation entre les concentrations en nitrates mesurées et les zones vulnérables par rapport à la méthode originale.<br> Le système d'information géographique avec le logiciel Arc Map (10) a représenté un facteur très important pour réaliser ce projet. Ce SIG a permis de construire une base de toutes les données existantes "géologiques, hydrogéologiques, chimiques et les caractéristiques du sol". Cette base, d'une part permet de disposer pour l'aquifère du jurassique moyen dans la zone d'interfluve Clain-Vienne, des couches d'informations complètes qui pourraient être une référence pour plusieurs études hydrogéologiques. D'autre part, le SIG a été très précieux dans le domaine de la protection et de la gestion des nappes. Il a pu faciliter l'application des méthodes d'estimation de la vulnérabilité, grâce à ses outils (coupage, superposition, méthode d'interpolation, calcul mathématique) qui permettent de traiter un grand nombre des données en superposant toutes les cartes de chaque facteur sur un support de même taille, ainsi que d'intégrer et combiner ces cartes. Nous pouvons à l'aide de tous ces outils, calculer les indices finaux et produire une carte finale de la vulnérabilité qui devient elle-même un outil facile de comparaison avec les teneurs en nitrates afin de valider les résultats. / The main objective of this PhD thesis is the optimization of a novel approach to estimate groundwater vulnerability using both the DRASTIC model and soil infiltration sensitivity. The model will be then applied to the Dogger aquifer of Poitiers, Center West France; to delineate areas that are more susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic sources. This is an important element for sensible resource management and land use planning.<br>Poitou-Charentes, located in the Center-West of France, is a region where economy is mainly based on agriculture. It is made up of 4 Departments (Vienne, Charente, Charente Maritime, Deux-Sèvres) and is largely supplied by groundwater, both for consumption and irrigation. This resources thus vital to the region and its preservation is a major issue. The objective of this study is the determination of the roundwater quality in the Dogger aquifer of Poitiers (Vienne Department), which is the main water resource for his area in order to achieve a better understanding of the factors influencing groundwater mineralization. Sixty-six wells, distributed over the study area, were sampled and analyzed for major ions (Ca2+, M2+, Na+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-). The hydrochemistry of groundwater is determined by both natural processes, and anthropogenic factors. Natural factors are dissolution of carbonate and dolomite minerals, and cation exchanges with clays, while anthropogenic factors are contaminant infiltration of wastewater and agricultural fertilizers. Nitrate is the main contaminant found in the groundwater and makes this resource unsuitable for consumption at some places.<br>This study focuses, by the use of mapping, on the assessment of the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution in particular to the intrinsic vulnerability of unconfined aquifers. The DRASTIC method was considered the most basic vulnerability studies.<br>In this study, we intend initially to implement the DRASTIC model, as it was developed by US-EPA. The results of application of DRASTIC will be discussed and validated against available knowledge on Dogger groundwater quality, and in particular nitrate levels. Secondly, the development of a new approach will be developed based on a combination of DRASTIC model and a concept recently developed by the Chamber of Agriculture of Vienne soil susceptibility to infiltration. The results showed that this new approach results in a vulnerability assessment of the aquifer is entirely consistent with the state of contamination of the well and integrates all the parameters (risk parameters intrinsic parameters) involved in transferring pollutants from the soil surface to the well.<br>
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Natural Ventilation and Air Infiltration in Large Single‑Zone Buildings : Measurements and Modelling with Reference to Historical ChurchesHayati, Abolfazl January 2017 (has links)
Natural ventilation is the dominating ventilation process in ancient buildings like churches, and also in most domestic buildings in Sweden and in the rest of the world. These buildings are naturally ventilated via air infiltration and airing. Air infiltration is the airflow through adventitious leakages in the building envelope, while airing is the intentional air exchange through large openings like windows and doors. Airing can in turn be performed either as single-sided (one opening) or as cross flow ventilation (two or more openings located on different walls). The total air exchange affects heating energy and indoor air quality. In churches, deposition of airborne particles causes gradual soiling of indoor surfaces, including paintings and other pieces of art. Significant amounts of particles are emitted from visitors and from candles, incense, etc. Temporary airing is likely to reduce this problem, and it can also be used to adjust the indoor temperature. The present study investigates mechanisms and prediction models regarding air infiltration and open-door airing by means of field measurements, experiments in wind tunnel and computer modelling. In natural ventilation, both air infiltration and airing share the same driving forces, i.e. wind and buoyancy (indoor-outdoor temperature differences). Both forces turn out to be difficult to predict, especially wind induced flows and the combination of buoyancy and wind. In the first part of the present study, two of the most established models for predicting air infiltration rate in buildings were evaluated against measurements in three historical stone churches in Sweden. A correction factor of 0.8 is introduced to adjust one of the studied models (which yielded better predictions) for fitting the large single zones like churches. Based on field investigation and IR-thermography inspections, a detailed numerical model was developed for prediction of air infiltration, where input data included assessed level of the neutral pressure level (NPL). The model functionality was validated against measurements in one of the case studies, indicating reasonable prediction capability. It is suggested that this model is further developed by including a more systematic calibration system for more building types and with different weather conditions. Regarding airing, both single-sided and cross flow rates through the porches of various church buildings were measured with tracer gas method, as well as through direct measurements of the air velocity in a porch opening. Measurement results were compared with predictions attained from four previously developed models for single‑sided ventilation. Models that include terms for wind turbulence were found to yield somewhat better predictions. According to the performed measurements, the magnitude of one hour single-sided open-door airing in a church typically yields around 50% air exchange, indicating that this is a workable ventilation method, also for such large building volumes. A practical kind of diagram to facilitate estimation of suitable airing period is presented. The ability of the IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA-ICE) computer program to predict airing rates was examined by comparing with field measurements in a church. The programs’ predictions of single-sided airflows through an open door of the church were of the same magnitude as the measured ones; however, the effect of wind direction was not well captured by the program, indicating a development potential. Finally, wind driven air flows through porch type openings of a church model were studied in a wind tunnel, where the airing rates were measured by tracer gas. At single-sided airing, a higher flow rate was observed at higher wind turbulence and when the opening was on the windward side of the building, in agreement with field measurements. Further, the airing rate was on the order of 15 times higher at cross flow than at single-sided airing. Realization of cross flow thus seems highly recommendable for enhanced airing. Calibration constants for a simple equation for wind driven flow through porches are presented. The measurements also indicate that advection through turbulence is a more important airing mechanism than pumping. The present work adds knowledge particularly to the issues of air infiltration and airing through doors, in large single zones. The results can be applicable also to other kinds of large single-zone buildings, like industry halls, atriums and sports halls. / Naturlig ventilation är den dominerande ventilationsprocessen i äldre byggnader såsom kyrkor, och även i de flesta småhus i Sverige och övriga delar av världen. Luftinfiltration och vädring utgör viktiga komponenter i naturlig ventilation, där luftinfiltration är luftflöde genom oavsiktliga läckage i byggnadsskalet, medan vädring är avsiktligt luftutbyte genom stora öppningar såsom fönster och dörrar/portar. Vädring kan i sin tur ske ensidigt (genom en öppning) eller som tvärdrag (genom två eller flera öppningar belägna på olika ytterväggar). Det totala luftutbytet påverkar värmeförluster och inomhusluftens kvalité. I kyrkor orsakar avsättning av luftpartiklar en gradvis nedsmutsning av invändiga ytor, inklusive väggmålningar och andra konstföremål. Betydande mängder partiklar avges från besökare, tända ljus, rökelse, o.d. Tillfällig vädring kan minska detta problem, men även användas för att justera innetemperaturen. Föreliggande studie analyserar mekanismer och predikteringsmodeller gällande luftinfiltration och dörrvädring genom fältmätningar, vindtunnelförsök och datorsimuleringar. Luftinfiltration och vädring har samma drivkrafter, d.v.s. vind och termik (inne‑ute temperaturskillnader). Båda dessa drivkrafter är svåra att predicera, särskilt vindinducerade flöden och kombinationen av termik och vind. Två av de mest etablerade modellerna för luftinfiltrationsprediktering i byggnader har utvärderats via mätningar i tre kulturhistoriska stenkyrkor i Sverige. En korrigeringsfaktor av 0,8 föreslås för bättre prediktion av den ena modellen (som gav bäst resultat) gällande höga en-zonsbyggnader såsom kyrkor. En detaljerad numerisk modell är utvecklad för luftinfiltrationsprediktering, där indata baseras på fältundersökningar, inkl. IR-termografering och uppmätt av neutrala tryckplanet (NPL). Modellens funktionalitet har validerats via mätningar i en av fallstudierna och pekar på tämligen god prediktionsprestanda. Vidare utveckling av modellen föreslås, inkl. ett mer systematiskt kalibreringssystem, för olika typer av byggnader och väderförhållanden. Gällande vädring mättes både ensidigt flöde och tvärdrag genom portar i olika kyrkobyggnader med hjälp av spårgas samt direkta lufthastighetsmätningar i portöppning. Mätresultaten jämfördes med erhållna prediktioner från fyra tidigare utvecklade modeller för ensidig ventilation. De modeller som tog hänsyn till vindturbulens gav något bättre resultat. Enligt utförda mätningar medför en timmes ensidig portvädring i en kyrka cirka 50 % luftutbyte, vilket indikerar att detta är en tillämpbar ventilationsmetod, även för så pass stora byggnadsvolymer. Ett särskilt vädringsdiagram presenteras, som syftar till att underlätta uppskattning av erforderlig vädringsperiod. Vidare studerades predikteringsprestanda hos IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA-ICE) simuleringsprogram avseende vädring, där simuleringsdata jämfördes med fältmätningar i en kyrka. Programmets prediktion av ensidigt luftflöde genom en öppen kyrkport var av samma storlekordning som det uppmäta; dock klarade programmet inte av att hantera inverkan av vindriktning så väl, vilket pekar på en utvecklingspotential. Avslutningsvis undersöktes vinddrivet flöde igenom portöppningar i en kyrkmodell i vindtunnel, där luftomsättningen mättes med hjälp av spårgasmetoden. Vid ensidig vädring observerades högre flöde vid högre vindturbulens och när öppningen var på vindsidan av byggnaden, i överensstämmelse med fältmätningarna. Dessutom var vädringsflödet vid tvärdrag i storleksordningen 15 högre än det vid ensidig vädring. Det verkar alltså som att man kan öka vädringstakten avsevärt om man kan åstadkomma tvärdrag. Kalibreringskonstanter presenteras också för en enkel ekvation för vinddrivet flöde genom portar. Vindtunnelstudien indikerar vidare att advektion genom turbulens är en viktigare vädringsmekanism än pumpning. Föreliggande arbete bidrar med kunskap speciellt kring luftinfiltration och vädring genom portar i höga en-zonsbyggnader. Resultaten kan även vara tillämpliga på andra typer av höga en-zonsbyggnader såsom industrihallar, atrier/ljusgårdar och idrottshallar. / Church project
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Modélisation multidimensionnelle des pressions et teneurs en eau dans le sol et le sous-sol : effets capillaires et gravitaires en présence d'hétérogénéités et de fluctuations / Multidimensional modeling of pressures and water contents in soils and the subsurface : capillary and gravitational effects in the presence of heterogeneity and fluctuationsMansouri, Nahla 11 July 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale porte sur la modélisation 3D de la dynamique des teneurs en eau dans le sol et le soussol lorsque les écoulements sont à saturation variable. La modélisation est basée sur une version généralisée de la loi de Darcy-Buckingham et de l’équation de Richards multidimensionnelle. Les recherches présentées dans cette thèse concernent différents volets, présentés ci-dessous, dont le fil conducteur est l’analyse de phénomènes d’écoulements en milieux poreux, contenant de fortes hétérogénéités et/ou perturbés par des fluctuations temporelles. Dans le cadre d’un partenariat de recherche entre l’IMFT et l'IRSN sur la problématique du stockage souterrain de déchets radioactifs, nous avons modélisé en 3D la dynamique du front de désaturation d’une couche argileuse autour d’une galerie souterraine ventilée, à l’aide du code volumes finis BIGFLOW 3D. Ce travail a permis de mettre au point une approche d’immersion pour la modélisation des écoulements en milieux composites. Un autre volet de cette thèse concerne une étude analytique et numérique des profils verticaux de succion et de teneur en eau lors d’une infiltration verticale, non-saturante, dans un sol hétérogène finement stratifié. Des solutions analytiques exactes et approchées sont obtenues en régime permanent, à l’aide de transformations de variables, et sont comparées avec des solutions numériques pour différents degrés d’hétérogénéité. De même, les phénomènes de « barrière capillaire » sont étudiés d’une part analytiquement et d’autre part, par expérimentations numériques transitoires d’infiltration sur des systèmes bicouches, en présence d’une nappe plus ou moins profonde. D’autre part, les écoulements nonsaturés sont étudiés, cette fois, en présence d’un forçage transitoire fortement oscillatoire, dans une colonne de sable fin homogène, sous l’effet de fluctuations périodiques du niveau de la surface libre. Une méthode multi-front mise au point lors d’une thèse précédente à l’IMFT est validée numériquement en montrant que cette méthode simule efficacement la dynamique oscillatoire des flux et des profils de pression avec un nombre limité de « fronts ». De plus, nous avons analysé la phénoménologie capillaire/gravitaire des écoulements oscillatoires dans la colonne grâce à un suivi dynamique du plan de flux nul. Enfin, nous présentons, comme extension aux travaux précédents, une étude préliminaire des phénomènes 3D d’infiltration et de redistribution d’eau, notamment lorsque l’hétérogénéité du sol est de type aléatoire. Les premiers essais d’infiltration permettent de tester, en réplique unique, des méthodes de prises de moyennes spatiales des champs de succion et teneur en eau et évaluer la taille minimum du domaine de calcul 3D permettant d’obtenir des profils verticaux moyens représentatifs de l’infiltration dans une réplique unique du sol aléatoire. / This doctoral research, defended at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, is devoted to modeling water pressure and water content in soils and in subsurface geologic formations, in the case of variably saturated flow. One of the main scientific objectives of this work is to analyze the response of unsaturated flow systems, and particularly capillary and gravitational effects, in the presence of material heterogeneities, discontinuities, and/or space-time fluctuations. Modeling is based on a generalized version of Darcy- Buckingham’s law, and of Richards’ flow equation. Overall, the topics developed in this PhD thesis focus on several related aspects of variably saturated water flow in the subsurface. These aspects all occur at once in most applications (drying/wetting,heterogeneity, temporal forcing), but they are "decoupled" here for convenience. A preliminary research (collaborative project IMFT / IRSN) was developed to study the 2D/3D drying process at the porous wall of a deep cylindrical excavation in response to hydrometeorological signals. This project has motivated the design and testing of a novel approach to include cavities in the modeling domain. A detailed study of steady state infiltration was developed for the case of finely stratified soils, with parameters that vary continuously and cyclically with depth. Exact and approximate analytical solutions are calculated based on variable transformation methods and on perturbation type approximations, and they are tested numerically using a finite volume code (BIGFLOW 3D). The sensitivity of suction fluctuations vs. stratification wavelength is investigated, as well as the effect of the degree of heterogeneity, and of water table depth. Capillary barrier effects are studied for the case of unsaturated infiltration in multilayer soil systems characterized by a discontinuity of soil properties at interfaces. Numerical experiments are developed for transient infiltration towards a water table through a two-layer system, the goal being to analyze possible capillary barrier effects under various scenarios. On the other hand, we study numerically the case of a partially saturated / unsaturated soil column submitted to highly variable oscillatory pressure at the bottom of the column: this leads to vertical flow oscillations in the unsaturated zone above the water table influenced by tides (coastal beach sand). We analyze the dynamics of this oscillatory flow, where capillary and gravitational effects compete; for this purpose we use a novel method that tracks the positions of the zero flux plane in the unsaturated column. Finally, we also present, as an extension to the previous studies, a preliminary investigation of multidimensional infiltration/redistribution phenomena, particularly for the case of fully 3D random-type soil heterogeneity. The first numerical experiments of 3D infiltration are undertaken based on the single realization approach to soil heterogeneity, and assuming a uniform distribution of wetting at soil surface.
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<div> Advancements in cancer treatments have increased rapidly in recent years, but cures remain elusive. Surgical tumor resection is a central treatment for many solid malignancies. Residual tumor at surgical margins leads to tumor recurrence. Novel tools for assessing residual tumor at surgical margins could improve surgical outcomes by helping to maximize the extent of resection. Ambient ionization-mass spectrometry (MS) methods generate and analyze ions from minimally prepared samples in near-real-time (e.g. seconds to minutes). These methods leverage the high sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry for analyzing gas phase ions and generating those ions quickly and with minimal sample preparation. Recent work has shown that differential profiles of ions, corresponding to phospholipids and small metabolites, are detected from cancerous and their respective normal tissue with ambient ionization-MS methods. When properly implemented, ambient ionization-MS could be used to assess for tumor at surgical margins and provide a molecular diagnosis during surgery. </div><div><br></div><div>The research herein reports efforts in developing rapid intraoperative ambient ionization-MS methods for the molecular assessment of cancerous tissues. Touch spray (TS) ionization and desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) were utilized to analyze kidney cancer and brain cancer.</div><div><br></div><div> As a demonstration of the applicability of TS-MS to provide diagnostic information from fresh surgical tissues, TS-MS was used to rapidly analyze renal cell carcinoma and healthy renal tissue biopsies obtained from human subjects undergoing nephrectomy surgery. Differential phospholipid profiles were identified using principal component analysis (PCA), and the significant ions were characterized using multiple stages of mass spectrometry and high resolution/exact mass MS. The same TS-MS analyzed renal tissues were subsequently analyzed with DESI-MS imaging to corroborate the TS-MS results, and the significant DESI-MS ions were also characterized with MS.</div><div><br></div><div>Significant efforts were made in developing and evaluating a standalone intraoperative DESI-MS system for analyzing brain tissue biopsies during brain tumor surgery. The intraoperative DESI-MS system consists of a linear trap quadrupole mass spectrometer placed on a custom-machined cart that contains all hardware for operating the mass spectrometer. This instrument was operated in the neurosurgical suites at Indiana University School of Medicine to rapidly analyze brain tissue biopsies obtained from glioma resection surgeries. A DESI-MS library of normal brain tissue and glioma was used to statistically classify the brain tissue biopsies collected in the operating room. Multivariate statistical methodologies were employed to predict the disease state and tumor cell percentage of the samples. A DESI-MS assay for detecting 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG), the oncometabolic product of the isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation (a key glioma prognostic marker), was developed and applied to determine the IDH mutation status during the surgical resection. The strengths, weaknesses, and areas of future work in this field are discussed. </div><div><br></div>
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Urbanistická opatření pro efektivní hospodaření s povrchovou vodou v zastavěných územích / Urban measures of effective surface water management in urban areasVacková, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
One of the main challenges in promoting rainwater management into practise is the fact that it was not recognized as an interdisciplinary issue. We should seek ways how to open the problem to other professions, specially for architects and urban planners, who are the key element of its farther development. This work analyzes the reasons of this unsatisfactory state of rainwater management in the Czech Republic and it defines the possible ways how to remedy this state and outlines scenarios of its further development. The default document of the work is czech technical standard "TNV 75 9010 Hospodaření se srážkovými vodami". The new methodological guide, which is part of this work, is based on it. The work extends the range of measures which are mentioned in the standard. It brings new ways for assessing the benefits of the various measures to streamline the application of rainwater management measures in urban space.
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