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Stanovení hydraulických charakteristik půdy ve vybraném zájmovém území / Determination of hydraulic characteristics of soil in a selected areaSalač, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on issues of measurement and evaluation of hydraulic characteristics of soil. In the literary research, the definitions of hydraulic conductivity and retention curve of soil moisture, their measurements in laboratory and field conditions and the prediction of these characteristics by using of pedotransfer functions. In the practical part of the diploma thesis, an evaluation of the hydraulic conductivity of soil from the experimental areas near the village Bohaté Málkovice. Two-cylindrical and mini-disc infiltration meters were used for field measurements, and a constant-gradient permeameter was used in the laboratory. Physical and empirical equations were used to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity. The results were processed numerically, tabulated and then compared.
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Měření infiltrace v terénu pomocí MiniDiskového infiltrometru / Measurement of infiltration in the field using MiniDisk infiltrometerVláčilíková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with measuring of infiltration by MiniDisk method and its evaluation, but also with analysis of intact and grab soil sample, by means of which it is possible to assess the soil quality. The measurements took place on 30.4.2019, 4.5.2019, 12.5.2019, 2.6.2019, 30.6.2019, 2.7.2019, 31.8.2019 and 21.9.2019 on grassland near the town of Luhačovice. Grab and intact soil samples were taken from the upper soil layer and processed in a pedological laboratory. The Zhang method was used to evaluate the infiltration results. The results of soil analyzes and infiltration were processed numerically, plotted and subsequently described and compared.
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Srovnání účinků deště na starém a novém simulátoru dešťů / Comparison of the effects of rain on the old and new rainfall simulatorBanzetová, Diana January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is focused to modeling of the rainfall in laboratory conditions by the rainfall simulator invented in VUT Brno. Results of the measuring are compared with measured values of the original rainfall simulator located in VVU VSH VUT in Brno by the Kninicky village in 1976-1980. Dissertation verifies rightness of substituting the natural rain with the rainfall simulator on bare soil in the original location, kinetic energy of the rain drops is substituted with the energy gained from the weight of the drops - the flow. Generally the dissertation determines the possibilities of the rainfall simulator's current location.
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Zdravotně technické a plynovodní instalace v obytné budově / Sanitation installation and gas installation in residential buildingVaněk, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with sanitary engineering and gas installation in an apartment building with a healthcare facility. The theoretical part is focused on the installation systems, which are addressed to the suitability of the system in the given project, and the advantages and disadvantages of these systems. Computational and project part addresses the sewer, water mains and gas in the specified object. Designed building is without a basement and eight storeys. On the first floor is located technical facilities around the building and three residential units. All other floors are located on each floor of four residential units. This thesis is done on the basis of current Czech and European regulations.
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Hospodaření s dešťovými vodami v komerčních objektech / Stormwater management in commercial centersBekmukhambetova, Nuriia Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis is devoted to a rainwater management in commercial and administrative buildings. The goal of this work is to describe rainwater management system with a focus on its later usage. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The first part examines the binding conditions, as well as the individual technologies and devices that must be included in the implementation of a rainwater management system. The practical part of the work is an analysis of the possibility of using rainwater for the needs of the fire brigade in Havlíčkův Brod. The result of this work is a calculation of the approximate payback period of the proposed system.
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Propustnost pískovcových povrchů a pohyb vody v mělkých zónách skalních měst / Permeability of sandstone surfaces and water flow in shallow zone of ruiniform sandstone landscapeSysel, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
Water in porous rocks (e.g. sandstone) plays a fundamental role in their disintegration. However, the places where water enters the sandstone rocks are somewhat overlooked. At two sites in the Český ráj region, I use Karsten tube to measure capillary water absorption (CWA) of natural sandstone exposures and, using TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) method, I study movement of water in a shallow zone of ruiniform sandstone landscape. The CWA differed up to four orders of magnitude at a distance of tens of meters, mostly depending on the type of the surface. The highest CWA was measured at highly weathered surfaces, the second most absorbent were less weathered surfaces covered with a biologically-initiated rock crust. The horizontal surfaces on the tops of the rock formations were even less absorbent, probably due to clogging by fine particles from soil. Surfaces covered with iron crust were the least absorbent. The differences between those surfaces are significant. After simulated infiltration, the maximum rate of the propagation of the wet front in the sandstone was from 5,5.10-6 do 1,9.10-4 m.s-1 measured by TDR. The water propagated at this rate only to a certain depth (the first tens of cm), but then the propagation stopped or slowed down rapidly. From a long-term measurement of volumetric...
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Utläckage från vattennät – en betydande källa till tillskottsvatten i spillvattennät? : Linjär regressionsanalys av VA-data från svenska kommuner / Leakage from drinking water systems – a significant source of I/I water in wastewater systems?Ringqvist, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Infiltration and inflow of non-sewer water to wastewater systems (I/I water) poses a significant problem to health, economy, and the environment by affecting the capacity of the wastewater system. To determine effective measures to reduce the amount of I/I water, it is essential to identify its most important sources. In this thesis, the relationship between leaked drinking water and I/I water was investigated by using ordinary least squares (OLS) linear regression. The first question is whether there is a statistical relationship between the amount of drinking water leakages and the amount of I/I water in wastewater treatment plants in Swedish municipalities. Data from 207 Swedish municipalities were included in the analysis. The amount of unaccounted water, i.e. the difference between produced and charged drinking water, was used as a measure of water leakage. The second question treats the feasibility of statistically comparing municipalities to determine the importance of I/I water sources. The result of the OLS linear regression shows a statistically significant relationship between the level of unaccounted water and the level of I/I water in Swedish municipalities. This could be explained by a causal process where leaked drinking water infiltrates the wastewater system. Another explanation could be simultaneous problems in the water system and the wastewater system, potentially caused by the quality of the pipelines. However, caution should be exercised when drawing conclusions from statistical comparisons between water and wastewater flows in different municipalities. Variations in other aspects such as natural conditions and infrastructure, must also be considered.
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Zdravotně technické instalace v bytovém domě s podzemními garážemi / Sanitation installations in a multiple dwelling house with underground garagesStraník, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The Master's thesis solves questions about sanitation installations in a multiple dwelling house with underground garages in Brno. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the analysis of the topic with an emphasis on the management with rainwater. The work also focuses on the possible alternative solutions of the given specialization. Technical part solves the installation of sanitary of this apartment building in the selected variant. It is a multiple storey building, where five floors are used for housing and two underground floors are used mostly for parking.
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Dagvattenhantering och takpark för projektet PARK 1 : Ett utredande förslag / Stormwater usage and rooftop garden for the project PARK 1 : A design proposalBerglund, Jessica, Åberg, Frida January 2014 (has links)
Som följd av den pågående urbaniseringen har de naturliga förutsättningarna för regn och smältvattnet att infiltrera i marken och återgå till sitt kretslopp på naturlig väg försvunnit i städerna. I Stockholm leds ungefär hälften av dagvattnet via VA-nätet direkt och orenat till reningsverken. Dagvattenflödet varierar kraftigt vilket orsakar toppar som överbelastar VAnätet och är svåra för reningsverken att hantera. Istället för att ledas ut i VA-nätet ska dagvatten strävas efter att hanteras lokalt. Arbetet lägger fokus på dagvattenhanteringen för takparken på ett nybyggnadsprojekt i Stockholm, projektet PARK 1. Projektet ritas av White arkitekter och ska certifieras enligt BREEAM och där nå den högsta klassningen Outstanding. Hållbar användning av mark och vatten är därför en av de viktiga frågorna i detta projekt. Syftet med arbetet är att omarbeta ett gestaltningsförslag av PARK1´s takpark samt att presentera lösningar för dess dagvattenhantering. Detta utförs med hänsyn till framtida klimatförändringar och byggnadens vattenkretslopp samt samordning och tillgänglighet. Arbetet utförs främst genom litteraturstudier, men har också kompletterats genom samtal, diskussioner och studiebesök. AutoCAD, SketchUp och Photoshop används för att illustera den planerade parken samt dess växter, funktioner och konstruktionslösningar. Dimensioneringen av brunnar och stammar görs med hänsyn till 100-årsregn för att klara framtida klimatförändringar. Med hjälp av nederbördsstatistik beräknas sannolik nederbörd för parken, denna mängd motsvara det dagvatten som ska hanteras lokalt. Avrinningsytan går från att vara en parkeringsplats där allt dagvatten belastar VA-nätet till att bli en takpark där dagvattnet utnyttjas till bevattning och 25 procent av byggnadens WCspolning. Dagvattnet blir direkt på platsen omvandlat till spillvatten och som följd blir tillförseln till vatten- och avloppsnätet från byggnaden jämn och stabil och färskvattenförbrukningen sänks. / As a result of ongoing urbanization, natural conditions for rain and meltwater to infiltrate in the ground and regress to the natural water cycle have disappeared in cities. About half of the stormwater in Stockholm is transported through the municipal water sewerage system directly to sewage treatment works. The flow of stormwater varies vigorously, causing flow peaks that overburden the system and treatment works. The aim should be to handle and use the stormwater locally instead of releasing it to the system. The focus of this bachelor thesis is how stormwater from a soon to be built construction project in Stockholm can be handled. The project, PARK 1, is designed by the architectural firm White Arkitekter and is set to be BREEAM certified and to reach the classification outstanding. Therefore, sustainable use of land and water resources is one of the key matters in the project. The purpose of the study is to rework a existing design proposal for the rooftop garden planed on PARK1 and present solutions for stormwater usage. Consideration must be taken to future climate changes, coordination among disciplines and accessibility. The work was conducted mainly through literature studies and complemented by discussions and site visits to reference projects. AutoCAD, SketchUp and Photoshop were used to illustrate plans and details of the park proposal with its plantations, activities and technical solutions. Estimations of the quantity of roof outlets and dimensions of vertical downpipes were made for 100-year rain conditions. Through quantitative analysis of precipitation statistics the expected precipitation were calculated. Which after runoff covers the irrigation needs of the park and 25 percent of the water needed for flushing of the buildings WC:s. The runoff surface is altered from being a parking lot where all stormwater ends up in the municipal water sewerage, to a rooftop garden where all of the stormwater is handled locally. This allows stormwater to be transformed into wastewater on sight, thereby contributing to a steady flow in sewer pipes in addition to help lower the buildings fresh water consumption.
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Spatial classification methods for efficient infiltration measurements and transfer of measuring resultsFranz, Torsten 13 June 2007 (has links)
A comprehensive knowledge about the infiltration situation in a sewer system is required for sustainable operation and cost-effective maintenance. Due to the high expenditures of infiltration measurements an optimisation of necessary measurement campaigns and a reliable transfer of measurement results to comparable areas are essential. Suitable methods were developed to improve the information yield of measurements by identifying appropriate measuring point locations and to assign measurement results to other potential measuring points by comparing sub-catchments and classifying reaches. The methods are based on the introduced similarity approach “Similar sewer conditions lead to similar infiltration/inflow rates” and on modified multivariate statistical techniques. The developed methods have a high degree of freedom against data needs. They were successfully tested on real and generated data. For suitable catchments it is estimated, that the optimisation potential amounts up to 40 % accuracy improvement compared to non-optimised measuring point configurations. With an acceptable error the transfer of measurement results was successful for up to 75 % of the investigated sub-catchments. With the proposed methods it is possible to improve the information about the infiltration status of sewer systems and to reduce the measurement related uncertainty which results in significant cost savings for the operator. / Für den nachhaltigen Betrieb und die kosteneffiziente Unterhaltung von Kanalnetzen ist eine genaue Bestimmung ihrer Fremdwassersituation notwendig. Eine Optimierung der dazu erforderlichen Messkampagnen und eine zuverlässige Übertragung der Messergebnisse auf vergleichbare Gebiete sind aufgrund der hohen Aufwendungen für Infiltrationsmessungen angezeigt. Dafür wurden geeignete Methoden entwickelt, welche einerseits den Informationsgehalt von Messungen durch die Bestimmung optimaler Messpunkte verbessern und andererseits Messresultate mittels Vergleichen von Teileinzugsgebieten und Klassifizierungen von Kanalhaltungen zu anderen potenziellen Messstellen zuordnen. Die Methoden basieren auf dem Ähnlichkeitsansatz “Ähnliche Kanaleigenschaften führen zu ähnlichen Fremdwasserraten” und nutzen modifizierte multivariate statistische Verfahren. Sie haben einen hohen Freiheitsgrad bezüglich der Datenanforderung. Die Methoden wurden erfolgreich anhand gemessener und generierter Daten validiert. Es wird eingeschätzt, dass das Optimierungspotenzial bei geeigneten Einzugsgebieten bis zu 40 % gegenüber nicht optimierten Mess-netzen beträgt. Die Übertragung der Messergebnisse war mit einem akzeptablen Fehler für bis zu 75 % der untersuchten Teileinzugsgebiete erfolgreich. Mit den entwickelten Methoden ist es möglich, den Kenntnisstand über die Fremdwassersituation eines Kanalnetzes zu verbessern und die messungsbezogene Unsicherheit zu verringern. Dies resultiert in Kostenersparnissen für den Betreiber.
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