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Etude geologique des formations superficielles et du proche substratum à Grand Ilet (cirque de Salazie - La Réunion) application a la cartographie du risque de mouvements de versantsPinchinot, Herve 12 October 1984 (has links) (PDF)
A la suite des dégâts occasionnés par le cyclone Hyacin~ the, le B.R.G.M. Réunion et l'équipe de géologie appliquée de l'I.R.I.G.M. (Université de Grenoble) ont entrepris l'étude des risques du secteur de Grand lIet. . Cette étude comporte plusieurs parties : La première est une présentation générale du secteur de travail dans le contexte géographique et géologique de l'ile de la Réunion. Les raisons du choix de Grand lIet y sont exposées. En dernier lieu, les résultats d'une analyse statis* tique systématique des directions de ravines sont présenté. La deuxième partie est l'étude géologique détaillée des formations de Grand Ilet. Elle conduit à la définition de l'unité intermédiaire qui est caractérisée par des glissements de grande ampleur. La troisième partie concerne des mouvements de terrains plus superficiels mais qui sont responsables de dégârs importants. On insiste sur le rôle des précipitations cycloniques dans leur évolution. Enfin, la quatrième partie tente de faire un bilan des conditions d'instabilité et permet de proposer un zonage du secteur adapté au contexte volcano-détrique et au climat tropical.
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Le Matériau composite NiAl-Al2O3Bihr, Jean-Claude 19 January 1996 (has links) (PDF)
Les industries aéronautiques tentent de mettre au point de nouvelles structures plus résistantes et surtout réutilisables en vue d'accélérer la conquête de l'espace. A cet effet, le matériau composite à matrice intermétallique NiAl renforcée par des fibres longues d'alumine semble prometteur et adapté à ces applications. Les travaux présentés concernent a la fois l' élaboration du composite par infiltration liquide sous pression de gaz et l'étude du couplage fibre-matrice (F/M), phénomène prépondérant qui gouverne les caractéristiques macroscopiques du matériau. Le couplage a été étudié par le biais de la microscopie électronique en transmission et de la spectroscopie de photo-électrons X ; une approche thermodynamique du couplage a ete obtenue au travers de l'étude de mouillabilite du renfort par la matrice. Ces différentes caractérisations des interfaces et interphases sont correlées les unes avec les autres pour permettre une compréhension globale des phénomenes de couplage a l'interface F/M.
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The Use of a Realistic Rainfall Simulator to Determine Relative Infiltration Rates of Contributing Watersheds to the Lower Gila Below Painted Rock DamCluff, C. B., Boyer, D. G. 23 April 1971 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1971 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 22-23, 1971, Tempe, Arizona / The rotadisk rainulator is a recently developed rainfall simulator utilizing a full-cone-spray type nozzle. Its unique feature is the rotation of disks of various size openings that makes it possible to produce intensities from close to zero up to full nozzle capacity. Disks may be quickly changed, making it possible to study the effects of various intensities on infiltration rates, such as occur in natural storms. For all intensities above 1.0 in/hr, the instrument comes closer to duplicating kinetic energies and momenta of natural rainfall than any other type of rainfall simulator. Little rainfall-runoff data are available on most of the Lower Gila watersheds. Infiltration rates were therefore determined using the rotadisk rainulator on recompacted soil samples from the watershed. The results permitted a ranking of the watersheds on the basis of infiltration rates, which supports an independent flood frequency analysis indicating that the flood threat from subwatersheds along the Gila is much lower than had previously been projected. When the instrument is taken into the field, it should be possible to directly determine the infiltration rates of different soil and vegetation types, which will be of more use to hydrologists than data from recompacted samples
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An Evaluation of Current Practices in Seepage ControlBoyer, D. G., Cluff, C. B. 06 May 1972 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1972 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 5-6, 1972, Prescott, Arizona / The need for increased control of seepage from both natural and artificial small ponds and lakes has become more apparent with the increased frequency of their construction and use on the farm, ranch, and in recreational urban use. Seepage control methods are also becoming more numerous. Unfortunately, comparisons as to effectiveness, longevity and costs are not readily available. This paper investigates some control techniques being used in this region and evaluated them according to the above criteria. Emphasis was on the use of available physiochemical methods other than rubber membranes and concrete liners. Examples of the types of controls in use include plastic, soil compaction aids, hydrophobic chemicals and monovalent cation applications, such as sodium chloride. Some examples of the use of these methods in Arizona are shown and the results of some field comparison tests conducted using 8 x 8 square foot double -ringed infiltrometers presented. Recommendations are made of additional research that should be undertaken to improve the technology of the control of seepage losses.
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Effects of a Wetting Agent on the Infiltration Characteristics of a Ponderosa Pine SoilKaplan, Marc G., Zwolinski, Malcolm J. 05 May 1973 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1973 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 4-5, 1973, Tucson, Arizona / An infiltration- wetting agent study, using the wetting agent "WATER-IN", was conducted in the ponderosa pine forest type of east central Arizona. An application rate of 10 gallons of wetting agent per acre was used on bare mineral soil and on ponderosa pine litter. The infiltration rate was measured by a modified North Fork infiltrometer. It was found that "WATER-IN" significantly increased water runoff when applied to litter, but, when applied to bare mineral soil, "WATER-IN" caused a significant increase in water infiltration. The wetting agent did not significantly affect antecedent moisture, soil particle distribution, litter water holding capacity, or litter bulk density. It is presently hypothesized that the increase in water infiltration on treated bare mineral soil is due to a decrease in the average bulk density of the surface inch of soil. The increase in runoff when litter is treated is probably due to an interaction, either physical, chemical, or both, between the humus layer and "WATER-IN ", creating a hydrophobic condition where one did not exist before.
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Effect of Urbanization on Runoff from Small WatershedsKao, Samuel E., Fogel, Martin M., Resnick, Sol D. 05 May 1973 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1973 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 4-5, 1973, Tucson, Arizona / Hydrologic data collected from three small urban watersheds and one rural watershed were analyzed for the purpose of investigating the effect of urbanization on runoff. A procedure developed by the Soil Conservation Service was used to explain the relationship between the amount of rainfall and runoff. It was noted that the runoff curve number, a parameter of the method, increased as the percentage of impervious area increased. Also, there was evidence that a linear relationship existed between the runoff volume and its corresponding peak rate.
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A Jeep-Mounted Rainfall Simulating InfiltrometerHenkle, William R. 05 May 1973 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1973 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 4-5, 1973, Tucson, Arizona / An infiltrometer was designed to more closely simulate natural storm characteristics and still maintain sufficient portability to be used in various test sites in the field. In addition to portability, a relatively large test plot can be used over a relatively long duration. The instrument is designed to produce rainfall intensities of 2 to 6 inches per hour which are comparable to natural storm intensities found in northern Arizona. Capillary tubes produce water drops of equivalent kinetic energy at impact to natural raindrops. Errors due to lateral flow are minimized through peripheral wetting. Mounting the infiltrometer on a four-wheel drive vehicle allows nearly the portability of a hand carried unit with a greater water carrying capacity and allows the equipment to be large enough to test a representative plot.
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Ο Γρανίτης της Τήνου και οι συνδεόμενοι με αυτόν σχηματισμοί SkarnΜάστρακας, Νικόλαος 19 November 2007 (has links)
Η παρούσα έρευνα αναφέρεται στην πετρολογική και κοιτασματολογική μελέτη του πλουτωνίτη της νήσου Τήνου και την συνδεδεμένη μ' αυτόν μεταλλοφορία σεελίτη (βολφραμιούχος) τύπου skarn. Ο ασβεσταλκαλικού χαρακτήρα πλουτωνίτης δείχνει τεκτονικού-θερμομεταφορικού τύπου επαφή με τα πετρώματα του πλαισίου. Συνίσταται άπό δύο βασικές λιθολογικές φάσεις: έναν μεταργιλικού χαρακτήρα βιοτιτικό-κεροστιλβικό γρανοδιορίτη που τοποθετήθηκε γύρω στους 17 Μα σε καθεστώς συμπίεσης σε θερμοκρασία ~770οC και πίεση ~5,2 Kbars. Ο γρανοδιορίτης προήλθε από ένα μάγμα που ήταν αποτέλεσμα μερικής τήξης υλικών μανδυακής προέλευσης και πετρωμάτων του ανώτερου φλοιού. Ο δεύτερος λιθότυπος πλουτωνίτη είναι ένας περιφερειακά αναπτυσσόμενος υπεραργιλικός γρανιτικός - βιοτιτικός λευκογρανίτης. Ο λευκογρανίτης τοποθετήθηκε γύρω στα 14 Μα σε καθεστώς διαστολής σε θερμοκρασία ~680οC και πίεση ~2Kbars. Κρυσταλλώθηκε από μάγμα που προήλθε από την μερική τήξη του γρανοδιορίτη και των περιβαλλόντων μεταϊζημάτων. Γύρω από τον πλουτωνίτη σχηματίσθηκε άλως επαφής πάχους ~1km. Μέσα στην ζώνη του πυροξενικού κερατίτη εντοπίστηκαν σε δύο περιοχές της δυτικής επαφής του πλουτωνίτη οι σχηματισμοί skarn πυροξένου - γρανάτη. Ο τύπος του skarn είναι "οξειδωτικός" εντούτοις διατηρούνται υπολέιμματα του αναγωγικού σταδίου (πλούσιοι σε εδεμβεργίτη πυρόξενοι και πλούσιοι σε γροσσουλάριο πυρήνες γρανατών που έχουν υποστεί ανθρακορρωγμάτωση). Η μεταλλοφορία του σεελίτη εντοπίστηκε μέσα στην ζώνη του πυροξενικού κερατίτη ως αποτέλεσμα διηθητικών - μετασωματικών διαδικασιών. Οι μεγακρύσταλλοί του βρίσκονται σε ισορροπία με τον υδροθερμικό γρανάτη (ζωνώδεις κρύσταλλοι πλούσιοι σε ανδραδίτη με παλμική ζώνωση και ανισοτροπία) και έχουν αποτεθεί σε θερμοκρασία ~375 οC (από ρευστά εγκλείσματα) και πίεση μικρότερη των 500 bars. / The present work is a petrological and mineralization study of the Tinos pluton and particularly of the tungsten skarn ie scheelite mineralization associated with this intrusion. the calcalkaline pluton displays a thermal - tectonic contact with the country rocks. It consists of two lithotypes: a metaluminous biotite- hornblende granodiorite and emplaced ca.17Ma under compression at T~700oC and P ~ 5.2kbars. The granodiorite represents a partial melt of mantle derived and upper crustal materials. The second lithotype of Tinos pluton is a peripherally occurring metaluminous garnet - biotite leucogranite that was emplaced ca. 14Ma at T ~ 680oC and P ~ 2kbars. The leucogranite crystallized from a magma representing a hybrid partial melt from the granodiorite and the encasing metasedimentary rocks. A contact halo of ~1km was formed around the Tinos pluton. In the pyroxene hornfels zone in the western part of the halo, mineralized pyroxene - garnet skarns were developed in two areas as a result of pyrometasomatism followed by infiltration metasomatism. The type of the Tinos skarn is "oxidized" however retains "reduced" characteristics such as hedenbergite and garnet rich in grossular component. The carbofractured grossular garnet cores with hourglass twinning are overgrown by anisotropic, oscillatory - zoned andradite - rich mantles. The scheelite megacrysts are in equilibrium with the latter, hydrothermal garnet. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that the scheelite has crystallized at T~375oC and pressure lesser than 500bars.
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Effects of Rainfall Intensity on Runoff Curve NumbersHawkins, R. H. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / The runoff curve number rainfall- runoff relationships may be defined in two ways: (1) by formula, which uses total storm rainfall and a curve number, but not intensity or duration descriptors; and (2) rainfall loss accounting using a 4, rate and a specific intensity duration distribution of the function i(t) = 1.5P(5(1 +24t /T)-(1/2)-1) /T, where i(t) is the intensity at time t for a storm of duration T. Thus, the curve number method is found to be a special case of φ index loss accounting. The two methods are reconciled through the identity 1.2S = φT, leading to the relationship CN - 1200/(12 +φT). The effects of rainfall intensity on curve number are felt through deviations from the necessary causative intensity - duration curve. Some sample alternate distributions are explored and the effects on curve number shown. Limitations are discussed.
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Simple Time-Power Functions for Rainwater Infiltration and RunoffDixon, R. M., Simanton, J. R., Lane, L. J. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / The equations of Darcy, Kostiakov, Ostashev, Philip, and four modified Philip equations were evaluated for use in predicting and controlling rainwater infiltration and rainfall excess in crop and rangelands. These eight equations were least- square fitted to data from ring, border-irrigation, closed-top, and sprinkling infiltrometers. Kostiakov's equation satisfied the evaluation criteria better than the other seven equations. The parameters of Kostiakov's equation were physically interpreted by relating their magnitudes to some physical, biological, and hydraulic characteristics of the infiltration system. These characteristics included several infiltration abatement and augmentation processes and factors that are controlled at the soil surface by land management practices. The eight equations were also fitted to rainfall data to permit calculating runoff from small surface areas about the size of a typical crop plant. Comparison of the regression curves for infiltration and rainfall suggested that land management practices that appropriately alter the soil surface will permit wide-range control of infiltration, runoff, and erosion; and thereby achieve conservation and more efficient use of soil and water resources for crop production. The most important soil surface conditions affecting infiltration were microroughness, macroporosity, plant litter, and effective surface head.
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