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Influences de la pluviométrie sur la stabilité de talus routiers: méthodologie adaptée pour l'évaluation du profil hydrique temporel du sol et sa prise en compte dans les calculs de stabilité en HaïtiRameau, Hugues Georges 15 December 2010 (has links)
Les routes sont normalement pourvues de systèmes de drainage dimensionnés et exécutés conformément aux règles de l’art en vue d’évacuer, le plus rapidement possible de l’emprise de la route, les eaux des précipitations à considérer sur la base des périodes de retour prises en compte. Toutefois, il subsiste souvent des écoulements d’eau indésirables au niveau des talus et parfois dans les accotements et/ou les surfaces de roulement non imperméabilisées. Une succession de pluies entraîne des infiltrations d’eau qui varient notamment en fonction des conditions climatiques et suivant la texture et la structure du sol. De telles infiltrations ont pour conséquence la réduction des coefficients de sécurité des talus.<p><p>Bien qu’il existe plusieurs publications scientifiques traitant de pluies qui ont conduit à des glissements de terrain (Lim et al. 1996 ;Cho et al. 2001 ;Kim et al. 2004 ;Xue et al. 2007 ;Gavin et al. 2008), les incidences des infiltrations résultant de pluies successives sur le comportement des couches superficielles des sols non saturés ne sont généralement pas prises en compte. Les modèles permettant le calcul de la stabilité de talus des massifs de sols non saturés exigent beaucoup de paramètres parfois difficiles à évaluer et se rapportent ordinairement aux cas d’instabilité provoqués par une remontée du niveau piézométrique des nappes phréatiques.<p><p>Sur la base des essais réalisés en laboratoire, une méthodologie adaptée permettant d’évaluer la variation spatio-temporelle de la teneur en eau du sol en fonction d’une suite de pluies a été développée. Cette méthodologie facilite la prise en compte des effets cumulés des taux d’infiltration associés aux évènements pluvieux et permet d’en déduire le profil de succion ainsi que celui de la cohésion apparente à utiliser en vue de calculer, pour une inclinaison β du talus, l’intervalle de variation du coefficient de sécurité Fs. La méthodologie développée présente un intérêt particulier dans le cas de budgets et infrastructures limités.<p><p>ABSTRACT<p><p>Roads are normally equipped with drainage systems sized and implemented in accordance with the rules of art to evacuate as quickly as possible to the right of way, water precipitation to be considered on the basis of return periods taken into account. However, there are often water flows at the slope side and sometimes in the shoulders and / or running surfaces that are not waterproof. A succession of rain causes a certain amount of water infiltration, which varies according to climatic conditions and depending on the soil texture and structure. Such infiltrations have resulted in reduced safety factor of slopes.<p><p>Although there are several scientific publications on rainfall leading to landslides (Lim et al. 1996; Cho et al. 2001, Kim et al. 2004; Xue et al. 2007; Gavin and al. 2008), impacts resulting from infiltration of successive rains on the behavior of surface layers of unsaturated soils are usually not taken into account. Models for calculating the slope stability of unsaturated soils require many parameters that can be, in certain circumstances, difficult to assess and refer generally to cases of instability caused by a rise in groundwater level.<p><p>Based on laboratory tests, a suitable methodology for assessing the spatial and temporal variation of soil water content induced by a set of rains has been developed. This methodology facilitates the inclusion of the cumulative effects of the infiltration rates associated with rain events and infers from them the profile of suction and that of the apparent cohesion to be used to calculate, for a slope angle β, the range of variation of the safety factor Fs. This methodology is particularly relevant in the case of limited budgets and infrastructures. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Characterization of Landscape Structures and Precipitation in relation to Flooding events in Pampa Deprimida : A Minor Field Study in ArgentinaSvärd, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to characterize flood events within the agricultural fields of flooding Pampa in Argentina. The characterization divides the flat landscape into flood prone areas and endeavour at linking driving factors to flood response based on past events. The characterization is based on information freely available from remote sensing (satelliteimages, digital elevation, and estimated rain data), from precipitation data from a weatherstation and from field measurements carried out with Universidad Nacional de La Plata. The main research question is: Which are the driving factors contributing to the flooding? Data from remote sensing was used to visualize previous areal water extents, to calculate the topographic wetness index, the upslope areas for the field study sites and for a precipitationtrend analysis. Furthermore, data from remote sensing was used to replace missing days of rain data from the weather station. The complemented rain data was compared with the water extent for the events. Relationships between event precipitation, previous precipitation, land-use, and surface runoff was evaluated with the Soil Conservation-Curve Number method, SCS-CN, and the runoff coefficients for different antecedent conditions were calculated. The precipitation data and the satellite images showing water extents were also used to calculatethe 100-year and 20-year storm- and flood event. The measured infiltration capacity was used as input data in the SCS-CN-method to calculate the surface runoff and the measured soilmoisture was used to verify results from the Topographic Wetness Index, TWI, map. The flood risk areas are visualized with satellite images and the calculated Modified Normalized Difference Water Index. The TWI also visualizes the more flood prone or wetter areas and delineates the lower depressions where soil moisture was also measured to be higher, however not significantly. With the available satellite images within the study results indicate that floods are more common wintertime and that great flood events cannot be foreseen with only antecedent precipitation and event precipitation with the SCS-CN method. However, the events in the study with larger water extents, had high precipitation. No clear correlation between water extents from satellite images calculated by Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, and estimated surface runoff from the SCS-CN method could be seen. However, the obtained runoff coefficients from the SCS-CN method can be used for estimating surface runoff for future storm events were higher Antecedent Moisture Condition, AMC, and low infiltration capacities increases surface runoff. The infiltration capacity of the studied fields is approximately 16 mm/hour and hence not alone a driving factor causing inundation since the soil can absorb, for example, a 20-year storm event of 125 mm/day. However, that is not the case since a 20-year storm flood has covered 9 % of the area around Don Joaquin and El Amanecer with water. No seasonal precipitation trends can be seen in Punta Indio during the last 40 years analysing precipitation data from remote sensing. In flooding Pampa the agricultural fields inundate almost on yearly basis in the depressionsdue to the gentle slopes and high intense precipitation (yearly maximum daily precipitation is always higher than 60 mm/day). To decrease the flood risk the management should ensure high vegetative cover which increases infiltration and balances the hydrological responses. / Syftet med studien är att karakterisera översvämningar inom jordbruket på Argentinska Pampas. Det platta landskapet mest översvämningsutsatta områden pekas ut och arbetet har fokuserat på att koppla landskapets utformning och regnmönster till översvämningarna. Karakteriseringen utgår ifrån information från satellitbilder och digitala höjddata, från nederbördsdata från den närmaste väderstationen som kompletterats med regndata från fjärranlyser och från fältmätningar utförda tillsammans med Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Den huvudsakliga frågan är: Vilka är de bidragande faktorerna till översvämningarna? Information från fjärranalyser användes för att visualisera tidigare översvämningar, för att beräkna det topografiska fuktighetsindexet, tillrinningsområdet för fältstudieplatserna och för en nederbördstrendanalys. Regndatan jämfördes med vattenarean under tidigare översvämningar. Sambanden mellan nederbörd, markanvändning och ytavrinning utvärderades med Soil Conservation-Curve Number metoden, SCS-CN, och avrinningskoefficienterna för olika nederbördsförhållanden beräknades. Nederbördsdata och satellitbilder som visar vattnets utbredning användes också för att beräkna magnituden av ett 100-årsregn och 20-årsregn samt utbredningen av en 100-årsöversvämning. Den i fält uppmätta infiltrationskapaciteten användes som indata i SCS-CN-metoden för att beräkna ytavrinning och den i fält uppmätta markfuktigheten för att verifiera resultat från GISanalysen av det topografiska fuktighetsindexet.' Översvämningsriskområden visualiserades i studien med satellitbilder och det modifierade normaliserade differens vattenindexet. Även det topografiska fuktighetsindexet visualiserar de mer översvämningsbenägna områdena och markerar vattnets väg där markfuktigheten också uppmättes vara högre, dock inte signifikant blötare än ovan liggande punkter. Analys av de tillgängliga satellitbilderna i studien visar att översvämningar är vanligare vintertid och att stora översvämningshändelser inte kan förutses enbart med de senaste dagarnas regnmängd och eventregnet med SCS-CN-metoden. Alla satellitbilder i studien med större vattentäckning kunde dock kopplas till stora regnmängder. Ingen tydlig korrelation mellan vattenutbredningen och uppskattad ytavrinning med SCS-CN-metoden kunde ses. De erhållna avrinningskoefficienterna från SCS-CN-metoden kan dock användas för att uppskatta risken för ytavrinning vid framtida regn där större regnmängder och låg infiltration ökar ytavrinningen. Fältens infiltrationskapacitet är cirka 16 mm/timme och därmed inte ensamt en drivande faktor till översvämningarna eftersom infiltrationskapaciteten är högre än exempelvis ett 20-årsregn (125 mm/dygn). Dock kan 20-årsregn täcka 9 % av området runt Don Joaquin och El Amanecer med vatten. Inga nederbördstrender kan ses i Punta Indio under de senaste 40 åren genom analys av nederbördsdata från fjärranalyser. I Pampa deprimida översvämmar jordbruksfälten nästan årligen i sänkorna på grund av den platta topografin och den höga intensiva nederbörden (den årliga maximala dagliga nederbörden är nästan alltid högre än 60 mm/dag). För att minska översvämningsriskerna bör lantbrukare säkerställa en hög vegetativ täckning som ökar infiltrationen, skyddar marken och balanserar de hydrologiska reaktionerna. / El propósito de la tesis es analizar los posibles eventos de inundación en un sector de la Pampa Deprimida en Argentina, dada la importancia productiva de la región. Se trabajó en los campos de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata con la dirección del curso de Edafología, de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Se caracterizó la región en general y los campos en particular, utilizando información de acceso gratuito en la web, tales como imágenes satelitales, mapas de elevación digital e información meterologíca. Se utilizaron técnicas geomáticas para definir la evolución de agua en superficie mediante un análisis de la precipitación y coberturas de agua en imágenes satelitales obtenidas entre el 2000 y 2022 con la finalidad de calcular el Indice de Humedad Topográfico (TWI). Se establecen relaciones entre la precipitación, el manejo de los campos, la escorrentía superficial y las cuberturas de aguas. Se analizó la occurrencias de eventos de excesos hídricos. Se efectuaron ensayos de infiltración y el método Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) a fin de estimar la escorrentía superficial y las medidas de la humedad del suelo para verificar los resultados del mapa con el TWI. Las imágenes satélitales y el Modified Normalized Differential Water Index (MNDWI) calculado, permiten estimar las áreas más expuestas a inundaciones. El TWI permitió distinguir los sectores más altos y bajos mediante la medición de la humedad del suelo. Con los datos disponibles en este estudio, los resultados indican que las inundaciones son más frecuentes en invierno, y que los grandes eventos de inundación no se pueden predecir solo con registros de precipitación y el uso del método SCS-CN. No se pudo observar una correlación entre las extensiones de agua de las imágenes satelitales calculadas por Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA Clima y Agua, Castelar), y la escorrentía superficial estimada por el método SCS-CN. Sin embargo es possible encontrar una correspondencia entre las precipitaciones muy elevadas y la cobertura de agua. La occurencia de altas precipitaciones luego de un periodo lluvioso en un suelo con baja infiltración debido a una baja cobertura vegetal, aumenta la escorrentía superficial. La capacidad de infiltración del campo estudiado es de aproximadamente 16 mm/hora y un evento de lluvia extrema que se produce cada 20 años puede ser de 125 mm/día. Consecuentemente, no sería la baja infiltración la principal causa de la inundacion. No obstante, se aprecia que effectivamente un evento de 125 mm/día cubre 9 % del área en Don Joaquín y del El Amanecer. Con precipitaciones normales la cobertura es de aproximadamente 2 %. Cabe indicar que las precipitaciones registradas en la estación de Punta Indio durante los últimos 40 años, no manifiestan un comportamiento diferente en su occurencia y cantidad. En Pampa deprimida los campos se inundan frecuente, no solo debido a las precipitaciones locales y el amabiente de muy bajas pendientes. Los flujos de agua subterranea, aunque no se las pudo analizar en este estudio, también afuectuan las coberturas de agua. A fin de disminuirlos riesgos de inundación, el manejo debe garantizar una alta cobertura vegetal que aumente la infiltración y proteja al suelo y, de este modo, contribuir a controlar la natural dinámica hidrológica de la región en estudio. / Estudio del suelo, agua subterránea y vegetación, como base para definir ambientes de manejo en el partido de Magdalena
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Analyses of the impacts of bacteriological seepage emanating from pig farming on the natural environmentMofokeng, Dikonketso Shirley-may 03 1900 (has links)
Modern pig farming production may over burden the environment with organic substances, exposure of bacterial pathogens and introduction of resistance gene. This may be caused by the pig’s droppings, lack of seepage management or accidental spillage of seepage which may impact on the environment and its physicochemical parameters. The objective of this study is to determine and assess the level of bacteriological pollution emanating from the pig farm and their impact on the physicochemical parameters of soil and water as well as to identify the presence of antibiotic resistance gene of these prevailing bacteria. Soil and water samples were collected monthly for a period of six months (March- August 2013). Samples were collected at pig enclosures, soil 20 m and 100 m away from pig enclosures, constructed wetland used for treating pig farm wastewater, soil 20m and 100 m away from constructed wetland. Procedure followed for analysing soil and water samples includes physicochemical analyses, viable cell counts of 10-1 to 10-8 dilutions, identification of bacteria using API 20E test kit, antibiotic susceptibility analyses, and identification of resistance gene using molecular procedures. The media that were used for viable cell counts were, Nutrient agar, MacConkey Agar, Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agar (XLD agar), and Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB). Physicochemical parameters of water showed unacceptable high levels of analysed parameters for BOD (163 mg/L to 3350 mg/L), TDS (0.77 g/L to 6.48 mg/L), COD (210 mg/L to 9400 mg/L), NO3 (55 mg/L to 1680 mg/L), NO2 (37.5 mg/L to 2730 mg/L), and PO43− (50 mg/L to 1427 mg/L) were higher than the maximum permissible limits set by Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). For soil samples TDS (0.01g/L to 0.88 g/L), COD (40 mg/L to 304 mg/L), NO3 (32.5 mg/L to 475 mg/L), and NO2 (7.35 mg/L to 255 mg/L) and PO43- (32.5 mg/L to 475 mg/L ) were observed to be higher than recommended limits set by Federal Ministry for the Environmental (FME). The viable cells in soil samples 30cm depth ranged from 0 cfu/mL to 2.44 x 1010cfu/mL, in soil 5cm depth ranged from 1.00 x 101 cfu/mL to 1.91 x 1010 cfu/mL, and in water samples viable cells ranged from 5.00 x 101 to 5.05 x 109. Pseudomonas luteola (Ps. luteola), Escherichia vulneris (E. vulneris), Salmonella choleraesuis spp arizonae, Escherichia coli 1(E. coli 1), Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas flourescens/putida (Ps. flourescens/putida), Enterobacter aerogenes, Serratia ordoriferal, Pasteurella pneumotropica, Ochrobactrum antropi, Proteus vulgaris group, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella spp, Aeromonas Hydrophila/caviae/sobria1, Proteus Mirabillis, Vibrio fluvials, Rahnella aquatillis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Ps. aeruginosa), Burkholderia Cepacia, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (St. maltophilia), Shwenella putrefaciens, Klebsiela pneumonia, Cedecea davisa, Serratia liquefaciens, Serratia plymuthica, Enterobacter sakaziki, Citrobacter braakii, Enterobacter amnigenus 2, Yersinia pestis, Serratia ficaria, Enterobacter gergoriae, Enterobacter amnigenus 1, Serratia marcescens, Raoutella terrigena, Hafnia alvei 1, Providencia rettgeri, and Pantoa were isolated from soil and water samples from the pig farm. Isolates were highly resistant to Penicillin G, Sulphamethaxazole, Vancomycin, Tilmocozin, Oxytetracycline, Spectinomycin, Lincomycin, and Trimethoprim. The most resistance genes detected in most isolates were aa (6’)-le-aph (2”)-la, aph (2”)-lb, aph (3”)-llla, Van A, Van B, Otr A and Otr B. Pig farm seepage is causing bacterial pollution which is impacting negatively on the natural environment in the vicinity of pig farm by introducing bacterial pathogens that have an antibiotic resistance gene and is increasing the physicochemical parameters for soil and water in the natural environment at the pig farm.
It is therefore recommended that pig farms should consider the need to implement appropriate regulatory agencies that may include the regular monitoring of the qualities of final effluents from waste water treatment facilities. In addition there is a need to limit soil pollution in order to safe guard the natural environment in the vicinity of pig farm from bacteriological pollution and introduction of antibiotic resistance gene. It is also recommended that more advanced technologies should be introduced that will assist pig farms to manages the seepage properly. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Sciences)
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Investigating mechanical properties of ordinary portland cement : investigating improvements to the mechanical properties of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) bodies by utilizing the phase transformation properties of a ceramic (zirconia)Almadi, Alaa January 2012 (has links)
The effects of metastable tetragonal zirconia on the properties of Ordinary Portland Cement were observed during which the effect of crystallite size pH on the preparation solution, precursor salt, and the presence of co-precipitates, Fe(OH)3, SnO2 and SiO2 on the crystallization temperature, enthalpy and crystal structure, immediately following the crystallization exothermic burst phenomenon in ZrO2 were measured. Thermal analysis and x-ray methods were used to determine crystallite sizes and structures immediately following the exothermic burst. Comparisons were made for zirconias prepared from oxychloride, chloride and nitrate solutions. The existence of tetrameric hydroxidecontaining ions in oxychloride precursor is used to rationalise low values of crystallization enthalpy. The position of the crystallization temperature, Tmax was not dependent on crystallite size alone but also on the pH at which the gel was made, the surface pH after washing, and the presence of diluent oxides. Enthalpy v r1/2 and Tmax v (diluent vol)1/3 relationships indicate that surface coverage effects dominate a surface nucleated phenomenon. The data established for ZrO2 systems was used to develop tetragonal-ZrO2-SnO2 powders capable of improving the mechanical properties of Ordinary Portland Cement discs. The ZrO2-OPC discs were prepared by powder mixing, water hydration and uniaxial pressing. Vicat needle tests showed that tetragonal-ZrO2 increases the initial setting rate. Microscopy indicated that porosity distribution changes near to ZrO2 particles. Zirconia has also been introduced into OPC discs by vacuum infiltration methods developed for solutions and colloidal suspensions. Comparisons between OPC discs and the OPCtetragonal ZrO2 composites have been made on the basis of diametral compression strength, Young’s modulus, hardness and toughness (K1c), as estimated by the cracked indentation method. Bell-shaped curves are found for the way the mechanical properties are changed as a function of Zirconia content.
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Caracterização imunoistoquímica da infiltração de células imunes na histiocitose de células de Langerhans em pacientes pediátricos e adultos / Immunohistochemical characterization of immune cell infiltration in pediatric and adult Langerhans cell histiocytosisParedes, Silvia Elena Yacarini 02 October 2018 (has links)
A histiocitose de células de Langerhans (HCL) é uma neoplasia mieloide inflamatória comumente afetando pacientes pediátricos e apresenta frequentemente mutações ativadoras somáticas em genes da via MAPK, incluindo BRAF e MAP2K1. Vários estudos sugerem que as células lesionais da HCL podem recrutar e modular células inflamatórias e cujas citocinas parecem fornecer sinais recíprocos de sobrevivência celular. Para o presente estudo foram selecionados 15 casos de HCL (10 crianças, 5 adultos), sendo as amostras de tecido avaliadas através de imunoistoquímica utilizando marcadores para macrófagos (CD68 e CD163), células dendríticas maduras (CDm) (CD83 e CD208), linfócitos T regulatórios (LTregs) (CD4, CD25 e FOXP3) e linfócitos citotóxicos (LCs) (CD56, CD57, perforina e granzima B). Além disso, marcadores de células B (CD20), células T (CD3, CD8) e confirmatórios de HCL foram analisados. Todos os casos de HCL foram positivos para S100, CD1a, CD207 e CD4; enquanto que Bcl-2 e Ciclina D1 foram positivos em 13/15 (86,7%) casos. No microambiente imune intralesional, macrófagos M2 (CD68+/CD163+), seguidos por LTregs, foram as populações celulares mais predominantes. Em quantidade significativamente menor, foram observadas CDm, seguidas por escassos LCs. Considerando a população linfoide, linfócitos T CD3+ foram mais numerosos do que linfócitos B CD20+. Dentro dos linfócitos T, linfócitos T CD4+ foram mais numerosos do que linfócitos T CD8+ (p<0,05). Nossos resultados sugerem que a infiltração de células imunes na HCL, provavelmente através de mecanismos pró-tumorais, inflamatórios e/ou imunossupressores mediados por citocinas, pode promover o desenvolvimento e sobrevivência das células lesionais da HCL, fornecendo uma justificativa para a combinação de imunoterapia e terapia gênica (BRAF) na HCL / Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is an inflammatory myeloid neoplasia often affecting children with constitutively somatic activating mutations in MAPK pathway genes including BRAF and MAP2K1. Several studies suggest that LCH cells can recruit and modulate inflammatory cells and whose cytokines appear provide reciprocal survival signals. For the present study, 15 cases of LCH (10 children, 5 adults) were selected, and the tissue samples were evaluated through immunohistochemistry using markers for macrophages (CD68 and CD163), mature dendritic cells (mDC) (CD83 and CD208), regulatory T-cells (Tregs) (CD4, CD25 and FOXP3) and cytotoxic lymphocytes (CLs) (CD56, CD57, perforin and granzime B). Moreover, B-cell (CD20), T-cell (CD3, CD8) and LCH markers were analyzed. All LCH cases were positive for S100, CD1a, CD207 and CD4, while Bcl-2 and Cyclin D1 were positive in 13/15 cases (86.7%). In the immune microenvironment, M2-polarized macrophages (CD68+/CD163+), followed by LTregs, were the predominant cell populations. In a significantly lower amount, mDC were observed, followed by scarce CLs. Moreover, CD3+ Tcells than CD20+ B-cells were more numerous (p>0.05), the former presenting a higher number of CD4+ than CD8+ T-cells (p<0.05). Our results suggest that immune cell infiltration in LCH, probably through cytokine-mediated pro-tumoral, inflammatory and/or immunosupressive mechanisms, can promote LCH cell development and survival, providing a rationale for combining immunotherapy and BRAF-targeted therapy in LCH
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Proposta de procedimentos para a estimativa da infiltração potencial e do escoamento superficial Hortoniano potencial baseada em dados geológicos, geotécnicos, de uso e ocupação e eventos de chuva / Proposal of procedures for potential infiltration and Hortonian overland flow estimation based on geological, geotechnical, land uses and rainfall events dataFailache, Moisés Furtado 13 April 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese foi propor um conjunto de procedimentos para a obtenção de dados geológico-geotécnicos e de usos e manejo do solo, afim de estimar e analisar de forma integrada a infiltração potencial e a geração de escoamento superficial Hortoniano potencial de uma região. As regiões estudadas compreenderam as folhas do IBGE de São Carlos e Araraquara, localizadas no centro leste do Estado de São Paulo. O método utilizado englobou: mapeamento geológico-geotécnico dos materiais geológicos; elaboração de modelos geológicos estruturados 3D; seleção dos eventos de chuvas; caracterização físico química das águas subsuperficiais; trabalhos de campo; ensaios laboratoriais e in situ; aplicação de funções de pedotransferência. A partir destes procedimentos estabeleceu-se às diversas condições de infiltração e caracterizou-se a variabilidade geológico e geotécnica dos materiais geológicos, que permitiu selecionar os parâmetros mais adequados e integra-los no modelo de infiltração de Chu (1978). Os resultados da infiltração potencial e do escoamento superficial Hortoniano potencial gerado variaram significativamente em função das características geológico-geotécnicas dos materiais geológicos e dos tipos de eventos de chuva. As 65 unidades de condição de infiltração obtidas foram classificadas com base nas curvas de infiltração e nos valores de infiltração potencial em 5 grupos com características distintas. Ao associar estes grupos a região de estudo, foi possível identificar as principais áreas potenciais de infiltração e geração de escoamento superficial Hortoniano, bem como compreender a sua relação com funções ambientais associadas a dinâmica de água. A partir dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que é fundamental caracterizar adequadamente à variabilidade geológico-geotécnica dos materiais geológicos para estimar confiavelmente a infiltração potencial. A caracterização deve considerar os diversos métodos de obtenção de dados, tais como ensaios de laboratório e in situ, e aplicação de funções de pedotransferência. Em estudos relacionados à dinâmica de água é essencial realizar a integração de diferentes dados e considerar a sazonalidade dos tipos de uso e manejo e das chuvas. A sistemática proposta permitiu analisar de forma simples, quantitativa e adequada a infiltração e a geração escoamento superficial Hortoniano, a qual constitui-se como uma ferramenta apropriada para o planejamento territorial regional e o gerenciamento de recursos hídricos. / The objective of this thesis was to propose a set of procedures to obtain geological and geotechnical and land uses data, and integrate then in order to estimate and analyze the potential infiltration and Hortonian overland flow of a region. The study regions included the IBGE sheets from São Carlos and Araraquara, located in the centre east portion of São Paulo State-Brazil. The used methods included engineering geological mapping; elaboration of structured 3D geological models; selection of rainfall events; chemical and physical characterization of groundwater; fieldwork; laboratory and in situ tests and application of pedotransfer functions. From these procedures, the various infiltration conditions were defined and the geological and geotechnical variability of the geological materials was characterized, which permitted to select the most adequate parameters and integrating them into Chu (1978) infiltration model. The potential infiltration and Hortonian overland flow varied significantly, depending on the geological and geotechnical characteristics of the geological materials and rainfall event types. The 65 infiltration condition units obtained were classified based on the infiltration curves and potential infiltration values into 5 groups with different characteristics. By associating these groups with the study regions, it was possible to identify the main potential areas of infiltration and generation of Hortonian overland flow, as well as to understand its relation with environmental functions associated with water dynamics. Based on the results, it is concluded that is essential to characterize adequately the geological and geotechnical variability of geological materials to estimate reliably the potential infiltration. The characterization should taking into account the whole variety of data obtaining methods, such as laboratory and in situ tests, and application of pedotransfer functions. In studies related to water dynamics, it is fundamental to integrate different data and to consider the seasonality of land uses and management practices and rainfall event types. The proposed set of procedures permitted to analyze in a simple, quantitative and appropriate way the potential infiltration and the generation of the Hortonian overland flow, constituting an appropriate tool for regional territorial planning and water management.
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Análise da variabilidade espacial da precipitação e parâmetros hidrológicos em bacia experimental: estudo da transformação da chuva em uma pequena bacia hidrográfica urbana / Analysis of the spatial variability of precipitation and of hydrologic parameters in experimental basin: study of rainfall-runoff transformation in a small urban hydrographic basinSilva, Karla de Andrade e 11 April 2003 (has links)
A primeira parte deste trabalho consistiu na instalação de pluviógrafos e linígrafos e levantamento de eventos hidrológicos com a obtenção de dados da distribuição espacial de precipitações observadas e hidrogramas resultantes. Experimentos de infiltração de água no solo foram realizados a partir de infiltrômetro de disco a fim de caracterizar a variabilidade espacial da condutividade hidráulica na bacia, obtendo-se dois conjuntos de dados que mostraram ser lognormalmente distribuídos com médias iguais a 15,8 mm/h e 5,47 mm/h. Estudo teórico foi conduzido na segunda parte do trabalho compreendendo o desenvolvimento de modelo hidrológico. A concepção do modelo parte da premissa de que toda a área da bacia possa ser representada por células derivadas de um modelo numérico de terreno (MNT), especificando-se em cada célula o equacionamento hidráulico-hidrológico. As heterogeneidades do solo e da precipitação foram estudadas através de simulação do modelo considerando-se distribuições espaciais diferentes para a condutividade hidráulica saturada e eventos de chuva. Os resultados mostraram que as diferenças entre as vazões de pico podem ser maiores que 100% , considerando-se graus de resolução máximo e mínimo quanto à precipitação, e reafirmaram o consenso de que o conhecimento da distribuição espacial da chuva é fundamental na calibração de modelos hidrológicos distribuídos. / In first part of this work consists on the installation of pluviographic, water-height graphs and surveying of hydrological events with obtained data from spatial distribution of precipitation observed and resultant hydrograms. Experiments of water infiltration in the soil were done by an infiltrometer disc to characterize the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity and the losses of infiltration in the basin obtaining two sets of data that showed to be lognormally distributed in average equal to 15.8 mm/h and 5.47 mm/h. A theoric study was conduced in the second part of work comprehending the development of hydrologic model distributed. The conception of the model proceed from the premise that allbasin area can be represented by cells derived from a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) specifying in each cell the hydraulic equation - hydrologic. The soil heterogeneity and the precipitation were studied by model simulation considering spatial distributions different to the hydraulic conductivity satured of the soil and to pluvial events. The results pointed out the differences among peak outflow can be more than 100% considering minimum and maximumresolution degrees as the precipitation and affirmed the consensus that the acquaintance of the pluvial spatial distribution is fundamental in the adjustment of hydrologic models distributed.
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Estudo da degradação dos solos em áreas de pastagens no município de Porto Velho (RO) /Silva Filho, Eliomar Pereira da. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Roberto Cottas / Banca: Marilia Locatelli / Banca: Evaristo Castro Junior / Banca: Juércio Tavares de Mattos / Banca: Jairo Roberto Jiménez Rueda / Resumo: O histórico das modificações do uso da terra em Rondônia, e mais especificamente no município de Porto Velho, mostra transformações de grandes áreas de florestas em pastagens com rápida degradação de seus solos. A criação extensiva de gado de corte é a principal causa da ocupação e uso das terras no Estado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a degradação ambiental associada à compactação dos solos por pisoteio animal. Foram considerados solos em pastagens degradadas, com vinte anos de pastejo, e florestas naturais em manchas contínuas de um Latossolo Amarelo Distrófico (LAd) e um Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo Distrófico plíntico (PVAd). A avaliação da densidade máxima e umidade ideal, obtida pelo Ensaio de Proctor, bem como observações referentes às diferenças da densidade aparente e a umidade dos solos, em seus limites inferior e superior de água disponível, registraram valores de compactação acima de 2,5 MPa indicando um nível prejudicial ao desenvolvimento radicular de algumas espécies. A resistência mecânica à penetração nas duas classes de solos ocorreu entre 0 - 10 cm com aumento entre 11 - 20 cm de profundidade, sendo que o Latossolo mostrou-se mais compactado em ambiente de pastagem que o Argissolo. As taxas de infiltração básica nas áreas de pastagens e de florestas evidenciaram diferenças entre os ambientes e seus solos, com reduções da infiltração básica nas áreas de pastagens do Latossolo. Influências antrópicas próximas das áreas de pastagens apresentaram-se como fatores associados na distribuição dos altos índices de compactação detectados. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram de forma satisfatória os índices mais e menos significativos de caráter físico e químico da fertilidade para as áreas de pastagens e comparativamente as de floresta, permitindo detectar as áreas mais compactadas e suas relações aos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The history of land use changes in Rondônia, and more specifically the city of Porto Velho, shows transformations of large forest areas into pastures with rapid soils degradation. The extensive beef cattle creation is the main cause of the occupation and land use in the state. The objective of this study was to evaluate the environmental degradation associated with soil compaction by cattle trampling. It was considered soils in degraded pastures, with twenty years of grazing, and natural forest patches in a continuous Oxisol Distrophic (LAd) and a Ultisol (Red Yellow Distrophic Plinthic - PVAd). The maximum density and optimum moisture content evaluation obtained by the Proctor test and observations relating to differences in bulk density and soil moisture on its lower and upper limits of available water, recorded values of compaction above 2.5 MPa indicating a detrimental level to root development for some species. The mechanical resistance to penetration in the two soil classes occurred between 0 to 10 cm with an increase between 11 to 20 cm deep, and the Oxisol was more compressed in a pasture environment than in the Ultisol. The basic infiltration rates in pasture areas and forests showed differences between environments and soils, with reductions of basic infiltration in Oxisol pasture areas. Anthropogenic influences near pasture areas were factors associated in the distribution of high compaction indexes detected. The obtained results showed as satisfactory manner the most and least significant indexes for physical and chemical nature of fertility in pasture areas compared to forest, allowing to detect the most compressed areas and their relationship to physical and chemical parameters considered in this study. / Doutor
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Determinação do coeficiente e expoente de escoamento em esquadrias nacionais, para análise de infiltração de ar em edificaçõesSantos, Henrique Zenker dos 21 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2017-02-08T14:37:06Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-10-21 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Países desenvolvidos apresentam crescimento contínuo nas taxas globais de consumo de energia. Um dos fatores preponderantes está relacionado ao uso de condicionadores de ar para manutenção das condições de conforto no interior de edificações, onde tal parcela já atinge valores de consumo superiores aos dos setores de indústria e transporte. Sabe-se que o consumo devido ao condicionamento de ar afeta diretamente o desempenho energético e ambiental de uma edificação e, por conseguinte, a qualidade de habitação e de vida dos usuários. No Brasil este processo ocasiona um vertiginoso incremento nos gastos públicos, com inúmeras consequências de ordem econômica e social. Dados do Ministério de Minas e Energia indicam que 20% da energia consumida no país é destinada ao abastecimento de residências. Cenário este que tende a evoluir devido aos constantes lançamentos do mercado imobiliário, derivativos de planos habitacionais estimulados pelo governo federal (como o Minha Casa Minha Vida), em decorrência do déficit habitacional registrado no país. Atrelado a isso observa-se o baixo padrão construtivo das edificações e o emprego de materiais e esquadrias de qualidade igualmente diminutas, que acarretam em ineficiências de carga térmica. A taxa de infiltração em uma edificação é regida pela relação estabelecida por uma equação de lei de potência, caracterizada pela presença de um coeficiente de escoamento “C” e um expoente de escoamento “n” (geralmente da ordem de 0,667 [-]). Esta dissertação apresenta, para uma esquadria de alumínio, modelo de correr, o coeficiente de escoamento C = 0,028 [dm³/s.m.Pan] e o expoente de escoamento “n” 0,552 [-]. Para uma esquadria de PVC, modelo integrado, o coeficiente de escoamento C = 0,022 [dm³/s.m.Pan] e o expoente de escoamento “n” 0,605 [-]. / Developed countries have continued growth in global energy consumption rates. One of the most important factors is related to the use of air conditioners to the comfort conditions inside buildings’ maintenance, which such a part already reaches consumption values higher than the industry and transportation sectors. It is known that consumption due to air conditioning directly affects the energy and environmental performance of a building and therefore the house’s quality and the people’s life. In Brazil, this process leads to a big increase in public spending, with many consequences of economic and social order. Information from the Ministry of Mines and Energy indicate that 20% of the energy consumed in the country is used for supplying homes. This scenario tends to evolve due to the constant housing market releases, derived from housing plans stimulated by the federal government (such as “Minha Casa Minha vida”), in consequence of the housing deficit registered in the country. Related to this, it is observed the low construction standards of buildings and the use of materials and frames of low quality that lead to thermal load inefficiencies. Engineers and architects spend a part of their activities in creating scenarios for evaluating the thermal load calculation and vulnerability due to the influence caused by air infiltration into the environment. The infiltration rate of a building is managed by the established relationship by a power law equation, which is characterized by a flow coefficient "C" and a flow exponent "n" (usually on the value of 0.667 [-]). This work shows for an aluminum window, sliding template, the flow coefficient C = 0.028 [dm³/s.m.Pan] and the flow exponent "n" 0.552 [-]. For PVC window, integrated model, the flow coefficient C = 0.022 [dm³/s.m.Pan] and the exponent flow "n" 0.605 [-].
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Assessing Amendment Treatments for Sodic Soil Reclamation in Arid Land EnvironmentsUdy, Sandra 01 December 2019 (has links)
Plugged and abandoned well pads throughout the Uintah Basin face reclamation challenges due to factors including a harsh climate, invasive species, and high salt loads. Finding ways to alleviate soil sodicity could improve soil reclamation success. Gypsum, sulfur, activated carbon, and Biochar are being applied to improve soil parameters negatively impacted by sodicity, but the direct impact of these amendments on Uintah Basin soils is still largely unknown. The aim of this study was two-fold. (1) Evaluate the effectiveness of gypsum, sulfuric acid, Biochar, activated carbon, and combinations of these amendments in reducing the impact of soil sodicity of the Desilt and Conglomerate soils by measuring amendment impact on percent dispersion, saturated hydraulic conductivity, crust bulk density, infiltration, and crust formation. (2) Compare a crust bulk density method using ImageJ to the clod wax density method and a modified linear extensibility percent equation to the linear extensibility percent equation to assess whether the novel methods can be used to accurately measure and calculate soil crust bulk density and shrink swell potential while reducing human error and analysis time.
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