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Magnetic resonance imaging of leg muscle structure and composition in women with and without osteoporosisLorbergs, Amanda 11 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Bone loss, fractures, and declining physical performance are associated with muscle atrophy and fat infiltration. Muscle structure and composition differences may be apparent between women with and without osteoporosis (OP).
Purpose: To: 1) evaluate the effect of a time period spent in supine on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of muscle size and diffusion properties in young and older women; 2) assess the feasibility of applying three MRI scanning methods to evaluate macrostructural and microstructural properties of leg muscles in older women; and 3) compare musculoskeletal tissue structure and composition between older women with and without OP, and to determine the relationships between bone, muscle, fat, and physical performance.
Methods: Sixteen young and older women had their legs scanned with MRI at baseline and after 30 and 60 minutes of supine resting. Feasibility of recruitment, participant tolerance to scanning, and image acquisition and analysis protocols were assessed. Thirty-five moderately active, older women with and without OP underwent MRI and peripheral quantitative computed tomography scanning of the leg and performed physical performance tests.
Results: In young and older women, muscle size did not change with time spent supine, but water diffusivity decreased in some muscle regions. It is feasible to perform a single session of three MRI scanning techniques in older women. Women with and without OP had similar musculoskeletal structure that showed fat infiltration is associated with reduced bone strength and slower gait speed.
Conclusions: In young and older women, muscle size is unaffected by a period of supine rest, but time spent in supine may modify water diffusivity measures. It is feasible to use a combination of MRI scanning techniques to evaluate leg muscle structure in older women. MRI improves our understanding of the relationships among muscle, fat, bone, and physical performance. / Dissertation / Doctor of Science (PhD)
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Modelling of Inflow and Infiltration into Wastewater Systems with Regression and Random Forest / Modellering av Inflöde och Infiltration i Avloppssystem med Regression och Random ForestSteen Danielsson, Viggo January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the validity of statistical modelling, with regards to flow in wastewater systems based on precipitation. A wastewater system, which is a system of pump-stations connected via pipes, is affected by precipitation as rainwater enters the system. The rainwater that enters the system can sometimes, especially if the precipitation is heavy, increase the flow by several hundred percent. The goal with the models created for this report was, to first predict how much rainwater there was in the wastewater system based on precipitation, and second, to examine where in a geographical grid this rainwater entered the system. For the first goal a linear regression model was applied, this model showed that it was indeed possible to predict excess water in the system, but large errors for individual time points where to be expected, especially for light precipitation. For the second goal a random forest model was applied. This model however gave no additional insight beyond what an initial correlation study between precipitation in different parts of the geographical grid and flow had already shown. The areas in the geographical grid pointed out by both the random forest model and the initial correlation study were not the actual uptake areas of the pump-station these models were applied to. This leads to the conclusion that for the data set used, and with the models applied in the manner in which they were in this thesis, it was not possible to predict where rainwater enters the system. / Målet med den här rapporten var att undersöka möjligheten att modellera regnvattens påverkan på vattenflödet i avloppsystem, med statistiska modeller. Ett avloppsystem är i dess enklaste form ett nätverk av pumpstationer sammanbunda med rör. Det här systemen påverkas av nederbörd då oönskat regnvatten kommer in via stuprör, avloppsbrunnar och sprickor i rören. Regnvattnet kan i vissa fall, särskilt under perioder med mycket nederbörd, öka flödet i avloppsystemet med flera hundra procent. Modellerna tillverkade för den här rapporten undersökte två olika aspekter av regnvattnets påverkan: Kan flöde i avloppssystemet modelleras med regnvatten? Och kan modellerna avgöra var regnvatten kommer in i avloppsystemet? Den första frågan undersöktes med linjär regressionsanalys, modellerna tillverkade med regression visade att det gick att modellera flöde i avloppsystemet med regnvatten, det bör dock nämnas att stora fel i enskilda tidssteg var att förvänta, speciellt för modellering då nederbörden är låg. Den andra frågan utvärderades med en ”random forest” modell. Den här modellen gav ingen ytterligare information angående var regnvatten kommer in i systemet, utöver vad som redan hade visats av en korrelationsstudie gjord i början av projektet. Både korrelationsstudien och ”random forest” modellen visade också på att regnvattnet kom från platser som inte var sammankopplade med den pumpstation testerna gjordes på. På grund av detta drogs slutsatsen att det inte gick att ta reda på var regnvattnet kommer in i systemet, med den data som använts, och på det sätt som modellerna har använts i den här rapporten.
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Grundvatten som dricksvattenresurs i kustnära kommuner / Groundwater as drinking water resources in coastal municipalitiesGarpefjäll, Matilda, Johansson, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
Dricksvatten är en livsviktig resurs. Att varje hushåll får dricksvatten ser vi idag ofta som självklart, dock har vatten som dricksvattenresurs en begränsning inte minst i kommuner utmed Sveriges kust. I dessa kustnära kommuner finns mängder av fritidsbostäder som allt fler ägare väljer att utnyttja som permanentbostäder. Kustkommunerna, som tidigare inte valt att bygga ut vatten- och avloppsnätet till dessa bostadsområden, har inte haft möjlighet att hinna anpassa utbyggnaden efter det nya befolkningsantalet. Istället tas dricksvattenförsörjningen från grundvattnet via enskilda bergborrade brunnar. Den snabba inflyttningen ökar därmed uttaget av grundvatten från brunnar som kanske inte har den kapacitet som krävs för att försörja allt fler permanentbostäder. Denna studie är begränsad till tre kommuner längs Sveriges östkust, Norrtälje-, Tyresö- och Oskarshamns kommun. Grundvattenbildningen och magasineringen av grundvattnet i dessa områden är mycket begränsad på grund av den geologiska bildningen, vilket hotar grundvattennivåerna. Därav är det viktigt för kommunerna att bevara de täkter som finns i kommunen. För att säkra kommunernas grundvattenförekomster kan vattenskyddsområden införas och gamla vattenskyddsområden kompletteras. De tre kommunerna arbetar alla för en hållbar dricksvattenförsörjning. Ingen av dem når dock upp till den önskvärda nivån av hållbarhet. Både Norrtälje- och Oskarshamns kommun har vattenskyddsområden för sina betydande vattentäkter. Tyresö kommun har dock inga vattenskyddsområden, de har istället naturreservat och nationalparker som även skyddar vattnet i kommunen. Dock löser inte ett vattenskyddsområde eller skydd av annat slag problemet med ett överutnyttjat grundvattenuttag. Där krävs metoder för att se till att uttagen är mindre än nybildningen av grundvatten. En sådan metod är beräkning av grundvattenbalansen i området, som visar när grundvattenbildningen sker och när uttagen är som störst under en viss tidsperiod. Därefter kan då uttagen planeras utefter vattentäktens kapacitet. En annan lösning är att bidra till en ökad grundvattenbildning via konstgjord väg. Det kan ske via till exempel sprinklers eller ytvattendammar, där dessa kan tillföra vatten till grundvattnet och därmet kan uttag göras utefter den nya grundvattenbildningens förmåga. Utöver dessa förslag krävs att kommunernas nuvarande råd och riktlinjer för enskild vattenförsörjning skärps till lagar och regler. I detaljplanen kan även styrmedel läggas in så som antal brunnar, brunnsdjup och maximalt uttag för kommunen. Detta blir då juridiskt bindande och betydande viktigt för den enskilda vattenförsörjningen och för hållbarhetsarbetet. Det finns därav många åtgärder som måste vidtas snarast för kommunerna för att de ska kunna uppnå miljömålet “Grundvatten av god kvalitet”, vilket nu ser ouppnåeligt ut för sin tidsgräns till 2020. / Drinking water is a vital resource that often is taken for granted. This is a problem not least in municipalities along the coast of Sweden. This due to the salty sea water that pushes towards land. It is very popular in today's society to live in coastal areas. There are both many vacation houses but also a lot of permanent livings. It is common these days that people choose to turn their vacation house into permanent living house and that has its effects on the drinking water resource. The houses of coastal areas are getting their drinking water from individual wells instead of the communal water. The main problem for the drinking water in the coastal areas are therefore the quality of the groundwater. There are risk for infiltration of salt water to the ground water. When the salt reaches the ground water, it will end up in the well and reduce the quality. That makes it a huge problem in these areas. Not to mention that the groundwater reservoirs are very limited in these territories, which limits the groundwater as a drinking water resource at the coast. To exemplify the facts, this study will cover the information for three different municipalities along the coast of Sweden. These are Norrtälje, Tyresö and Oskarsham. The drinking water supply in these three municipalities are similar but one thing that is different is the plan for sustainable drinking water supplies. Building and storage of groundwater in these areas is very limited due to the geological formation, which threatens groundwater levels. In order to secure the municipalities groundwater reservoirs, water protection areas can be made. The three municipalities all work for sustainable drinking water supply, but none of them manage to reach the goal “sustainable”. Both Norrtälje and Oskarshamn has water protection areas for its significant water resources. However, Tyresö has no water conservation areas, but they have nature reserves and national parks instead, that also protect the water. A water protection does not solve the problem of an over-exploited groundwater outlet. There are methods required to ensure that the outlets are smaller than the formation of groundwater. Such a method is the calculation of the groundwater balance in the area, which shows when the groundwater formation occurs and when the outlet is the largest during a certain period of time. After that, the outlet can be planned according to the capacity of the water source. Another solution is to contribute to increased groundwater formation through artificial infiltration. This can be done by sprinklers or surface water ponds, where they can supply water to the groundwater, and the outlet can be taken along the new groundwater formation. In addition to these proposals, the current advices and guidelines for individual water supply need to be tightened up and be replaced with laws and regulations. There are many moves that must be taken as soon as possible for the municipalities to achieve the goal "Grundvatten av god kvalitet", which is now unreachable for its time limit by 2020.
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Biogeochemical Cycling And Nutrient Control Strategies For Groundwater At Stormwater Infiltration BasinsO'Reilly, Andrew M 01 January 2012 (has links)
Elevated concentrations of nutrients, particularly nitrate, in groundwater and springs in Florida are a growing resource management concern. Stormwater infiltration basins, which are a common stormwater management practice in the well-drained karst terrain areas of Florida, are a potentially important source of nutrients to the groundwater system because stormwater exits the basin by only evaporation or infiltration. To better understand the biogeochemical processes integrating stormwater infiltration impacts on groundwater resources in a field-scale setting, a combination of hydrologic, soil chemistry, water chemistry, dissolved and soil gas, isotope, and microbiological data was collected from 2007 through 2010 at two stormwater infiltration basins receiving runoff from predominantly residential watersheds in north-central Florida. Substantially different biogeochemical processes affecting nitrogen fate and transport were observed beneath the two stormwater infiltration basins. Differences are related to soil textural properties that deeply link hydroclimatic conditions with soil moisture variations in a humid, subtropical climate. During 2008, shallow groundwater beneath the basin with predominantly clayey soils (median 41% silt+clay content) exhibited decreases in dissolved oxygen from 3.8 to 0.1 mg/L and decreases in nitrate-nitrogen from 2.7 mg/L to less than 0.016 mg/L, followed by manganese and iron reduction, sulfate reduction, and methanogenesis. In contrast, beneath the basin with predominantly sandy soils (median 2% silt+clay content), aerobic conditions persisted from 2007 through 2009 (dissolved oxygen of 5.0â€"7.8 mg/L), resulting in nitrate-nitrogen of 1.3â€"3.3 mg/L in shallow groundwater. Soil extractable nitrate-nitrogen was significantly lower and the copper-containing nitrite reductase gene density was significantly higher beneath the clayey basin. Differences in moisture retention capacity between fine- and coarse-textured soils resulted in median volumetric gas-phase contents of 0.04 beneath the clayey basin and 0.19 beneath the sandy basin, inhibiting surface/subsurface oxygen exchange beneath the clayey basin. Subsurface biogeochemical processes at the clayey stormwater infiltration basin were further analyzed to better understand the effects of the highly variable hydrologic conditions common in humid, subtropical climates. Cyclic variations in biogeochemical processes generally coincided with wet and dry hydroclimatic conditions. Oxidizing conditions in the subsurface persisted for about one month or less at the beginning of wet periods with dissolved oxygen and nitrate showing similar temporal patterns. Reducing conditions in the subsurface evolved during prolonged flooding of the basin. At about the same time oxygen and nitrate reduction concluded, manganese, iron, and sulfate reduction began, with the onset of methanogenesis one month later. Reducing conditions persisted up to six months, continuing into subsequent dry periods until the next major oxidizing infiltration event. Evidence of denitrification in shallow groundwater at the site is supported by median nitrate-nitrogen less than 0.016 mg/L, excess nitrogen gas up to 3 mg/L progressively enriched in delta-15N during prolonged basin flooding, and isotopically heavy delta-15N and delta-18O of nitrate (up to 25 and 15 per mil, respectively). Isotopic enrichment of newly infiltrated stormwater suggests denitrification was partially completed within two days. Soil and water chemistry data suggest a biogeochemically active zone exists in the upper 1.4 m of soil, where organic carbon was the likely electron donor supplied by organic matter in soil solids or dissolved in infiltrating stormwater. The cyclic nature of reducing conditions effectively controlled the nitrogen cycle, switching nitrogen fate beneath the basin from nitrate leaching to reduction in the shallow saturated zone. Soil beneath the sandy stormwater infiltration basin was amended using biosorption activated media (BAM) to study the effectiveness of this technology in reducing inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus to groundwater. The functionalized soil amendment BAM consists of a 1.0:1.9:4.1 mixture (by volume) of tire crumb (to increase sorption capacity), silt and clay (to increase soil moisture retention), and sand (to promote sufficient infiltration), which was applied to develop an innovative best management practice (BMP) utilizing nutrient reduction and flood control sub-basins. Construction and materials costs, excluding profit and permit fees, for the innovative BMP were about $US 65 per square meter of basin bottom. Comparison of nitrate/chloride ratios for the shallow groundwater indicate that prior to using BAM, nitrate concentrations were substantially influenced by nitrification or variations in nitrate input. In contrast, for the new basin utilizing BAM, nitrate/chloride ratios indicate minor nitrification and nitrate losses with the exception of one summer sample that indicated a 45% loss. Biogeochemical indicators (denitrifier activity derived from real-time polymerase chain reaction and variations in major ions, nutrients, dissolved and soil gases, and stable isotopes) suggest nitrate losses are primarily attributable to denitrification, whereas dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium and plant uptake are minor processes. Denitrification was likely occurring intermittently in anoxic microsites in the unsaturated zone, which was enhanced by increased soil moisture within the BAM layer and resultant reductions in surface/subsurface oxygen exchange that produced conditions conducive to increased denitrifier activity. Concentrations of total dissolved phosphorus and orthophosphate were reduced by more than 70% in unsaturated zone soil water, with the largest decreases in the BAM layer where sorption was the most likely mechanism for removal. Post-BAM orthophosphate/chloride ratios for shallow groundwater indicate predominantly minor increases and decreases in orthophosphate with the exception of one summer sample that indicated a 50% loss. Differences in nutrient variations between the unsaturated zone and shallow groundwater may be the result of the intensity and duration of nutrient removal processes and mixing ratios with water that had undergone little biogeochemical transformation. In order to quantify potential processes leading to observed nitrogen losses beneath the innovative BMP, an integrated infiltration basinâ€"nitrogen reduction (IBNR) system dynamics model was developed. Based on two simulation periods, the IBNR model indicated denitrification accounted for a loss of about one-third of the total dissolved nitrogen mass inflow and was occurring predominantly in the BAM layer. The IBNR model results in combination with the field-based biogeochemical assessment demonstrated that the innovative BMP using the functionalized soil amendment BAM is a promising passive, economical, stormwater nutrient-treatment technology. Further field- and laboratory-scale research on the long-term sustainability of nutrient losses and further elucidation of causative physicochemical and biogeochemical mechanisms would contribute to improved BAM performance and green infrastructure development in the future.
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Determining the efficiency of selected vegetated biofilters in reducing nutrients from urban stormwater in the city of Ekurhuleni, South AfricaBvumbi, Mulalo Justice 11 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology. / Over time, the quality standard of stormwater in the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) has deteriorated due to industrial, commercial, residential and farming activities. Stormwater quality directly impacts the treatment chain of potable water, and therefore, it should be kept in check at all stages. Innovations in the biofiltration process can provide useful, practical solutions to overcome crucial stormwater pollution problems. In 2013, the CoE developed stormwater design guidelines and standards to be implemented for the design of stormwater management, which include the principles of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) in particular. The CoE stormwater design guidelines and standards do not provide details on how the city plans to implement SuDS treatment trains to reduce stormwater pollution experienced by the city. This study aimed to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of vegetated biofilters on the stormwater treatment using CoE – Olifantsfontain's natural stormwater and to determine the most suitable vegetation to be used in the region. The CoE experimental case study was conducted to assess the efficiency of selected vegetated biofilters in lowering the concentration of orthophosphate (PO4-3), ammonium (NH4+), and nitrate (NO3-) from Tembisa/Olifantsfontain stormwater.
In the experimental setup, six selected plant species were planted into 30 vegetated biofilter columns, namely: Agapanthus praecox (Dryland plant), Carpobrotus edulis (Dryland plant), Stenotaphrum secundatum (Dryland plant), Zantedeschia aethiopica (Wetland plant), Typha capensis (Wetland plant) and Phragmites australis (Wetland plant). The six species were grouped according to general habitats, i.e. three wetland and three dryland plants. Wetland plants were planted into fifteen vegetated biofilters, and dryland plants were also planted on another fifteen vegetated biofilters. The biofilters contained layers of sandy loam soil, coarse and and gravel sand. Each biofilter had a designated inlet and outlet section fitted with a gate valve to control retention time. The raw stormwater consisting of natural nutrient pollutants was applied to each vegetated biofilter through the inlet section. The samples were collected from the inlet and outlet of the six grouped vegetated biofilters during the month of June. All six plant species reduced outflow concentrations of PO4-3 and NH4+ by an average of 99% and 98%, respectively. The results also show that all plant species excluding Phragmites australis were able to reduce NO3- with outflow concentrations being reduced by an average of 58%.
From the results obtained, it may be concluded that all the six plant species may be suitable variants to be applied as biofilter material for the purposes of treating urban stormwater in the CoE. The reason is that the determined removal efficiencies for bio-retention fall within 50% – 60% for PO4-3, and 40% - 50% for NH4+ and NO3- respectively. The results also show that if the plant species were applied for SuDs in the CoE, there could be a great improvement in the urban stormwater quality with the consequent improvement in both surface and groundwater quality of the receiving water bodies in the area. Regardless of the nutrient removal by selected plant species, the inclusion of vegetation in a field setting would slow flow rates and thus encourage infiltration into the soil, improve water quality, and support urban biodiversity. In the CoE, all the selected species could be used in the SuDS treatment trains targeting PO4-3, NH4+ and/or NO3-. The case study results provide a informed records for the CoE in the future/intended application SuDs in the upgrade/rehabilitation of its stormwater system.
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Advanced Techniques for Carbon Nanotube Templated MicrofabricationLund, Jason Matthew 01 December 2019 (has links)
Carbon nanotube templated microfabrication (CNT-M) is a term describing a grouping of processes where carbon nanotubes (CNTs) serve a structural role in the fabrication of a material or device. In its basic form, CNT-M is comprised of two steps: produce a template made from carbon nanotubes and infiltrate the porous template with an additional material. Vertically aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) templates can be grown to heights ranging from microns to millimeters and lithographically patterned to a desired form. Deposition of an existing thin film material onto a CNT template will coat all template surfaces and can produce a near solid material with dimensions on the millimeter scale with resulting material properties coming primarily from the thin film. Progress within CNT-M falls broadly within one of two categories: control of the CNT template's properties and form, or control of infiltration and new materials.Three-dimensional CNT templates were developed to allow patterned multilayer VACNT structures. In one embodiment, VACNTs were grown below an existing, patterned and capillary-formed VACNT structure by reusing the original catalyst in combination with newly deposited catalyst to create a CNT-based microneedle array on a VACNT support. In another embodiment, VACNTs were mechanically coupled from the initial stages of growth to create a smooth, low porosity surface on which a secondary, patterned CNT forest was grown using standard film deposition and lithographic techniques.A microfabrication compatible thermal barrier was produced using CNTs as a sacrificial template for silicon oxide. The resulting thermal barrier exhibited a thermal conductivity that could be tuned across 2 orders of magnitude based on the degree to which the sacrificial template was removed. Carbon infiltrated carbon nanotubes (CI-CNTs) were produced that exhibited a Young's modulus ranging from 5GPa to 26GPa based on controlled process parameters. Porosity, centroid position, and the second moment of area was calculated from SEM images of CI-CNT structures using an automatic pore identification technique. The porosity results suprisingly show little to no porosity gradient across the width of the structure and a nearly linear increase in porosity from the top to bottom. This work advances the understanding of existing CNT-M processes and demonstrates novel techniques for producing future CNT templates.
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<strong>Countermeasures for Preventing Malicious Infiltration on the Information Technology Supply Chain</strong>Leah Michelle Roberts (15952769) 31 May 2023 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>Supply chain security continues to be an overlooked field with consequences that can disrupt industrial complexes, cause irreparable harm to critical infrastructure services, and bring unparalleled devastation to human lives. These risks, once constrained to physical tactics, have advanced to undetectable cyber strategies as in the case of the infamous third-party attacks on Target and SolarWinds (Wright, 2021). Moreover, no one sector appears to be immune, as a study by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that federal agencies also lag in complying with their own standards as published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (Eyadema, 2021). Throughout this research study, malicious infiltrations propagated by nefarious actors were explored to identify countermeasures and best practices that can be deployed to protect organizations. Often, the lack of defense strategies is not from an absence of information, but from overly complex procedures and a lack of concise requirements. In a recent survey of Department of Defense (DoD) suppliers, 46% of respondents claimed that the supply chain requirements were too difficult to understand, thus reaffirming the importance of creating tools and techniques that are pragmatic and easily implementable (Boyd, 2020).</p>
<p>The research study presented offered notable safeguards through a literature review of prior studies, standards, and a document analysis of three prominent Information Technology (IT) companies who have made considerable advances in the field of IT supply chain. The results of the research led to the creation of the <em>Roberts Categorization Pyramid </em>which follows a zero-trust framework of “never trust, always verify” (Pavana & Prasad, 2022, p. 2). The pyramid is then further broken down into a formidable six-layer support structure consisting of governance, physical security, sourcing security, manufacturing, hardware security, and software security best practices. Finally, the importance of persistent vigilance throughout the life cycle of IT is highlighted through a continuous monitoring defense strategy layer that engulfs the entirety of the pyramid. Through this compilation of pragmatic countermeasures, supply chain practitioners can become more informed, leading to more mindful decisions and protective requirements in future solicitations and supplier flow-downs. </p>
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Toll-like Receptor 3 Signaling in Breast Cancer Cells and the Recruitment of Leukocytes to the Tumor MicroenvironmentVenkatesh, Amritha K. 26 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification of Factors Affecting Contaminant Levels and Determination of Infiltration of Ambient Contaminants in Public Transport Buses Operating on Biodiesel and ULSD FuelsKadiyala, Akhil 30 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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How can Inflow & Infiltration be effectively and sustainably managed? : MCA as a tool for decision support in planning Inflow & Infiltration / Hur kan tillskottsvatten hanteras effektivt och hållbart? : MKA som beslutsstöd vid planering av tillskottsvattenåtgärderQvick, Erika January 2021 (has links)
Inflow and infiltration (I/I) water in the sewer network originates from groundwater, precipitation, seawater as well as over-leakage from drinking water pipes. It is the proportion of water in the sewer system that is not wastewater and causes problems both at the treatment plant as well as in the sewer network. Through overflows, floods and bypassing at the treatment plant I/I causes discharges of wastewater to recipients and nature and thus have negative environmental effects. I/I also stand for an overload in the system which, in addition to environmental consequences, also has social, economic and technical consequences. Despite efforts to reduce and mitigate the effects of I/I water for a long time, the problem remains and a large proportion of all the wastewater in the network and the treatment plan still is I/I. Historically, and for many cases at present, there is little to no methodology for how the work with I/I water takes place and is prioritized in the municipalities and responsible water and sewerage organizations. Measures have instead been implemented with a reaction based approach, in other words when something has broken down or there is a failure in the system. A new discussion about I/I water has arisen in recent years due to new requirements from supervisory authorities. As there is not much follow-up or methodology around the work with I/I water, the process of developing a strategy to meet these new requirements for municipalities has shown to be difficult. In cases where analysis of measures against I/I water has been carried out, cost and effects in the treatment plant (i.e. the proportion of I/I water) have most often been used and dimensions other than economic have been left out of the analysis. As I/I water affects social and environmental factors to a great extent, this should be taken into greater account. In this work, a multi-criterion analysis has been performed in a case study where similar measures to reduce I/I water and its effects in two different areas have been analysed. The included measures were separation, lining, pipe bursting and installation of a stormwater cassette. The results of the case study show that measure A2 has the greatest positive effect. However, there are major uncertainties in the case study conducted and the results are not considered to be robust enough to be used. However, what has been important to include from the work is that by defining and using criteria from all sustainability dimensions, a comprehensive action choice analysis is created and that it is a structured approach to apply. Here, the importance of opening up for discussion within the municipality/organization is emphasized to achieve a coherent view of the prioritization of I/I water and to achieve efficient management. Problems and amounts of I/I water are complex issues and vary from place to place, and are strongly linked to local geohydrological and climate conditions and design of local sewage systems. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the planning of I/I water to use a workflow that is general and can be used, regardless of conditions, in a simple way where adjustments in accordance with local conditions are possible. This work has shown that multi-criteria analysis is a clear and adaptable tool for meeting the difficulties that exist. / Tillskottsvatten härstammar från grundvatten, nederbörd samt havsvatten genom felaktiga anslutningar eller läckage i ledningsnätet samt från överläckage från dricksvattenledningar. Det är andelen av vatten i avloppsnätet som inte är spillvatten och orsakar, genom bräddning, översvämningar och förbiledning i reningsverket, utsläpp av avloppsvatten till recipienter och natur samt står för en överbelastning i systemet. Trots att man arbetat med att minska och lindra effekterna av tillskottsvatten under lång tid så kvarstår problemet och en stor andel av allt samlat vatten i ledningsnätet och som kommer till reningsverket är just tillskottsvatten. Historiskt, samt för många fall i nuläget, så existerar det lite till ingen metodik kring hur arbetet med tillskottsvatten sker i kommunerna och ansvariga VA-organisationer utan åtgärder har implementerats på måfå eller när något har gått sönder. En ny diskussion kring tillskottsvatten har uppstått de senaste åren på grund av uppkomna nya kravställningar från tillsynsmyndigheter. I och med att det inte finns mycket uppföljning eller metodik kring arbetet med tillskottsvatten så har processen med att ta fram en strategi för att möta dessa nya krav för kommuner ofta varit svår. I de fall som analys av åtgärder mot tillskottsvatten har utförts så har kostnad och effekter i reningsverket (det vill säga andel mängd tillskottsvatten) oftast används och andra dimensioner än ekonomiska har lämnats utanför analysen. Då tillskottsvatten påverkar sociala samt miljömässiga faktorer i hög grad bör detta tas större hänsyn till. I det här arbetet så har en multikriterieanalys utförts i en fallstudie där liknande åtgärder för att minska tillskottsvatten och dess effekter i olika områden har analyserats. De ingående åtgärderna var separering, infodring, rörspräckning samt anläggning av en dagvattenkassett. Resultatet av fallstudien visar att åtgärdsalternativ 2 har störst positiv effekt. Det finns dock stora osäkerheter i den fallstudie som utförts och resultatet anses inte vara tillräckligt robust för att användas. Det som dock har varit viktigt att ta med från arbetet är att genom att definiera och använda kriterier från alla hållbarhetsdimensioner skapas en heltäckande åtgärdsvalsanalys och att det är ett strukturerat arbetssätt att applicera. Här understryks vikten av att öppna upp för diskussion inom kommunen/organisationen för att nå en sammanhållen syn på prioriteringen av tillskottsvatten samt för att nå en effektiv hantering. Problem och mängder tillskottsvatten i olika ställen är komplext och starkt kopplat till lokala klimat och geohydrologiska förhållanden samt lokala avloppssystem. Därför är det viktigt för att samordna planeringen av tillskottsvatten att använda en arbetsgång som är generell och kan användas, oavsett förutsättningar, på ett enkelt sätt där justeringar i enlighet med lokala förutsättningar är möjligt. Det här arbetet har visat att multikriterieanalys är ett tydligt och anpassningsbart verktyg för att möta de svårigheter som finns.
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