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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informationen der Leipziger namenkundlichen Arbeitsgruppe an der Karl-Marx-Universität

Leipziger Namenkundliche Arbeitsgruppe 09 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Informationen der Leipziger namenkundlichen Arbeitsgruppe an der Karl-Marx-Universität

Leipziger Namenkundliche Arbeitsgruppe 09 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

News from the pragmatics classroom: Contrasting the inductive and the deductive approach in the teaching of pragmatic competence

Glaser, Karen 04 June 2018 (has links)
While the role of pragmatic skills in a foreign or second language has been receiving increased attention both from a research and a language teaching perspective, there is still a lamentable scarcity of systematic empirical studies into the effectiveness of instructional methods in the teaching of pragmatics. Addressing this research gap, this article reports about a quasi-experimental study into possible differences between an explicit-inductive and an explicitdeductive instructional approach in the teaching of pragmatic skills in English as a Foreign Language (EFL), more specifically the teaching of offer refusals to 49 advanced adult EFL learners in Germany. The instruction consisted of three 90-minute lessons, which were spread out over the duration of a 15-week academic semester and designed according to the deductive principle and the inductive principle, respectively. While the deductive group was provided with metapragmatic rules directly at the beginning of the instruction, the inductive group only encountered such rules after engaging in language use and guided discovery. Production data was elicited by means of DCTs and role play in a pretest-posttest format. Effectiveness of instruction was operationalized by means of two indicators: Indicator 1 measured the increased usage of the strategies taught in class, while indicator 2 measured the approximation to a native speaker target. The results indicate that the gains in the inductive group surpassed those in the deductive group, suggesting that when situated within the explicit framework, inductive instruction is more effective in the teaching of pragmatic skills.

Case stacking below the surface: On the possessor case alternation in Udmurt

Assmann, Anke, Edygarova, Svetlana, Georgi, Doreen, Klein, Timo, Weisser, Philipp 08 August 2018 (has links)
In this paper we investigate the case split on the possessor in Udmurt. Traditionally, the choice between ablative and genitive possessor case is said to be driven by the grammatical function (GF) of the XP containing the possessor. We argue that the case split is not driven by GFs; rather, it is determined by the case value of the XP that contains the possessor. Importantly, there is no evidence which points to a possessor raising analysis in Udmurt. Instead, we present an analysis according to which the possessor always bears genitive but may be assigned another structural case by an external head. Due to a morphological constraint, stacked case features fuse into a single feature set in the postsyntactic morphological component. If accusative and genitive stack on the possessor, only the default semantic case marker, i.e., the ablative marker, can realize the resulting feature set. In any other context the genitive marker is chosen. We thus claim that there is no abstract ablative on the possessor; instead, the morphological ablative marker realizes a combination of two abstract structural cases.

Das linguistische Antiquariat

Müller, Gereon 08 August 2018 (has links)
Rezension zu Geoffrey K. Pullum: Rule Interaction and the Organization of a Grammar. New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1979 (Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics). 414 Seiten. [Veröffentlichung der gleichnamigen Dissertation von 1976, University College London]

A constructional analysis of English un-participle constructions

Schönefeld, Doris 08 August 2018 (has links)
The present paper reports on an investigation into an English un-participle pattern that is called unpassive, or is described as an adjectival passive. The main characteristic of the pattern is an (adjectival) past participle prefixed by un-, which is used as a predicative complement to a verb. Besides the different terms used for the pattern, there is also some indeterminacy with respect to its particular form. All of the descriptions focus on the verb BE, but mention is also made of GO and REMAIN. That is, the specifications of the pattern’s formal side differ to some extent. To provide information on this issue and to get hold of potential (verb-related) differences in the pattern’s function, we conducted an empirical analysis from a usage-based construction grammar perspective. Our focus is on the form-function interplay of the pattern in order to gain information about its constructional status and its exact formal and semantic make-up. The database selected for this study is the BNC, from which all occurrences of ‘verb plus un-participle’ were extracted. The data were submitted to collexeme and covarying collexeme analyses to identify the spectrum of meanings/functions associated with these forms, and distinctive collexeme analyses were carried out to see whether the un-participles found pattern differently with the individual verbs. The results indicate that, on closer examination, the un-participle construction does not represent a homogeneous category, but must be seen as a schematic template of related, though different, usage events that may have expanded analogously from a prototype construction. On the basis of our analyses and informed by findings from developmental studies, we suggest that the related constructions form a network.

Sind serielle Texte ein Gegenstand linguistischer Diskursanalyse?: Zu diskursbestätigenden und diskursverändernden ‚Lebensbeschreibungen‘ in rituellen Kontexten

Lasch, Alexander 18 May 2021 (has links)
Wissenschaftliche Gegenstände sind zum Großteil solche, die erst aus einer bestimmten Perspektive – das heißt von einem bestimmten Sichtpunkt aus mit einer bestimmten Blickrichtung und besonderen Fokussierung –interessant werden. Perspektiven dieser Art sind u. a. theoretische Ansätze, deren Prämissen es erlauben, in einer alternativen, aber bestimmten Weise auf schon vermeintlich bekanntes Material zu blicken und einen neuen Gegenstand herauszuarbeiten. Idealerweise stellen Ansätze dieser Art auch ein Methodenrepertoire zur Verfügung und belassen es nicht bei einer groben Andeutung des neuen Blickpunktes, so dass sich an empirischen Analysen die Tauglichkeit des Ansatzes prüfen lässt.

Wehling, Elisabeth: Politisches Framing. Wie eine Nation sich ihr Denken einredet – und daraus Politik macht. Köln: Halem 2016.: Rezensiert von Angelika Mantay, TU Dresden

Mantay, Angelika 30 September 2019 (has links)
Entgegen traditionellen Vorstellungen, die bisher davon ausgingen, dass der politische Prozess und politisches Denken wesentlich durch objektive Faktenlage und vernunftgemäßes Handeln bestimmt seien, vertritt die Autorin Elisabeth Wehling die Auffassung, dass „gedankliche Deutungsrahmen […], Frames genannt“ den politischen Diskurs nicht nur beeinflussen, sondern sogar „entscheiden“.

Informationen der Leipziger namenkundlichen Arbeitsgruppe an der Karl-Marx-Universität

Leipziger Namenkundliche Arbeitsgruppe 09 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Ein Hamburger verbittet sich das Oberdeutsche. Sprachhistorisches zur Auseinandersetzung zwischen Mattheson und Gottsched

Lasch, Alexander 01 November 2021 (has links)
Im Alter von 71 Jahren entscheidet sich Johann Mattheson (1681-1764), nach dem Ur­teil Friedrich Blumes der »bedeutendste Kritiker, Ästhetiker, Polemiker, ja Enzyklopä­dist der deutschen M[usik]g[eschichte] des 18. Jahrhunderts« dazu,1 ein Philologisches Tresespiel zu publizieren.2 Anstoß dazu mag, wie Siegfried Kross vermutet,3 die Veröf­fentlichung der Lehre deutscher Vorwörter von Elias Caspar Reichard vom Collegium Carolinum in Braunschweig gewesen sein, dem Mattheson das Tresespiel widmete. Ob tatsächlich eine frühere Fassung von 1742 existierte, wie Mattheson behauptet, lässt sich nicht bestätigen. Dieses Tresespiel stellt den Abschluss der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Mattheson und Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766) dar, die ihren Aus­gang nahm von der Veröffentlichung der Rezension Gottscheds über den Critischen Musicus Johann Adolph Scheibes (1708-1776) im »drei und zwanzigsten Stück« der Beyträge zur critischen Historie der Deutschen Sprache, Poesie und Beredsamkeit.

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