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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O autoemprego na regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre

Amon, Ruza Cali 23 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:26:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 433178.pdf: 924164 bytes, checksum: 319b0d2315e348123c20300f8f7696cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-23 / O objetivo desta disserta??o ? tra?ar um perfil do autoempregado da Regi?o Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, estabelecendo rela??es entre os resultados obtidos e refer?ncias encontradas na literatura dedicada ao tema. O trabalho utiliza como base de conceitua??o te?rica a defini??o de autoempregado publicada em 1993 pela International Labour Organization (ILO) e, para an?lise emp?rica, dados da pesquisa Economia Informal Urbana 2003 IBGE (IBGE 2003). Observando-se caracter?sticas pessoais e raz?es para migrar para o autoemprego, conclui-se que os indiv?duos da RMPA seguem as tend?ncias nacionais e internacionais de ser, em sua maioria, homens, com 40 anos ou mais, e com baixo n?vel de instru??o. O trabalho tamb?m chega ? conclus?o de que, para o grupo em estudo, o desejo de independ?ncia se destacou como principal motivo para optar pelo autoemprego, e, como segundo, n?o ter encontrado oportunidade no mercado formal de trabalho. ? not?rio o fato de as mulheres embora em minoria apresentarem taxas de participa??o acima das taxas internacionais e nacionais, e tamb?m m?dias de ganhos superiores ?s m?dias dos homens. A maioria dos autoempregados da RMPA est? concentrada no setor de Servi?os, embora a atividade com o maior n?mero de indiv?duos seja o Com?rcio em Geral. O presente trabalho tamb?m apura a tend?ncia do autoemprego no Brasil, que se apresenta decrescente h? pelo menos dez anos, indicando que o pa?s acompanha as tend?ncias internacionais de correla??o negativa entre autoemprego e crescimento econ?mico.

Setor informal: uma categoria imprecisa / Informal sector: an unclear category

Santos, Márcia dos 15 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia dos Santos.pdf: 497006 bytes, checksum: 57aa459987bd988cfb01a4548d49b1ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-15 / Due to the hegemony of capitalism system that globalization has set, regional and global markets have suffered many deep changes and some categories and businesses have vanished while others have been created. Among the new ones, the informal sector has arisen strongly and this study is exactly about this issue based on the following title: informal sector an unclear category . This study aims to codify the different concepts of informality and its subsystems in order to have a better understanding of this relevant and meaningful economic sector for Brazilian market, consistently aiming to subsidize initiatives in the subsystems supported by the public sector. Methodologically, this study brings for discussion the dynamics and standards of Brazilian labor market since the 90 s by thoroughly and critically describing the customs opening and its consequences to national productive sectors, denationalization, informal sector, informal activities, regionalisms, informal work characteristics and its categories. It discusses the concept of informality, residual concept and informality consequences, cost and the informal concept segmentation / Com a hegemonia do sistema capitalista configurado pela globalização, os mercados regionais e mundial sofreram várias e profundas modificações extinguindo categorias e setores e gerando outras. Dentre esses setores, surgiu de forma impactante o setor informal e é sobre ele que esta pesquisa discute tomando como base o seguinte título: setor informal: uma categoria imprecisa. Tem como objetivo sistematizar os diferentes conceitos de informalidade e de seus respectivos subsistemas a fim de entender de forma mais consistente esse setor econômico de expressiva significação no mercado brasileiro com o propósito de subsidiar iniciativas localizadas nos subsistemas de forma mais consistente com respaldo do setor público. Metodologicamente, traz à discussão as dinâmicas e configurações do mercado de trabalho brasileiro desde os anos 1990 descrevendo pormenorizado e criticamente a abertura alfandegária e suas respectivas conseqüências para os setores produtivos nacionais, a desestatização, o setor informal, as atividades informais, as regionalidades, as características do trabalho informal e suas categorias. Discute o conceito de informalidade, conceito residual, e as conseqüências da informalidade, o custo da informalidade e as segmentações do conceito informal

Articulación entre el gobierno local y la sociedad civil para el desarrollo de capacidades de las trabajadoras del hogar en el distrito de Magdalena del Mar

Vela Bendezú, Zoila Elena 03 February 2017 (has links)
Las mujeres trabajadoras del hogar, que en su mayoría son pobres, migrantes y con una escasa educación, constituyen uno de los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad peruana, debido a que tienen un restringido acceso a oportunidades de desarrollo en nuestro país. A pesar que existe una Ley de las trabajadoras del hogar - Ley N° 27986, que regula las relaciones laborales del trabajo doméstico, resulta muy limitada porque es uno de los empleos peores remunerados, con poca cobertura en seguridad social y horarios inestables de trabajo. Gran parte de este incumplimiento se debe a la poca información con la que cuentan las trabajadoras del hogar, ya que no existen canales adecuados del Estado que sean cercanos a este sector de la población. Asimismo, si existen leyes que protegen esta labor, es preciso que exista una profesionalización del trabajo doméstico para asegurar una adecuada prestación de este servicio. Es por ello que la Organización no Gubernamental (ONG) Centro de Estudios Sociales y Publicaciones (CESIP), conocida por el trabajo constante con este sector vulnerable de la población, buscó una alianza con las autoridades de la Municipalidad de Magdalena del Mar para convencerlos de incorporar la atención a trabajadoras del hogar y familias empleadoras como parte de los servicios municipales. Gracias a una estrategia conjunta de articulación entre sociedad civil, gobierno local y las trabajadoras del hogar se logró institucionalizar el programa, no solo brindando capacitación para la profesionalización del trabajo doméstico, sino también un curso a nombre de la nación para el emprendimiento propio. Todo ello en beneficio del desarrollo económico, familiar y personal de las trabajadoras del hogar, ya que se han convertido en personas que pueden acceder a una mejor calidad de vida. / Tesis

Um estudo sobre o setor informal urbano e formas de participação na produção / An urban informal sector study and participating modes in the production

Cacciamali, Maria Cristina 18 November 1982 (has links)
O ponto de partida para o desenvolvimento deste estudo é a existência de segmentação na produção aqui entendida como contínua diferenciação de atividades produtivas – de formas de organizar a produção e o trabalho, de processos produtivos e de trabalhos e de atributos requeridos para exerce-lo – e com este pano de fundo conceitua-se o termo Setor Informal e desenvolve-se o quadro metodológico que irá originar um conjunto de elementos empíricos sobre os trabalhadores no Município de São Paulo em 1980. O Setor Informal é aqui associado com as formas de organizar a produção, que não tem como motor o trabalho assalariado, ou seja, considera-se Setor Informal como o conjunto de produtores que, de posse dos meios de trabalho, desenvolvem suas atividades baseadas na própria força de trabalho. O quadro metodológico, por sua vez, foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de refletir espectros de formas dos indivíduos participarem da produção – proprietários, assalariados e trabalhadores por conta própria - , qualificados por aspectos referentes: requisitos para o trabalho – idade, sexo e escolaridade –, condições de trabalho – vínculo jurídico, qualificação, horas trabalhadas e tempo de permanência no posto de trabalho ou atividade – e níveis de renda. Decorre da análise empreendida, dos elementos empíricos coletados, bem como dos testes hipotéticos aplicados, que não se pode afirmar serem os trabalhadores informais, sob a conceituação aqui adotada, proporcionalmente a massa de trabalhadores que detêm os mais baixos requisitos e as piores condições de trabalho e níveis de rena no Município de São Paulo. Propostas de políticas de emprego e renda específicas para o Setor Informal não são priorizadas por este estudo, visto esse Setor ocupar espaço econômico intersticial e subordinado aos movimentos das firmas capitalistas. Além do que, no caso do Município de São Paulo em 1980, a maioria dos trabalhadores é assalariada e compõe parcela significativa dos que exercem o trabalho em condições e níveis de renda precários. Agrade-se à Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP) e à Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas (FIPE), cujo apoio financeiro possibilitou a elaboração desta pesquisa. Agradece-se também aos Profs. Drs. José Tiacci Kirsten – Coordenador do Projeto FINEP/IPE, Roberto Brás Matos Macedo – Orientador do trabalho de doutoramento, José Paulo Z. Chahad., Carlos Antonio Luque, Ana Maria Bianchi, Ivo Torres e Maria Elisete Licursi pelas leituras e discussões realizadas durante as etapas preliminares deste estudo. / The starting point for the development of this study is the existence of segmentation in the production, understood herein as a continuous fashion of differentiation in productive activities. With this background define the term Informal Sector and develop a methodological picture that will result in a set of empirical elements about the workers in São Paulo in 1980. The Informal Sector is herein related to the ways of organizing the production that do not have, as its drive, the work payed on the basis of wages. Therefore, the Informal Sector is considered as a set of producers that by possessing the means of work develop their activities in their own labour force. The methodological picture, was developed with the purpose of reflecting a spectrum of ways of individual participation in the production – owners, wage workers and independent workers – desegregated by specific work requirements – age, sex and education -, conditions – legal ties, qualification, hours worked and duration in the position in his job or activity – and income levels. Considering the empirical elements gathered and the hypothesis tested, one can not state that the independent workers – or the Informal Workers, under the definition adopted herein constitute the mass of workmen who are the unqualified and have the worst working conditions and income levels in São Paulo. Proposal concerning job policies and income policies which are specific for the Informal Sector are not emphasizes in this study due to the fact the refereed sector occupies and interstitial economic space and depends on the movements of capitalistic enterprises. We should also note that in the case of São Paulo in 1980, the majority of workmen work on a wage payment basis and make us a significant part of those who perform their works under precarious conditions and low income level.

Participation and barriers to participation in adult learning at a community college in the Western Cape: A chain-of-response model

Hearne, Vivian January 2018 (has links)
Magister Educationis (Adult Learning and Global Change) - MEd(AL) / This study investigates “why adults participate in learning activities” and “what barriers deter adults from participating in learning activities.” Learning activities can include informal learning initiatives and formal education programmes. According to Larson and Milana (2006) “the question of why some people participates in adult education and training while others don’t thus” (p. 2) is as relevant and urgent as ever as we want to make lifelong learning accessible for everybody. While working at a Community College in the Western Cape (South Africa), for the period October 2007 until June 2010, I have observed and noticed that many of the learners who entered the different programmes were all of a certain age. Many of them experienced an excess of barriers deterring them from participation in learning. For the purpose of this study, I am going to use the Chain-of-Response (COR) Model by Cross (1981a) to investigate specifically the situational barriers affecting those learners. Cross (1981a) developed the COR model. The rationale behind it was to better understand what urges people to participate in higher education or learning institutions. This model can be seen as cyclic, and involves seven steps developed by Cross (1981a) which have different impacts on the decision-making process of whether to enter or participate and persist in an adult learning course. Cross (1981a) argues that “an adult’s participation in a learning activity is not an isolated act but is the result of a complex chain of responses based on the evaluation of the position of the individual in their environment” (p. 36). Responses leading to participation tend to originate within the individual, as opposed to outside forces; it can either encourage or discourage participation in learning.

Vývoj prostorové diferenciace nezaměstnanosti v Česku pohledem evolučních přístupů v geografii / The Development of Spatial Differentiation of Unemployment in Czechia through the Lens of Evolutionary Geography

Vrbík, Filip January 2019 (has links)
The Development of Spatial Differentiation of Unemployment in Czechia through the Lens of Evolutionary Geography The diploma thesis aims to analyze the development of spatial differentiation of unemployment on the municipality level in Czechia between the years 2003 and 2016. The theoretical framework is based on the evolutionary approaches in geography which emphasize the role of heredity, continuity and the local specifics in economic and social regional development. The first, extensive part of the research analyses the development of spatial differentiation of unemployment using statistical and spatial methods and identifies two adjacent localities which underwent significantly different unemployment development, specifically the Karviná and Jablunkov regions. The second, intensive part of the research discusses and evaluates possible causes of these different dynamics of unemployment development. An analysis of historical development, information gathered through semi- structured interviews as well as data confirm that the different unemployment development is caused by different population structure, different local customs, and norms stemming from different historical development. The historical heritage also influences locating of new investors who provide new job opportunities. Key words:...

Suporte à aprendizagem informal no trabalho: um levantamento com os secretários executivos da Universidade Federal do Pará

OLIVEIRA, Priscila Eny Souza January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Socorro Albuquerque (sbarbosa@ufpa.br) on 2018-11-01T13:52:27Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_SuporteAprendizagemInformal.pdf: 1308203 bytes, checksum: 19ea75a957f54429781610f05752481d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Socorro Albuquerque (sbarbosa@ufpa.br) on 2018-11-01T13:52:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_SuporteAprendizagemInformal.pdf: 1308203 bytes, checksum: 19ea75a957f54429781610f05752481d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-01T13:52:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_SuporteAprendizagemInformal.pdf: 1308203 bytes, checksum: 19ea75a957f54429781610f05752481d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / O cenário atual da sociedade exige que os indivíduos estejam preparados para lidar com os múltiplos desafios que surgem cotidianamente no ambiente de trabalho. Nesse sentido, o suporte à aprendizagem informal, enquanto variável que busca investigar o quanto colegas e chefias incentivam ou restringem as iniciativas de aprendizagem informal no trabalho, torna-se um instrumento cada vez mais relevante seja no desenvolvimento das atividades de trabalho, seja na melhoria do desempenho dos profissionais atuantes nas organizações (COELHO JUNIOR; MOURÃO, 2011). Diante do exposto, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de analisar o suporte à aprendizagem informal no trabalho sob a perspectiva dos secretários executivos da UFPA, por meio da identificação dos fatores que influenciam no suporte à aprendizagem e das diferentes percepções sobre ela. A pesquisa foi de caráter exploratório e descritivo, por meio de um levantamento, com abordagem quantitativa e aplicação da Escala de Suporte à Aprendizagem Informal no Trabalho, construída e validada por Coelho Junior (2004) e Coelho Junior, Abbad e Todeschini (2005). Para o tratamento de dados, utilizou-se de técnicas estatísticas descritivas, paramétricas e multivariadas. A análise descritiva mostrou um bom suporte à aprendizagem informal no trabalho, enquanto a análise inferencial apontou que os participantes da pesquisa percebem contribuição organizacional para a aprendizagem informal. A análise fatorial revelou três fatores, que explicaram 74,34% da variância dos dados e foram denominados como: Superior Hierárquico (27,97%); Colegas de Trabalho (24,21%); e Unidade de Trabalho (22,16%). E a análise de agrupamentos resultou numa classificação dos entrevistados em três grupos, com diferentes avaliações do suporte à aprendizagem informal. Como conclusões do estudo, constatou-se que o suporte não é compreendido da mesma forma pelos indivíduos, além de apresentar fragilidades e deficiências. Assim, há necessidade de fortalecer o suporte à aprendizagem na instituição analisada. / The current society scenario requires individuals to be prepared to deal with the multiple challenges that arise daily in the workplace. Thereby, support for informal learning as a variable that seeks to investigate how colleagues and managers encourage or restrict informal learning initiatives at work, becomes an increasingly relevant instrument either in the development of work activities, or in the improvement of the performance of professionals working in the organizations (COELHO JUNIOR; MOURÃO, 2011). Considering the above, the present study analyzes the support to informal learning in the context of work from the perspective of UFPA executive secretariat professionals through the identification of the factors that influence the learning support and the different perceptions about it. The research was carried out in an exploratory and descriptive way, through a survey, with a quantitative approach and application of the Informal Learning at Work Support Scale, constructed and validated by Coelho Junior (2004) and Coelho Junior., Abbad and Todeschini (2005). For data treatment, descriptive, parametric and multivariate statistical techniques were used. Descriptive analysis showed good support for informal learning at work, while inferential analysis revealed that survey participants perceived an organizational contribution to informal learning. The factor analysis revealed three factors, which explained 74.34% of the data variance and were denominated as: Hierarchical Superior (27.97%); Colleagues (24.21%); and Work Unit (22.16%). And cluster analysis resulted in a classification of interviewees into three groups, with different assessments for the support to informal learning. As conclusions of the study, it was verified that the support is not understood in the same way by the individuals, besides presenting weaknesses and deficiencies. Thus, there is a necessity to consolidate the learning support in the analyzed institution.

An analysis of the treatment of informal care as a social risk in England

Morgan, Fiona January 2015 (has links)
The majority of dependent older people rely on informal care to meet their long-term care needs. The activity of care-giving can place informal carers at risk of experiencing financial poverty and welfare loss, including poor health, injuries and time poverty. This thesis argues that states should recognise and treat the informal care of older people as a social risk by providing informal carers and the older people they care for with adequate statutory protection against the risks which they face. A qualitative case study was conducted to analyse the extent to which care policies in England protect informal carers and the older people they care for against care-related risks. A policy simulation technique, the model care relationship matrix, was employed as a data collection and analysis tool. The matrices incorporated thirteen care relationship types and all of the care policy mechanisms in England, including cash benefits, care services, and employment-related support. Government documents and semi-structured interviews with practitioners and managers from a range of public sector and third sector agencies were used to determine the statutory support each care relationship would be entitled to receive. The way in which institutional structures, processes and actors within the policy environment can affect the level of statutory protection provided to care relationships was also analysed. The study’s findings reveal that the English state recognises but does not treat informal care as a social risk. The state’s treatment of informal care-givers and their care-related risks is inconsistent, unpredictable and inadequate. Some informal care-givers have access to inadequate levels of statutory protection, while the risks experienced by other groups of informal carers are left unprotected and privatised. Moreover the policy environment, itself, is revealed to produce risks due to being complex, fragmented, and adversarial in nature. Overall informal carers are found to occupy a marginalised and devalued position in the English care policy system.

Effect of Formative Feedback via Interactive Concept Maps on Informal Inferential Reasoning and Conceptual Understanding of ANOVA

Atas, Sait 25 March 2019 (has links)
This study assessed the knowledge structure of undergraduate participants related to previously determined critical concepts of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) by using Pathfinder networks. Three domain experts’ knowledge structures regarding the same concepts were also elicited and averaged to create a referent knowledge structure. The referent knowledge structure served as a basis for formative feedback. Then, each participant’s knowledge structure was compared with the referent structure to identify common, missing, and extraneous links between the two networks. Each participant was provided with individualized written and visual, and multi-media feedback through an online Concept Mapping tool based on the principals of formative assessment and feedback in an attempt to increase their conceptual knowledge of ANOVA. The study was conducted with 67 undergraduate participants from a mid-size university in the United States. Participants completed two data collection tools related to the critical concepts of ANOVA. Later, three different types of feedback around the critical concepts were given to participants in three stages. First, each participant was given visual feedback as a result of the comparison between their own knowledge structures and the referent knowledge structure to highlight similarities and differences between the two. Then, participants were provided with individualized written and multi-media feedback to emphasize conceptual understanding behind ANOVA procedures. This procedure was followed by the re-assessment of participants’ reasoning ability related to ANOVA and knowledge structures related to critical concepts to measure the effect of the intervention. Results suggest that participants both in control and intervention groups had the same level of statistics experience and anxiety before this study indicating that randomization of participants into two different groups was successful. Moreover, women participants reported a statistically significant higher level of statistics anxiety than men, however, it seems that this small difference did not limit their ability to perform required statistical tasks. Further, findings revealed that participants’ conceptual knowledge related to critical concepts of ANOVA increased significantly after the individualized feedback. However, the increase in the conceptual understanding did not help participants to transform this knowledge into more formal understanding related to procedures underlying ANOVA. Moreover, even though, previous similar studies suggest that participants are consistent in using a single strategy for making inferential reasoning across datasets, in the present study, qualitative data analysis revealed that statistics learners demonstrate diverse patterns of inferential reasoning strategies when they were provided with different size of datasets each with varying amount of variability. As a result, findings support the use of an extended framework for describing and measuring the development of participants’ reasoning ability regarding consideration of variation in statistics education.

Tributação e comércio internacional informal : estudo das relações Cabo Verde/Ceará

Muniz, Antônio Walber Matias 19 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-29T23:17:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-09-19 / The present study aims to investigate the impacts of the rabidante activity between Cape Verde and Ceará. It was based on the published literature about international, informal and transnational commerce. This activity started in Fortaleza as an international point of informal business. Descriptive research on legal evidences and tributary treatment, wash to contribute to a needed review on economical-tributary subjects. The questionnaires used in the field research were applied to a sample of 20 rabidantes, who had lett from Fortaleza International Airport in Brazil to Sal International Airport in Cape Verde. The main conclusions regard to the taxation unfeasibility for the activity and suggest the need of adequacies in the Brazilian legislation to this actually new commerce. / O presente estudo tem por objetivo investigar os impactos da atividade rabidante entre Cabo Verde e Ceará, utilizando para isso o referencial teórico presente na literatura sobre o comércio internacional, o comércio informal e o comércio transnacional. Buscou-se constatar o enquadramento jurídico e o tratamento tributário dispensado a esta atividade, de modo que a modalidade internacional de negócios informais, surgida em Fortaleza, contribua para uma necessária revisão das questões econômico-tributárias pertinentes. Este trabalho apoiou-se em pesquisa descritiva, mediante questionários, realizada em uma amostra composta de 20 rabidantes que embarcaram no aeroporto de Fortaleza com destino ao aeroporto de Sal em Cabo Verde. Aponta-se para a inviabilidade de tributação dessa atividade, sugerindo-se adequações na legislação brasileira a essa nova realidade comercial.

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