Spelling suggestions: "subject:"information asymmetry"" "subject:"information assymmetry""
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Assimetria de informação na comprovação da natureza de hedge de operações financeiras para fins de dedutibilidade no imposto sobre a renda: um estudo de caso / Information asymmetry on prove of financial operations\' hedge purpose for deductibility matters on the corporate income tax assessment: a case studyRalph Melles Sticca 28 May 2012 (has links)
A natureza de hedge (proteção) das operações financeiras realizadas em bolsas de valores, mercadorias e futuros e assemelhadas pelas companhias brasileiras é requisito legal para o aproveitamento do benefício da dedutibilidade integral das perdas auferidas e prêmios pagos no cálculo do imposto sobre a renda no Brasil. Entretanto, entraves na comprovação documental destas operações perante a Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil (RFB) têm resultado em autuações fiscais e aplicações de multas tributárias milionárias, colocando em cheque os instrumentos de gestão de risco utilizados pelas empresas justamente com o intuito de evitar resultados indesejáveis ou imprevistos. Neste contexto, com fundamento nas prescrições da teoria da agência e com base em estudos empíricos em contabilidade e tributação que discutiram as causas e os efeitos da assimetria de informação, o presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar fatores que afetam a assimetria informacional entre contribuintes e Fisco federal, especificamente no que se refere ao controle, contabilização e comprovação da natureza de hedge de operações financeiras praticadas e o consequente tratamento concedido às perdas no cálculo do Imposto de Renda da Pessoa Jurídica (IRPJ). Por meio da realização de estudo de caso em empresa comercial exportadora autuada em R$ 16.438.314,10 (valor equivalente a 41,08% de seu Patrimônio Líquido em 2004) pelo Fisco federal em 2008, no intuito de glosar as perdas excedentes aos ganhos auferidos com instrumentos derivativos e contratos de swap nos anos-calendários de 2003 e 2004, verificou-se que mesmo diante da existência comprovada de exposição ao risco ex ante de variação de preços de commodities agrícolas (açúcar e etanol) e de cotação de moeda estrangeira, a ausência na legislação brasileira de critérios gerenciais e contábeis claros para a elaboração de controles internos obrigatórios ou de formulários padronizados para a apresentação das informações relativas às operações com instrumentos financeiros em geral (com finalidade de hedge ou não) - os quais não foram integralmente supridos pelas normas contábeis relativas ao hedge accouting vigentes a partir de 2008 -, resultou no agravamento das perdas auferidas pela cobrança adicional do IRPJ. Ademais, por meio de pesquisa documental e análise de conteúdo de decisões administrativas da RFB relativas ao tema \"comprovação de hedge\", foram identificados como fatores decisivos para a redução ou eliminação da assimetria informacional por parte dos contribuintes a correta vinculação das operações financeiras às atividades operacionais da companhia, a modalidade dos instrumentos financeiros selecionados e a estratégia de hedge adotada e, principalmente, a assertividade dos documentos apresentados à fiscalização federal para este fim. Estes resultados corroboram que os mesmos fatores identificados no estudo de caso podem ser atribuídos às demais companhias brasileiras autuadas pela RFB sob o mesmo fundamento - sucesso ou não na comprovação da natureza de hedge das operações financeiras praticadas em determinado período. / The hedge purpose in the financial operations on stock and commodities exchange and similar carried out by companies is legal condition to benefit the full deductibility of accounted losses and paid prizes in the income tax assessment in Brazil. However, obstacles in the documental prove of these operations before Brazilian Federal Revenue Office (RFB) are resulting in tax deficiency notices and millionaire fines\' application, jeopardizing the risk management instruments applied by companies exactly to avoid unexpected and unwanted results. In this sense, based on the agency theory prescriptions and on empirical studies on accounting and tax which discussed the informational asymmetry causes and effects, this paper aimed to identify factors which affect the information asymmetry between taxpayers and federal tax authorities, specifically with regards to controlling, recording and proving financial operations with hedge purposes, and consequently their tax treatment in the Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) assessment. By means of a case study with a Brazilian trading company which was notified to collect R$ 16,438,314.10 (value equal to 41.08% of its equity in 2004) by Brazilian tax authorities in 2008, in order to disallow the deductibility of losses excessive to gains assessed on derivatives and swap operations on the calendar-years 2003 and 2004, it was verified that even before the proved existence of ex ante exposure to risk of soft commodities (sugar and ethanol) prices and foreign currency variations, Brazilian legislation´s lack with regards to clear both managerial and accounting criteria in elaborating obligatory internal controls or standard sheets to present information related to operations with general financial instruments (with hedge purposes or not) - which was not sufficiently supplied by the accounting Standards related to hedge accounting in force since 2008 -, results in a marginal loss related to the IRPJ additional cost. Moreover, by means of a broad documental research and content analysis of administrative case law issued by RFB and related to hedge prove, it was verified as critical factors to information asymmetry reduction or elimination the adequate compliance of financial operations to company\'s operational activity, the financial instruments applied and hedge strategy selected and mainly the documentation repertory presented to Brazilian tax authorities. This results corroborate that the same factors raised on the case study can be projected to other Brazilian companies also notified by RFB under the same basis - success or not on the prove of hedge purposes of financial operations carried out in determined period.
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Impactos da assimetria de informação na estrutura de capital de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto / Impacts of information asymmetry in the capital structure of brazilian open capital firmsAlbanez, Tatiana 16 January 2009 (has links)
Diversas teorias tentam explicar o que determina a política de financiamento adotada pelas empresas. Uma das abordagens existentes, a Teoria de Pecking Order, foca a assimetria de informação como um importante determinante da estrutura de capital. No presente trabalho, busca-se analisar o pressuposto central da referida teoria e verificar se a assimetria de informação influencia nas decisões de financiamento de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto no período 1997-2007. Para tanto, são utilizadas variáveis proxies para assimetria de informação, além de variáveis de controle representativas de características das empresas. Utiliza-se a metodologia de análise de dados em painel. Como resultado principal, encontra-se que empresas consideradas com menor grau de assimetria informacional são mais endividadas que as demais na análise do nível de endividamento total, resultado contrário a teoria de pecking order, onde estas empresas teriam a oportunidade de captar recursos por meio da emissão de ações devido à baixa probabilidade de ocorrência dos problemas derivados da assimetria de informação. No entanto, este resultado apóia a relação esperada alternativa, onde empresas com menor assimetria informacional propiciam maior facilidade de avaliação do seu risco por parte dos credores, o que poderia aumentar a oferta de crédito, favorecendo a utilização de dívidas por meio da redução dos custos de seleção adversa e pelo aumento da capacidade de financiamento destas empresas. Nesse sentido, torna-se importante analisar também o papel do risco ao estabelecer uma hierarquia de preferências por fontes alternativas de financiamento utilizadas por empresas brasileiras. / Several theories try to explain what determines the financing policy adopted by the firms. One of the existent approaches, Pecking Order Theory, focuses on the information asymmetry as an important determinant of the capital structure. In the present work, we try to analyze the central presumption of the referred theory and to verify if the information asymmetry influences the financing decisions of Brazilian open capital firms in the period 1997-2007. In order to do so, proxies variables are used for information asymmetry, besides control variables which represent of firms characteristics. Panel data analysis is the methodology used. As main result, it was found that companies considered to have the lowest degree of information asymmetry are higher leveraged than the others analyzing the level of total debt, the result is contrary to the pecking order theory, where these companies would have the opportunity to raise resources by emitting shares due to the low probability of occurring problems derived from information asymmetry. However, this result supports the expected alternative relation, where companies with lower asymmetric information make it easier to their debt holders to evaluate their risk, what could increase the credit offer, favoring the use of debts by reducing the adverse selection costs and increasing the debt capacity of these companies. In doing so, it becomes important to also analyze the role of the risk when establishing a hierarchy of preferences adopted by Brazilian firms regarding alternative financing sources.
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Restrição ao crédito para empresas com ações negociadas em bolsa no Brasil / Credit constraints for Brazilian listed companiesRafael Nascimento Bisinha 13 December 2007 (has links)
O intento do trabalho é verificar se empresas com ações negociadas na Bovespa enfrentam restrição ao crédito. A análise de painel com base em dados de balanço patrimonial para o período de 2001 a 2005 revelou que, diferentemente do que se esperava, empresas de grande porte apresentam maior dependência dos fluxos de caixa para efetivar seus investimentos. Todavia, há argumentos teóricos na literatura que fundamentam esses resultados, bem como outras evidências empíricas semelhantes. / The paper focuses on evaluating whether Brazilian listed firms have faced financial constraints. Relying on data over the period 2001-2005, a panel data analysis was carried out, but the evidence raised turned out differently from the initially expected: large firms are more sensitive to cash flows to undertake their investment than smaller ones. Nonetheless, the recent literature provides theoretical rationale to deal with those findings as well as empirical evidence consistent with them.
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信息不对称下,“中药材全产业链服务商”模式对中药材价格的影响研究January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 中医药是中华文明的瑰宝,中药材是中医药文化和产业的核心。随着近年来国家相关政策出台,中药材产业的发展备受瞩目。由于中药材产业链条长,层级多,各层级间信息不对称,因而中药材市场普遍具有“假”、“乱”、“杂”的问题。
A公司的中药材全产业链服务商模式,通过对上游各主要专营商的整合,形成一定的平台综合集采能力,并开始得到下游医药厂家、药店认可,在市场逐步形成品牌号召力。本文实证研究A公司商业模式的转型对中药材市场价格的影响,进而分析中药材全产业链服务商模式在中药材行业健康发展中所发挥的积极作用。研究结果表明,上下游产销结合的中药材全产业链服务商模式,只有在形成一定收购规模,对市场价格产生一定影响的时候,才能充分释放药材质量的信号,润滑药材交易市场,提高收购价格,增加市场波动率,发挥价格发现作用。由于中药材市场的信息不对称程度较高,如果产销结合模式仍处于初级开创阶段,产销结合模式释放的药材质量信号则不足以全面改善信息不对称的状况。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019
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ESSAYS ON EXTERNAL FORCES IN CAPITAL MARKETSPainter, Marcus 01 January 2019 (has links)
In the first chapter, I find counties more likely to be affected by climate change pay more in underwriting fees and initial yields to issue long-term municipal bonds compared to counties unlikely to be affected by climate change. This difference disappears when comparing short-term municipal bonds, implying the market prices climate change risks for long-term securities only. Higher issuance costs for climate risk counties are driven by bonds with lower credit ratings. Investor attention is a driving factor, as the difference in issuance costs on bonds issued by climate and non-climate affected counties increases after the release of the 2006 Stern Review on climate change. In the second chapter, I document the investment value of alternative data and examine how market participants react to the data's dissemination. Using satellite images of parking lots of US retailers, I find a long-short trading strategy based on growth in car count earns an alpha of 1.6% per month. I then show that, after the release of satellite data, hedge fund trades are more sensitive to growth in car count and are more profitable in affected stocks. Conversely, individual investor demand becomes less sensitive to growth in car count and less profitable in affected stocks. Further, the increase in information asymmetry between investors due to the availability of alternative data leads to a decrease in the liquidity of affected firms.
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Reconciling capital structure theories in predicting the firm's decisions.Palkar, Darshana 12 1900 (has links)
Past literature attempts to resolve the issue of the motivation behind managers' choice of a given capital structure. Despite several decades of intensive research, there is still no consensus about which theory dominates capital structure decisions. The present study empirically investigates the relative importance of two prominent theories of capital structure- the trade-off and the pecking order theories by exploring the conditions under which each theory can explain the financing choices of firms. These conditions are defined along two dimensions: (i) a firm's degree of information asymmetry, and (ii) its observed leverage relative to target leverage. The results show that, in the short-run, pecking order theory has more explanatory power in explaining the financing choices of firms. The target leverage theory assumes limited importance: Over-leveraged firms, when faced with low adverse information, are more inclined to adapt to the trade-off policies. In the presence of high information asymmetry, however, firms appear to be more concerned about adverse selection costs and make financing decisions that are more consistent with the pecking order theory. An analysis of the market reaction to seasoned equity issuances during announcement periods reveals that firms with high information asymmetry are penalized more than firms with low information asymmetry. This may explain the contradiction when over-leveraged firms continue to issue debt. However, the situation is reversed in the long run. Firms' long term financing goals appear to follow the leverage re-balancing theory. An analysis of financial activities over a five-year period, subsequent to security issuance decisions when they appear to be inconsistent with trade-off theory, reveals that firms follow an active policy of moving closer to the target leverage. In sum, the notion of target capital structure appears to exist. In the short-term, the management's financing decisions are consistent with the modified version of the pecking order theory, leading to tactical deviations from the optimal capital structure. However, long-term analysis indicates that the pecking order effect is largely transitory in nature and firms actively pursue strategic reversals towards an optimal capital structure.
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Bank Loans as a Financial Discipline: A Direct Agency Cost of Equity PerspectiveHijazi, Bassem 12 1900 (has links)
In a 2004 study, Harvey, Lin and Roper argue that debt makers with a commitment to monitoring can create value for outside shareholders whenever information asymmetry and agency costs are pronounced. I investigate Harvey, Lin and Roper's claim for bank loans by empirically testing the effect of information asymmetry and direct agency costs on the abnormal returns of the borrowers' stock around the announcement of bank loans. I divide my study into two main sections. The first section tests whether three proxies of the direct agency costs of equity are equally significant in measuring the direct costs associated with outside equity agency problems. I find that the asset utilization ratio proxy is the most statistically significant proxy of the direct agency costs of equity using a Chow F-test statistic. The second main section of my dissertation includes and event study and a cross-sectional analysis. The event study results document significant and positive average abnormal returns of 1.01% for the borrowers' stock on the announcement day of bank loans. In the cross sectional analysis of the borrowers' average abnormal stock returns, I find that higher quality and more reputable banks/lenders provide a reliable certification to the capital market about the low level of the borrowers' direct agency costs of equity and information asymmetry. This certification hypothesis holds only for renewed bank loans. In other words, in renewing the borrowers' line of credit, the bank/lender is actually confirming that the borrower has a low level of information asymmetry and direct costs of equity. Given such a certificate from the banks/lenders, shareholders reward the company/borrower by bidding the share price up in the capital market.
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Two Essays on Security Offerings: Information Production, Investor Perception and The Types of External Financing, and A Unified Analysis on Financing Choices and Offering CostsYi, Bingsheng 11 March 2005 (has links)
I investigate the impacts that information production, information asymmetry have on firms financing choices 3/4 equity financing or debt financing. I find that equity issue announcements encourage more information production than debt issue announcements, which in turn raises the probability of equity financing. In addition, the post-issue stock market performance is positively associated with information production. The results are robust after controlling for investor optimism. I also apply the Heckmans two-step procedure to jointly investigate firms financing choices and offering costs. I find that security-issuing firms choose the less-costly financing type.
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Improving Strategic IT Investment Decisions by Reducing Information AsymmetryStablein, Thomas P. 16 November 2018 (has links)
The unprecedented ubiquity with which technological advancements, such as blockchain, the Internet of things (IoT), big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI), are impacting the world has forced large organizations to rethink their information technology roadmaps. Their decisions about how they invest in technology have become more important. It is against this backdrop that companies must decide how much to invest in their aging technologies versus these new potentially transformational ones. A decision is only as good as the information available to the decision-makers when they make it. This research project seeks to understand the effects that information asymmetry has on strategic information technology (IT) investment decisions within large complex organizations. The data collected for this study was gathered from six executives. The conceptual model was grounded in Akerlof’s (1978) seminal paper on information asymmetry. This study followed an Action Design Research (ADR) approach to formulate the problem and an elaborated Action Design Research (eADR) process model to create a solution. Results indicate that using the proposed solution will result in organizations making more informed strategic IT investment decisions.
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The evolution of residential property price premia in a metropolis: Reconstitution or contamination?Huston, Simon Unknown Date (has links)
Residential property price premia (‘premia’) have long fascinated investors, particularly in times of euphoria, but their social, climatic and urban ramifications are much wider. A proper understanding of premia is hindered by the variety of exogenous influences determining them. They occur within idiosyncratic, complex, and continuously reconfiguring metropoli, conditioned by topography, history, regime, commerce, and culture. Given imperfectly competitive housing markets, conventional explanations for premia are either restricted to their financial dissection, trawl though metrics or cast around for hedonic coefficients. However, premia illuminate affordability and other problems in the broader planning and social debate. With the general significance of premia clarified, the research question of the project becomes: ‘What drives residential property price premium evolution in a metropolis?’ A complete answer involves dissecting the nature and establishing the location of putative premia and disentangling the influence and interactions of their various price drivers. To provide it, the project conducts a property and urban literature review. Based on theory’s insight that higher order contains lower order systems, it develops and investigates a general systems model of residential premia with two modes. The system is conditioned by ideology but forced by population and capital inflows. Within it, premia mutate, influenced by a nested hierarchy of more or less contaminated information. To investigate the model and its different modes, the project employs tests across system pointers, at the macro, meso (all urban) and micro spatial resolutions. First, the turbulence and permeability of residential property markets to exogenous influences is assessed. The project then looks at the urban mosaic in the growing Sunbelt migration city of Brisbane, Australia, over the boom period from 1998-2004. Locally, it conducts a case study and survey in one micro-location, seeking clues in transaction patterns (output), property system agents (components) and the information they use (feedback mechanisms). Finally, the project draws some relevant policy implications. Its key findings are that urban housing markets are open, complex and polarised. In an exuberant economic climate, migration and debt fuel metropolitan price escalation. Public urban initiatives reinforce central incumbent affluence or spark fresh bouts of speculation. Individual premia are heterogeneous but often feed off local construction projects or iconic refurbishment. Reflecting their demographics and motives, agent risk appetites are diverse although investors are usually less averse to renewal. System feedback involves a congruence of media and local activity signals. Neither local conviviality nor Bohemian influences are, by themselves, significant. Rather, buyer rationality is validated by post-purchase infrastructure completions. The thesis of this project is, hence, that in euphoric capital markets, migration and debt accelerates the endogenous mutation of property from homes within a community towards speculative paper assets. The implication is that the excessive proliferation of premia indicates economic imbalance and urban malaise which requires recognition and treatment. While premia are paid for perceived privilege or prospects, cognitive risk representations and expectations evolve. Sometimes judgment is contaminated by media fantasy but often validated by accommodating government policy and central revitalisation projects. Yet, within a wider social and ecological remit, rampant premia suggest flaws in urban strategy, governance and planning practice. In terms of windfall events or unearned rent, the cumulative effects of ill-considered projects and price distortions can be ugly and wasteful. They alienate and accentuate spatial privilege without generating sustainable jobs. The project has procedural and substantive policy implications. The dynamics of residential premia cannot be disentangled from capital market volatility, urban fragmentation and reconstitution. Enlightened property development requires visionary urban planning beyond electoral cycles. Rather than unregulated markets or disjointed incrementalism, the project points to the advantages of cohesive projects and inclusive hubs. It impels ecological and people-focused development to nurture capable, connected and considerate edge communities. Its first steps are theoretical recognition, policy clarification, government reform, market constraints, price and tax rationalisation and spatial transparency.
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