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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Light scattering for analysis of thermal stress induced deformation in thin metal films

Kylner, Carina January 1997 (has links)
Today, thin film based devices are found in a wide field of applications. The main reasons are that thin film technology enables access to unique physical properties and possibilities to miniaturize devices. Thin film devices are generally described in terms such as electrical, optical and magnetical properties. However, the lifetime of these devices is often limited by mechanical stresses causing plastic deformation. An effect of the plastic deformation is hillocking where isolated features are created on the film surface. The continual need to improve performance, reduce size as well as cost is pushing thin film structures close to or beyond present fundamental understanding. Further progress requires better understanding of basic phenomena where analytical methods for characterization of thin film deformation play a crucial role. To follow the initial hillock formation during thermal treatments it is essential to have a suitable tool for achieving real-time measurements with high sensitivity over a relatively large area that does not considerably affect the film surface. Methods based on light scattering are generally very sensitive to changes in the surface topography and allow contact free measurements at high speed. In this thesis light scattering methods are investigated as tools for stress analysis of thin metal films. Detection and characterization of isolated surface features using angular resolved scattering has been investigated by simulations. Results were used in development of an optical instrument for simultaneous measurements of initial hillocking and changes in overall film stress. The instrument combines light scattering and laser beam deflection techniques. It is shown how the onset of initial hillocking in aluminum films is accompanied by stress relaxation. Real-time dark field microscopy was demonstrated as a technique for analysis of the lateral hillock distribution. Analysis of the distribution show clustering of hillocks which is supposed to be related to the microstructure of the film. It is demonstrated that copper inclusion can be used to strengthen aluminum films to withstand higher stress before hillocking occurs. The copper content also reduces the grain size and thereby the surface roughness, which results in good or even better optical performance than for pure aluminum films. / <p>NR 20140805</p>

Finansinių krizių prognozavimo galimybių tyrimas / Research of financial crises’ predictability

Petrauskas, Algirdas 30 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe atliktas finansinių krizių prognozavimo galimybių tyrimas. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje yra vertinama ir analizuojama finansinės krizės samprata, apibrėžiamas finansinės krizės gyvavimo ciklas ir nustatomi finansinės krizės pradžią identifikuojantys rodikliai. Antroje darbo dalyje yra vertinama finansinių krizių prognozavimo metodologija, kuri yra naudojama kitų autorių tyrimuose. Antroje dalyje taip pat vertinamas pasirinktų finansinių krizių pradžios momentą apibrėžiančių kintamųjų tinkamumas, pasirenkami nepriklausomieji kintamieji bei apibrėžiama tyrimo metodologija. Trečioji darbo dalis yra skirta pagrindiniam tyrimui, kurio metu tiesinės regresijos metodu yra tikrinama galimybė prognozuoti finansines krizės pradžią pasitelkus pasirinktus nepriklausomus kintamuosius. Atlikus tyrimą pateikiamos išvados ir rekomendacijos tolimesniems moksliniams tyrimams bei valdžios institucijoms, atsakingoms už finansų sistemų priežiūrą. / The main task of the Master‘s degree final work is to implement the research of financial crises’ prediction possibility. Financial crisis, financial crisis cycle and the initial stage of financial crisis are identified in the first part of the work. The second part of the work consists of the analysis of financial crises’ prediction methodologies, which were implemented by other scientists, evaluation of selected dependent variables for the identification of financial crises starting point, selection of independent variables for the prediction of financial crises and the methodology of the main research. The results of the main research and calculations of correlations and linear regressions are presented in the third part of the work. The research ends with conclusions and recommendations for government institutions and further studies of financial crises’ predictability.

Propaga??o da Richeria grandis Vahl. (Phyllanthaceae) / Propagation of Richeria grandis Vahl. (Phyllanthaceae)

Moura, Cristiane Coelho de 04 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-02-16T17:56:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) cristiane_coelho_moura.pdf: 2162662 bytes, checksum: b2941635e812ffa2d1ef219667e8df5f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-03-09T19:32:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) cristiane_coelho_moura.pdf: 2162662 bytes, checksum: b2941635e812ffa2d1ef219667e8df5f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-09T19:32:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) cristiane_coelho_moura.pdf: 2162662 bytes, checksum: b2941635e812ffa2d1ef219667e8df5f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES). / Anglo American / Com o intuito de gerar informa??es para produ??o de mudas direcionadas ? projetos de restaura??o de Matas de Galeria, objetivou-se neste estudo, descrever a morfologia e aspectos biom?tricos do fruto e da semente, as caracter?sticas morfofuncionais e desenvolvimento da pl?ntula, e obter a classifica??o fisiol?gica quanto a capacidade de armazenamento das sementes da Richeria grandis Vahl. Verificou-se tamb?m a influ?ncia de diferentes composi??es de substratos e n?veis de redu??o solar sob a emerg?ncia de pl?ntulas e crescimento de mudas via propaga??o sexuada e a viabilidade da t?cnica de miniestaquia na propaga??o assexuada da R. grandis, submetidas a diferentes concentra??es do regulador de crescimento ?cido indolbut?rico (AIB). A coleta de sementes ocorreu em 18 ?rvores-matrizes estabelecidas em Matas de Galeria inund?veis localizadas no Parque Estadual do Biribiri, Diamantina, MG e, todos os experimentos foram conduzidos em Viveiro Florestal e laborat?rio de Sementes pertencente ao Centro Integrado de Propaga??o de Esp?cies Florestais (CIPEF- UFVJM). A caracteriza??o morfol?gica e biom?trica de frutos e sementes se deu por observa??es a olho nu e mensura??es utilizando um paqu?metro universal. A fim de observar o comportamento fisiol?gico, sementes rec?m beneficiadas desta esp?cie foram armazenadas em sacos de papel ao ar livre, e foram submetidas a testes de germina??o e umidade (%) periodicamente. As caracter?sticas morfofuncionais foram observadas, a olho nu, mediante processo de desenvolvimento (desde a protrus?o radicular, emerg?ncia at? o surgimento do primeiro prot?filo) em laborat?rio e casa de vegeta??o. Utilizou-se tr?s composi??es de substratos e tr?s n?veis de sombreamento para testar o efeito destas combina??es sobre a qualidade de mudas jovens da R. grandis, para tal, foi mensurado ao longo de 210 dias, a altura, di?metro do coleto, n?mero de folhas, clorofila total e biomassas secas. Por fim, a base de estacas apicais provenientes de mudas jovens resgatadas em ambiente natural da R. grandis, foram emergidas em quatro concentra??es de AIB e avaliadas aos 90 dias, mensurando o incremento em altura e di?metro, sobreviv?ncia (%), enraizamento (%), calogenia (%) e brota??es (%). Ressalta-se que, para todos os experimentos, os princ?pios b?sicos da experimenta??o (repeti??o, casualiza??o e controle local) foram atendidos, utilizando diferentes delineamentos experimentais. Diferentes ferramentas para an?lise estat?stica tamb?m foram utilizadas para auxiliar na tomada de decis?o. O fruto da R. grandis ? simples, seco, do tipo c?psula, deiscente, com comprimento m?dio de 16,24 mm e largura m?dia de 8,57mm. A semente ? elipsoide com presen?a de sarcotesta, apresentando comprimento m?dio de 7,40mm e largura m?dia de 4,57 mm. A R. grandis apresenta sementes recalcitrantes, a emerg?ncia ? do tipo Fanero-ep?geo-foli?ceo, e o processo de desenvolvimento para a semente se tornar uma pl?ntula completa delonga por, no m?nimo, 50 dias. Os substratos compostos por diferentes propor??es de vermiculita, casca de arroz e Bioplant?, associado com os sombreamentos 30 e 50% foram respons?veis por promover mudas da R. grandis de melhor qualidade. A t?cnica de propaga??o vegetativa por miniestaquia ? vi?vel, uma vez que houve 100% de sobreviv?ncia e alta porcentagem de enraizamento at? para o tratamento sem adi??o do AIB. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncia Florestal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / The aim of this study was to describe the morphology and biometric aspects of the fruit and seed, the morphofunctional characteristics and development of the seedling, and to obtain the classification the storage capacity of the seeds of Richeria grandis Vahl. It was also verified the influence of different compositions of substrates and levels of solar reduction under the emergence of seedlings and growth of seedlings via sexual propagation and the viability of the technique of minicache in the asexual propagation of R. grandis, submitted to different concentrations of the regulator of indolebutyric acid (IBA) growth. Seed collection occurred in 18 matrix trees established in flooded Forest Mills located in Biribiri State Park, Diamantina, MG, and all experiments were conducted in Forest Nursery and Seed Laboratory belonging to the Integrated Center for the Propagation of Forest Species ( CIPEF-UFVJM). The morphological and biometric characterization of fruits and seeds was by naked eye observations and measurements using a universal caliper. In order to observe the physiological behavior, freshly harvested seeds of this species were stored in paper bags in the open air and germinated and tested (%) periodically. The morphofunctional characteristics were observed in the laboratory and in the greenhouse by means of a developmental process (from root protrusion, emergence until the first protophyte). Three compositions of substrates and three levels of shading were used to test the effect of these combinations on the quality of R. grandis young seedlings. The height, collection diameter, number of leaves , total chlorophyll and dry biomass. Finally, the base of apical cuttings from young saplings rescued in the natural environment of R. grandis, were emerged in four concentrations of IBA and evaluated at 90 days, measuring the increase in height and diameter, survival (%), rooting (% ), calogenia (%) and sprouts (%). It should be noted that for all experiments, the basic principles of experimentation (repetition, randomization and local control) were met using different experimental designs. Different tools for statistical analysis were also used to aid in decision making. The fruit of R. grandis is simple, dry, capsule type, dehiscent, with an average length of 16.24 mm and an average width of 8.57 mm. The seed is ellipsoid with presence of sarcotesta, presenting an average length of 7.40 mm and an average width of 4.57 mm. R. grandis presents recalcitrant seeds, the emergence is of the Fanero-epigene-foliaceous type, and the development process for the seed becomes a complete seedling delonged for at least 50 days. The substrates composed of different proportions of vermiculite, rice husk and Bioplant ?, associated with shading 30 and 50% were responsible for promoting R. grandis seedlings of better quality. The technique of vegetative propagation by minicutting is feasible, since there was a 100% survival and a high percentage of rooting even for the treatment without addition of AIB.

Особенности использования электронных образовательных ресурсов на начальном этапе обучения взрослых грамматике немецкого языка : магистерская диссертация / Features of using electronic educational resources at the initial stage of teaching German to adults

Селезнева, П. О., Selezneva, P. O. January 2020 (has links)
This master's thesis is devoted to the peculiarities of using electronic educational resources at the initial stage of teaching German grammar to adults. The paper considers the features of teaching adults a foreign language in the framework of language courses, the psychological characteristics of adults who study a foreign language in courses, the use of electronic educational resources for teaching foreign language grammar. The quantitative and qualitative classification of grammatical errors of adult students was carried out according to such parameters as the primary structure of grammatical errors (types) the whole contingent of students; the degree of their frequency, typicalness, the main reasons for their occurrence; the relative structure of errors in each group; the proportion of grammatical errors in individual groups; the dynamics of changes in the relative structure of errors in a particular group at different stages of training in the course with the allocation of dominant types of dynamics: stability/instability of different types of errors. Based on the classification of grammatical errors formed in the course of classes aimed at familiarizing with grammatical phenomena, exercises for differentiation, transformation, and substitution exercises with the use of LearningApps, Kahoot! and Quizizz, aimed at teaching German grammar at the initial stage. In the course of experimental research on German language courses for adults in the framework of the Local public organization " National and cultural autonomy of the Germans of the city It was found that in the experimental and control groups, with a significant difference in the total number of errors, their dynamics is such that in the middle of the course, errors become less than they were at the beginning: in the experimental group, we observe a jump in grammatical errors by 5.3 times, in the control group - by 1.2 times, i.e. the order of reducing speech errors in these groups differs significantly. At the same time, it should be noted that the overall error density indicator decreases by the end of the training course. In the experimental group, the decrease in error density is very significant and indicates an increase in the volume of statements and a decrease in the number of errors, which is proof of the effectiveness of the developed exercises aimed at teaching German grammar at the initial stage. Grammar exercises developed in the course of this study using the electronic educational resources LearningApps, Quizizz and Kahoot! they can be used at the initial stage of teaching a foreign language in the framework of language courses and non-linguistic faculties of higher educational institutions. / Настоящая магистерская диссертация посвящена особенностям использования электронных образовательных ресурсов на начальном этапе обучения взрослых грамматике немецкого языка. В работе рассмотрены особенности обучения взрослых иностранному языку на языковых курсах, психологические особенности взрослых, изучающих иностранный язык, применение электронных образовательных ресурсов для обучения грамматике иностранного языка. Была осуществлена количественная и качественная классификация грамматических ошибок взрослых обучающихся по таким параметрам, как первичная структура грамматических ошибок (по видам) у всего контингента обучающихся; степень их частотности, типичности, основные причины возникновения; относительная структура ошибок в каждой группе; удельный вес грамматических ошибок в отдельно взятых группах; динамика изменения относительной структуры ошибок в отдельно взятой группе на разных этапах обучения в рамках курса с выделением доминирующих типов динамики: устойчивость/неустойчивость разных видов ошибок. На основании классификации грамматических ошибок, сформированной в ходе занятий, были разработаны упражнения с применением LearningApps, Kahoot! и Quizizz, направленные на обучение грамматике немецкого языка на начальном этапе. В ходе опытно-поисковой работы на курсах немецкого языка для взрослых, было выявлено, что в экспериментальной и контрольной группах при значительном различии в общем числе ошибок их динамика такова, что в середине курса ошибок становится меньше, чем было в начале: в экспериментальной группе мы наблюдем скачкообразное уменьшение грамматических ошибок в 5,3 раза, в контрольной группе - в 1,2 раза, т.е. порядок снижения ошибочности речи в этих группах существенно различается. При этом, следует отметить, снижение общего показателя плотности ошибок к концу курса обучения. В экспериментальной группе снижение плотности ошибок весьма значительно и свидетельствует о росте объема высказываний и снижении количества ошибок, что является доказательством эффективности применения разработанных упражнений, направленных на обучение грамматике немецкого языка на начальном этапе. Разработанные в ходе данного исследования грамматические упражнения с использованием электронных образовательных ресурсов LearningApps, Quizizz и Kahoot! могут быть использованы на начальном этапе обучения иностранному языку в рамках языковых курсов в центрах дополнительного образования и нелингвистических факультетов высших учебных заведений.

Методика развития навыков письма на китайском языке на начальном этапе обучения : магистерская диссертация / Methodology for developing writing skills in chinese at initial stage of training

Чжао, М., Zhao, M. January 2023 (has links)
В последние годы, с постоянным усилением влияния Китая, изучение китайского языка становится все более популярным. Актуальной задачей является разработка программ по развитию навыков речевой деятельности, включая письмо. Изучение трудностей письма на китайском языке и их решение имеет большое значение для улучшения навыков письма у иностранных студентов, может способствовать повышению их квалификации при работе в межкультурной среде, связанной со знанием китайского языка. Цель исследования – предложить методику развития навыков письма на китайском языке на начальном этапе обучения. Объект исследования – процесс развития навыков письма на китайском языке на начальном этапе обучения. Предмет исследования – методика развития навыком письма на китайском языке на начальном этапе обучения. Научная новизна исследования состоит в определении потенциала использования игровых и компьютерных технологий при обучении написанию китайских иероглифов на начальном этапе обучения. Полученные данные обоснованы теоретико-методологической базой исследования. Практическая значимость исследования: полученные результаты могут быть использованы в качестве методических рекомендаций и практических материалов на занятиях по написанию иероглифов на начальном этапе обучения. В первой главе диссертации описана теоретико-методологическая база исследования, обучение письму в трудах российских и китайских исследователей, история, происхождение китайских иероглифов, их взаимосвязь с культурными реалиями. Во второй главе диссертации предлагается методика обучения написанию китайских иероглифов на начальном этапе обучения, включающая игровые методы, компьютерные технологии, способствующие развитию навыков написания китайских иероглифов, уделяется внимание повышению квалификации преподавателей. / In recent years, with the increasing influence of China, learning Chinese has become increasingly popular. It is an urgent task to offer programs to develop speech skills, including writing. Studying the difficulties of writing in Chinese and solving them is important to improve the writing skills of international students and can help improve their skills when working in an intercultural environment related to the knowledge of the Chinese language. Purpose of the study: to propose a methodology for the development of writing skills in Chinese at the initial stage of learning. Object of the study – the process of developing writing skills in Chinese at the initial stage of learning. Subject of the study – methodology for the development of writing skills in Chinese at the initial stage of learning. Scientific novelty of the study consists in determining the potential of using gamification and computer technologies in teaching the writing of Chinese hieroglyphs at the initial stage of learning. The findings are based on the theoretical and methodological basis of the research. Practical significance of the study – the results can be used as guidelines and practical materials in classes for writing hieroglyphs at the initial stage of learning. The first chapter of the thesis describes the theoretical and methodological basis of the research, the teaching of writing in the works of Russian and Chinese researchers, the history, the origin of Chinese hieroglyphs, their relationship with cultural realities. The second chapter of the thesis proposes a methodology for teaching Chinese hieroglyphs writing at the initial stage, including gamification methods, computer technology to help develop Chinese hieroglyphs writing skills, attention is also paid to teachers’ professional development.

Obloukový most přes údolí / Arch bridge across the valley

Velešík, Marek January 2020 (has links)
The main focus of this master thesis is the design and assessments of the bridge structure consist of a stress ribbon supported by a steel arch. Three preliminary studies of pedestrian bridges above the valley were created and the one with semi-through deck supported by arch through cables was chosen to detail processing. This thesis includes a chapter, which deals with finding the ideal shape of arch. The computational beam model for the analysis of the structure was created in software Ansys Mechanical including the construction stages. The correctness of the computational model was verified by the secondary model created in the software Midas Civil. For evaluation of the structure in crosswise direction was created slab model in software Midas Civil. The structure was evaluated considering the ultimate serviceability state and ultimate limit state according to currently valid standards. The thesis also includes dynamic analysis.

Faktorer som påverkar en miljöinvestering / Factors that are affecting an environmental in-vestment

ELNER, FREDRIK January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att göra en jämförande studie mellan faktorerna som enligt en teoretisk ram påverkar en miljöinvestering och faktorerna som ingår i ett företags bedömnings-modell. Respondentbolaget begärde i ett tidigt skede att få vara anonymt och benämns därför som Företaget. Det är en multinationell koncern med verksamhet i många skilda branscher, men med fokus på norden och produkter som kan kopplas till lantbruk. Den teoretiska referensramen har sin utgångspunkt i begreppen värde och investering samt hur deras koppling till miljö och miljöinvesteringar för att identifiera de faktorer som påverkar en miljöinvestering. Faktorerna som ingår i den teoretiska referensramen och som jämförs mot respondentbolagets faktorer är:  Investeringens värdetillförsel  Investeringens miljöpåverkan  Hur investeringen påverkar produktionsförutsättningarna  Krav från samhället  Kundkrav Kopplingen däremellan bedöms enligt en femgradig skala. Informationen från Företaget inhäm-tades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med representanter från Företaget. Slutsatsen för detta arbete är att Företaget har identifierat samma faktorer som den teoretiska referensramen. De använder dock mätetal som inte fullt ut reflekterar faktorerna. Den största avvikelsen är bedömningen av en investerings värdetillförsel, då Företaget fullt ut införlivar det producerade värdet samt det faktum att en miljöinvestering skall ses som irreversibel. Enkelhet premieras hos Företaget och det är för att prioritera modellens användbarhet, som Företaget väl-jer att acceptera brister i bedömningsmodellen. För att förbättra bedömningsmodellen bör Företaget därför införliva nya mätetal som till större del reflekterar faktorerna som påverkar en miljöinvestering / The purpose of this master thesis is to present a comparison between the factors that affects an environmental investment. This is done through applying a theoretical framework on the factors affecting a company’s existing appraisal model for environmental investments. The company that was a part of this thesis asked at an initial stage for confidentiality, therefore it is called the Company in this thesis. The Company that contributes with the appraisal model is a multination-al group with operations in many different industries, but with a focus on the Nordic countries and products that may be linked to the agricultural sector. The theoretical framework has its base in the concepts of value and investments and their connection to the environment and the envi-ronmental investment. The identified factors in the theoretical framework are:  The investment’s addition to the value creation to the company  The investment’s environmental impact  How the investment affects the production  Demands from society  Customer demands From these, the factors affecting a company’s existing appraisal model were compared and their connection to theoretical framework was judged according to a 5-grade scale. Information from the Company was acquired through semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Company. The largest deviation is how the company considers an investment’s contribution to the produced value. Because of this imperfection does the company's model not fully incorporate the produced value and that an environmental investment is irreversible. The overall conclusion is that the Company has identified the same factors as the theoretical framework. The Company has though chosen to use their existing methods and performance indicators that don’t fully incorporate the factors in the theoretical framework. The largest devia-tions are how the company considers an investment’s contribution to the produced value and that it should be considered as irreversible. The Company must therefore in order to enhance their appraisal model develop new performance measures for the factors.

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