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People with disabilities’ perspectives on how participation in a supported employment programme facilitates access to work.Otty, Michaela Ellen January 2021 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Occupational Therapy) - MSc(OT) / Despite extensive literature highlighting the role of supported employment in ensuring access
to work for people with disabilities, there is limited research on their perspectives of supported
employment. This thesis presents a research study conducted in two different supported
employment programmes in South Africa. The aim of the study was to explore and describe
people with disabilities’ perspectives on how participation in a supported employment
programme facilitates access to work. The research objectives sought to explore the barriers
to, and facilitators of, inclusion and access for people with disabilities to work; describe key
elements of a supported employment programme that influences access and inclusion for
people with disabilities to work; and finally, to explore people with disabilities’ perspectives
regarding the value of participating in a supported employment programme.
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Le concept de responsabilité politique selon I.M. Young appliqué dans le contexte des déchets électriques et électroniquesLabrecque, Steven Éric 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire court a comme objectif d’appliquer le concept de responsabilité politique développé par Iris Marion Young dans Responsibility for Justice, ainsi que son modèle de connexion sociale, au contexte du recyclage des déchets électriques et électroniques. Au premier chapitre, il sera question en un premier temps d’explorer comment Young définit ses concepts et comment ils diffèrent des conceptions plus traditionnelles de la responsabilité. Au chapitre suivant, il s’agira de comprendre à quels problèmes philosophiques Young tente de répondre. Il sera intéressant ici de voir comment Young se distingue de J. Rawls, de comment elle s’inspire d’H. Arendt et comment elle se distance de l’approche nationaliste de D. Miller. Enfin, au dernier chapitre, ce travail termine par une application du modèle de Young au contexte du recyclage des déchets électriques et électroniques. Bien qu’il y ait des similitudes avec l’étude de cas présenté par Young dans Responsibility for Justice, des différences marquées dans les types d’interactions sociales à la source des injustices structurelles illustrent la pertinence d’utiliser le modèle de Young afin d’entamer une réflexion sur les solutions possibles. Ce mémoire court se veut donc être une sorte d’hommage à la pensée de Young qui est toujours d’actualité. / The objective of this short-form master thesis is to put in application the concept of political responsibility and its social connexion model developed by Iris Marion Young in Responsibility for Justice to the context of e-waste. In the first chapter, we will start by exploring how Young define her concepts and how they differ from traditional conceptions of responsibility. In the second chapter, we will see which philosophical questions Young wanted to address with her model. It will be interesting to see how she distinguishes her theory to the one of J. Rawls, how she seeks inspiration in the thoughts of H. Arendt, and how she distances herself from the national conception of responsibility developed by D. Miller. Finally, in the last chapter, this work ends with an application of Young’s social connection model to the context of e-waste. While there are some similarities with the case study presented by Young in Responsibility for Justice, the context of e-waste provides a different insight on the many types of social interactions at the source of structural injustices, and how Young’s theory is useful for a reflection about the possible solutions. This work is a kind of tribute to the thoughts of Young which are still relevant today.
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Exploring the philosophical mind: An empirical investigation of the process of philosophizing using the protocol analysis methodologySeakgwa, Kyle Vuyani Tiiso January 2019 (has links)
Masters of Art / Many empirically supported versions of stage and componential models of the cognitive processing
underlying the completion of various tasks spanning a wide range of domains have been developed by
cognitive scientists of various kinds. These include models of scientific (e.g. Dunbar 1999),
mathematical (e.g. Schoenfeld 1985), artistic (e.g. Getzels and Csikszentmihalyi 1976), engineering
(e.g. Purzer et al 2018), legal (e.g. Ronkainen 2011), medical (e.g. Vimla et al 2012) and even culinary
cognition (e.g. Stierand and Dörfler 2015) (and this list is nowhere near exhaustive). Yet, despite the
existence of fields such as experimental and metaphilosophy which take philosophy as their object,
often by using methods from the cognitive sciences, a stage or componential model of philosophizing
is conspicuously missing from even an exhaustive list of the kind just produced.
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“We will become a people when…” A normative discussion of self-determination, secession and PalestineSkautrup, Marie Lulu January 2019 (has links)
Self-determination as a concept within political philosophy has developed exponentially in the last few decades. This thesis maps the most prominent conceptions and establishes three main arguments. Firstly, that self-determination is a universal right for all self-identified peoples. Secondly, that secession should not be universal, but instead is dependent on the level of cohesiveness of a given people, as well as historical or contemporary injustice. Third, that while Palestine does have a right to secession, there is a risk of neglecting the refugees and their right of return in the quest for statehood. Alternatives to secession, i.e. power-sharing solutions, are discussed as well, and applied to Palestine. Critiques of nationalism, intergenerational justice and group rights are evaluated as well.
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Past Injustices: An argumentative analysis on the inherited responsibilities to repair past injusticesMelbye Larsen, Simone January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to investigate what circumstances supports inherited responsibility to afford reparations. The general arguments for and against inherited obligations are presented and discussed. Hereafter, Denmark and Australia’s forced assimilation policies are examined in order to establish their responsibilities to correct the past injustice. The general arguments are applied when scrutinizing the cases. It is visible that it remains difficult to determine a nation’s responsibilities to correct past injustices, however, once considering the continuance of communities as well as inherited benefits and desert-claims, it seems justified that nations also inherit liabilities. The thesis is argumentative and normative in nature, entailing suggestions both for and against inherited responsibility. Once nations recognize that the purpose is to correct an injustice, and not take responsibility for its occurrence, it becomes clear that nations ought to accept inherited responsibility to afford reparations.
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Las huellas del debate feminista en la literatura española / Traces of the Feminist Debat in the Spanish LiteraturGajón, Patricia January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this essay is to investigate the works of Galdós and Lorca and how they shapedthe position of women in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Feminist literarytheory is used to elucidate how debates about the position of women developed and whatmechanisms our writers used to highlight injustice towards the female figure. They alsoexplored how women could also be sexist with those of the same gender. The results showthat the works reflect a degree of awareness of both Lorca and Galdós regarding theposition of women in Spanish society and in their own way they denounced it with theirprose. They exposed with their lyrics the difficulties women were going through. / El objetivo de este ensayo es investigar las obras de Galdós en Doña Perfecta y Lorca enLa casa de Bernarda Alba y cómo representaron la posición de la mujer a finales del sigloXIX y principios del XX. La teoría literaria feminista se utiliza para dilucidar cómo sedesarrollaron los debates sobre la posición de las mujeres y qué mecanismos se utilizan enlos textos para resaltar la injusticia hacia la figura femenina. También exploraron cómo lasmujeres también podrían ser sexistas con las del mismo género. Los resultados muestranque las obras reflejan un grado de conciencia tanto de Lorca como Galdós en cuanto a laposición de la mujer en la sociedad española y a su manera lo denunciaban con su prosa.Expusieron con sus letras las dificultades por las que pasaban las mujeres.
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Intentionality and Perceived Injustice: Repeated Exposure to Acute PainYsidron, Dominic Walter 28 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of Perceived Social Injustice in CyberbullyingWang, Yuanxin January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation explored the relationships among social injustice, social dominance orientation, aggression, and cyberbullying across Chinese and American populations. Direct effect and mediation models were proposed to test the explanatory power of perceived social injustice on the likelihood of cyberbullying. Twelve hypothesized social injustice scenarios written with first person perspective and based on three types of perceived social injustice (distributive, procedural, interactional), two social settings (pay, power), and two levels of injustice (high, low) were created to test four groups of hypotheses on the relationship between social factors and cyberbullying. Data were collected from an online survey site. A total of 639 Chinese participants and 484 American participants were randomly assigned to one of the 12 scenarios and then instructed to complete the survey based on the way they were treated in the scenarios. Participants were asked to report the level of their social dominance orientation, perceived injustice based on the scenarios, level of aggression, and likelihood of cyberbullying. Demographic characteristics of the participants were also recorded. Results revealed that (a) perceived distributive injustice positively predicts likelihood of cyberbullying among both American and Chinese participants, (b) perceived interactional injustice positively predicts the likelihood of cyberbullying only among Chinese participants, (c) the level of proactive aggression mediates the effect of perceived distributive injustice on the likelihood of cyberbullying, (d) the level of reactive aggression mediates the effect of perceived procedural and interactional injustices on the likelihood of cyberbullying, and (e) social dominance orientation negatively predicts three types of perceived social injustice and positively predicts the likelihood of cyberbullying. The theoretical and practical contributions of the dissertation are discussed. / Media & Communication
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The Trans-Historicity of the Nineteenth-Century New England Novel: Social Injustice and the Puritan Ideological LegacyWoods, Benjamin Michael 04 May 2018 (has links)
This study offers a transhistorical reading of Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s Hope Leslie, Sylvester Judd’s Margaret, and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. I identify how each novel addresses the need for social reform in nineteenth-century New England by tracing the root of social injustice to the Puritan ideological legacy. These novels address social injustices by not merely using New England’s past as a catalyst, but in identifying their origin in New England’s Calvinist, Congregationalist past. These novels furthermore reflect the theological debate between Calvinists and their Unitarian and Transcendentalist opponents in the early nineteenth century. Each novel offers a challenge to the Calvinist view of humanity with one that perceives humanity as morally improvable and fully capable of discerning what is moral independently of socially-imposed moral concepts. Ultimately, these novels suggest the vital role a society’s perception of human nature has in its ability to enact and ensure justice for its constituents.
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Migrant ChildSheperd, Nicholas 01 January 2016 (has links)
Migrant Child is a poetry collection about injustice in the United States of America and the international community. The purpose of the collection is to humanize social injustice in the present, so as to show the reader that discrimination still happens in the United States in 2016. To that end, the collection draws on comparisons from civil rights movements of the 1960s and from present day. It is also meant to reflect injustices the author experiences in his own life. The poetry collection was created after the author spent six months volunteering throughout the State of Florida. The poems in the collection center around Hispanic communities in the United States, refugees seeking asylum, individuals living HIV and AIDS, male rape, and familial abuse. Several poems are written in the epigraph format, so as to place the reader in the author’s desired mindset for that particular poem. In addition, multiple poems in this collection have been inspired by the poets Yusef Komunyakaa, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, and Allen Ginsburg. In present day, discrimination and prejudice are still experienced by minority communities in the United States, and Migrant Child is not by any extent an exhaustive list of all communities that are, in the present, experiencing social injustice.
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