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Computational studies of signalling at the cell membraneLumb, Craig Nicholas January 2012 (has links)
In order to associate with the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane, many cytosolic signalling proteins possess a distinct lipid binding domain as part of their overall fold. Here, a multiscale simulation approach has been used to investigate three membrane-binding proteins involved in cellular processes such as growth and proliferation. The pleckstrin homology (PH) domain from the general receptor for phosphoinositides 1 (GRP1-PH) binds phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P₃) with high affinity and specificity. To investigate how this peripheral protein is able to locate its target lipid in the complex membrane environment, Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations were employed to explore association pathways for GRP1-PH binding to PI(3,4,5)P₃ embedded in membranes with different surface charge densities and distributions. The results indicated that non-PI(3,4,5)P₃ lipids can act as decoys to disrupt PI(3,4,5)P₃ binding, but that at approximately physiological anionic lipid concentrations steering towards PI(3,4,5)P₃ is actually enhanced. Atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations revealed substantial membrane penetration of membrane-bound GRP1-PH, evident when non-equilibrium, steered MD simulations were used to forcibly dissociate the protein from the membrane surface. Atomistic and coarse grained (CG) MD simulations of the phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) tumour suppressor, which also binds PI(3,4,5)P₃, detected numerous non-specific protein-lipid contacts and anionic lipid clustering around PTEN that can be modulated by selective in silico mutagenesis. These results suggested a dual recognition model of membrane binding, with non-specific membrane interactions complementing the protein-ligand interaction. Molecular docking and MD simulations were used to characterise the lipid binding properties of kindlin-1 PH. Simulations demonstrated that a dynamic salt bridge was responsible for controlling the accessibility of the binding site. Electrostatics calculations applied to a variety of PH domains suggested that their molecular dipole moments are typically aligned with their ligand binding sites, which has implications for steering and ligand electrostatic funnelling.
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K+ channels : gating mechanisms and lipid interactionsSchmidt, Matthias Rene January 2013 (has links)
Computational methods, including homology modelling, in-silico dockings, and molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the functional dynamics and interactions of K<sup>+</sup> channels. Molecular models were built of the inwardly rectifying K<sup>+</sup> channel Kir2.2, the bacterial homolog K<sup>+</sup> channel KirBac3.1, and the twin pore (K2P) K<sup>+</sup> channels TREK-1 and TRESK. To investigate the electrostatic energy profile of K<sup>+</sup> permeating through these homology models, continuum electrostatic calculations were performed. The primary mechanism of KirBac3.1 gating is believed to involve an opening at the helix bundle crossing (HBC). However, simulations of Kir channels have not yet revealed opening at the HBC. Here, in simulations of the new KirBac3.1-S129R X-ray crystal structure, in which the HBC was trapped open by the S129R mutation in the inner pore-lining helix (TM2), the HBC was found to exhibit considerable mobility. In a simulation of the new KirBac3.1-S129R-S205L double mutant structure, if the S129R and the S205L mutations were converted back to the wild-type serine, the HBC would close faster than in the simulations of the KirBac3.1-S129R single mutant structure. The double mutant structure KirBac3.1-S129R-S205L therefore likely represents a higher-energy state than the single mutant KirBac3.1-S129R structure, and these simulations indicate a staged pathway of gating in KirBac channels. Molecular modelling and MD simulations of the Kir2.2 channel structure demonstrated that the HBC would tend to open if the C-linker between the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domain was modelled helical. The electrostatic energy barrier for K<sup>+</sup> permeation at the helix bundle crossing was found to be sensitive to subtle structural changes in the C-linker. Charge neutralization or charge reversal of the PIP2-binding residue R186 on the C-linker decreased the electrostatic barrier for K<sup>+</sup> permeation through the HBC, suggesting an electrostatic contribution to the PIP2-dependent gating mechanism. Multi-scale simulations determined the PIP2 binding site in Kir2.2, in good agreement with crystallographic predictions. A TREK-1 homology model was built, based on the TRAAK structure. Two PIP2 binding sites were found in this TREK-1 model, at the C-terminal end, in line with existing functional data, and between transmembrane helices TM2 and TM3. The TM2-TM3 site is in reasonably good agreement with electron density attributed to an acyl tail in a recently deposited TREK-2 structure.
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Estudos bioquímicos, funcionais e estruturais da septina humana SEPT2: fatores que determinam a formação de agregados / Functional and structural studies of human SEPT2: determinant factors triggering the sefl-assembly into amyloid fibrilsDamalio, Julio Cesar Pissuti 26 October 2011 (has links)
As septinas fazem parte de uma família de proteínas de ligação ao nucleotídeo guanina. As septinas têm mostrado ter um papel importante na citocinese e outros processos celulares, incluindo a determinação da polaridade celular e reorganização do citoesqueleto. Todos os membros da família de septinas são compostos por três domínios: um N-terminal variável, um domínio central GTPase e uma região C-terminal que inclui sequências de coiled-coil. Septinas possuem uma característica de polimerizarem para formar complexos hetero-oligoméricos altamente organizados, in vivo e in vitro. Estruturas homo-oligoméricas também foram observadas, embora sua função ainda não esteja bem estabelecida. A Septina 2 humana (SEPT2) se acumula no sulco de clivagem de células em divisão, desde a anáfase até a telófase, além de interagir com a actina, e também está envolvida em doenças neurodegenerativas, como mal de Azheimer. Nesse estudo, a ORF que codifica SEPT2, bem como os fragmentos que codificam seus domínios, foram clonados, expressos em E.coli e purificados por cromatografia de afinidade e cromatografia de exclusão molecular. Os produtos foram analisados por espectroscopia de dicroísmo circular, espalhamento de luz a ângulo fixo e espectroscopia de fluorescência extrínseca, usando Tioflavina-T, que é um marcador clássico para fibras amilóides. Em todos os casos, os produtos formaram homodímeros in vitro, e também agregaram em temperaturas fisiológicas. O desenovelamento térmico das proteínas recombinantes revelou a presença de uma população intermediária de desenovelamento, rica em folhas-β, e que ligam Tioflavina-T, sugerindo uma estrutura amiloidogênica para essa proteína, confirmada pelos programas de predição TANGO e WALTZ. Imagens dessas fibras foram obtidas usando Microscopia eletrônica de Transmissão, evidenciando uma agregação organizada das proteínas. Além disso, usando monocamadas de Langmuir, foi possível confirmar a ligação específica de SEPT2 ao fosfolipídeo fosfatidilinositol 4,5-bifosfato (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Essa ligação específica mantém a estrutura secundária de SEPT2, observada pela técnica PM-IRRAS, algo que não ocorre caso o lipídio seja inespecífico, sugerindo uma associação de SEPT2 com a membrana plasmática e podendo ter um papel na regulação das septinas. Por meio da técnica de duplo híbrido em levedura, identificamos proteínas que interagem com a SEPT2, como a MPBI e a DCTN2, auxiliando na elucidação de processos em que a SEPT2 possa participar. O conjunto dos resultados sobre a estabilidade, os processos de agregação de SEPT2 e a identificação de novos parceiros protéicos de interação, obtidos nesse trabalho, contribuíram para o melhor entendimento da função da SEPT2 e de seu envolvimento em desordens neurodegerenativas. / Septins are members of a conserved group of GTP-binding and filament-forming proteins. They are involved in a variety of cellular processes, such as microtubule regulation, vesicle trafficking, the formation of scaffolding platforms and actin dynamics. Human Septin 2 (SEPT2) has an N-terminal polybasic region responsible for lipid binding, a GTPase domain, and a C-terminal domain. SEPT2 is essential for cytokinesis and it is found in many tissues, mainly in the brain. Together with SEPT1 and SEPT4, it is accumulated in deposits known as neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimers disease, which is evidence that SEPT2 may be involved in this process. In this study, the human SEPT2, and its domains, were cloned, expressed in E.coli and purified by affinity and size-exclusion chromatographies. The proteins form homodimers in vitro, suggesting that the GTPase domain is enough to promote the oligomerization. Thermal unfolding revealed the formation of aggregates under physiological conditions, which have the ability to bind a specific amyloid dye, Thioflavin-T, suggesting them to be an amyloidal fiber. Besides, in silico prediction programs, TANGO and WALTZ, corroborate that SEPT2 contain regions with high probability of aggregation and amyloidogenic formation, respectively. Moreover, we observed 20-50 nm thick filamentous structures by electron microscopy of negatively stained. Using Langmuir monolayers at the cell membrane lipid packing, SEPT2 and SEPT2NG bound to the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Results from in situ PM-IRRAS experiments indicated that the secondary structure of SEPT2 is preserved upon interacting with PtdIns(4,5)P2, but not when interacting with DPPC - which is not specific for SEPT2 - at the air/water interface suggesting an association with the plasma membrane and a role in septin regulation. Furthermore, we also identified protein partners of SEPT2, from both human leukocyte and brain fetal cDNA libraries, using the yeast two-hybrid system. SEPT2 was shown to interact with: septins 6 and 4; a serine-protease and a MAP inhibitory protein; an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; and proteins related to cellular division. Thus, taken together this study contributed for the knowledgment of the stability and the aggregation kinetic of the SEPT2, leading to a better understanding of this protein and their role in neurodegenerative disorders.
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Study of the insulin-sensitizing effect of myo-inositol in mouse : Evaluation of the nutritional interest of a myo-inositol supplementation / Etude du potentiel insulino-sensibilisant du myo-inositol chez la souris : Evaluation de l’intérêt nutritionnel d’une supplémentation en myo-inositolCroze, Marine 27 November 2013 (has links)
Le diabète de type 2 constitue un enjeu majeur de santé publique et la mise au point de stratégies insulino-sensibilisantes est un défi permanent pour les scientifiques. Cette étude montre qu’un traitement chronique au myo-inositol améliore la sensibilité à l’insuline, réduit l’accrétion adipeuse et augmente la capacité de survie des souris au paraquat. L’effet insulino-sensibilisant semble passer, au moins en partie, par un effet direct sur la voie de signalisation insuline (éventuelle implication de médiateurs de type inositol glycanes). La diminution de l’accrétion adipeuse semble, quant à elle, liée à une réduction de l’activité de lipogenèse de novo et doit probablement aussi contribuer à l’effet insulino-sensibilisant sur le long terme. Une supplémentation en myo-inositol a également amélioré la sensibilité à l’insuline et réduit l’accrétion adipeuse chez la souris sous régime riche en graisses, mais n’a pu prévenir le dévelopement d’une obésité et d’une insulino-résistance associée à une lipotoxicité. Par ailleurs, chez des souris âgées obèses et au contrôle glycémique altéré, la supplémentation en myo-inositol fut inefficace. Cette réduction ou perte d’effet insulino-sensibilisant dans ces deux modèles murins pourrait être liée à la perte d’efficacité du myo-inositol sur la réduction de la masse adipeuse dans un contexte d’obésité déjà installée (souris âgées) et d’activité de lipogenèse de novo réduite (régime gras). De plus, la génération de messagers secondaires putatifs de l’insuline de type inositol glycanes est probablement réduite en cas d’insulino-résistance et pourrait aussi expliquer la perte d’efficacité du myo-inositol dans ces deux cas. Finalement, le myo-inositol seul et/ou utilisé dans le contexte d’une suralimentation chronique n’est pas une stratégie viable de prévention ou de traitement de la résistance à l’insuline. Par contre, son association avec d’autres stratégies insulino-sensibilisantes pourrait potentialiser son/leurs action(s) et éventuellement aider à réduire l’utilisation de stratégies médicamenteuses. / Insulin resistance is the first step in the development of type 2 diabetes so finding insulin-sensitizing strategies is challenging for scientists. Some inositol isomers or derivatives have been reported to exert insulin-mimetic activity. myo-Inositol being the most abundant stereoisomeric form of inositol in foodstuffs, we tested its insulin-mimetic potential in the long term and as a nutritional strategy for insulin resistance prevention and/or treatment. This study demonstrates that chronic myo-inositol treatment improves insulin sensitivity, reduces white adipose tissue accretion and improves mice survival mice to paraquat challenge. The insulin-sensitizing effect seems to be related to a direct effect on insulin signaling pathway. Reduction in adipose tissue mass also probably contribute to the long term effect of myo-inositol on insulin sensitivity. Myo-Inositol supplementation also improved insulin sensitivity and reduced white adipose tissue deposition in mice fed a high fat diet, but did not prevent insulin-resistance or obesity development. On one year-old mice with established obesity and altered glycemic control, myo-inositol supplementation showed no beneficial effect. myo-Inositol apparently acts on adipose tissue through reduction of de novo lipogenesis rather than stimulation of lipolysis. This may explain the lack or loss of myo-inositol efficiency in reducing adipose tissue mass in contexts of already well-established obesity (old mice) or reduced de novo lipogenesis (high fat diet feeding). Generation of inositol glycan putative insulin second messengers is probably reduced in context of insulin resistance which may explain the reduced effect of myo-inositol in both obese mice models. Moreover, myo-Inositol did not prevent lipotoxicity and so the associated insulin-resistance in high fat diet fed mice. In conclusion, myo-inositol alone and/or in a context of overnutrition is not a suitable strategy for the prevention or treatment of insulin resistance. Combining it with other insulin sentitizing strategies may however potentiate their action and help reducing insulin-sensitizing drugs use.
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Oscillatory Ca<sup>2+</sup> signaling in glucose-stimulated murine pancreatic β-cells : Modulation by amino acids, glucagon, caffeine and ryanodineAhmed, Meftun January 2001 (has links)
<p>Oscillations in cytoplasmic Ca<sup>2+</sup> concentration ([Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub>i</sub>) is the key signal in glucose-stimulated β-cells governing pulsatile insulin release. The glucose response of mouse β-cells is often manifested as slow oscillations and rapid transients of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub>. In the present study, microfluorometric technique was used to evaluate the role of amino acids, glucagon, ryanodine and caffeine on the generation and maintenance of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations and transients in individual murine β-cells and isolated mouse pancreatic islets. The amino acids glycine, alanine and arginine, at around their physiological concentrations, transformed the glucose-induced slow oscillations of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> in isolated mouse β-cells into sustained elevation. Increased Ca<sup>2+</sup> entry promoted the reappearance of the slow [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations. The [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations were more resistant to amino acid transformation in intact islets, supporting the idea that cellular interactions are important for maintaining the oscillatory activity. Individual rat β-cells responded to glucose stimulation with slow [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations due to periodic entry of Ca<sup>2+</sup> as well as with transients evoked by mobilization of intracellular stores. The [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations in rat β-cells had a slightly lower frequency than those in mouse β-cells and were more easily transformed into sustained elevation in the presence of glucagon or caffeine. The transients of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> were more common in rat than in mouse β-cells and often appeared in synchrony also in cells lacking physical contact. Depolarization enhanced the generation of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> transients. In accordance with the idea that β-cells have functionally active ryanodine receptors, it was found that ryanodine sometimes restored oscillatory activity abolished by caffeine. However, the IP3 receptors are the major Ca<sup>2+</sup> release channels both in β-cells from rats and mice. Single β-cells from ob/ob mice did not differ from those of lean controls with regard to frequency, amplitudes and half-widths of the slow [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations. Nevertheless, there was an excessive firing of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> transients in the β-cells from the ob/ob mice, which was suppressed by leptin at close to physiological concentrations. The enhanced firing of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> transients in ob/ob mouse β-cells may be due to the absence of leptin and mediated by activation of the phospholipase C signaling pathway.</p>
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Oscillatory Ca2+ signaling in glucose-stimulated murine pancreatic β-cells : Modulation by amino acids, glucagon, caffeine and ryanodineAhmed, Meftun January 2001 (has links)
Oscillations in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) is the key signal in glucose-stimulated β-cells governing pulsatile insulin release. The glucose response of mouse β-cells is often manifested as slow oscillations and rapid transients of [Ca2+] i. In the present study, microfluorometric technique was used to evaluate the role of amino acids, glucagon, ryanodine and caffeine on the generation and maintenance of [Ca2+] i oscillations and transients in individual murine β-cells and isolated mouse pancreatic islets. The amino acids glycine, alanine and arginine, at around their physiological concentrations, transformed the glucose-induced slow oscillations of [Ca2+] i in isolated mouse β-cells into sustained elevation. Increased Ca2+ entry promoted the reappearance of the slow [Ca2+] i oscillations. The [Ca2+] i oscillations were more resistant to amino acid transformation in intact islets, supporting the idea that cellular interactions are important for maintaining the oscillatory activity. Individual rat β-cells responded to glucose stimulation with slow [Ca2+] i oscillations due to periodic entry of Ca2+ as well as with transients evoked by mobilization of intracellular stores. The [Ca2+] i oscillations in rat β-cells had a slightly lower frequency than those in mouse β-cells and were more easily transformed into sustained elevation in the presence of glucagon or caffeine. The transients of [Ca2+] i were more common in rat than in mouse β-cells and often appeared in synchrony also in cells lacking physical contact. Depolarization enhanced the generation of [Ca2+] i transients. In accordance with the idea that β-cells have functionally active ryanodine receptors, it was found that ryanodine sometimes restored oscillatory activity abolished by caffeine. However, the IP3 receptors are the major Ca2+ release channels both in β-cells from rats and mice. Single β-cells from ob/ob mice did not differ from those of lean controls with regard to frequency, amplitudes and half-widths of the slow [Ca2+] i oscillations. Nevertheless, there was an excessive firing of [Ca2+] i transients in the β-cells from the ob/ob mice, which was suppressed by leptin at close to physiological concentrations. The enhanced firing of [Ca2+] i transients in ob/ob mouse β-cells may be due to the absence of leptin and mediated by activation of the phospholipase C signaling pathway.
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Stereoselektive Synthese von lipophilen Inositolen und CeramidenMunick, Michael 09 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit umfasst die Synthese von lipophilen Inositolen und Glycerollipiden, welche auf ihre Raftophilie getestet wurden. Des weiteren wurden eine Reihe neuer Ceramide synthetisiert und diese in Bioassays auf ihre Wirksamkeit gegenüber diversen Krankheiten wie Influenza getestet.
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La calnexine: un élément clé dans l'apoptose chez la levure Schizosaccharomyces pombe.Guérin, Renée 12 1900 (has links)
La mort cellulaire programmée (PCD pour Programmed Cell Death) est un processus essentiel aux cellules. Le PCD a d’abord été caractérisé dans le développement cellulaire et peut être divisé en plusieurs groupes selon les caractéristiques observées. L’apoptose, un sous-groupe du PCD, est caractérisé par plusieurs distinctions morphologiques et signalétiques attribué tout d’abord aux organismes complexes pour son rôle dans le développement et dans le maintien de l’intégrité tissulaire. Depuis la dernière décennie, de nombreuses études font état de l’existence d’un programme apoptotique dans des organismes unicellulaires comme les levures. Ce programme apoptotique a surtout été étudié chez les levures Saccharomyces cerevisiae et Schizosaccharomyces pombe et partage certaines caractéristiques avec l’apoptose des mammifères. Par contre, l’apoptose associé aux levures est distinct à certains égards entre autre par l’absence de certains homologues présents chez les mammifères. L’intérêt au niveau de l’étude du phénomène apoptotique chez les levures est sans cesse grandissant par la facilité avec laquelle les levures peuvent être utilisées comme système modèle.
L’apoptose peut être induit dans les cellules de différentes façons en réponse à des stimuli internes ou externes. L’accumulation de protéines mal repliées au niveau du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) causant un stress est un inducteur bien caractérisé de la voie apoptotique. La signalisation de l’apoptose dans un cas de stress au RE fait appel aux transducteurs des signaux de la voie du UPR ( Unfolded Protein Response). Récemment, il a été montré que la calnexine, une chaperone transmembranaire du RE connue et caractérisée surtout pour ses fonctions d’aide au repliement des protéines et au contrôle de qualité, joue un rôle dans la transduction du signal apoptotique en réponse au stress du RE chez mammifères. Le rôle de la calnexine dans ce cas consiste principalement en l’échafaudage pour le clivage par la caspase 8 de la protéine apoptotique Bap31.
Nous avons tout d’abord démontré que le stress du RE et que la déficience en inositol, un précurseur essentiel de nombreuses molécules signalétiques, sont deux inducteurs de l’apoptose chez la levure S. pombe. Ces deux voies semblent induire l’apoptose par deux voies distinctes puisque seule la voie de la déficience en inositol induit l’apoptose de façon dépendante à la métacaspase Pca1p. La calnexine, essentielle à la viabilité chez la levure S. pombe, est impliquée dans ces deux phénomènes apoptotiques. L’apoptose induit par le stress du RE nécessite une version de la calnexine ancrée à la membrane du RE pour être optimal. De façon opposée, l’apoptose induit par une déficience en inositol nécessite la présence de la queue cytosolique ancrée à la membrane de la calnexine pour être retardé. Ces deux actions différentes imputables à une même protéine laisse croire à une double fonction pro et anti-apoptotique de celle-ci. Suite à la découverte de l’existence d’un clivage endogène de la calnexine en situation normale de croissance, un modèle a été élaboré expliquant les rôles distincts de la calnexine dans ces deux voies apoptotiques. Ce modèle fait état d’un rôle associé au clivage de la calnexine dans l’apoptose. / Programmed Cell Death (PCD) is an essential process to the cells. PCD was first characterized in cell development and can be separated in sub-groups depending of cell death characteristics observed. Apoptosis is one of the PCD sub-groups that was first associated to complex organisms for its roles in cell development and in maintenance of tissues integrity. The apoptotic pathway is characterized by specific morphological and signalization characteristics. In the last ten years, numerous studies demonstrated the existence of apoptosis in unicellular organisms such as yeast. This apoptotic program was extensively studied in the two yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe and share characteristics with the mammalian one. However, yeast apoptosis is distinctive at many points as yeast do not encodes all the mammalian homologues of the apoptotic pathway. Although yeast and mammalian apoptosis seems to differs, the interest about yeast apoptosis is growing given that yeast is an excellent and easily tractable model system.
External and internal stimuli can induce apoptosis by different ways. Accumulation of unfolded or incompletely folded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) causing ER stress is a well-known inducer of the apoptotic pathway. Signalization of ER-stress induced apoptosis involves the same transducers than the UPR (Unfolded Protein Response) pathway. It was recently shown that calnexin, a transmembrane chaperone of the ER, is implicated in ER-stress apoptosis in mammalian cells. In this particular case, it was demonstrated that calnexin acts as a scaffold in the cleavage of the apoptotic protein Bap31 by caspase 8.
We demonstrated that ER stress and inositol deficiency, a precursor of many important signalization molecules, are two situations leading to apoptosis in the yeast S. pombe. These two pathways leading to apoptosis seems to differ as only inositol deficiency is dependant of the yeast metacaspase Pca1p. We also demonstrated that S. pombe calnexin, essential for cell viability of this yeast, takes part in these two apoptotic process. ER stress induced apoptosis needs a calnexin anchors to the ER membrane to be efficient. However, apoptosis induced by inositol starvation needs the calnexin C-terminal tail with the transmembrane domain to be delayed. These two opposite actions from the same protein lead to the hypothesis that calnexin encodes both pro and anti-apoptotic functions. By the discovery that calnexin is cleaved under normal culture conditions, a model was elaborated explaining the distinctive roles of calnexin in these two apoptotic pathways. This model proposed a role of calnexin cleavage to apoptosis.
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La calnexine: un élément clé dans l'apoptose chez la levure Schizosaccharomyces pombeGuérin, Renée 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Estudos bioquímicos, funcionais e estruturais da septina humana SEPT2: fatores que determinam a formação de agregados / Functional and structural studies of human SEPT2: determinant factors triggering the sefl-assembly into amyloid fibrilsJulio Cesar Pissuti Damalio 26 October 2011 (has links)
As septinas fazem parte de uma família de proteínas de ligação ao nucleotídeo guanina. As septinas têm mostrado ter um papel importante na citocinese e outros processos celulares, incluindo a determinação da polaridade celular e reorganização do citoesqueleto. Todos os membros da família de septinas são compostos por três domínios: um N-terminal variável, um domínio central GTPase e uma região C-terminal que inclui sequências de coiled-coil. Septinas possuem uma característica de polimerizarem para formar complexos hetero-oligoméricos altamente organizados, in vivo e in vitro. Estruturas homo-oligoméricas também foram observadas, embora sua função ainda não esteja bem estabelecida. A Septina 2 humana (SEPT2) se acumula no sulco de clivagem de células em divisão, desde a anáfase até a telófase, além de interagir com a actina, e também está envolvida em doenças neurodegenerativas, como mal de Azheimer. Nesse estudo, a ORF que codifica SEPT2, bem como os fragmentos que codificam seus domínios, foram clonados, expressos em E.coli e purificados por cromatografia de afinidade e cromatografia de exclusão molecular. Os produtos foram analisados por espectroscopia de dicroísmo circular, espalhamento de luz a ângulo fixo e espectroscopia de fluorescência extrínseca, usando Tioflavina-T, que é um marcador clássico para fibras amilóides. Em todos os casos, os produtos formaram homodímeros in vitro, e também agregaram em temperaturas fisiológicas. O desenovelamento térmico das proteínas recombinantes revelou a presença de uma população intermediária de desenovelamento, rica em folhas-β, e que ligam Tioflavina-T, sugerindo uma estrutura amiloidogênica para essa proteína, confirmada pelos programas de predição TANGO e WALTZ. Imagens dessas fibras foram obtidas usando Microscopia eletrônica de Transmissão, evidenciando uma agregação organizada das proteínas. Além disso, usando monocamadas de Langmuir, foi possível confirmar a ligação específica de SEPT2 ao fosfolipídeo fosfatidilinositol 4,5-bifosfato (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Essa ligação específica mantém a estrutura secundária de SEPT2, observada pela técnica PM-IRRAS, algo que não ocorre caso o lipídio seja inespecífico, sugerindo uma associação de SEPT2 com a membrana plasmática e podendo ter um papel na regulação das septinas. Por meio da técnica de duplo híbrido em levedura, identificamos proteínas que interagem com a SEPT2, como a MPBI e a DCTN2, auxiliando na elucidação de processos em que a SEPT2 possa participar. O conjunto dos resultados sobre a estabilidade, os processos de agregação de SEPT2 e a identificação de novos parceiros protéicos de interação, obtidos nesse trabalho, contribuíram para o melhor entendimento da função da SEPT2 e de seu envolvimento em desordens neurodegerenativas. / Septins are members of a conserved group of GTP-binding and filament-forming proteins. They are involved in a variety of cellular processes, such as microtubule regulation, vesicle trafficking, the formation of scaffolding platforms and actin dynamics. Human Septin 2 (SEPT2) has an N-terminal polybasic region responsible for lipid binding, a GTPase domain, and a C-terminal domain. SEPT2 is essential for cytokinesis and it is found in many tissues, mainly in the brain. Together with SEPT1 and SEPT4, it is accumulated in deposits known as neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimers disease, which is evidence that SEPT2 may be involved in this process. In this study, the human SEPT2, and its domains, were cloned, expressed in E.coli and purified by affinity and size-exclusion chromatographies. The proteins form homodimers in vitro, suggesting that the GTPase domain is enough to promote the oligomerization. Thermal unfolding revealed the formation of aggregates under physiological conditions, which have the ability to bind a specific amyloid dye, Thioflavin-T, suggesting them to be an amyloidal fiber. Besides, in silico prediction programs, TANGO and WALTZ, corroborate that SEPT2 contain regions with high probability of aggregation and amyloidogenic formation, respectively. Moreover, we observed 20-50 nm thick filamentous structures by electron microscopy of negatively stained. Using Langmuir monolayers at the cell membrane lipid packing, SEPT2 and SEPT2NG bound to the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Results from in situ PM-IRRAS experiments indicated that the secondary structure of SEPT2 is preserved upon interacting with PtdIns(4,5)P2, but not when interacting with DPPC - which is not specific for SEPT2 - at the air/water interface suggesting an association with the plasma membrane and a role in septin regulation. Furthermore, we also identified protein partners of SEPT2, from both human leukocyte and brain fetal cDNA libraries, using the yeast two-hybrid system. SEPT2 was shown to interact with: septins 6 and 4; a serine-protease and a MAP inhibitory protein; an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; and proteins related to cellular division. Thus, taken together this study contributed for the knowledgment of the stability and the aggregation kinetic of the SEPT2, leading to a better understanding of this protein and their role in neurodegenerative disorders.
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