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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nurturing light and empowering minds : experiences of mentoring institutionalised children.

Fraser, Robyn 20 August 2010 (has links)
This research explored the experiences of mentors mentoring institutionalised children under the auspices of Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Africa (BBBSSA). Children who become wards of the state and are placed in Children’s Homes may have had a number of their emotional needs unmet during developmental stages, manifesting in a variety of ways not least of which might be the development of an institutionalised mentality. These children are disadvantaged at age 18 when they enter the world with limited resources, infrastructure or the ability to be self-reliant. Mentoring may represent a means of ameliorating these repercussions and this qualitative research included exploring whether mentors engaged in any strategies to empower their protégé to reduce the effects of an institutionalised mentality, the successes achieved through the mentoring process as well as encountered challenges. The sample was purposively chosen and the seven participants had mentored for longer than a year at a Children’s Home. The data was gathered from them via semi-structured interviews. Data was analysed in light of the research questions, research tool and any subsequent themes that emerged. Mentoring through a programme appeared to enhance relationship longevity because of the structure it created. While growing themselves through the process, mentors reflected that preparing their protégé for adulthood was a concern. The mentors discussed that while not familiar with the concept of an institutionalised mentality per se, they recognised this as a challenge their protégés faced and described their attempts to empower them on mental, emotional and physical levels reporting small successes in often challenging circumstances. The study concludes that mentoring programmes offer a valuable tool in the preparation of institutionalised children for their emancipation from State care and should be capitalised on. Recommendations are made for policy makers, BBBSSA and the Children’s Home in light of these experiences.

Understanding Participation : A Quantitative Study of the Relationship Between Political Trust and Different Forms of Political Participation in the United Kingdom

Lindqvist, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Trust in elected representatives and the political institutions within which they operate is often emphasised as a prerequisite for citizens’ political participation. While research has indeed shown a positive correlation between political trust and participation, it has contrarily also been suggested that low levels of trust might function as a driving force for participation. With empirical evidence remaining equivocal, the relationship between political trust and political participation is yet to be fully comprehended. By focusing on one case, using the latest available European Social Survey data, and examining trust and participation rates over time, this study aims at yielding further insight into this matter. The results from the study show that the relationship between political trust and political participation is indeed ambiguous. As anticipated, political trust correlates positively with voting and negatively with so-called non-institutionalised political participation. However, political trust also correlates negatively with so-called institutionalised participation, contrary to expectation and perhaps quite notable. The results additionally suggest that the categorisation of different participation types might benefit from a revision. Moreover, also perchance remarkable, the results show that levels of political trust and political participation have been stable over time. No decline can be noted for either trust or participation, despitere occurring claims of such developments. Based on the results of this study, low levels of political trust have neither become more widespread nor had a negative impact on political participation.

The African National Congress' changing relationship with liberal democracy.

Brooks, Heidi 23 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 0510823J - MA research report - School of Social Sciences - Faculty of Humanities / This dissertation traces the changing relationship of the ANC with liberal democracy from the party's inception to the present, and analyses the various influences upon, and shifts within, the ANC's thinking with regard to liberal democracy over this period. The paper argues that the years between 1987 and 1994 represented a critical and dramatic shift in the ANC's relationship with liberal democratic values in which it came to openly state its acceptance of institutionalised pluralism and rights. It also argues, however, that despite the momentous and extremely valuable nature of these commitments for the consolidation of liberal democracy in South Africa, there remain suggestions within the language and discourse of the ANC that are problematic for its full realisation, the essence of which lies in the ANC's own understanding and interpretation of the meaning of liberal democracy

Freeing The Resource Curse; The Economics of Natural Resource and Black Gold in sub-Saharan Africa

Quarshie, Gregory January 2014 (has links)
It is gradually becoming common knowledge that, natural resources have not been able to make positive impact on economic growth of countries. In that, countries rich in natural resources grow at a slower pace than the resource-poor countries. This occurrence is one of the reasons behind many defections and militant groups against state authority in many resource-rich countries, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa. Using panel data from 1980 to 2010 on 34 sub- Saharan African countries, this paper examines whether institutionalised authority, which is a proxy for state authority, can change the negative relationship between natural resources and economic growth. The key finding is that, institutionalised authority can alter the negative relationship that exists between natural resources and economic growth. JEL Classification C33, O43, Q28, Q33, Q43, Keywords Natural Resources, Economic growth, Institutionalised Authority, Dutch Disease, sub-Saharan Africa

L’actionnabilité des dispositifs institutionnalisés d’incitation à la GRH dans les PME / The actionability of institutionalized devices of incentive to HRM in SME

Nivet, Brigitte 31 May 2013 (has links)
Les PME sont en France la cible de nombreuses sollicitations depuis plus de trente ans. Les opérations de conseil se sont particulièrement intensifiées auprès de ces petites entreprises afin de les rendre plus performantes. Sous l‟impulsion des pouvoirs publics, des programmes d‟accompagnement spécifiques leur sont proposés au cours de ces dernières décennies. Notamment, le modèle de la gestion des compétences qui est présenté, à la fin des années quatre-Vingt-Dix, comme la voie à suivre pour faire face aux enjeux de la mondialisation et de la compétitivité. La diffusion de ces nouvelles normes organisationnelles s‟effectue par le biais d‟une nébuleuse d‟acteurs. Parmi ces formes de conseil, quel rôle jouent les organisations intermédiaires, à la fois prescriptrices et productrices de dispositifs institutionnalisés d‟incitation à la GRH ? Ces dispositifs sont-Ils actionnables ? Quels impacts ont ces approches dans les entreprises et plus particulièrement dans les plus petites d‟entre elles ? Ces opérations de conseil modifient-Elles les pratiques des dirigeants de PME ? Les prescriptions des consultants jouent-Elles un rôle identique, ou sont-Elles appropriées, incorporées de façon spécifique par les dirigeants, selon une diversité de trajectoires d‟appropriation liée à la pluralité des configurations de petites entreprises ? / For over thirty years, a great number of appeals have been made to SMEs. Consultancy operations have significantly intensified with regard to these companies, in order to increase their performance. Under the influence of public governance, specific recommendations and support programmes have been proposed to SMEs over the past few decades. Among these, the skills management model, which was presented at the end of the 1990s as the best path to take in order to respond to the challenges companies now face with regard to globalisation and competitiveness. The dissemination of these new organizational norms occurs through a nebula of actors. With regard to these recommendations, what is the role of intermediary organisations, which simultaneously produce and prescribe institutionalized incentive plans for Human Resources Management? Can these plans be seen as actionable? What are the impacts of these approaches on firms, and especially on the smallest firms? Do these consultancy operations modify the practices of the directors of SMEs? Do the prescriptions of consultants always play the same role, or are they incorporated and appropriated differently by company directors, in accordance with a diversity of modes of appropriation adapted to the plurality of organizational structures present in small companies?

Estudo da ocorrência de quedas e seus fatores de risco em idosos não institucionalizados na cidade de Batatais.SP / “Study of the occurrence of falls and their risk factors in non-institutionalised elderly in Batatais.SP.”

Oliveira, Regina Célia de 22 January 2003 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo realizado na população de idosos não institucionalizados residentes na cidade de Batatais-São Paulo, com objetivo de verificar a ocorrência de quedas e identificar os fatores de risco associados a elas nesta população. Estudou-se uma amostra de 394 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, aos quais foi aplicado um questionário. Foi realizada uma análise de regressão logística para avaliar os fatores considerados neste estudo, com p < 0,05 e IC de 95%. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a ocorrência de quedas no último ano foi de aproximadamente 26,6%, e os fatores de risco considerados significativos foram: sexo feminino (p=0,010 e OR=2,11), faixa etária igual ou superior a 80 anos (p=0,037 e OR=2,13), número de remédios (p=0,003 e OR=1,26), presença de degrau (p=0,040 e OR=1,64), fácil acesso ao uso de utensílios (p=0,008 e OR=2,69), altura da cama normal (p=0,010 e OR=2,78). Os dados deste estudo apontam para a necessidade de se implementarem medidas preventivas a partir do conhecimento dos fatores de risco associados às quedas com o intuito de diminuir a ocorrência das mesmas, evitando desta forma suas conseqüências desastrosas. / The present study refers to a non-institutionalised elderly population living in Batatais – São Paulo. It aims to verify the occurrence of falls and identify the risk factors associated to them in this population. A sample of 394 old people who were 60 years old or over, to whom a questionnaire was applied, was avaluated. A logistics return showed that the occurrence of falls in 2001 was approximately 26,6% among the elderly, and the significantly considered risk factors were: female (p = 0,010 and OR = 2,11), age group or 80 years old or over (p = 0,037 and OR = 2,13), figure of drugs (p = 0,003 and OR = 1,26), stair step presence (p = 0,040 and OR = 1,64), easy access to use of utensils (p = 0,008 and OR = 2,69) and normal bed height (p = 0,010 and OR = 2,78). The data of this study indicate the necessity of preventive measure improvement, from the knowledge of risk factors associated to falls, with the aim of diminish the occurrence of them and avoid their terrible consequences.

Estudo da ocorrência de quedas e seus fatores de risco em idosos não institucionalizados na cidade de Batatais.SP / “Study of the occurrence of falls and their risk factors in non-institutionalised elderly in Batatais.SP.”

Regina Célia de Oliveira 22 January 2003 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo realizado na população de idosos não institucionalizados residentes na cidade de Batatais-São Paulo, com objetivo de verificar a ocorrência de quedas e identificar os fatores de risco associados a elas nesta população. Estudou-se uma amostra de 394 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, aos quais foi aplicado um questionário. Foi realizada uma análise de regressão logística para avaliar os fatores considerados neste estudo, com p < 0,05 e IC de 95%. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a ocorrência de quedas no último ano foi de aproximadamente 26,6%, e os fatores de risco considerados significativos foram: sexo feminino (p=0,010 e OR=2,11), faixa etária igual ou superior a 80 anos (p=0,037 e OR=2,13), número de remédios (p=0,003 e OR=1,26), presença de degrau (p=0,040 e OR=1,64), fácil acesso ao uso de utensílios (p=0,008 e OR=2,69), altura da cama normal (p=0,010 e OR=2,78). Os dados deste estudo apontam para a necessidade de se implementarem medidas preventivas a partir do conhecimento dos fatores de risco associados às quedas com o intuito de diminuir a ocorrência das mesmas, evitando desta forma suas conseqüências desastrosas. / The present study refers to a non-institutionalised elderly population living in Batatais – São Paulo. It aims to verify the occurrence of falls and identify the risk factors associated to them in this population. A sample of 394 old people who were 60 years old or over, to whom a questionnaire was applied, was avaluated. A logistics return showed that the occurrence of falls in 2001 was approximately 26,6% among the elderly, and the significantly considered risk factors were: female (p = 0,010 and OR = 2,11), age group or 80 years old or over (p = 0,037 and OR = 2,13), figure of drugs (p = 0,003 and OR = 1,26), stair step presence (p = 0,040 and OR = 1,64), easy access to use of utensils (p = 0,008 and OR = 2,69) and normal bed height (p = 0,010 and OR = 2,78). The data of this study indicate the necessity of preventive measure improvement, from the knowledge of risk factors associated to falls, with the aim of diminish the occurrence of them and avoid their terrible consequences.

Socialiniai ryšiai emigracijos procese: sociologinė interpretacija / Social links in the process of emigration: sociological interpretation

Surblytė, Renata 29 June 2009 (has links)
Šiais laikais mes dažnai susiduriame su emigracijos klausimu. Tirtos emigracijos priežastys, galimi problemų sprendimo būdai. Yra atlikta daugybė šitų priežasčių tyrimų. Jų pagrindu yra sukurta keletas teorijų, bandančių išsiaiškinti socialinio reiškinio esmę, priežastis ir kitus aspektus. Turi būti svarbios priežastys, kad žmogus pasiryžtų palikti savo šalį, nutraukti ryšius su šeima, giminėmis, draugais, prarasti savo turimą socialinį statusą. Socialiniai ryšiai vaidina labai svarbią rolę žmogaus gyvenime. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti emigravusių asmenų tarpasmeninius ir institucionalizuotus ryšius. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti teorines migracijos prielaidas šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje; 2. Išanalizuoti emigraciją Lietuvoje ir jos situaciją išskiriant emigracijos iššūkius Lietuvai; 3. Ištirti socialinių ryšių (socialinio kapitalo) teorines prielaidas; 4. Atlikti sociologinį tyrimą, kuris leistų ištirti emigrantų socialinius ryšius tarpasmeniniu ir institucionalizuotu diskursu. Darbo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros studijavimas 2. Anketinė apklausa: kiekybinis asmenų, gyvenančių Lietuvoje (VPU studentų), nuomonės tyrimas 3. Interviu su emigrantais Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados: 1. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad emigrantai linkę emigraciją vertinti kaip natūralų reiškinį, būdingą visoms valstybėms. Tyrimo informantai teigė, kad jie yra emigravę dėl nepakankamo valdžios dėmesio darbo srityje, prastos ekonominės situacijos valstybėje, siekiant pagerinti savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In nowadays we frequently meet with the question about emigration.The causes of the emigration have been examined and the possible ways of solution these problems.There are a lot of such investigations done. On the ground of them there are created some theories that try to ascertain the essence of the social phenomenon, causes and other aspects. There must be significant reasons for person to leave his country, to break their connections with family, kinsfolk, friends, to lose the social status they have. The social connections play a really important role in the person‘s life. The purpose of the investigation is to analyse the interpersonal and institutionalised relations of emigrants’. The tasks of the work: 1. To disclose the theoretical assumptions of the migration in modern society; 2. To analyse the emigration in Lithuania and its situation, separating the challenges of emigration to Lithuania; 3. To analyse the theoretical assumptions of the social connections (the social capital). 4. To perform the sociological investigation that would let to examine to social connections of the emigrants’ in the interpersonal and institutionalised discourses. The hypotheses of the investigation: 1. The main cause of the emigration from Lithuania in nowadays is indicated the insufficient government’s attention to the person in social economical aspect (the most often there are emigrated reaching financial and material wellbeing). 2. The network of the interpersonal contacts of... [to full text]

Therapists' experience of working with suicidal clients

Rossouw, Gabriel Johannes January 2009 (has links)
This study explores therapists' experience of working with suicidal clients. Using a Hermeneutic-phenomenological method informed by Heidegger [1889 – 1976] this study provides an understanding of the meaning of therapists' experiences from their perspective as mental health professionals in New Zealand. Study participants include thirteen therapists working as mental health professionals in District Health Boards from the disciplines of psychiatry, psychology and psychiatric nursing. Participants' narratives of their experiences of working with suicidal clients were captured via audio taped interviewing. These stories uncover the everyday realities facing therapists and provide an ontological understanding of their experiences working with suicidal clients in District Health Boards. The findings of this study identified three themes. All the participants experienced shock and surprise upon hearing their clients had committed suicide without presenting with signs and symptoms associated with suicidality in their assessment. All the participants experienced the responsibility of assessing suicidal clients and intervening to be a burden. Further, they suffered from guilt and fear of punishment in the aftermath of a client's suicide. They also found themselves in a professional and personal crisis as a result of their experiences and struggled to come to terms with events. This study has shown how these experiences could be understood by uncovering the perspectives therapists bring to working with suicidal clients. I have shown how mainstream prevention and intervention strategies follow on from the misrepresentation and misinterpretation of our traditional way of knowing what it means to be human. I show when therapists discover that phenomena are not necessarily what they appear to be they feel unsettled and confused about their responsibilities and what it means to live and die as a human being. The experience of being a therapist to a person who commits suicide has been revealed in this thesis to leave a profound legacy of guilt, doubt and fear. This thesis proposes that it may be time for the profession to care for its own that therapists in turn may not shy back from caring for and about the vulnerable other.

Therapists' experience of working with suicidal clients

Rossouw, Gabriel Johannes January 2009 (has links)
This study explores therapists' experience of working with suicidal clients. Using a Hermeneutic-phenomenological method informed by Heidegger [1889 – 1976] this study provides an understanding of the meaning of therapists' experiences from their perspective as mental health professionals in New Zealand. Study participants include thirteen therapists working as mental health professionals in District Health Boards from the disciplines of psychiatry, psychology and psychiatric nursing. Participants' narratives of their experiences of working with suicidal clients were captured via audio taped interviewing. These stories uncover the everyday realities facing therapists and provide an ontological understanding of their experiences working with suicidal clients in District Health Boards. The findings of this study identified three themes. All the participants experienced shock and surprise upon hearing their clients had committed suicide without presenting with signs and symptoms associated with suicidality in their assessment. All the participants experienced the responsibility of assessing suicidal clients and intervening to be a burden. Further, they suffered from guilt and fear of punishment in the aftermath of a client's suicide. They also found themselves in a professional and personal crisis as a result of their experiences and struggled to come to terms with events. This study has shown how these experiences could be understood by uncovering the perspectives therapists bring to working with suicidal clients. I have shown how mainstream prevention and intervention strategies follow on from the misrepresentation and misinterpretation of our traditional way of knowing what it means to be human. I show when therapists discover that phenomena are not necessarily what they appear to be they feel unsettled and confused about their responsibilities and what it means to live and die as a human being. The experience of being a therapist to a person who commits suicide has been revealed in this thesis to leave a profound legacy of guilt, doubt and fear. This thesis proposes that it may be time for the profession to care for its own that therapists in turn may not shy back from caring for and about the vulnerable other.

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