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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparative analysis of marketing life insurance policies in the UK

Sayadian, Razmik January 1990 (has links)
This research study involves a comparative analysis of marketing life insurance in the UK. The main objectives of this study are: (1) to investigate the attitudes of marketing managers of the large and the small life and composite insurance companies towards marketing life insurance; (2) to investigate the variables which influence life insurance purchasing behaviour; and (3) to conduct a comparative analysis of the attitudes of marketing managers, the insured and the non-insured towards the variables under investigation. The design of this study is by facets. The facet approach helped to compile three sets of questionnaires which were addressed to (a) the insured, (b) the non-insured, and (c) marketing managers of life and composite insurance companies. The data collected consists of both attitudinal and categorical variables. The analytical techniques used to analyse the attitudinal data include: Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (MINISSA Programme), Discriminant Analysis, and Spearman RankOrder Correlation Coefficients. As for the categorical data the Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA) is employed in the analysis. Furthermore, Wilcoxon Test and F-Test are used for testing the research hypotheses. Briefly, the research findings suggest that (1) marketing managers of life and composite insurance companies give priority to strategic marketing, direct response marketing, and marketing effectiveness variables and then concern themselves with customer services, competition, economic and sales problems; (2) both the insured and the non-insured attach more importance to saving through other financial institutions than life and composite insurance companies; (3) the insured regard "colleagues/friends", "TV advertising", and "ads in newspapers and magazines" as the main sources of information in keeping them informed and encouraging them to purchase life insurance; (4) both the insured and the non-insured regard "standard of service", "contact by the agent", and "quality of staff" as the most important factors in influencing their purchasing decisions; and (5) both the insured and the non-insured regard "providing for children's education" and "return on investment" as the main reasons for saving through life and composite insurance companies. A comparative analysis of the attitudes of marketing managers, the insured, and the non-insured suggests that marketing managers will need to put more emphasis on "retirement income", and "mortgage repayment plans" in their marketing campaigns; more emphasis should also be placed on the "quality of staff", and "standard of service". Finally, an analysis of the effects of socioeconomic and demographic variables on life insurance purchasing behaviour suggests that selected predictors (i.e., marital status, family life cycle, family size, age, education, occupation and income) when tested together explain a significant portion of the variance of the dependent variable.

Statistical analysis of impaired insured lives

Papaconstantinou, I. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Socialinio draudimo įmokų ir išmokų struktūros santykio kitimas ir jo ekonominiai bei politiniai veiksniai / The change of Social security contributions and benefits structure and its economic and political factors

Vrublevska, Ilona 27 January 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe apžvelgta valstybinio socialinio draudimo sistema, išskirti pagrindiniai veiksniai, įtakojantys VSDF biudžetą, išanalizuotas įmokų ir išmokų kitimas 2005 – 2012 m. laikotarpiu ir pateikti siūlymai dėl biudžeto nesubalansuotumo problemos sprendimo. Pirmojoje dalyje teoriniu lygmeniu nagrinėjamos socialinės apsaugos ir socialinio draudimo sąvokos, analizuojama socialinio draudimo raida ir apžvelgiamas teisinis reglamentavims. Antrojoje dalyje teoriniu lygmeniu analizuojama VSDF biudžeto struktūra, pateikiamos įmokų ir išmokų rūšys, nustatomi politiniai ir ekonominiai veiksniai, įtakojantys VSDF biudžeto įmokų ir išmokų kitimą ir pateikiama tyrimo metodologija. Trečiojoje dalyje išskiriamos aktualios VSD problemos, atliekama koreliacine ir regresinė veiksnių, įtakojančių įmokas ir išmokas, analizė, apžvelgiamas 2005 – 2012 m. įmokų ir išmokų kitimas ir analizuojama dabar susiklosčiusi padėtis. Ketvirtojoje dalyje įvardijamos VSDF biudžeto deficito susidarymo priežastys, atliekama einamųjų ir ateinančių metų įmokų ir išmokų prognozė ir numatomos problemų sprendimo kryptys. . / State social insurance system is being reviewed in this master’s thesis as well as the main factors that influence the State social security insurance budget. Moreover, contributions and benefits change has been analyzed for 2005 and 2012 year’s period and proposals for budget imbalance were presented. You can find the concept of social security social insurance analysis of social evolution and an overview of the legal regulation in the first part of the work. The theoretical analyze of structure of State social security insurance budget types of contributions and benefits the political and economic factors that affects State social security insurance budget contributions and benefits and the methodology of the research were set in the second part. The actual State Social Insurance problems, correlation and regression analyze that shows the factors that influence contributions and benefits. The overview of contributions and benefits change during year 2005- 2012 and now in the third part. The fourth section identifies the cause of budget deficit as well as shows the prediction of contributions and benefits and provides problem-solving directions.

Statistical modelling of European windstorm footprints to explore hazard characteristics and insured loss

Dawkins, Laura Claire January 2016 (has links)
This thesis uses statistical modelling to better understand the relationship between insured losses and hazard footprint characteristics for European windstorms (extra- tropical cyclones). The footprint of a windstorm is defined as the maximum wind gust speed to occur at a set of spatial locations over the duration of the storm. A better understanding of this relationship is required because the most damaging historical windstorms have had footprints with differing characteristics. Some have a large area of relatively low wind gust speeds, while others have a smaller area of higher wind gust speeds. In addition, this insight will help to explain the surprising, sharp decline in European wind related losses in the mid 1990’s. This novel exploration is based on 5730 high resolution model generated historical footprints (1979-2012) representing the whole European domain. Functions of extreme footprint wind gust speeds, known as storm severity measures, are developed to represent footprint characteristics. Exploratory data analysis is used to compare which storm severity measures are most successful at classifying 23 extreme windstorms, known to have caused large insured losses. Summarising the footprint using these scalar severity measures, however, fails to capture different combinations of spatial scale and local intensity characteristics. To overcome this, a novel statistical model for windstorm footprints is developed, initially for pairs of locations using a bivariate Gaussian copula model; subsequently extended to represent the whole European domain using a geostatistical spatial model. Throughout, the distribution of wind gust speeds at each location is modelled using a left-truncated Generalised Extreme Value (GEV) distribution. Synthetic footprints, simulated from the geostatistical model, are then used in a sensitivity study to explore whether the local intensity or spatial dependence structure of a footprint has the most influence on insured loss. This contributes a novel example of sensitivity analysis applied to a stochastic natural hazards model. The area of the footprint exceeding 25ms−1 over land is the most successful storm severity measure at classifying extreme loss windstorms, ranking all 23 within the top 18% of events. Marginally transformed wind gust speeds are identified as being asymptotically independent and second-order stationary, allowing for the spatial dependence to be represented by a geostatistical covariance function. The geostatistical windstorm footprint model is able to quickly (∼3 seconds) simulate synthetic footprints which realistically represent joint losses throughout Europe. The sensitivity study identifies that the left-truncated GEV parameters have a greater influence on insured loss than the geostatistical spatial dependence parameters. The observed decline in wind related losses in the 1990’s can therefore be attributed to a change in the local intensity rather than the spatial structure of footprint wind gust speeds.

A Layman's Interpretation of the Provisions of a 20-Year Pay Life Insurance Policy

James, Albert W., Jr. 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents an attempt to simplify the language used in life insurance provisions.

Metody stanovení pojistné částky v majetkovém pojištění / Methods of Valuation of Sum Insured in Field of Property Insurance

Chlebec, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with several theoretical methods of valuation of real estate and the actual valuation of a property using these methods in order to use the evaluation for insurance purposes. It also deals with legal aspects regulating the issue of a valuation. In the practical part of the work, valuations of a nursing home and a house are carried out for comparison. For each case, one of the methods of valuation is used. In the following summary, the outputs are analyzed both for given examples separately and compared together along with data obtained from insurance companies.

La protection contre les clauses abusives du contrat d'assurance / The protection against unfair terms in insurance contract

Alkhalfan, Ismail 24 October 2012 (has links)
Le contrat d'assurance est souvent donné comme un exemple du contrat d'adhésion. En fait, le contrat a été auparavant ; élaboré, rédigé, imprimé par l'assureur. Quant à l'assuré, il ne fait par la suite qu'adhérer à un contrat préétabli dont il n'a pas discuté les conditions. Il est donc nécessaire de protéger cet assuré contre les clauses abusives figurant dans son contrat. La protection contre les clauses abusives du contrat d'assurance provient de plusieurs sources. La source principale est le droit de la consommation et plus précisément l'article L. 132-1 du Code de la consommation. Cet article ne protège que l'assuré consommateur ou non professionnel. Quant aux autres sources, elles se trouvent dans le droit commun des contrats et les droits spéciaux applicables au contrat d'assurance. Si dans l'état actuel des textes, ces sources ne parlent pas d'une protection contre les clauses abusives stricto sensu, une proposition formulée en vue d'une réforme du droit des contrats, pourrait insérer une telle protection. Dans notre étude, nous analysons les différentes sources de la protection, en droit positif et droit prospectif, puis nous essayerons de proposer un texte qui garantira, à nos yeux, la meilleure protection de l'assuré contre les clauses abusives. / Insurance contract is often given as an example of adhesion contract. In fact, Insurance contract was before, developed, written, and printed by the insurer. As for the insured, he eventually got involved in a pre-arranged contract that he did not discuss its conditions. It is therefore necessary to protect the insured against any unfair terms in the insurance contract. The protection against these unfair terms could originate from several sources. The main source could be the Consumer Law and more specifically Article L. 132-1 of the Consumer Code. This article protects only the insured consumer. The other sources are mentioned in the common law of contracts and special laws applicable to the insurance contract. If in the current texts, these sources do not mention any protection against the unfair terms stricto sensu, a formulated as a reform to the Contract Law could demonstrate the protection. In this study, we analyzed the different sources of protection, and then we tried to propose a text that will guarantee, from our point of view, the best protection for the insured against unfair terms.

Socioeconomic Status and Cancer Risks in Employer-Insured Cancer Survivors

Clinton, Christine 01 January 2018 (has links)
Chronic illnesses such as cancer continue to be among the costliest for employers who provide health insurance to their employees. Despite efforts to incorporate health improvement programs in the workplace, there are concerns about the effectiveness of these programs that do not always deliver a positive return on investment. Little is known about the specific socioeconomic status of employees for whom these workplace health improvement programs are designed for. Guided by the social-ecological model, this study sought to understand the relationship between cancer health risks about socioeconomic factors among cancer survivors in the employer-insured population. Data were extracted from the 2013 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System for employer-insured individuals who identified as having been diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life (N = 7,007). A multivariate linear regression analysis was used to assess the effect of household income, level of education, race/ethnicity of respondents on cancer health risks based on the American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention (ACS). The analysis of variance indicated that the overall model was significant (P < .05). College graduates had the highest level of compliance with requirement for cancer prevention; participants' adherence to the guidelines varied depending on their household income. This study may contribute to positive social change as it suggests that socioeconomic characteristics of employer-insured individuals, including health history, need to be taken into consideration in the development and implementation of worksite health improvement programs.

Práva pojištěnce a práva pacienta dle právní úpravy / Rights of insured persons and patients by legislation

VLČKOVÁ, Simona January 2015 (has links)
Even though the health care services in the Czech Republic are of high international standards and accessible to majority of the population, some drawbacks may be noticed in terms of the approach of health care providers to patients and patient rights. Until 2011, the Act No. 20/1966 Coll., on Public Health Care, had regulated the health care provision and patient rights in a complex way. Gradually, it became clear that the main part of regulations did not consider the patient-specific needs adequately. Legislators' efforts to bring the patient rights in conformity with the principles of the Constitution, Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, and the Convention of Human Rights and Biomedicine have led to the Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on Healthcare Services, which has replaced the Act on Public Health. The new foundation of patient rights guarantees that the failure to fulfil may be rectified as only the rights defined by law can be effectively enforced. The prerequisite for a patient to exercise and demand his/her rights to be fulfilled is their knowledge. This dissertation aims to provide a concise overview of the progression of patient rights and their origins within the international and national context, to outline some rights of an insured person and a health care user more in-depth, to introduce the protection of patient rights, and to verify the knowledge of selected rights among the patients in the South Bohemian region. Based on my own research which took place in outpatient and inpatient facilities in the South Bohemian region by the questionnaire form I wanted to find how are patiens informed about theirs rights and whether they are actively interested in them. I chose two hypothesis. The first hypothesis was verified claims than the patiens over the age of 50 have more knowlidges about their rights than the patiens to the age of 50. From the results of statistical data exploration it shows implies that the patiens over the age of 50 have really more knowlidges than the patiens of the second age category, therefore the hypothesis was confirmed. The second hypothesis should confirm whether the patiens are passive at getting informations about the patiens rights. The survey shows that the patiens are active and they are interested in finding out informations. The second hypothesis didn´t confirmed. My purpose wasn´t describe in detail all patient rights. I wanted compile basic patient rights and rights of an insured person and a health care user which can be used to more patient know-how, for use of health professionals utilization or to teaching students of the Social and health faculty of South Bohemian University.

Revision of Reporting Insurance Events in the Company ING Životní Pojišťovna N.V. / Revision of Reporting Insurance Events in the Company ING Životní Pojišťovna N.V.

Navrátilová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to clarify several processes in the settlement of claims in ING Life Insurance NV, Czech Republic branch, the analysis of the current situation of reporting claims, processing, analysis, presenting some recommendations for improvement of the current situation. Another goal of my diploma thesis is to present the project eLikvidace (eClaims), which helped to simplify the reporting claims and evaluating the benefits of the project. The work is divided into three main chapters. The first is theoretical and the two others are more practical. The contribution of this thesis is the claryficitaion of the processes regarding the reporting of claims, the presentation of the project and evaluation of its benefits for the company and for the clients.

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