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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconversion des doctrines militaires de lutte contre la subversion dans le cadre de la lutte contre le crime organisé transnational en Amérique Latine : ruptures et continuités / Reconversion of military doctrines against subvenrnsion in the fight against transnational organized crime in latin America : ruptures and continuties

Ordoñez Martinez, Gustavo Eduardo 21 January 2019 (has links)
Dans un contexte marqué par l’impunité persistante d’une puissante criminalité organisée alimentée, entre autres, par le narcotrafic, ainsi que par une crise de légitimité et d’efficacité des forces de police, il existe une tendance, dans un grand nombre de pays d’Amérique latine, et plus particulièrement au Mexique et en Colombie, à affecter des forces militaires à des tâches de police. Au nom de la défense de la « Sécurité nationale », les forces armées latino-américaines sont ainsi déployées sur leur territoire national pour lutter contre le crime organisé et une de ses formes spécifiques qu’est le narcotrafic. Si les forces terrestres sont les plus mobilisées, elles ne sont pas les seules à être engagées dans ces missions de « sécurité nationale ». En effet, tant au Mexique qu’en Colombie, la Marine de guerre joue un rôle décisif dans la mise en œuvre d’opérations contre le narcotrafic. Elle doit ainsi, apprendre à se coordonner avec les forces de sécurité publique qui détiennent, en théorie, la primauté opérationnelle. Cette interprétation imprécise de la notion de « sécurité » a entraîné une confusion qui empêche de circonscrire avec précision les contours de la sécurité nationale et, par conséquent, de déterminer les différences entre « Défense » et « sécurité intérieure ». Ainsi, dans la pensée latino-américaine, la sécurité nationale fait-elle allusion à la sécurité et à la défense de la structure même de l’Etat qui seraient remises en question par des phénomènes comme la subversion, le terrorisme, le narcotrafic et la délinquance organisée. À l’heure actuelle, les cadres juridiques comme doctrinaux des forces armées latino-américaines prévoient différents types de missions, et ce, selon les caractéristiques de chaque pays : la défense du territoire face à un ennemi extérieur, la protection des infrastructures stratégiques, les opérations contre le narcotrafic et l’éradication des cultures illégales. Et c’est précisément sur ce type de missions, qui fait l’objet de nombreux débats à l’heure actuelle, que porte le présent travail de recherche afin de comprendre sous quelles modalités se base l’élaboration du cadre normatif et opérationnel de ladite « doctrine de la sécurité nationale ». / In a context of widespread powerful organized crime and drug trafficking groups, as well as illegitimate police forces, there is a general tendency in Latin America, particularly in Mexico and Colombia, to assign military personnel to policing tasks. In the name of the “National Security”, Latin American armed forces are now deployed in their national territory to fight organized crime and drug trafficking. While the ground forces are the most mobilized, they are not the only ones engaged in these internal-security missions. In Mexico and Colombia, the Navy also plays a decisive role in the implementation of counter-narcotic operations and must coordinate with the public security forces which, in theory, hold operational primacy. This imprecise interpretation of the concept of "security" has led to confusion that makes it difficult to clearly conceptualize the outlines of the national security, and thus, the differences between “Defense” and “internal security”. Latin American internal order means the security and defense of the State, which is threatened by phenomena such as subversion, terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime. However, each country has a different concepts of internal order and different levels of intervention by the armed forces such as : the defense of the territory against an external enemy, the protection of strategic infrastructures and counter-narcotics operations and eradication of illicit crops, in which this research work is concentrated to understand the continuity of the missions of the armed forces within the framework of the said national security doctrine.

Slave insurrections in Virginia (1830-1865)

Drewry, William Sidney, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Johns Hopkins University, 1900. / Vita. Lettered on cover: The Southampton insurrection.

Slave insurrections in Virginia (1830-1865)

Drewry, William Sidney, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Johns Hopkins University, 1900. / Vita. Lettered on cover: The Southampton insurrection.

Nat Turner's slave rebellion Together with the full text of the so-called "confessions" of Nat Turner made in prison in 1831.

Aptheker, Herbert, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Columbia University. / Bibliography: p. 111-125.

Nat Turner's slave rebellion Together with the full text of the so-called "confessions" of Nat Turner made in prison in 1831.

Aptheker, Herbert, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Columbia University. / Bibliography: p. 111-125.

Remembering Nat Turner : the rebellious slave in American thought, 1831 to present /

French, Scot Andrew. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 565-602). Also available online through Digital Dissertations.

L’Insurrection dans le roman du XIXe siècle : de Prosper Mérimée à Lucien Descaves / Insurrection in the novel of the 19e century : from Prosper Mérimée to Lucien Descaves

Bédée, Estelle 15 December 2017 (has links)
Le travail construit un corpus autour de romans canoniques consacrés au thème de l'insurrection. Il s'agit d'étudier les représentations de la foule, les portraits d'insurgés, la place du référent historique, ainsi que la dimension idéologique de ces textes. L’étude typologique amène donc à réfléchir sur des questions génériques : roman historique, roman à thèse, et dans une certaine mesure, roman d'aventure. Les interactions de l’écriture romanesque avec les autres formes d’expression artistiques et médiatiques permettent d’interroger sur le rapport au contexte, en s’appuyant également sur l’histoire littéraire. La thèse est donc divisée en deux parties : la première approfondit le contexte du XIXe siècle,en France et à l’étranger, afin de comprendre la relation à l’évènement et les idéologies de l’époque, qui se retrouvent intégrés à la fiction. La seconde se concentre sur l’écriture, (les personnages, motifs et discours), pour tenter de répondre à la question suivante : le roman d’insurrection est-il un genre à part entière ? L’insurrection en tant que thème apparaît alors comme le moyen d’exprimer son rapport au monde, une modalité d’expression à la fois ancrée dans le réel et soumise à une vision subjective qui ne peut s’affranchir de l’idéologie ; le roman d’insurrection devient alors un fragment de la chronique et une ouverture sur l’histoire contemporaine / Work builds a corpus around canonical novels devoted to the topic of the insurrection. It is about studying crowds’pictures, insurgents’ portraits, place of the historical referent, as well as the ideological dimension of these texts. The typology study thus brings to reflect on generic questions: historical novel, Romance with thesis, and to a certain extent adventure’s stories. The interactions of the writing with other artistic and media forms of expression make it possible to question on the report with the context, while being also based on the literary history. So the thesis is divided into two parts: the first looks further into the context of the 19th century, in France and abroad, in order to understand the relation with the event and the ideologies of the time, which are found integrated into the fiction. The second concentrates on the writing, (characters, reasons and speech), to try to answer the following question: is the novel of insurrection a kind except for whole? The insurrection as a topic then seems the means of expressing his report in the world, a method of expression at the same time anchored in reality and subjected to a subjective vision which cannot be freed from the ideology; the novel of insurrection becomes then a fragment of the chronicle and an opening on the modern history.

Guerre totale et concept de partisan pendant la guerre de 1870-1871 / Total war and concept of partisan during the Franco-Prussian war in 1870-1871

Dirou, Armel 12 April 2013 (has links)
Après la défaite française de Sedan le 2 septembre 1870 et la chute de l’Empire, la France s’engage dans la poursuite de la guerre contre son envahisseur. Ses armées défaites, le pays doit se réorganiser pour se reconstituer militairement. Aux côtés des armées régulières, Gambetta appelle de ses vœux l’armement du peuple au sein d’unités irrégulières et à la mobilisation de toutes les ressources du pays. Au-delà de l’aspect incantatoire de la levée en masse qu’il proclame, il renonce finalement à l’emploi de ces unités irrégulières. Il pense en effet que toute bascule révolutionnaire de certaines d’entre elles pourrait ternir l’image et menacer la restauration républicaine à laquelle il aspire. Ainsi, contrairement à ce qu’ont écrit Moltke ou Colmar von der Goltz, Gambetta savait ce qu’il pouvait militairement attendre de ces unités irrégulières ; il voulait la victoire de la France mais pas à tout prix. Il n’était pas prêt politiquement à prendre tous les risques. Face à l’insurrection qui se développe considérablement à partir du mois d’octobre 1870, les Prussiens et les Allemands consacrent 25% de leurs troupes à la sûreté de leurs arrières. Se fondant sur la loi du 4 juin 1851 sur l’état de siège, ils exercent une répression d’une implacable dureté. Les francs-tireurs ne sont pas un ennemi à respecter puisque ces combattants irréguliers n’ont aucune existence légale. Ils sont tel un parasite qu’il convient d’éradiquer. Cette guerre apparaît finalement comme l’aboutissement d’une réflexion prussienne sur la terreur qui s’est étoffée et a mûri tout au long du XIXe siècle. / After the French defeat at Sedan on 2nd September 1870 and the fall of the Empire, France continued to wage war on the invading armies. In order to recover its military capability after the defeat of its army, the country was obliged to undertake a radical reorganization of its armed forces.Alongside the use of regular armed forces, Gambetta advocated arming the population in units of irregulars and mobilizing all the country's resources. The magic spell of the mass uprising which he was proclaiming aside, he finally abandoned the use of irregular units as he believed that any revolutionary change of direction amongst any of them could tarnish their image and threaten the restoration of the Republic to which he aspired. Thus, contrary to what was suggested by Moltke or Colmar von der Goltz, Gambetta knew what he could expect from his irregular units in military terms; he sought a French victory but not at any price. He was not ready to take all the political risks involved.From October 1870 onwards, the insurgency gained considerable strength forcing the Prussians and Germany to deploy 25% of their troops to secure their rear areas. Using the 4th June 1851 Law on the state of siege, they undertook a brutal and relentless campaign of repression: the snipers were not an enemy worthy of respect since irregulars had no legal status. They were parasites which had to be eradicated. This war seems in fact to be the result of Prussian thinking on the use of terror which evolved and matured throughout the nineteenth century.

A economia zapatista: retratos de uma insurreição autônoma / The zapatista economy: portraits of an autonomous insurrection

Sória, Liz Nátali 03 June 2019 (has links)
A luta por território realizada pelos camponeses, indígenas e demais trabalhadores do centro-sul do México, reunidos em torno da figura de Emiliano Zapata, foi um dos principais alicerces do processo histórico que ficou conhecido como revolução mexicana, a partir do final de 1910. Ao longo de seus primeiros passos, o zapatismo elaborou um posicionamento de autonomia em relação às disputas pelo poder central e realizou sua luta a partir de parâmetros próprios, sem esperar diretrizes construídas a partir do Estado. O presente estudo busca observar a autonomia do movimento zapatista conduzido pelos pueblos junto a seu Exército Libertador, com base em suas necessidades. A fim de compreender os parâmetros e alcances deste posicionamento autônomo, analisamos a prática do zapatismo na reorganização produtiva de seu território, a partir da expulsão dos hacendados produtores de açúcar que, historicamente, haviam roubado as terras pertencentes aos pueblos. Observamos a produção do zapatismo em torno de dois aspectos: a base e a restituição da economia milenar dos pueblos pautada no cultivo do milho e a relação do movimento com as formas de produção deixadas pelas haciendas de açúcar e ocupadas pelo zapatismo em prol de sua insurreição. Este trabalho se debruça, assim, sobre os limites e as potencialidades das ações realizadas pelo zapatismo no estado de Morelos e estados vizinhos, de 1911 ao início de 1916, que proporcionaram a possibilidade de uma nova forma de produzir a sobrevivência coletiva e a vida, em meio à resistência contra as forças que atacaram permanentemente a prática e o projeto dos insurgentes do centro-sul. / The struggle for territory held by peasants, indigenous and other workers of south-central Mexico, gathered around the figure of Emiliano Zapata, was one of the main foundations of the historical process that became known as the Mexican Revolution, from the end of 1910. Throughout its first steps, Zapatismo has produced a position of autonomy in relation to the dispute by the central power and conducted its struggle from its own parameters, without waiting for guidelines built by the State. The present study seeks to observe the autonomy of the Zapatista movement led by the pueblos next to their Liberating Army, based on their needs. In order to understand the parameters and scope of this autonomous positioning, we analyze the practice of Zapatismo in the productive reorganization of its territory, after the expulsion of the sugar-producing hacendados who, historically, had stolen the lands belonging to the pueblos. We observe the production of zapatismo around two aspects: the base and the restitution of the millenarian economy of the pueblos based on the corn cultivation and the relation of the movement with the forms of production left by the sugar haciendas and occupied by the zapatismo in favor of its insurrection. This work focuses, therefore, on the limits and potentialities of actions taken by the Zapatistas in the state of Morelos and neighboring states, from 1911 to early 1916, which provided the possibility of a new way of producing both collective survival and life, in the midst of resistance against the forces that permanently attacked the practice and project of the south-central insurgents.

"Independence, liberty, and justice" the birth, life and death of Haden Edwards' Fredonian Rebellion /

Strunc, John Wesley. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Texas at Arlington, 2009.

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