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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unlawful Assembly and the Fredericksburg Mayor's Court Order Books, 1821-1834

Blunkosky, Sarah K. 01 May 2009 (has links)
Unlawful assembly accounts extracted from the Fredericksburg Mayor’s Court Order Books from 1821-1834, reveal rare glimpses of unsupervised, alleged illegal interactions between free and enslaved individuals, many of whom do not appear in other records. Authorities enforced laws banning free blacks and persons of mixed race from interacting with enslaved persons and whites at unlawful assemblies to keep peace in the town, to prevent sexual relationships between white women and free and enslaved black men, and to prevent alliance building between individuals. The complex connections necessary to arrange unlawful assemblies threatened the town’s safety with insurrection if these individuals developed radical ideas opposing the existing social order, the foundation of which was slavery. Akin to residents of areas where natural disasters like volcanoes always pose a risk of dangerous eruptions, those living in Fredericksburg lived their lives within the town slave society and its potential threats. In an area, state, and region where insurrections occurred, unlawful assembly, whether frequent or infrequent, mattered.

Politique et militarisme en Angola : les relations entre le Mouvement Populaire de Libération de l’Angola (MPLA) et l’Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques (URSS) 1965-1985 / Politics and militarism in Angola : the relationship between the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 1965‐1985

Oliveira de Araujo, Kelly Cristina 22 July 2014 (has links)
L’Angola est devenue indépendante du Portugal le 11 novembre 1975, au milieu des disputes internes qui ont conduit à l'éclatement de la guerre civile provoquée par le fait que le MPLA a déclaré unilatéralement l'indépendance à Luanda. Ce moment a été déterminée en grande partie par le soutien reçu de Cuba et le bloc de l'Est, plus précisément l'URSS, au cours des 14 années de lutte anticoloniale. Dans la période postindépendance, entre 1975 et 1991, même si des bases militaires soviétiques ne furent pas été installées en Angola, il faut signaler l’influence politique-idéologique et la présence militaire de l’Union Soviétique, qui s’exerça à un degré élevé en comparaison avec d’autres pays dans le contexte d’une bipolarité mondiale. Du point de vue idéologique, l’influence soviétique se manifesta dans des actions de l’Etat angolais en ce que cela touchait à la construction d’un sentiment et d’une identité nationale, ainsi que dans l’appartenance à une nation angolaise, objectivée dans le processus de constitution de l’Homme Nouveau, promu par le Parti-Etat. Du point de vue militaire, l’implication de Moscou dans la guerre en Angola nous a amené à conclure que dans ce territoire les Soviétiques donnèrent une plus grande importance à la consolidation de l’Etat en ce qui touchait la sécurité et le renforcement des appareils politiques, en fournissant matériel et le soutien consultatif pour les forces militaires de l’Angola, bien qu'il soit important de remarquer que les Soviétiques n'ont pas contrôlé la politique intérieure du pays. / Angola became independent from Portugal on 11 November 1975, in the midst of internal disputes that led to the outbreak of civil war caused by the fact that the MPLA unilaterally declared independence in Luanda. This moment has been determined largely by the support received from Cuba and the Eastern bloc, specifically the USSR during the 14 years of anti-colonial struggle. In the post-independence period, between 1975 and 1991, although Soviet military bases were not been installed in Angola, it should be noted the political-ideological influence and military presence of the Soviet Union, which exercised a high degree compared with other countries in the context of global bipolarity. From an ideological point of view, Soviet influence was manifested in the actions of the Angolan government in that it affected the building and a sense of national identity, as well as membership in an Angolan nation, objectified in the process of formation of the New Man, promoted by the Party-state. From a military point of view, the involvement of Moscow in the war in Angola has led us to conclude that in this territory the Soviets gave greater importance to the consolidation of the state in which affected the safety and building equipment policies, providing material and advisory support to the military forces of Angola, although it is important to note that the Soviets did not control the internal politics of the country.

Movimento docente, insurreição popular e propostas coletivas de educação alternativa em Oaxaca / Teachers movement, popular Insurrection and collective projects of alternative education in Oaxaca

Branco, João Francisco Migliari 18 May 2015 (has links)
Essa pesquisa relata os acontecimentos em Oaxaca durante o ano de 2006, quando uma onda de protestos populares levou à tomada da capital do Estado pelos manifestantes, à dissolução do poder político e à violenta ação de desocupação imposta pelo Governo Federal do México. Segundo relatos, o papel que os professores da rede pública de Oaxaca, por meio da Seção XXII do Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Educação do México (SNTE,) desempenharam antes e durante a revolta popular de 2006 foi fundamental para nascer a Comuna de Oaxaca. A partir de uma análise crítica dos acontecimentos e das atividades políticas conduzidas pelos professores de Oaxaca nas duas últimas décadas, período de forte efervescência política no Estado e de destacada atuação sindical docente, pretende-se localizar e descrever quais as práticas pedagógicas propostas pelos docentes da Seção XXII. Seu objetivo é compreender, a partir desse levante popular, as concepções de Educação Alternativa e Autônoma que nasceram no Estado de Oaxaca e a elaboração coletiva de uma proposta de gestão comunitária das políticas educativas, caracterizadas pelo envolvimento dos trabalhadores da Educação na construção dessas políticas. Para tanto, o estudo abordará também as concepções políticas de movimentos docentes e de movimentos indígenas no México. A análise destas práticas docentes passará pela pesquisa e descrição do contexto sociopolítico local, pelo estudo da relação que os docentes da Seção XXII estabeleceram com as comunidades indígenas, rurais e setores populares urbanos da sociedade oaxaquenha, assim como a investigação da atuação política e sindical desses professores, sempre a partir de relatos de suas práticas, experiências e propostas educativas. / This research reports the events that happened in Oaxaca during the year 2006, when a wave of popular protests led to the protesters to assume the power of the State capital, the dissolution of political power and the violent eviction action imposed by the Federal Government of Mexico. According to the records, the teachers of Oaxaca public system, through the XXII Section of the Mexican National Syndicate of Education Workers, played a fundamental role in the creation of Oaxacas Comuna before and during the 2006 popular revolution. Through a critical evaluation of the events and the political activities conducted by Oaxacas teachers in the last two decades, that represent a period of strong political unrest and memorable actuation of the teachers trade union, it is intended to describe which are the pedagogical practices proposed by the teachers of the section XXII. Its aim is to comprehend, through this popular uprising, the conceptions of the Autonomous and Alternative education that emerged in Oaxaca State, and also the collective elaboration of a community management proposal of educational policies, characterized by the involvement of the education workers in the construction of these policies. Moreover, this study will address the political conceptions of teachers and indigenous movements in Mexico. The analysis of those teaching practices will be made through the research and description of the local socio-economic context, by the study of the relation established by the professors of Section XXII with indigenous and rural communities and with Oaxacan popular urban sectors. In addiction, the teachers political and syndical actuation, always from their practical narrative, experiences and education proposals will be investigated.

Slavery, war, and Britain's Atlantic empire : black soldiers, sailors, and rebels in the Seven Years' War

Bollettino, Maria Alessandra 24 January 2011 (has links)
This work is a social and cultural history of the participation of enslaved and free Blacks in the Seven Years’ War in British America. It is, as well, an intellectual history of the impact of Blacks’ wartime actions upon conceptions of race, slavery, and imperial identity in the British Atlantic world. In addition to offering a fresh analysis of the significance of Britain’s arming of Blacks in the eighteenth century, it represents the first sustained inquiry into Blacks’ experience of this global conflict. It contends that, though their rhetoric might indicate otherwise, neither race nor enslaved status in practice prevented Britons from arming Blacks. In fact, Blacks played the most essential role in martial endeavors precisely where slavery was most fundamental to society. The exigencies of worldwide war transformed a local reliance upon black soldiers for the defense of particular colonies into an imperial dependence upon them for the security of Britain’s Atlantic empire. The events of the Seven Years’ War convinced many Britons that black soldiers were effective and even indispensable in the empire’s tropical colonies, but they also confirmed that not all Blacks could be trusted with arms. This work examines “Tacky’s revolt,” during which more than a thousand slaves exploited the wartime diffusion of Jamaica’s defensive forces to rebel, as a battle of the Seven Years’ War. The experience of insecurity and insurrection during the conflict caused some Britons to question the imperial value of the institution of slavery and to propose that Blacks be transformed from a source of vulnerability as slaves to the key to the empire’s strength in the southern Atlantic as free subjects. While martial service offered some Blacks a means to gain income, skills, a sense of satisfaction, autonomy, community, and even (though rarely) freedom, the majority of Blacks did not personally benefit from their contributions to the British war effort. Despite the pragmatic martial antislavery rhetoric that flourished postwar, in the end the British armed Blacks to perpetuate slavery, not to eradicate it, and an ever more regimented reliance upon black soldiers became a lasting legacy of the Seven Years’ War. / text

L'innovation dans l'armée française durant la guerre d'Algérie

Lleonci, Pierre-Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, l’augmentation du nombre de guerres irrégulières place les armées modernes dans une situation délicate. Pour pouvoir relever ce nouveau défi, ces organisations militaires, avant tout destinées à mener des guerres interétatiques, se doivent d’innover. Plusieurs cas historiques montrent comment, face à de nouvelles formes de conflit, certaines armées se sont lancées dans un processus d’innovation. Le cas de l’armée française en Algérie en est un. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre comment l’innovation a émergé lors du conflit, et comment elle s’est diffusée au sein de l’organisation militaire. Un survol de la stratégie française en Algérie va permettre de dégager trois principales innovations : La mise en place de la doctrine de la guerre révolutionnaire, la création des Sections Administratives Spécialisées et l’approche de David Galula. L’étude de ses trois cas nous montre que, durant la Guerre d’Algérie, l’innovation provenait principalement des militaires, plus précisément du sommet de la hiérarchie. Cependant, certains exemples d’innovation par le bas existent. Dans ces cas-là, la diffusion se fera via la doctrine informelle. L’exemple de Galula nous prouve néanmoins qu’une innovation se diffuse beaucoup plus difficilement lorsqu’elle émane des hommes de terrain. / During the last decades, the increasing number of irregular wars brought the modern armies into a delicate situation. In order to overcome this new challenge, these military organizations primarily designed for interstate wars had to innovate. Many historical cases show how certain armies have launched into innovation processes because of new forms of conflict. The case of the French army in Algeria is a good example. The main goal of this paper is to understand how innovation has emerged during the conflict, and how it has diffused within the military organization. A glance at the French strategy in Algeria will allow us to highlight three main innovations: the development of the Revolutionary Warfare doctrine, the creation of “Sections Administratives Specialisées, and the David Galula approach. The analysis of these three study cases shows that innovation came mainly from militaries during the Algerian war, particularly those on top of the hierarchy. However, certain examples of bottom-up innovations do exist. In these cases, diffusion will take place via the informal doctrine. Nevertheless, the Galula example demonstrates that an innovation will diffuse with more difficulty when it comes from people on the ground.

Comment les armées innovent en temps de guerre : les États-Unis en Irak, 2003-2007

Messier, Louis 07 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la question de l’innovation militaire en temps de guerre et plus particulièrement sur la transition de la guerre conventionnelle vers la contre-insurrection des forces armées américaines au cours de la guerre d’Irak. Cette transition est un cas d’innovation militaire intéressant puisqu’il s’agit d’un changement radical dans les pratiques militaires de l’Armée américaine et du Corps des marines particulièrement parce qu’ils ont régulièrement tenté d’éviter les missions de contre-insurrection au cours de leur histoire. Cette recherche tentera d’expliquer comment les forces américaines ont innové au cours de la guerre d’Irak Nous considérons que le passage de la guerre conventionnelle à la contre-insurrection des forces américaines est le résultat d’un processus d’innovation militaire en temps de guerre qui se produit simultanément à partir de la base et du sommet de l’organisation militaire américaine. Tout d’abord, à la base, nous estimons que les unités américaines de l’Armée et des marines ont développé de nouvelles capacités de contre-insurrection à la suite d’un processus d’exploration de nouvelles tactiques et de nouvelles techniques sur le champ de bataille. Ensuite, à partir du sommet, nous croyons que la contre-insurrection est le résultat d’un changement stratégique au niveau des opérations des forces américaines. Ce mémoire est divisé en quatre chapitres. Le premier est consacré aux modèles théoriques d’innovation militaire. Le deuxième présente un aperçu de la guerre d’Irak de 2003 à 2007. Les chapitres 3 et 4 analysent respectivement la contre-insurrection comme un processus d’innovation militaire par la base et par le sommet. / This master is about wartime military innovation and more precisely about the transition of the US armed forces from conventional warfare to counterinsurgency during the Iraq war. This case of military innovation is interesting because it marks a radical change in the practices of the US Army and the US Marine Corps all the more so as they both have been frequently trying to avoid counterinsurgency missions in their history. This research will try to explain how the US armed forces have innovated in the Iraq war. We consider that the transition from conventional warfare to counterinsurgency is the result of a process of innovation produced simultaneously at the bottom and at the top of the US military. First of all, from the bottom-up, we think that units from the Army and the marines have developped new counterinsurgency capacities following an exploration process of new tactics and techniques on the battlefield. Then, from the top-down, we believe that counterinsurgency is the consequence of a strategic change in the operations of the Army and the marines. This research will be divided in four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the military innovation models. The second chapter will present a brief narrative of the Iraq war from 2003 to 2007. Chapters 3 and 4 will offer an analysis of the counterinsurgency innovation process respectively from the bottom-up and the top-down.

La guerre contre-insurrectionnelle guatémaltèque : sa généalogie, le déni des responsables et les sources historiques

Drouin, Marc 12 1900 (has links)
L’Amérique centrale, théâtre des dernières batailles rangées de la guerre froide, est aujourd’hui la région la plus violente au monde, selon les Nations unies. Notre étude s’intéresse à la forme de guerre irrégulière livrée par l’État guatémaltèque contre sa propre population pendant la deuxième moitié du vingtième siècle. À la lumière de rares témoignages d’exécutants et d’archives militaires et policières, nous examinons un mécanisme clandestin de répression dont les trois principales composantes – les enlèvements, la torture et les exécutions sommaires – pouvaient s’abattre sur toute personne soupçonnée, à tort ou à raison, de conspirer contre un statu quo d’exclusion. Au moment de leur articulation, ces moyens répressifs ont constitué un dispositif qui, à partir de 1966, s’est avéré d’une redoutable efficacité. Arme de prédilection des adeptes de la guerre antisubversive pendant plus de vingt ans, le dispositif permettait, telle une chaîne de production, l’accumulation des renseignements jugés indispensables à cette forme de guerre, ainsi que les cadavres dont l’absence éternelle ou la présence outrageuse sur la place publique servaient d’avertissement funeste à l’ensemble du corps social. Où chercher les origines d’un tel dispositif? À partir des ouvrages de référence cités dans le manuel de guerre contre-subversive de l’armée guatémaltèque, la réponse à cette question nous fera découvrir des parachutistes français pour qui la défaite militaire en Indochine et en Algérie pendant les années 1950 n’était pas une option et pour qui la victoire justifiait absolument tous les moyens. Le penchant de ces pionniers de la guerre hors-norme pour les cours magistraux, les entrevues et les articles, nous a permis d’étudier les méthodes qu’ils préconisaient et de repérer leurs traces au Guatemala. Alors que la guerre qui avait servi de prétexte au maintien du dispositif est terminée, sa très réputée efficacité assure encore aujourd’hui sa pérennité auprès de ceux qui peuvent s’offrir le service. En ce sens, la contre-insurrection se poursuit, et ce, malgré l’absence depuis une quinzaine d’années d’un conflit armé. Cette thèse aborde l’histoire de la guerre irrégulière et son déroulement au Guatemala. Les archives et les témoignages à notre disposition contredisent le déni des crimes commis dans les villes et les campagnes guatémaltèques, dont le génocide de 1982. Finalement, certains signes avant-coureurs indiquent que la violence et l’impunité actuelles au pays pourraient mener à la répétition de tels crimes à l’avenir. / Central America, said to have harboured the Cold War’s last pitched battles, is the world’s most violent place today, according to the United Nations. This dissertation studies the form of irregular warfare that the Guatemalan state waged against its own population during the second half of the twentieth century. Through an analysis of a few extant perpetrator accounts as well as military and police sources, this study sheds light on the three main modes by which the Guatemalan government acted against individuals justly or falsely suspected of conspiring against an exclusionary status quo: kidnapping, torture and summary executions. Combined, these three separate acts constituted a covert apparatus of repression which, beginning in 1966, proved immensely efficient. As the weapon of choice for the practitioners of counterinsurgency warfare for over twenty years, the apparatus, not unlike a production line, allowed for the accumulation of intelligence that was essential for the prosecution of this kind of war, as well as the bodies that, in their perpetual absence or desecrated presence in the public domain, served as a deadly warning to the entire social body. Yet, what are the origins and history of this apparatus of state terror? Starting with the cited references in the Guatemalan military’s counter-insurgency field manual, the answer to this question led to French paratroopers for whom military defeat in Indochina and Algeria in the 1950s was not an option, and for whom victory justified all means necessary. The penchant of the pioneers of this form of no-holds-barred warfare for lectures, interviews and articles allowed us to study the methods they encouraged and to identify their tell-tale signs in Guatemala. While the war that justified the existence of this apparatus has ended, its reputable efficiency has allowed it to persevere among those who can afford to pay for its services today. In this sense, if the war has been formally over in Guatemala for over fifteen years, the counter-insurgency continues. This dissertation traces the roots of irregular warfare and how it played out in Guatemala. Historical sources, including state records and perpetrator accounts, make denial of the crimes committed in urban and rural settings, including genocide in 1982, ring hollow. Finally, present warning signs indicate that on-going violence and impunity in the country could lead to the repetition of such crimes in the future.

Movimento docente, insurreição popular e propostas coletivas de educação alternativa em Oaxaca / Teachers movement, popular Insurrection and collective projects of alternative education in Oaxaca

João Francisco Migliari Branco 18 May 2015 (has links)
Essa pesquisa relata os acontecimentos em Oaxaca durante o ano de 2006, quando uma onda de protestos populares levou à tomada da capital do Estado pelos manifestantes, à dissolução do poder político e à violenta ação de desocupação imposta pelo Governo Federal do México. Segundo relatos, o papel que os professores da rede pública de Oaxaca, por meio da Seção XXII do Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Educação do México (SNTE,) desempenharam antes e durante a revolta popular de 2006 foi fundamental para nascer a Comuna de Oaxaca. A partir de uma análise crítica dos acontecimentos e das atividades políticas conduzidas pelos professores de Oaxaca nas duas últimas décadas, período de forte efervescência política no Estado e de destacada atuação sindical docente, pretende-se localizar e descrever quais as práticas pedagógicas propostas pelos docentes da Seção XXII. Seu objetivo é compreender, a partir desse levante popular, as concepções de Educação Alternativa e Autônoma que nasceram no Estado de Oaxaca e a elaboração coletiva de uma proposta de gestão comunitária das políticas educativas, caracterizadas pelo envolvimento dos trabalhadores da Educação na construção dessas políticas. Para tanto, o estudo abordará também as concepções políticas de movimentos docentes e de movimentos indígenas no México. A análise destas práticas docentes passará pela pesquisa e descrição do contexto sociopolítico local, pelo estudo da relação que os docentes da Seção XXII estabeleceram com as comunidades indígenas, rurais e setores populares urbanos da sociedade oaxaquenha, assim como a investigação da atuação política e sindical desses professores, sempre a partir de relatos de suas práticas, experiências e propostas educativas. / This research reports the events that happened in Oaxaca during the year 2006, when a wave of popular protests led to the protesters to assume the power of the State capital, the dissolution of political power and the violent eviction action imposed by the Federal Government of Mexico. According to the records, the teachers of Oaxaca public system, through the XXII Section of the Mexican National Syndicate of Education Workers, played a fundamental role in the creation of Oaxacas Comuna before and during the 2006 popular revolution. Through a critical evaluation of the events and the political activities conducted by Oaxacas teachers in the last two decades, that represent a period of strong political unrest and memorable actuation of the teachers trade union, it is intended to describe which are the pedagogical practices proposed by the teachers of the section XXII. Its aim is to comprehend, through this popular uprising, the conceptions of the Autonomous and Alternative education that emerged in Oaxaca State, and also the collective elaboration of a community management proposal of educational policies, characterized by the involvement of the education workers in the construction of these policies. Moreover, this study will address the political conceptions of teachers and indigenous movements in Mexico. The analysis of those teaching practices will be made through the research and description of the local socio-economic context, by the study of the relation established by the professors of Section XXII with indigenous and rural communities and with Oaxacan popular urban sectors. In addiction, the teachers political and syndical actuation, always from their practical narrative, experiences and education proposals will be investigated.

A Formação do homem do Contestado e a educação escolar : Republica Velha / The formation of the man of Contestado Insurrection and school education

Thome, Nilson 02 May 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Luis Sanfelice / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T12:30:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thome_Nilson_D.pdf: 2482714 bytes, checksum: 8a776a90f2df497d6ff0b28c961004ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Esta tese tem por objetivo contribuir para os estudos sobre a formação do homem do Contestado, habitante desde os tempos mais remotos do Centro-Oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina, com a descrição dos fatos mais marcantes do processo sócio-cultural relacionado com a evolução durante o período da Primeira República (1889-1930) e, paralelamente, contribuir para as investigações sobre a educação escolar nesta região. A pesquisa investiga as múltiplas e complexas relações presentes na formação da Região do Contestado, analisando seus determinantes políticos, econômicos, sociais, culturais e educacionais. Narra a história regional, destacando como seus principais pontos referenciais a Lei de Terras de 1850, o coronelismo, a Guerra do Contestado (1913-1916), a Questão de Limites entre Paraná e Santa Catarina (1853-1917). Assim, o estudo trata do espaço livre e da formação do Território Contestado, inserindo a evolução histórica da educação escolar na República Velha, apresentando a formação do homem regional e analisando as contradições entre as classes dominante (fazendeiro) e dominada (caboclo), entre os interesses do Estado oligárquico e dos monopólios e as necessidades da população, e entre o uso do ensino para fins políticos e a busca de instrução pelas classes subalternas. O período histórico não tem preocupações com limitações de início e adentra ao momento em que a primeira fase da modernização vem se impor à sociedade agrária tradicional, preparando o território para a sociedade moderna, industrial e urbana. Articulando as categorias de ocupação, colonização, imigração e povoamento, a pesquisa trata da formação do território a partir da ação coordenada dos homens sobre o espaço livre. O rompimento das relações antigas de um espaço geográfico amplo e de um território livre deu-se com a ação do Estado intervencionista e de investimentos de capitais estrangeiros, dentro do pressuposto da incorporação da terra ao capital. O Território Contestado viveu o processo de expropriação e de exploração, quando o mercado abateu as estruturas velhas e realizou a incorporação progressiva da população na esfera moderna, numa transição que revelou uma época de pouca escolarização, pela ausência de política governamental educacional direcionada à população / Abstract: This thesis has for objective to contribute for the studies on the formation of the man of the Contested one, inhabitant since the times most remote of the Center-West of the State of Santa Catarina, with the description of the facts very important of the partner-cultural process related with the evolution during the period of First Republic (1889-1930) e, parallel, to contribute for the inquiries on the pertaining to school education in this region. The research investigates the multiple and complex relations gifts in the formation of the Region of the Contested one, analyzing its determinative politicians, economic, social, cultural and educational. It tells regional history, detaching as its main basic and important points the Land Law of 1850, the relations of domination and dependence (coronelismo), the War of the Contested one (1913-1916), the Question of Limits between Paraná and Santa Catarina (1853-1917). Thus, the study it deals with to the free space and of the formation of the Contested Territory, inserting the historical evolution of the pertaining to school education in the Old Republic, presenting the formation of the regional man and analyzing the contradictions between the ruling classes (farmer) and dominated (caboclo), it enters the interests of the oligarchical State and the monopolies and the necessities of the population, e enters the use of education for ends politicians and the search of instruction for the subordinates classrooms. The historical period does not have concerns with limitations of beginning and in enters to the moment where the first phase of the modernization comes to impose itself to the traditional agrarian society, preparing the territory for the modern society, urban industrial and. Articulating the categories of occupation, settling, immigration, the research deals with the formation of the territory from the coordinate action of the men on the free space. The disruption of the old relations of ample a geographic space and a free territory was given with the action of the interventionist State and foreign investments of capitals, inside of the estimated one of the incorporation of the land to the capital. The Contested Territory lived the exploration and expropriation process, when the market abated the old structures and carried through the gradual incorporation of the population in the modern sphere, in a transistion that disclosed a time of little few schools, for the absence of educational governmental politics directed the population / Doutorado / Historia, Filosofia e Educação / Doutor em Educação

La guerre contre-insurrectionnelle guatémaltèque : sa généalogie, le déni des responsables et les sources historiques

Drouin, Marc 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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