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Intangible Values' Concrete Effect on Business : Leaders' Values and Business Ethics in the context of Swedish SME'sHolmlind, Olivia, Emanuelsson, Sara, Utas, Casandra January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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A Holistic Approach To Historic Environments Integrating Tangible And Intangible Values Case Study: Ibrahimpasa Village In UrgupKarakul, Ozlem 01 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Specialists in conservation have recently reached a consensus about accepting cultural values as the basis of both problems and solutions within historic environments. In this respect, besides tangible properties, the intangible values need to be considered in the conservation studies. This study aims to develop a conceptual framework and methodology for the analysis and the conservation of historic environments as entities of intangible and tangible values to provide the integration of intangible values in conservation studies.
As an entity, a historical urban fabric is formed by tangible features, namely, the physical structure made of built and natural structures / and intangible values, specifically, cultural practices and expressions within the built environments, meanings expressed by them and values attributed to them. Understanding and documenting intangible values which shape tangible values, help to explain the variability of buildings and settlement forms within historic environments.
This study develops a conceptual and methodological framework for the documentation, conservation and sustainability of the interrelations of intangible and tangible values in the case of Ibrahimpasa Village. First, the research questions are elaborated to understand the relations between tangible and intangible values theoretically and to develop a methodological framework for the documentation and analysis of these. Then the conceptual and methodological framework is applied to the case of Ibrahimpasa Village using a combined methodology composed of the case study and the ethnographic research. As a result, the study puts forward a conservation approach, asserting that the sustainability of the interrelations between tangible and intangible values is vital for the conservation of historic environments and that specific approaches need to be developed for particular interrelations to provide their continuation.
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Pour une suprématie du droit international dans la protection de valeurs intangibles de l’humanité / For a supremacy of international law in protecting the intangible values of humanityFigueira Tonetto, Fernanda 17 September 2018 (has links)
Les institutions internationales ont à la suite de la 2ème guerre mondiale créé un corpus de droits reliés à l’essence de la condition humaine qui sont aussi intuitifs que difficiles à systématiser. Cette émergence se trouve à l’origine de la relation étroite entre le droit international et un noyau intangible de valeurs considérées comme universelles, érigé à la lumière de constructions philosophiques et juridiques du concept d’humanité jusqu’au moment où elles sont saisies par le droit international coutumier et conventionnel dans une logique de protection. Cette protection relève, d’un côté, du droit international pénal à partir notamment de l’édification des concepts de crime contre l’humanité et de génocide ayant comme corolaire également la définition du concept de graves violations et, de l’autre côté, du droit international des droits de l’Homme, en ce qu’il s’est occupé de la sauvegarde de l’individu en tant qu’être à la fois singulier et collectif, mais aussi des droits essentiels à la préservation de sa condition humaine. Le problème majeur qui se pose est celui des difficiles interactions entre le droit international et le droit national, combiné à l’héritage des paradigmes du droit international classique, ce qui nous amène à répondre à la question du comportement des États quand le droit international a pour objet la préservation de ce noyau dur des valeurs humaines. Dans la présente thèse, nous cherchons donc à démontrer que la protection tissée notamment sur la base des prohibitions apporte au droit international une position de suprématie liée à son caractère de jus cogens, de manière à imposer des devoirs non seulement aux États mais aussi aux individus. / Because of World War II, international institutions have created a set of rights related to the essence of the human condition that are as intuitive as to systematize. The close relationship between international law and the protection of intangible values of the human community as a whole has its sources from this emergence. Indeed, these values were identified in the light of philosophical and legal constructions about the concept of humanity until the moment when it became protected by the customary and conventional international law. On the one hand, this protection came from the international criminal law and its enlightenment about the conception of crime against humanity and genocide, in a manner that it enabled the identification of the meaning of serious violations. On the other hand, this protection came likewise from international human rights law, in which it took care to safeguard the individual either as a singular and collective human being, as well as of the fundamental rights to the preservation of its human condition. The hardest problem that is presented here is about the difficult interactions between international law and national law. This problem is aggravated by the heritage left by the classic international law paradigms, which leads us to seek the answer concerning how the States react or how States must react when international law aims to safeguard these core human values. In this thesis, we seek to demonstrate that the protection exercised, especially on the basis of prohibitions, places international law in a position of supremacy linked to its character of jus cogens, in order to impose obligations over both States and individuals.
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Pilares para umnovo direito internacionalTonetto, Fernanda Figueira January 2018 (has links)
Les institutions internationales ont à la suite de la 2ème guerre mondiale créé un corpus de droits reliés à l’essence de la condition humaine qui sont aussi intuitifs que difficiles à systématiser. Cette émergence se trouve à l’origine de la relation étroite entre le droit international et un noyau intangible de valeurs considérées comme universelles, érigé à la lumière de constructions philosophiques et juridiques du concept d’humanité jusqu’au moment où elles sont saisies par le droit international coutumier et conventionnel dans une logique de protection. Cette protection relève, d’un côté, du droit international pénal à partir notamment de l’édification des concepts de crime contre l’humanité et de génocide ayant comme corolaire également la définition du concept de graves violations et, de l’autre côté, du droit international des droits de l’Homme, en ce qu’il s’est occupé de la sauvegarde de l’individu en tant qu’être à la fois singulier et collectif, mais aussi des droits essentiels à la préservation de sa condition humaine. Le problème majeur qui se pose est celui des difficiles interactions entre le droit international et le droit national, combiné à l’héritage des paradigmes du droit international classique, ce qui nous amène à répondre à la question du comportement des États quand le droit international a pour objet la préservation de ce noyau dur des valeurs humaines. Dans la présente thèse, nous cherchons donc à démontrer que la protection tissée notamment sur la base des prohibitions apporte au droit international une position de suprématie liée à son caractère de jus cogens, de manière à imposer des devoirs non seulement aux États mais aussi aux individus. / Como resultado da Segunda Guerra Mundial, as instituições internacionais criaram um conjunto de direitos relacionados à essência da condição humana que são tão intuitivos quanto difíceis de sistematizar. Dessa emergência tem origem a estreita relação entre o direito internacional e a tutela de um núcleo intangível de valores da comunidade humana em seu conjunto, engendrados à luz das construções filosóficas e jurídicas do conceito de humanidade até o momento em que a mesma passou a ser protegida pelo direito internacional costumeiro e convencional. Essa proteção deu-se, de um lado, pelo direito internacional penal a partir da edificação do conceito de crime contra a humanidade e de genocídio, de modo a possibilitar a identificação do sentido de graves violações e, de outro lado, pelo direito internacional dos direitos humanos, naquilo em que se ocupou da salvaguarda do indivíduo enquanto ser ao mesmo tempo singular e coletivo, assim como dos direitos essenciais à preservação de sua condição humana. O problema maior que se apresenta diz respeito às difíceis interações do direito internacional com o direito nacional, agravado pela herança deixada pelos paradigmas do direito internacional clássico, o que nos leva a buscar responder à pergunta de como se comportam ou devem se comportar os Estados quando o direito internacional tem por objeto resguardar esse núcleo duro de valores humanos. Na presente tese, buscamos demonstrar que a proteção exercida sobretudo sob a base de proibições aporta ao direito internacional uma posição de supremacia que se liga ao seu caráter de jus cogens, de modo a impor obrigações tanto aos Estados quanto aos indivíduos. / Because of World War II, international institutions have created a set of rights related to the essence of the human condition that are as intuitive as they are difficult to systematize. The close relationship between international law and the protection of intangible values of the human community as a whole has its sources from this emergence. Indeed, these values were identified in the light of philosophical and legal constructions about the concept of humanity until the moment when it became protected by the customary and conventional international law. On the one hand, this protection came from the international criminal law and its enlightenment about the conception of crime against humanity and genocide, in a manner that it enabled the identification of the meaning of serious violations. On the other hand, this protection came likewise from international human rights law, in which it took care to safeguard the individual either as a singular and collective human being, as well as of the fundamental rights to the preservation of its human condition. The hardest problem that is presented here is about the difficult interactions between international law and national law. This problem is aggravated by the heritage left by the classic international law paradigms, which leads us to seek the answer concerning how the States react or how States must react when international law aims to safeguard these core human values. In this thesis, we seek to demonstrate that the protection exercised, especially on the basis of prohibitions, places international law in a position of supremacy linked to its character of jus cogens, in order to impose obligations over both States and individuals.
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Desarrollo de una metodología para la caracterización, evaluación y gestión de los recursos de la geodiversidadBruschi, Viola Maria 28 September 2007 (has links)
El presente trabajo trata sobre la identificación, catalogación, evaluación, protección y utilización de los recursos de la geodiversidad. Uno de los principales problemas que afecta al tratamiento conjunto del patrimonio geológico es el alto grado de subjetividad. En el presente trabajo se incluye un primer inventario de LIG para la región Cantabria, que se ha utilizado para el desarrollo de las fases sucesivas de evaluación, protección, puesta en valor de los LIG y para el cálculo de los impactos producidos por acciones humanas. Se han desarrollado procedimientos de evaluación de la calidad de los LIG a través de métodos directos (basados en el juicio de expertos) e indirectos (paramétricos) sobre la base de la identificación de criterios de evaluación, de parámetros medibles y de la definición de unos "modelos de calidad". Por medio de análisis factorial, se ha identificado un conjunto reducido de criterios que permite reproducir en un 83% los resultados obtenidos utilizando todos los criterios. Sobre la base de los resultados se han elaborado algunos ejemplos de acciones encaminadas a la protección, gestión y puesta en valor de los elementos de la geodiversidad de Cantabria. / The present work addresses issues related to the identification, cataloguing evaluation, protection and utilisation of geodiversity's resources. One of the main difficulties to carry out such tasks lies in the subjectivity. The work presented here includes an initial inventory of sites of geological interest in the region of Cantabria. Then, a group of sites of geomorphologic interest has been selected to make comparisons between different evaluation methods, determine the degree of coincidence between the ranks of classifications obtained and make recommendations on the most advisable procedures. These methods make it possible to apply transparent, clearly defined criteria which can provide replicable results if applied by different operators and can therefore be subject to external test and scrutiny. The above methods can provide good results using only six parameters that express three significant qualities of sites: scientific interest or intrinsic quality; potential for use; threats for conservation. The type of evaluation methods described has been applied to design a method for the incorporation of geosites into the EIA process. In order to contribute to the valorisation of geodiversity's values, a series of specific proposals are presented for the protection and use of sites of geologic interest in Cantabria.
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