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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dissipationsintegralverfahren für turbulente Grenzschichten

Buschmann, Matthias H. 07 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Mit dieser Arbeit liegt eine ausführliche Studie zu den Integralverfahren der Grenzschichttheorie vor. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Dissipationsintegralverfahren. Im Vergleich zu anderen Grenzschichtverfahren bestehen die generellen Vorteile der Integralverfahren in ihrer Robustheit, ihrer hohen Praktikabilität sowie den im Sinne der aufzuwendenden Computerkapazität geringen Kosten. Ein spezieller Vorteil der Dissipationsintegralverfahren ist es zudem, das komplette Schubspannungsprofil der Grenzschicht zu berücksichtigen. Über eine entsprechende Ableitung der Dissipationsintegrale kann die Vorgeschichte der Grenzschicht erfassen werden. Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit ist eine Literaturanalyse, welche aufzeigt, dass Integralverfahren weit verbreitet sind und für vielfältige Typen von Grenzschichten Anwendung finden. Ausgehend von den Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen wird über die Grenzschichtgleichungen die allgemeine Form der Dissipationsintegralgleichungen hergeleitet. Auf der Basis dieser Gleichungen werden Berechnungsalgorithmen für zwei- und dreidimensionale Grenzschichten entworfen und ausführlich diskutiert. Die zur Komplettierung der Berechnungsalgorithmen benötigten Parameterzusammenhänge werden aus expliziten Geschwindigkeitsprofilen hergeleitet. Hierzu werden beruhend auf dem Zweischichtenmodell turbulenter Grenzschichten Geschwindigkeitsprofile turbulenter Grenzschichten diskutiert. Drei Kombinationen von Haupt- und Querströmungsprofil werden für den dreidimensionalen Fall ausgewählt und algorithmisch umgesetzt. Die Algorithmen für zweidimensionale Grenzschichten beruhen auf einem Geschwindigkeitsprofil. Dem Aufbau der Algorithmen schließen sich ausführliche Testrechnungen sowie eine Bewertung der Verfahren an. Es wird festgestellt, dass Dissipationsintegralverfahren für zwei- und dreidimensionale Grenzschichten mit gutem Erfolg angewandt werden können. Vergleiche der Rechenergebnisse für zweidimensionale Grenzschichten zeigen die zumindest Gleichwertigkeit mit Zweigleichungsmodellen an. / Calculation and prediction of turbulent boundary layers are among the most challenging tasks of present fluid mechanics. A strong demand exists for robust, easy-to-handle and in terms of computing effort cheap algorithms which can be used for technical applications. From an engineering point of view zonal methods and RANS are the most useful tools for solution of fluid mechanical problems. It is known that zonal methods which use integral approaches for the description of the boundary layer can be used successfully in manifold forms. One way to improve zonal methods further is the Basically three different types of integral algorithms - entrainment, momentum of momentum and dissipation integral method - can be derived from the three-dimensional boundary layer equations. If one compares the usual entrainment integral method with the dissipation integral method it turns out that the latter has the following physical advantages. While the entrainment method considers information about the shear stress distribution only at the outer edge of the boundary layer, the dissipation integral method uses the whole distribution. This work gives an overview over dissipation integral method and extends them to three-dimensional boundary layers. The general integral equations for the three-dimensional case are derived. Using two different sets of mean velocity profiles the hyperbolical character of a dissipation integral method is shown. Apart from the integral momentum balance, the dissipation integral method satisfies a second major balance with the integral balance of mechanical energy. It is found that for a practical calculation the integral momentum equation and the integral energy equation are most useful. Sixteen two-dimensional experimental test cases with none-zero pressure gradients were computed. It was found that the averaged relative deviation between measured and computed values for the skin friction coefficient is about 5 % and about 3 % for the shape parameter. Two three-dimensional fully turbulent boundary layers approaching an obstacle where computed. The agreement between experimental results and the calculation is reasonably good. The calculation allows the prediction of the velocity distributions. Flow angle and flow gradient angle distributions being additional results.

Interaction between Thermoelastic and Scalar Oscillation Fields (general anisotropic case)

Jentsch, L., Natroshvili, D 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Three-dimensional mathematical problems of the interaction between thermoelastic and scalar oscillation fields are considered in a general anisotropic case. An elastic structure is assumed to be a bounded homogeneous anisortopic body occupying domain $\Omega^+\sub\R^3$ , where the thermoelastic field is defined, while in the physically anisotropic unbounded exterior domain $\Omega^-=\R^3\\ \overline{\Omega^+}$ there is defined the scalar field. These two fields satisfy the differential equations of steady state oscillations in the corresponding domains along with the transmission conditions of special type on the interface $\delta\Omega^{+-}$. Uniqueness and existence theorems, for the non-resonance case, are proved by the reduction of the original interface problems to equivalent systems of boundary pseudodifferential equations ($\Psi DEs$) . The invertibility of the corresponding matrix pseudodifferential operators ($\Psi DO$) in appropriate functional spaces is shown on the basis of generalized Sommerfeld-Kupradze type thermoradiation conditions for anisotropic bodies. In the resonance case, the co-kernels of the $\Psi DOs$ are analysed and the efficent conditions of solvability of the transmission problems are established.

Modelling the Effect of Suspended Bodies on Cavitation Bubbles near a Ridgid Boundary using a Boundary Integral Approach

McGregor, Peter Stanley January 2003 (has links)
Cavitation is the spontaneous vaporisation of a liquid to its gaseous state due to the local absolute pressure falling to the liquid's vapour pressure (Douglas, Gasiorek et al. 1995). Cavitation is present in a wide range of mechanical systems ranging from ship screws to journal bearing. Generally, cavitation is unavoidable and may cause considerable damage and efficiency losses to these systems. This thesis considers hydraulic systems specifically, and uses a modified Greens equation to develop a boundary integral method to simulate the effect that suspended solid bodies have on a single cavitation bubble. Because of the limitations of accurately modelling cavitation bubbles beyond touchdown, results are only presented for cases up to touchdown. The aim of the model is to draw insight into the reasons there is a measurable change in cavitation erosion rate with increasing oil-in-water emulsion percentage. This principle was extended to include the effect that ingested particulates may have on cavitation in hydraulic machinery. Two particular situations are modelled; the first consists of stationary rigid particles in varying proximity to a cavitation bubble near a rigid boundary. The second case is similar; however the suspended particle is allowed to move under the influence of the pressure differential caused by the expanding/contracting cavitation bubble. Numerous characteristics of the domain are considered, including domain pressures and fluid field motion, and individual boundary surface characteristics. The conclusion of the thesis is that solid bodies, either stationary or moving, have little effect on the cavity from an energy perspective. Regardless of size or density, all energy transferred from the cavity to the solid body is returned indicating that there is no net change. As this energy is ultimately responsible for the peak pressure experienced by the domain (and hence responsible for eroding the rigid boundary) as the cavity rebounds, it then serves that a cavity with a solid body will rebound at the same pressure as a cavity without a suspended body present. If this is coupled with the observation that the cavity centroid at touchdown is largely unaffected by the presence of a suspension, then it would appear that the bubble near a solid would rebound at a very similar position as a cavity without a solid. Consequently, the damage potential of a cavity is unaffected by a suspension. However, there is one point of contention as the profile of the re-entrant jet of the cavity is altered by the presence of a suspension. As energy is radiated away from the cavity during penetration, it is possible that the shape of the jet may alter the rate that energy is radiated away during penetration. However, this requires further research to be definitive.

Modélisation et simulation du mouvement d'interfaces déformables dans une géométrie confinée : application à l'étude de l'écoulement des globules rouges dans la microcirculation / Modeling and simulation of the motion of deformable interfaces in a confined geometry : application to the study of the flow of red blood cells in microcirculation

Aouane, Othmane 18 September 2015 (has links)
Les vésicules sont utilisées d'une manière extensive comme modèle pour comprendre les dynamiques et les déformations des globules rouges au niveau individuel, mais aussi concernant les phénomènes collectives et la rhéologie. La membrane de la vésicule résiste à la flexion mais pas au cisaillement, contrairement aux globules rouges, néanmoins elles partagent plusieurs propriétés dynamiques avec les globules rouges, comme le tank-treading (mouvement en chenille de char) et le tumbling (mouvement de bascule) sous écoulement de cisaillement, ou les formes parachutes et slippers (pantoufles) sous un écoulement de Poiseuille. Les globules rouges sont connus pour former des trains de cellules (clusters) dans la microcirculation attribués à la nature attractive des interactions hydrodynamiques. Nous avons étudié numériquement plusieurs types de problème comme:(i) les dynamiques de cellules isolées, (ii) le couplage hydrodynamique entre globules rouges (en utilisant les vésicules comme modèle) soumis à un écoulement de Poiseuille sous différent confinements; (iii) l'agrégation des globules rouges et la formation de rouleaux; et (iv) le rôle des macromolécules dans la formation de clusters sous écoulement. les résultats obtenus apportent un nouveau regard à la physique des objets déformables et sont transposables au cas de l'écoulement des globules rouges dans la microcirculation. / Vesicles are extensively used as a model for understanding dynamicsand deformation of red blood cells at the individual level but also regarding collective phenomena and rheology. Vesicles' membranes withstand to bending butdo not have a shear resistance, unlike red blood cells, but they still share several dynamical properties with red blood cells, like tank-treading and tumbling under linear shear flow, or parachute and slipper shapes under Poiseuille flow. The red blood cells are known to form train of cells in the microcirculation attributed to attractive hydrodynamic interactions. We investigate numerically several kind of problems such as: (i) the dynamics of isolated cells; (ii) the hydrodynamic coupling between the red blood cells (by using vesicles as a model) subject to a Poiseuille flow under different confinements; (iii) the aggregation of red blood cells and formation of rouleaux; and (iv) the contribution of macromolecules in the formation of clusters under flow condition. The obtained results give a new insight into thephysics of deformable objects under confinement that are transposable to the flow of red blood cells in the microcirculation.

Modélisation électromagnétique 3D d'inducteurs multibrins - Développement d'une méthode intégrale parallélisée / 3D Electromagnetic modeling of multistrands inductors - Development of a parallel integral method

Scapolan, Raphaël 13 November 2014 (has links)
Afin de permettre l’utilisation de hautes fréquences dans le domainedu chauffage par induction industriel, l’emploi d’inducteurs multibrins est envisagé.Or, les pertes occasionnées dans ces inducteurs peuvent être importantes etdépendent fortement de leur géométrie interne qui est complexe. Pour faciliter laconception d’inducteurs multibrins à faibles pertes, il est nécessaire d’en comprendrele comportement électromagnétique. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons ledéveloppement d’un logiciel de calcul parallèle dévolu à la modélisation électromagnétique3D d’inducteurs multibrins. Nous décrivons une méthode originale deconstruction de la géométrie des inducteurs. Ce logiciel est basé sur une méthodenumérique de type intégrale ayant l’avantage de ne pas nécessiter le maillage desespaces entre les brins. L’emploi du calcul parallèle est une des grandes forces de celogiciel. Les études réalisées montrent l’impact de la géométrie sur le comportementde ce type d’inducteur. / In order to enable to use high frequencies in the domain of the industrialinductive heating, the use of multi-wires inductors is considered. But, lossesoccurring into that inductors can be important and strongly depend on their complexinternal geometry. To facilitate the design of lossless multi-wires inductors, it isnecessary to under stand their electromagnetic behavior. In this thesis, we presentthe development of a software of parallel computation intended to the 3D electromagneticmodeling of multi-wires inductors. We describe an original method ofbuilding of the geometry of that inductors. This software is based on an integralmethod in which the meshing of spaces between the wires is unnecessary. The useof parallel computing is one of the great forces of this software. The studies werealized show the impact of the geometry on the behavior of that type of inductor.

Extração de fatores de intensidade de tensão utilizando a solução do método dos elementos finitos generalizados / Extraction of stress intensity factors from generalized finite element solutions

Jerônymo Peixoto Athayde Pereira 04 May 2004 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta uma análise do desempenho de vários métodos de extração de fatores de intensidade de tensão a partir de soluções numéricas obtidas com o método dos elementos finitos generalizados (MEFG). A convergência dos fatores de intensidade de tensão é comparada com a da energia de deformação a fim de investigar a superconvergência dos métodos. Para extração dos fatores de intensidade de tensão e o cálculo da taxa de energia disponibilizada para propagação da fissura, implementam-se os métodos da integral de contorno (MIC), da função cutoff (MFC) e da integral-J no contexto do MEFG. Desenvolve-se a formulação dos métodos de extração de forma a obter uma implementação independente da malha utilizada na modelagem do problema. Aplica-se a extração dos fatores de intensidade de tensão, para modos puros e mistos, em problemas clássicos da mecânica da fratura. Verifica-se a convergência dos fatores de intensidade de tensão e da taxa de energia disponibilizada para a propagação da fissura, obtidos com cada método de extração, com o enriquecimento da ordem polinomial da solução do MEFG. Investiga-se a robustez dos métodos com relação ao tamanho dos domínios de extração / The performance of several techniques to extract stress intensity factors (SIF) from numerical solutions computed with the generalized finite element method (GFEM) is investigated. The convergence of the stress intensity factors is compared with the convergence of strain energy with the aim of investigate the superconvergence of the methods. The contour integral (CIM), the cutoff function (CFM) and the J-integral methods are considered to compute stress intensity factors and energy release rate. The proposed implementation of the extraction techniques is completely independent of the discretization used. Several numerical examples demonstrating the convergence of the computed stress intensity factors and the energy release rate, with the increasing of p order of the GFEM solution, are presented

Analýza mikropáskových antén / Analysis of microstrip antennas

Kozák, Filip January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with the method for analysis of one-port microstrip circuits which is called as contour-integral method. The general procedure for evaluating of important parameters concerning the analysis of microstrip antennas is given. Next, the geometrical parameters necessary for the calculation of elements in U and H matrices are numerically solved. With the help of these matrices, the input impedance or the reflection coefficient can be easily found.

Etude numérique de la dynamique sous écoulement de gouttes et vésicules avec viscosités de surface / Numerical study of the dynamics of droplets and vesicles with surface viscosities under flow

Degonville, Maximilien 21 December 2018 (has links)
De nombreux systèmes fluides dans les domaines de la biologie ou encore de la cosmétique sont limités par une interface dont les propriétés mécaniques régissent la stabilité. En particulier, les objets tels que des gouttes, vésicules ou polymersomes se déforment dans un écoulement simple et mènent à une grande richesse de dynamiques spatio-temporelles contrôlées par la nature des matériaux qui composent l'interface. Les travaux présentés concernent l'étude numérique de la déformation de ces objets dans un écoulement de Stokes, en particulier dans des situations où les viscosités de l'interface jouent un rôle important. Un code de calcul couplant intégrales de frontières et éléments finis a été utilisé afin de décrire la physique interfaciale et étudier leur comportement une fois plongés dans un écoulement. Ces travaux ont permis d'étudier l'influence des viscosités interfaciales sur la dynamique d'une goutte dans un écoulement extensionnel plan, leur influence sur sa dynamique de déformation et sur les conditions de rupture de celle-ci. Les études réalisées sur une vésicule fortement dégonflée et plongée dans un écoulement cisaillé ont caractérisé la bifurcation entre les deux familles de forme existantes dans ces conditions. Ces formes ayant une influence sur la dynamique de la vésicule dans l'écoulement, celle-ci a été étudiée dans le cadre d'un écoulement infini puis proche d'une paroi parallèle à l'écoulement. Enfin, de premiers résultats sur la dynamique d'un polymersome dans un écoulement cisaillé permettent de construire un diagramme de phase illustrant les différents comportement de cet objet en fonction de la viscosité de la membrane et du taux de cisaillement / There are many fluid systems in the biology, food industry, pharmacology or cosmestics fields that are bound by an interface which mechanical properties rule the system stability. Objects like droplets, vesicles or polymersomes change their shape in a simple flow which lead to a wealth of space and time dynamics. These properties are controlled by the nature of the interface material. The aim of this work is the numerical study of the deformation of droplets, vesicles and polymersomes in a Stokes flow, especially when the interfacial viscosities play an important role. A numerical computation code coupling boundary integrals and finite elements was used to describe the interfacial physics of these objects and study their behaviour when immerged in a flow. Multiple resolution strategies where developped to this end in order to optimize the numerical computation in the cas of an interface with viscosities.Using this work, the influence of interfacial viscosities on the dynamics of a droplet in an extensional flow is studied : in particular, their influence on the stretching dynamics of a droplet and its break up conditions was characterized. The study of a vesicle, droplet bounded by a lipid bilayer, strongly deflated and immerged in a shear flow detailed the bifurcation between two shape types existing for this system. These shapes have an influence on the vesicle dynamics under flow, which is studied for an unbounded flow and a near-wall flow. Finally, we show first results about the dynamics of a polymersome in a shear flow. We used them to build a phase diagram for the behaviour of this object depending on the membrane viscosity and the shear rate

Adhesive modelling in multi-material structures : Evaluating the strength and fatigue life of adhesive joints / Modellering av lim i multimaterialstrukturer : Utvärdering av styrka och livslängd i limfogar

Narayanaswamy, Nitin January 2020 (has links)
Advancements in material science and manufacturing techniques are enabling the use of lightweight metal alloys and polymer composites in several combinations and shapes for producing more efficient and lightweight structures for automotive applications without compromising strength, stiffness and/or durability. When evaluating the strength of the structure, the joints are of importance. For multi-material structures adhesives are often the best type of joints. However, traditional finite element methods using stress criteria cannot accurately predict the failure of these adhesive joints under static loading. In this thesis work a strength and fatigue model, formulated using energy release rate theory, is implemented in a post processing tool. Given a finite element model of an adhesive joint and a list of boundary elements and nodes this tool calculates the energy release rates in mode I and mode II, and if the fracture toughness of the adhesive is known, a prescribed mixed-mode failure index is calculated. To evaluate its predictions joint strength results are correlated to experiments. Specimens with combined shear and normal load forms the underlying experimental setup with change in strain rate and adhesive thickness as varying parameters. Methods for implementing the model for a car body structure with multiple adhesive joints is investigated, the tool proves to be scalable, however, the required finite element setup at the adhesive boundaries may not be present in a car body model and thus further work needs to carried out to accommodate irregularities like non-matching mesh in the car body finite element model. This model may be used for assessing the strength and durability of a car body structure comprising different materials joined together using adhesives.

Dissipationsintegralverfahren für turbulente Grenzschichten

Buschmann, Matthias H. 27 June 2003 (has links)
Mit dieser Arbeit liegt eine ausführliche Studie zu den Integralverfahren der Grenzschichttheorie vor. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Dissipationsintegralverfahren. Im Vergleich zu anderen Grenzschichtverfahren bestehen die generellen Vorteile der Integralverfahren in ihrer Robustheit, ihrer hohen Praktikabilität sowie den im Sinne der aufzuwendenden Computerkapazität geringen Kosten. Ein spezieller Vorteil der Dissipationsintegralverfahren ist es zudem, das komplette Schubspannungsprofil der Grenzschicht zu berücksichtigen. Über eine entsprechende Ableitung der Dissipationsintegrale kann die Vorgeschichte der Grenzschicht erfassen werden. Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit ist eine Literaturanalyse, welche aufzeigt, dass Integralverfahren weit verbreitet sind und für vielfältige Typen von Grenzschichten Anwendung finden. Ausgehend von den Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen wird über die Grenzschichtgleichungen die allgemeine Form der Dissipationsintegralgleichungen hergeleitet. Auf der Basis dieser Gleichungen werden Berechnungsalgorithmen für zwei- und dreidimensionale Grenzschichten entworfen und ausführlich diskutiert. Die zur Komplettierung der Berechnungsalgorithmen benötigten Parameterzusammenhänge werden aus expliziten Geschwindigkeitsprofilen hergeleitet. Hierzu werden beruhend auf dem Zweischichtenmodell turbulenter Grenzschichten Geschwindigkeitsprofile turbulenter Grenzschichten diskutiert. Drei Kombinationen von Haupt- und Querströmungsprofil werden für den dreidimensionalen Fall ausgewählt und algorithmisch umgesetzt. Die Algorithmen für zweidimensionale Grenzschichten beruhen auf einem Geschwindigkeitsprofil. Dem Aufbau der Algorithmen schließen sich ausführliche Testrechnungen sowie eine Bewertung der Verfahren an. Es wird festgestellt, dass Dissipationsintegralverfahren für zwei- und dreidimensionale Grenzschichten mit gutem Erfolg angewandt werden können. Vergleiche der Rechenergebnisse für zweidimensionale Grenzschichten zeigen die zumindest Gleichwertigkeit mit Zweigleichungsmodellen an. / Calculation and prediction of turbulent boundary layers are among the most challenging tasks of present fluid mechanics. A strong demand exists for robust, easy-to-handle and in terms of computing effort cheap algorithms which can be used for technical applications. From an engineering point of view zonal methods and RANS are the most useful tools for solution of fluid mechanical problems. It is known that zonal methods which use integral approaches for the description of the boundary layer can be used successfully in manifold forms. One way to improve zonal methods further is the Basically three different types of integral algorithms - entrainment, momentum of momentum and dissipation integral method - can be derived from the three-dimensional boundary layer equations. If one compares the usual entrainment integral method with the dissipation integral method it turns out that the latter has the following physical advantages. While the entrainment method considers information about the shear stress distribution only at the outer edge of the boundary layer, the dissipation integral method uses the whole distribution. This work gives an overview over dissipation integral method and extends them to three-dimensional boundary layers. The general integral equations for the three-dimensional case are derived. Using two different sets of mean velocity profiles the hyperbolical character of a dissipation integral method is shown. Apart from the integral momentum balance, the dissipation integral method satisfies a second major balance with the integral balance of mechanical energy. It is found that for a practical calculation the integral momentum equation and the integral energy equation are most useful. Sixteen two-dimensional experimental test cases with none-zero pressure gradients were computed. It was found that the averaged relative deviation between measured and computed values for the skin friction coefficient is about 5 % and about 3 % for the shape parameter. Two three-dimensional fully turbulent boundary layers approaching an obstacle where computed. The agreement between experimental results and the calculation is reasonably good. The calculation allows the prediction of the velocity distributions. Flow angle and flow gradient angle distributions being additional results.

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