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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guides d’ondes dans un cristal de niobate de lithium périodiquement polarisé : fabrication et étude par des techniques de microscopie à sonde locale / Creation of optical waveguides with periodical domain structures in lithium niobate single crystals and their study by scanning probe microscopy methods

Neradovskiy, Maxim 17 June 2016 (has links)
Nous avons étudié l'influence de la fabrication de guides d'ondes optiques par échange protonique doux(SPE) sur les cristaux de niobate de lithium (LN) polarisé périodiquement et nous avons montré que,dans certains cas, ce processus conduit à la création de nanodomaines en surface. Ces nanodomaines enforme d'aiguille peuvent être responsables de la réduction de l'efficacité de conversion non linéaireobservée dans les guides qui sont affectés. Nous avons également étudié l'influence de différents typesd'échange protonique sur la formation, par application d'un champ électrique, de domaines dans le LNcongruent. Cette étude montre que le seuil de nucléation peut être fortement réduit par la présence duguide d'onde et que l'apparition et le développement des domaines en forme de traits est fortementmodifiée. Elle montre également que la fusion des nanodomaines existants au voisinage des parois dedomaine aboutit à la formation de parois élargies et de domaines en forme de dendrites. En irradiantavec un faisceau d'électrons la surface Z- d'un échantillon de LN préalablement soumis à un échangeprotonique doux et recouvert d'une couche de résine électronique, nous avons réussi à former desdomaines avec des formes arbitraires. Par cette technique, nous avons fabriqué des domainespériodiques d'excellente qualité dans des cristaux présentant des guides canaux SPE. Des expériences degénération de deuxième harmonique dans ces guides nous ont permis d'obtenir des efficacités deconversion de 48%/W.cm2 ce qui est conforme aux prédictions ainsi que la forme des spectres d'accordde phase que nous avons observés. Ceci démontre tout l'intérêt de ce processus / The investigation of influence of the soft proton exchange (SPE) optical waveguide (WG) creation onperiodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) has been done. It has been shown that the WG fabricationprocess can induce the formation of needle like nanodomains, which can be responsible for thedegradation of the nonlinear response of the WG created in PPLN crystals. The domain structure (DS)evolution has been studied in congruent lithium niobate (LN) crystals with surface layers modified bythree different proton exchange techniques. The significant decrease of the nucleation threshold fieldand qualitative change of domain rays nucleation and growth have been revealed. The formation of abroad domain boundary and dendrite domain structure as a result of nanodomains merging in front ofthe moving rays has been demonstrated. The formation of DS in LN with SPE by irradiation of coveredby electron resist polar surface of LN has been investigated. Formation of domains with arbitrary shapesas a result of discrete switching has been revealed. Finally, it has been demonstrated that electron beamirradiation of lithium niobate crystals with surface resist layer can produce high quality periodical domainpatterns after channel waveguide fabrication. Nonlinear characterizations show that the conversionefficiencies and the phase matching spectra conform to theoretical predictions, indicating that thiscombination presents a great interest for device fabrication. Second harmonic generation withnormalized nonlinear conversion efficiency up to 48%/(W cm2) has been achieved in such waveguides

Manipulation et propagation de photons intriqués en fréquence et étude des marches aléatoires en fréquence / Manipulation and propagation of frequency entangled photons and study of quantum random walks in the frequency domain

Galmes, Batiste 14 March 2016 (has links)
Ce manuscrit de thèse s’intéresse à l’étude théorique et à l’observation d’effets quantiques résultantde la manipulation de photons en fréquence. Ainsi nous rapportons une expérience d’interférenceà deux photons, pour laquelle l’intrication et la manipulation des photons survient dans le domainedes fréquences. Nous montrons que cette figure d’interférence est sensible à la dispersion des deuxphotons jumeaux et que ce phénomène peut être compensé de manière non-locale. D’un autre coté,nous étudions la réalisation d’une marche aléatoire quantique établie par la modulation de phase.Nous mettons en évidence un comportement intéressant de ces marches et suggérons un schémaexpérimental. / This manuscript deals with a theoretical and experimental study of quantum effects taking place inthe frequency domain. On one side, we report a two photons interference experiment, where both theentanglement of the photons and their manipulation take place in the frequency domain. We showthat this interference pattern is sensitive to the dispersion of both photons and allows us to perform anonlocal dispersion cancellation. On the other side we study the implementation of a quantum walkbased on the phase modulation. We predict an interesting behavior of these quantum walks andsuggest a physical implementation.

Analysis And Design Of Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) Based Pressure And Vibration Sensors

Pattnaik, Prasant Kumar 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Etude des couches minces du système ternaire Ge-Se-Te et fabrication de composants d'optique intégrée IR, briques de base de micro-capteurs optiques de gaz / Study of thin films of the ternary Ge-Se-Te system and manufacture integrated optical IR components, basic elements of optical micro-gas sensors

Vu Thi, Mai 04 November 2014 (has links)
Dans un contexte où les besoins en capteurs de gaz sont de plus en plus importants, en particulier pour la métrologie de l'environnement, il est proposé dans ce travail la réalisation de guides d'onde droits, de guides spirales, de jonctions Y,…, éléments indispensables pour la fabrication de micro-capteurs optiques infrarouges. La réalisation de ces différents éléments, par empilement et gravure de couches amorphes du système ternaire Ge-Se-Te, a nécessité en premier lieu l'étude du dit système. Des couches minces Ge-Se-Te de compositions très différentes ont été déposées par co-évaporation thermique, puis caractérisées en termes d'homogénéité, stabilité thermique, gap optique et indice de réfraction. L'évolution des propriétés en fonction de la composition a ensuite permis de mettre en évidence un domaine de compositions du système Ge-Se-Te particulièrement attractif : dans ce domaine, correspondant aux compositions riches en sélénium (plus de 55 % atomique) et contenant entre 20 et 30 % de germanium, les couches sont en effet monophasées, caractérisées par des températures de transition vitreuse élevées, une grande stabilité thermique, et un domaine de transparence s'étendant de 1 à 16 µm environ. Dans ce domaine de compositions, deux d'entre elles ont été choisies, Ge25Te10Se65 et Ge25Te20Se55, et utilisées pour fabriquer différents circuits d'optique intégrée. Les éléments les plus simples, à savoir des guides d'onde canaux, ont été réalisés en déposant successivement deux couches (Ge25Te10Se65 puis Ge25Te20Se55) sur un substrat silicium, puis en modifiant la géométrie de la couche supérieure d'indice de réfraction plus élevé par usinage ionique, de sorte à obtenir un confinement bidimensionnel de la lumière. Les pertes de propagation de ces guides ont été estimées à 1 dB.cm-1 à la longueur d'onde 1,55 µm. D'autres éléments plus complexes ont ensuite été fabriqués : des guides d'onde courbes pour lesquels les propriétés de guidage ont été obtenues quel que soit le rayon de courbure, des guides spirales ayant donné lieu à un bon guidage de la lumière, des jonctions Y caractérisées par une division satisfaisante de l'intensité lumineuse, ainsi que des interféromètres de type Mach-Zehnder en sortie desquels la lumière a été correctement recombinée. / In a context where the needs for gas sensors are increasingly important, especially for environmental metrology, it is proposed in this work to achieve straight waveguides, spirals, Y-junctions, ..., elements essential for the fabrication of infrared optical micro-sensors. The realization of these elements, by stacking and etching of amorphous thin films from the Ge-Se-Te ternary system, first required the study of this system. Ge-Se-Te thin films of very different compositions were deposited by thermal co-evaporation and characterized in terms of uniformity, thermal stability, optical band gap and refractive index. The evolution of the film properties with the composition was then used to highlight a particularly attractive area of compositions in the Ge-Se-Te system: in this domain, corresponding to compositions rich in Se (more than 55 atomic %) and containing between 20 and 30 atomic % in Ge, the layers are indeed single-phase, characterized by high glass transition temperatures, high thermal stability, and a transparency window extending from 1 to about 16 microns. In this composition region, two of them were selected, Ge25Te10Se65 and Ge25Te20Se55, and used to realize different integrated optics circuits. The simplest elements, which are channel waveguides, were made by depositing successively two layers (Ge25Te10Se65 then Ge25Te20Se55) on a silicon substrate, and then by modifying the geometry of the higher refractive index top layer by ion beam etching, so as to obtain a two-dimensional confinement of light. Propagation losses of these straight waveguides were estimated at 1 dB.cm-1 at the 1.55 µm wavelength. Other more complex elements were then fabricated: S-bent waveguides for which the guiding properties were obtained whatever the curvature radius, operational spiral waveguides, Y-junctions able of a satisfactory division of the light intensity, and Mach-Zehnder interferometers at the output of which the light was successfully recombined.

Comparison of Segmented and Traveling-Wave Electro-Optical Transmitters Based on Silicon Photonics Mach-Zehnder Modulators

Giuglea, Alexandru, Belfiore, Guido, Khafaji, Mahdi, Henker, Ronny, Petousi, Despoina, Winzer, Georg, Zimmermann, Lars, Ellinger, Frank 17 September 2019 (has links)
This paper presents a brief study of the two most commonly used topologies - segmented and traveling-wave - for realizing monolithically integrated electro-optical transmitters consisting of Si-photonics Mach-Zehnder modulators and their electrical drivers. To this end, two new transmitters employing high swing breakdown voltage doubler drivers were designed in the aforementioned topologies and compared with regard to their extinction ratio and DC power consumption at the data rate of 30 Gb/s. It is shown that for the targeted data rate and extinction ratio, a considerably lower power consumption can be achieved with the traveling-wave topology than with its segmented counterpart. The transmitters were realized in a 250 nm SiGe BiCMOS electronic-photonic integrated technology.

Periodic Poling of Lithium Niobate Thin Films for Integrated Nonlinear Optics

Nagy, Jonathan Tyler 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Focusing for Integrated Optofluidic Detection Enhancement

Hamilton, Erik Scott 02 April 2020 (has links)
The rise of superbugs, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and virus outbreaks, such as the recent coronavirus scare, illustrate the need for rapid detection of disease pathogens. Widespread availability of rapid disease identification would facilitate outbreak prevention and specific treatment. The ARROW biosensor microchip can directly detect single molecules through fluorescence-based optofluidic interrogation. The nature of the microfluidic channels found on optofluidic sensor platforms sets some of the ultimate sensitivity and accuracy limits and can result in false negative test results. Yet higher sensitivity and specificity is desired through hydrodynamic focusing. Novel 3D hydrodynamic focusing designs were developed and implemented on the ARROW platform, an optofluidic lab-on-a-chip single-molecule detector device. Microchannels with cross-section dimensions smaller than 10 μm were formed using sacrificial etching of photoresist layers covered with plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor-deposited silicon dioxide on a silicon wafer. Buffer fluid carried to the focusing junction enveloped an intersecting sample fluid, resulting in 3D focusing of the sample stream. The designs which operate across a wide range of fluid velocities through pressure-driven flow were integrated with optical waveguides in order to interrogate fluorescing particles and confirm 3D focusing, characterize diffusion, and quantify optofluidic detection enhancement of single viruses on chip.

Optofluidic Manipulation with Nanomembrane Platforms Used for Solid-State Nanopore Integration

Walker, Zachary J. 16 June 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Nanopore technology has introduced new techniques for single particle detection and analysis. A nanopore consists of a small opening in a membrane on the nanometer scale. Nanopores are found in nature and are utilized for transporting molecules through biological membranes. Researchers have been able to mimic naturally forming biological nanopores and utilize them for a variety of sensing applications. Nanopores, fabricated either organically or inorganically, can be used for detecting biomarkers such as proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites that translocate the membrane by way of the nanopore. Constant ionic current flow is measured through the nanopore by way of a sensitive ammeter. In the presence of a biomarker, the ionic current flow will be impeded, causing the electrical signal to drop. This drop uniquely corresponds to the type of particle passing through the nanopore. In this work, the thin membrane on which the nanopore resides is created through a newly developed meniscus shaped sacrificial technique. The sacrificial polymer material starts as a liquid and is confined to the microfluidic channel through the capillary effect, giving it the meniscus profile. It is used as a structural support on which a thin silicon dioxide layer is grown. The layer of oxide takes on the same natural meniscus shape as the sacrificial material. The polymer is subsequently etched, resulting in a hollow core liquid channel with a suspended meniscus membrane. This process allows a thin membrane to be fabricated on top of a microfluidic channel that ranges from 50-200 nm in thickness. The meniscus membrane is crucial to the success of nanopore formation. The nanoscale membrane allows for smaller, more precise nanopores to be created. Reduced nanopore dimensions are advantageous for the detection of smaller biomarkers. The platform described in this dissertation integrates solid-state naturally forming meniscus membranes with solid-core and optofluidic waveguides for nanopore detection applications. The waveguides allow for a particle trap to be introduced to the system. The ability to trap particles directly under the nanopore is critical to the speed of which the nanopore can operate. This dissertation focuses on the fabrication, characterization, and testing of an optofluidic platform that features a nanopore for rapid single molecule detection and analysis.

Faisabilité d'un isolateur optique intégré sur verre / Feasibility of an integrated optical isolator on glass

Amata, Hadi 01 October 2012 (has links)
Les isolateurs optiques sont des composants non-réciproques très important dans les systèmes de télécommunication optique. Actuellement les composants commercialisés sont tous discrets, à cause de la difficulté d’intégration des matériaux magnéto-optiques avec les technologies de l’optique intégrée. L’objectif de ma thèse était d’ouvrir une nouvelle voie technologique pour aboutir à une telle intégration. Pour cela nous avons développé une approche basée sur l’utilisation d’un matériau magnéto-optique composite complètement compatible avec la technologie d’échange d’ions sur verre. Ce matériau est élaboré par la voie sol-gel organique-inorganique et dopé par des nanoparticules magnétiques de ferrite de Cobalt (CoFe204). Il a montré des potentialités très prometteuses, illustré par une rotation Faraday spécifique de 420°/cm (@1550nm). Ce composite est déposé par la méthode dip-coating sur un guide fait par échange ionique d’Ar+/Na+, avec des extrémités enterrées par la méthode d’enterrage sélective pour faciliter le couplage-découplage de la lumière dans la structure hybride. Enfin, un traitement thermique (<100°C) et un traitement UV compatibles avec le procédé d’échange d’ions sur verre sont appliqués sur le dispositif pour finaliser la couche magnéto-optique. La caractérisation optique de notre dispositif a montré une bonne distribution de la lumière entre la couche magnéto-optique et le guide fait par échange d’ions (un bon confinement latéral). De plus, l’application d’un champ magnétique longitudinal au composant a permis de démontrer une valeur de conversion de mode TE-TM qui correspond bien à la quantité de la lumière confinée dans la couche magnéto-optique et la biréfringence modale de la structure. Donc, le but principal de la thèse est atteint, et ces résultats montrent la faisabilité d’un convertisseur de mode TE-TM compatible avec la technologie d’optique intégrée sur verre / Optical isolators are essential nonreciprocal devices used in optical communication systems. Currently, these components are commercially available but only in bulk form, due to the difficulties to embed magneto-optical materials with integrated classical technologies. To overcome this problem, our group has developed a new approach based on composite magneto-optical matrix that is fully compatible with ion-exchanged glass waveguide technology. This material is developed by organic inorganic sol-gel process and doped by magnetic nanoparticles (CoFe2O4). Such a magneto-optical composite matrix has shown promising potentialities illustrated by a specific Faraday rotation of 420°/cm (@1550nm). Using dip-coating technique, a composite layer was coated on a glass substrate containing straight channel waveguide made by a silver/sodium ion exchange. The extremities of the guides were previously buried using selective buried method in order to facilitate coupling-decoupling of light in hybrid structure. Last, a soft annealing (<100°C) and UV treatment, both compatible with the ion-exchanged process, have been implemented to finalize the magneto-optical film. Optical characterization demonstrated a good distribution of light between the magneto-optical thin film and the ion-exchanged waveguide (good lateral confinement). Furthermore TE to TM mode conversion has been observed when a longitudinal magnetic field is applied to the device. The amount of this conversion is in good agreement with the distribution of light between the layer and the guide obtained by numerical calculations, and the modal birefringence of the structure. So, the aim of my thesis is achieved and the results demonstrate the feasibility of TE to TM mode converter fully compatible with glass integrated optics

Interferômetros recuperadores de baixa tensão de meia onda para sistemas interferométricos de luz branca utilizando moduladores eletro-ópticos. / Low half wave voltage recovery interferometers for white light interferometry systems using electrooptic modulators.

Silva, Luiz Pinheiro Cordovil da 01 August 2011 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo e o desenvolvimento de interferômetros recuperadores com baixa tensão de meia onda utilizando moduladores eletro-ópticos para serem aplicados em sistemas Interferométricos de luz branca. Ele dá continuidade às pesquisas do autor em seu mestrado, em que foi desenvolvido e testado um sistema de sensoriamento eletro-óptico capaz de medir diretamente tensões de até 69,4 kVRMS. Desta forma aperfeiçoa-se o sistema de processamento de sinais ópticos desenvolvendo um novo interferômetro recuperador, baseado em óptica integrada. Para o desenvolvimento do tema proposto, inicialmente foi feito uma revisão da literatura/bibliografia, baseada em livros, artigos e teses, visando identificar o \"estado da arte\" relacionado aos moduladores eletro-ópticos para definir o tipo de modulador mais adequado à aplicação em vista. O estudo resultou na escolha de um componente em óptica integrada que foi aplicado numa configuração inédita em um protótipo de transformador de potencial óptico para medição de elevados níveis de tensão elétrica. As características de desempenho deste protótipo foram comparadas com as do protótipo previamente construído. Como resultado deste trabalho, amplia-se o conhecimento e fixa-se em âmbito nacional o domínio sobre as técnicas de construção de interferômetros recuperadores baseados em óptica integrada aplicáveis à recuperação de sinais ópticos em sistemas interferométricos para medição de altas tensões. / This work has as objective the study and development of low half-wave voltage recovery interferometers using electro-optical modulators to be applied to white light interferometric systems. This work is a continuation in the research carried out by the author to obtain his master degree, in which it was developed and tested an electro- optic sensing system capable to measure direct voltage to 69.4 kVrms. In the present work the optical signals processing system is improved by developing a new recovery interferometer based on integrated optics. To develop the proposed subject, initially a review of the literature, based on books, articles and thesis, has been done aiming to identify the State of the Art related to electro-optic modulators and helping to define the most suitable type of modulator for the desired application. The study resulted in the selection of an integrated optical device arranged in an unpublished configuration that was applied to a prototype of optical voltage transformer, intended to measure high voltage levels. The performance of this prototype was compared with a previous version. The results of this work increase the knowledge of the construction techniques of recovery interferometers based on integrated optic devices applicable to the recovering of optical signals in interferometric systems for high voltage measurement.

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