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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos laukas bei jo mažinimas švietimo veikla (Kaišiadorių rajono atveju) / Intension field of relations between younger and older generations and relief of the intension with the help of education activity (the case of Kaišiadorys district)

Balsevičienė, Inga 24 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbo tema – vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos laukas bei jo mažinimas švietimo veikla (Kaišiadorių rajono atveju). Tema aktuali, nes pastaruoju metu nebeišlaikoma pusiausvyra tarp kartų ir manoma, kad švietimas yra vienas iš būdų užtikrinti visaverčio senėjančios visuomenės gyvenimo galimybes. Darbas teoriškai ir praktiškai reikšmingas, nes vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos lauko mažinimas švietimo veikla dar mažai tyrinėtas. Tyrimo objektas – vyresnioji ir jaunesnioji karta bei jų santykiai senstančioje visuomenėje. Tyrimo problema – vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos laukas senstančioje visuomenėje. Tyrimo hipotezė: tarp kartų egzistuoja pakankamai ryškūs vertybinių orientacijų skirtumai. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos mažinimo švietimo veikla galimybes. Tikslas realizuojamas šiais uždaviniais: a) išanalizuoti vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos situaciją; b) aptarti švietimo veiklos galimybes vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampai mažinti; c) ištirti vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos vertybes bei santykių tarp kartų formavimo švietimo veikla galimybes Kaišiadorių rajone. Tyrimo metodai: teorinė literatūros bei galiojančių teisės aktų analizė; Kaišiadorių rajono savivaldybės administracijos, Kaišiadorių rajono nevalstybinių organizacijų parengtų dokumentų analizė; anketinė Kaišiadorių rajono gyventojų apklausa; tyrimo duomenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject is very important, because nowadays balance between generations isn’t keep and, supposedly, education is one of the means to safeguard possibilities of life for a new senescent society. The paper is theoretically and practically significant because intension field of relations between younger and old generations almost aren’t still studied. The object of this study is the younger and older generations and their relations in the senescent society. The problem of the study is intension field of relations between younger and old generations in the senescent society. The hypothesis of this study: enough keen differences of values’ orientations between generations exist. The purpose of this study is to reveal the possibilities of relief of the intension field of relations between younger and older generations with the help of education activity. The purpose is reached by these goals: a) to analyze the situation of younger and older generations; b) to discuss what are the possibilities of education activity which can relief the intension field of relations between younger and older generations; c) to explore values of younger and older generations and possibilities of formation of relations between generations with the help of education activity in Kaisiadorys District. The methods of the study: analysis of scientific literature and law deeds, analysis of documents of Administration of Kaisiadorys District Municipality and Kaisiadorys non-governmental organizations... [to full text]

O projeto davidsoniano de uma semântica composicional para as línguas naturais / The davidsonian project of a compositional semantics for natural languages

Michel P. Assis Navarro 21 July 2017 (has links)
Nesta tese realizo uma exposição e exame sistemáticos do projeto semântico do filósofo estadunidense Donald Davidson de construir uma teoria composicional do significado para as línguas naturais explorando a estrutura recursiva de uma teoria interpretativa da verdade de tipo tarskiana. Nesta estratégia, uma teoria do significado deve ser capaz de capturar a capacidade linguística geral que qualquer falante de uma língua possui de produzir e interpretar novas sentenças. O requerimento de que a teoria seja composicional constitui o critério fundamental que orienta o empreendimento de Davidson e está na base do projeto de elucidar o aspecto composicional do significado via o emprego de uma teoria da verdade do tipo tarskiana. Defendo que o projeto de Davidson intenta lançar as bases de um programa de pesquisa em semântica das línguas naturais que, embora não hegemônico no campo e visto com ceticismo por alguns, é o único exemplo até o momento de uma tentativa de iluminar de forma sistemática o aspecto composicional do significado de amplos fragmentos das línguas naturais sem um apelo direto a entidades abstratas associadas às expressões de uma linguagem, como propriedades, proposições sentidos, intensões etc. Dois tópicos acerca do projeto recebem uma investigação detalhada. Em primeiro lugar, questões filosóficas fundacionais que a proposta suscita. Abordamos as objeções de Davidson a teorias que quantificam sobre significados, discutindo os problemas que ele identifica em análises que reificam a camada intensional dos significados das expressões de uma língua, em especial sistemas neo-fregeanos, tais como os propostos por Rudolf Carnap e Alonzo Church. Baseado em parte nesta crítica de Davidson, pouco examinada na literatura, e sem a qual se corre o risco de uma interpretação equivocada das ambições do projeto, sustento, em consonância com os semanticistas neo-davidsonianos Ernie Lepore & Kirk Ludwig (2005; 2007), que Davidson não intenta fornecer uma semântica que se caracteriza por substituir ou reduzir uma teoria do significado a uma teoria da verdade. A ideia é que uma teoria composicional do significado pode ser apresentada como um corpo de conhecimento sobre uma teoria interpretativa da verdade. Davidson tampouco intenta eliminar a camada intensional do significado; o que se busca é evitar a sua reificação. Uma outra parte da tese se debruça sobre o esforço de acomodar na teoria um conjunto de fenômenos linguísticos próprios das línguas naturais: expressões sensíveis ao contexto, como pronomes pessoais e demonstrativos, que forçam a relativização do predicado de verdade às situações de uso das sentenças; quantificação restrita; sentenças com verbos de ação e que descrevem relações causais entre eventos; contextos opacos criados por sentenças com verbos de atitude proposicional, e a dificuldade de tratar esses contextos sem introduzir entidades intensionais. Examino também aspectos fundacionais da semântica de Lepore & Ludwig, que, sem dúvida, amplia significativamente o escopo de fenômenos linguísticos que podem ser explicados por uma teoria motivada pelo projeto de Davidson. No método dos autores, é estabelecida, entre outras condições, seguindo Davidson, que não basta saber o conteúdo informacional expresso pelos axiomas de uma teoria da verdade. É preciso saber também quais conteúdos os axiomas veiculam. Isto é, tem-se que saber os sentidos dos axiomas. Ao sistematizarem na forma de uma teoria esse conhecimento, eles associam, por meio de uma lista, um sentido/intensão a cada axioma. Para cada expressão da linguagem objeto deve haver um axioma na teoria, e o sentido desse axioma deve ser conteúdo de conhecimento do semanticista/intérprete para que ele seja capaz de empregar a teoria-T para interpretar as expressões subsentenciais e as sentenças da linguagem objeto. Se minha observação estiver correta, na estrutura da teoria dos autores acaba por ocorrer a reificação dos sentidos dos axiomas, o que seria forte indicação de que a semântica que constroem não cumpre o propósito de ser uma teoria imune à introdução de entidades intensionais. Além disso, esta associação de um conteúdo semântico a cada axioma via quantificação, parece implicar uma questão mais grave: o assinalamento de objetos intensionais às expressões da linguagem objeto. Desse modo, se minhas ponderações estiverem corretas, a semântica dos autores parece não se configurar como uma alternativa às teorias neo-fregeanas, no sentido de cumprir o que estas fazem, sem que, na sua estrutura, tenha que postular entidades intensionais. / In this dissertation I carry out a sistematic exposition and examination of Donald Davidsons semantic project to construct a compositional theory of meaning for natural languages by exploring the recursive structure of an interpretative truth theory à lá Tarski. In this strategy, a theory of meaning must be able to capture the general linguistic ability of any speaker of a language to produce and interpret new sentences. The requirement that the theory be compositional is the fundamental criterion that guides Davidson\'s enterprise and ii is at the basis of the project of elucidating the compositional aspect of meaning via the use of a theory of truth of the Tarskian type. I argue that Davidson\'s project attempts to lay the groundwork for a research program on natural language semantics which, while not hegemonic in the field and viewed with skepticism by some, is the only example so far of an attempt to systematically illuminate the compositional aspect of the meanings of broad fragments of natural languages without a direct appeal to abstract entities associated with the expressions of a language, such as properties, senses, propositions, intensions, etc. Two topics about the project received detailed attention. Firstly, I focus on issues of philosophical foundations raised by the proposal. I approach Davidson\'s objections to theories that quantify over meanings by discussing the problems he identifies in analyzes that reify the intensional layer of the meanings of the expressions of a language, especially neo-Fregean systems, such as those proposed by Rudolf Carnap and Alonzo Church. Based partly on Davidson\'s criticism, which is scarcely examined in the literature, and without which there is a risk of a misinterpretation of the ambitions of the project, I maintain, along with the neo-Davidsonian semanticists Ernie Lepore & Kirk Ludwig (2005; 2007), that Davidson does not attempt to provide a semantics which is characterized by substituting or reducing a theory of meaning to a truth theory. The idea is that a compositional theory of meaning can be presented as a body of knowledge about an interpretive truth theory. Davidson does not seek to eliminate the intensional layer of the expressions. What is sought is to avoid its reification. Another part of the thesis focuses on the effort to accommodate in the theory a set of linguistic phenomena proper to natural languages: context-sensitive expressions such as personal and demonstrative pronouns, which force the relativization of the truth predicate of to the contexts of use; Restricted quantification; Sentences with action verbs that describe causal relationships between events; Opaque contexts created by sentences with propositional attitude verbs, and the difficulty of dealing with these contexts without introducing intensional entities. I also examine the foundational aspects of Lepore & Ludwig\'s semantics, which undoubtedly widens the scope of linguistic phenomena that can be explained by a theory motivated by Davidson\'s project. In the authors\' method, it is established, among other conditions - following Davidsons approach - that it is not enough to know the informational content expressed by the axioms of a theory of truth. It is also necessary to know what content the axioms convey. That is, one has to know the meanings of the axioms. By systematizing this knowledge in the form of a theory, they associate, through a list, a sense/intension to each axiom. For each expression of the object language there must be an axiom in the theory, and the meaning of this axiom must be the content of the semanticist / interpreter\'s knowledge so that he is able to employ a truth theory to interpret the subsentential expressions and the sentences of the object language. If my observation is correct, in the structure of the authors theory the reification of the meanings of the axioms occurs, which would be a strong indication that the semantics they construct does not fulfill the purpose of being a theory immune to the introduction of intensional entities. Moreover, this association of a semantic content to each axiom via quantification seems to imply a more serious question: the signaling of intensional objects to the expressions of the object language. Thus, if my considerations are correct, the semantics of the authors seems not to be configured as an alternative to neo-Fregean theories, in the sense of fulfilling what they do, without in the structure of the theory having to postulate intensional entities.

A lÃgica das entidades intensionais / The logic of intensional entities

Francisco Gomes Martins 29 February 2012 (has links)
nÃo hà / Um grave problema presente quando aplicamos semÃntica composicional, que atribui simples valores de verdade a frases, à que quando essas seqÃÃncias estÃo presentes em alguns contextos especÃficos, a substituiÃÃo de certas expressÃes com a mesma referÃncia pode cambiar o valor de verdade da frase maior ou entÃo impedir que inferÃncias vÃlidas sejam realizadas. Por exemplo, da afirmaÃÃo "Pedro acredita que Alexandre o Grande foi aluno de AristÃteles", nÃo se pode inferir corretamente neste contexto de crenÃa que a substituiÃÃo de "Alexandre o grande" por "o vencedor da batalha de Arbela" seja vÃlida porque eventualmente Pedro pode nÃo saber que "Alexandre o Grande à o vencedor da batalha de Arbela" e por isso a verdade das premissas nÃo garante a verdade da conclusÃo: "Pedro acredita que o vencedor da batalha de Arbela foi aluno de AristÃteles". A conclusÃo nÃo se segue pois ela nÃo depende da relaÃÃo de identidade efetiva entre âAlexandre o Grandeâ e âO vencedor da Arbelaâ, e sim depende, de maneira contingente, do conjunto de crenÃas de Pedro; ou ainda, segundo Frege, depende do sentido que Pedro associa a descriÃÃo âAlexandre o Grandeâ. Em contextos intensionais a verdade da conclusÃo (apÃs substituiÃÃo) depende de uma maneira especÃfica da maneira de conceber o nome em questÃo, por isso a substituiÃÃo entre nomes cujo referente à o mesmo, mas que diferem em sentido, nÃo funciona em todos os casos. O fato à que Frege nunca estabeleceu critÃrios de identidade para o sentido (Sinn), apenas reservou-se a declarar simplesmente que o sentido à o "modo de apresentaÃÃo" da referÃncia. Pretendemos apresentar critÃrios de identidade para o sentido em geral, e em contextos intensionais, em particular. Os sucessores de Frege, dentre eles o lÃgico Alonzo Church e o filÃsofo Rudolf Carnap foram os primeiros a estabelecer que duas expressÃes tÃm o mesmo sentido se e somente se sÃo sinonimamente isomorfas e intensionalmente isomorfas, respectivamente. Tais critÃrios devem ser entendidos à luz dos pressupostos lÃgicos de Church em sua LÃgica do Sentido e da DenotaÃÃo (LSD) e das idÃias de Carnap â muitas delas constituintes do programa filosÃfico do Positivismo lÃgico, em seu livro Meaning and Necessity. Mais recentemente, Pavel Tichà estabeleceu de maneira mais exata o que à o sentido e sua identidade atravÃs do Procedural isomorphism o qual constitui um dos fundamentos da LÃgica Intensional Transparente (TIL). / A feature of the distinction between extensionalism and intensionalism, which has been widely taken as a criterion to separate the two positions, is that within an extensionalist logic, substitution is possible salva veritate (that is, without thereby changing the truth-value of the statement concerned) with respect to identical instances of some basic logical form â and in an intensionalist logic it is not. The different logical forms with respect to which such substitution might take place accounts for some of the variety of different extensionalisms on offer in the current philosophical landscape. So our starting-point is Fregeâs puzzle. This question is frequently accepted as one of the foundations of modern semantics. To explain why a true sentence of the form âa = bâ can be informative, unlike a sentence of the form âa = aâ, Frege introduced an entity standing between an expression and the object denoted (bezeichnet) by the expression. He named this entity Sinn (sense) and explained the informative character of the true âa=bâ-shaped sentences by saying that âaâ and âbâ denote one and the same object but differ in expressing (ausdrÃcken) distinct senses. The problem, though, is that Frege never defined sense. The conception of senses as procedures that is developed here has much in common with a number of other accounts that represent meanings, also, as structured objects of various kinds, though not necessarily as procedures. In the modern literature, this idea goes back to Rudolph Carnapâs (1947) notion of intensional isomorphism. Church in (1954) constructs an example of expressions that are intensionally isomorphic according to Carnapâs definition (i.e., expressions that share the same structure and whose parts are necessarily equivalent), but which fail to satisfy the principle of substitutability. The problem Church tackled is made possible by Carnapâs principle of tolerance (which itself is plausible). We are free to introduce into a language syntactically simple expressions which denote the same intension in different ways and thus fail to be synonymous. TichÃâs objectualist take on âoperation-processesâ may be seen in part as linguistic structures transposed into an objectual key; operations, procedures, structures are not fundamentally and inherently syntactic items, but fully-fledged, non-linguistic entities, namely, constructions.

The determinants of turnover intensions among U.S. federal employees: Investigating the moderating roles of organizational publicness

Jackson, Justin A 13 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Turnover intentions among U.S. federal employees are concerns that warrant scholarly investigations. Determining what contributes to these intentions provides a better assessment of how to focus on future human resource strategies and the implementation of those plans. This dissertation proposes and develops testable hypotheses for employee turnover intentions within the U.S. federal agencies. This dissertation contends that the likelihood of employee turnover intention is influenced by the degree of organizational publicness. The dissertation further asserts that organizational publicness has a moderating effect on employee perception of various organizational outcomes that affect turnover intentions. The study used data from the 2023 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), administered by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to test the study’s assertions. The study shows that federal bureaucracies that are more public (e.g., executive departments) report higher employee turnover intentions. Furthermore, it revealed that employee perceptions about leadership, supervision, the organization, and work unit are lower with those in Executive Departments. The dissertation’s contributions include the following. First, it validates the importance of organizational publicness’ influence on employee’s turnover intentions. Second, it supports existing findings that demographic factors, workplace satisfaction factors, and organizational/relational factors play a significant role in predicting employee turnover intentions. Third, it highlights the behavioral aspect of employee turnover intentions. Fourth, it extends knowledge regarding organizational publicness and its influence on job satisfaction to employee turnover intention. Finally, the dissertation calls attention to policy makers to pay attention to the possible effects that organizational publicness has on employee choices and structure bureaucracies accordingly.

Perceptions of Organizational Politics Model Examination and Reform ¡ÐThe affect of Clusters

Yang, Chun-Ping 17 August 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to discuss and find the coincidental consequences of the organizational politics perception model by clustering organizational politics perception groups. This investigation uses the model proposed by Ferris et al. (1989) to study the relationships between the perceptions of organizational politics, organizational influences, work environment influences, personal influences, and study the relationships between the perceptions of organizational politics, job satisfaction, job stress, organizational commitment, work performance, job involvement, organization citizenship behavior, and exit intention. The sample consisted of 2559 employee selected from 36 organizations covering 9 industrial sectors in Taiwan. The data was analyzed by applying statistical methods, including factor, reliability, correlation, regression and multiple linear regression analysis. The different groups of perception of organizational politics were found to have been involved in the relationship between organizational influences and some personal influences. Also the different groups of perception of organizational politics were involved in the relationships between perceptions of organizational politics and employee¡¦s work performance, job involvement, job stress, organization citizenship, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.

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