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Switching intentions påverkan på GenerationY och Baby Boomers : En kvantitativ studie inom banksektornArvidsson, Elina, Kastemyr, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Titel: Switching intentions påverkan på Generation Y och Baby Boomers – En kvantitativ studie Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Elina Arvidsson och Rebecca Kastemyr Handledare: Jonas Molin och Lars-Johan Åge Datum: 2018 - maj Syfte: Banker har idag problem med att få kunder att stanna och vara lojala mot dem, något som kan bero på att kunderna inte känner sig tillfredsställda med de tjänster och den service banken erbjuder. Vissa forskare har sett att det oftare är yngre bankkunder som byter bank än äldre, medan andra menar att sådant inte är fallet. Syftet med vår studie är därmed att öka förståelsen för hur Baby Boomers och Generation Y's switching intentions påverkar deras intentioner att byta eller behålla sin bank. För att besvara syftet har vi valt att ta hjälp av några forskningsfrågor som lyder: Vilka faktorer bidrar till att Baby Boomers väljer att byta eller behålla sin bank? Vilka faktorer bidrar till att Generation Y väljer att byta eller behålla sin bank? Vad är skillnaden mellan Baby Boomers och Generation Y's switching intentions? Metod: I studien användes en kvantitativ metod där data samlats in via en webbaserad enkätundersökning. Studien riktar sig till två populationer; generation Baby Boomers som består av individer födda mellan år 1945 och 1964 och Generation Y som består av individer födda mellan år 1980 och 1999 som båda deltagit i enkätundersökningen. De data som samlats in har sedan analyserats i statistikprogrammet SPSS där vi tog fram deskriptiv statistik, error bars, korrelationsanalys, t-test och korstabell. Dessa analyser har sedan använts för att svara upp på studiens syfte. Resultat & slutsats: Sambanden mellan generationstillhörighet och de testade variablerna är till stor del svaga, vilket gör att vi utifrån vår studie kan konstatera att Baby Boomers och Generation Y är mer lika än forskare tidigare trott. De fyra testade variablerna har samtliga viss påverkan på bankkundernas switching intentions, vilket innebär att bankerna bör ta dessa variabler i beaktning för att undvika att förlora kunder. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till ökad förståelse för Generation Y och Baby Boomers switching intentions och vad som påverkar det. Studien har bidragit tillen förändrad syn på båda generationernas switching intention i jämförelse med tidigare forskning. Vår förhoppning är att studien ska bidra till att öka förståelsen för switching intentions bland bankerna för att de ska kunna ta fram strategier utifrån de fyra testade variablerna och därigenom skapa kundnöjdhet och minska kundernas switching intentions. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Vår förhoppning är att vidare forskning ska kunna utveckla resultatet som studien bidragit med ytterligare. Fortsatta studier skulle kunna jämföra olika banker och se hur våra fyra variabler påverkar enskilda banker, samt studera andra kombinationer av variabler och andra generationer.
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A study of the relationship between job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intentions amongst call centre agents in a call centre in the Western Cape.Sampson, Ricardo January 2012 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom(IPS) / Research suggests that a positive relationship exists between job satisfaction and organizational commitment and increasing the job satisfaction and commitment of employees impacts positively on their job performance and productivity. In addition to this, research also shows that these attitudes have implications for positive job related behaviours such as reduced turnover and intention to quit. The argument is that with the call centre industries‘ expansion and subsequent rising turnover, the necessity to ensure a high level of satisfaction and commitment amongst call centre agents as to reduce intention to quit and eventual turnover has become of paramount importance. This study therefore investigated the relationship between job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intentions among call centre agents in a call centre in the Western Cape. The sample group consisted of one hundred and seventy two (n=172) call centre agents in a call centre in the Western Cape. A biographical questionnaire, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), Organisational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) and Intention to Quit Scale were administered to the respondents. Once the questionnaires were returned the raw data was captured into SPSS and statistically analysed. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient was utilised to determine the relationships between job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intentions amongst call centre agents. Furthermore multiple regression analyses was utilised to determine the variance between biographical variables (age, gender, tenure in a call centre and tenure in the organisation as a whole), job satisfaction and organisational commitment amongst call centre agents. The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and organisational commitment amongst the sample of call centre agents. There was also a significant negative relationship between organisational commitment and intention to quit. In addition, there was a significant negative relationship between job satisfaction and intention to quit. Further findings of the current study point to a significant relationship in job satisfaction based on employees‘ age and tenure in the call centre. However, no significant relationship was found between all the biographical characteristics of gender, age, tenure in the call centre, tenure in the organisation as a whole and organisational commitment. Implications for the management of job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intentions are provided based on the results which were obtained in the current study.
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DINESCAPE, emotions, and behavioral intentions in upscale restaurantsRyu, Kisang January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Hospitality Management / SooCheong Jang / Deborah Canter / The physical environment may be an important determinant of customer satisfaction and
subsequent behavior when services are consumed primarily for hedonic purposes and customers
spend moderate to long periods of time in the physical surroundings. An example of this
phenomenon would be in an upscale restaurant setting.
This study explored the domain of the physical environment in an upscale restaurant
context to develop a DINESCAPE scale. Relevant literature was reviewed on architecture,
environmental psychology, psychology, operations management, and marketing, highlighting
empirical and theoretical contributions. Conceptualization and operationalization of the
DINESCAPE dimensions is presented, and the procedures used in constructing and refining a
multiple-item scale to assess DINESCAPE in an upscale restaurant setting are described.
DINESCAPE is a six-factor scale that was developed to measure facility aesthetics, ambience,
lighting, service product, layout, and social factors. Evidence of the scale’s reliability, validity,
and factor structure is presented, along with potential applications of the scale.
The second phase of the study attempted to build a conceptual model of how the
DINESCAPE factors influenced customers’ behavioral intentions through their emotions. The
Mehrabian-Russell environmental psychology model was adopted to explore the linkage of the
six dimensions of DINESCAPE to customers’ emotional states (pleasure and arousal) and the
linkage between pleasure and arousal with customers’ behavioral intentions. Structural equation
modeling was used to test the causal relationships among the hypothesized relationships. Results
revealed that facility aesthetics, ambience, and social factors affected the level of customers’
pleasure and ambience and social factors influenced the amount of arousal. In addition, pleasure and arousal had significant effects on subsequent behavioral intentions in the context of
upscale restaurant. Finally, implications for restaurateurs and researchers were discussed.
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Effects of Person-Environment Fit on Organizational Attraction and Acceptance Intentions during the Pre-Hire Phase of EmploymentGilson, Nicole Louise 01 August 2013 (has links)
Despite the recent recession, organizations continue to search for the "right" employees. Such circumstances highlight the importance of further understanding how individuals make employment decisions and assess fit. By surveying 140 applicants who had recently finished the interview process at a large Midwestern hospital, the current study assessed the multidimensionality and predictive power of person-environment fit (person-vocation fit, person-job fit, person-person fit, and person-organization fit). Results suggested that person-environment fit is multi-faceted; fit dimensions simultaneously work together during the pre-hire phase. Specifically, person-person fit, person-organization fit, and person-vocation fit were significant predictors of organizational attraction. Person-person fit and person-job fit significantly predicted intentions to accept an employment offer. In addition, organizational attraction was identified as a partial mediator between overall person-environment fit and job offer acceptance intentions. Such findings contribute to the organization fit literature and provide practitioners with key insights on how applicants assess fit during the pre-employment stage.
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Examining the Effects of Mindfulness on the Relationships between Citizenship Pressure, Job Stress, and Turnover Intentions within Healthcare: A Moderated Mediation ModelGilson, Nicole Louise 01 August 2017 (has links)
Due to its negative relation with turnover and the associated costs, job stress is a growing concern within the healthcare industry. By surveying 461 employees of a large Midwestern healthcare system, the present study evaluated perceptions of citizenship pressure (perceived pressure to engage in extra-role job duties) and examined its relationship with job stress and turnover intentions. The sample consisted of direct and indirect patient care providers and was predominately White, females who worked full-time. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that job stress partially mediates the direct relationship between citizenship pressure and turnover intentions. Specifically, healthcare workers experience job stress and desire leaving positions that make them feel that simply fulfilling their formally prescribed job duties is not enough to be seen as a good employee. Drawing from the theoretical model of psychological resilience, the current study also examined whether employees’ level of trait mindfulness (tendency to focus on experiences without judgment) moderates the identified mediation. Findings from a first- and second-stage moderated mediation analysis suggested that trait mindfulness does not buffer the negative outcomes (i.e., job stress, turnover intentions) associated with citizenship pressure within the healthcare industry. Despite the non-significant results related to mindfulness, significant negative relationships were found between trait mindfulness and each key construct (i.e., citizenship pressure, job stress, turnover intentions). Such findings demonstrate the potential relevance of trait mindfulness in promoting employee resilience within the workplace. Results also contribute to the citizenship pressure literature and highlight the need for additional research, especially within the healthcare industry.
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The impact of customer service on customer satisfaction and the resultant behavioural intentions in the telecommunications industry in UgandaNsubuga, Nancy K.D. 12 1900 (has links)
Providing high quality customer service that actually satisfies the needs of the customer and results in customer satisfaction is one of the biggest concerns of businesses today. Customer satisfaction determines the behavioural intentions of the customer hence the reason why companies are continuously reaching out to the customer with the aim of building strong relationships that will result in customer loyalty.
Managers of companies therefore should be conscious of the role played by quality customer service in building these strong relationships. By gaining such insights into customer perceptions and expectations managers will be in a position to offer products and services that meet customer demands.
This study was been based on the customer’s perspectives and their experiences with telecom providers in Kampala, Uganda. A quantitative approach and a questionnaire as data collection tool were used in the conduction of this study. The findings suggest that service quality plays a key role in customer satisfaction. In addition to this the findings also suggest that customer satisfaction plays a key role in determining customer loyalty and customer switching depending on the situation. The findings in this study are similar to those findings of studies done in other countries.
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Investigating offenders’ post-release financial intentionsMielitz, Katherine Suzanne January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Human Ecology-Personal Financial Planning / Maurice M. MacDonald / Crimes are committed for a vast and varying number of reasons. Many of those who commit crime are found guilty and serve their sentences. In most situations, the offenders will complete their sentences and subsequently be released back into society. The question then arises, is the offender prepared to return to society?
There are numerous factors associated with successful reentry, but one that has not yet been addressed is financial behavior after release. This dissertation takes a first step toward understanding potential post-release financial behavior. The purpose of this primary data study was to use the theory of planned behavior as a context to examine how aspects of incarceration history—the type of crime committed (financial and non-financial), total years incarcerated, and total number of convictions—may influence financial attitude, financial subjective norms, perceptions of behavioral control, and post-release financial intentions. Use of the theory of planned behavior in this special, vulnerable population is needed to assist educators and professionals to determine what training offenders may need to succeed once back in society. This study focuses on Georgia Transitional Center participants’ post-release financial intentions.
There is not much research regarding men and women who have experienced incarceration and their relationships with financial resources. Understanding the nature of Americans’ financial resources is challenging. Adding incarceration to the equation further complicates the investigation, but it is a worthwhile for a more comprehensive understanding of factors that may later affect success in society. This dissertation is the first study to investigate post-release financial intentions of men and women in a work release program.
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The educational gradient of fertility intentions: a meta-analysis of European studies.Testa, Maria Rita, Stephany, Fabian 30 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Unlike achieved fertility, fertility intentions are often positively correlated with education. However, the conditions under which such a positive relationship exists are not yet well known. Using 86 pieces of research covering 13 European countries that were published between 1990 and 2011, we assess in a quantitative manner the temporal and cross-country variation in the relationship between educational attainment and reproductive intentions. Because of the sequential nature of reproductive decisions and the gendered nature of each individual's life course, we look separately at childless women and women with one child, and compare women with men. Our findings show that both first and second birth intentions and educational attainment are positively correlated, but that this relationship - which is stronger for men than for women - tends to disappear when the normative value of a two-child family is reached. Structural labour market characteristics explain a good portion of the cross-country variance: the educational slope of first and second birth intentions is steeper in countries with large shares of women in vulnerable employment situations or in part-time employment, and is flatter in countries with gender-equal labour force participation and large shares of women in highly qualified employment.
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The Influence of Follower Behaviour on Leaders' Trust in FollowersBremner, Nicholas January 2011 (has links)
This study reviews the burgeoning literature on followership and tests propositions from a recently developed theoretical framework to explore the relationship between follower behaviours, leaders’ perceptions of follower trustworthiness (trusting beliefs), and leaders’ subsequent willingness to be vulnerable to the actions of their followers (trusting intentions). Leaders’ implicit followership theories (IFTs) were examined as a potential moderator of both relationships. Results revealed that passive followership influenced leaders’ trusting beliefs negatively, whereas collaborative followership had a positive influence on leaders’ trusting beliefs as well as leaders’ trusting intentions. The most extreme form of proactive followership, challenging followership, had nonsignificant relationships with leaders’ trusting beliefs and intentions. In addition, leaders’ IFTs did not interact with followership behaviour to produce any change in leaders’ trusting beliefs. However, IFTs were found to moderate the relationship between leaders’ trusting beliefs and trusting intentions. Implications for research and practice are discussed in light of the results.
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The relationship between organisational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intention in the Department of rural Development and Land Reform, Limpopo ProvinceRamogale, Mainetsa Adolph January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M.Com.(Human Resource Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / The purpose of this study is to explain the relationship between organisational
commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intention of employees. A survey
research design was employed to test hypotheses about the relationship
between job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intentions.
Data was collected using three different structured questionnaires.
Questionnaires comprised of the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, the
Organisational Commitment Questionnaire and the Intention to Stay
Questionnaire. The respondents comprised of employees from five offices of
the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform in the Limpopo
Province. The findings revealed a positive relationship between organisational
commitment and job satisfaction. There is a negative relationship between
organisational commitment and turnover intention. Tables and figures were
used to present the results of the study. Turnover intention has been seen as a
huge problem at different organisations or institutions and has negative
influence on organisational performance and this organisation was not different
given the findings.
Key concepts
Organisational commitment, job satisfaction, turnover intention.
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