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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trovärdighet i digitala tjänster

Glender, Amanda, Alstermark, Dan January 2017 (has links)
Idag vistas människor på internet i större utsträckning än tidigare och det medför att människor utsätts för ett stort informationsflöde. Enligt tidigare forskning har det för den enskilda individen blivit allt viktigare att kunna sålla bland informationen. Det som har studerats är ett tillvägagångssätt som internetanvändare omedvetet eller medvetet använder sig av när de ska bedöma ett system eller tjänst är hur pass trovärdig systemet eller tjänsten ser ut eller verkar vara. Dessutom har informationskällor olika egenskaper, som design, utformning av gränssnittet, informationsflödet et cetera, som påverkar människors uppfattning kring hur pass trovärdig informationskällan, ett system eller en tjänst anses att vara. Detta i sin tur påverkar en användares vilja och avsikt att använda sig av ett system, tjänst eller informationskälla. Denna studie har studerat hur pass viktigt upplevd trovärdighet är initialt för att en användare ska ta sig an en ny tjänst, samt vilka faktorer som bidrar till upplevd trovärdighet. Studien har genomförts med en anpassad modell av den etablerade technology acceptance model (TAM). Upplevd trovärdighet introducerades i modellen tillsammans med de existerande upplevd användbarhet och upplevd användarvänlighet för att se om det fanns några egenskaper som stärkte avsikt till användning. Studien genomförde sedan användartester med hjälp av “think aloud” och efterföljande intervjuer för att ta reda på deras syn på trovärdighet och hur det förhåller sig till etablerad forskning på området. Det visar sig i studien att den första upplevelsen av ett gränssnitt sätter nivån för hur den vidare upplevelsen blir och kan konstatera att ett väl utformat gränssnitt med tidsenliga färg och formval har stark påverkan för upplevd trovärdighet. Vidare går det att se att första upplevelsen håller i sig trots att användaren möter på motstånd i användartest och där information inte alltid presenteras optimalt. Avsikten till användning förstärks dock genom att kombinera ett väl utformat gränssnitt med tydlig information. Rekommendationer från vänner och antalet användare är också faktorer som bidrar till den upplevda trovärdigheten och avsikten till användning. / The modern human being accesses the internet to a larger extent than earlier and this leads to people facing a grand flow of information. Earlier research suggests that it has become increasingly important for individuals to be able to filter the information. One aspect that internet users consciously or unconsciously use to assess a service or system is its measure of credibility, how credible it appears to be or is. Furthermore, sources of information have different characteristics – for example design, user interface and flow of information – that affects people's perception concerning how credible a service, system or source of information appears to be. This also affects a user's will and intent to use a system, service or source of information. This study has investigated how important credibility is to a user in the early stages of use of a service or system, and map out the factors that affect the measure of perceived credibility. The study has its foundation in the technology acceptance model (TAM). Perceived credibility was introduced in the model together with the already existing perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use to see if there are characteristics that strengthened the intent to use. The study continued with user testing, “think aloud”- techniques and interviews with a group of potential users to find out how they view credibility. The answers were then compared to accomplished research in this area of study. The study shows that the initial experience with an interface sets the bar for the continued experience and that contemporary use of colour and form has profound impact. Even if the user faces issues during user testing and if flaws are found in the flow and structure of information, the first experience still holds its sway. The study also shows that the intent to use magnifies when a well-structured user interface is combined with clear information. Recommendations from friends and the number of users that a service or system has are also factors that contribute to the perceived credibility, which then leads to intention to use.

Towards algorithmic Experience : Redesigning Facebook’s News Feed

Alvarado, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
Algorithms currently have direct implications in our democracies and societies, but they also define mostly all our daily activities as users, defining our decisions and promoting different behaviors. In this context, it is necessary to define and think about how to design the different implications that these algorithms have from a user centered perspective, particularly in social media platforms that have such relevance in our information sources and flow. Therefore, the current thesis provides an introduction to the concept of algorithmic experience, trying to study how to implement it for social media services in cellphone devices. Using a Research through Design methodology supported by interface analysis, document analysis and user design workshops, the present paper provides results grouped in five different areas: algorithmic profiling transparency, algorithmic profiling management, algorithmic awareness, algorithmic user-control and selective algorithmic remembering. These five areas provide a framework capable of promoting requirements and guide the evaluation of algorithmic experience in social media contexts.

Unpacking Digital Game-Based Learning : The complexities of developing and using educational games

Berg Marklund, Björn January 2015 (has links)
Digital game-based learning has traditionally been examined from an ‘artefact-centric’ perspective that focuses on understanding how game design and principles of learning are, or can be, intertwined. These types of examinations have resulted in many descriptions of games’ educational potential, which has subsequently led to many types of arguments for why games should be used more extensively in formal education. However, comparatively little research has been done to understand the educational settings in which many game-based learning processes and educational games are intended to be applied. The relative lack of research on formal education settings has resulted in a scenario where the educational potential of games is well detailed through theory and understood independently of their actual contexts of use, while successful examples of games “making good” on their promises as educational tools remain rare. This thesis explores and describes the various challenges that the realities of formal education present to developers and educators who attempt to work with educational games. In order to examine the multi-faceted nature of educational games, the research has used a qualitative mixed-method approach that entails extensive literature reviews coupled with several case studies that involve educators, students, and developers. Interviews were conducted in order to investigate these actors’ various attitudes towards, and experiences of, educational games and game-based learning. In addition, more in-depth researcher participation methods were employed during case studies to examine the processes involved in developing, integrating, and using educational games in formal settings. The research revealed obstacles which indicate that processes associated with “traditional” game development are incommensurable with educational game development. Furthermore, the research demonstrates that the use of games in formal education introduces heavy demands on the recipient organisations’ infrastructures, cultures, and working processes. So, while games created for “formal” and “informal” use are superficially similar, the different contexts in which they are used make them distinctly different from one another.  The conclusion of this research is that educational games manifest a unique mixture of utility, gameplay, and context-dependent meaning-making activities. Educational games cannot be understood if they are only seen as a teaching utility or only as a game experience. To make educational games viable, both educators and developers need to alter their working processes, their own perceptions of games and teaching, as well as the way they collaborate and communicate with each other and other actors within the educational game ‘system’. The thesis thus argues that a more systems-oriented understanding of educational games, where the game artefact is not treated separately from the context of use, is necessary for both research and practice in the field to progress. To contribute to such an understanding of educational games, a comprehensive model (dubbed the Utility, Gameplay, and Meaning Model) of the ‘educational game system’ is presented, as well as a series of recommendations and considerations to help developers and educators navigate the complex processes involved in creating and using educational games. / I denna avhandling presenteras en djupgående undersökning av digitala lärospel och hur de utvecklas för, och används inom, skolutbildning. Lärospelsforskning har traditionellt sett främst fokuserat på att undersöka spels utbildningspotential ur ett produktcentrerat perspektiv där spel och spelare sätts i centrum. Detta perspektiv har bidragit till en högre förståelse av sambandet mellan olika typer av spelmekanik och pedagogiska principer, samt vad spelare lär sig av sina interaktioner med spelinnehåll. Allteftersom denna typ av forskning påvisat olika typer av positiva sammanhang mellan spelande och lärande har således även argumenten och trycket för att använda spel i skolan ökat. Men trots att vår förståelse för vad som händer i förhållandet mellan spel och spelare stärkts, så är förståelsen av de krav och förutsättningar som spel ställer som utbildningsverktyg fortfarande väldigt begränsad; prioriteringen av att förstå spelens inneboende potential har lett till ett synsätt som inte tar utbildningsmiljöers realiteter i beaktande. Resultatet av detta är att det i dagsläget finns en stor mängd argument för varför digitala spel har stor potential för lärande och därmed bör användas mer i skolutbildning. Men det finns få studier som påvisar hur denna potential faktiskt kan uppnås, eller om den ens uttrycker sig som förväntat när spel används i verkliga utbildningssammanhang. Med denna kunskapsbrist i åtanke undersöker och beskriver denna avhandling hur formella utbildningssammanhang och digitala spel förhåller sig till varandra både konceptuellt och praktiskt. Genom fältstudier som inkluderat både utvecklare, utbildare och elever har utmaningar som uppstår i det unika mötet mellan utbildning och spelande identifierats. Observationer från fältstudier stöds även av intervjuer där lärare och utvecklares arbetsprocesser och synpunkter kring utbildning och lärospel undersökts. De huvudsakliga utmaningarna som uppdagats i dessa studier är att den ”traditionella” synen på spelutveckling, spelande och spelare är svårförenlig med skolutbildnings realiteter, pedagogiska principer och skolan som marknad för spelkonsumtion. Kort sagt så delar spel skapade för informellt och formellt spelande (till exempel för hemmabruk respektive klassrumsanvändning) många ytliga likheter, men användningskontexterna introducerar så pass olika krav och förutsättningar att informella och formella spel och spelsituationer inte är jämförbara. I avhandlingen konstateras slutligen att lärospel utgör en unik blandning av användbarhet, spelupplevelser och kontextberoende aktiviteter för meningsskapande. Lärospel kan inte förstås till fullo om de endast ses som läroverktyg, eller endast som spelupplevelser. För att lärospel ska mogna och bli användbara och effektiva inom skolutbildning i större utsträckning behöver både utvecklare och utbildare förändra arbetsprocesser i sina organisationer, och metoderna genom vilka de skapar och använder spel som läromedel. Lärospel kan inte förstås som ett förhållande mellan spel och spelare då de i själva verket utgör ett stort system av aktörer, processer och användningskontexter, som var och en påverkas av individuella och lokala krav och förutsättningar. Med detta i åtanke yrkar denna avhandling för en mer systemorienterad förståelse av lärospel där spelobjektet inte separeras från kontexter och arbetsprocesser. Avhandlingen bidrar till detta systemperspektiv genom att presentera modeller som beskriver systemet som lärospel utgör, samt en serie rekommendationer som kan hjälpa utbildare och utvecklare att navigera de komplicerade processerna involverade i användandet och utvecklingen av lärospel.

Augmented Reality and an Inside-Object-View Concept : A Usability Evaluation

Lindqvist, David January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents a usability evaluation of a non conventional way to visualize virtual objects in Augmented Reality (AR). The virtual objects consists of a window that can be placed on a real surface and then opened to view a virtual room containing some virtual objects. This concept was applied to a smartphone application created and designed to evaluate the usability of the concept. The usability was evaluated with user testing methods designed to gather information about the interaction and the perception of handheld Augmented Reality (HAR) applications. The usefulness of the concept was also evaluated by designing the application to be intended for entertainment and then evaluating the users interest for such an application. Design guidelines and design patterns created for HAR applications was followed when designing the application. The results of this project has shown that the concept is easy to both comprehend and interact with. This applies to users with previous smartphone experience but not much experience with AR. The results has also shown that smartphone users find an interest in using an application of this type. An application designed for entertainment and with the described concept. The purpose of evaluating this concept has been to verify its usefulness to promote its use in AR applications. This would create a variety in the visualization of virtual objects in AR. It would also open up for new opportunities in the use of AR.

Confirmshaming and its effect on users : A qualitative study on how confirmshaming in unsubscription processes affect users

Ekroth, Linn, Sandqvist, Josefine January 2020 (has links)
Introduction – Confirmshaming is a dark pattern that seeks to shame users into acting differently than they normally would. Purpose – The purpose of his study was to determine if and to what extent confirmshaming influences users to stay subscribed, and through this understand how confirmshaming impacts the user experience and thereby the perception of the companies that utilise it. Method – The method of choice was a qualitative case study that subjected participants to confirmshaming in an unsubscription process through a user test, followed by semi‑structured interviews in order to understand the participants’ behaviour and thoughts after they had been a victim of the tactic. Findings – As a result of the study, we found that confirmshaming during unsubscription processes is an ineffective strategy. A majority of users perceive the companies that employ it in a negative fashion and regard them as unprofessional and desperate. This implicates that confirmshaming in unsubscription processes is a loss-loss situation for both users and companies and should not be used. Limitations – This research was solely a qualitative study that focused on a small group of people. The results cannot be generalised to the general public and should instead be viewed as an introduction to the implications of confirmshaming. Further, the study was limited to the user experience and we did not measure how frequently occurring the phenomenon is.

How dark patterns affect desirability in Candy Crush Saga

Söderholm, Elin, Flankkumäki, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Dark game design patterns are features used by game creators to manipulate the player to make certain choices. These patterns can lead to unintentional player actions causing negative experiences. In this descriptive user experience study, focused on the mobile game Candy Crush Saga, the dark patterns’ effect on desirability (whether something is fun and engaging) and the players’ decision to quit or continue to be a player due to the patterns were investigated. An online survey, where the participants were asked about their feelings towards five different dark patterns identified within Candy Crush Saga, was conducted and distributed by using Google Forms and Facebook. The survey received 60 responses from current and previous players of the game. The sample was not controlled and rather homogeneous, therefore it was not necessarily representative of the entire Candy Crush Saga audience. The analysis of the gathered data indicated correlation between the use of certain types of dark patterns and decreased desirability. Some variation could be detected between the effects of different dark patterns. Similarly, certain patterns had a stronger impact on the players’ decision to quit being a player and other patterns on the choice to continue. Four out of the five patterns studied were indicated as both a reason to quit for some and a reason to continue for others.  The results offer insight to game developers and businesses about the previously insufficiently studied connection between the dark game design patterns and their direct effects to the users’ perceived experience. It is apparent that a decrease in the use of certain dark patterns would contribute to  a more positive playing experience.

Utveckling av ett lärospel för att skapa hög användbarhet till förskolebarn

Ekström, Victor, Jakobsson, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
I detta arbete utvecklas ett spel för utlärning av programmeringskoncept till förskolebarn. Spelet utvecklas agilt som ett delspel i lärospelet “Magiska Trädgården”. Resultatet av det utvecklade spelet är ett spel där ett bi ska flyga i en loop för att plocka upp ett antal bär, detta ska medföra förståelse av loopar som programmeringskoncept. Spelets användbarhet utvärderades av experter i en heuristisk studie med hjälp av 8 erkända användbarhetsprinciper [4].  Utvärderingen av spelet visar att det enligt experternas åsikt uppfyller de utvalda användbarhetsprinciperna. Dessutom utvärderades det av experterna som meningsfullt i utbildningssyfte.

Physical Fitness VS. Reaction Time in E-sports. : A Design of an Experiment.

Hallengren, Eric January 2020 (has links)
Background: E-sports is a grand industry and has been gaining momentum in the latest decades. Reaction time (RT) is an important part of most e-sports games and therefore a possible way to evaluate and improve RT is desired. A tool that evaluates the players and shows them what executive functions they should improve on through what physical activity would be a great way to evaluate and improve RT. There has been a lot of studies performed on the effects of physical fitness on RT. Most studies seem to agree that improved physical fitness results in improved RT.   Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to design an experiment that will evaluate the connection between e-sports players physical fitness, their RT and their executive functions through different tests. There will also be an evaluation of if it is possible to reliably find a connection between specific kinds of physical fitness and specific executive functions. The objectives are therefore to find suitable tests to evaluate RT and executive functions as well as finding a physical fitness test that allows for easy comparison between subjects.   Methods: Literature study is used to find the answers to the research questions through reading different studies and papers. Scopus was chosen as the database to find the different studies to read because of the vast amount of material available there.   Results: The test used to evaluate physical fitness will be the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The tests that will evaluate RT and executive functions are the Stroop test, the Trail Making Test A & B, Tower of Hanoi and a variation of the n-Back test. It is very difficult to isolate executive functions and evaluate them without something else interfering with the results. This thesis’s hypothesis changed from the beginning of the research to that it was done. At first it was believed that executive functions could be isolated and evaluated separately, but that is no longer the case.   Conclusion: The experiment will most likely show that subjects with greater APFT score will achieve a better overall score on the RT tests than those with lower score. This experiment will most likely not work as a tool to evaluate the executive functions connection to specific physical exercises of e-sports players in the state that the experiment is currently envisioned. More studies are required to link specific physical exercises to specific executive functions before a tool can be created.

The impact of the deceptive design of the account deletion process on social media

Liu, Tingmo, Kron, Oleg January 2020 (has links)
The study is to establish whether there is any impact on the social media company that is implementing the deceptive design on the account deletion process. By conducting the qualitative research with Instagram users and analyzing users’ feelings, opinions, and potential actions, the study finds out using the deceptive design on account deletion process on social media has a weak influence on the social media company.

Design of workstation for binding adjustment in ski rental shops

Lundin, Felix January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis project was a part of the education Master of science in Industrial Design Engineering at Luleå University of Technology with the mission of developing a work desk that suits in to the client company NoMoreBoots range of ski rental products. The background of the project was that work desks that are used mainly with the purpose of adjusting alpine ski bindings in ski rental shops often are primitive home constructions and other manufacturers work desks with the same purpose do not have enough advantages compared to the self-built ones to be worth the extra costs. With a new kind of tool introduced in the industry that facilitates the adjustments of alpine ski bindings came an opportunity to design the work desk in a new way. The work process has followed the user-centered design framework Double Diamond which consists of the phases: discover, define, develop and deliver. After exploring of the context with interviews and benchmarking, the projects main focus became at the ergonomic conditions and how it could be improved for the staff as it was the need identified that had the most protentional of improvements for the user. Literature studies, different types of idea generating methods and evaluations have been conducted to come up with a result that meet the needs of the users. The project resulted in a CAD model of a compact work desk that has a height adjustment mechanisk to enable the user to work with a good ergonomic position in several different work tasks.

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