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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leistungsoptimierung von GaSb-basierten Interbandkaskadenlasern / Performance Enhancement of GaSb-based Interband Cascade Lasers

Nauschütz, Josephine January 2025 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird der Fortschritt bei der Leistungsoptimierung von GaSb-basierten Interbandkaskadenlasern (ICLs) unter Verwendung dreier Ansätze untersucht: der Variation des aktiven Bereichs, der Leistungsoptimierung der Wellenleiterstruktur und der Steigerung der Ausgangsleistung durch das Chipdesign. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch die Reduktion der Intersubband-Absorption, die Ausbalancierung der Ladungsträgerdichte im aktiven Bereich sowie durch thermische und optische Optimierungen der Wellenleiterstruktur der Dauerstrichbetrieb bei Raumtemperatur für GaSb-basierte ICLs mit einer Emissionswellenlänge von 6,1 μm realisiert werden kann. Diese Betriebsweise vereinfacht die Integration in mobile Sensorsysteme. Zudem ist der Zusammenhang zwischen der Intersubband-Absorption und der Dicke des Lochquantenfilms im aktiven Bereich nicht auf eine Emissionswellenlänge von 6 μm beschränkt, was das Potenzial bietet, die Emission von GaSb-basierten ICLs auf höhere Wellenlängen auszudehnen. Diese Erweiterung der Emissionswellenlängen eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für kompakte und mobile Sensoren, die auch die Detektion von weiteren Analyten, wie etwa NO2 bei 6,25 μm, ermöglichen könnten. / This work explores advancements in power optimization for GaSb-based interband cascade lasers (ICLs) through three main approaches: modifying the active region, optimizing the waveguide structure, and enhancing output power via chip design. It is demonstrated that continuous-wave operation at room temperature for GaSb-based ICLs with an emission wavelength of 6.1 μm can be achieved by minimizing intersubband absorption, balancing carrier density within the active region, and thermally and optically optimizing the waveguide structure. The continuous-wave operation at room temperature facilitates the integration of ICLs into mobile sensor systems. Furthermore, the relationship between intersubband absorption and the thickness of the hole quantum well in the active region extends the emission wavelength of ICLs beyond the 6 μm and offers potential for shifting the emission of GaSb-based ICLs to even higher wavelengths. This broadened wavelength range opens up new opportunities for compact, mobile sensors, potentially enabling the detection of additional analytes.

Multi-mode absorption spectroscopy for multi-species and multi-parameter sensing

O'Hagan, Seamus January 2017 (has links)
The extension of Multi-mode Absorption Spectroscopy (MUMAS) to the infra-red spectral region for multi-species gas sensing is reported. A computationally efficient, theoretical model for analysis of MUMAS spectra is presented that avoids approximations used in previous work and treats arbitrary and time-dependent spectral intensity envelopes, thus facilitating the use of commercially available Interband Cascade Lasers (ICLs) and Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs). The first use of an ICL for MUMAS is reported using a multi-mode device operating at 3.7 &mu;m to detect CH<sub>4</sub> transitions over a range of 30 nm. Mode-linewidths are measured using the pressure-dependent widths of an isolated absorption feature in HCl. Multi- species sensing is demonstrated by measurement of partial pressures of CH<sub>4</sub>, C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>CO in a low-pressure mixture with uncertainties of around 10&percnt;. Detection of CH<sub>4</sub> in N<sub>2</sub> at 1 bar is demonstrated using a shorter-cavity ICL to resolve spectral features in pressure-broadened and congested spectra. The first use of a QCL for MUMAS is reported using a commercially available device operating at 5.3 &mu;m to detect multiple absorption transitions of NO at a partial pressure of 2.79 &mu;bar in N<sub>2</sub> buffer gas. The revised model is shown to enable good fits to MUMAS data by accounting for the time-variation of the spectral intensity profile during frequency scanning. Individual mode-linewidths are derived from fits to pressure- dependent MUMAS spectra and features from background interferences due to H<sub>2</sub>O in laboratory air are distinguished from those of the target species, NO. Data obtained at scan rates up to 10 kHz demonstrate the potential for achieving short measurement times. The development of a balanced ratiometric detection scheme for MUMAS with commercially available multi-mode lasers operating at 1.5 &mu;m is reported for simultaneous detection of CO and CO<sub>2</sub> showing improved SNR performance over previous direct transmission methods and suitability for a compact field-employable instrument. In addition, MUMAS spectra of CO<sub>2</sub> are used to derive gas temperatures with an uncertainty of 3.2&percnt; in the range 300 - 700 K.

Picosecond Measurement of Interband Saturation, Intervalence Band Absorption, and Surface Recombination in Germanium

Perryman, Gary Paul 08 1900 (has links)
The picosecond optical response of five thin germanium samples was measured following intense optical excitation using two variations of the excitation and probe technique. Seven-picosecond laser pulses of wavelength 1.054 um were used to measure the optical transmission of the samples for a variety of probe delays, excitation fluences, and sample temperatures. These parametric experiments were performed in an effort to determine if carrier cooling, carrier diffusion, or carrier recombination dominates the carrier dynamics immediately following excitation. The studies of a 5.7 um thick sample indicated that Auger recombination does not dominate the carrier dynamics, but that the carriers most likely cool immediately to within a few optical phonons of the lattice temperature. Lattice heating may also occur depending on excitation level. Neither cooling nor diffusion was ruled out as a major contributor to the transient optical response. A numerical analysis indicated that, although diffusion may be minimized in the thinner samples, the importance of surface recombination increases as the sample thickness decreases. The lattice temperature dependence of the optical transmission was found not to be in disagreement with the known temperature dependence of the low-density diffusion coefficient. Finally, new structure was observed in the data which is consistent with an increased intervalence band absorption at the highest excitation levels.

Coherent Multidimensional Off-resonant THz Spectroscopy on Semiconductors

Somma, Carmine 27 October 2017 (has links)
Zum ersten Mal konnte die kohärente Erzeugung von ultrakurzen Pulsen mit Feld stärken im MV/cm Bereich mit einem Spektralbereich von 0.1-30 THz im organischen Kristall DSTMS. Kohärente mehrdimensionale Terahertzspektroskopie (CMTS) hat sich zu einer wichtigen Methode zur Untersuchung der niederenergetischen Anregungen von Halbleitern and deren kohärenter Dynamik entwickelt. Eine neuartige CMTS Methode mit drei phasenstarren, zueinander zeitverzögerten Terahertzpulsen wurde entwickelt. Sie beruht auf der kollinearen Wechselwirkung der Pulse mit der Probe, sodass verschiedene Ordnungen des nichtlinearen Signals in gleicher Richtung emittiert werden und deshalb gleichzeitig gemessen werden können. Amplitude und Phase des nichtlinearen Signals können durch elektro-optisches Abtasten vermessen werden, wodurch die zeitliche Entwicklung der kohärenten Wechselwirkungen in Echtzeit untersucht werden kann. CMTS erlaubt zusätzlich die eindeutige Zerlegung des nichtlinearen Signals in die verschiedenen nichtlinearen Ordnungen in der jeweiligen mehrdimensionalen Frequenzdomäne. Die nichtlineare, nicht-resonante Antwort zweier undotierter Halbleiter, des Ferroelektrikums Lithiumniobat (LiNbO3) und Indiumantimonids (InSb) kann mit dieser neuartigen Methode untersucht werden. In LiNbO3 wird das nichtlineare Signal durch einen Femtosekunden nichtlinearen Verschiebestrom (SC) hervorgerufen. SC wird durch die gebrochene Inversionssymmetrie des Kristalls in Verbindung mit einer ultraschnellen Dephasierung der feldinduzierten, kohärenten interband-Polarisation hervorgerufen. Die Dephasierung der interband-Polarisation erlaubt das Tunneln von Elektronen vom Valenzband in das Leitungsband. In InSb wird das kohärente Signal durch sowohl zwei-Phonen als auch zwei-Photonen interband-Anregungen erzeugt. Die impulsive Anregung einer kohärenten zwei-Phononen Polarisation wird durch das große Übergangsdipolmoment von InSb verstärkt, was zu deutlich größeren Amplituden der Polarisation als im linearem Regime führt. / For the first time, the coherent generation of ultrashort MV/cm field pulses with a spectrum covering the frequency range 0.1-30 THz is demonstrated in the organic crystal DSTMS. Coherent multidimensional terahertz spectroscopy (CMTS) has become a prominent technique for, e.g., driving low-energy excitations in semiconductors and monitoring their coherent dynamics. A novel CMTS technique using three phase-locked inter-delayed THz pulses is implemented. It relies on a collinear interaction of the pulses with a sample, so that different contributions to the nonlinear signal are emitted in the same direction, and thus can be measured all at once. Phase-resolved detection by electro-optic sampling allows for measuring amplitude and absolute phase of the nonlinear signal, thereby enabling to investigate the evolution of coherent interactions between quantum excitations in real time. In CMTS, the nonlinear signal is dissected into the distinct nonlinear contributions in the corresponding multidimensional frequency domain. This novel technique is applied to study the nonlinear off-resonant response of two undoped bulk semiconductors, the wide-bandgap ferroelectric lithium niobate (LiNbO3) and the narrow-bandgap indium antimonide (InSb). In LiNbO3, the nonlinear signal is generated by a femtosecond nonlinear shift current (SC), a distinctive characteristic of the bulk photovoltaic effect. The SC stems from the lack of inversion symmetry and the ultrafast dephasing of the field-induced interband coherent polarization due to a sufficiently high decoherence rate, which enables tunneling of electrons from the valence to the conduction band. In InSb, the nonlinear signal is caused by the coherent response on both the two-phonon and two-photon interband excitations. The impulsive generation of the two-phonon coherent polarization is enhanced by the large interband transition dipole of InSb, resulting in much larger polarization amplitudes than in the regime of linear response.

Optical Study of Inter-band Transitions in Topological Insulators Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3, and Sb2Te3

Adhikari, Pan P. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Étude de la dynamique électronique des plasmas denses et tièdes par interférométrie optique / Study of warm dense plasma electronic dynamics by optical interferometry

Deneuville, François 28 February 2013 (has links)
La matière dense et tiède (WDM) est un régime caractérisé par une densité proche du solide pour une température avoisinant celle de Fermi. Pour étudier cet état de la matière, dans cette thèse, une expérience d'interférométrie dans le domaine des fréquences est mise en place afin de mesurer la phase et la réflectivité - dans les deux directions de polarisation S et P - d'une onde sonde en réflexion sur un échantillon chauffé de manière très brève par une impulsion laser ultra-courte (sub-100fs). Il est alors porté dans un état hors-équilibre. Une méthode basée sur les mesures de réflectivité est mise en place pour contrôler la forme de l'interface entre le vide et la matière chauffée. Pour des fluences laser de l'ordre de 1 J/cm2, l'hydrodynamique d'un échantillon chauffé est étudiée par la mesure du déplacement de la surface et comparée au code hydrodynamique à deux températures ESTHER. Ensuite, la fonction diélectrique à 800 nm et 400 nm est déduite des mesures expérimentales et certaines quantités en sont extraites comme la densité électronique, la température électronique et les fréquences de collision en régime WDM. Elles sont par la suite comparées avec des modèles couramment utilisés. / The Warm Dense Matter (WDM) regime is characterised by a density close to the solid density and an electron temperature close to the Fermi temperature. In this work, the nonequilibrium Warm Dense Matter is studied during the solid to liquid phase transition induced by an ultra short laser interacting with a solid. A 30 femtoseconds time resolution pump-probe experiment (FDI) is set up, yielding to the measurement of the heated sample complex reflectivity for both S and P polarisation.We have determined a criterion based on the measured reflectivities, which permits to control the interface shape of the probed matter. For pump laser fluences around 1 J/cm2, the hydrodynamics of the heated matter is studied and experimental results are compared to the two-temperatures code ESTHER. Furthermore, the evolution of the dielectric function at 800 nm and 400 nm is inferred from our measurements on a sub-picosecond time-scale. Within the Drude-Lorentz model for the conduction electrons, the dielectric function yields information such as ionisation state, electronic temperature and electron collision frequency.

Theory of optical and THz transitions in carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoribbons and flat nanoclusters

Saroka, Vasil January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the optical properties of low-dimensional structures based on such two-dimensional materials as graphene, silicene and phosphorene. We investigate optical properties of a variety of quasi-one dimensional and quasi-zero-dimensional structures, which are promising for future optoelectronics. Primarily we focus on their low-energy optical properties and how these properties are influenced by the structures’ geometry, external fields, intrinsic strain and edge disorder. As a consequence of this endeavor, we find several interesting effects such as correlation between the optical properties of tubes and ribbons whose periodic and ‘hard wall’ boundary conditions are matched and a universal value of matrix element in narrow-gap tubes and ribbons characterizing probability of transitions across the band gap opened up by intrinsic strain originating from the tube’s surface curvature or ribbon’s edge relaxation. The analytical study of the gapped 2D Dirac materials such as silicene and germanene, which have some similarity to the aforementioned quasi-one-dimensional systems in terms of physical description, reveals a valley- and polarization-dependent selection rules. It was also found that absorption coefficient should change in gapped materials with increasing frequency and become a half of its value for gap edge transitions when the spectrum is linear. Our analysis of the electronic properties of flat clusters of silicene and phosphorene relates the emergence and the number of the peculiar edge states localized at zero energy, so-called zero-energy states, which are know to be of topological origin, to the cluster’s structural characteristics such as shape and size. This allows to predict the presence and the number of such states avoiding complicated topological arguments and provides a recipes for design of metallic and dielectric clusters. We show that zero-energy states are optically active and can be efficiently manipulated by external electric field. However, the edge disorder is important to take into account. We present a new fractal-based methodology to study the effects of the edge disorder which can be applied also to modeling of composite materials. These finding should be useful in design of optoelectronic devices such as tunable emitters and detectors in a wide region of electromagnetic spectrum ranging form the mid-infrared and THz to the optical frequencies.

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