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Decolonising the mind?:national identity and historical consciousness in Cameroonian history textbooksAnttalainen, K. (Kati) 17 June 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on history textbooks in the contemporary Anglophone Cameroon and aims at studying what kind of history consciousness and national identity is promoted in the textbooks. History is essential for the forming of national identity. School textbooks reveal officially recognised historical truths in a country, and therefore provide a fruitful source for studies on historical consciousness and national identity. Eurocentrism and western traditions of historiography are essential to take into account in the African context. Also in Cameroon, the schooling was originally established by colonial regimes and aimed at colonizing the mind of the natives. Colonial heritage has shaped the history writing in the African context until the present day and has its effects also on the analysed Cameroonian textbooks.
The production of a nationally distinguished publishing house Anucam Educational Books (ANUCAM) was chosen, because of the vast potential that lays in the national publishing industry in African countries, including in Cameroon. The levels of education covered primary (classes 4–6) and lower secondary education (forms 1–5) where the enrolment rates are higher than in the upper secondary education. The historical consciousness is likely to have a more significant basis in these levels of education.
Both quantitative (space analysis) and qualitative content analysis (imagology) were used in analyzing the textbooks. I first sketched quantitative tables on the geographical division of the textbook contents into world history, regional history (history of Africa and Europe) and the national history (history of Cameroon). The majority of contents discusses national history (32 %) and the history of Africa (32 %). With a share of 15 %, the history of Europe has a significant role in the textbooks. As regards the timely periods, the contemporary history is almost totally absent. For example, the past 30 years of the history of Cameroon, hence the period under the rule of president Paul Biya, is covered with only 5 %.
In the qualitative analysis it will be examined, how the “self” and the “nation” are perceived in the textbooks In examining the image provided of the “self”, the narratives examined are: the origins of Cameroon and the Cameroonians, the “exterior self” and the relation of the “self” with the Western civilisation. The entire formation of Cameroon is seen as a European creation, terminology stemming from the colonial interpretations, is used in descriptions on the Cameroonians and the image of the Western civilisation is loaded with positive connotations of development.
In examining the image of the “nation”, the narratives were linked with the state-produced discourse of “national unity”. The process of becoming independent was examined as well as images of leading historical figures and the presidents of Cameroon. Achieving independence appears as a destined historical thread in the textbooks. Leading historical figures are represented necessary for the national unity, which again is seen central for the prosperity of civilisations. Mostly without any criticism or analytical reflection, the presidents are presented as creators of this national unity in Cameroon.
Taking into account the central role of history in the forming of national identity, it seems surprising that textbook content analyses in the African context are largely absent. When aiming at improving the quality of education, it is not enough to focus on increasing the access to textbooks. As the international discourse on educational development goals Post-2015 is increasingly tuned to learning, more attention should be paid also to the quality of learning materials. Textbook content analysis can support national efforts of improving the quality of learning materials — an objective explicitly expressed also by the government of Cameroon in its educational policy lines.
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Vertaisryhmämentorointi kehittämishankkeen tukenaMyllymäki, M. (Maria) 04 November 2013 (has links)
Tutkimukseni kertoo kehittäjämentoritoiminnasta, joka toteutettiin Lapsen hyvä arki 2 -hankkeen kehittämistyön juurruttamista, levittämistä ja syventämistä varten. Juurruttamisen menetelmänä käytettiin vertaisryhmämentorointia ja toimintaa varten koulutettiin kehittäjämentoreita vuoden 2012 aikana. Vertaisryhmämentorointiryhmät aloittivat syksyllä 2012. Tutkimuskysymykset muotoutuivat tutkimuksen edetessä seuraaviksi. Millaiseksi kehittäjämentorin tehtävä muotoutuu vertaisryhmämentoroinnissa? Miten vertaisryhmämentorointi toimii osallistujien työn tukena? Miten vertaisryhmämentorointi tukee kehittämishankkeen juurruttamisprosessia ja miten se näkyy arjessa?
Vertaisryhmämentoroinnin käyttö varhaiskasvatuksessa on toistaiseksi ollut melko vähäistä. Opettajien keskuudessa sen hyödyt on todettu kiistattomasti. Menetelmän käytöstä kehittämishankkeiden juurruttamisessa tai levittämisessä ei myöskään ole paljon kokemuksia. Näistä molemmista saatiin tutkimuksessani uutta tietoa. Kiinnostavuutta tutkimuksessa lisäsi myös se, että kaikki kehittäjämentorit olivat esimiehiä mentoroinnin osallistujille.
Keräsin aineistoani osallistuvalla havainnoinnilla, kerronnallisilla haastatteluilla ja tutkimuksessani oli toimintatutkimuksellinen lähestymistapa. Tutkimukseni aineisto muodostui videoiduista koulutuspäivistä, tutkijan kenttämuistiinpanoista, konsultaatiotapaamisten ja yhden mentorointi-istunnon videoinneista sekä kehittäjämentoreille ja osallistujille suunnatuista kyselyistä. Tutkimukseni on narratiivinen tutkimus, jonka tulososa koostuu kehittäjämentoreiden ja vertaisryhmämentorointiin osallistujien tarinoista.
Tuloksissa kuvataan kehittäjämentorin tehtävän muotoutumista. Siinä keskeistä oli mentorin esimiesasema organisaatiossa, mentorointi-istuntojen suunnittelun merkitys ja hyvä valmistautuminen mentorointitapaamisiin. Osallistujien ammatillinen kehittyminen muodostui kokemusten jakamisesta, kollegoiden tuesta, ammatillisesta dialogista ja reflektoinnista. Juurruttamistyössä nähtiin onnistumisia, mahdollisuuksia, pulmia ja epäonnistumisia.
Tutkimuksen tuloksista selviää, että koulutuskokonaisuus koettiin onnistuneeksi ja se vastasi kehittäjämentoreiden odotuksia. Vertaisryhmämentorointi koettiin hyväksi toimintatavaksi uusien asioiden levittämisessä. Esimiehen toimiminen mentorina alaisilleen ei välttämättä ole huono asia, mutta se ei ole ongelmatonta. Tutkimustuloksista voidaan päätellä, että menetelmä toimi juurruttamistyössä varsin hyvin. Uusia käytäntöjä syntyi ja toiminnan arviointia tapahtui. Joitakin esteitä juurruttamistyön onnistumiselle oli, muun muassa työyhteisön innottomuus työn kehittämiseen. Toiveikkuus muutoksen onnistumiseen kuitenkin näkyy sekä kehittäjämentoreiden että osallistujien tarinoissa.
Vertaisryhmämentorointiin osallistujat kokivat saavansa kollegiaalista tukea ja olivat tyytyväisiä saadessaan hetken rauhassa syventyä aiheeseen kerrallaan. Juurruttamistyön onnistumisessa oli vaihtelua riippuen työyhteisön valmiudesta oppia uutta ja osallistujan mahdollisuuksista viedä ideoita eteenpäin.
Jatkossa vertaisryhmämentoroinnista aiotaan organisaatiosta tehdä pysyvä toimintamenetelmä ja käyttää sitä erilaisissa tilanteissa, kuten uusien työntekijöiden, eri ammattiryhmien ja tiimien kehittämismenetelmänä.
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The idea of global citizenship in the documents and publications of UnescoShchedrin, A. (Andrey) 14 October 2013 (has links)
The first half of the 20th century was filled with a lot of conflict situations all over the world. In order o keep international security and organize contact with the rest of the World, The United Nations was organized in October 1945. First years after the Second World War were very important in the way of making progress in peace setting and further conflicts preventing. Exactly in this period to fulfil these purposes such international organization as UNESCO was founded and The Universal Declaration of Human rights was signed. Whole Europe was recovering from the War consequences, and people, suffered from military actions, needed not only peace for their future, but also the understanding that in order to keep this peace — everybody should have joint vision on the further development of human civilization.
The present research emphasize the importance of UNESCO organization in delivering Global Citizenship ideas and promoting Global Citizenship Education in the after war period. The ideas of Global Citizenship were very wanted that time and they needed some agent who had to deliver them to people. UNESCO has become this agent and played great role in spreading basic ideas of Global Citizenship and Global Citizenship Education.
Evaluating the role of UNESCO in shaping of Global Consciousness in the minds of nations, I analyse UNESCO’s Courier publications as valuable source of the organization activities.
Research questions:
Why was it so necessary to take action in new course of Global Citizenship?
What was the role of UNESCO in moulding Global Citizenship attitudes in people’s minds?
What kind of Global Citizenship values did UNESCO promote during professional activity?
Research tasks:
Describe the role of UNESCO in Global Citizenship concept developing.
To identify the positions of UNESCO in the concept of Global Citizenship.
Evaluate the activities of UNESCO in Global Citizenship education.
The value of the present research consists of independent look at the concept of Global Citizenship during the time period when this concept needed to be set as a primary vision of a current societal structure. Through this research, the reader will be able to evaluate the methods of Global Citizenship concept implementation by UNESCO and track similarities in the modern approach of Global Citizenship concept studying not only in UNESCO but by any other author writing about the topic.
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Liikuttaako Action?:Oulun kaupungin Action-liikuntapalvelujen vaikutukset nuorten liikunnallisuuteenSirén, I.-M. (Ida-Maria) 04 November 2013 (has links)
Oulun kaupunki on ylläpitänyt usean vuoden ajan Action-liikuntapalvelua, joka tarjoaa 13–18-vuotiaille nuorille ohjattua, maksutonta ja monipuolista liikuntaa. Actionin vaikutusta oululaisnuorten liikunnallisuuteen ei ole ennen tutkittu, joten aiheen kartoittaminen oli ajankohtaista. Suuri osa suomalaislapsista ja -nuorista liikkuu liian vähän, ja liikunnallisuuden on todettu vähenevän murrosiän aikana. Siksi oli erityisen keskeistä selvittää, voitaisiinko Actionin kaltaisella maksuttomalla ja vapaamuotoisella toiminnalla edesauttaa liikunnan harrastamista läpi nuoruusvuosien ja kannustaa myös lähtökohtaisesti vähän liikkuvia nuoria liikunnan pariin.
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten Action on vaikuttanut sekä nykyisten 13–18-vuotiaiden kävijöiden että entisten kävijöiden liikkumistottumuksiin. Aineistoina hyödynnettiin nykyisten ja entisten kävijöiden kyselylomakevastauksia sekä entisten kävijöiden laatimia kirjoitettuja kertomuksia. Kertomusten tarkastelussa sovellettiin juonianalyysiä sekä holistis-sisällöllistä ja holistis-muodollista lähestymistapaa, jotka kuuluvat narratiivisen tutkimusmetodin piiriin. Tutkimusongelmat olivat seuraavat: 1) Miten Action on vaikuttanut nykyisten kävijöiden fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen? Miten nykyiset kävijät suhtautuvat Actioniin ja miten he ovat hyödyntäneet palvelua? 2) Miten Action on vaikuttanut entisten kävijöiden fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen? Millaisia liikkujia entiset kävijät ovat nykyään ja miten he suhtautuvat Actioniin? 3) Miten entiset Action-kävijät kuvaavat kertomuksissaan liikunnallisuuttaan ja siinä tapahtuneita muutoksia? Millaisia yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja kertomuksissa esiintyy?
Tutkimus osoitti, että nykyiset ja entiset Action-kävijät olivat keskimäärin hieman aktiivisempia liikkujia Actionin aikana kuin ennen Actionia. Lisäksi lähtökohtaisesti vähän liikkuvien lukumäärä väheni Actionin myötä. Actioniin suhtauduttiin enimmäkseen myönteisesti ja toiminnan parhaana puolena pidettiin maksuttomuutta. Kehittämisehdotuksia kohdistettiin eniten lajitarjontaan. Entisten kävijöiden kertomuksista ilmeni, että Action-toiminta on vaikuttanut lievän positiivisesta merkittävän positiivisesti kertojien liikunnallisuuteen. Vaikka kertojat ovat hyödyntäneet Actionia eri tavoin, jokaisella oli yleisesti ottaen myönteisiä kokemuksia toiminnasta ja he puolsivat sen jatkamista.
Actionin myönteisistä vaikutuksista liikunnallisuuteen ei voida tehdä yksiselitteisiä johtopäätöksiä tämän tutkimuksen perusteella, sillä tutkittava otos oli melko pieni, eikä tutkimuksessa käytetty verrokkiryhmiä. Tulokset kuitenkin viittaavat siihen, että Action on toiminut mahdollisena kannustimena monen nuoren liikkumiselle ja auttanut vähintään ylläpitämään harrastetun liikunnan määrää. Jotta nämä tulokset vahvistuisivat, jatkotutkimuksissa olisi tärkeää tarkastella laajempia aineistoja. Luotettavuuden kannalta olisi keskeistä kartoittaa myös sellaisten nuorten liikunnallisuuden kehitystä, jotka eivät ole koskaan osallistuneet Actioniin.
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An investigation of high school teachers’ experiences and perceptions of the influence of neoliberalism in the Canadian school systemsParadis, A. (Audrey) 27 August 2013 (has links)
Neoliberalism is a socio-political economic movement spreading over the world, supported by an institutional framework, and influencing many spheres, including education. There is an impact on the purpose of education, the role of teachers and teaching. In the Canadian context, there are many indicators of these influences being felt. In this thesis, neoliberalism is not only considered as a political philosophy, it is also extensively examined as a part of the social imaginary of people, giving neoliberalism the status of ‘common sense’ rather than ideology. In this way, it becomes ‘normal’ to expect the system to work following neoliberal principles, and to find neoliberal solutions to problems — even in spheres that it had previously never impacted. This thesis investigates high school teachers’ experiences and perceptions of the influence of neoliberalism in the Canadian school systems. In so doing, the main aim is to give a voice to teachers, so they can describe their experiences regarding neoliberal influences, in order to identify the problems as they perceive them. The study establishes how neoliberalism affects their work, their identity as professionals and the purpose of education. This research is a phenomenographic study, using Skype interviews from seven high school teachers having worked in Yellowknife, the capital city of Northwest Territories.
The analysis identified an outcome space where teachers’ experiences and perceptions were associated with neoliberal influences on education. A discrepancy between the rather liberal ideals and the neoliberal reality of the teachers was described as a problem. The corporate way of managing education was experienced as detrimental. Economy based agendas, and accountability for teachers were felt to be especially harmful. Neoliberal norms such as efficiency, competition, image, measurement, labels and performance were all perceived as negative influences on the profession and on education in general.
The thesis considers how the neoliberal social imaginary has created problems and disjuncture in education. This imaginary has become the new ‘reality’ for people, making problems look ‘normal’, ‘natural’, ‘inevitable’ or ‘common sense’. The participants saw problems triggered by neoliberalism, and most of them desired corrective changes, yet none of them were involved in instigating deep changes in education. To an extent, some of the problems perceived by the teachers have been integrated into their reality and normality; alternatives are difficult to imagine. The thesis concludes that problems caused by neoliberalism were commonly identified and perceived by the teachers, and this is the first step towards sustainable reforms implemented from the teacher level up. The thesis also concludes that if teachers gained a critical awareness of the neoliberal social imaginary, it could help them engage more with changes, shaping or reconstructing the social imaginary themselves, to make it more relevant to their own professional ideals.
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Obstacles to moral education in a private school: a qualitative case study in BrazilLeal Terra Silva, F. (Fabiana) 17 January 2014 (has links)
This research intends to investigate obstacles to moral education in a private school in Brazil, based on teachers’ views, which were gathered through interviews, questionnaires and discussions during workshops. It is a qualitative case study conducted in a country where neoliberal values increasingly influence education, and where high rates of socio economic inequalities are easily observed. Similarly to other emerging economies, Brazil faces increasing privatisation in education, mainly in higher education but also in basic education levels. Although the majority of students attend public schools, the relevance and representativeness of private schools in the country go beyond these numbers. Historical and political circumstances have favoured their establishment, expansion and influence in the Brazilian society. As a general rule, private schools tend to work under little scrutiny of the Ministry of Education, and little attention is given to the values they promote. Concern for moral education and collective wellbeing, although part of national education policies, still need great efforts to be included in school practices on a daily basis in Brazil.
Moral education holds potential to raise awareness of social injustices and to improve concern for collective wellbeing. Its relevance seems even stronger in the so-called developing countries, such as Brazil, where high rates of corruption and little concern for the common good reinforce existing inequalities in society. In this thesis, moral education is disconnected from more traditional or religious practices, while progressive approaches, such as values clarification (VC), are understood as an important contribution to the practice of moral education in schools. The main argument underpinning this research is the need to recognise education as a moral enterprise, and to develop moral education in schools as a response to contemporary challenges and the need for justice in society. In this sense, this thesis supports moral education and concern for collective wellbeing as essential components of schooling — which is increasingly viewed as a synonym of education — as well as their potential to assist in developing a more holistic conception of education, and deemphasising its instrumental value, which is dominant nowadays.
This qualitative case study was developed with five teachers working in a private school in Brazil, and qualitative content analysis was applied to analyse the primary set of data (interviews). The results derived from the combination of this analysis and the secondary set of data (questionnaires and notes from a research diary from observations made during the workshops with teachers). They indicate that teachers consider students’ parents as the main obstacle to moral education in the school, particularly the conflict of values between teachers and parents. Teachers also mentioned neoliberal influences as an obstacle to moral education, e.g. overloaded school curriculum and little time for extra initiatives, great pressure and concern from parents and school administration in relation to the use of books and students’ performance. The school conduct, interests and decisions were pointed out as an obstacle to moral education as well, with emphasis on the lack of support for teachers on conflict situations with parents. Results suggest that teachers view moral education as an essential part of their job but also as a burden when developed without support from parents and school administration. Additionally, the study identified that teachers lack knowledge and practical training in moral education during their studies to become teachers, which could also constitute an obstacle to its development in the school. Finally, the suggestions mentioned to improve moral education in the school included more support for teachers, more communication between teachers, parents and school administration, and real engagement from the institution on matters of moral education.
Although a qualitative case study without aims of generalisation, this research offers data and results relevant to numerous cases in Brazil and in other countries facing similar challenges, particularly in contexts of increasing privatisation in education and neoliberal values in society. It offers contributions to comparative studies in education, and it provides empirical data that could contribute to restrain existing hindrances to the inclusion of moral education in school practices in Brazil.
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The Short-Term Study Travel Experience for Adult Professionals: A Phenomenological StudyOrndorff, Earline Byrd Jr. 10 July 1998 (has links)
International education and cross-cultural learning are achieved through study travel. This phenomenologial study was designed to better illuminate the short-term study travel experience for adult professionals, describing the phenomenon from the perspective of the participants and itsmeaning for those participants. The focus of the study was the Rotary International Group Study Exchange (GSE) Program,designed to provide participants with the opportunity to develop international understanding, cultural awareness, and professional competencies in a global setting. Co-researchers for the study were selected GSE team members from Rotary District 7570 in Virginia and Tennessee, who participated in the program since 1991.
The methodology, based on the descriptive phenomenological model of Barritt, Beekman, Bleeker and Mulderji (1983) included guided, but loosely structured in-depth individual interviews with eight co-researchers. Data were analyzed to determine emerging themes, element statements, and variations.Interviewees were asked to examine their individual descriptions to assure that their intended meanings were captured. Adescription of the experience and its meaning was developed from all of the themes which emerged. A final conference call for the interviewees was convened to review the megathemes. Questions guiding the inquiry were: What was the short-term study abroad experience like for these adult professionals and what meaning did the experience have for these participants?
The following conclusions were drawn from the finding of the study:
1. The Group Study Exchange participants perceived that they developed a greater sense of who they were.
2. Short-term travel was perceived as a valuable and life-changing experience for the participants.
3. Stress, identified as an element of the short-term study travel as experienced by every participant on some level, was caused by family situations, homestays, language, and cultural difference.
4. Total immersion in the culture was seen as a factor which increased the participant's ability to understand and appreciate another culture on an intimate level, leading to deeper meaning and greater insight.
This study confirmed previous studies related to sojourning and international travel as related to experiential learning, increasing the understanding of the short-term travel abroad experience and its meaning to the adult learner. / Ed. D.
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Mångkulturell barnlitteratur : - Praktisera interkulturell pedagogik för att förverkliga interkulturellt lärande i svenskundervisningen i mellanstadietManzano Niegemann, Michael January 2022 (has links)
Multicultural literature can sometimes act as a window, a mirror or a sliding glass door that introduces people to different worlds that are real or unreal, familiar, or strange. Through these windows, the reader gets an insight into the lives of others, inviting readers to reflect on their views and environment. The purpose of this study is to understand how teachers include and work with multicultural literature for grades 4-6 in the Swedish subject, and how they describe and use multicultural literature in their teaching to endorse tolerance and critical consciousness. The study is based on a mixed-method approach, using a quantitative survey and a qualitative interview for indepth knowledge. The theoretical framework in this study is based on the intercultural perspective that includes central concepts such as interculturality, the intercultural pedagogical perspective, intercultural learning and intercultural competence. In summary, the result shows that there is a deficit of knowledge in how teachers can use multicultural literature in their teaching but also how they can work with intercultural learning. Based on the results from both the survey and the interviews, there is a good understanding among the respondents regarding the beneficial effect of including multicultural literature and the multicultural perspective in teaching, especially when choosing children's literature. However, there is a certain insecurity and inexperience of how to work with multicultural literature or intercultural learning, which reflects the scarcity of multicultural literature to students. Mainly because of poor access of what is classified as good quality multicultural books, but also because it is time-consuming to find the right books and activities, and a lack of a deeper intercultural pedagogical competence in the respondents.
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Propuesta para el desarrollo de las competencias interculturales de los futuros graduadosIzquierdo Fontestad, Laura 21 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] En el contexto actual en el cual las distancias entre países se han reducido sustancialmente y la movilidad se ha incrementado a un ritmo vertiginoso, las sociedades se han tenido que adaptar a nuevos términos como "choque de culturas" e "interculturalidad", los cuales intentan dar cabida a este nuevo formato de encuentro entre culturas que se produce a diario y en todos los ámbitos de la vida. En consecuencia, el objetivo general de esta tesis es establecer si a los alumnos de Educación Superior se les imparte la formación sobre las competencias transversales, incluida la competencia intercultural.
Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis de los diversos currículos de las 30 universidades más importantes de España, determinando el grado y la redacción de las mismas, valorando las definiciones sobre las competencias transversales que se imparten en cada universidad, realizando una comparativa entre las mismas y reescribiéndolas de acuerdo con el contexto real del aula, basándose en las competencias definidas por Darla Deardorff (2006).
De esta forma, se ha comprobado que el 53% de las universidades cuentan con un dossier, documento u otra publicación que recoge las competencias en cuestión, mientras el 47% restante no dispone de información específica al respecto. Asimismo, todas las competencias recogidas por los documentos de las universidades han tenido que ser reescritas parcialmente, mientras en una universidad las competencias han tenido que ser reescritas de forma íntegra.
Es importante mencionar que gran parte de las competencias existentes destacan solo el trabajo en equipo y respeto, pero dejan de lado el componente intercultural dentro de las mismas, evidenciando así una falta de actualización entre estas competencias que no considera la incidencia de la globalización en la conformación de los equipos. Por lo tanto, se ha estimado indispensable la realización de una nueva redacción de las citadas competencias, especialmente considerando los resultados de la globalización y conexión global de la sociedad actual, además del modelo basado en competencias que propone el Plan Bolonia y que es común para gran parte de los países de la Unión Europea. / [CA] En el context actual en el qual, les distàncies entre països s'han reduït substancialment i la mobilitat s'ha incrementat a un ritme vertiginós, les societats s'han hagut d'adaptar a nous termes com ara "xoc de cultures" i "interculturalitat", els quals intenten incorporar aquest nou format de trobada entre cultures que es produeix diàriament i en tots els àmbits de les nostres vides. En conseqüència, l'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi és establir si als alumnes d'Educació Superior se'ls imparteix la formació sobre les competències transversals, inclosa la competència intercultural.
Per això, s'ha realitzat un anàlisi dels diversos currículums de les 30 universitats més importants d'Espanya, determinat el grau, així com la redacció d'aquestes, valorant les definicions sobre les competències transversals que s'imparteixen en cada universitat, realitzant una comparativa entre aquestes i reescrivint-les d'acord amb el context real de l'aula, basant-se en les competències definides per Darla Deardorff (2006).
D'aquesta manera, s'ha comprovat que el 53% de les universitats compten amb un dossier, document o una altra publicació que recull les competències en qüestió, mentre el 47% restant no disposa d'informació específica sobre aquest tema. Així mateix, totes les competències recollides pels documents de les universitats, han hagut de ser reescrites parcialment, mentre en una universitat les competències han hagut de ser reescrites de manera íntegra.
És important esmentar que gran part de les competències existents destaquen només el treball en equip i respecte, però deixen de costat el component intercultural dins d'aquestes, evidenciant així una falta d'actualització entre aquestes competències que no consideren la incidència de la globalització en la conformació dels equips. Per tant, s'ha estimat indispensable la realització d'una nova redacció de les citades competències, especialment considerant els resultats de la globalització i connexió global de la societat actual, a més del model basat en competències que proposa el Pla Bolonya i que és comú per a gran part dels països de la Unió Europea. / [EN] In the current context in which, distances between countries have been substantially reduced and mobility has increased at a dizzying pace, societies have had to adapt to new terms such as "clash of cultures" and "interculturality", which try to accommodate this new format of encounter between cultures that occurs daily and in all areas of our lives. As a result, the general objective of this thesis is to establish whether students in higher education are taught training on transversal competences, including intercultural competence.
To this end, it has been carried out an analysis of the various curricula of the 30 most important universities in Spain, and determined the degree, as well as the writing of them, valuing the definitions on the transversal competences that are taught in each university, making a comparison between them and rewriting them according to the real classroom context, based on the competences defined by Darla Deardorff (2006).
In this way, it has been found that 53% of the universities have a dossier, document or other publication that includes the competences in question, while the remaining 47% do not have specific information about it. Furthermore, all the competences included in the documents of the universities had to be partially rewritten, while in one university the competencies had to be rewritten in their entirety. It is important to mention that most of the existing competences highlight only teamwork and respect, but leave aside the intercultural component within them, evidencing a lack of updating between these competences that does not consider the impact of globalization on the formation of teams. Therefore, it has been considered essential to rewrite these competences, especially considering the results of globalization and the global connection of today's society, in addition to the competency-based model proposed by the Bologna Plan, which is common to most of the countries of the European Union. / Izquierdo Fontestad, L. (2021). Propuesta para el desarrollo de las competencias interculturales de los futuros graduados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180117
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Global Education in Theory: the centrality of intercultural competenceLantz-Deaton, Caprice, Davies, I. January 2014 (has links)
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