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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of an E2V Charge-Coupled Device for the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging Instrument

Beukers, James 01 August 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents the characterization process of an imaging device for a satellite. The camera system was built by the Space Dynamics Laboratory (SDL) and will be used in the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) instrument for National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Ionospheric Con- nection Explorer (ICON) satellite. This mission will further scientists' understanding of the connection between the Earth's weather and ionospheric conditions. The ionosphere, a part of the atmosphere, interferes with satellite communications, causing disturbances and disruptions. By learning more about the ionosphere through the data collected by this instrument, scientists will better understand its effects on our communications.

Construction of a Calcium Matter-Wave Interferometer

Erickson, Christopher Joseph 28 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
I describe the construction of a calcium matter-wave interferometer. The interferometer is based on a Ramsey-Borde scheme, and uses a thermal beam of atoms excited by an optical-frequency transition in calcium. In our experiment four pi/2 pulses of light are delivered to the atoms, which split and recombine the wave functions of the atoms. Our experimental design minimizes first-order Doppler shifts, and allows for the cancellation of systematic errors including phase shifts due to rotation and acceleration. I describe the individual components of the interferometer and its assembly. The requirements for the electronics used in the experiment as well as their design and performance are described in great detail. I also give an overview of the techniques used to passively stabilize the laser and optical components. Finally, I report on the current status of the experiment as well as detail future work to be done on the apparatus.

Microwave and RF system for Industrial and Biomedical Applications

Manekiya, Mohammedhusen Hanifbhai 27 May 2021 (has links)
Modern smartphone technology has created a myriad of opportunities in the field of RF and Microwave. Specifically, Chipless RFID sensor, compact microwave filter, antenna based on a microstrip structure, and many more. In this thesis, innovative ideas for the industrial and biomedical device has been explored. The work presents the reconfigurable filter design, Switch-beam antenna, Microwave interferometer, X-band Rotman Lens antenna, Ultra-wideband antenna based on SIW resonator, L-band Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave antenna, development of a wireless sensor system for environmental monitoring, Indoor Air Quality monitoring, and Wildfire Monitoring based on the modulated scattering technique (MST). The MST sensor probes are based on the scattering properties of small passive antennas and radiate part of the impinging electromagnetic field generated by an interrogating antenna, which also acquires the backscattered signal as information. The MST probes are able to deliver data without a radio frequency front end. They use a simple circuit that alternatively terminates the antenna probe on suitable loads to generate a low modulation signal on the backscattered electromagnetic wave. The antenna presented in this work has been designed in ADS Software by Keysight Technologies. The designed antenna has been assessed numerically and experimentally. The experimental measurement data demonstrate the effectiveness of the individual system. Simultaneously, the MST sensor system has been proposed to obtain the best performance in communication range, load efficiency, and power harvesting. The MST sensor has been fabricated and assessed in practical scenarios. The proposed prototype, able to provide a communication range of about 15 m, serves as a proof-of-concept. The acquired measurements of MST demonstrate the accuracy of the data without radio frequency front end or bulky wired connection with the same efficiency of standard wireless sensors such as radio frequency identifier (RFID) or wireless sensor networks (WSN).

Estimation of Atmospheric Phase Scintillation Via Decorrelation of Water Vapor Radiometer Signals

Nessel, James Aaron January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth and Enhancement of Device Stability for Characterizing Mesoscopic Physics in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures

Shuang Liang (19193335) 25 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Improvement in state-of-the-art molecular beam epitaxy has led to the growth of ultra-high-quality GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. Two-dimensional electron systems in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures have provided a platform for investigating numerous phenomena in condensed matter physics.</p><p dir="ltr">In Chapter 2, we study low-frequency charge noise in shallow GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures using quantum point contacts as charge sensors. We observe that devices with an Al$_2$O$_33$ dielectric between the metal gates and semiconductor exhibit significantly lower charge noise than devices with only Schottky gates and no dielectric. The improvement in device stability allows the application of shallow structures for spin qubit projects, making gate potential sharply defined.</p><p dir="ltr">In Chapter 3, we investigated the impact of edge-edge interaction on an electronic Fabry-P\'erot interferometer in the quantum Hall regime. Recently, experimental observations of periodicity $\phi_0/2$ in the integer</p><p dir="ltr">quantum Hall regime has been attributed to an exotic electron pairing mechanism. We present measurements of a Fabry-P\'erot interferometer operated in the integer quantum Hall regime at filling factor $1\leq \nu \leq 3$. Like previous experimental reports, under specific conditions we observe oscillations with flux periodicity $\phi_{0}/2$. However, our data and analysis indicate that period-halving is not driven by electron pairing, as has previously been claimed in the literature, but rather, is the result of electrostatic coupling between multiple independent edge modes.</p><p dir="ltr">In Chapter 4, we demonstrated our attempts in realizing stable {\it in-situ} gating for probing the possible non-Abelian state $\nu=5/2$. Utilizing a trench gate technique on a doped AlGaAs sample exhibits reasonable gating in a standard experiment time scale. Introducing AlAs screening wells further enhances the stability; it also significantly improves the coherence of interference at both integer and fractional states. In the future work section, we propose possible heterostructure modifications to improve contact performance, 2DEG quality, and the coherence of the interference.</p>

A mobile atom interferometer for high-precision measurements of local gravity

Senger, Alexander 05 January 2012 (has links)
Eine Reihe fundamentaler Problemstellungen setzt die genaue Kenntnis der Erdbeschleunigung g voraus, z.B. die Neudefinition des Kilogramms im laufenden Watt-Waage-Projekt. Des Weiteren sind Gravitationsmessungen ein herausragendes Werkzeug der geophysikalischen Forschung, machen sie doch Phänomene vom oberen Erdreich bis hinab in den Erdkern zugänglich. Für Absolutmessungen geeignete Quanten-Sensoren mit höchster Präzision sind deshalb Gegenstand aktueller Entwicklungen. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Planung und Implementierung eines solchen Sensors, der für eine überlegene absolute Genauigkeit von fünf Teilen in 10^10, zu erreichen in Messungen von 24 h, ausgelegt ist. Ein Merkmal, das dieses Instrument vor früheren Entwicklungen auszeichnet, ist seine Mobilität, die Anwendungen im Feld sowie Vergleichsmessungen mit anderen Gravimetern ermöglicht. Die quantenmechanische Wellennatur von (Rubidium-) Atomen wird genutzt, um durch kohärente Teilung, Reflexion und Wiedervereinigung der sie konstituierenden Wellenpakete mit Hilfe von Lichtpulsen ein Materiewelleninterferometer darzustellen. Auf ein Ensemble lasergekühlter Atome im freien Fall angewandt, kann deren Empfindlichkeit auf Inertialkräfte genutzt werden, um hochsensible Messungen der auftretenden Beschleunigungen zu erreichen. Eine Messpräzision von 160 nm s^(-2) / sqrt(Hz) wird demonstriert, die ausreicht, um g in 15 h mit einer statistischen Ungewissheit von 0.8 nm s^(-2) zu bestimmen; dies ist um einen Faktor acht besser, als mit den besten klassischen Absolutgravimetern üblich. Ein Vergleich mit dem Deutschen Schweregrundnetz ergibt eine Abweichung von 260 nm s^(-2) bei einer Ungewissheit von 520 nm s^(-2) in den systematischen Einflüssen. Deren wahrscheinliche Ursachen sowie geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen werden identifiziert. / Precise measurements of Earth''s gravitational acceleration $g$ are important for a range of fundamental problems - e.g. the Watt balance as an approach for a new definition of the kilogram - and a great tool to investigate geophysical phenomena reaching from the topmost layers of soil to the very core of our planet. Recently, research efforts have been made to develop dedicated quantum sensors capable of such measurements with very high precision and accuracy. This thesis describes the design and implementation of such a sensor, aiming at a superior accuracy of 0.5 ppb, resolvable in measurements of 24 h. A feature distinguishing this device from previous work is its mobility, allowing for comparison with other state-of-the-art instruments, and for applications in field use in various locations. Rubidium atoms are laser-cooled and launched on a free-fall trajectory. Exploiting the wave nature of quantum particles, coherent manipulation with light pulses is used to split, reflect and recombine the atoms'' wave-packets. The resulting matter-wave interferometer is highly susceptible to inertial forces and allows for sensitive measurements of accelerations. Inertial sensing with a precision of 160 nm s^(-2) / sqrt(Hz) was demonstrated, resulting in a measurement of g with a statistical uncertainty of 0.8 nm s^(-2) in 15 h, surpassing a conventional state-of-the-art absolute gravimeter by a factor of eight. Comparison with the German gravity reference net revealed a discrepancy of 260 nm s^(-2), well covered by the combined systematic uncertainties of 520 nm s^(-2). Likely causes for this deviation are identified and suitable countermeasures are proposed.

Herstellung von neuartigen Reflektorsystemen und Erarbeitung einer systembezogenen Integrationstechnologie für VIS und IR Fabry-Pérot Interferometer

Helke, Christian 11 June 2019 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung und Herstellung von Fabry-Pérot Interferometern (FPI) für die spektrale Analyse von Gasen und Flüssigkeiten. Die FPI werden miniaturisiert mittels Siliziumtechnologie hergestellt und ermöglichen kleine Mikrospektrometer mit hohem Auflösungsvermögen. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht Technologie- und Herstellungskonzepte für den sichtbaren (VIS) und infraroten (IR) Spektralbereich mit jeweils unterschiedlichen Reflektorkonzepten. Im VIS-Spektralbereich erfolgt neben der Entwicklung von Bragg-Reflektoren auch die Betrachtung von strukturierten, dielektrischen Membrangittern und strukturierten Metallgittern auf dielektrischen Membranen für eine Einsatzmöglichkeit im FPI. Dabei wird ebenfalls die Entwicklung einer Herstellungs- und Strukturierungstechnologie für hochbrechendes Titandioxid durchgeführt, um einen Bragg-Reflektor mit höheren Brechzahlkontrast zu realisieren. Im IR-Spektralbereich stellen drei Bragg-Reflektorvarianten aus polykristallinem Silizium und Luft den Inhalt dieser Dissertation dar. Die hergestellten Reflektoren werden hinsichtlich ihrer Funktion messtechnisch charakterisiert und die Strukturintegration in einem FPI und Etalon anhand von ausgewählten Reflektoren vorgestellt.

Faseroptische Hybridsonde zur simultanen Erfassung von räumlich und zeitlich verteiltem Druck in Gefäßen und Hohlorganen

Friedemann, Marvin 13 February 2025 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst die Entwicklung einer neuartigen Drucksonde, welche die faseroptischen Sensortypen Fabry-Pérot-Interferometer und Faser-Bragg-Gitter als Hybridsensor kombiniert und minimalinvasiv im Gefäßsystem oder Hohlorganen platziert werden soll. Die simultane Auswertung aller Sensoren ermöglicht die Erfassung des räumlich und zeitlich verteilten Druckes. Die diagnostische Relevanz der Hybridsonde zur Analyse von Stenosen wird an den Krankheitsbildern der koronaren Herzkrankheit und der lumbalen Spinalkanalstenose aufgezeigt. Anhand von experimentellen in vitro Untersuchungen sowie eines in vivo Tierversuches wird die Leistungsfähigkeit der Hybridsonde zur verteilten Druckmessung evaluiert sowie das Potential der Neuentwicklung in der medizinischen Diagnostik bestätigt. Ausgehend von den gewonnen klinischen Daten wird eine Entwicklungsperspektive für ein Medizinprodukt zur minimalinvasiven Diagnostik aufgezeigt.:Abkürzungs- und Formelzeichenverzeichnis ix Vorwort 1 1. Einleitung 3 2. Medizinische Grundlagen 9 3. Technische und physikalische Grundlagen 23 4. Referenzdrucksensor 47 5. Faseroptische Hybridsonde 85 6. In vivo Tierversuch 115 7. Erkenntnisgewinn 135 8. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 143 Anhang 147 Literaturverzeichnis 159 Abbildungsverzeichnis 175 Tabellenverzeichnis 179 Thesen 181 / This thesis presents the development of a novel pressure probe combining a fiber optic Fabry-Pérot-Interferometer and Fiber Bragg Gratings as a hybrid probe. The application is minimally invasive manometry of the vascular system as well as hollow organs. The simultaneous evaluation of several pressure reading points enables the detection of spatially and temporally distributed pressure. The diagnostic relevance of the hybrid probe for the analysis of stenoses severity is demonstrated at the application for coronary heart disease and lumbar spinal stenosis. By means of experimental in vitro investigations as well as an in vivo animal trial the hybrid probe's performance for distributed pressure sensing is assessed. Furthermore, this confirms the potential of the new development for medical diagnostics. Based on the clinical data obtained, a development perspective for a medical device for minimally invasive diagnostics is presented.:Abkürzungs- und Formelzeichenverzeichnis ix Vorwort 1 1. Einleitung 3 2. Medizinische Grundlagen 9 3. Technische und physikalische Grundlagen 23 4. Referenzdrucksensor 47 5. Faseroptische Hybridsonde 85 6. In vivo Tierversuch 115 7. Erkenntnisgewinn 135 8. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 143 Anhang 147 Literaturverzeichnis 159 Abbildungsverzeichnis 175 Tabellenverzeichnis 179 Thesen 181


Pedroza, Moises, Macias, Filiberto 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 23-26, 2000 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / White Sands Missile Range is supporting Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) target firings from Ft. Wingate, NM. This two Off-Range Corridor allows BMDO to conduct long range testing within the continental U.S. The Transportable Range Augmentation and Control System (TRACS), consisting of a control van and one of two Mobile Telemetry Systems (MTS), provide the necessary on-site telemetry support. The Dual Remote Interferometer System (DRDAS) that tracks the telemetry RF carrier in support of Missile Flight Safety (MFS) is also included in this paper. This paper describes the telemetry support scenario in terms of preliminary simulations followed by real-time support. Real-time support consists of data distribution from the MTS to the Telemetry Distribution Center, TRACS Control van, Missile Flight Safety display van, Project Support vans, on-site data processing, as well as relaying raw data to the main WSMR Telemetry Data Center (TDC) for real-time analysis. As soon as telemetry data arrives at the TDC, it is converted into information. This information is used by MFS during real-time monitoring of vehicle performance. This paper includes the methods used for the conversion of data into information on-site and at TDC. Real-time data processing involves multiple independent systems performing their respective tasks on a particular segment of data.


Winstead, Michael L., Saenz, Karen J. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 27-30, 1997 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Flight Safety concerns increase proportionally with increasing missile performance. These concerns are greatest in the near launch arena where a missile has the greatest potential energy. Systems such as radar, GPS tracking systems, and optics are normally of limited use in this arena for a number of reasons. A system was required that would provide useful tracking data in the first few seconds of a missile launch. This system has met that requirement providing nominal path deviation data from the launcher out to as much as 120 seconds. The tracking system described herein uses the principle of radio interferometry to derive phase difference measurements between carefully spaced antennas. These measurements are transmitted to the Operational Display Facility and converted to a usable angular deviation plot for use by Flight Safety Personnel. This paper provides an elementary radio interferometer system background and discusses this particular system setup and use. Some detail is provided on the premission simulation and setup of the system as well as the real-time display setup and output of the final data product.

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