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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A precision determination of the k-shell Internal conversion coefficient of the 135.5 keV m4 transition in ¹⁹³[superscript m] Pt

Saleh, Ali Ibrahim 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Electron-lattice dynamics in π-conjugated systems

Hultell (Andersson), Magnus January 2008 (has links)
The work presented in this thesis concerns the dynamics in π-conjugated hydrocarbon systems. Due to the molecular bonding structure of these systems there exists a coupling between the electronic system and the phonons of the lattice. If this interaction, which is referred to as the electron-phonon (e-ph) coupling, is sufficiently strong it may cause externally introduced charge carriers to self-localize in a polarization cloud of lattice distortions. These quasi-particles are, if singly charged, termed polarons, the localization length of which, aside from the e-ph coupling strength, also depend upon the structural and energetic disorder of the system. In disordered systems localization is strong and transport is facilitated by nonadiabatic hopping of charge carriers from one localized state to the next, whereas in well-ordered systems, where extended states are formed, adiabatic transport models apply.Despite great academic efforts a unified model for charge transport in π-conjugated systems is still lacking and further investigations are necessary to uncover the basic physics at hand in these systems. The call for such efforts has been the main guidelines for the work presented in this thesis and are related to the topics of papers I-IV. In order to capture the coupled electron-lattice dynamics, we use a methodological approach where we obtain the time-dependence of the electronic degrees of freedom from the solutions to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation and determine the ionic motion in the evolving charge density distribution by simultaneously solving the lattice equation of motion within the potential field of the ions. The Hamiltonian used to describe the system is derived from an extension of the famous Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model extended to three-dimensional systems.In papers I-III we explore the impact of phenylene ring torsion on delocalization and transport properties in poly(para-phenylene vinylene) (PPV). The physics that we are particularly interested in relates to the reduced electron transfer integral strength across the interconnection between the phenylene rings and the vinylene groups upon ring torsion. Keeping this in mind, we demonstrate in paper I the impact of static ring torsion on intrachain mobility and provide a detailed analysis of the influence of the potential barriers (due to consecutive ring torsion) on the nature of charge carrier propagation. In paper II we extend our initial approach to include also the dynamics of ring torsion. We show that without any externally applied electric field, this type of dynamics is the dominant property controlling intrachain propagation, but that when an external electric field is applied, charge carriers may traverse the potential barriers through a process that involves nonadiabatic effects and a temporary delocalization of the polaron state. Finally, in paper III we study the impact of the lattice dynamics on the electron localization properties in PPV and show that the phenylene ring torsion modes couples strongly to the electronic wave function which gives rise to electron localization at room temperature.In papers IV and V we focus on the dynamics of molecular crystals using a stack of pentacene molecules in the single crystal configuration as a model system, but study, in paper IV, the transport as a function of the intermolecular interaction strength, J. We observe a smooth transition from a nonadiabatic to an adiabatic polaron drift process over the regime 20<J<120 meV. For intermolecular interaction strengths above J≈120 meV the polaron is no longer stable and transport becomes band-like. In paper V, finally, we study the internal conversion processes in these systems, which is the dominant relaxation channel from higher lying states. This process involves the transfer of energy from the electronic system to the lattice. Our results show that this process is strongly nonadiabatic and that the relaxation time associated with large energy excitations is limited by transitions made between states of different bands. / I dagens samhälle är elektroniken ett allt viktigare och större inslag i vår vardag. Vi ser på TV, talar i mobiltelefoner, och arbetar på datorer. I hjärtat av denna teknologi finner vi diskreta komponenter och integrerade kretsar utformade främst för att styra strömmen av elektroner genom halvledande material. Traditionellt sett har kisel eller olika former av legeringar använts som det aktiva materialet i dessa komponenter och kretsar, men under de senaste 20 åren har såväl transistorer som solceller och lysdioder realiserats där det aktiva materialet är organiskt, d.v.s., kolbaserat.Vi befinner oss för tillfället mitt uppe i det kommersiella genombrottet för organisk elektronik. Redan idag säljs många MP3-spelare och mobiltelefoner med små skärmar där varje pixelelementen utgörs av organiska ljusemitterande dioder (OLEDs), men teknologin håller redan på att introduceras i mer storskaliga produkter som datorskärmar och TV-apparater som därigenom skulle kunna göras energieffektivare, tunnare, flexiblare och på sikt också billigare. Andra tekniska tillämpningsområden för organisk elektronik som förutspås en lysande framtid är RFID-märkning, organiska solceller, och elektronik tryckt på papper, men även smarta textiler och bioelektronik har stor utvecklingspotential.Den kanske största utmaningen kvarstår dock, att skapa elektroniska kretsar och komponenter uppbyggda kring enskilda molekyler, s.k. molekylär elektronik. Mycket snart närmar vi oss den fysikaliska gränsen för hur små komponenter som vi kan realisera med traditionella icke-organiska material som kisel och en stor drivkraft bakom forskningen på halvledande organiska material har varit just visionen om molekylär elektronik som inte är mer än några miljondelars milimeter stora. För detta ändamål krävs en mycket nogrann kontroll av tillverkningsprocesserna liksom en detaljförståelse för hur molekylerna leder ström och hur denna förmåga kan manipuleras för att realisera såväl traditionella som nya komponenter.I denna avhandling presenteras en översikt av den fysik som möjliggör ledningsförmåga hos särskilda klasser av organiska material, s.k. π-konjugerade system, samt de forskningsresultat som utgör mitt bidrag till denna disciplin. En av utmaningarna på området är den komplexitet som de organiska materialen erbjuder: laddningsprocesserna påverkas nämligen av en rad olika faktorer såsom laddningstäthet, temperatur, pålagd spänning, samt molekylernas former och inbördes struktur. I detta arbete har jag utifrån en vidareutveckling av existerande modeller genom numeriska datasimuleringar undersökt effekten av de senare tre faktorerna på elektronstrukturen, laddnigstransporten och energidissipation i denna klass av material. / Center of Organic Electronics (COE)

Gamma Rays Rejection in a Gadolinium based Semiconductor Neutron Detector

Kandlakunta, Praneeth 21 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Padronização dos radionuclídeos F-18 e In-111 e determinação dos coeficientes de conversão interna total para o In-111 em sistema de coincidência por software / Standardization of radionuclides F-18 and In-111 and determination of total internal coefficient of In-111 in a software coincidence system

MATOS, IZABELA T. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:42:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:02:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Padronização dos radionuclídeos F-18 e In-111 e determinação dos coeficientes de conversão interna total para o In-111 em sistema de coincidência por software / Standardization of radionuclides F-18 and In-111 and determination of total internal coefficient of In-111 in a software coincidence system

MATOS, IZABELA T. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:42:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:02:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O presente trabalho descreve a metodologia para a padronização dos radionuclídeos 111In e 18F e a determinação dos Coeficientes de Conversão Interna do 111In em Sistema de Coincidência por Software (SCS). O 111In decai com uma meia-vida de 2,8 dias por processo de captura eletrônica seguido por emissão de raios gama concorrendo com os elétrons da conversão interna. O 18F é um emissor de pósitrons de meia-vida curta (1,8 h), usado em Medicina Nuclear. As soluções radioativas usadas neste trabalho foram fornecidas pelo Centro de Radiofarmácia do IPEN e as massas determinadas pela técnica do picnômetro. As medidas foram feitas utilizando o Sistema de Coincidência 4πβ-γ constituído por um contador proporcional de geometria 4π a gás fluente e um semicondutor HPGe, acoplado a este sistema foi utilizado um sistema digital denominado de SCS com vantagem de obtenção da curva de extrapolação em uma única medida. A atividade do 111In foi determinada pela técnica de extrapolação linear da eficiência do contador proporcional usando absorvedores externos em ambos os lados das fontes. Os valores dos Coeficientes de Conversão Interna Total foram determinados selecionando duas janelas de raios gama (175 keV e 245 keV). A atividade do 18F foi determinada pela técnica de extrapolação linear da eficiência do contador proporcional utilizando a discriminação eletrônica. O código de simulação Monte Carlo ESQUEMA versão 9 foi usado para simular a extrapolação da curva da eficiência do 18F, considerando as características do esquema de desintegração e todos os detalhes geométricos do sistema de detecção. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Fine structure in the alpha decay of '1'9'2Po : shape coexistence in '1'8'8Pb

Allatt, Roger Giles January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Desenvolvimento de microesferas de vidro fosfato contendo hólmio para uso em radioterapia interna seletiva / Development of phosphate glass microspheres containing holmium for selective internal radiotherapy

BARROS FILHO, E.C. 25 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2016-08-25T18:22:57Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T18:22:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A radioterapia interna seletiva é uma alternativa para o tratamento de alguns tipos de cânceres como o carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC), ou câncer de fígado primário. Neste tratamento, microesferas de vidro ou polimérica contendo em sua estrutura radionuclídeos emissores de partículas β- são introduzidas no fígado por meio da artéria hepática e migram, preferencialmente, para regiões hipervascularizadas, que são características da presença de tecido canceroso. Neste trabalho, foram propostos o desenvolvimento de vidros fosfato contendo hólmio para produção de microesferas e sua aplicação em radioterapia interna seletiva no Brasil. O vidro desenvolvido apresentou durabilidade química adequada, densidade de 2,7(3)g/cm3, alta estabilidade térmica e as impurezas encontradas não inviabilizam o tratamento. As microesferas foram produzidas pelos métodos da chama e da queda gravitacional e foram caracterizadas por diversas técnicas em que se observaram forma, granulometria, atividade e biocompatibilidade apropriados para o tratamento pretendido. Propõe-se que as microesferas possam ser submetidas a testes in vivo. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Étude photophysique de nouveaux systèmes moléculaires fonctionnels basés sur les styrylpyridines

Marmois, Emilie 24 October 2008 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est principalement centré sur l’étude des processus photophysiques fondamentaux de nouveaux composés organiques à transfert de charge dérivés de styrylpyridine, réalisée grâce à des mesures de fluorescence résolue en temps à l’échelle picoseconde et d’absorption transitoire à l’échelle femtoseconde. Nous nous sommes tout d’abord intéressés au comportement des états excités de deux nouvelles hémicyanines. Les molécules de diméthoxystyrylpyridine méthylées ont montré l’établissement d’un équilibre entre les conformations syn et anti différent à l’état excité comparé à l’état fondamental, représenté par un temps de décroissance rapide de fluorescence. La deuxième constante de temps correspond à la dépopulation de l’état excité par les voies non radiatives telles que l’isomérisation et le twist du donneur de charge (effet « loose-bolt »). Concernant le dérivé de styrylpyridinium où le groupement phényl a été remplacé par diméthlaminothiophene, nos études ont prouvé l’implication du mouvement de rotation du groupement méthylpyridinium ainsi que l’intervention du croisement inter-système comme voies de relaxation. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes penchés sur les propriétés de complexation de la molécule de styrylpyridine sur laquelle a été substitué un éther-couronne. Nos études nous ont permis de mettre en évidence la présence de deux centres de complexation (un au centre de la couronne, l’autre sur l’azote de la pyridine) montrant une sélectivité différente vis-à-vis des cations métalliques. Les stoechiométries ont pu être confirmées par une analyse des temps de réorientation des complexes formés. Après avoir étudié les divers composés constituant des « briques » élémentaires en vue de systèmes supramoléculaires plus élaborés, nous nous sommes intéressés à leurs éventuelles applications avec l’étude de systèmes pour la collecte et le transfert d’énergie. Nous avons tout d’abord démontré l’existence d’un transfert d’énergie ultra-rapide (180 fs à 6 ps) et ultra-efficace (>99.7%) dans des systèmes bichromophoriques contenant deux styrylpyridines avec un éther-couronne et asymétrisés par l’introduction d’un cation Mg2+ dans une seule couronne. Celui-ci se fait de la partie complexée vers la partie non complexée par interaction coulombienne. Une autre application envisagée réside dans la construction de complexes à métaux de transition pour le stockage d’énergie ou le stockage d’information. Nous avons tout d’abord étudié la formation d’un système supramoléculaire basé sur le phénanthroline et contenant quatre éther-couronnes libres. Nous avons mis en évidence l’existence d’un équilibre entre états singulets et triplets excités dans ces composés complexés avec Cuivre(I) ou Argent(I). Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié la formation de complexes liant deux bipyridines substitués contenant un éther-couronne à un ion Fe2+. Un tel complexe présente des propriétés de transition de spin BS?HS. Nos études ont ensuite révélé la formation de complexes à métaux de transition de taille nanométrique lors de l’ajout d’ions Ba2+. / This Ph.D. work mainly deals with the study of fundamental photophysical processes of new styrylpyridine-type organic compounds showing charge transfer, realised using picosecond fluorescence and femtosecond transient absorption. We were interested first in the excited-state behaviour of two new hemicyanines. Methylated dimethoxystyrylpyridines molecules showed the establishment of an equilibrium between syn and anti conformations which is different in the excited state compared to the ground state, represented by a fast relaxation time of fluorescence. The second time constant corresponds to depopulation of the the excited state by non-radiative pathways as isomerization and donor twist (« loose-bolt »). Concerning styrylpyridinium derivative where phenyl group was replaced by dimethylaminothiophene, our studies proved involvment of rotation of methylpyridinium group and intersystem crossing as relaxation pathways. Secondly, we were interested in complexation properties of ether-crown susbstituted styrylpyridine molecule. Our studies showed the presence of two complexation centers (one in the center of the crown, the other one on the nitrogen of pyridine) having a different selectivity for metallic cations. Stoichiometries were confirmed by analysis of the reorientation times of formed complexes. After the study of our different compounds as elementary « building–blocks » for more complex supramolecular systems, we were interested in their potential applications with the study of systems for collection and energy transfer. First, we highlighted the existence of an ultra fast (180 fs to 6 ps) and ultra efficient (>99.7%) intramolecular energy transfer in bichromophoric systems containing two ether-crowned styrylpyridines and dissymetrised by binding of a Mg2+ cation in only one crown. It occurs from the complexed part to the non-complexed one by coulombic interaction. Another envisaged application can be the construction of complexes containing transition metals for energy or information storage. We studied first the building of a supramolecular system based on phenanthroline and containing four free ether-crowns We also proved that there exists an equilibrium between singlet and triplet excited states in these compounds complexed with Copper(I) or Silver(I). Secondly, we studied formation of complexes binding two ether-crown substituted bipyridines to a Fe2+ ion. Such a complex has got some spin crossover properties. Then, we showed that the addition of Ba2+ ions induce formation of transition metals complexes with nanometric size.

Ultraschnelle, lichtinduzierte Primärprozesse im elektronisch angeregten Zustand des Grün Fluoreszierenden Proteins (GFP) / Ultrafast Elementary Events in the Excited State of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)

Winkler, Kathrin 24 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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