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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les stratégies syndicales face aux restructurations d’entreprises : une étude comparative des contre-pouvoirs syndicaux dans le secteur des équipementiers automobiles en France et au Canada

Dupuis, Mathieu 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse tente de comprendre l’impact des restructurations des entreprises multinationales sur les stratégies syndicales. Les acteurs syndicaux locaux sont-ils déterminés par l’appartenance à des régimes nationaux et à des contingences organisationnelles ou peuvent-ils influencer des décisions objectives comme les restructurations ? Cette recherche s’insère dans une problématique large qui fait la jonction entre la mondialisation économique sur une base continentale, la réorganisation productive des entreprises multinationales et l’action syndicale. Au plan théorique, nous confrontons trois grandes approches analytiques, à savoir : le néo-institutionnalisme et les structures d’opportunités ; l’économie politique critique et la question du pouvoir syndical ; la géographie économique critique mettant de l’avant les contingences, l’encastrement et l’espace concurrentiel. Sur la base de ces trois familles, nous présentons un modèle d’analyse multidisciplinaire. Au plan méthodologique, cette thèse est structurée autour de quatre études de cas locales qui ont subi des menaces de restructurations. Cette collecte a été effectuée dans deux pays (la France et le Canada) et dans un secteur particulier (les équipementiers automobiles). Trois sources qualitatives forment le cœur empirique de cette thèse : des statistiques descriptives, des documents de sources secondaires et des entretiens semi-dirigés (44), principalement avec des acteurs syndicaux. L’analyse intra et inter régime national éclaire plusieurs aspects de la question des stratégies syndicales en contexte de restructurations. Les principales contributions de cette thèse touchent : 1. l’impact des facteurs relationnels et des ressources de pouvoir développées par les syndicats locaux sur les structures d’opportunités institutionnelles; 2. l’importance des aspects « cognitifs » et d’envisager le pouvoir de manière multi-niveaux; 3. l’importance de l’encastrement social et des dynamiques relationnelles entre syndicats et patronats; 4. l’influence de la concurrence internationale/nationale/régionale/locale dans le secteur des équipementiers automobiles; et 5. l’importance des arbitrages et des relations entre les acteurs de l’entreprise par rapport à la théorie de la contingence pour comprendre les marges structurelles des syndicats locaux. Notre recherche invite les acteurs sociaux à repenser leur action dans le cadre des restructurations. En particulier, les syndicats locaux se doivent d’explorer de nouveaux répertoires stratégiques pour répondre aux nombreux défis que posent le changement économique et les restructurations. / This thesis examines the impacts of the restructuring of multinational enterprises on trade union strategies. Are local union strategies an outcome of national institutional embeddedness and organizational contingencies, or can unions in fact influence core elements of corporate decision-making vis-à-vis restructuring? This research speaks to major scholarly debates concerning economic globalization, corporate restructuring, and union organization. In terms of theory, this thesis addresses three large analytical approaches, these being: neo-institutionalism and opportunity structures; critical political economy and the question of union power; and critical economic geography in relation to contingencies, embeddedness, and competition across borders. Drawing from these three theories, this research proposes a new multidisciplinary model of analysis for research on union strategies. In terms of methodology, this thesis is structured around four case studies of local unions in two countries (Canada and France) and a specific sector (automobile equipment manufacturers). Three qualitative sources are at the heart of this thesis: descriptive statistics, documentation from secondary sources, and semi-structured interviews (44), primarily focused union actors. This thesis analyzes union strategies within and across jurisdictions to elucidate their ramifications for firms and workers, particularly in the context of restructuring. The principal contributions of this thesis touch on: 1. the impacts of power resources developed by local unions on institutional opportunity structures; 2. the importance of cognitive aspects of strategy and its implications for power in a multi-level context; and 3. the importance of social embeddedness and social relations between unions and employers; 4. the omnipresence of international/national/regional/local competition in the automobile equipment manufacturing sector; and 5. the importance of trade-offs and relationships between business players from the vantage point of contingency theory to understand the structural facets of local union action. This research invites social actors to rethink their strategies concerning corporate restructuring. In particular, local unions should explore new strategic repertoires of action for responding the new challenges pertaining to economic change and restructuring.

Late-Life Depressive Symptoms: An International Study

Jogerst, Gerald J., Zheng, Shimin, Frolova, Elena V., Kim, Mee Young 01 August 2012 (has links)
Objectives. Evaluate differences in depressive symptoms, compare sociodemographic and health-related variables associated with depressive symptoms and report level of impact of depressive symptoms on daily activities. Methods. Cross-sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) diagnostic survey on 1115 patients aged 60–93 years who attended a primary care clinic in Korea, Russia or USA. Results. At least mild depression (PHQ-9 score of ≥5) occurred in 28% of Koreans, 65% of Russian and 27% of US participants. Russians scored more depressed on all PHQ-9 items (P < 0.01) and more suicidal thoughts (P < 0.001), while Koreans had less feelings of worthlessness (P < 0.001). Depression predictors included poorer self-rated health [odds ratio (OR) 2.47, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.84–3.33, P < 0.0001], chronic diseases (OR 1.34, CI 1.21–1.48, P < 0.0001), female gender (OR 1.56, CI 1.15–2.12, P = 0.0046) and religious attendance (OR 0.88, CI 0.79–0.97, P = 0.0099) for all subjects. Being employed was protective in Korea (OR 0.41, CI 0.21–0.77, P = 0.0061) and being married (OR 0.42, CI 0.27–0.66, P = 0.0002) and of older age (OR 0.95, CI 0.93–0.98, P = 0.0006) protective in US participants. Vascular disease was associated with depressive symptoms in Russia (OR 3.47, CI 1.23–9.80, P = 0.0187). In regression analyses stratified by country for a given level of depressive symptoms, the Russian sample had less impact on daily activities (Russia R2 = 0.107 versus Korea R2 = 0.211 and US R2 = 0.419) P = 0.029. Conclusions. Depressive symptoms were more common in Russia than in Korea and USA but had less impact on daily functioning. Cultural or environmental factors may account for this finding.

Broad Entrance - Vague Exit : The trajectory of Political Science students through higher education into working life

Johansson, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe Political Science students’ experiences of studies and work life. Students’ reflections on their study situation as well as their envisaged and later experienced work life have been analysed through cross-sectional as well as longitudinal data. Central research questions are how students at the beginning and the end of their studies perceive their study program, how the communication patterns between teacher and students are negotiated, and what discourses of knowledge and competence operate in the program and in work life as well as how students of Political Science experience the transition from higher education to working life at two Euro-pean universities, and how Political science students and students in two professional programmes experience the transition from higher education to work life. The empiri-cal studies are presented in four articles. Ethnography, phenomenography and dis-course analysis have been applied. The results show that students embark on the pro-gram with dreams of being in the halls of power in Brussels or becoming famous by appearing in the media. They are, however, also driven by a Bildung incentive. Towards the end of their studies, more down-to-earth visions of the future as investigators have replaced their previous dreams. Another result is the ongoing negotiations about their role and the purpose of e.g. seminars, which convey double messages about what to say and when to contribute. They also report a rational and generic relationship between their studies and the work tasks, indicating that they have acquired a set of general skills that are helpful for them in their work. When moving from studies into work life, they report having a feeling of being squeezed between the politicians and the general public. Surprisingly, few of them regard themselves as having power in the decision-making arena. Keywords: Higher education, Work life, Trajectories of learning, National comparisons, / Syftet med avhandlingen är att beskriva studenter inom statsvetenskap och deras resa genom akademin ut i arbetslivet. Genom att undersöka studenternas reflektioner och tankar kring sin studiesituation och hur de ser på sitt kommande arbete genom att an-vända en undersökningsdesign som består av en tvärsnittsstudie och en longitudinell studie. Med utgångspunkt i syftet har ett antal forskningsfrågor formulerats; Hur upp-fattas utbildningen av studenter i början och slutet av sina studier? Vilka diskurser kring kunskap och kompetens återfinns i studieprogrammen? Vilka diskurser kring kunskap och kompetens återfinns i arbetslivet? Hur upplever studenter i statsveten-skap vid två europeiska universitet övergången mellan akademi och arbetsliv? Hur upp-lever studenter i statsvetenskap och studenter från två professionsutbildningar över-gången mellan akademi och arbetsliv? De empiriska studierna rapporteras i fyra upp-satser. Etnografi, fenomenografi och diskursanalys är de metoder som använts vid ana-lyserna av empiriska data. Många studenter väljer att läsa statsvetenskap på grund av ett allmän- bildningsin-tresse, de uttrycker också drömmen om att få arbeta i maktens korridorer eller bli kän-da som experter i media. I slutet av sin utbildning infinner sig snarare en bild av en framtida roll som utredare. Eftersom studier i statsvetenskap har en rationell karaktär med fokus på generiska färdigheter är detta inte särskilt förvånande. En grupp studen-ter som följdes under sina första fem veckor i en seminarieserie fick dubbla signaler rörande sin roll vid seminarier. Relationen mellan utbildning och arbete beskrivs som i första hand rationell och generisk, dvs de har förvärvat allmänna färdigheter som är dem till stor hjälp i arbetet. När de som nya på arbetsmarknaden talar om sin identitet, framgår att de beskriver sig som klämda från två håll i sin roll som förmedlare mellan allmänheten och makthavarna. Förvånansvärt få anser att de har någon reell makt när det gäller beslutsfattande. Nyckelord: Högre utbildning, arbetsliv, lärande, identitet, nationella jämförelser, inter-nationella jämförelser, nybörjare, erfarna studenter, professionella noviser.

Evaluation des pratiques cliniques dans la maladie rénale chronique – apport des études observationnelles / Evaluation of Clinical Practices in Chronique Kidney Disease - Evidence from Observational Studies

Alencar de Pinho, Natalia 25 January 2019 (has links)
La maladie rénale chronique (MRC) affecte environ 10% de la population adulte et est associée à un risque élevé de progression vers l’insuffisance rénale terminale (IRT), d’événements cardiovasculaires et de décès précoce. Des mesures sont recommandées pour prévenir la progression et les complications de la MRC, mais elles sont souvent basées sur un niveau de preuve faible ou sur la seule opinion d’experts. Dans cette thèse, nous avons utilisé des données observationnelles pour évaluer les pratiques cliniques dans deux domaines clés de la MRC : les abords artérioveineux (AV) en hémodialyse et le contrôle de l’hypertension artérielle (HTA) dans la MRC non terminale. Avec le registre national REIN des traitements de suppléance de l'IRT, nous avons montré que seuls 56% des 53 092 patients adultes incidents en hémodialyse de 2005 à 2013 avaient une voie d’abord AV (fistule ou pontage) créée, telle que recommandée, avant le démarrage de la dialyse, dont 16% étaient non fonctionnelles, nécessitant l'utilisation d'un cathéter associé à une sur-mortalité. La conversion en abord AV fonctionnel était associée à un meilleur pronostic, mais concernait dans les trois premières années de dialyse moins de deux patients sur trois ayant démarré sur cathéter. Dans l’étude de cohorte CKD-REIN, chez 1658 patients avec une MRC modérée à sévère, nous avons mis en évidence un moins bon contrôle de l'HTA et des niveaux de pression artérielle systolique plus élevés en lien avec des apports élevés en sodium, mais pas avec des apports faibles en potassium, évalués sur échantillon urinaire ponctuel. Le ratio sodium/potassium urinaire n'était pas plus discriminant que le sodium seul. Enfin, grâce au réseau International Network of Chronic Kidney Disease cohorts (iNET-CKD), qui inclut 17 cohortes sur 4 continents (N=34 602 patients avec un débit de filtration glomérulaire estimé < 60 mL/min/1,73 m2) nous avons mis en lumière le contrôle médiocre de l’HTA en général dans la MRC au regard des recommandations, avec d'importantes variations entre pays (27 à 61% de pression artérielle ≥140/90 mm Hg) expliquées en partie par les caractéristiques des patients et associées à des profils de traitements antihypertenseurs très différents. En conclusion, cette thèse pointe des écarts importants aux recommandations dans la prise en charge de la MRC en vie réelle et des pistes de prévention des complications liées aux abords AV et un meilleur contrôle de l'HTA. / Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects about 10% of the adult population and is associated with high risk of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), cardiovascular complications, and premature death. Guidelines recommend a number of measures for the prevention of CKD progression and complications, but these recommendations are often based on low evidence or expert opinion. In this thesis, we used observational data to assess clinical practices in two key areas of CKD: arteriovenous (AV) access for hemodialysis, and hypertension control in moderate to severe CKD. Using data from the French REIN registry of renal replacement therapy for ESKD, we showed that only 56% of the 53,092 adult incident patients on hemodialysis from 2005 through 2013 had an AV access (either fistulae or grafts) created at hemodialysis initiation as recommended, of which 16% were nonfunctional, requiring catheter use associated with high mortality risk. Conversion into functional AV access was associated with better outcome, but less than two out of three patients starting hemodialysis with a catheter experienced this conversion within 3 years after dialysis start. In the CKD-REIN cohort study, among 1658 patients with moderate to severe CKD, we found less hypertension control and higher systolic blood pressure to be associated with higher sodium intake assessed from spot urine, but not with lower potassium intake. Spot urinary sodium/potassium ratio did not appear to add value than sodium alone for patient monitoring. Finally, using data from the International Network of Chronic Kidney Disease cohorts (iNET-CKD), including 17 cohort studies over 4 continents (N=34,602 patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2), we highlighted a global poor hypertension control in CKD with regards to recommendations, with large variations across countries (from 27 to 61% blood pressure ≥140/90 mm Hg). These variations are partly explained by patients’ characteristics, and associated with very different antihypertensive treatment profiles. In conclusion, this thesis points out major gaps between guideline recommendations and CKD management in real life, and provide clues for the prevention of AV access-related complications and better hypertension control.

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